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Salvation--- and transgressing God and his ways

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Part 2


You can have gone to churches your entire life— and wind up in hell and forever estrangement from God— because you got ‘religion,’ and not RECONCILIATION TO GOD, in TRUTH; that’s RELATIONSHIP, and RETURNING TO HIM, and HIS IMAGE AND WAYS: where HE becomes your God— which means leader and reformer of you, in all your actions, thoughts, and person.

Otherwise— we are still our own God— doing whatever ‘we think’ is right— in our own eyes;

and that’s dangerous ground to find oneself in—

come final judgment.

He ‘cleared the path’ for us folks—

but WE

are required to ‘walk it’ with him.

And we cannot cherry pick the verses from his wordand reject the rest — HE IS THE WORD OF GOD; for, if he IS THE WORD OF GOD— we are quite literally— accepting PARTS OF HIM, and REJECTING THE REST— because it didn’t ‘suit’ our palate, or ‘tastes.’

That is ‘dangerous ground’ to walk; we must walk the paths of the Lord— and he will KEEP ON THIS, until we all understand this.

What we ‘make excuse for in continued sin against God,’ quite LITERALLY can kill us— and lead us into estrangement from God forever— hell, and the Lake that burns with fire; all because we were ‘told,’ or led to believe (that’s satan’s job– through other men and women in the pulpits, with doctrine of devils, he said in scripture)that we didn’t have to CLEAN UP, and RETURN TO GOD, and HIS IMAGE, and WALK UPRIGHT WITH HIM— THROUGH HIM.

Folks— we do— or we are quite literally ‘rejecting his paths,’ and we are choosing, by an act of our willto continue on the path of sinning, willfully.

And if we do that—

we have chosen the path of Lucifer,

and we will go where he goes— in the end.

Because Lucifer’s path was that he kept being perverted, twisted in his ‘shape’ and paths— and would not repent or turn from ‘his own ways and leading.’

THAT— is the path of INIQUITY— and iniquity is— CONTINUING IN SINNING, WHEN WE KNOW BETTER; it is quite literally— stubbornness to return to God’s leadership in our lives, and live with him, LIKE HIM— and in REVERENCE UNTO HIM.

So— it’s not really about— “Can one lose his/her salvation,” so much as it is…


properly, and fully—


Because Salvation done, received, and walked out properly— is upright reconciliation to God holy and truewalking his path, by his lead, and returning home to himNOW, INSIDE— and then later, as we follow him on those paths— straight into eternity and heaven.

If we are not LIVING THAT— then you are hearing the right message, right now— because he desires for NONE TO PERISH IN HIS OWN WAYS— but that ALL WILL REPENT, and RETURN TO HIM.

So, I’m welcoming everyone to receive Christ PROPERLY at this time, INSIDE— in all the estranged areas of our lives; to REALLY CONSIDER if we received ‘reconciliation’ to him (that’s salvation), or notand if not— God and I can help you to do that with him, NOW.

For what we are truly doing inside, TOWARD HIM, matters.

If we are EFFORTING at being CLEANED UP ‘with him,’ then we are on the right path, and EFFORTING at the ‘marriage together,’ and desiring to UPHOLD COVENANT with God.

But if not, do recall…

“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God;” that means we all NEED HIM— and we need to COME TO HIM, to save us; and that saving us— is from the old man, old ways, old deeds and workings— which lead us to death— unto the NEW CREATION OF US— in and through, Christ Jesus.

We can all do that NOW, and TAKE HIS HAND FOR REAL— and start that new life, as a couple— UNIFIED, YOKED TOGETHER, BY HIS LEAD and OUR FOLLOW: we can REALLY BECOME ONE— and that’s a couple, as TWO HAVE NOW BECOME ‘one in the flesh.’

This is why earthly marriage is to resemble

the UNION of God and man

we are, THE TWO OF US (God + You)

—supposed to become ‘ONE IN THE FLESH’

now (that’s your body temple);

and walk life out together as


THAT— is true salvation.

