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"Tabernacling with Father--- like Yahshua"

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

(part 2)

Of this video on YouTube:


Matthew 16:11

“How is it that you do not understand what I spoke to you concerning bread—

that you should ‘beware of the leaven’ of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees?”


Again, we as priests will be called to raise God’s other children up, in the way and understanding of God; often our Lord had to reiterate, admonish and remind them of what he had been teaching.

We will be required to be ULTRA patient with others in this way, as well.

It took a few explanations, but God WAS SUCCESSFUL in pointing out the Pharisees compromise— but he had to often tell another parable, to do so; because they just were minded on ‘carnal’ things, like literal bread— and could not understand the symbolic, often times.

God, in Yahshua— would have to REVERT the mind of them— back on SPIRITUAL MATTERS; this will be the call of the priest— to return the minds of men and women— to the SPIRITUAL MIND of God, and to ditch the carnal mindedness.

He was FINALLY able to show them— it was the Pharisees DOCTRINE (and consequently, their lifestyle) that was compromised, mixed up, and PERVERTED— like leaven to dough.

[Note— leaven, or yeast— makes the dough—

PUFF UP, just like a prideful Pharisee.]


Matthew 16:13-19

“When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying—

Whom do men say that I— the Son of man— am?

14 And they said— Some say that you are John the Baptist:

some— Elijah; and others— Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.

15 He said unto them— But who do you say that I am?

16 And Simon Peter answered and said—

You are the Christthe Son of the living God.

17 And Jesus answered and said unto him—

Blessed are you, Simon Barjona—

for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you—

but my Father who is in heaven.

18 And I say also unto you— That you are Peter— and upon this rock,

I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

19 And I will give to you— the keys of the kingdom of heaven:

and whatsoever you shall bind on earth —shall be bound in heaven:

and whatsoever you shall loose on earth— shall be loosed in heaven.”


There are some KEY things of note here; firstly— God says, “Who do men say this SON OF MAN is?”

He says that, “Son of MAN,” for a reason— namely, to state— he was born of a woman, like every OTHER man, but they see him as ‘different---’ WHY??

And then they go over all the different ways in which they think he is ‘this’ prophet, or ‘that’ prophet; but they ONLY SAW HIM, as ‘a prophet.’

So— he asks his disciples, who THEY THINK HE IS.

And in doing so— Peter speaks the truth, from the Spirit of Truth, giving him the truth—

He is the SON OF ‘GOD.’

Now that is noteworthy, because NOW, this man, Simon Peter— has NOTED and DISCERNED that Yahshua, is GOD’S SON— not just the Son of MAN— but GOD’S SON; and this, making him the the Messiah— and God, himself.

NOW, many people only see this set of verses pointing to him giving Peter authority for noticing he is God— BUT— God is saying he is giving EVERY MAN WHO SEES HIM AS GOD HIMSELFthis authority.

And why???

Because the ‘Rock,’ in which the authority KEYS are given— is when one SEES YAHSHUA AS GOD HIMSELF, and MESSIAH— and ‘that—’ IS THE FOUNDATION ONE MUST BE BUILT UPON, to ‘gain’ the AUTHORITY— to rule and reign with him.


The foundation, is the Rock— the Rock, is him being GOD, MESSIAH, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD; and when one MAKES HIM THAT, inside, for real, in one’s heart— the FOUNDATION IS ESTABLISHED WITHIN, and one will have ‘the keys’ to the Kingdom of God— which is authority given by God, in approval— and that is when one is TRULY worshiping God in SPIRIT and in TRUTH.

The Rock, and the Keys— GO TOGETHER; one must ‘make the Messiah,’ MOST HIGH IN THEIR LIFE, by seeing him as THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and LIFE WITH HIM— is the ONLY WAY, and it’s HIS WAY ONLY: Oneness, with God again— joining him.

Upon THATthe Rock foundation is BUILT,

and the KEYS of AUTHORITY— are given.

The PRIEST, in the Order of Melchizedek— understand this, and walks in this— as they have taken the hand of the Lord, and bow to his lead and authority in their lives— by and through the Son of God, Yahshua Ha Mashiach— and in that— the PRIESTS OF THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK— are walking life out, in the Tabernacle experience of Yahshua— as he leads them in all the ways of the Father.

The priest is walking with, or living in, the Tabernacle experience of Yahshua— as he walked with his Father— who is NOWour Father once again.

The Tabernacle of Yahshua



And doing that, BEGINS, when one realizes, and honorsTHE SON OF THE LIVING GOD— Yahshua Ha Mashiach, the Christ— as one’s High Priest, leader, and— IMAGE TO BE LIKE, in all ways.

