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The 4 Part process of the virtue of PATIENCE and God's PERSPECTIVE-- seeing 'the full picture.'

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

“Nuclear REACTOR → or → First RESPONDER?”


REACT– BEHAVE in a particular way about something, with an action, respond with HOSTILITY, OPPOSITION, or a CONTRARY COURSE OF ACTION– SUFFER FROM→ ‘adverse physiological effects’ after ingesting, breathing, or touching a substance, CAUSE [a substance] to UNDERGO A CHANGE [chemical or physical, or spiritual] by INTERACTING WITH another substance, fall or rise in reaction to events, developments.

Mid 17th century: from re- EXPRESSING EXCESSIVE FORCE, or REVERSAL + ACT, originally suggested by medieval Latin react- ‘DONE AGAIN’, [like REPEAT] from the verb reagere .


RESPOND– say something in reply, (of a congregation) say or sing the response in reply to a PRIEST [purity mentioned], react quickly or POSITIVELY TO A STIMULUS or ‘treatment,’ make (a bid) in answer to one's partner's preceding bid.

Late Middle English (as a noun): from Old French, from respondre ‘TO ANSWER’, from Latin respondere, from re- ‘AGAIN’ + spondere ‘TO PLEDGE.’ The verb dates from the mid 16th century.


REACT– then, is to → Behave with actions of HOSTILITY or OPPOSITION taking a CONTRARY COURSE of ACTION, SUFFERING from ADVERSE PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS from ‘touching or being touched by–’ another ‘substance,’ causing to undergo a CHANGE in physiological, spiritual or chemical [body/flesh] SYSTEMS→ causing a RISE or FALL in event developments.

*EXCESSIVE FORCE + ACTING in REVERSE [back at] = DONE AGAIN, or a ‘repeated’ action.

In essence→acting back toward something negatively, same as the offending force, with excess, doing what was done TO YOU– back at another; in it, one’s chemistry→ spiritual, or physical is ‘changed’ because of this interaction → ADVERSELY.

It is ACTING BACK [hence the ‘re–’ acting] NEGATIVELY, with EXCESSIVE FORCE [passion], doing THE SAME→ BACK AT SOMEONE, changing the event for ADVERSE RESULTS: hastily acting, bringing about results we do not desire.


RESPOND– to say something in reply to what someone else said to you, PRIESTLY and PURELY→ like praise worthy singing in a congregation to the Lord– being led by the HIGH PRIEST– in answer to HIS LEADING, POSITIVELY→ to treatment done to us, making a DIFFERENT ‘bid’ to what was BID US.



One of these is to REPEAT what was done, and with negative results, essentially → ‘playing the game,’ and the other, is to ACT IN A DIFFERENT and POSITIVE ‘answer,’ to what was ACTED OUT at us→ with a pledge of PURITY and THE HIGH PRIEST’S LEADING ‘as–’ we answer back.


The Lord has been teaching me, when something offensive, hurtful or negative is perceived [by the flesh] as ‘done to you,’ I need you to come out of that, and come see the full picture [which ‘includes’ that perspective].

And we do this, we see from the Spirit’s perspective, who sees all, and sees these 4 things that we do not.

  1. When we perceive an OFFENSE, *DON'T REACT, go to God and FORGIVE, first and foremost→ because we then take the legalities away from satan, and cut off his agenda→ because HE HAS ONE, and it’s to DESTROY US!

  1. Then, take TIME WITH GOD, to allow him to roll out the ‘full picture;’ as we do this, giving God the TIME, and NOT REACTING, we then step into ‘RESPONDING,’ and that will come with REVELATION– after– we can see what he’s showing to detail out the full attack.

I have had God save me many times from doing foolish reactions, hastily from being hurt, that I would not have wanted to play out, dividing, instead of unifying– and I would have suffered MORE→ by reacting.

  1. See how this ‘offender’ [human] is being played by the enemy, and ‘likely’ is CLUELESS they are oppressed and doing satan’s bidding; see how mercy and forgiveness, legally-spiritually, can make all the difference for God to come in and do a work in this person’s life, AND YOURS, when we take the route of ‘forgiving’ 7 x 7→ in a day.

Because we then choose to sit in a court case [cuz every offense taken IS ONE], in heaven, holding someone to their infractions/transgressions against us

and ACCUSE our brothers and sisters [even if valid] takes the LAW OUT TO USE AGAINST our siblings.

