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Suffering afflictions with God-- and unto his glory

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

December 29,2022

A controversial subject– when God has a purpose to our sufferings, and asks us to endure– till the end of a matter; when he applies that to our physical bodies– do we abandon our faith and trust in him, and his love for us?

Or do we praise and honor him, whilst in the battles, and allow him to show himself STRONG in our lives?

And are we too ashamed, or too scared– to endure loss and suffering in this lifetime?

Do we not see that God loved, cherished and was HIGHLY pleased with Job and Lazarus– and yet, there was a purpose to all they endured– and it was to God receiving the glory in the end, and to the restoration of BETTER THAN, for Job and Lazarus– at the conclusion and restoration of all matters.

But– it was on God’s terms, and in his timetable to be played out, and his timetable and purposes, when he restored them.

BOTH– were loved by God, and considered ‘friends,’ highly favored by God himself.


It’s quite presumptuous of us to assume we know God’s will and plans, when we do not ask; and it’s awfully presumptuous to believe that satan has power to do anything, of his own will, where God does not allow it.

God sees all, and knows all, and he knows the ending from the beginning, and he’s working all things together for our good– that which satan means for destruction, God means for good, and restoration.


There is a discussion that has been going on for what seems like forever, that someone resurrected again from watching, and disagreeing with an episode on the Chosen [which really isn’t the point, it’s a show, not entirely biblical] where Jesus DIDN’T heal one of his disciples, and it was God’s will not to ‘AT THAT TIME;’ which was clearly stated by the character playing Jesus in the series, but that God would restore him later, when bringing him home to heaven– as it was to God’s glory to show himself, and his grace, sufficient for what this person was going through, and to be an example of the strength of God.

This is an area where if you touch the topic point that God himself can do whatever he so pleases– even by allowing to heal one person– but not another, it’s his to decide. He sees all, knows all, and contrary to belief– he himself said, “I kill, AND, I make alive,” in the old testament.


Deuteronomy 32:39

“See now that I– even I– am he, and there is no god with me: I KILL, and I MAKE ALIVE; I WOUND, and I HEAL– neither is there any that can deliver [anyone] out of my hand.”

[Deliver out of his hand, means– take down the hedge I have around someone to afflict them; only God can allow the devil to do anything– no one suffers anything, outside of God’s will, for we– IF WE ARE HIS– are all– IN HIS HANDS.]


Many want to disregard the old testament stories, because they are before Jesus died giving us the New Covenant with God; but at the same time– they cannot explain why God heals some, but not others– nor do they admit that God himself ALLOWED Job to be tried by satan, afflicted in ALL WAYS– not just his body but his belongings and animals and children, and finances too, AND– Job was HIGHLY FAVORED by God.

And then, Jesus himself, COULD HAVE spoken the words and healed Lazarus from a distance– another DEAR FRIEND OF GOD HIMSELF– but did not, and chose to allow him to suffer and die in sickness, in order to get the glory later on– when all would see that even death itself is no match for God, and God is the God of RESTORATION.

God did restore him– after death– and on God’s terms and timeline– not man’s will, or timeline.

In both of these examples, God allowed these men to suffer terribly, and it was to show God strong in their lives and get the glory of giving them TWICE as much of a life and testament with God in the end, AS WELL AS to show both of these men, and their families THE CALIBER men they are, in trusting God, even when it seems all does not make sense– and the CALIBER GOD– that our God is to restore all that was lost and eaten by the locust and cankerworm.


Joel 2:25-27

“And I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm– my great army which I sent among you.

26 And you shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that has dealt wondrously with you– and my people shall never be ashamed.

27 And you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the Lord your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed.”


And if we do not embellish the scriptures, the bible states Job was in FEAR over his kids and their sinning; but that wasn’t how satan was able to afflict him– he was fearful– but that God ALLOWED ALL he did, and took down the barrier that was between Job and satan– ‘because’ Job was NEEDING TO BE SET FREE from FEAR.

It shows that God had a mission with Job, to REMOVE FEAR and DOUBT from his live, by ALLOWING the worst case scenarios to play out– and that’s how God helped Job to become a man that OVERCAME HIS GREATEST FEARS– by living through them– and then PRAISING HIS GOD when no one else did.

