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Spirits in the throne-room of God: 24 elders,144,000 priesthood

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Throne-room of God

[video link to this teaching: ]


Revelation 4

After this I looked, and, behold— a door [portal entrance] was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were —of a trumpet [quavering reverberation] talking with me; which said— Come up hither, and I will show you things which must be hereafter.

2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold— a throne [stately potentate power] was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.

3 And he who sat was to look upon, like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight —like unto an emerald.

4 And round about the throne [stately potentate power] were twenty-four seats [stately potentate powers]: and upon the seats I saw twenty-four elders [senior counsel] sitting— clothed [arrayed] in white [from the root of light] raiment [garments, robed]; and they had on their heads crowns [chaplets— wreaths worn on the head, distinguished with honor] of gold (symbolic of pure refinement).

5 And out of the throne [stately potentates of power] proceeded lightnings [glaring light] and thunderings [roaring] and voices [speaking, language, disclosing (saying something)]: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne [stately potentate power] —which are the seven Spirits of God.

6 And before the throne [stately potentate of power] there was a sea of glass [foundation of glassy transparency] like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne— were four beasts [living things] full of eyes [vision], before and behind [front and back].

7 And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying (ascending quickly through the air) eagle.

8 And the four beasts, had each of them, six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within [inwardly]: and they do not rest day or night, saying— Holy, holy, holy, [pure, blameless, sacred and consecrated] Lord [supreme one in authority/controller] God [supreme magistrate/judge] Almighty [all ruling, absolute and universally sovereign/omnipotent one]— which was, and is, and is to come (eternal, self-existent one, who has always been).

9 And when those beasts [living creatures] give glory [dignity] and honor [value, esteem of the highest degree as precious], and thanks [grateful speech/words] to him who sat on the throne [he of stately potentate power], who lives forever and ever— The twenty-four elders [senior counsel] fall down [alight down, or descend] before [in his presence/face] him —who sat [remains and resides, dwells and is seated in authority] on the throne [as stately potentate power supreme] —and worship [kiss like a dog licking a hand of his master, fawning and crouching— prostrating oneself before him, paying homage to] him —who lives forever and ever. 

And they cast [throw, lay down] their crowns [chaplets— wreaths worn on the head, distinguished with honor] before the throne [stately, all supreme potentate power], saying— Thou art worthy, O Lord [supreme authority controller], to receive [attain, have and take up] glory [dignity] and honor [value, esteem of the highest degree as precious] and power [miraculous ability and wonderful works]:  for you have created [are proprietor, manufacturer and founder of] all things— and for your pleasure [choice, determinations, purposes and decrees of, your inclinations and volition] they are— and were— created [are proprietor, manufacturer and founder of].”


So, let me break this down for you spiritually/symbolically speaking, as the Lord has done for me.

We begin by realizing there is a door that must be opened into the heavens— we are essentially gateways or openings (as spiritual beings) to spirit leadership.

Now, if we are with God most high, he said— Christ stands ‘at the door’ (the place where God meets man, in the spirit) —and he knocks (this is a polite invitation) —and if any man open up to him, he will come in (spiritual union), and he will sup with him (give from his Spirit, and his conduct, and person);  but— if we do not do this, then the gateway (spirit being, operating in the spirit realm, whether we are conscious that we are, or not) will be opened to the fallen nature, and the leadership thereof:  who we have union with for eternity— is our choice, and a polite invitation from the Creator who made us, has been offered to all— through the life and sacrifice of Christ.

So— we are to behold the Door (the Spirit) who has been offered to us, and we must ‘come through’ that Door (Spirit) —to come into our Father’s heavenly domain (an entrance back in).

And as soon as we do— we hear a quavering, or— a shaking, emotional and reverberating voice (like a trumpet) talking with us:  the only one shaking and emotional to receive us, I believe— would be God himself, in Spirit.  And this voice said— Ascend (come up) higher, and I will show you things which must come.

This is a spiritual key— we must come out of carnal thinking and reasoning, and engage his Spirit (for we have gained access now, through coming through the Door— which is joining his Spirit as one) —and come (or ascend spiritually in mind and perspective, operations and spiritual maturity) —and I will show you things that will come about:  if we will grow up spiritually into his ways and conduct, with him, and by his Spirit bringing us into all truth— we will see what he sees, and know what he knows (inside and outside time, for he is).

Immediately— this type of person, with this commitment— is ‘in the spirit,’ now.  And when you enter living in the spirit now, and not carnally minded— we see the stately, high potentate power source, himself —high and lifted up, and set in heaven— on the throne.  We have access, directly, now.

And when we see him now, with access to him— he looks like various gemstones, his light is so glorious to behold— and there is a rainbow—  and promise, surrounds him in his stately potentate power and dominion —but folks, the color is like unto EMERALD (not multi colors);  this is emerald, in color of a gemstone.

One of his favorite colors is blue-green, and many would argue with me on this, and I don’t mind their disagreement— but he showed me just his eyes, very clearly once— and they look like this (more or less, you understand);  they had green, blue and gold flecks.