As the SON OF GOD, came as a MAN— to demonstrate to ‘man—’


David’s Tabernacle showed us this heading

Yahshua’s life walk with the Father


And NOW— the perfect Spirit of the Living God— IS IN US; and he desires for us to WALK AS HE WALKED WITH THE FATHER ON THIS EARTH.

Beginning with David’s example— but perfecting our walk


We ‘can,’

walk as Yahshua walked with Father—

and THAT—


Clean and holy— as he is holy—

with his Spirit— WITHIN.

Yahshua was walking with the Spirit of the Father— WITHIN— and Yahshua will RETURN US TO HIM TO DO THIS AS WELL— ‘that is—’ the RECONCILIATION PROCESS, that Calvary and the Cross MADE AVAILABLE TO ALL.

THAT IS TRUE SALVATION; to walk with God

as God in Yahshua walked with God the Father in life.

We are to BE DUPLICATE SEEDLINGS OF THAT RELATIONSHIP MODEL— with Father God once again— unto a VERY CONFUSED, and RELIGIOUS world of people— that know not what TRUE SALVATION really is.

It is becoming ONE, in all our functioning and ways, beliefs, and deeds

as God is: it is AT-ONE-MENT (atonement) with God again



Matthew 16:21

“From that time forth, Jesus began to show unto his disciples—

how he must go to Jerusalem— and suffer many things by THE ELDERS, and CHIEF PRIESTS, and SCRIBES— and be killed (by them) —and be raised again the third day.”


A priest will have to suffer many things, like the Lamb himself, a priest in his Order will have to die too; they will be required to kill the self identity of the carnal old man— and to walk in the newness of Life— which is Yahshua himself, the Spirit of God, and reconciliation to our Creator and Father.

In that, we will die and be counted as ‘sheep who underwent slaughter, daily;’ we will be living sacrifices— people who gave up ALL, and died to ALL things here, and the desires of— in order that God receive a clean vessel to indwell, be in union with, and come and fulfill HIS hearts desires and plans with and through— as we ‘tabernacle’ together in this lifetime.

A priest will suffer at the wicked, deceived heart intentions of the lukewarm and Pharisaical living folk— who go by the name of ‘believer,’ and ‘Christian;’ it will be the ‘elders’ in many apostate and cessation-ism churches— who persecute and attempt to slaughter us daily. It will be the people in our very families who oppose us the most hard core. It will be those who deem themselves to be— EDUCATED IN DOCTRINE [just like the doctors of the law called Pharisees in Yahshua’s time] —who will oppose the living Spirit of God himself— in the priest.

Because the High Priest, and his Spirit— is living in them, and out them—

just like God in Spirit was in and upon Jesus/Yahshua in his time period.

Disciples, are ones God drew to himself— from the Father, drawing them to the Son— and the Son, chose those people— because they WANTED to be ‘taught’ of God, by God, and unto God— and to BECOME IN UNION WITH— the living God; there is a caliber man God searches all hearts of men looking for— and that man WILL BE FOUND OF GOD— and drawn to discipleship: which is CLEANED UP, UNIFIED, INTEGRATED UNION with God himself, and reformed by his hand, into being AS HE IS.

BUT— if God had to endure the slaughter process, and die because ‘we sinned,’ and transgressed God and his way, and person— then if we RETURN to him, become disciples FIRST, on our way to becoming priests in his Order— then he WILL raise us up, like he did his Son; we will be raised on the 3rd day.

Now, the number 3 is the number for COMPLETION— when the job is done, and God approves you to be fully restored, and promoted out there in ministry and to walk in signs, miracles and wonder— LIKE HIS SON— you will be.

God will raise you, which is PROGRESS YOU, and

ESTABLISH YOU as FINISHED— on the ‘3rd’ day.

Day is a ‘time,’ and when the TIME IS RIGHT, and you are COMPLETED in his work in you, to his STANDARD HE IS RAISING— you will be ESTABLISHED.

3— COMPLETE— the priest will be CLEANED and RESTORED— just as the Messiah was— after he was killed, he could be RAISED and RESTORED, and CLEAN and ESTABLISHED, as God is. Glorified, and upright, proper and fulfilled.

He will do this with and for the priest under him in the Order, as well.

Because the PRIEST, in his Order of Melchizedek— is his MANIFESTING CHILD; the priest ‘is’ the manifested son or daughter → for they have undergone the CLEANING and DEATH process.


Matthew 16:22-23

“Then Peter took him (GOD— Yahshua), and began to rebuke him, saying—

Be it far from you, Lord: this shall not be unto you.

[meaning— this will not be your ‘lot,’ or mission]

23 But he turned, and said unto Peter— Get yourself behind me, Satan: you are an offense to me: for you do not savor the things that are of God— but those that are of men.”