And when God had seen enough, and accomplished his purposes, and as time played out– Job realized that no matter what– God is worthy to be praised, and that like Paul– whatever state he put Job through– He would still praise God all the way to death– if it be so.

And in the end of all of that– Job recovered twice as much as he once had, God was glorified in the end, and Job realized the caliber God he had, and that God wished for Job to live a life FREE OF FEAR, even if he lost everything in the process– including his health.

God didn’t allow satan to do all that because he was punishing Job for sowing fear, he had been hedging up Job during all his fearing– but he kept fearing; God did all that TO SAVE JOB FROM LIVING IN FEAR, and to show himself strong in Job’s life– he was FREEING JOB FROM FEAR, and maturing him, and stripping things from his life, and building Job up.

He was removing satan’s INTERNAL INFLUENCE from Job’s life.

Satan doesn’t have all rule and dominion, and doesn’t know all things, nor have access to all things; God rules over the devil, and the devil has to have permission to do anything, all tongues and knees bow to the Lord.

Satan was/is a servant of the Lord, to do his bidding– by what God ‘allows’ him to do in the earth realm.

That’s why there was a debate in heaven about it, before satan was ALLOWED to touch Job in any way; GOD removed the hedge of protection from Job, which is how we know it wasn’t the devil going about exacting his own plans on Job.

And without God letting down the protective barrier– satan couldn’t do a thing.

So, it wasn’t an open door from fear alone, God had Job hedged in; it was something God allowed to PROVE Job was a trustworthy and upright man, to Job, to God, and to satan– and in the end, Job and God did prove that, through Job’s faithfulness, and God’s faithfulness to restore all that was lost or striped away.

The bible states that the devil roams around ‘like’ a roaring lion, looking for whom he MAY devour– those are folk not under God’s hedge of protection; he couldn’t touch Job, fear or not– until God ALLOWED satan access to Job and his life, and removed the protections– but he ‘limited’ satan that he could touch everything, but he couldn’t take his life.

God is the same yesterday, today and forever; he changes not– nor can he lie about that.

He is still proving himself strong in his children’s lives; and he is still freeing us from one fear, doubt and unbelief: for he wishes for all of us to prosper– and that means be WELL– and we are not being well, if we are living UNDER THE THUMB OF FEARS.

It also states, the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy– it doesn’t say he’s ALLOWED TO willy-nilly, just that those are his desires, and he will if he can– but– he has to see whom he CAN do that to.

All that happens in our lives, happens for a reason, and they are reasons that God knows fully, and reasons that he intends to use in our lives to FREE US FROM THINGS, and to BUILD US UP and to MATURE US IN– as well as AREAS WHERE GOD GETS THE GLORY, in how he’s able to RESTORE our lives.

He is working in and on our TRUST/FAITH to, and in, him; if we are living in fear– we are not living by faith/trust, and God will want to eradicate that from our lives; if he doesn’t, we are bound by honoring/fearing the devil and his strength, and are dishonoring God and his rule and strength and authority– and God will allow us to go through things, in order to prove to us, that NOTHING can separate us from God and his love, and that ALL THINGS, are not as we see them.

Some things are for our benefit– yet we see them as evil, and bad– and things God would never want for us– but he knows best, and he knows the final outcomes– we do not, and we don’t want to suffer, he told me.

He said–

“Janet, my people do not want to share in afflictions with me, and I do not raise wimps; how will they fight and overcome satan– if they are not tempered and then tried?

How will they be ‘Overcomers–’ if they do not suffer something to overcome with me?

And how will I show myself strong, in that you can endure all things through Christ– who strengthens me– if there are no sufferings to overcome– and be strengthened through?”

He did say– you will suffer in, and share in– my afflictions.


Romans 8:17

“And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ– if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be ALSO GLORIFIED– TOGETHER.”

To be glorified means– to be raised and to shine out with God, through God, and for God and his honor: exalted.


1 Peter 5:6-7

“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God– that HE MAY EXALT YOU, in DUE TIME– casting all your care upon him– for he cares for you.”