And all around his stately, powerful potentate dominion —were seated in authority, 24 elders, or— senior counsel;  and they were clothes or arrayed in robes/garments of light (white raiment) —those are they who are robed in HIS righteousness (literally, for all glory is his) —and they have upon their heads (because he is their leadership, for real) wreathed, meaning— encircling their heads is his glory bestowed upon them, his honor— and they are refined completely into his image again —both priestly pure, and in dominion with him, seated with him in heavenly places (seats, and as well— crowned in gold). 

Out of this stately potentate of power (where he and his duplicates are seated with him) —proceeds glaring light like lightning, and roaring thunderings (I believe this to be his and their decrees, speech, in heaven— into the earth), and that speech, language, is a disclosing of something (their voices):  and the 7 spirits of God (the burning fire lamps) are before them (those who remain and abide continually in the throne room) —the stately potentate powers (God, and those seated with Christ in heavenly places, ruling and reigning— with HIM as most High One over them all:  the head).

Before the stately potentate powers, and the Head of them (God himself) —there was a foundation of transparency;  do we see the spiritual implications of this— NOTHING HIDDEN, PURE TRANSPARENCY BETWEEN ALL IN THE THRONE ROOM:  these are bare, spiritually— one to the other, nothing obscured:  pure union, where 2 become 1 spirit, in Christ.

And the first living creature that he saw, was like a Lion— this is the dominion of God;  and if we are speaking spiritually/symbolically— those who reside with him, the Most High, both day and night praising him— will be those spirit beings who are walking in his dominion:  this is his Lion face or countenance of his person.

The second living creature (being) was like a Calf— this is God’s burden bearing (or Lamb face, if you will) —where he carries the burdens of the people:  we too, who serve him day and night, and call him holy— will walk out the sacrificial servanthood role as well, as we are duplicates of our Lord.  

[Have we noticed the spiritual/symbolic speech here now, these are all symbolic references to ‘spirit beings,’ they may or may not LITERALLY look like this;  but God is definitely wanting to make his points of what they stand for, and stand in— as he describes to us— A PICTURE BOOK ILLUSTRATION— of heavenly things, because we are so carnally minded (think of things down here).]

The third living creature (or spirit) had the face of a Man;  now we are seeing that we carry the face of the man in the earth (but we may look differently in the spirit) —and so, one of the faces of God’s image (or inner person, symbolically) is that of the man, too:  the face that walks in this earth realm, with that kind of face (he came, he did that too), and who SERVES THE FATHER, whilst here:  the man face— is the face of Adam (Christ being the perfect/fulfilled Adam face, or countenance) —who lives, abides and dwells with God in heavenly places, through Christ Jesus:  we, who are made, and remade back into his image— those who are seated with him in heavenly places.

The fourth living creature (being) was like a ‘flying,’ this means— ascended one, who quickly moves through the Spirit— an Eagle;  this person (spirit) with God is one who represents the perspective, vision and higher ways (where eagles fly, not grounded) of God— and live them:  this is the face one wears (symbolically) when one will be led of the Spirit of the Father of holiness, where his thoughts and ways are higher.  They are high above all the garbage of the carnal realm— and are seated day and night with God, in heavenly places— and he is seated in them, in their high places of regard— and the eagle part of God is fulfilled in them (they are prophetic— as he is the Spirit of Prophecy himself).

The four living beings, representing God and godliness— had 6 wings each (interesting, as this is the number of man;  add 1 more and we get 7, which is the presence of God, the 7 spirits of God).  

What I like about the 6 wings is that— one set is covering their faces;  it’s not about us— it’s about God, and they are blinded to everything else, only beholding from within— the perspectives, speech of inner worship and communion of God— not led from without, but led from within the Spirit— in reverence to him, and him only:  they only behold him with their inner person— not outer eyes or perspectives.

Then, the second set of wings is to fly— this is flying in God’s perspective, since they are not looking about (reasoning and thinking) for themselves (their faces are covered, it’s about the face of God, himself) —and so they FLY in the Spirit with him;  this is why it’s not just said, the Eagle, but —the FLYING EAGLE FACE.

And lastly— their feet are covered, for they walk in the gospel of peace— they are shod with Christ’s workmanship, not our works;  their feet are holy— as they are ambassadors of his workmanship and Kingdom, purity, sacrifice and holiness:  so their feet, wherever they tread, is holy ground— and purity, is protected.

They are full of eyes WITHIN;  this is spiritually/symbolic of LOOKING INWARD TO THE KING;  all their eyes— are ‘within,’ not without;  all the workings are led from the perspective of the King who leads them— from within:  they have lost carnal reasoning, thinking or regard (which is looking at the created);  now they look only to the CREATOR— within, where the King and Kingdom, resides (or abide/dwell/lives) with us.

These pure spirits (living creatures) do not rest (or take breaks) from claiming and proclaiming aloud to him, and to all there— HOLY, HOLY, HOLY— pure, blameless, sacred and consecrated is the LORD, the supreme One in authority and control of all— God, the supreme magistrate/judge, the Almighty, all ruling, absolute and universally sovereign and all powerful one;  who was, is and is to come— for he is inside and outside time and space— he has always been, he is self-existent and eternal.