Peter ‘took,’ THE LORD ‘aside,’ and attempted to SCHOOL HIM here; this is what took place; this is why it was shown as the workings of satan— right through Peter. He literally was TELLING GOD WHAT HE ‘will, and won’t do.’ This is ORDERING GOD AROUND— that is satan’s way.

Peter began to ‘rebuke’ God— which means ADMONISH GOD ALMIGHTY ‘correct’ him. OUCH!

He was telling God, “that is NOT your mission,

you will NOT do this— and I DECLARE IT!”

Humans have a habit of doing that— declaring whatever they want to— and not actually listening to the will of God, and ordering things around— and that’s the devil doing that— if we are not led of God, and LISTENING and HEEDING what he is saying— then, we are led of self, self desires, and devils.

Here we can see, a ‘student’ of the living God, WALKING WITH the living God— was LEAD OF SATAN— and God, through Yahshua— rebuked satan— STRAIGHT TO PETER’S ‘face.’

We must see that devils can speak right through people, whether of the FLESH, or from oppression; but it is VERY POSSIBLE to be a ‘disciple of the living God,’ and be LED ASTRAY of one’s ‘own’ desires, and of one’s OWN LEADING; and when that happens— satan succeeded at ‘leading you’ and ‘counseling you—’ even if you are a student of the Most High God.

We must be AWARE of this— or we WILL be led astray.

“You are an OFFENSE TO ME—” means— you offend the nature of God, the will of God, and the authority of God— and Yahshua was speaking to PETER; we very much must be ‘under’ God— and when we ‘step out on him,’ and get HIGH and MIGHTY, and start declaring things CONTRARY to what he has spoken, especially in scripture— we are being satanic, with satan— right then and there, like Peter.

Example— when people think they are going to declare away, or pray away— the Great Tribulation, and the Decree from the mouth of God— about the destruction of Babylon. That is God’s WILL, and JUDGMENT— and if we go COUNTER-INTUITIVELY AGAINST THAT— we are ‘countering’ the Will of God concerning it, his authority, his judgment— and we are in transgression against the living God— just as Peter was, and satan has rebuked the Lord, and spoken IN OPPOSITION to the ‘decree and will of’ God.

He said— “you savor not the THINGS OF GOD— but of ‘men.

This means— MAN— desires certain things, like Peter did; he DESIRED the Lord would ‘not’ die, but would live, and DO ANOTHER WILL, another Mission [namely, the one HE was speaking in, satan’s will]; Peter was ASSERTING ‘his’ WILL into things, along with ‘his’ DESIRES.

That is what God means—

“satan— you want things like how carnal man wants things,

unto their own desires to be consumed upon their own lusts—

resulting in WHAT THEY WANT— ‘not—’


The priest— will WANT GOD’S WILL, and ONLY God’s will— and will sacrifice his very life, lifestyle, desires, opinions, reasonings and deeds— in order that God will be able to manifest himself, and his heart's desires, plans and missions— straight through them.

The priest will be called to COUNTER SATAN— wherever he shows up— even in the ‘disciples’ —who we are discipling with God. [ESPECIALLY in the disciples, he just said to me, as I edited this]

If Yahshua had to do this with his disciples—

we will have to counter satan when he shows up too

and we will be required to TELL IT, and SHOW IT— to the students themselves

the satanic mindsets and attributes pop right out of them too.

The priest will have to address, and thrown down the carnal man nature— and rebuke the spirit and operations of— no matter how difficult, or in whom it manifests through; thank God Peter was humble enough to accept this admonishment, and see the error of following satan, right then and there— and the reasonings of him— to throw them down next time, and to repent— THIS TIME.

Rebuke— is so we LEARN FROM what took place, turn away from that— and DON’T DO IT AGAIN; thinking this time— seeking God’s face, listening to the Spirit— and then RESPONDING, not ‘reacting’ based upon fleshly desires.

The students, the disciples, will be ‘youngins’ of the Lord— and we will be required to be GENTLE, but DIRECT— where satan’s involvement is; the priest will walk in ULTRA DISCERNMENT— and it will be by ‘actively listening’ to the Spirit of the Lord— and NOT challenging him— but instead, OBEYING HIM.


Matthew 17

“And after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother,

and brought them up into an high mountain— apart,

2 And was transfigured before them:

and his face did shine as the sun— and his raiment was white as the light.

3 And, behold— there appeared unto them —Moses and Elias, talking with him.”


The priest led by the High Priest himself, in the Order— will have supernatural experiences, will be, at some point in their consecration and sanctification process— visited by heaven (people in Messiah), and be transfigured as well.