Joseph suffered a ton, was thrown into prison, and was later walking a glorified life with God, Paul had a thorn in his flesh that was allowed, because God’s grace was sufficient for Paul– for whatever reasons God saw fit– and God’s ways are higher than our ways, and he does nothing– without good reason.

The Apostles and disciples died gruesome deaths and endured being boiled alive and such– yet God never stopped it from taking place– because their honor for enduring such– on the other side– would retain a crown for them.

I’ve learned a few things with deliverance and healing with Yah’shua– you ASK– you don’t assume.

He’s God– and has his will to be fulfilled– not ours.

You ask– Why is this happening?

What is your will in this Father?

And, What– if anything– do you wish for me to do about it ‘right now,’ sir?

If we do not ask what’s going on, and why, and what he wants done– per his willwe cannot know the will of God; sure we have bible verses that state why God did what he did on Calvary, and that he wishes for none to perish, and for all to be in prosperity [which means doing well] by all he suffered– by his stripes, we are healed…

But healed from WHAT??

God has many things he wants us healed from, for number one– the FEARFUL and UNBELIEVING [that’s those not trusting or believing God to be all powerful] don’t make it to heaven– it’s number one in the list of those that don’t make it to heaven– because it denotes lack of faith/trust in God, and actually fears the devil and his power.


Revelation 21:8

“The fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars– shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone– which is the second death.”


God had much more of a desire to HEAL Job, by SETTING HIM FREE from FEAR– than to make him suffer a punishment physically.

God wanted Job FREE– and it’s nothing for God to allow suffering in the physical body to accomplish his will– for he saved not even his only begotten from suffering it ALL– in his flesh– to accomplish a massive goal, with a greater purpose.

And we are to learn from his example, and emulate his life, in this realm.

He does the same with our sufferings today; his ways are higher than ours, and his understanding and foresight is great.

He knows the STATE we will finish in– and it’s greater than the state we entered the TRIALS and TESTINGS IN.

Can we suffer from sinning– yep– and we do.

But we can also suffer when we are upright before God, and eschew evil– that’s what God said about Job, and we can also suffer if we are a CLOSE FRIEND of God’s, who has a favored life– Lazarus, the friend of God the Messiah Yah’shua himself.


Job 1:1

“There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.


Job 1:8

“And the Lord said to Satan– Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man– one that fears God, and eschews evil?”


John 11:1-4

“Now a certain man was sick, named Lazarus, of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha.

2 (It was that Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair– whose brother Lazarus was sick.)

3 Therefore his sisters sent to him, saying, Lord, behold, HE WHOM YOU *LOVEis sick.

4 When Jesus heard that, he said– This sickness is not unto death [or that death would get the win], but for the GLORY OF GOD– that the Son of God– might be glorified thereby [meaning– in it, in the result ending of this matter].”


Here God, Yah’shua/Jesus states– this isn’t so Lazarus will just be sick and die– it’s to show God strong, in the resurrection power and love of God to RESTORE– in the end– for God to be glorified, in RAISING HIM BACK UP.

Without going through the sickness and suffering, all the way to death– part– God would not have been glorified in Lazarus’ life, nor been able to exact the will of the Father in the situation, nor prove to everyone– that all is NOT LOST– when it SEEMS to be, when you HAVE GOD IN YOUR LIFE.


God chooses his will in our lives, he is the author and finisher, and sees the ending of our lives– from the beginning– and he is the creator of this world and all that is in it [it’s fullness- and it is his to do his pleasure with.

Is it hard to think God would, could, and DOES allow our suffering– yes, but it’s always for a reason, and it is to FREE US from FEAR, and from DOUBT, and from UNBELIEF– and to mature us in trusting our God through the hardest of times.

And even if it comes from sinning, the effects of sin, even after repentance– can linger in our bodies. We are to trust him through that even– until that particular cross is laid down, and he restores us– to HIS GLORY.

Even when sickness is an attack from satan– God allowed it to play out; he is sovereign over his creation.

Sickness, even when it’s a result of fallenness, and comes about because of faulty structures in our bodies– it is allowed by God– and we are to trust him for restorations, and endure until the end, seeking him for deliverance and healing– but it is HIS WAY, HIS TIMING and HIS WILL to be enacted and accomplished.