They bestow the glory or dignity, and attribute it —TO HIM, AND HIM ALONE they are crowned with his glory (pure gold, refined into ‘his’ image once again, Christ duplicated);  they value, and esteem him of the highest degree as precious to them;  they give him grateful speech and language, to the most High on the throne, or— of potentate, stately power.

The symbolic 24, the senior counsel (that means— mature counselors with the Lord, led of the Lord, studied under the Lord, and graduated in his Master’s classes) —fall down, alight and descend themselve (bow) before his presence and face;  all reverence to the One who is seated above all— and remains, resides, dwells in authority (think, inside us) —on the throne (or in the inner person/spirit);  and these— KISS HIM— with their worship all the time (and that is likened to a dog loving on his master with kisses to his hand, the one who sustains and cares for him;  they prostrate themselves before him in reverence— paying him honor/reverence.

These cast down (lay down) their own power or glory— because it was never theirs— it was always his;  the distinguished honor bestowed upon them (what they are crowned with) —was always his Spirit, in its glory.

And these will abdicate all to him— they will say…



For YOU, SIR— are the proprietor, manufacturer and founder of all things;  and for your choosing, determinations, purposes and decrees of, your inclinations and personal volition— your pleasure— were they created, and still yet are in existence.”

Folks— can we see that God speaks symbolically/spiritually?   

And if he does— do we understand what he’s saying here?

Folks— he has priests who attend to him in the throneroom all the time, who go without rest in honoring him with their lives;  they are those who behold only him, who have his perspective, hold him in highest dominion, and are sacrificial lambs (babes, children) like him too.

These are they who walk in his dominion with him— for they are one with his Spirit in union, and are with him in heavenly places— because they worship him, it’s all about him— his holiness, his perspective, his gospel, his works, his glory;  and they know who he is FULLY (holy, holy, holy), and regard him ALONE (most High).

They are those who have made him LORD over them, as the ruling magistrate/judge of all their affairs (actions):  because the 7 spirits of God are burning before them, as they are tutored by him/them, in this lifetime:  and their workings (wheels, operations) are with FULL INSIGHT, focused on God (wheels, or operations within operations— perspective focus on godly workings).

Do we understand SPIRITUALLY— what the Father is saying, what he is showing us of the mysteries of heaven?  Do we have the eyes and ears to see and hear what the Spirit is showing and saying?

Because the creatures he describes are spirits— spirits who walk in certain attributes of God, and spirits he chooses to spend all his eternity with— who are around him all the time:  folks— we are one with him forever more, if we are his children.

Symbolically— all these spirit beings are representing what we can have with him, and how we can move with him:  the FULL PACKAGE WITH GOD, if you will— in union with him.

Why do we think we will judge spirits in the end?  It is because we are seated with him, and he will;  it is because he is seated in us— and judges all matters now.

God is a spirit— and he will operate in spiritual ways;  we must meet him spiritually— and walk with him there, in his ways too:  within, where the King and Kingdom are.

Let’s talk about the symbolism of the 24, and the 144,000;  this is spiritual thinking and spiritual sight— mysteries of God revealed:  nothing is new folks— he’s revealed this to others, all along the time span of life existent;  we are just uncovering, once again— what has always been available to all.

24 = a repeat, in patterns in the scripture— so these 24 (symbolically, not a literal 24 in number) are those who are duplicates of him, those he multiplied out of himself— and repeated the pattern of himself in:

12 + 12 = 24;  so— a person with godly government in them (repeat of Jesus’ character/disposition, 12 = godly order) + God himself (the ultimate godly order, supreme) = 24 (symbolically).

As well— like 144,000 is a symbolic number for the priesthood— meaning, it is 12 x 12 = 144,000:  and 12 = godly government (God and his potentate power of Most High God);  so 12 multiplied = CHRIST MULTIPLIED;  and those are the 24 (symbolically), who are the 144,000 (Christ x Christ, 2 become 1 in Spirit union = the priesthood of the 144,000).  And times, or multiplied BY ITSELF (again) means— TO THIS POWER.

Exponent— the method of expressing large numbers in terms of powers. That means, exponents —refer to how many times a number multiplied by itself.

24 —is the symbolic number for those who became his image once again (Christ duplicated) —and have made union with his Spirit as one, now:  24

And, the 144,000 Melchizedek priesthood— are those who are Christ multiplied in the earth (those working the 24CORPORATELY— no showboaters, all for One, and One for all);  they are the exponential power of God, multiplied upon himself— so many times over in the earth:  the Priesthood of Melchizedek, the 144,000 

(12 [God] multiplied against himself, 12 = 144,000 —the set apart, holy, sacred and consecrated ones— like himself, CORPORATELY ONE BODY NOW).

