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Slander, labeling, accusations, falsities against God in his vessels: God weighing hearts of men

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

“Justice and Judgment are the habitation of your throne,

Mercy and Truth go before your face”

Psalm 89:14


Deuteronomy 7:11-13

“You shall therefore keep the commandments [H4687: a command– whether human or divine (collectively the Law): ordinance, precept], and the statutes [H2706: an enactment— appointment of labor, command, custom, decree, law, ordinance, statute, task], and the judgments [H4941: verdict pronounced judicially, formal decree or sentencing, divine law, suit and crime with penalty: justice, charge, determination, order], which I command [G6680: charge and set in order] you this day, to do them.

Wherefore it shall come to pass— if you hearken to these judgments, and keep, and do them— that the Lord your God shall keep unto you the covenant and the mercy which he sware unto your fathers:  And he will love you, and bless you, and multiply you….”


Psalm 89:14

Justice [H6664: the right— morally or legally, equity] and judgment [H4941: verdict pronounced judicially, formal decree or sentencing, divine law, suit and crime with penalty: justice, charge, determination, order] are the habitation [H4349: basis of an abode, the foundation of habitation/abode/dwelling place] of your throne [H3678: covered canopied seat, stool, throne]: mercy [H2617: kindness, piety, rarely but included— reproof, beauty, loving] and truth [H571: stability, trustworthiness, assured establishment, verity: true principle or belief, especially one of fundamental importance, what is true] shall go before your face.”


Psalm 101:1-2

“I will sing of mercy [H2617: kindness, piety, rarely but included— reproof, beauty, loving] and judgment [H4941: verdict pronounced judicially, formal decree or sentencing, divine law, suit and crime with penalty: justice, charge, determination, order]: unto you, O Lord, will I sing.  I will behave myself wisely [H7919: circumspectly, intelligently, considering, prudently, skillfully, with understanding, wisdom, wittingly] in a perfect [H8549: entirely (morally), with integrity and truth, without blemish, complete, sincere, undefiled and upright] way. 

O when will you come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect [H8537: complete, prospering (morally), innocent (with integrity), upright] heart [H3824: most interior: bethink, midst of mind, awares, and understanding].”


Isaiah 16:5

“And in mercy [H2617: kindness, piety, rarely but included— reproof, beauty, loving] shall the throne [H3678: covered canopied seat, stool, throne] be established: and he shall sit upon it in truth [H571: stability, trustworthiness, assured establishment, verity: true principle or belief, especially one of fundamental importance, what is true] in the tabernacle [H168: tent, covering, home] of David [H1732: loving], judging [H8199: sentencing— vindicating or punishing, governing, litigating, executing judgment— being a judge], and seeking [H1875: treading frequently, pursuing and searching unto worship, diligently inquiring, making inquisition, questioning and requiring] judgment [H4941: verdict pronounced judicially, formal decree or sentencing, divine law, suit and crime with penalty: justice, charge, determination, order], and hasting [H4106: quickly readying] righteousness [(same root word as justice used above in Psalm 89) H6664: the right— morally or legally, equity].”


Hosea 12:6

“Therefore turn [H7725: turn/return, retreat yourself again, lodge back home, call to mind, go again, requite] yourself to your God [H430: supreme, magistrate judge]: keep [H8104: hedge it about, guard it, attend to, preserve, regard] mercy [H2617: kindness, piety, rarely but included— reproof, beauty, loving] and judgment [H4941: verdict pronounced judicially, formal decree or sentencing, divine law, suit and crime with penalty: justice, charge, determination, order] —and wait [H6960: bind together by twisting (entwine yourself), collect, expect, gather together with, patiently wait with] on your God [H430: supreme, magistrate judge] continually.”