If we are failing to walk like Jesus, then we have become the ones trying to exact OUR will on earth, and are not ASKING the Father, nor our Lord Jesus– WHAT IS THE WILL OF GOD, from heaven, TO BRING INTO THIS EARTH [earthen vessel/human body], CONCERNING ‘this’ PERSON, and their SITUATION?

And, IF– we are not actually only doing what Father says, and shows us– we are attempting to use scripture to fulfill what WE THINK IS RIGHT→ in all situations→ and then we do not understand why some are healed, and others are not.

Because we failed to ask for Father’s will to be done, and just be the tools and vessels he uses to do his will, IN EARTHEN VESSELS, as he sees fit FROM HEAVEN’S PERSPECTIVE.

Not all situations are an attack from satan, or even have a demon involved, some are simply states and results of the fall of man, and the twisting, perverting and brokenness of that fall– exacted in, and upon, our bodies; but God knows all, sees all, and has a plan in all we go through– and that plan is to give his children A BETTER ENDING, than what they started with.

(Jeremiah 29:11)

God dearly loved many people in the bible, and considered them HIS FRIENDS– and yet they suffered in many ways, bodily even, and in all other ways– psychologically, emotionally, etc; but that didn’t mean God was upset with them, or that they even did something that WARRANTED their ‘dis-eased’ states and scenarios they went through.

And who are we to tell God what he is, and isn’t allowed to do in, and with, his creation– us??

He always has our best interests at heart, but sometimes we cannot see that→ and view a thing as evil→ when it is not, and it has a purpose with God– even if we cannot understand that purpose while it’s taking place.

We can go through what we go through, and curse God and get bitter– or we can ask him what’s going on, and why, and what his will is about it.

Did you know, he can have a will to heal you, but not right now– and yet have a set date for later on, as it’s already accomplished where he is, outside of time?

But we have to wait and trust him for it.

That’s the story of Lazarus– God did heal him– AFTER DEATH– and then restored him whole; and it was to bring glory [honor and recognition] to God– to prove not only his love, but his power and authority to RESTORE his beloved.

He uses our lives, to bring his name sake– recognition, honor and glory– to what Christ went through for us, and to USE that resurrection power, his way, and on his terms, to bring about and ending– we would have never put ourselves through willingly– but where God receives the glory in the end, as he shows himself to be the Loving and Restorative God, in the end.

As well, to prove to us just what we can endure, just what we do not need in life, and just how worthy God is to be honored and praised– REGARDLESS– of what we endure here.

We are worthy of nothing, in/of ourselves– God is worthy of all honor and exaltation.

Do we think we can determine– the When, or the How, of what way God wishes to restore a person?

We are to ASK.

Even with deliverance ministry, sometimes God doesn’t set them free the first time, or the second time, sometimes– it’s a set date, after he accomplishes his will– and they endure until he states– the end of this matter has come.


Psalm 119:67

“Before I was afflicted– I went astray: But now have I kept your word.”

Psalm 119:71

“It is good for me that I have been afflicted– That I might learn your statutes.”

Psalm 119:75

“I know, O LORD, that your judgments are right– And that you– in faithfulness– has afflicted me.”


No suffering is easy– and even in death, it’s God’s grace to restore us whole– on the other side; but it is a CHOICE when suffering affliction– in how we treat God.

Will we be angry at him,

if he allows us to suffer for a time?

Our lives are but fleeting breaths in this realm, in the physical.


Psalm 39:4-5

“Lord– make me to know my end– and the measure of my days, what it is: that I may know how frail I am. Behold, you have made my days as a handbreadth; and mine age is as nothing before you: verily every man at his best state is altogether vanity. Selah.”


Will we turn our hearts away from him–

if we are made to suffer?

I don’t have all the answers– I’ve never purported that I do– but one thing I don’t do any longer, is assume that God has the same intentions for each and every person’s life.

That leads to disappointment, and also leads to assumptions– which we are NEVER to operate out of assumptions– that’s guessing, and not asking.

We are to DO WHAT GOD SHOWS US TO DO, and we are to DO WHAT GOD SAYS TO DO; that requires us to be ASKING– “what’s going on? Why? And, What would you like me to do about it sir?”