For what we were TRULY SAVED FROM— was living life ALONE, NOT YOKED TO GOD, NOT LIKE HIM, LEADING OURSELVES IN OUR OWN WAYS, and quite literally— DYING— because of it.

That is what happened to satan,

and will lead him to eternal tormented separation from God; for to be SEPARATED FROM GOD— is torment forever.

He wanted to ‘walk his own path,’ ALONE, HIS WAY— with NO ONE OVER HIM— GUIDING HIM, ORDERING HIS STEPS, or LOOKING LIKE GOD in his ‘image.’

“Let’s see what the definition in the dictionary is,”

… God just said to me, and that usually means we are about to—

‘learn a new thing,’ or see things differently.


IMAGE— the representation of the FORM OF a person,

visible expression displayed,

a mental representation,



making an EXACT COPY;

root definition— IMITATE.



So, when we do this—

who do we think is the LEADER OF US,

and OUR WAYS???


He also wants to show us— he expects us to PROVE OUR SALVATION— be APPROVED of him, he states in scripture; so, he’s asking me to add these verses for emphasis and understanding— with the dictionary definitions, and Strong’s.

Dictionary definition of Approved— officially agreed upon, or accepted, prove/show; root definition— ‘prove, demonstrate, corroborate, confirm—’ hence ‘pronounce to be satisfactory.’

1 Corinthians 11:19

“For there must also be heresies among you—

So that they who are approved,

may be made manifest among you.”

This states, there will those who walk APOSTATE, or in HYPOCRISY and with that— there will be those who walk TRUE, and UPRIGHT WITH GOD— and the difference is MEANT TO BE SHOWN: Manifest.

2 Corinthians 7:11

“For behold— this self same thing, that you—

sorrowed after a godly sort,

what carefulness it wrought in you,

yes— what clearing of yourselves,

yes— what indignation,

yes— what fear,

yes— what vehement desire,

yes— what zeal,

yes– what revenge!

In all things you have

approved yourselves to be


—in this matter.”

We have sorrowed in our sin, and gone after a godly sort; and in doing so— what CAREFULNESS IT WORKED IN US— to serve him with our lives.



And with all that— WE SHOWED

OURSELVES APPROVED OF GOD, and ‘clear’ in this way.

2 Timothy 2:15




a WORKMAN who needs


rightly dividing

The Word of Truth.”

That is EXACTLY what God and I are attempting to do here, today— explain the TRUTH of the Word of God, what God expects, and what he TRULY laid out for us in his Salvation— which is RECONCILING IN RELATIONS TO HIM, taking his hand in marriage, and becoming ONE with him, IN FLESH and SPIRIT, as scripture detailed above.

He wanted this done— because it’s the FIRST STEP in becoming his child, the next is becoming his disciple, or student learning under him— as the Father, and leader of us in all our ways.

We must NAIL DOWN Salvation first.


The KINGdom of God


Psalms 22:28

“For the KINGDOM is the LORD’S: and he is governor among the nations [people].”

Psalms 45:6

“Your throne, oh God, is forever and ever: the scepter of your KINGDOM— is a right (straight & just) scepter.”

Psalms 145:13

“Your KINGDOM is an everlasting KINGDOM— and your dominion endures throughout all generations.”


Amos 9:8

“Behold— the eyes of the Lord GOD are upon the sinful kingdom (dominion–rule), and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth; saving—

I will not utterly destroy the House of Jacob— says the LORD.”

Note here, God is coming to destroy the rule and dominion of sinful people and entities— and the only that he will uphold and save— are THE HOUSE OF JACOB; the House of Jacob— is his ‘Spiritual children—’ the children of Abraham → the children of the seed of God.


words of Yahshua

Matthew 5:20

“For I say unto you— That unless your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees— you shall in no case ENTER INTO the KINGDOM of heaven.”

Now, why would Jesus say this?