So, instead, when we forgive [even if you don’t know why you are at first, because you’ve not seen the whole picture yet, as God rolls it out, in time]...

We FREE THEM from satan’s grip, LEGALLY, and then God can ‘do a work’ in them, HIS WAY, and that’s in healing, restoring, reforming and UNIFYING his house.

If we DON’T FORGIVE, and legally enact and call upon MERCY→ we are ‘holding them to the offense’ or infractions→ IN SENTENCING THEM→ and we have SIDED WITH SATAN IN COURT→ sitting on HIS SIDE, as He, therefor is the attorney or advocate our FLESH IS SIDING WITH.


We want to be sided with Yeshua, and DEFENDING OUR SIBLINGS– his children.

Which brings me to…

  1. What the DEVIL’S PART IS IN THIS; and that is to STEAL, KILL and DESTROY ‘God, and his FAMILY,’ causing DIVISIONS so ‘his House will fall.’ When we refuse to play his games, and JOIN IN WITH ‘doing back at them, what they did to us,’ WE WIN!

We become ‘Yeshua’s advocates,’ advocating for YESHUA and FATHER GOD’S FAMILY, unifying, forgiving and using God’s attributes, which INCLUDE MERCY, in court…


To ASSASSINATE A HEART, using an ignorant and oppressed person, TO DO HIS BIDDING, HOPING IT would HURT GOD HOLY→ and DIVIDE HIS HOUSE!!!

Please….RESPOND to ‘attacks’ at you, instead of REACTING to them.

When we do this, we are ‘advocating’ FOR→ our brothers and sisters, and our Father…

And we are COMING AGAINST SATAN, by ‘taking back’ HIS AGENDA and EFFORTS, ‘redeeming’ the incident…

[testing, trying our faith, and leading by God]

And COMING TOGETHER IN UNITY and in LEGAL FORGIVENESS→ enacting, or putting into play→ THE MERCY [in court] OF GOD!!



Take TIME with God to show you ALL 4 PERSPECTIVES and AGENDAS playing out: TIME given to God to show it to you [my minimum, before responding, is 24 hours]...

Then see → THE DEVIL'S AGENDA [perspective/plot]→ to assassinate you in some way…and divide and conquer, and WOUND YOU, and cause a ROOT OF BITTERNESS and ROOT OF OFFENSE…

Then see→ the ignorant, oppressed person getting played, and advocate FOR THEM IN HEAVENLY COURT, instead of AGAINST THEM, using forgiveness and mercy as your pleadings….

And then SEE HOW THE DEVIL INTENDED TO HURT GOD, by hurting his children, and getting them TO INADVERTENTLY, and IGNORANTLY→ hurt and offend each other.

[taking HIM on, as their god and leader, then and there, displacing→ the Holy Spirit, and his ability to lead and train you up in ‘the way.’]

Do you see how ‘OFFENSE’ functioned in Lucifer→ before his fall, when God created man??

So, he uses ‘offenses’ to us, as a way to ASSASSINATE us, now, in our hearts; it’s why God says to be ‘un-offendable.’

He KNOWS→ it’s a tactic of satan, and it takes DISCIPLINE OF PERSON, character, and SOUND-MINDEDNESS, to operate in ‘response,’ coming out ‘re-acting.’

We don’t need to be ‘re-’acting like satan, back at people, we need to be ‘re-sponding,’ by the leading of the High Priest, and he doesn’t rush anything; he is well thought out, sees the full picture, and does not need to be defending himself all the time.

He took the humble route, over and over again.

DO WE→ need to exalt, defend, and keep afloat– our OWN KINGDOMS ‘inside;’ do we NEED to be ‘right,’ or ‘defended,’ or ‘justified–’ over FORGIVENESS and MERCY??

Because if we NEED TO BE JUSTIFIED, and TREATED WITH HIGH RESPECT OF PERSONS HERE IN THIS WORLD→ we will be defending ‘self pride,’ and not exhibiting or expressing the fruit of the Holy Spirit, which is HUMILITY.

[and he’s GOD! Yet he is humble.]

The need to defend, and respond in ‘like kind,’ in a NEGATIVE WAY, is because an offense has taken place…

→ and one can only see ‘the offense,’ and MUST NEEDS TAKE SOMEONE TO COURT ABOUT IT, before God holy, to ACCUSE THEM of their misdeeds…

→ Because they TRULY→want them to ‘suffer’ too.