Otherwise– how will you know the will of God for each and every situation, and person, to be done on earth– as he wills it from heaven??

Many times there are forgiveness issues, open doors of continued sin, or curses long since enacted through our family lineage, or even lingering effects from long since repented for sinning– that needs to be eradicated– but if we do not ASK, we assume– and we will not know the Father’s will to be accomplished.

Father is faithful to show us the ‘reasons why–’ when working in deliverance and healing [which is deliverance], but if we honor him NOT, and do not ask– whose will are we really trying to accomplish, and at what guessing game are we working??

Sometimes, what God is allowing to be REMOVED from our lives [striped of, health, wealth, people, etc], is for allowing to show himself strong in RESTORING US– and is for a testimony, HIS– of what God desires to do, as an example of his love and restorative power, to encourage us, and others– to KNOW HIMfor all that he is, and is capable of.

If no one suffers anything,

what is there to heal– or set people free from?

If there is no mess–

where does God get to show himself strong

in someone’s life– and restore?

If he took, and stripped you of EVERYTHING you think you deserve in this life, and have a right to have and bewill you still praise him, and honor him, and count yourself worthy of nothing anyway– and BE GRATEFUL alone– that he calls you HIS?

He asked me that.


“If I took everything from you, your reputation, your looks, your titles, your friends, your family, your finances and even your HEALTH, bodilywould I still be enough? Would you still honor me?


Believe it or not, sometimes, God will use his most loved and favored kids– through afflictions– to get the biggest glory in the end.

It’s his glory and honor that gets upheld when we go through hell, all the while still praising his name; that’s exactly what Yah’shua went through and did, just to accomplish the Cross.

What if God has a plan to establish you in his kingdom forever more, as a loyal son or daughter, that did not forsake him, did not freak out in trials and tribulations, and honored him– even when all of hell– seemingly– came against you in this realm?

Because he does brag about his children, Job’s story told us that clearly; and in the end of Job’s trials and tribulations– God was honored and glorified, Job was restored FULLY in ALL MANNERS he was striped of, and as well– he came out of it all FEARLESS and NOT DOUBTFUL of the ways of God: he was set free from FEAR entirely, and from DOUBT entirely.

Our bodies are temporal, but how we honor and praise God in the harshest of trials– is eternal.

He does want us all healed, but who are we to decide when he will remove the trials, or how he wills to do that endeavor; we are to seek deliverance– ask, listen, and obey his will.

But it does require doing what he says to do, enduring till the end of the matter, TRUSTING HIM IN IT ALL, and seeing what he shows, and hearing what he tells us.

Jesus never did anything his Father didn’t show him, and tell him, FOR EACH AND EVERY PERSON and SITUATION he encountered; because we are to learn from his example– to defer all authority to God, and then obey what he orders.

If we cannot hear God clearly when applying deliverance and healing, we cannot accomplish Father’s will in those situations; we must walk with, and under the leadership of the almighty.

We can quote and call upon the scriptures, that– “by his stripes, we are healed–” but if that doesn’t work, we should be ASKING WHY?

And, what is your will?

And, what do you wish for me to do about it sir?

Because if we cannot hear what God instructs, how will you receive a creative miracle, or close a door that’s open to sin in someone’s life, or cancel a curse that God would like broken off??

We must be able to hear and see God and his will clearly, and then bring it from heaven, into someone’s earth [body]; and we cannot do that– without ASKING questions of God– and hearing his desire and will to be accomplished.


1 Peter 5:10

“But the God of all grace, who has called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus– after that you have suffered a while– will make you perfect, established, strengthened– and he will SETTLE YOU.”

[That’s as much a court case settlement, as it is to restore and calm you, as he establishes you.]

2 Corinthians 4:17-18

“For our light affliction– which is but FOR A MOMENTworks for us A FAR MORE EXCEEDING and ETERNAL→ weight of glory;

18 While we look not at the things which are seen [physical], but at the things which are not seen [spiritual things and purposes]: for the things which are seen are TEMPORAL [temporary, short lived through]– but the things which are not seen– are ETERNAL.”


Our bodies are temporal, and at any point can be restored or destroyed; God is far more concerned with our inner man, and the state of that inner man, and place that inner man will reside in– forever more– than he is a temporary suffering, that can accomplish a far greater goal and result, that brings a man FREEDOM, and his GOD– GLORY.