The Lord had been sanctified, for our sakes, he said (or will soon in this chapter), and because of that, we note Father transfigured him, for all to SEE his white, spotless and wrinkle free conduct of persons, visually; and not only that, witnesses from heaven came to affirm it all, as Yahshua conferred with them privately on that mount.

The disciple were witnessing this all, for a purpose— there is a generation of people that, with the Messiah, will go through this— FULLY, as he did; the disciples didn’t get to see it all in their time period, but there will be a time period spoken of, where ‘they’ get fulfillment through the manifesting ones, that will go through this whole process, as Messiah did, with Messiah. A called and chosen generation, in the last days.


Hebrews 11:13 & 39-40

“These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.”

And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:

40 God —having provided— some better thing for us,

that they— without us— should not be made perfect.”


Now, many people have many different understandings about these verses, but the Lord was sharing with me that they were promised that a ‘perfecting’ WILL TAKE PLACE, even for them— but perhaps not in their TIME PERIOD, but eventually— all people in the Lord, will be perfected, in many different ways.

One of those ways is that their ‘brethren,’ us— will walk in things that they themselves didn’t even walk in with the Lord, during their time periods; because it was meant for a certain generation, in another time, to walk in the GREATER WORKINGS of God. One of those greater workings of God is— ‘transfiguration,’ and ‘glorification,’ as well as heavenly visitations.

The disciples with the Lord saw many things, during their time period: heavenly visitations of people that lived in another time, like this experience above, angel visitations and messages, demonic manifestations, deliverances, miracles, signs and wonder— but they never changed into the ‘glorified, transfigured’ appearance, in the physical, and in the physical realm— such as Yahshua did here, in this experience.

BUT— they saw it was possible; and God has a specific generation he plans to fulfill this bodily redemptive process in, where his manifesting children are transfigured and changed— and the world will see it, others will see them. For as he is— so we shall be; it’s just he has specific things to fulfill, in time, as to certain generations.

The people before the disciples with Yahshua had great experiences with the Lord— but they were different than the people during Yahshua’s time, even— like Elijah, and fire coming down from heaven; God has specific wonders and happenings that he wishes to fulfill in ALL the time frames— but they will be unto his purposes.

There is a generation that will walk, BODILY, as the Lord finds himself NOW— glorified, transfigured on the outside, MATCHING the transfiguration that took place on the inside, and to the spirit and soul man.

The priest of the Lord, in the Order of Melchizedek— will walk in the miraculous, and the ‘strange—’ will become his normal; the same as Yahshua walked bodily— the priest will walk bodily, upon the Lord’s timing, in all things.


Matthew 17:15-21

“Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is lunatic, and sore vexed:

for ofttimes he falls into the fire, and often into the water.

16 And I brought him to your disciples— but they could not cure him.

17 Then Jesus answered and said—

Oh faithless and perverse generation,

How long shall I be with you?

How long shall I suffer you?

Bring him here to me.

18 And Jesus rebuked the devil— and he departed out of him:

and the child was cured from that very hour.

19 Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said—

Why couldn’t we cast him out?

20 And Jesus said unto them—

Because of your unbelief.

For verily I say unto you— If you have faith,

as (little as) a grain of mustard seed—

You shall say unto this mountain,

‘Remove hence to yonder place;’ and it shall remove

and nothing shall be impossible to you.

21 Albeit —this kind— does not go out,

except by prayer and fasting.”


The priest will be required to deal with devils, and unbelief in the body of Christ--- toward and with God--- and his authority he gave unto us, and his might and Most high rule— because it will render the priest, or man of God powerless against them if not dealt with.

But why??

Because one has ‘given over’ his authority, when he gives over the MIGHT of the Lord, and his FAITHFULNESS to his WORD GIVEN— over to a devil who is asserting his might, and his stubbornness toward OBEDIENCE, and his loyalty to REBELLION.

A priest must remember WHO THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY— ‘is!’

If the priest forgets who the Lord is, and begins to ‘honor’ the devils in the man— or in the world— then the devil by all rights and perceptions, has usurped the role of MOST HIGH POWER SOURCE, over God almighty, right then and there in that situation— because one took their eyes off the almighty, and stared into the storm too long— and the screaming, and the whirring of the storm now SPEAKS LOUDER THAN the Almighty God of ALL CREATION.

Resolute unto the authority Christ ‘in us,’ wields— is what backs down, and forces SUBMISSION in devils— nothing but the Almighty gets the job done— when we take our eye’s single focus off of him, his faithfulness, his might and his RULE OF ALL ‘things,’ including devils— the priest of God will fall into UNBELIEF.’

But Jesus adds a little something more here—

“This kind, goes not out, except you be in a state of fasting and prayer,

before dealing with this kind of stubborn spirit.”