Zechariah 7:9-10

“Thus speaks the Lord of hosts, saying— Execute true [H571: stability, trustworthiness, assured establishment, verity: true principle or belief, especially one of fundamental importance, what is true] judgment [H4941: verdict pronounced judicially, formal decree or sentencing, divine law, suit and crime with penalty: justice, charge, determination, order], and show mercy [H2617: kindness, piety, rarely but included— reproof, beauty, loving] and compassions every man to his brother:

And oppress not the widow, nor the fatherless, the stranger, nor the poor; and let none of you imagine [H2803: weave and fabricate, plot, contrive (in a malicious sense), think, regard, compute, consider, count, work, devise, hold, impute, invent] evil [H7451: bad (morally or naturally), displeasure, calamity, distress, grief, harm, heaviness, misery, sadness or sorrow, trouble— vexing, wrong] against his brother in your heart [H3824: most interior: bethink, midst of mind, awares, and understanding].”


(Jesus speaking) 

Matthew 23:23

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin— but have omitted the weightier matters of the law [G3551: regulating principles], judgment [G2920: tribunal justice, divine law, judgments], mercy [G1656: compassion (human or divine), tenderness], and faith [G4102: persuasion of credence— moral conviction of truth and truthfulness, reliance upon Christ and constancy of profession— and truth itself in belief of, with fidelity]: these ought you to have done, and not to leave the other undone.”


James 2:13

“For he shall have judgment [G2920: tribunal justice, divine law, judgments] without mercy [G448: inexorable: impossible, stopped, or prevented; root definition means not entreat] —that has shown no mercy [G1656: compassion (human or divine), tenderness]; and mercy [G1656: compassion (human or divine), tenderness] rejoices against [exults (that is over) and boasts against] judgment [G2920: tribunal justice, divine law, judgments].”

*And then our Lord goes into what does it profit a man to say he has faith (or walks and moves in it), but it has not workings of it: and faith being— G4102: persuasion of credence— moral conviction of truth and truthfulness, reliance upon Christ and constancy of profession— and truth itself in belief of, with fidelity.

26 “For as the body [G4983: sound whole] without the spirit [G4151: rational soul— vital principled mental disposition, mind] is dead— so faith [G4102: persuasion of credence— moral conviction of truth and truthfulness, reliance upon Christ and constancy of profession— and truth itself in belief of, with fidelity] without works [G2041: toiling efforts and actions, deeds] is dead [G3498: a corpse] also.”


As our Lord puts mercy above judgment, he places mercy at the forefront— mercy always coming to his face before coming to his judicial decrees from the throne of God as the high magistrate judge.

Mercy— will always be the driving force behind judgment; and judgment is to bring to a man what has been sown, period.

To a righteous man— a righteous man’s reward, to an unrighteous man, God will exact mercy and a grace period, over, and over, and over again— and still yet— when he brings in, finally, the time period of reaping what has been sown…

Ample time and room to repent has been extended in mercy and grace, again, and again, and again, and again— and we see mercy exalted before the face of judgment, again, and again, and again, and again— in the fruit of long-suffering patience and goodness of God toward man.

Judgment of a stiff manifestation (showing of) what has been working within man— IS— the goodness of God to attempt to arrest the furthered development of remaining unchanged and in league with sin, darkness, death, and hell:  that is the love of God to save, by revelation (revealing) of all things in truth, and giving ample room to repent and turn again to God and godliness, for real, inside each man.

Mercy will always come before judgment, and it will rejoice in every man who repents.  Mercy will always be the first option with God, and ought to be with godly men and women following after Christ Jesus.

But we do need to understand— God knows the hearts, he searches them; he knows all, we do not.  But when he declares it’s time to bring in sow and reap (judgments released over all lives according to whom they serve), this is the goodness of God to do so, whilst we are still in dirt-suits, and can make the adjustments necessary (humility/humbling), in order to make God our true leader headship, and the revered one inside of us, for real (if other, or self has been on the seat of authority within a man).

Our beautiful God and creator, King, and Savior— desires that none should perish (in self exaltation, being a little god, and become estranged from him forever because the soul of man in self service was established above God), and that all would repent (turn to him again, authentically, in righteousness desired to be live, and God desired to be exalted above self), and be thus saved.

Are we practicing what Christ practices in this, within us?