Philippians 3:10-11

“That I may know him, and THE POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION, and the fellowship of his sufferings– being made conformable unto his death [dying to something];

11 If by any means I might attain to– the resurrection of the dead.”


We’ve got to go through something, and die to something– before we can be RESURRECTED FROM the death of that thing; God has to have a mess, to show himself strong in our lives, to turn our lives around and to restore us.

If we have nothing to restore– he has nothing he can do with us, or for us– and we have no testimony of how God showed himself strong in our lives, upheld us in hard times and trials and tribulations, nor anything that he saved us from.

Man is oftentimes quite presumptuous where God is concerned, thinking God can be summed up, and all his will– by a handful of scripture verseswhen God has a plan that far out sees our perspectives and understanding.

Do we know his will, and his perspective,

and reasons why?

Are we asking?

God has a desire to bring about a certain ending–

have we asked him what that is?

And, God sees the ending of a thing– from the start– do we ask him what his goal is with any type of suffering in our lives?

What if God has an ending for you planned– that on the other side of your sufferings– both you and he, are all the better for it, and you have a true testimony in your life– to which you can give all the glory to God, and exemplify one who honors God– in the midst of battles and trials??

Without suffering– there is no fight, no battle, nothing to overcome, and we are overcomers– who endure till the end of a thing.

God gets no glory, if he is not allowed to show himself strong in our lives, which means– what satan meant for harm and hurt– God meant for his glory, for strengthening and to show himself strong in our lives, working all things together for good, to us, who love him, and are called to certain ‘purposes,’ according to his will.

Every battle and struggle gets laid down eventually, some, delivered here in this realm, and some– restored on the other side; but God does set us all free from afflictions, in his way, on his terms, and in his timing, and for his reasons– we endure– until we are delivered.

God does wish to restore/deliver us, but if the doors are not closed, if the character is not developed, and the inner man perishes– the trials, the sufferings, the infirmities and the sickness, and the devils– will come back again, and reenter the same vessel– and wreak havoc all over again.

God does NOTHING– without reason, and he allows NOTHING– without reason.

It’s better we ASK HIM THE REASON– before we assume anything; as well, we honor him NOT– if we are going about assuming, and doing ‘ministry’ devoid of hearing what he’s saying, and seeing what he’s showing.

“If I removed EVERYTHING you think you need and deserve in life, from you– will you still honor and serve me Janet?

Will you turn your heart away from me, or will you allow me to do a work in your life, through suffering, and then RESTORE you– to show myself strong in your life?

And then you will walk out setting others free in all those areas– and encourage them whilst they are in the midst of their trials and tribulations in the world– as well.”


“Yes– yes Lord, I want your will to be done, and I wish to be a testimony of how God was able to strip me, and then REBUILD MEupon your own design, and timetable, and for the will of God to be done– moving all things that appear to be evil– into being used for my good– and to your glory.

I will endure– until you lay down this cross we bear; to God be the glory.”


I don’t say anything that I preach to others, without having first hand experience with the very issues at hand; I preach and teach from direct contact and experience with God on matters.

I will put my actions where my words are, and I will show you, and tell you what God has asked of me– BODILY; and it’s for him to get the glory in the end– and for others to be set free in the same areas, as we minister.

He has asked me to endure the physical tribulations, until he restores me; to not go to a doctor, or a medication [sorcery/witchcraft] for any healing, and it’s not easy.

But he and I discussed, in 2017, that the things we have coming will be VERY HARD– and people are not trusting God for the big stuff, like sustaining their lives, or recovering them– and they are seeking ‘alternative’ options in the Medical field [which I won’t go into all he has shown me about that right now], and the medical field will shortly come to fail people in many ways.

As well, the medical field has become an idol that his people run to, instead of trusting him in all ways to restore us, and bring us into fullness: it has become people’s savior.

I spent 15 bedridden, on 14+ medications, and was getting worse and worse, despite going to that ‘system–’ for help.

I told God, “if you show me, if you tell me what the truth is, and what we need to do about these issues with health– I will tell them all,” and I meant it.