Because you have to LIVE WITH, and OUT OF HIM— he’s the ONLY ONE RIGHTEOUS, who exceeds the scribes and Pharisees (doctors of the Law) —and unless you REALLY become ‘one entity’ with him [2 become one, in spirit and body] —then you will NOT ENTER IN.

There is no fooling God, sneaking around his dictates and protocol; he is a just God, and he will not be cheated. He sees all, knows all— and his eyes are searching to and fro— looking for REAL FAITH in the earth.

Faith is trust in him— and one must know him to trust in him, and one must be desirous of living with and BY him, HIS WAY— to enter in.

Believing him to BE the Savior, and to be THE ONE who came and lived out the old testament law perfectly— and fulfilled it— is just believing HE IS ALL THAT; but— to ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN— there is more protocol and prerequisites.


Words of Yahshua

Matthew 6:33

“Seek first— the KINGDOM of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.”

Why does he say seek the KINGDOM of God and his righteousness— and what does it mean?

He says to GO AFTER HIS KINGDOM FIRST, because— HE IS THE HIGH RULING, JUST and HOLY GOD— one must understand and reverence him in and AS ‘that,’ FIRST— if you come any other way toward him, irreverently or without honor— you will not do the next thing…

SEE HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS— his holy, just and HIGH RULING ONE; as in—

“Your Grace, Your honor,


One must come to him, and see him AS HE IS— first; THEN— do you enter in, for your heart has found in the RIGHT STANCE TO SEEK THE ALMIGHTY and RIGHTEOUS ONE— before that, you have not approached him with honor and reverent fear.

And THEN— all the rest that he brings with him, and his RULE, which is his Kingdom— comes with HIM.


Words of Yahshua

Matthew 7:21

“Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord— will ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN; but only he WHO DOES THE WILL OF MY FATHER— who is in heaven.”

His WILL— is his ‘good pleasure;’ so, those who please the Lord, revere the Lord, OBEY the Lord and his commands [which is his person and his dictates] —will enter in.

This is why and how ‘religion’ will take many to hell estrangement from God forever— because people bought into a system of religion— and not THE PERSON OF GOD, and coming under his high rule: he’s a REAL PERSON— who expects us to subject ourselves to him: estrangement means—

‘WE ARE STRANGERS to one another.’

That is what a subject of the King is— a person UNDER HIS AUTHORITY and RULE; and a ‘child of the living God,’ has placed himself under the Father of heaven— to be ruled/led by him, to RETURN TO HIM, and to be REFORMED back into his image— that’s by allowing him to lead and teach you in HIS WAYS and CONDUCT.

Those who allow God to do this— will enter into HIS REST; he sits on high, and he rests there; if we wish to do so, or even further— be seated with him, equal to Christ on the throne— then we must ACTUALLY BE IN CHRIST; because ONLY CHRIST is the righteous one above all other sons— and so the rest of us ‘sons,’ NEED TO BE LIVING ‘in’ HIM— to do so.


The parable of the sower and the seed— always says—


There is a reason he is reminding us that he is the King, and we will fall under him and his rule— or we won’t enter in; and satan comes to STEAL THE SEED OF TRUTH— that is God and his word, and the TRUTH OF IT; and he does that— through ‘religion,’ first and foremost— teaching mean and women you can live however you want— after you know he came as, and is the Savior, and what he did.

Nay— that is the handshake

“Yes sir, I believe you came, are the Messiah, lived the old covenant out perfectly and sacrificed yourself for all those who will trust on you, and make you Lord, Savior and God over them— forgiving their sin trespasses against your holy person: God Almighty.”

THEN, folks— you have to COVENANT MARRIAGE with him, becoming ONE entity IN, WITH and BY → him, in spirit and body— to ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.

Only believing HE IS ‘the Messiah,’ is like only HEARING THE TRUTH— but never ‘taking up with him’ in MARRIAGE; that’s an INTRODUCTION, a handshake— but NOT ‘a marriage.’