These are they who are chaste/pure virgins— which means set apart unto him only, chaste and pure ones who burn for him, and him alone— of men— and men, in Strong’s = mankind:  they are those of mankind, chastly, and purely— set apart unto him, who have BECOME IN DUPLICATE, his person’s inner workings— in them.

Prophetic books must be understood spiritually— not literally;  we are not expecting literal horses to come, and literal bowls to be dumped out, right?  We are expecting power (horse power) to come in the form of antichrist spirit, war, famine and death— right?  And we are expecting an ‘allotment’ to be dumped out (a bowl), right?

So— those with the Spirit have eyes and ears to hear meaty spiritual truths— and understand them;  we must dig deeper than carnal perspective (like coming in the clouds) —prophetic voice uttering from God— and his visuals— are not literal, they bring things into the earthly realm, that are of spiritual implications;  he has spoken in parables since the beginning, he said —BECAUSE— they do not think spiritually;  so he gives them bedtime stories to understand earthly things, and semi relate them to spiritual thinking and reasoning.

Matthew 13:13, 16

“Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they —seeing see not; and hearing —they hear not, neither do they understand.   But blessed are your eyes, —for they see: and your ears— for they hear.”

WE— are to be Spiritually minded, which means— to understand symbolic/figurative language, speech and reasoning.

Let’s dig through some more scripture.


Ezekiel 1:3-28

“The word of the Lord came expressly unto Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar; and the hand of the Lord was there upon him.

4 And I looked, and, behold— a whirlwind came out of the north— a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself (spirit), and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber— out of the midst of the fire.

5 Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures.  And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.  6 And every one had four faces [countenances], and every one had four wings.  7 And their feet [footing and journey] were straight feet [straight— with equity, just, meet and well pleasing, righteous and upright]; and the sole [power and branch] of their feet [footing and journey] was like the sole [power and branch] of a calf's foot (and remember— the calf is symbolic of the Lamb, so sacrificial and pure): and they sparkled like the color of burnished [polished] brass.”

  • Some things Brass is highly regarded for— CORROSION RESISTANT (corruption resistant), for MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (we are the sounding of the Lord, in beautiful harmony), it’s MALLEABLE (easily reformed) —used for CASTING— or molten metal (gold refined in the Refiner’s fire), transferred from a crucible (Potter’s wheel, reformed, refined, and dross removed, essentially) —into a mold —to create a positive metal cast object, for appliance RIMS (think eyes within eyes, operations of God’s perspective in all, eyes within), CONDUCTIVITY, and DURABILITY:  these are works of the Holy Spirit, and those at one with him.

8 “And they had the hands [indicating power, charge, custody, dominion, ministry, ordinances, service] of a man —under their wings [edge of extremities, borders, uttermost part] on their four sides [square (they are squared away, whole/complete)]; and they four had their faces and their wings.

9 Their wings were joined [fascinated— charmed, in fellowship one to another] one to another; they turned not [did not turn about or change] when they went [walked or journeyed]; they went every one— straight forward (no turning to the left or the right— straight forward, facing God, single eyed and focused).

10 As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man (walking him out in the earth realm— even YahShua came in this form), and the face of a lion— on the right side (this is the side of God’s dominion— right arm of the Lord, seated at the right— of the Father in full dominion): and they four had the face of an ox— on the left side (this is the side of the Mercy of God— the Lamb sacrificial offering— the blood extended); they four also had the face of an eagle (his perspective, ways and thoughts— that are higher, and led of his Spirit).

11 Thus were their faces: and their wings [extremities, with hands at the end of them] were stretched upward (this is a reverent being); two of every one were joined one to another— and two [two-fold], they covered their bodies.

12 And they went every one straight forward: whither the spirit was to go— they went [walked and journeyed]; and they turned not when they went.

13 As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals [kindled embers] of fire— and like the appearance of lamps [flames] —that  went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright [brilliant]— and out of the fire went forth lightning [a flashing sword, gleaming].

14 And the living creatures ran [delighted in] and returned [came back again] —as the appearance of a flash of lightning.

15 Now as I beheld the living creatures, I beheld— one wheel [revolving thing] upon the earth— by the living creatures, with his four faces.

16 The appearance of the wheels [revolving thing], and their work— was like unto the color of a beryl (pure beryl is colorless [transparent], but with impurities— multicolored): and they four had one likeness [resemblance, model, shape, fashioned in likeness and manner of similitude]— and their appearance and their work was as it were— a wheel in the middle of a wheel (or as he tells me, a revolving work, within a work:  the holy Spirit, revolving a work, within a man’s soul;  a working, within a spirit being working:  his works).

17 When they went— they went upon their four sides [square— squared away with God, complete in their ways:  eagle (perspective and lead of God and his ways), ox (sacrificial, lamb lives laid down in servitude), man (living as one with God in the earth realm, like YahShua incarnate), and as lion (seated with him in heavenly places, and he is seated in our high places within, where the kingdom is— dominion)]: and they turned not when they went. (no turning to the left or right, blinders on, seeing and beholding God, and obeying him only)

18 As for their rings [arch of the eye (ours are made rounded), higher place of eminence, given to God], they were so high [elevated in grandeur] that they were dreadful [reverenced exceedingly]; and their rings —were full of eyes roundabout [encompassing them fully] them four (the four images of God displayed, and walked in).

