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The 2 Trees, the garden-- and the remaining 'choice.'

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn


Before the beginning– was God; before the foundations– the Lamb was slain.

God had foresight, and he had compassion and a drive to save humanity. He saw the fall of the nameless one– called satan now, and he desired for the ONE WAY for it all to play-out that gave way to two things: One, for a way for humans to exist [despite the fall and sin/iniquity], as well as the best case scenario, for as many of us to be able to be created, live with him, and RETURN TO HIM, being REFORMED INTO HIS IMAGE [because we mutated] and to REJOIN HIM– for all of eternity.

If God would have thought it too difficult, or insufferable– we would not have existed at all, not one of us. But instead, he saw all alternate paths [realities] or scenarios, and despite the depth of the suffering and affliction of this one [for both he, and us]– he chose the “way” to go, and the way to bring us back to him– in reconciliation.

He chose for TWO TREES TO EXIST in the garden; one tree that ‘entrapped’ sin/iniquity, and evil in it– mixed with good [keeping us away from ANY of that], and another– himself– a choice to choose forever, clean, and totally formed properly in love, truth and justice– giving us the ability to live forever ‘in him,’ and ‘with him–’ his way.

He chose to be killed, and to suffer for us– JUST to make the way back to him POSSIBLE– after the fall of man in the garden, when we fell prey to satan’s deceptions– BEFORE it ever happened.

He saw, he felt, and it hurt him so much to fathom being separated from a ‘you’ forever, or NEVER HAVING YOU EXIST FROM THE GIT-GO, that he decided [resolutely] to ‘offer himself up’ upon the altar of sacrifice [in the biggest way, innocently] JUST TO ‘give you’ THE OPPORTUNITY→ to choose him to come home to, after this lifetime.

HE WAS SLAIN– JUST FOR YOU TO HAVE→ THE CHOICE to ‘choose him–’ knowing most will not choose him for various reasons; but he offered himself up as a slain Lamb ‘BEFORE’ there was ever a man in existence, that would NEED THE LAMB.

And many wonder if God could love them– HE LOVED YOU→ ‘BEFORE YOU EXISTED–’ WITH A LOVE UNIMAGINABLE to us. YES– he loves you VERY MUCH; so much does he love you– HE DIED FOR YOU, before there was a ‘reason’ to.

When he put that tree in the garden that we ate from, he didn’t do it as a temptation, or as a hindrance– he did it because he was ATTEMPTING TO PROTECT US from something/someone– by ENTRAPPING THAT KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE and OPTION in a ‘tree’ [that we were supposed to ‘not want’ to know about, as we conversed, and learned from him].

You see, the Tree of the KNOWLEDGE of Good and Evil→ was a prison→ a jail for satan’s ways and thinking and doing; God was trying to be a good Father, and if ‘creation’ was going to exist [that’s ALL created things and places], he was going to give us the BEST CHANCE TO LIVE A CREATED EXPERIENCE and EXISTENCE– ‘sans’ satan and his wicked evil perverted ways, by entrapping them– in an ‘off limits’ area.

So, since the fallen being was going to exist, and so was darkness and evil– he entrapped his workings into a tree with it’s knowledge…but that devil ‘inserted himself’ into a WILLING VESSEL in the garden, called the ‘snake,’ and in doing so– found a way to ‘influence’ Eve and her husband Adam.

INFLUENCE– the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something– or the effect itself; the power to shape the policy or treatment of someone→ especially through status, contacts or wealth. [coercion]

Late Middle English: from Old French, or from medieval Latin influentia ‘INFLOW’, from ‘INTO’ + fluere ‘TO FLOW’.

The word originally had the general sense ‘AN INFLUX– FLOWING MATTER’ also specifically (in astrology) ‘THE FLOWING IN OF ETHEREAL FLUID– affecting human destiny.’

Satan desired to ‘form us’ with an ‘influx’ of HIS OWN IDEAS and WAYS [seeding us]– straight into humans– that would ALTER and REFORM US [mutate us] FROM GOD’S IMAGE– into

‘his own,’ and in doing so ‘own us’ with legal rights, for WE CHOSE HIM, LEGALLY, through our will, emotions and thoughts.

But the truth is– Adam and Eve were made ‘like’ God already, and they were tricked into believing they needed to ‘attain’ something they already ‘were,’ and HAD.

Satan ‘convinces’ people of things, with that fallen tree knowledge and ‘influence;’ and if we are not wise in God [literally living in Yah’shua and the Word of God] he will continue to dupe us in religion, deceptions and lies– fulfilling, and in living, carnally.