This causes a big ole battle in our lives, of satan getting to play his actions out, which lead to division, and bitterness roots in God’s family.

FORGIVENESS and MERCY are ‘disciplines’ of God’s holy attributes and NATURE→to WALK IN; and when walking in them→ we LEAVE SATAN’S TEAM, and we begin to live in ‘the Holy Spirit.’

He has shown me several times now, that…

“I need you to come out of the carnal perspective and see from my angle and perspectiveup here; as you do, you will see THE PLOT and PLOY OF SATAN, to wreck ‘two’ lives.

If you will RESPOND in like kind, MY WAY→ we can cut this off at the pass, and REROUTE a ‘healing’ RESPONSE, using ‘holiness,’ and mercy and forgiveness, and I CAN DO MY WORK IN THIS SITUATION, and simultaneously→ we can ABORT SATAN’S AGENDA entirely.”


So, in summary, I have been learning to be a FIRST RESPONDER, and not a NUCLEAR RE-ACTOR.

I’ve been learning to take 24 hours [bare minimum] for God to roll out the FULL PICTURE, in those 4 parts…

[my carnal happenings, giving him time, seeing the plot against my brethren, and satan’s agenda to hurt God and his family causing division, hoping his House will fall]

And in doing this, in not REACTING HASTILY, or only seeing my perspective from ‘down here’ ONLY…

I get the full picture, and we take CONTROL of the situation from the 3rd heavens, God’s throne, and we PUT INTO PLAY→ a WHOLE NEW AGENDA→ and it’s a ‘redeeming one,’ not a DESTRUCTIVE ONE…and we nix the devil’s agenda to DIVIDE and CONQUER– ENTIRELY…

And we PUT GOD’S HEALING and RESTORATIONS into play instead.

All because we TOOK TIME TO GET THE FULL PERSPECTIVE, from God holy, and to PUT HIS MOVES INTO PLAY→ counteracting the devil’s agenda.


We will RE-ACT back at people→ using fire to fight fire→ instead of LIVING WATER, to douse the fires that come to destroy.


Will you ‘consider–’ RESPONDING WITH GOD HOLY in 4 parts→ instead of ‘RE[in]ACTING’ the devil’s way→ from henceforth??


*PATIENCE {time extended, for the full picture}

Luke 8:15

“But on the good ground are they, who, in an honest and good heart→ having heard the word→ keep it [practice it], and BRING FORTH FRUIT→ with patience.”

*with meaning→ ‘using,’ or ‘exercising’ the virtue of patience.


Luke 21:19

“In your patience→ you possess your souls.”

Possess– have, belong to, own, power over, maintain.

Late Middle English: from Old French possessor, from Latin possess- ‘OCCUPIED, HELD’, from the verb possidere, from potis ‘ABLE, CAPABLE’ + sedere ‘SIT.’


2 Corinthians 6:4

“But in all things– approving ourselves as the ministers of God→ in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses…”


2 Thessalonians 1:4

“So that we ourselves glory in you, in the churches of God→ for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that you endure.”


Titus 2:2

“That the ‘aged men’ [mature] be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, [sound] in charity, [sound] in patience.”


James 1:3-4

“Knowing this→ that the ‘trying of your faith–’ works patience.

4 But let patience have her ‘perfect work–’ that you may be perfect→ and entire→ wanting nothing.”


“Take my brethren the prophets– who have spoken in the name of the Lord– for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience.

11 Behold– we count them happy which endure. You have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord [in that matter]; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender *mercy.


Ecclesiastes 7:8

“Better is the end of a thing, than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit→ is better than the PROUD in spirit.”

Self defense– works from fleshly desires rooted in pride; humility→ is rooted in forgiveness and mercy: hence the savior, his mission, his accomplishment of the cross, for all of us.

→ Staying our sentences, and using mercy and grace and forgiveness→ to RECONCILE US, not divide us, or judge us as ‘guilty as charged.’

He came to extend mercy, when we had a guilty sentence; just like those that ‘offend’ us now…

→ God’s way was offended, and we were the transgressors of it→ the sinning offenders.