This reminds me of satan himself— he believes he’s just as, or smarter and stronger than the Almighty— he came against Yahshua in the wilderness all the same, and before that— he came at the Father with his garbage talk of— “I will establish my throne above the clouds, upon the mountain,” yada yada— and “be like the most high.”

Well, guess what folks— he CAN— if man,



Where is the mountain of the Lord, and his kingdom— WITHIN MAN; he’s been kicked out of the 3rd heaven of God’s domain— but, if man allows him into the sanctuary, within— he will set himself up there.

Peter and the disciples were learning this.

Heaven is a literal place where God holy resides, in his PHYSICAL form, where the body of Yahshua is— satan was kicked out of that place; he knew he had no chance there.

But the ‘other mountain,’ the place within MAN, where only his SPIRIT form lives, within us— oh, he has gone to take up that space, and WIN inside man, and TAKE UP THE SPACE WITHIN HIM, in the place where the mountain of the Lord is —for man and God to commune and sup— and he takes that space over— and sets himself up there— purporting himself to be GOD.

And if man is not wise to this— he will stay there,


The disciples, as well as us, need to learn from this— and THROW DOWN EVERYTHING THERE, that desires to establish itself as HIGH RULER of your INSIDE MAN; the disciples, in this instance— lost faith in God almighty, and what he ORDAINED and ANOINTED them to do IN HIS STEAD; which is to say— in the office of, the position of, the PROXY OF THE LORD— in all demonic situations.

He said, essentially—

“You must be LIVING SACRIFICIALLY at all times, giving up the things of the world, and living with and unto God MOST HIGH, at all times; and when you don’t— the devil has found a weak spot in you, a place he can exploit in you— and that is what took place with you all. You must be PRAYING THE FATHER, in and out of season, ready— at all times. You must be SACRIFICING at all times— which is fasting. When one is ‘feeding’ his flesh and carnal nature, and found in compromised positioning— one will LOSE THE BATTLE with the enemy realm.”

Now, why do I say that?

Because praying— is staying in communication with the Father, and under his authority and remembrance— one cannot be USURPED BY a devil— when one is in constant communion and remembrance of who the Almighty is; the Almighty will speak to you and command you what to do, and what is going on— and will remind you, that you have all authority right now —to deal with this stubborn and rebellious spirit.

Fasting— is sacrificial living— it is DENIAL OF THE CARNAL, in order to STRENGTHEN the SPIRIT; now the Lord was drawing a point here— they had STRONG FLESH, and WEAK SPIRIT— else why would he bring up the NEED for ‘fasting of the flesh?’

The devil had found a WEAKNESS in the men of God— they had ‘weak’ spiritual lives, and yet thought they would and could walk in God’s authority in the ‘earth.’

In order to WALK IN AUTHORITY of God Almighty in the ‘earth,’ one must have come out of the earth living, the flesh carnal nature of living— and sacrificed that lifestyle— and united with the Spirit of God; when the FLESH NATURE is strong— the spirit nature is weak. When the spirit nature of walking with the Almighty God is weak— the devil’s nature is STRONGEST, right then and there.

Why would we have AUTHORITY IN THE ‘earth’ of a human vessel— if we are walking in the ‘earthly,’ the ‘fleshly nature?’ We are ‘in union with’ the demonic— satan, cannot cast out satan; and the disciples were walking and living with God incarnate— in, and with Yahshua— and still fell in the flesh.

How much more so can we?

We must abide with God— HIS WAY; or don’t think you will have rule over any devil— for you walk strong in their dominion area— in THEIR DOMAIN— the flesh.

We must KILL THE FLESH NATURE WALK; we must CRUCIFY THE FLESH— and abide in the Holy Spirit, and his WAYS, only— in constant right standing with God holy and true— in his SPIRIT— and be ready, steadfast and resolute— in and out of season.

That is to say— ALWAYS in that state

no matter if we are currently fighting a demonic stronghold,

or at rest.

So— it is the NATURE OF GOD that must be STRONG IN THE PRIEST— to walk out with God Almighty, holy and true— ‘as’ the Most High Ruling AUTHORITY in these matters, against devils— who know that where man is weak in his flesh— they will be able to RESIST the authority of man— because he has given over to his flesh, making it most high ruling.

And that— is their DOMAIN; meaning— their DOMINION AREA.

It is, albeit hard to hear— that the disciples were walking in rebellion to God; and what I mean is— they were strong in the flesh, and weak in the Spirit, and this is not God’s way he conducts HIS PERSON— and devils knew they had the upper hand— and they stubbornly— ‘remained;’ because the had the RIGHT TO, since the supping the disciples were doing was ‘of mixture.’