REMEMBER– it ‘appealed’ to Eve’s flesh; she saw it was ‘good for eating, and desirable–’ DESPITE GOD’S WARNINGS– she decided she could ‘reason’ for herself, as well that was DISOBEDIENCE to God, simultaneously– and she was beginning to be INFLUENCED BY SATAN, and WE ALL FELL because we ‘thought–’ we could REASON FOR OURSELVES, all the while– GOD WAS AVAILABLE‘to seek’ and to ‘ASK.’

Two trees existed in the garden– the tree of ‘knowledge,’ and the tree of ‘Life;’ knowledge is the ‘lesser’ of the trees– it’s a mixed pot of good and evil, and it always will be– it’s where the INTELLECT LIVES, and it’s why people remain in a place of confusion, trying to decipher and reason things: religion lives there.

The greater tree– is the tree of Life– and God is THE LIFE; it’s the tree that enables one to live forever with God in a certain way and state– devoid of CORRUPTION.

We were supposed to choose that tree– but we chose the one that leads us to separation from God– which is what ‘death’ is; when he said, “on the day you eat of it, you shall surely die–” he was saying…

“On the day you eat of it– we will be separated in some way, or ways–” that is the true definition of death; and we did die on that day→ as it was the beginning of the separation from God, physically we changed, in our souls we changed, and in our spirits we changed– and it was a move ‘AWAY FROM’ God, in closeness and image: we truly became separated that ‘day’ we ate of satan’s fruit and knowledge, and way.

But God loved us so much– he knew that was coming; he knew it would be unavoidable, because he saw satan make the choice to hate God, and consecutively he would hate all that ‘resembled’ God– and wish to kill God and to kill all like him, so, as he thought– he could ‘be like god,’ or ‘replace god–’ and man would worship him– which kind of happened, when man chooses to live like the devil– he chooses the devil as his leader, and the father of his ways, and that's WHY 'many antichrists are in the world already--' as scripture states: they choose satan, and to live like him, with him, and are ignorant for it-- of the TRUTH.

When we ate of THE PRISON TREE of satan’s knowledge and ways– we then brought into our being– a mixed pot of good and evil; we have been in a state of trying to ‘deal with’ that fall and mix, ever since.

We are supposed to be ‘eschewing’ evil– which means running from it, hating it’s image and ways– and turning away from it every time we see it around us, or on us, or in us– and being REFORMED back into the image of the holy God– so we can return to him, and be one with him again [like in the garden before the fall].

If we are not reading our bibles, and having a relationship with God, and obeying his commands/orders/leadings– how can we return to him; for we are willingly rejecting coming back to him, truthfully, and we are desiring to be estranged from him and his ways– if we are not in our bibles– not speaking to God daily and relating with him, nor choosing to be ‘reformed’ into how and who he is, in his operations and image.


Because you are --you know… CHOOSING TO LIVE THE WAY YOU ARE– through one of those two trees.

You have chosen a tree to live from– whether it be the one you were born into [the tree of fallenness, good and evil knowledge]...

or the one you willingly chose to ENTER INTO [the tree of life] which is Yah’shua, and living out of him.

BUT YOU CHOSE ONE OF THOSE TREES ALREADY; and eventually– you will not be able to LEAVE the tree you chose.

After Yah’shua came and sacrificially lived and died, and rose again glorified for us, and to be our example of how to live with Father and reconcile and be sanctified in him– we were supposed to choose ‘that’ tree– THE TREE OF LIFE NOW; and we were supposed to EXITTHE TREE OF FALLEN REASONING, EVIL, CORRUPTION/TWISTED/PERVERSENESS of CARNAL LIVING FOR SELF: the tree of knowledge– good and evil [satan’s tree and fruit ways].

God will not FORCE anyone to come live with him, or be like him, or return to him– not now, not later; all is a free choice to choose him→ but CHOOSE HIM, and to BE LIKE HIM– you must!

And if you don’t– you will not be coming home to him inside yourself now, nor will you be coming home to him later– after this lifetime– because you truly ‘chose him,’ and his ‘way–’ NOT.

We’ve always had options– we’ve always had a choice. He did not create ‘robots–’ nor does he want robots or slaves now. He wants people that WANT HIM; he wants people THAT CHOOSE HIM, and rightfully choose OBEDIENCE to him– and for him– to FATHER THEM ‘willingly.’

Satan did NOT WANT EITHER OF THOSE THINGS; he did not want God to be a ‘father’ to him, nor did he want to be under him or in obedience to him– he wanted to THINK and REASON FOR HIMSELF, ‘his own way.’

