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Religious spirit, or Holy Spirit: which child are we?

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Mercy, and preference of Life–

Will always trump the letter of the law:

Lives led of the law of the Spirit of Life,

in Christ Jesus

[video link with commentary, to this teaching: ]


Matthew 12:11-13

“And he said unto them— What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out?

How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.

Then said he to the man— Stretch forth your hand. And he stretched it forth; and it was restored whole, like as the other.”


Here we can see that Jewish tradition, acceptable protocol and precedent— to save an entrapped ‘animal’ on any day of the week (including the Sabbath day of rest from working) —was acceptable, for the life of the ‘animal.’ This was no different with our Lord God. When a life is entrapped, and in jeopardy (in whatever way the Lord defines this) —saving and rescuing that life, in a predicament— will always be far more pressing and preferable to God— than to simply ‘keep the law,’ of the scripture.

Why would keeping the Law, of a day of rest— ever be more important than lives themselves? When would following protocol be more important than an entrapped, oppressed, and destitute life— before God? When would written protocol become more important than the lives it was meant to serve?

The law, the protocols, and the precedents of the Lord God that he gave man— was to serve man, benefit man, and guide man; in this case— our God himself broke written, guided protocol— because now, another precedent, another protocol and law superseded the first written law: and that was saving and assisting life (an animal) —above holding to scriptural protocol— given to us by God.

It was actually led by the Spirit of God to give the protocol in the first place; and then it was actually superseded by the Spirit of God, suspended, and replaced with something contrary (the saving of a life) —in order to serve life: life (the living) will always supersede religious protocol —God knows this, and man needs to understand— religious activities (like those of Pharisees, who could not understand what it is to be led of the Spirit of God, OVER protocol) —will never trump the love and precedent God sets for the saving of life.

Many times we will be called to serve ‘Life’ himself— as he orders our steps in this realm; if he orders you to suspend scripture, something of the law— to serve him, as he asked of the Son— will you? Or will you be rigid, because— “scripture says, in this circumstance, we are to….”

Father’s will, his love, the saving of life, the circumstances of the living, oppression and entrapment of the devil, illness, infirmity, sustenance, protection— and otherwise the needs of the lives themselves, and according to the dictate of the throne— will always be more important than holding to any rigid protocol.

Again— precedents and protocols are designed to assist and guide man into appropriate procedures in common everyday activities of the kingdom of God, in the realm of earth, and earthly men; but— God will suspend and supersede his own protocols and guidelines he’s established— if his will to do something better, more loving, more necessary to achieve his desire in the earth— is needed and preferred.

Are we so religious that we cannot hear, nor see the will of the Father, when he desires to move a way that is free from religion or precedent? Do we stop him from moving when it goes against what scripture has said (like the Sabbath, and saving life on it), or he chooses to hold to another precedent and scripture? Do we dictate how the kingdom of God will behave through his Son or sons in this earth realm— or does the King of Heaven?

Many things we need to consider, especially the will of the Father over protocol and written law, as we study the life of his only begotten Son: the Son who is to lead all sons, and exemplify the perfectly acceptable will of our Father in the earth.


“Religious rules, carried to the extreme, can just be plain silly. To equate picking a few grains of corn with the act of reaping a harvest is ridiculous. The sabbath day, and the principle of not working that day, was instituted by God for man’s benefit. The religious teachers had tried to define ‘work’ to the nth degree. Rules dictated exactly what you could and couldn’t do, but Jesus was quite content to let his disciples break with rules and traditions to satisfy their hunger.”

–George Dowdell


Mark 2:23-24

“And it came to pass, that he went through the corn fields on the sabbath day; and his disciples began, as they went, to pluck the ears of corn. And the Pharisees said unto him, Behold, why do they on the sabbath day that which is not lawful?”


Again, LIFE— the lives and the will of God to provide, care for, and address the needs of the people— as he dictates and decrees from heaven— will always supersede anything the earth realm has established— as guided protocol and precedents for men and women to follow; who is actually in charge here, man and his written rules (given by God to guide them in every-day circumstances/common circumstance) —or, the God of heaven and Father of us— that actually rules over all his creation, and to whom we are to be heeding and obeying— according to HIS will and decree from heaven? And even if it contradicts something he has done before?

Father is showing me a spirit of religion that has gripped his people, and tightly so— and it is rooted in pride and fear. Pride and fear, pride and fear, PRIDE and FEAR! The more I study with the Word of God himself, over the scripture and the patterns of creation’s actions— I see fear and pride plaguing man, again, and again, and again.

Satan (the anointed cherub that covered) fell from pride and fear: pride of his beauty, abilities— like reasoning for himself and deciding— as well as his power to do so, along with other things, his pride of self governing outside of the authority and dictate of a figure over him (God, and his decrees and desires)...