They were eating off God’s table— and theirs.

They walked with the Lord bodily—

but failed in the flesh— and so, they were ‘weak.’

How many times did Jesus say— “Oh perverse and faithless generation,” whilst speaking OF HIS STUDENTS?? As well as, they FELL ASLEEP, when he COMMISSIONED THEM TO ‘pray.”

Perverse means— TWISTED IN YOUR WAYS, opposed and against God holy and true;

and faithless means— walking in DOUBT and UNBELIEF, meaning— the FLESH IS STRONG:

They walked contrary to Yahshua’s example.

We MUST take spiritual living seriously— and walk as he walks, and OBEY him; if we do not— we have NO AUTHORITY ‘in him.’ For one must be OBEDIENTLY LIVING OUT OF HIM, and WITH HIM— to wield *HIS SWORD at the enemy.

So Christ, here has said—”These kinds of stubborn, principalities and powers, will resist the UNPRAYED UP, NON-SACRIFICIAL LIVING ‘man;’ and so, you must live SACRIFICIAL LIVES, ‘taming,’ and ‘subduing’ the FLESH NATURE— and staying in CONSTANT COMMUNION with the Father— or they won’t budge.


Matthew 18:1-7

“At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying—

Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

2 And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them—

(3) and said—

Verily I say unto you—

Except you be converted, and become as little children

you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself—as this little child—

the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name—

receives me.

6 But whoever shall offend one of these little ones— who believe in me

it would be better for him that a millstone was hanged around his neck—

and that he drowned in the depth of the sea.

7 Woe unto the world— because of offenses!

For (or but) it must needs be that offenses come—

but woe to that man by whom —the offense come!”


The disciples, once again, were minded upon the wrong things— they were minded upon being ‘great;’ but the Lord took the time to explain something to them— and how they were actually minded like children, and not minded like mature spirits.

And what I mean is— they were minded upon being ‘exalted,’ which is carnal; but Yahshua took the time to explain why, and how a child can walk in MATURITY OF SPIRIT— over a grown adult in the flesh.

The CHILD— just ‘believes,’ what God says, and acts accordingly [that’s obedience]— he does not try to reason, or make excuse— he moves out with the Lord as his/her FATHER; adults, often attempt to reason within— and DECIDE what should be thought upon, or adhered to— but a child will FOLLOW BLINDLY, the LEAD OF THE FATHER— hardly a question asked: resolute faith in his leadership.

The child will not be minded upon LOFTY thoughts, or reasoning;


and just to LOVE HIM, and DO RIGHT BY HIM.

The adult man— will oftentimes rebel against the Lord inside

by figuring, and reasoning, and DECIDING,

differently than how God said, and ordered, and finds his being.

Being concerned with RANKis fleshly; being minded in heart stance upon blind obedience to the Father, and listening only for his command— is to be Spiritually minded.

Now, ‘the little one’ who believes on him, can EASILY be an ‘adult’ in the material world; but this adult— lives obediently, and joyfully following the commands of their Father living by SPIRIT, and has ditched the world, and world pursuits, reasoning, and figuring— this person, has GIVEN UP RULING SELF, and is 100% reliant upon their FATHER.

One of ‘those’ little ones, who BELIEVE IN HIM— meaning, so strongly do they live and obey him, what he said in scripture and how his person leads them— that if ANYONE MESSES WITH THEM, here, in THIS REALM‘whoa’ will come to that person— BY GOD HIMSELF.

For that person, OFFENDS GOD HIMSELF, as that ‘little one’ is living with,

and IN HIM; the offense, is against the Lord himself,

and he will DEFEND his little ones.

Even if his little ones suffer, in the end—

the greatest suffering, will be IN THE OFFENDER—

for the Lord himself will AVENGE HIS.

It would be better, he said, that someone was PUNISHED IN THIS LIFE by man’s methodes— than to do that, and be— PUNISHED IN THIS LIFE— by God himself.

The priest will walk as a child does with a parent, with God Almighty; the priest-child of God will walk in BLIND FAITH TRUST OF GOD— only walking by what God’s person dictated out, and proved himself to be, in his nature, and faithfulness— in scripture.

The priest will be ILLUMINATED by the God of scriptures, because he lives as if he is real, and he abides with him, as a child just— BELIEVES— what he is told, by the parent who loves them.


Matthew 18:12-14

“How do you think (or reason this)?

If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray,

does he not leave the ninety and nine, and go into the mountains,

and seek the one who has gone astray?

13 And if it be so that he finds it— verily I say unto you—

he rejoices all the more of that sheep

than of the ninety and nine which did not go astray.

14 Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven—

that one of these little ones should perish.”