19 And when the living creatures (spirits) went [moved, walked and journeyed]— the wheels went by them (the works of God went with these, with his perspective within): and when the living creatures were lifted up [accepted, advanced, arisen, brought forth, exalted, forgiven and furnished, helped up high, magnified, pardoned and regarded with respect] from the earth [the common field], the wheels [the revolving workings of God] were lifted up [accepted, advanced, arisen, brought forth, exalted, forgiven and furnished, helped up high, magnified, pardoned and regarded with respect].

20 Whithersoever the spirit was to go— they went— thither was their spirit to go (2 in union as 1); and the wheels (revolving works of God) were lifted up [accepted, advanced, arisen, brought forth, exalted, forgiven and furnished, helped up high, magnified, pardoned and regarded with respect] —over against [along with] them: for the spirit of the living creature— was in the wheels (works).

21 When those went, these went; and when those stood, these stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up— over against them [with them]: for the spirit of the living creature— was in the wheels (workings).”

*These are they who are IN ONE ACCORD WITH GOD, but also— WITH ONE ANOTHER:  it is symbolically/spiritually— the priesthood in action:  THE CORPORATE BODY OF CHRIST.

22 “And the likeness of the firmament [expanse] upon the heads of the living creature —was as the color of the terrible [morally revered] crystal [rock crystal (like a diamond refined)], stretched forth over their heads above [place of excellence, priestly highest part].

23 And under the firmament were their wings [extremities (hands and feet)] straight [equitable, just, meet, pleasing and well in righteousness, upright], the one toward the other [a sister, together (a sister— bears close association to another)]: every one had two, which covered on this side, and every one had two, which covered on that side, their bodies.

24 And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters —as the voice [the call of, sound, cry, proclamations and thundering] of the Almighty— the voice of speech— as the noise of an host [troops, a company]: when they stood [abided, ceased, dwelled, endured, established, remained present, served and tarried]— they let down [slackened, weakened] their wings [extremities (like hands and feet)].

25 And there was a voice from the firmament— that was over their heads (Father)— when they stood, and had let down their wings.

26 And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne [a canopied, and seated stool], as the appearance of a sapphire stone [plummet— a plumeline]: and upon the likeness of the throne— was the likeness, as the appearance of a man— above [overhead], upon it.

27 And I saw as the color of amber, as the appearance of fire— roundabout within it— and from the appearance of his loins (that’s the place of truth, the belt of truth) upward, and from the appearance of his loins, downward— I saw as it were the appearance of fire (holiness), and it had brightness [billiance] roundabout [encompassing].

28 As the appearance of the bow [or iris (like the eye)]— that is in the cloud, in the day of rain— so was the appearance of the brightness roundabout. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory [the copious splendor] of the Lord [Jehovah— the self-existent eternal one].  And when I saw it— I fell upon my face, and I heard the voice of one that spoke.”


Interestingly, the Iris is— a flat, colored, ring-shaped membrane behind the cornea of the eye, with an adjustable circular opening (pupil) in the center;  root definition— modern Latin, via Latin from Greek iris ‘rainbow, iris’.  The ‘pupil,’ sits behind the lens of God— learning (the Iris).

Spiritually meaning— there are works within works (wheels in wheels) of God’s workings (layers of layers) behind our eyes (perspectives of his) —and we are the student pupils who behold only him:  this is the rainbow promise of the student (the pupil iris).

Okay, so, if we recap in spiritual symbolic understanding again, we have…

The hand of the Lord upon his child, the man of God;  and as it is, he beholds a whirlwind (a tempestuous hurricane of air) that came ‘out of the north’ (that’s symbolic of God’s domain), in a great cloud (symbolic of the heavenly domain and perspective, as well as his presence in it).

And this fire that he saw infolding itself, was the Spirit itself of this being— and this Spirit was brightness itself— colored amber.  And from the midst of the amber color fire and cloud— came the likeness of four living creatures, or four living likenesses.

Their appearance was like a man, noted first, here:  this is significant, because this spirit has the man faced likeness of God, noted, in first mention (that’s always important to notice in scripture). 

And then— every one of them had four countenances (faces);  and countenance means— expressions;  root definition— Middle English: from Old French contenance ‘bearing, behavior’, from contenir (see contain). The early sense was ‘bearing, demeanor’, also ‘facial expression’, hence ‘the face’.

So— if we want to know the face of God, the expression of God, the behaviors, demeanor, the inner of his being— what he bears in behavior to all— we will look at the 4 countenances (faces) of God;  his children do encompass his 4 expressions— when all cleaned up and sanctified, through their reformation.