And only those who will COVENANT WITH HIM, become children of Jacob, spiritual Israel— sons of the faith of Abraham— and those are who will ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM of heaven.

There is PROTOCOL TO ENTER THE KING’S DOMAIN; NO ONE— busts into the High King’s DOMAIN and thinks he’ll get away with it— those are THROWN OUT— as evidenced by the guy who tried to come to the wedding with the wrong ‘garment’ on.

He didn’t have ‘the wedding garment on,’ and folks— that means he didn’t COME TO MARRY THE HIGH KING— the Bridegroom; he wanted to wear whatever garment of uncleaness— NOT THE ONE REQUIRED TO ENTER INTO THE WEDDING and that will not fly with God.

Yahshua provided the ultimate GARMENT of HOLINESS— and one must truly have become ONE entity with him— for ‘his’ garment of holiness → is the ONLY ACCEPTABLE ONE to ‘enter in’ with, and by: this is why we MUST LIVE WITH HIM, AS ONE WITH HIM, and IN BODY and SPIRIT— having become one together in a covenanted marriage arrangementOR WE DON’T GAIN ENTRANCE IN, period.

And those who worship him, must worship him, he said— IN SPIRIT [that’s your inner man, with his inner man, holy as he is], and IN TRUTH— that means, truthfully— no fakery.

And he said what the truth is in scripture— and said to OBEY HIM— is to love him; to love him, IN TRUTH, really, fully and completelyWHOLE HEARTEDLY; which is to KNOW HIS PERSON, and LISTEN, HEED and COME INTO UNION AGREEMENT WITH HIM that’s agree to do things, AS HE SAYS and ORDERS.

Religion has done a mock-up job of

leading many to hell on the broadpath—

he’s aiming to correct these lies, and save—

‘those who will be saved.’

It’s a choice— and the conviction of the TRUTH is what will set us all free; but

→ the ‘taking his hand’ in MARRIAGE, is a personal choice— and he does require LOYALTY and FIDELITY in his marriage.

Words of Yahshua


Matthew 14:40-42

“As therefore the tares (weeds, or impostors) are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.

41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of HIS KINGDOM— all things that OFFEND— and those who do INIQUITY [continued in sin, when one knows better]; 42 And he shall CAST THEM INTO A FURNACE OF FIRE: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”


Words of Yahshua/Jesus

Matthew 13:44

“Again, the KINGDOM of heaven is like a treasure, hidden in a field— which, WHEN A MAN HAS FOUND IT— he ‘hides it,’ and for JOY— goes and SELLS ALL HE HAS— and BUYS THAT FIELD.”

Here he has said, in summary—

“When man understands who I really am, and SEES ME FOR MY VALUE— it is like this man has found TRUE TREASURE; and when he does see me, finally, by the TRUTH— he will hide me, DEEP IN HIS HEART, and he WILL GIVE UP ALL OTHER PURSUITS IN THIS WORLD— selling it all, to be BOUGHT OUT BY ME and MY BLOOD SACRIFICE— and for the joy of having the opportunity to UNITE WITH ME AGAIN [which is what salvation is, reconciliation to God] —he goes and buys that LIFE [the field].”

Folks— HE is the treasure, HE is the WAY, HE is the TRUTHHE IS THE DOOR, ‘into the Kingdom,’ —and NO ONE COMES IN ANOTHER WAY; he must be MARRIED TO, and that is UNITED TO, and have BECOME ONE ENTITY NOW with him, in spirit and in bodyTO ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

We need to realize, in truth— his Kingdom—

is HIS PERSON; and if we do not enter ‘into’ his person—


This is why we ‘needed’ HIM, in the first place; HE IS THE KINGDOM, and HE IS THE WAY, and HE IS THE TRUTH OF THE WAY; HE IS THE DOOR, the gate into Heaven’s Kingdom, and HE IS THE GROOM— because the Kingdom—

is a PERSON, who we must marry.

You cannot fake marriage, and you cannot come however you are— you must COME CLEAN; and the only clean garment there is— IS WEDDING ATTIRE.

