October 29, 2024
My heart found myself here with the Lord today, much going on, many waiting upon the Lord and enduring hard trials of their faith: I have been moved with this plight in the earth, but… equally moved by the strength, heart, patience, gentleness, kindness, generosity, love— and form— of Jesus: Emmanuel— God with us, and in us, and for us.
This is a poem/sonnet/psalm, if you will (not really sure exactly), and I pray it bless you: it was me working through some things with his Spirit and person. Perhaps it will encourage you, as well.

[Video reading, link: https://youtu.be/XqFe-rYKzmo ]
The form of Jesus
“In the middle of a storm, do I find myself in form— to Jesus?
On the edge of all the world, in the storm of utter plural— do I find myself in form— to Jesus?
With a mess of circumstance, and perhaps a steady glance, do I find myself in form— to Jesus?
On the way through wave and peril, in the depths of mere survival, do I find myself in form— to Jesus?
When I am weak in the fight, he should be my very might, do I find myself in form— to Jesus?
With the power of my God, with feet in peace— shod, do I find myself in form— to Jesus?
When the going gets so tuff, and the wilderness is rough, do I find myself in form— to Jesus?
Upon the battlefield, with the armor and the shield, do I find myself in form— to Jesus?
With the sword of great reward, in truth and one accord, with our mighty awesome Lord, I will find myself in form— to Jesus.
Never all alone, this world is not my home, but home has surely come, when I find myself in form— with Jesus.
Come his arms of love, sailing with the dove, in places far above, in the proper form I move— in Jesus.
Never fairing far, holding to the one with scar, in the place of high regard, coming ever in the form— of Jesus.
In the wind and the rain, and with everything to gain, losing all that is vain, being reformed to the form— of Jesus.
He walked this world like you, with many things to do, loving you through and through, with desire to bring you, too, in the form— of Jesus.
When the world is tossing you, in your mind— emotions too, will you find yourself in form— to Jesus?
He is just a breath away, in the still of a place, where he settles all with grace, in the form— of Jesus.
Listen, it’s your part, to the depths of his heart, because you are never far apart, when you live in the form— of Jesus.
We find ourselves in him, from his toes to his chin, we enter in the form— of Jesus.
Life in Christ— the bliss, with his everlasting kiss, will you let your heart take form— in Jesus?
So when the storm threatens hard, for you to take and regard, just toss the wind and wave, and Jesus he will save, when you find your gaze on the form— of Jesus.
The gentle of the Dove, binding you in depths of love, directly in the form— of Jesus.
Settle it within, he is here for you to win, he is the prize, and with his size, I surmise, you again can take the form— of Jesus.
From his mercy you were saved, by his grace you live each day, and it’s enough to finally say, in his name you’ll find the way, into the form— of Jesus.
Never turn your face away, from the grace he’s given today, and honor him in trust, to the form— of Jesus.
His word is always true, and he’s fighting here for you, in a world made for two, in the form— of Jesus.
Let your heart remember when, into this world Father sent him in, to bring you home, all the way to him, in the form— of Jesus.
You are the joy set before him, and the form of the workman, he will finish forming you, into the form— of Jesus.
Darkness he will slay, will you trust him here today, and come back into the form— of Jesus?
For victory is won, and it has always been done, in the form— of Jesus.
Don’t marry him in part, but with your whole soul and heart, obey him from the start, and resume your personal form— of Jesus.
In a world that’s far from him, in the things it holds within, let his fruit be born again, and become in earth the form— of Jesus.
Ambassadors of love, of his grace from high above, we have come down here below, to bring the fragrance and the glow, in the form— of Jesus.
We can witness of the truth, or succumb and be aloof, we can bring him fully in, or we can dismiss his holiness, but the choice is ours today, to hide from him or come away, into his face, and resume the form— of Jesus.
Come away inside the heart, and let him finish what he starts, bringing you into the form— of Jesus.
Let the Lord bless and keep you, let his face shine upon you, his graciousness will hover, and carefully recover, in the form— of Jesus.
So from this sort of sonnet, hear, and let him build upon it, bringing you into the form— of Jesus.
For in his heart and way, is salvation given today, but will you let him bring you into the form— called Jesus?
Jesus— he is the way to live and go, he is the truth for you to know, he is the purity of life born, and you’ll find your proper form— in Jesus.
Should your peace have fled away, or you find your stability to sway, come back to him today, and relax into the form— of Jesus.
We are the body in the earth, and his head is always first, in the space inside the souls who take the form— of Jesus.
For they give him place in there, with obedience they swear, to the King of kings and Lord of lords, who is the form— of Jesus.
Come home in your mind, come home with your time, come home to the place inside the form— of Jesus.
Fear does not exist, the truth he’ll always lift, and wherever there is rift, it will cease to exist, in the form— of Jesus.
Be blessed and go forward, lift your hand and your sword, carry love, carry truth, carry light— and everything will be alright, in the form— of Jesus.
It is not the form of brokenness, that will carry us to finish, it’s the image we were made in, bringing us full salvation, in the form— of Jesus.
Save us oh this day, Lord Jesus in your name, and bring our minds and emotions, out of all of the commotions, in the form— of Jesus.
Let us be entwined, never losing from our minds, all that is the personal form— of Jesus.
Because he lives in us, never giving it a fuss, to bring us through the muck and muss, in the form— of Jesus.
His life he laid down, just so we wouldn’t drown, in the darkness of the abyss, with his tender heart and kiss, in the form— of Jesus.
Let us worship you this day, and let our minds and hearts say, there’s nothing better than the form— of Jesus.
Raise your banner high and strong, and right all that’s wrong, in the form— of Jesus.
Help us keep your face, so in the tumult of the days, we will not lose our form— in Jesus.”
The son can do nothing of himself, but with Jesus in us, and us in Jesus— all is possible with God. The days will come and bring much to threaten our peace and safety in Christ Jesus; but the child of God has a hiding place inside the Almighty— in the form of Jesus.
Numbers 6:24-26
“The Lord bless you, and keep you: The Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.”