As well as he feared man, he feared God’s affection and love for him; he feared what he would lose, he feared how much more powerful or preferred man might be— over himself; he feared what would take place if he didn’t seek what was best for himself: pride and fear— I see them hand in hand, over and again— when satan is involved in the affairs of man, with his nature and inclinations.

I saw the Pharisees walking in pride and fear— so staunchly so— that when the Son of God, led of his Spirit— was standing and speaking to them— they perceived him not; all because of their spiritual pride, and fear (reverence and heeding) of man’s written protocols and procedures— over the living God speaking the mysteries and dictate of the heavenly kingdom to them, quite directly.

If we are so fearful of ever walking out of the guidelines of the protocols of scripture— we will never walk as YahShua walked; and let us remember— he is the same yesterday, today and forever— and what he did in breaking protocol, to care for his creation and life itself— is likely to repeat; and if we are in him— we will honor heaven’s decree all the same, as the high Priest and high King leads us as well. We are, after all— IN HIM— and he is after allIN US, and leading us in all his ways, yes??


What about talking to women— when it was, in that time— not the protocol or procedure that was adhered to, and was breaking protocol? Jesus, once again— broke procedure, for the betterment of life (a person or persons) —and to do the will of the Father— regardless of what man thought, with his religious protocols— that were clearly not meant for God to be able to amend; even though God himself gave these procedural guidelines to man.

This is the problem with religion— man thinks— if I just ‘do these things,’ I am good, and right with God; and yet Yah, and YahShua both came into this world to state that the previous— was inferior to the latter; that when the Son comes— he will fulfill the old, and will pave way for the better, the new, and the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the LAW OF LIFE, in Christ Jesus now.

Are we listening to the written law, or the law of the Spirit of LIFE,

in Christ Jesus now?

“Something—” he said—

“we all need to really think about.”

Because the Father and the Spirit led YahShua to break protocol— because the kingdom decreed that life, the needs of life, and the will of the Father— superseded whatever was written for common day practice; so, once again— whom are we really serving, and what are we really serving?

The King of all kings— or man’s ways down here in this realm? The good pleasure of the high King and Father of us— or man’s comforts of religion and protocol?


“In Jesus’s day it wasn’t considered right for a man to speak to a woman who was a stranger— and certainly not one of doubtful character and of another ethnic race. But again, Jesus wasn’t going to be tied down to convention when he met a woman at a well in Samaria. They had quite a discussion which resulted in many of that town believing in him as ‘the Savior of the world’.

–George Dowdell


Our God would not have been able to evangelize an entire town— had he not broken protocol to speak to his own creation, and enlighten the woman at the well— of which it was not procedurally acceptable to speak with.

Are we following scriptural decree— above the decree of the Law of the Spirit of Life, in Christ? Are we holding so tightly to written procedure— that we lose sight of the King it is to represent, and his kingdom, and how he moves— and what he decrees— even if he desires to break precedent— to preserve, save or enrich life, and according to his good pleasure?

Pride and fear have taken down many a religious man,

and still holds fearful minds in bondage; what do I mean?

If we are so fearful of breaking the protocol and law— the one in which YahShua came to free us from never being able to infraction— then we are in fear; we are in fear of ‘what will happen,’ or in what way we may ‘disappoint,’ or step outside ‘rules,’ and upset God. This is the epitome of two things: one, religion— and not relationship, and the other— fear of performance based covenant, and not relational covenant— where he leads by his Spirit, not by written laws or precedents alone.

Fear of doing things different from any scripture of everyday precedent— is fear of (or high reverence to, sticking to) the law— and not so much, FEAR OF THE LORD: so, is it fear of infractioning the written law, or fear of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus?

Because our Father led Jesus in many ways— that broke him free from the bondage of written protocol— and ushered him forward in the freedom of following the Holy Spirit, and HIS WILL from the Father in heaven; this will always supercede anything established in the earth— including common precedents and procedures.

The Father and the Spirit— are free to do as they will from heaven; and it will always be what is best. So, when what is best, is not what is written in common practice— and he chooses to suspend what the precedent, or common procedure is, that has been put into play in the earth realm, because heaven’s decree supersedes it, as it comes from the throne and God himself— will we all comply with the Spirit and his lead? Or— will we uphold religious procedure?

Something he’s asking me, to ask everyone else, to ponder. We either study the life of our Messiah, and FOLLOW AFTER HIM— or we do not; and if we do not, and if we adhere to FOLLOWING AFTER THE PHARISEES— we will get what the religious Pharisees got: they rejected moving by the lead of the Spirit, and the Spirit— rejected them back.


Matthew 8:2-3

“And, behold, there came a leper and worshiped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.”