Might we put his wedding garment on,

and become sanctified, consecrated, holy and pure hearted—


Because you cannot enter heaven with a ‘religious’ garment on— ONLY— HIS WEDDING ATTIRE.

And → he has his own acceptable wedding attire; we have to become ONE WITH HIM— to wear ‘his’ clothing.


Words of Yahshua

Matthew 18:3-4

“Verily I say to you— Except you be CONVERTED, and BECOME AS LITTLE CHILDREN [of his seedlings] — you SHALL NOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.”

4 Whosoever, therefore— WILL HUMBLE HIMSELF [bow], as/like this little child— the same is great in the Kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 21:43

“Therefore, I say unto you— The KINGDOM of God shall be TAKEN FROM YOU— and given to a nation [or people] who BRING FORTH THE FRUITS OF.”

[This is why God opened up the gospel to all people,

after he was rejected of his own chosen people;

we ought to fully embrace him.]

Matthew 23:13

“WOE unto you— scribes and Pharisees— you HYPOCRITES! (say one thing, live another in the heart and conduct) For you SHUT UP THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN [resist living with and by it, in truth] AGAINST MEN [this means they prevent men from coming into and knowing THE TRUTH, and he’s a person];

For you neither GO IN YOURSELVES [don’t covenant with God holy in marriage themselves, live lies], neither do you suffer THEM who are entering [your synagogues, churches] TO GO IN.” (to know God, either)

Folks— RELIGION KILLS, and pulpits are FULL OF WOLVES, devouring the flock with their DOCTRINES OF DEVILS and MEN’S PRECEDENTS and PRECEPTS.

Only GOD— and his way, lead, person, rule and HOLINESS— will get you into the KINGDOM OF GOD— and you have to enter into MARRIAGE COVENANT with him, to do so.

He’s the DOOR— all must come to the Son, to ENTER BACK INTO UNION WITH THE FATHER; and all must LIVE IN, and WITH THE SON— to enter into LIFE, the tree, the root system thereof— AND HE’S A PERSON, in which no one can fool, or hoodwink to get into heaven.


Words of Yahshua

Matthew 24:14

“And THIS GOSPEL— of the KINGDOM— shall be preached in all the world, for A WITNESS unto all the nations [people]; and THEN— shall the end come.”

When he says ‘a witness,’ he’s meaning LEGALLY, this will be said and presented to you— all this bible— when we stand before him, in the final judgment; THIS GOSPEL presented to the world— will WITNESS, like in court— either FOR YOU, as your name is written down in his legal book…

Or— it will stand against you, that it was OFFERED to YOU —to ‘reconcile’ with God → but you refused— and would not have it.

Folks— we have to first preach the TRUTH of ‘this gospel,’ unto all the nations, before the end comes— and he’s aiming to clear the issue of SALVATION up, and ‘what is it really’ NOW— before the end comes, soon enough.

He likened it to WISE VIRGIN BRIDES, and UNWISE VIRGIN BRIDES— note, ‘both’ were ‘virgins,’ and engaged to be betrothed to the King— but, only SOME— were faithful, anointed with oil— and READY; for the oil of anointing is the INTIMACY RELATIONSHIP, in proper standing with the groom— READY ALWAYS— for his return.

That means— they live right in relationship with him, everyday— waiting, searching their hearts, lives and the horizon for his return— and when he comes— THEY WILL NOT BE ASHAMED…

But— some will.

Word’s of Yahshua


Matthew 25:1

“Then shall the KINGDOM of heaven be like unto— 10 virgins, who took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom. 2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

3 They who were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: 4 but the wise —took oil in their vessels [symbolically, spiritually— their PERSON]—with their lamps.

5 While the bridegroom tarried (or took a while)— they all slumbered and slept.

6 And at midnight there was a cry made— Behold, the bridegroom comes; go out to meet him.

7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.

8 And the foolish said unto the wise— Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

9 But the wise answered, saying— Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but you go rather— to them who sell— and buy for yourselves.