Are we judging, and labeling (calling false, witches, etc), and moving outside of mercy ourselves?

Mercy— works the altar.  How many of God’s people are working love, sincerely, at the altar of God, on behalf of those you deem false or witches?  

I mean, how many hours a day, everyday, are you interceding at the altar of God, working love and mercy, asking God to bring all truth to fruition in the lives of the body of Christ (we are one, and where one is hurting, we all hurt, where one is vexed, we all are— and especially God who holds us all in Christ Jesus), and to reveal all things to all of us— as only he can?

We know in part, and prophesy in part— but God knows all, and he knows each heart, and desires the recovery of each heart, works the altar for each heart, and seeks to heal each heart, and deliver each heart.

I do not see the body as readily, or as compassionately, and tenderly working as Christ Jesus does, as our high Priest does— at the altar.  I discern this with his Spirit by the words spoken online, or directly in conversations.

I read these things recently online:

  1. That people are demonizing Trump, we are not perfect.

  1. God will show who has been warring against Him, God.

  1. A division is taking place between vessels who stand in God’s river of grace and mercy— like Christ, desiring repentance, and those who do not stand in his mercy— but are non-forbearing in spirit (allowing second heaven influence on their vessels, and are out of touch with God’s timing and plans).  

  1. And mercy rejoices over judgment (indeed).

  1. Trump is his man, and anti-Trumper’s are not hearing from God.


1 Corinthians 13:9-10

“For we know in part [G3313: in divisions and allotments], and we prophesy in part.  But when that which is perfect is come [G5046: complete], then that which is in part shall be done away.”


Let me (for the record), discuss what God has said to me about Trump, and his heart for Trump, my heart for Trump, my toiling at the altar for  full rescue and salvation, mission and purpose of Trump in the earth (and really— all souls, any souls).


Our Lord has said these things to me:

“Pray for Trump and his family’s salvation.”

That is beautiful, loving, and working the altar unto his full recovery in Jesus Christ, and to be with the family of God for all of eternity.

“Even if he gets into office (and we are still waiting for that to take place, from the projected winner, and one still yet to take office) —the beginning of the demise of your nation will come.”

What that means— it’s not necessarily Trump's fault, but timing will bring in all things, we have enemies, all nations will be weighed in the balance by God, and many things are in action as we speak.

There are administration issues with the current administration escalating and getting further involved in worldwide war (meaning— multinational involvement).

As well, our government here in the United States is attempting to quickly and swiftly make early senate and leadership elections of candidates who are not in alignment with Trump or his administration (not sure if that already took place by now); and also— the candidates that Trump has chosen are being charged with sexual crimes.

Things are up in the air right now, and he warned of ‘uproar and tumult,’ and we have been seeing this come forth.  He also said— ‘a fluid situation for at least 5-6 months following the election.’

And last night, after a dream— I awoke and he said, VERY LOUDLY: ‘Warn them of doom, disaster, and destruction.’

That— means, his people, and it doesn’t list a nation, location, or situation— just a warning.  And he desired for me to look up the word ‘doom,’ since many are labeling some of his prophets of being ‘doom and gloom prophets,’ like they did to those before them.

Doom— death, destruction, or some other terrible fate; root definition— Old English dōm ‘statute, judgment’, of Germanic origin, from a base meaning ‘to put in place.

Again— after the dream (about his household sickness, and brethren attacking brethren), I heard him VERY LOUDLY within me, as I was hardly awake, stating to warn them of doom— or a statute judgment brought in, to put things in place; and of disaster, which means— a sudden event, such as an accident or a natural catastrophe, that causes great damage or loss of life, with a root definition of— mid 16th century: from Italian disastro ‘ill-starred event’, from dis- (expressing negation) + astro ‘star’ (from Latin astrum ). Which I find interesting— as we are either yoking with God’s Spirit, or dark spirits (stars, elohims, gods).  And destruction— the action or process of causing so much damage to something that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired.