We would be remiss to think he is only speaking of little children, in the physical, though he is; but, he is speaking of his little ones he created— little lights, within him, the Father of lights— that he sent into this world.

If just ONE of those is so precious to him, that he would walk away temporarily, to save them— away from the rest of his flock— we ought to understand the high priority we are to make, in valuing every human soul God made, as well.

He wishes, or desires, that not one of them would perish; they will, it's what he said would happen, but HIS DESIRE, is that they would all be saved that he made.

We are to see the value in the souls he created,

for he created them— OF HIMSELF.

He is quite LITERALLY watching a part of HIMSELF, PERISH, when one GOES ASTRAY; and so, he will leave the others, in the safety of the others, and the Spirit of God— to GO AFTER, the wayward soul— as he watches ‘a part of himself,’ that he shared— dying.

The priest will walk in this as well; we often think of honoring only the fold members we already know— but I assure you, there are others, of ‘another fold,’ that he wishes to DRAW TO HIMSELF— and we will have to be able to SEE WITH HIS EYES and HEART— and GRAB THEM FROM THE GRIPS OF SATAN, with him— and pull them from ‘that other fold,’ and into his.

He has but one fold of sheep, little ones—

but he must go, and snatch them from ‘the other fold,’

to bring them out of being estranged, wayward,

or ASTRAY from the proper fold: out of the world fold.

The priest will be minded upon SEEKING THE LOST SHEEP with the Lord, as he’s the lead shepherd; the priests will be brave, and minded upon preserving the flock of the Lord, and will be called to wrestle wolves— to do so— snatching them out of the fire.

And in this, the shepherd will REJOICE GREATLY, even more DEEPLY than he does over the obedient sheep in his fold— for it will take the obedient sheep in the fold, to work hard with the Lord, as he goes after the lost ones— but he trusts them in this, for they have been found loyal, and obedient.

But he will rejoice GREATLY over ‘gaining’ the Lost sheep into his fold— because they could have perished entirely— but the Spirit is over the flock already given the Son— and he has lost none of them; those sheep are obedient, and faithful— and KNOW that the Lord is drawing more into the flock.

These sheep will work together, of one accord, and protect the flock—

as the shepherd goes out and CALLS THE WAYWARD TO HIMSELF.

His faithful flock, will WELCOME the WAYWARD, formerly ESTRANGED ONES, who WENT ASTRAY— ‘back into the family.’

The Lord, has great reward of his faithful flock— but his immediate JOY— is over the one, who ‘almost’ went into perdition; the wedding of the Lamb and his Bride— during that festivity and celebration— is when our Lord will have his REJOICING over the faithful, hardworking flockwho went NOT astray.

He is loyal, he is just, and he forgets not; the sheep of the fold will see their reward— but first things first— the wayward are number one priority— for they perish, when OUT OF ‘the way.’

And we were once— OUT OF THE ‘way,’ too— and he knows that; he rejoiced over us coming in, and he will rejoice over the next— we ought to as well.


Matthew 18:18-20

“Verily I say unto you— Whatsoever you shall bind on earth—

shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever you shall loose on earth—

shall be loosed in heaven.

19 Again I say unto you— That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything—

that they shall ask— it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven.

20 For where two or three are gathered together

— in my name—

there I am in the midst of them.”


Binding in the earth realm is as easy as having something loosened unto us from God; we often fail at binding a thing— here, in dirt realm (think bodies too) —because we have not loosed the heavenly thing yet.

And vice versa— when we have not bound the thing in the flesh, or flesh realm— the heavenly thing, cannot be loosed unto us: subdue and take dominion over such things, is a prerequisite.

We have to COME INTO AGREEMENT with God— here he is talking about to persons in the earth realm agreeing upon a thing, WHERE HE HAS BEEN SET IN THE MIDDLE OF THAT THING— and it shall be done.

But I want us to consider something here; I started doing this with God long ago— because we decided there was NO EXCUSES, with God.

I said—

“Sir, you are a person, in a body, and still alive, and still have that body, and you already lived in earth, and still abide with me, in Spirit, but living IN MY EARTH EVEN YET— will YOU AGREE WITH ME, being the ‘other party’ required, and KEEP THE SPIRIT BETWEEN US, in the midst, and BRING THIS THING ABOUT?”

And he agrees with me, and this is how I can move in the authority of Christ, ALONE, POWERFULLY— because I revert it back to INCLUDING CHRIST IN IT, ‘bodily,’ as his person still is IN BODY, and with him IN SPIRIT; there is hardly a force who can COME AGAINST HIM IN SPIRIT ‘and’ IN BODY ‘agreement,’ with a child of his: me.