That began a journey over the next 5 years, where I told him– “I could die going this route, and I don’t believe I know the Holy Spirit of God like I should, and I may die and cross over– regretting that.”

And I meant every word of clarity I was receiving about the truth of the state I was in, and what needed to be done about it: TRUST GOD to be JEHOVAH RAPHA.

[the healer]

I have watched my physical body look and feel as if it’s in decline still yet, but fully have RECONCILED to my God in ways inside my inner man, been anointed and blessed, and recovered by him so many ways– that I thank him for this opportunity to suffer for his glory, and unto his purposes.

I have had organs removed in the past, leaving my body in a painful state of dysregulation; I have been toxified by drugs, I have been sliced, diced and stitched back up, and filled with foreign materials– but NOTHING they did– HEALED ME.

God asked me to go through this, so HE CAN– restore me, and so that I will prove to a world’s people, that will NEED HIM in HUGE and SCARY WAYS now, and coming– that he is faithful, he does restore and he does deliver and provide– TRUST HIM.

And I am doing just that, as I endure till the end of this trial.

He WILL RESTORE ME, he said so– but do we truly trust him to do so, where we put our very LIVES ON THE LINE to allow him to prove it?

He said, if you try to save your lives– you will lose them; but if you lose your lives [relinquish them], for my sake [that’s his purpose] YOU WILL FIND LIFE.

(Matthew 16:24-26)

I gave my life up; I gave up trying to save it by any means– and laid it in his hands, it’s his anyway, he bought me with a price.

And it’s his desire to restore it, and in this lifetime.


Mark 10:30

“But he shall receive A HUNDREDFOLD– NOW– IN THIS TIME– houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands– with persecutions; and in the world to come, eternal life.”


He plans to bring forth Romans 8, and play it out, bringing out his manifested Sons and Daughters– QUICKENING their MORTAL FLESH, as it is written; and I trust him for this.


Romans 8:11

“But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you– he that raised up Christ from the dead– SHALL ALSO QUICKEN YOUR MORTAL BODIES– by his Spirit that dwells in you.”


But like the three Hebrew children said…

Daniel 3:17-18

“If it be so, our God whom we serve– IS ABLE TO DELIVER US– from the burning fiery furnace– AND HE WILL DELIVER US, out of thine hand, O king.

18 BUT IF NOT– be it known to you, O king– that we will not serve your gods, nor worship the golden image which you have set up.”


I’m not going to BOW TO FEAR or to DOUBT and UNBELIEF– that God will not deliver me; especially, when he has spoken he will, on his terms, and when his will is fulfilled– I WILL BE.

Nor am I going to cover up, or hide from the full weight of the truth of what I am enduring; many have ridiculed me for trusting God and having faith in him– to restore me.

But that is THE VERY REASON God asked me to walk this out in the first place; he said, “many are actually unbelievers Janet, and if you will not walk this out with me, allowing me to strip you, so I can rebuild you back up– THEY WILL NOT BELIEVE ME for the BIG STUFF In their lives, either.”

So, I walk this out– SANS doctors, or modern conveniences that try to save our flesh– so that God can have his will be done, and PROVE HIS POWER, LOVE and AUTHORITY to RESTORE his children– in all their needful ways.

And in his ways– which do not require– slicing, dicing, toxifying, or putting foreign matter into our bodies.

He has his own way of healing and restoring us, but for a long, long time– man has not trusted God in these ways, and has been UNWILLING to suffer it through with him, SO THAT HE CAN– show himself strong and faithful to fulfill his word, unto his own children.


2 Timothy 1:12

“For which cause I also suffer these things– nevertheless I am not ashamed– for I KNOW IN WHOM I HAVE BELIEVED, and am PERSUADED that HE IS ABLE to keep that which I have committed unto him– against that day.”

[And it’s my LIFE– I committed unto him– to keep.]

“FAITH– comes by hearing, and hearing, by the words of God.” (Romans 10:17)

And I have heard the words of God, regarding this matter of my physical life– and I believe in him, and I trust him; it’s his life now anyway– “it’s not I who lives any longer– but Christ in me,” as Paul stated so clearly.

To God– be all the glory– I will endure to the finish of this matter. Amen.

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