I do not know where, when, unto which people— but he asked me to ‘warn them,’ and I am.  That’s all I’ve ever sought to do— obey God, and warn the people, help the people, love the people, be kind to the people, and work for the people (at the altar) in all God and I do: that is our life.

I’ve never said I am against Trump being a man chosen by God to do a thing, or be a vessel, or picked to accomplish a task: I believe he is, and I leave it to God to show what that is.

I am praying for him constantly, from the depths of my heart, and for his family, and those who are with him in his circle.  But for anyone to say, declare, think, accuse, or even hint that I have not been praying and interceding for this man and his family, and for other famous people for years and years— would be a man leaning upon his own understanding from his carnal mind.

I seek to put full effort into laying my life down for men, not just men in the house of God— but like Christ, for all men.

We do not know the heart, the work, the intents, the labors, the deeds done behind closed doors in other people’s lives: but God does, and he’s watching if we are exalting our souls in other men’s affairs, or unto what we judge of another man; or if we are seeking his Spirit, at his feet, prostrate before him in reverence— to hear what he has to speak from the place of dominion in heaven, and in our earth, about all things, and all men.

I do not claim I know all things, or all things that will come to be.  I have been clear about this, and have declared such all along.  

Things I have heard in the Spirit, or were brought before my face as I was in deep prayer with the Lord that are concerns, or things with question marks over them:  ‘There is still a possibility Trump’s enemies will desire and plot to take him out entirely.  And that his administration may have complications getting in, due to escalated war movements, enemy administration plots, and America being in association with, in league with, other nations— and the ramifications of that.’

That does not say I want that.  It does not proclaim I am advocating for these things.  It states— these are concerns God has brought before my face, and things being prayed about.

I am concerned we are reading into things that were never said, or implied— and with such— judging wrongly within our souls, over other souls.

God will bring the truth forth, and we need to trust him for this.  God will show how things work together for good to those that love God, and are called according to his purpose; and how we all are given a part to bring forth.  

God will declare his own works— that he is working through each man.  And each man, in where he needs to repent, recant, or otherwise announce he saw or heard wrongly— when God walks the truth out in the earth realm— will have an opportunity to, lest pride get the best of him:  humility is beautiful, and where, and when I’ve needed to repent, I love to do so; for this is the way the Lord exemplifies; and it means I have been brought into the truth and unity with God.

But I wonder a couple of things:

Who will work the attributes of the Spirit of the holy God— whilst God brings in his truth?

Who desires love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, and dismissal of charges —more than ostracizing, slandering, shaming, accusing, and judging the brethren right now?  

And who is giving the benefit of the doubt (because God extended that to you when you’ve been wrong) —instead of walking in haughtiness, brashness, wicked judgment based in carnal minds, being moved by the self-righteousness of man’s soul (which is, essentially, when one believes they have the upperhand on being proper, over another) —and forgetting the possibility we can be ignorant (just not informed) of the truth, ourselves— especially when the soul can get involved?

No one has the monopoly on being right: God is right, and we are to sit at his feet and learn of him.

Second heavens involvement is when the soul of a man still has open doors to the flesh carnal nature and mind, strongholds of dark spirits are still speaking to, influencing, and causing a man to heed their counsels: it is a compromised vessel, meaning, it is one taking on water like a ship going down— and we ought to have compassion for these people, and work the altar as a priest under the high priest: and yet many are bringing in judgments against brother (brethren), instead of working love, and understanding— WE ALL KNOW IN PART.

Not a one of us has the upperhand of God’s knowledge, nor is infallible in all his ways: it is why I take, and continue to take all things to him, in humility, and ask, and ask again (not one time, but daily), has anything changed, have I need to be corrected, did I hear you wrongly with my soul?  Help me shut my soul down, and all enemy influence, and speak to me in an isolated environment— I give you the floor.

In humility and understanding we can all need correction, clarity, rehashing something, and being brought into more truth— we can continue to stay rightly aligned with God inside, and God having the supremacy and preeminence in us:  when we think we know what we know, and others do not, and thus we are right and they are not… and yet scripture tells us we know and prophesy in allotments, division…

We run the risk of believing we have the edge over others in revelation and in relationship with God holy; and nothing could be any more wrong in that thinking.