This is what is meant by walking in the Spirit, with the Spirit, resolutely AS HE IS— because then— HE RULES OUT OF SUCH A PERSON; from his own throne, found in that man, in whom he has taken up LIVING IN ‘bodily.’

If we can ‘think it,’ he told me— and it’s all about him, and including him and his will— WE CAN DO IT, he will approve: hence, you will walk in that authority, and victory— winning the battle; but it’s HIS WILL, HIS WAY— and we are to ASK, and go by, HIS LEADTHEN WE WIN THE BATTLE.

He wants to bring HIS WILL IN, and if we will honor him, include him, follow his directions— HE WILL DO THE LOOSING HIS WILL FROM HEAVEN, and the BINDING UP THE WORKS OF THE WORLD/DEVIL, all HIMSELF ‘through’ us.

Are we PARTNERING with him—

to do all these things??

Done ‘in his name,’ is to bring about HIS WILL, IN HIS AUTHORITY— if we are honoring the Lord’s will, and not our own desires.

Where he is ‘in the midst,’ that’s IN THE MAN, in his inner parts, as well— HE WILL DO HIS WILL, as they are IN UNION, ‘partnering’ together.

IN EARTH— is also, in ‘the material man;’ (that’s where we want to cast critters OUT, isn’t it??) and he desires for us to understand this PARTNERING.

Whether with him, INSIDE, and pulling the WILL OF GOD IN, and BINDING the degenerate operations and will of the DEVIL— or, in PARTNERING WITH EACH OTHER, where ‘we’ have BROUGHT HIM, HIS REPUTATION, AUTHORITY and RULE OVER US, and ALL SITUATIONS and ‘things—’ into agreement, with HIS WILL AT THE FOREFRONT OF PRIORITY— we are allowing God to do his own thing, right then and there, and put the devil under his feet, as we partner with him, and each other but BY and FROM— ‘his will’ being done, in ‘earth—’ or a human life.


Matthew 19:20-23

“The young man said to him— All these things I have kept from my youth, up:

what do I lack yet?

21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect—

go and sell all that you have,

and give to the poor— and you shall have treasure in heaven—

and come and follow me.

22 But when the young man heard that saying— he went away sorrowful—

for he had great possessions.

23 Then said Jesus unto his disciples— Verily I say unto you—

That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.”


These verses, from this chapter, are here to give the child priest of God a lesson in— WHAT BINDS THE HEART OF MAN— that he WILL NOT LOOSE TO THE LORD; making that ‘thing,’ namely here POSSESSION OF MATERIAL WEALTH— more ‘revered,’ and ‘honored—’ than to WALK WITH THE LIVING GOD in life.

This was EXALTING ‘the stuff God made,’



And this is what is meant when God says—

“In the days of the coming of the Son of man—

will he find faith in the ‘earth?’

Again— EARTH— is a dirt human, too, spiritually/symbolically; so, WILL GOD FIND FAITH, which is trust in him, IN THE EARTHEN BODIESalive— WHEN HE RETURNS in his ‘second coming?’

That is a horrifying thought— that many do not understand he is searching the truth in the hearts of men— or shall I say— he is searching to see IF ‘the truth’ LIVES IN THE HEARTS OF MEN.

The ‘truth,’ being HIM.

Or, is there ‘another’ thing, or person exalted within— that has MORE OF A DRAW TO THEIR HEARTS and DESIRES— than the living God??

He searches—

what will he find in you??

Are we trusting our money, or smarts, or education, reputation, or the strength of our flesh bodies to SAVE US— or are we honoring him, in our weakness— EXALTING HIM ‘inside,’ above all else?

Because what we TRUST IN, and what we LOVE TO ‘live with,’ OR CANNOT LIVE ‘without,’ whether it be → God holy → or riches, fame, favor, material things, pleasure, etcetera and so on— WE WORSHIP‘within.’

So, it is DIFFICULT, yes— but he said— ‘will hardly’ EVER ENTER INTO HEAVEN; that means, it’s RARE, as RARE CAN BE, for a ‘wealthy,’ materially minded person, who wants to live in comforts and excess— to EVER ENTER INTO HEAVEN.


Because they wouldn’t, couldn’t or didn’t— give up all, and trust in God alone, walking as Yahshua walked in this earth— like a vagabond of this world, with no place to lay his head (that means, minimalistic, not even a home did he own, let alone, transport, food, provisions of any kind— he trusted in his Father for all things—) as he sojourned here.

But, instead, a rich person— has made ‘roots’ here, and ‘planted’ himself— in the world, with the world— and would not come out of her; having chosen her bed to lying, her material treasures— and not heavenly ones: namely— HIM TO FOLLOW AFTER.

(end of part 2)

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