Here, Jesus breaks protocol and Jewish precedent, that was put into the Law of the protocol of how to be clean, concerning a leperous person. If you ‘touched’ a leperous person— you were considered unclean now; but with Jesus, though he broke religious precedent— he was neither unclean, nor in ill standing with the Father.

We really need to consider whether we are in a place of religion, rigidity, strict adherence to the law (trying to keep to the law) —so stringently, as the Pharisees— or are we as the Lord, led of the Spirit (to and from the Father), to set the needs of Heaven and the Father in the earth, and in human lives— ABOVE the adherence of the law, scripture, or protocol: the will of the Father will always supercede earth protocol, even the law given to the earth realm and man.


“The old testament law was not possible for man to keep. Religious rules and traditions only placed burdens upon people. Jesus came to abolish the idea of trying to please God through (any) religion. When religious rules get in the way of mercy, compassion and justice— they should be overridden. Jesus didn’t break rules to be rebellious— he broke rules to show that ‘people mattered more than rules.’

The trouble with laws is that they can only try to ‘do away with negatives.’

“Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not Steal”, etc. Love is the opposite to law in that it —deals with the positives (recovery, freedom, resolution, reconciliation). You cannot legislate for love or define degrees of love. You cannot pass a law that forces people to love. You cannot define degrees of generosity.

We all need to ask ourselves honestly, ‘Do I have any religious rules which get in the way of loving God with all my heart, and my neighbor as myself?’ and “What would Jesus have to say about religious rules today?”

–George Dowdell


Jesus also overturned money tables at the temple, ate with sinners (which was taboo, and against protocol), did not ritualistically wash his hands before eating, was committed to non-violence (old law was not), and also forgave man’s sin— bypassing the temple sacrificing.



Are we adhering so rigidly to the law— even more so than the Son of God did— as led of the Father and Spirit? Are we negative, critical, rigid, abrasive to others (like the Pharisees) —when protocol is broken by others, as the Spirit leads? Are we in fear and pride— to hold to the letter of the law (which kills) —over the decree and good pleasure of the Spirit, and his purposes in the earth, and in the lives of his creation?

Are we religious— do we have a spirit of religion— or are we operating according to the lead of the Spirit of Life in Christ: which law are we heeding— the letter of the law, or the Spirit of the Law, in Christ?

Because Christ was led of the Spirit, and he broke written protocol, again, and again, and again— by the lead of the Spirit of God; are we putting the needs of ‘life,’ and he is the Spirit of Life— above written procedure, as the Spirit leads us in his ways?

Or are we religious, with self righteousness, adherence to written procedure— coated in cold callousness— superseding the Spirit of Life himself, as the Pharisees walked?

Because they held so tightly to procedure of the written law— that they murdered their own savior, when he came— and stood before them, speaking from the lead of the Spirit— directly to them.

We need to be careful of what spirit we are of— and why we are.


“There is still a risk of encouraging religion by expecting people to conform to standards and rules.

For two thousand years, we have turned the good news into a religion. The process started with the early church when some were told they needed to be circumcised to really be saved. Others were told that they mustn’t eat meat which had been used as an offering to other religions. Others were side-lined into worshiping angels. Some tried to reconcile the Old Testament law with their new-found faith.”

–George Dowdell


When we are sticking to rules and regulations— over that of the Spirit, and his freedom to move as he chooses to— we are in religion, and we under procedure and protocol— which is dead, stale, lifeless, and shackles us in bondage to letter of the law— which God said— kills.

Christ came to free us from the letter of the law, and bring us into— the Law of the Spirit of LIFE, in Christ Jesus; which is to say— we now allow the Lord God himself to lead us, according to his Spirit, and what he deems as proper protocol and procedure: living by the letter, will never be living by the Spirit.

The letter, is to lead us to the Spirit— and to seek the Living God on all matters; and the living God will move freely, as he chooses— knowing full well, which procedure should rule; after all— he sees all, he knows all, and he works all together for our good— to those that love God.

So, are we loving (adhering in obedience to) God— or the letter? Are we under the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus— or under the letter of the law, on paper?

We are only serving one or the other at all times— religion, or relationship to the Spirit of Life in Christ. We cannot serve two masters; YahShua gave us freedom from infractioning the letter of the law, and our Father gave us the better, over the inferior: adherence to the Son, and by his Spirit— not the letter of the law.

A spirit of religion will always walk and work with antichrist; why do I say that?

Because Christ— broke protocol, to serve the Father and the Spirit— religion, and antichrist— never will: because religion, rules and regulations— is antichrist’s god (all in all say).

We really need to be mindful of pride and fear— and check ourselves as to whether it is functioning in us— because, once again— I’m not sure Judas KNEW what he would do, when he started off with Jesus and the disciples. But in the end, he served himself, his best interests, did not listen to or heed the life, or lead of Christ Jesus— and he perished because of it.