Our Father is attempting to bring all things together, each part he has given to his children, and many things that, when leaning on carnal mind thinking and reasoning— seem to not flow together, ah… but they often can and do.

God can be working a desire for full repentance, and through a reproof, and still choose a vessel to be his man.  God can bring a Nebuchadnezzar size humbling to a man BECAUSE he loves that man, and desires to extend mercy to him (as he did Nebuchadnezzar, and it worked); or a Saul to Paul size Damascus road humbling— and yet, it’s all mercy and judgment— where mercy went first before the face of God, and met these men in their perspective places, and redemption of them came about, and their relationship with God, restored.

God can choose an imperfect man (as we are), even an evil man, in both of those cases— and yet love them implicitly, and desire for them to change around, seeking their recovery, in a true stance.  Nebuchadnezzar never claimed to serve God holy— and this is an example of the mercy of God as he brought in a decree of judgment into a secular lost man’s life— that actually brought him into restored relationship with God holy, and righteousness, and the brethren.

And yet, the other example with Saul/Paul— was a man claiming to walk with God, but the Spirit and law of God was not in effect inside this man, and he had outward profession, but inward corruption: and yet the mercy of God brought in a judgment on the Damascus road to bring about an opportunity to truly turn inside, authentically, and come to know the living God:  and it worked.

And thus— this is the judgment and mercy of God to do these things: he knows what he is doing.

We can both have a chosen vessel, like Saul/Paul, that needs to come through a humbling conversion— to step into all he was designed to be, and with and under God holy.  

This is the walk of every man God is pursuing.  We ALL came through this path; we all were humbled out of prideful, self-centered living in our souls, and brought into the truth of God through conviction: and God knows what each man will need— and depending upon the size of a man’s pride.  

Is that not mercy, love, and compassion to save— as God decrees from heaven’s judgments what is necessary to truly save and recover a soul?

I believe it is, as I see the beauty in our God, as he faces hard situations, and hardened hearts— desiring that they would come back to him: and he seeks the best, most productive means to bring this about by his power and decrees.

Some people might be demonizing others (no matter whom), and that is wrong in general: we are to see the person, the core person God created, and we are to be laying our lives (hearts, time, and love) down toward all men— working the altar of the priesthood toward them, in compassion, empathy, mercy, graciousness, and love:  and love will seek to recover a soul— at whatever cost God deems necessary.  

No one should be demonized or called a witch, or false, or errored, publicly— Christ did not do such, he approached every man in love, and spoke directly to them, honoring them in such, and with a reverence to the core person in each vessel: because he sought to recover each vessel unto love, unto God, and unto unity with the brethren forever more.

Are we seeking to stop demonizing men and women (not just Trump, but the brethren too)?  

Are we seeking to stop labeling— and instead work on behalf of their lives, and encourage people, love people, and work mercy, grace, and all the fruit of the Spirit toward them in heaven and earth, in all conversation, no slander or accusation: knowing God is still recovering us all, and bringing us all into the truth, more and more each day, desiring that none should perish?

God will show us what the truth is, he is consistent, and he defends himself— he doesn’t need us to do so, and cause division in the house of God:  division is his to bring, and the truth will divide lies out, or darkness out; but compassion for all will always be at the forefront of God, and his children.  

They will seek to edify, comfort, exhort, and not war against them— but work for them: this is the servant of God.  He will work FOR THE WAYWARD, not against them: and you will know them by the fruit that comes forth from them: disdain is not of God, toward the brethren.

[This was a quote taken from social media.]

“A division is taking place between vessels who stand in God’s river of grace and mercy— like Christ, desiring repentance, and those who do not stand in his mercy— but are non-forbearing in spirit (allowing second heaven influence on their vessels, and are out of touch with God’s timing and plans).”