And his children’s footing and journey is straight— it is met with equity (fair, equal and just), with justice, meet— in well pleasing, and righteous uprightness;  the power of this branch (sole of feet) in his footing and journey— was like the power and branch of the Lamb’s sacrificial life (the calf) —pure, holy, sacrificial, sanctified and consecrated— laying his life down for all of humanity, and the will of the Father:  this is God’s priestly child, cleaned up— and reflecting our Father.

And these— they sparkled like polished brass;  and brass is very beneficial for a foundation on the feet:

His priestly, purified children will be CORRUPTION RESISTANT (corrosion resistant) IN THEIR WALK (feet polished);  they will be the INSTRUMENTS (sounding off) OF THE LORD, they are REFORMABLE (malleable) —as he recasts them (and think also, like a play— a new role and character) —and in this, he creates a POSITIVE CAST OBJECT;  they have his perspective (eye) and their WORKINGS (wheels and rims) are his;  they are CONDUCTIVE— they transfer like a conduit, the Spirit of the Almighty, and are very DURABLE— they endure to the end.

These are the works, of the refinement of his children, through Christ— manifest in his children— as he finishes his workmanship in them:  this is why we need to understand salvation in spiritual terms, and not superficial carnal ones:  these have become 1 WITH HIS SPIRIT.

His priestly and kingly children have hands that wield, and indicate his power, charge, custody of them, dominion in and through them— his ministry, ordinances and service to humanity;  under their hands and feet (wings) —their vessels of the Lord, his hands and feet in the earth— they have four sides squared away in countenance of them— making them whole and complete (a square).

They are joined, fascinated and charmed by God and his glory, and are in fellowship with him, one to another— and not turned about or changing— steadfast, locked on, single-eyed and focused on God, and only God— and his righteousness.  And when they journey through this life with him (walk) they go straight forward, not turning to the left, or to the right— eyes on him only.

And as for the likeness of their faces— they have the face of a man, one who walks in the earth with God, led of his Spirit, and one with him— as YahShua demonstrated to us all.  

And they have the face of a lion— on the right side;  this indicating his dominion (lion), the right arm of the Lord working in them, as they are seated with him in dominion as priestly kings— at the right hand of the Father, in Christ (thrones/seats/24 —mature counselors/leaders).

They have the ox face, or the sacrificial life laid down, in bearing other’s burdens (namely God’s) in the earth— as the Lamb did and does, as they are seated with the Lamb, who rules as the Lion now— since his victory.

They have his perspective, his ways (which are higher, ascended), his thoughts (which are higher/ascended from earthly thoughts and reasonings) and they are led of his Spirit;  they are eagles— IN MOTION— flying, soaring in the Spirit’s domain, and with him.

So, their countenances are full, they walk in the full stature of God (Christ) incarnate, and in spirit;  their hands and feet (wings, extremities) are continually STRETCHED UPWARD (this is reverent exaltation, like the spirits above the mercy seat, or place of intimate marriage union);  and they are joined to one another (yoked) —and they two-fold, which means— doubled:  2, become 1 —his Spirit in harmony with ours (two-fold spirits).

Everyone of these children of his will go straight forward— following him wherever he goes, as the spirit went— they journeyed together in this life, and they turned not their faces from him—no matter where they went, or what they did.

They burned (were burning ones) like embers of holy fire— like lamps or flames that went up and down amongst them (his Spirit on them);  and the fire-light of that brilliance brought forth a flashing of the sword of the Lord, gleaming— going forth like lightning.

And the spirit creatures (created) delighted in him, and ran and returned to him, back again— like flashes of lightning;  this is symbolic of their coming and going living in two realms— the earthly, and ascending into the heavenly to sup with him all day, everyday— back and forth like lightning:  life upholding righteousness, and the King of— in the earthly realm.

As Ezekiel beheld them— coming into the earth, and working works— he saw a wheel revolving (their works, symbolically— the workings of the Lord in them, the Father doing his works in the sons) —upon the earth, with the creatures four faces or countenances (man worshiping God and his will in the earth, lion and carrying his dominion in the earth, ox with laid down lives of chaste servitude, and with his agenda, thoughts, ways and perspectives of his character, demeanor and disposition— the eagle).

The works are PURE— colorless (like beryl in purity), transparent (no darkness) —as the Father (the pure one) does his works through them.

When they go about— their operations (works) are squared away (four sided) in the man face, lion face, ox face, and eagle face of God;  and they will have no shadow of turning— resolute, and fixed on the High One himself:  in the order of Melchizedek priesthood— with YahShua presiding over.

Because their eyes, their irises (rings) are set higher upon his eminence— the eyes are elevated (not looking below, or at carnal ways and things) —and because of this— these children are DREADFUL below (in dominion here);  they are highly reverenced in the spirit realm— because their eyes about them (inside) is fully encompassing and beholding the four faces of God, at all times— and they are walking with him in them.

These were lifted up, accepted, advanced, arisen, brought forth, exalted, forgiven and furnished (with and by himself, his Spirit), helped up high, magnified, pardoned, and regarded with respect (as they lifted up from the earth— or lower spiritual operations:  the common heart/soul field);  the workings of God (wheels revolving in them) were accepted, advanced, arisen, brought forth, exalted, forgiven and furnished (this is reformation in action), helped up higher, magnified (because now they are his works in them he’s fulfilling), pardoned they have been— and regarded now, by God— with respect (favor).