[The only ones who sell anointing oil— are the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit— and all will be required to enter into union FOR THEMSELVES, becoming anointed— all must do their OWN relationship with God— no one skirts in on someone’s else's intimacy relationship with God.]

10 And while they went to buy— the bridegroom came [some will miss out]; and they who were ready— went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.

[Some will be too late, and the door—

Yahshua— will shut on them.]

11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying— Lord, Lord, open to us.

12 But he answered and said—

Verily I say unto you


13 Watch therefore [means, be ready then]— for you do not know either the day, nor the hour —wherein the Son of man comes.”


Words of Jesus/Yahshua

Matthew 25:34

“Then, shall the King say, to THEM ON HIS RIGHT HAND [position in Christ, equal to him, for they married him] —COME— (you who are) blessed of my Father, inherit the KINGDOMprepared for you, from the FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD:

35 For I was an hungred, and you gave me meat: I was thirsty, and you gave me drink: I WAS A STRANGER— and YOU TOOK ME IN:

[there’s the estrangement issue, now done away with.]

36 Naked, and you clothed me: I was sick, and you visited me: I was in prison, and you came unto me.

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying— Lord, when did we see you hungry, and fed you— or thirsty, and gave you drink?

38 When did we see you as a stranger— and took you in, or naked, and clothed you?

39 Or when did we see you sick, or in prison— and came unto you?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them—

Verily I say unto you,

Inasmuch as you have done it unto

one of the least of these—

my brethren—

you have done it unto me.

41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand

Depart from me, you cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels:

42 For I was an hungred, and you gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and you gave me no drink:

43 I was a stranger, and you did not take me in: naked, and you clothed me not: sick, and in prison— and you visited me not.

44 Then shall they also answer him, saying— Lord, when did we see you hungry, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison— and did not minister unto you?

45 Then shall he answer them, saying—

Verily I say unto you,

Inasmuch as you did it NOT to one of the least of these— you did it not to me.

46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment:

but the righteous → into eternal life.”

Folks HE IS LIFE, THE ONE LIFE WE MUST JOIN and LIVE OUT OF, and INSIDE OF— and we only go into his domain, his kingdom— IF WE ENTER INTO HIM, his person— and become ONE WITH HIM, in marriage covenant.

And to say our ‘deeds/works’ do not matter— he CLEARLY states, right here— that he’s WATCHING, and COUNTING IT ALL, tallying it up— and what you do toward others, you have done toward him— and what you have not done, in TRUTHyou have done unto him too.


You will be cast out, like UNWISE VIRGINS who ‘wanted’ to marry and live with him— IN THEORY, but NOT REALITY— who never went after the real intimacy and accountability of marryingthe KING.


Proverbs 14:12

“There is a way

that seems right unto a man

but the end thereof

are the ways of death.”

The TRUTHsets us free— NOT ‘religion;’ he’s a person, high King— and we must ENTER HIM, to come home— and THAT, begins in ‘marriage covenant’ unto him.

Definition of the title: satan…

H7843— satan [a title for anyone fitting it]

Definition— AN OPPONENT and arch ENEMY OF GOOD— one who WITHSTANDSa devil.

Which he explains to me, is— one who Does EVIL.

Does + Evil = Devil.

We MUST RECONCILE with GOOD, and only ONE IS GOOD, as scripture states— by the word of Jesus himself; we must truly marry ourselves to him, in spirit and bodydeeds/works and actions— NOT JUST WORDS, not just PROCLAMATIONS.

We must ‘marry’ the TRUTH—

buy it, and SELL IT NOT.

And the TRUTH— is a person, a way,

and THE LIFE is found

→ ‘in him.’


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2 comentários

Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
16 de abr. de 2023



Membro desconhecido
15 de abr. de 2023

Thank you that was a really good word, We must make Him Lord (Master and Supreme Authority) over our lives.. Romans 10:9-11 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is LORD,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. 💕


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