This is about the house of God, and there is division, and the Lord God brings division by HIS truth— not his household members: and the river of God’s mercy and grace, like Christ exemplified and remains in, does desire repentance— even toward the wayward, who still have unhealed, unrescued soul parts working in them:  not for-bearing in the Spirit toward those with unhealed soul involvement and voice of (second heavens involvement) happening to their vessels— is not what Christ exemplifies.

But instead working toward the brethren:  judgment, slander, accusation, labeling— working grief and sorrow toward them, as they attack with hardened hearts. 

It ought to grieve us to our core, as it does Christ, working the altar as the high Priest when we see men and women unhealed within their souls, having involvement entanglements with the flesh nature, and being held in stronghold bondage of the enemy; and cause a man to be there for days or weeks at the altar— beside the high Priest, pleading on behalf of each wayward soul; instead of labeling them as false or witches, when it’s our brethren.  

And he’s saying to me right now…

“You do not get to decide who is your brethren, and who is not:  if they confess Christ, and are seeking to salvage a relationship with the holy living, most high God— they are your brethren, and you ought to reverence me in that— for they are IN ME, and I in and with them.

Each man will face me on all he is doing in his body (that includes his mind, attitudes, and thoughts that lead to actions).  

I am looking to see who is working the altar.  I am looking at who is really working mercy, love, grace, and SERVICE to the most high God, King, and Priest— ON BEHALF OF MY BODY (sound whole of me) in the earth.

I am weighing all hearts for their motives and inclinations, thoughts, and intentions.  And I am bringing correction where it is needed, personally;  you will not need to do my job for me— which is to judge men: you are not most high, I am; you are not to judge souls, I am: you are to work mercy, grace, love, compassion, forgiveness, gentleness, kindness, long-suffering patience, generosity, and all other fruits of my Spirit toward all men— ESPECIALLY THOSE IN MY BODY, AND PROFESSING CHRIST.

And yet— I am watching, like little wolves, instead of lambs— my people, devouring my people in slander, labeling, judgment, anathema ostracizing— casting them down and out:  and let me remind you— the Pharisees did that to me (the religious of my time), because they did not like what I was bringing forth from my Father: and yet— it was just, and it was true.

I am watching little wolves devour innocent ones (not perfect ones) with good heart motives to serve me and humanity: I am watching hard hearted, carnally led men and women determining it to be just and good to work in labeling, and accusation— doing that in which satan does: all the while thinking their brother is working with satan.

That is pride blinding prideful men— accusing others of pride, or fault, or soulishness (second heavens stuff); but it is truly where the spiritually blind (to pride) are at work— where their own souls and pride has blinded them.

And all the while understanding, and quoting the scripture that states— all know and prophesy in part— but continuing to not seek me about how all things go together, and when.

If we are going to judge another that they are not operating in mercy and love: you will wherewith be judged of the same: I will pour over each of you claiming such over another brother— IN YOUR HEARTS.

I am appalled at the audacity of my people right now, one toward another, forgetting what you do to the least of these— you do to me.

Are they naked? 


Are they hungry or thirsty, lacking in any way?  


My people need correction in many ways, and I will be the one to bring it: and I am bringing it because I AM working mercy, grace, long-suffering love and patience toward each soul; because I desire to recover you all, and bring all into my love— that my love would become erect in you all, and toward all.

Be careful, mindful, how you are all moving.

I will defend my own words, decrees, motives, works, and servants: and none of you know all; and every one of you is to bring the pieces together that I have given.

Judgment is coming to all:  and my household will go first.  I am appalled at the state of it, and I loathe darkness being perpetuated and purported as my light.

Go and serve your brethren in love and mercy: because I am searching your hearts (minds, intentions, motives, inclinations, judgments, decrees and declarations of words said and typed: your deeds: as I am your God, Lord, Father, and King).

And I will recompense (dispense) to each accordingly.”

–YahShua Ha Mashiach, Jesus the Christ,

Most high and holy God: magistrate/judge, and 

High Priest— working the altar of my love and mercy


Dream of strong men— choking his people, and attempting to trample innocence; and waking others to help fight this warfare coming from the house of God, perpetuated and constituted in darkness of the soul.