Wherever God goes (internally in actions, or abroad in the world) they go:  2 as 1 now.  For the Spirit of the living creature (child of God) —was in the workings (wheels, operations upholding his character/demeanor/disposition/law of his person/conduct).  

When those are lifted up in a man— so is the Spirit of the high and holy One— in that man:  sanctification, reformation and consecration to do things with God, for God, and like God— MATTERS:  this is proper salvation fulfilled— FULL UNION AGAIN.

*These are they who are IN ONE ACCORD WITH GOD, but also— WITH ONE ANOTHER:  it is symbolically/spiritually— the priesthood in action:  THE CORPORATE BODY OF CHRIST.

And above their heads —is the color of the morally revered Rock— who is stretched forth over them (dominion) —in the place of excellency, the priestly part.

And under their hands and feet (extremities/wings) they work straight, equitable, just, pleasing, righteous, upright workings (as he does his works through them) —ONE TOWARD ANOTHER;  they are a corporate group (the body of Christ) who uphold the brother next to him (carries burdens and lifts them);  they are sisterly— or as the definition states— they bear CLOSE ASSOCIATION TO ONE ANOTHER (both God, and his other children) in their bodies (or sound whole of them).

And wherever they go— you will hear the noise of their workings (as God does them— signs and wonders will follow them) —and it is like great waters, the voice of God Almighty himself in the earth;  a noise of them, all CORPORATE (unified, and in support of one another) —like a HOST of them, or a TROOP of them (a company, the company or body of Christ):  and when they stand, when they abide, dwell, endure, have been established with him, cease of their own, remain present and serve and tarry with humanity and God— they let down their hands and feet (no violence— only humility and love) —and they walk in love.

There is a voice from the heavens that is over them— the Father himself, through Christ and his Spirit— and they stand together.  And over their heads (or leadership in them) is God’s throne, or stately power of his potentate dominion (kingly dominion);  and this throne is like a sapphire blue plummet, or plumbline (foundation).

And he who sits there upon, the Father of them and their ways and lives— is the ‘likeness’ of a man;  he is not a man— but he is ‘like,’ in one face of his appearance— like a man:  and he is above them (overhead) and is seated upon the throne, in heaven, and in them.

And there is the color of amber fire —within his appearance— from his waist (loins), the middle of him— where truth reigns, heading north to his expression (face);  and from his truth, downward— it was holy fire, with a brilliance roundabout him.

And the bow (or iris) was around him— like in rain clouds on the day of rain (a rainbow shape);  And THIS— was the appearance of the ‘likeness’ of the copious splendor of the Lord (his glory);  The LORD— the children’s self-existent (outside the created), eternal (perpetual) Father (Jehovah).

And these priestly children of his— when they meet him face to face— FALL DOWN, and PROSTRATE THEMSELVES BEFORE HE— WHO IS WORTHY TO BE PRAISED, TO WHOM ALL GLORY AND DOMINION RESIDES.

As they listen and heed his voice— that speaks to them.


THAT— is spiritual/symbolic understanding, Janet;  and this is what I desire of them to understand:  I come to my people— but not always in the ways they think, with carnal, earthly perspectives:  come up higher children— and meet me here, where my thoughts and ways are far above the created realm.”

—Your Father and Creator


Revelation 20:4-6

“And I saw thrones [stately seats of potentate power], and they who sat upon them— judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them who were beheaded (lost their own dominion, in exchange for his) for the witness [evidence and testimony witness] of Jesus [Jehoshua— meaning— God is deliverance], and for the word [something said of expression, topic, reasoning, mental faculty, motives, doctrine, and utterances] of God;  who had not worshiped [or bowed down and paid homage to, in reverence] the beast [the dangerous animal (figuratively— man’s fallen nature of wicked narcissism)] —neither did they have his image [likeness, profile, representation or resemblance] —neither had they received his mark [etching or stamp, badge of servitude engraved] upon their foreheads [their COUNTENANCE (remember— because they honored the 4 countenances/faces of God holy)], or in their hands [power, as instruments of (remember, the hands and feet of God— not loyal to carnal/fallen nature, nor heeding satan)].

And they lived and reigned [ruled] with Christ a thousand years.

But the rest of the dead —lived not again until the thousand years were finished [accomplished, discharged, executed, concluded and performed]. 

This is the first resurrection [standing up, from death to life— a moral recovery of spiritual truth, raised to life again from the dead].

Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection: on such— the second death— has no power;  they shall be priests of God and of Christ— and shall reign with him a thousand years.”


There are children of God, seated with him in authority— stately potentate power (his) —who are UNDER HIM, and know how to be;  and because of this— he has chosen them to rule and reign with him (these are the chosen).