It’s why we must CHOOSE GOD, HIS HOLINESS and WANTING TO BE OBEDIENT TO HIM– of our own free volition– because those are the ONLY KIND OF KIDS and FAMILY HE’LL HAVE: people who choose him willingly [angels, host, animals and humans alike] to abide with.

He gave a choice– “leave the tree of evil alone, and come and live in and with me forever, enjoying ALL OF THIS BLISS– or choose the tree of evil and good, the mixture, and die– be separated from me– but it’s your choice– to rebel– or to be obedient to your Father.”

And, we chose foolishly; we were young and ignorant.

But NOW– we have ‘another option’ yet again– TO CHOOSE THE TREE OF ‘LIFE–’ which is to choose to ‘come out from among them, and be ye separated from them.’

We can CHOOSE TO RETURN TO GOD, HIS WAY, HIS IMAGE and to LIVE IN HIM, and OUT OF HIM– the Tree of Life– but it is ‘a choice,’ and it’s one we must choose WILLINGLY and HONESTLY [no hypocrisy].

If we don’t want him– we don’t have to choose him; but if we do want him– we must be RE-FORMED by his hand.

The reformation, sanctification process is a CHOICE and it’s a WALK with God holy and true; and so, we must walk ‘holy’ [cleaned up] and ‘true’ [live honestly in his way, as he IS TRUTH].

Salvation is ‘an option,’ one you DON’T HAVE TO CHOOSE; but as much as it’s a path, and an option you have to choose from– remaining ignorant, unclean, unreformedis also an option.

He will not force you to follow him with your cross to bear in this life, nor will he beg you to do so; he does not make anyone do anything– he wanted children ‘like’ him, and he does not live in a way where he DEMANDS WE SERVE HIM– he gives us an ‘option’ and a PRIVILEGE to serve him– but he will never force us to.

He wants those→ that want him; he loves those that love him, and he DOES– hate some people– scripture states such clearly.


Leviticus 20:23

“And you shall not walk in the manners of the nation, which I cast out before you: for they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred [hate] them.”


Leviticus 26:30

“And I will destroy your high places, and cut down your images, and cast your carcasses upon the carcasses of your idols→ and my soul shall abhor [hate] you.”


Psalm 11:5

“The Lord tries [tests, like steel in the refining fires] the righteous [people]: but the wicked and those that love violence→ his soul hates.”


Malachi 1:2-3

“I have loved you, says the Lord. Yet you say, Wherein have you loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? says the Lord– yet I loved Jacob→

3 And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste, for the dragons of the wilderness.”


Romans 9:13

“As it is written, Jacob I loved→ but Esau I hated.”


We always have a choice; ever wonder why he hates some, and loves others?? Why do YOU HATE SOMETHING, but LOVE SOMETHING ELSE??

There are ALWAYS reasons– what did the one person give, and live– that the other did not, and refused to?

God sees all– before it plays out; and in this, he will LOVE what one does, and he will HATE what another does. He will LOVE ONE PERSON, because LOVE WAS FOUND IN OPERATION IN THIS ONE PERSON, and he will HATE ANOTHER– for HATE was found in operation in this person.

Which is to say– ONE person chose to be reformed into God’s image again, and live his way, with his operations and HIM– and the other did not, nor did they want to be ‘like’ the Most High God, or to be WITH HIM and HOLY, as he is holy.

God is not mocked– whatever a man lives out– that will he reap back upon himself; God is a ‘just’ God– he will only give what was sown [he will only give what one truly requests through their actions and true heart posture].

TODAY– we have the FULLY FREE OPTION of ‘choosing’ God holy and to be reformed back into operating and looking like him, ‘WITH HIM–’ but it is… ‘a choice;’ and it’s a choice EACH, and EVERY HUMAN must choose for himself– God will force no one to come to him.

He merely stands at the gate of our hearts and he politely ‘knocks;’ if we OPEN UP TO HIM [inside, literally and spiritually/figuratively], HE WILL COME INTO US, and SUP WITH US, and MAKE HIS ‘abode’ with us. [that’s his home]

This whole lifetime is but a ‘choosing’ grounds– a PROVING GROUNDS, if you will. We have been given a ripe old age of time, of around 80 years, give or take [some more, some much less] TO CHOOSE THIS DAY whom we REALLY WANT TO SPEND ETERNITY WITH.

And if that’s God holy– then we must choose to BE HOLY, as that’s the only way he is; and we must choose to be ‘true,’ and to be ‘just,’ and to be ‘like him in all his ways,’ as those are the only ways he is– AND WE CHOSE– to BE REFORMED, right????

We can choose to remain in the tree of knowledge, never change our ways, never accept ‘the free gift–’ which is HIM, and NEVER COME AND LIVE OUT OF HIM, IN HIM, WITH HIM– it’s a choice.