I dreamed I was in the house of God, ministering with other ministers, learning with them, and we were operating together, under Christ.  And then— a strongman came and stood before me, he was dark (this was done in darkness, which means, in private, behind closed doors, or hearts and minds).  And I said— “Who are you?”  I was sensing malevolent intentions.

That was when this spirit man (for it was a man, a human, in his spirit or soul) lunged at me with his hands to choke my throat.

This is symbolic of a human soul/spirit attempting to silence me (or those servants of the Lord, in the house of God) —of what was being spoken and worked.

But, I claimed the name of Jesus, over and over again— and the hands of this man/spirit— could not prevail against, and I lifted this spirit that was working behind a human soul/person/spirit— and cast it to the ground, as I woke another servant who was sleeping as this all was taking place.

That speaks to most of the body of Christ being asleep to these things going on— wherewith it is the body itself, coming against itself, to cause harm, and to silence others in the body of Christ: persecution at its best.

But these will not prevail, and it will be Christ who deals with them (as I was calling out to Christ to deal with this, and then flipped that spirit, tossing them to their back on the ground); and then woke others to this.

This is what I am doing now:  I was waking up other servants of the Lord— to understand what the brethren are doing unto the brethren— which means, unto Christ himself.

This other man that I had awakened— as I gripped him in power, he winced at the strength in my hand (which was Jesus that I cried out to come forth): and then they jumped to alert, and followed suit.

We have a need to actually be walking and working the fruit of the Spirit toward our brethren— and the only judge against men, is God, not sons of men: and we ought to have the fear of the Lord over us for what we do unto one another: for we do it directly unto him (the body, is his sound-whole in the earth).


Psalm 89:14

“Justice and Judgment are the habitation of your throne,

Mercy and Truth go before your face.”

Yes— Justice, or— rightness, morally or legally, with equity, along with Judgment, or verdict pronounced judicially, formally decreeing or sentencing, through divine law, suit and crime with penalty— justice, charge, and determinate orders are God’s habitation; which is the basis of his abode, the foundation of his habitation/abode/dwelling place— of his throne; which is his covered canopied seat and stool of dominion; and Mercy —or kindness, piety, (and rarely, but included) — his reproof, and beauty, and love, as well as his Truth; or otherwise known as his stability, trustworthiness, assured establishment, and verity— which is true principled belief, especially that which is of fundamental importance, what is true —go before his face.

Has the justice and judgment of God become our habitation, foundation, abode and dwelling place— which is the basis of the foundation of us?  Where he is our God and magistrate, ruler of us— where he is seated in authority and dominion, making his judgments, not our own?

Has mercy and truth, not one or the other, but mercy AND truth— come before our faces?


Psalm 82:1, 5, 8

“God stands in the congregation of the mighty; he judges among the gods.  They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.  Arise, O God, judge the earth: for you shall inherit all nations.”


Ecclesiastes 3:17

“I said in my heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work.”


James 4:12

“There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who are you that judges another?”


Romans 14:4

“Who are you that judges another man's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Yea, he shall be held up: for God is able to make him stand.


Romans 14:10-13

“But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you set at nought your brother? 

For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.  

For it is written— As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.

So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.  ”


2 Corinthians 5:10

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to what he has done, whether it be good or bad.”


Psalm 89:14

“Justice and Judgment are the habitation of your throne,

Mercy and Truth go before your face.”

Justice and judgment are the dwelling place of God holy, and both are erect at his throne— his seat of authority within him, where he rules and reigns in both; and where mercy and truth, not one or the other, but both mercy and truth are ever before his countenance.

Are justice and judgment— where we dwell in God, like Christ? 

And is righteous justice and judgment dwelling in us, by and through Christ Jesus?

Are mercy AND truth constantly coming before our countenances?

For if we are in Christ— both will be true: righteous justice and judgment, and mercy and truth— will abound in the man-child of God.



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