These gave up their heads (lost their heads) to his rule and headship:  he is the head—  we are his hands and feet in the earth;  and his children did this— for HIS WITNESS IN THE EARTH, not their own;  so they could witness Christ Jesus— the deliverer/savior, to the world.  And for God’s word (he’s a person, the person who walks in the truth) —his expression, topics, reasoning, mental faculties (put this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus), his motives (not carnal ones), his doctrine (not devil or fallen, carnal, superficial, twisted teachings of putting the truth into action), for his utterances;  these are all Strong’s definitions of: ‘For the Word’ of God.

These would not bow down in reverence to satan (like he asked Jesus to do in the wilderness temptation, who did not, either) —the beast —the dangerous animal nature and thinking, of wicked narcissism —remember he was tempted to do that too;  tested in all points common to man;  because they revere God, and God holy only.

And these duplicate children of his, who are priestly kings, seated with him— have not taken the image upon them of satan, either (the beast image);  which means— his profile (we know profiles online in this day, a person’s representation), or resemblance;  neither did these children of God receive his badge of servitude, for serving satan— engraved upon them:  not in their COUNTENANCES (because they serve God’s countenance or face, 4 of them— their ‘foreheads’), nor— in their own power, as instruments of— did they take his image or likeness on (because they revered God, and gave up all dominion to him:  power of the hands, symbolic of what man does in the earth).

And because of this— they rule and reign with Christ ‘a thousand’ years.  I believe 1,000 is symbolic too— as much as it may be literal.

Joshua 23:10

“One man of you —shall chase a thousand: for the Lord your God— it is he that fights for you— as he has promised you.”

I believe it’s a spiritual number for FULL, POWERFUL VICTORY OVER EVIL:  and so— the 144,000 will reign with Christ in full victory and power, for 1,000 years, or an age of time, and— spiritually/symbolically— hold power and victory over the enemy;  because God was successful in victories over satan, in this man;  as this man laid his own power, dominion, ways and life down— to Christ and his Spirit.

And so— these will live in Christ, and with Christ— and will rule with him.

But the rest of the dead, those who died in a state less than purified and cleaned spotless, as the bride he’s coming to receive —will not live again, until the thousand years are finished, accomplished, discharged, executed, concluded and performed.  Why?

Because the millennial reign folk, who are spotless and wrinkle-free in their conduct— ARE ON MISSION— to mature the rest, to govern;  and so— he will have only so many that have graduated this process with him, who will be able to do so;  the Bride— who ‘made herself ready,’ for him (wise virgins) —and his mission in the earth.

The others will live again— but when the judgment is finished;  after satan has been loosed again (after being bound— when the pure walkout with Christ), and the world as we know it comes to an end, and judgment comes— and goes— and the new earth is established, with God living with and amongst his people— IN PURITY, with no evil, ever again:  New Jerusalem in the material.

The reason some go ahead, and lead this, and govern with him— is because they have entered the state of New Jerusalem NOW— it has descended to them, INSIDE— already;  as Christ was able to establish it within them;  and he and they— are walking in it now (spiritually);  others did not pay the cost of intimacy and relinquishing all the material lusts in the earth— to do this with him.

These are they— who had eyes only for him, and his ways of righteousness, and ENDURED IT ALL— to the end, and were saved or delivered, glorified and esteemed:  for he was the Most high inside them, for real— and in action in the earth:  the realm where all are made manifest— either for God holy, or satan (self gratification, ways and dominion of wicked perverseness).

And THAT— is the first resurrection, both in the person, inside— NOW, in the Kingdom within;  and as well— the first resurrection of those who will rule and reign with him, because they are the first fruits, cleaned up, purified, set apart, living the truth with him, incarnate— and he has resurrected them inside to do life with him, and BY HIS LEADERSHIP IN THEM:  and so— they are resurrected first, and chosen to lead.

And why?

Because they went last, placing Christ first, gave up all— and exalted him;  including lies, doubt, unbelief, unrighteousness, envy, jealousy, pride, fear of satan or evil— exalting God and righteousness, competition, and more;  they LAID THEIR OWN LIVES DOWN, and CHRIST PICKED UP LIFE IN THEM:  it is Christ who lives in them now, not them— they died to living for self:  self ways, reasonings, counsels, decision making, and dominion— and laid all down, to give him the honor of it all, in them:  and in this— he was able to mature them fully— the Full Stature of Christ— erected in them.

These are they who passed from death (self, and wicked, estranged from God living) —into life;  which is truly being alive in Christ, submissive to him, reverent to him, loving and obeying him— for the precious treasure to us that he is:  these are alive for real in Christ— and it is Christ, alive, for real— in them.

Hence, he will rule the millennial reign in the earth, multiplied over, again and again— through a people who are unified, with allegiance— one to the other, and under Christ:  this is the company body of Christ, that of his royal priesthood.

Blessed and holy is he who has part in that first resurrection: on such— the second death (eternal estrangement, with gnashing of teeth [regret and pain] and fiery burning] —has no power over [delegated authority over], because these BELONG TO GOD HOLY!

They shall be priests of God and of Christ— and shall reign with him a thousand (fully victorious) years.

[Troy Brewer video]

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