But if we do not RETURN TO HIM, and BECOME REFORMED, and LIVE OUT OF HIM AGAIN [like where we were, before we came to this realm] – we will remain in the tree of ‘estrangement–’ which is the tree of death, which is NOT– the Tree of Life.

HE IS– the Way to come home, and HE IS the LIFE [out of him, is death, and only death] and THAT’S THE TRUTH [which he is also, as his WORD– is the truth].

The truth is– WE’RE STILL IN THE GARDEN, and we STILL HAVE A CHOICE; we may have already eaten the mixture into us when we ate that ‘fallen fruit’ tree fruit– but the OTHER OPTION STILL EXISTS IN THAT GARDEN TO EAT FROM, but in order to do that– you must EXIT THE ONE TREE WAY OF LIVING, and you must ENTER INTO HIM NOW, and LIVE OUT OF HIM– the tree of Life.

But that OPTION [him] IS STILL AVAILABLE, but it requires GREAT BRAVERY and GREAT FAITH/TRUST…to EXIT ALL YOU’VE EVER KNOWN and SEEN– and TRUST THE UNSEEN GOD [as he is Spirit] and LIVE WITH HIM, NOW– before you can physically see him…

And if you DO THAT– and you ENTER THE TREE OF TRUE LIVING– you will BE REFORMED BY HIS VERY HAND, so you can COME HOME TO HIM in ‘all ways,’ both NOW, and FOREVER-MORE.

Why do only few ‘find’ this path??

Because only FEW ARE LOOKING FOR HIM, honestly, and so FEW GO IN SEARCH OF RECONCILING TO HIM, or FINDING HIM; but he doesn’t make it hard to find him– he waits around for us to simply make an effort toward him, to OPEN THE DOOR UP TO HIM, inside, and LET HIM COME IN.

He stands there knocking, and knocking, and speaking softly, and waiting patiently– but eventually, time will cease, and along with it, all opportunity to choose– THE OTHER OPTION [him], and when that happens– you will not have another opportunity.

IT’S TRULY– NOW, or Never.

The only ‘free will’ that exists– is in choosing the ‘option’ of whom you really want to spend eternity with; beyond that choice, if you choose God holy– free will ends, and you begin to seek his will only, and to bring that will, from heaven, to earth– and go about helping to find your Lost brothers and sisters, that have yet– to find the Shepherd too, and come home to Father.

Your will, becomes his will, and his plans, become your plans– and EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU– becomes clear, and honest and sacrificial– because you chose the tree that RECONCILES TO FATHER and to TRUTH and to LOVE, again.

How do you know you love God for real,

with all you got??

He said– “if you love me– you will keep obedience to me [you will keep my commandments].

You will WANT TO PLEASE HIM, and you will WANT TO CHOOSE HIM, because we failed at that in the garden before; and now– we have ANOTHER TREE OPTION TO CHOOSE FROM, and to GET RIGHT!

WE HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE TO CHOOSE RIGHT; we have a chance to choose the One who, before the foundations of any creation existed– CHOSE TO LIVE AND DIE FOR YOU– because you are so precious to him and he couldn’t fathom life without youSO YOU COULD CHOOSE HIM FOREVER-MORE.

Please– come out of the mixture tree of knowledge, and come into the TREE OF FAITH, THE TREE OF LIFE WITH GOD AS ONE, in the New Creature, the New Man– that lives ‘rejoined’ to the Living, holy, true and loving GOD.

The only one that truly exists.

He would do ANYTHING FOR YOU– and DID.

You will never be MORE ACCEPTED IN ANYONE, or ANYTHING ELSE– he IS– acceptance; but you must choose to be ‘real,’ and that’s the REAL YOU, and the REAL YOU– LOOKS, SOUNDS, WALKS, and TALKS– LIKE HIM… for all your ‘parts–’ are PARTS OF HIM.

You want to know who you REALLY ARE, and what you really are– COME TO THE CREATOR that made your inner-workings the way he did– for the reasons he did; and those reasons are– BECAUSE WE SIMPLY, HE SIMPLY– NEEDED A ‘YOU!’

He said he wanted a ‘family–’ and family– COMES FROM THE SAME TREE.

Go, NOW– and choose the FAMILY TREE; please, choose to return to him– CHOOSE LIFE– choose Yah’shua and YHVY– and COME HOME!!

Allow him to do the work he needs to do– to reform you– and reconcile with him– so you can come home to him; reconcile truly means– JOIN BACK TO HIM, leave estrangement→ and you leave death.


Choose the RIGHT TREE.

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