But→ he chose to suffer, sacrifice [all while innocent] JUST TO RIGHT US, RECONCILE US, and FORGIVE US, using mercy and grace: unmerited love.

He is asking us to do the same; and use and exercise patience, mercy and forgiveness→ as well as, sacrifice and work from humility, not pride and a need to defend self, or self’s throne.

We really don’t need to be right, or even credited or seen as just; only he needs to see all– and know the truth.

He is faithful to defend himself, and to justify himself– which is you now, for HE→ IS LIVING IN and OUT OF→ you now→ as you are now ‘ONE’ unit, intertwined.

Let him defend us, as we work with him, to extend mercy and forgiveness, and practice patience…

While we EXTINGUISH SATAN’S PLANS TO ASSASSINATE GOD’S CHILDREN, by NOT PLAYING HIS WICKED GAMES, and ‘re-taliating,’ or ‘re-acting’ the same back at people.

Because when we do that, we are NOT LIVING OUT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, but have again→ returned to the fallen nature of the flesh, where the devil plays, and works in ‘offenses,’ and erects bitterness and open doors in us: wounds that bleed, and kill and destroy.

DON’T LET THE DEVIL WOUND YOU, through other people; STOP HIM IN HIS TRACKS, and take your brother to court→ but to DISMISS THE PROSECUTIONS and OFFENSES.



God can now fix the problem area through ‘the Spirit,’ as you have chosen him, and his way now…

And the SOLUTIONS COME, and HEALING COMES, and we GROW UP and MATURE‘into’ God holy, and his image.

We learn how to express HIS SPIRIT, and NOT satan’s spirit, and GOD’S OPERATIONS, and not satan’s operating systems in us any longer.


1 Thessalonians 5:14

“Now we exhort you brethren→ warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble-minded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.”


2 Timothy 2:24-26

“And the servant of the Lord must not strive→ but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,

25 In meekness→ instructing those that ‘oppose themselves’→ if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

26 And that they may ‘recover themselves–’ out of the snare of the devil→ who are taken captive by him at his will.”

You see, these folks are oppressed of the devil, are ignorant to it, and OPPOSE THEMSELVES– that means, ‘work against their best interests;’ and so do we…

→ If we play along, and not see that the devil is in the middle of disputes, and we need to CUT HIM OFF AT THE PASS, legally, and GO TO THE AID OF OUR BROTHER, through God holy, and COME TOGETHER, expressing mercy, and forgiveness and long-suffering of patience

Because, then→ we TAKE BACK THE MOMENTUM and the RULE, out of the hands and plots and ploys of the devil→ AND PUT GOD BACK IN CONTROL, to work ‘his attributes,’ and we UNIFY again.

We choose HUMILITY over PRIDE; God holy, over acting, or ‘re-acting’ like the devil.

We extend God’s attributes maturely, and we kill the attributes of ‘playing satan’s way’ → OUT OF US.

And when we do that, HEALING and UNITY comes, because we have sacrificed, and humbled ourselves in holy discipline…not self defense: we practice advocating for ‘others,’ in a court of spiritual law.


1 Peter 2:20

“For what glory is it, if, when you are buffeted, for your faults, you shall take it patiently?

[meaning, you actually were guilty, and should be buffeted]

but if, when you do well, and suffer for it→ you take it patiently→ this is acceptable with God.”

[meaning you were innocent, and yet, still didn’t defend self, or retaliate in like manner, but remained sacrificial, extending mercy, forgiveness and patient character of discipline. Because ‘that–’ is ACCEPTABLE behavior, to God holy.]


Patience→ is ‘his’ Virtue [fruit, discipline].


Virtue– behavior showing high moral standards– morally good or desirable in a person, a good or useful quality of a thing, virginity or chastity.

Middle English: from Old French vertu, from Latin virtus ‘valor, merit, moral perfection’, from vir ‘MAN.’


And a *Virtue [patience] must be PRACTICED or EXERCISED, to be put to use and cultivated becoming a fruit expressed.

We have to practice what he preaches/teaches; we must put into play his attributes of character and discipline in ‘our’ life, and when we do this→ we REAP THE BENEFITS, the results we truly desire→ and SO DOES HE REJOICE IN THIS when his children– DO!

SEE THE FULL PICTURE, and work in PATIENCE [time extended] and MERCY and FORGIVENESS; it’s really the only way to ‘be’ → as One → with your God.

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