Sons of perdition are real; and we need to see with clarity and discernment; please— do not get caught up in religion— where the Spirit is unable to move as he chooses to— freely, and according to what HE DEEMS is best; not led of the letter of the law— but of the law of the Spirit, of Life, found in and with, and following after— Christ Jesus: who was a rule breaker, by the lead of the Spirit, and according to the best interests of life, people, and his will in this realm.

Religion— keeps man bound, and bound by the letter of the law; I remember what that was like— and I never want to take that yoke back upon me.


Acts 15:7-10

“And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them— Men and brethren, you know how that— a good while ago— God made a choice, among us— that the Gentiles, by my mouth— should hear the word of the gospel, and believe.

And God— which knows the hearts— bears them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost— even as he did us; and he put no difference between us and them— purifying their hearts by faith.

Now therefore why do you tempt God to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples— which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?


The yoke, of attempting to live life— AFTER CHRIST, and WITH CHRIST— according to the letter of the law, never giving God freedom to move, or determine what is the best course to steer his people— is religion, and it is antichrist; it is antichrist— because it is against what Christ demonstrated to us in his life, and it is against how he moves, even today (he never changes his ways) —through us all: the Spirit, is the Spirit— and he led the Son, as he will lead all sons— by his good pleasure and decree.

God has come to deal with antichrist/religion/religious spirit— because it sets itself up in man, and purports to be God— and yet is dragging souls to the pit, in one way or another; and eventually— the spirit of religion and antichrist— will take them with it for eternity— if we are not discerning of it: this is the walk of the Pharisees.

The Pharisees were not rejected because they knew the ways and law of God— they were rejected because the rejected LIVING BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD; they preferred to dictate that living by the letter of the law— WAS OBEYING THE SPIRIT OF GOD; and yet— they were devoid of the Spirit with them, they were devoid of honoring the Spirit in them, and they were disobedient to the Spirit of God when it directly attempted to speak with them about it all, and lead them.

The Pharisees were rejected— because they put the law above the Spirit of God; they exalted the written protocol— above the lead of the Spirit of God himself: they had an idol.

We ought to be mindful that we do not.

The religious will beat people over the head with protocol— and Christ came to free us from all that, and to be led of the Spirit of Life; are we being led of his Spirit, in love, preferring that life be cared for according to the lead of the Spirit of Life?

Or, are we minding the letter of the law— to the detriment of the Spirit, and the lives before us?

Are we beating people over the head with protocol, scripture, the written law— or are we preferring the needs of the brethren, the good pleasure of our Father in heaven— and what his mission is to accomplish in the earth?

Because our Lord broke man’s protocols (scripture and precedents, meant to guide man in the earth realm) —when the good pleasure of heaven had a need that superseded common procedure. Are we giving the Holy Spirit the room to move, and to set men free? Are we giving the Holy Spirit of God the freedom to move in this realm according to his good pleasure?

Or are we boxing him in, within our hearts and minds— and holding YahShua to the law— when even our Father did not do this? Are we holding the sons to the letter of the law— when our Father held not his only begotten— to the letter of the law, but instead called him into the earth— to free men from religion, rules, and protocol?

Our Father seeks the same with us— to free us from the bondage and chains of the letter of the law; and to bring us into what it is to live life, by the lead of the Spirit of Life, in his Son— Christ Jesus, YahShua HaMashiach— the leader of all sons, in his ways.

The Son of man, the Son of God’s ways— were, are, and will always be— to serve the will of the Father; do we even ask what that is any longer? Or do we only do as the letter dictates, and we dishonor the Spirit altogether— to serve the ‘letter,’ which kills?

Please, take this all to the Lord, and ask him— put him in the place of honor— and ask him if you are serving him, or if you are serving the ‘letter of the law.’ Because if it’s the letter of the law, and not the law of the Spirit of Life, in Jesus— then you will find yourself walking the broad path that the Pharisees walked. Those who knew the scriptures— but did not live by the lead of the Spirit of God— nor honor the Spirit of God, ABOVE THE WRITTEN procedure and protocol.

And that, folks— made them spiritually blind, reprobate, and in rebellion to the living God himself: and led them to gates of hell— because they were already estranged from the Spirit, inside; and gave preference to rules, procedures, protocols— over the living God’s Spirit, and good pleasure.

Religion kills— the Spirit brings life, and life abundantly; but which are we TRULY adhering to: religion, or the Spirit of Life?

Things to ponder with God.

God— brings freedom, love, restoration, reconciliation, at-one-ment (unity) —he breathes LIFE into that which was dead; and religion is dead and cold: God— seeks to revitalize life, renew life, and free life.

If we are rigid, and cold, and callous, and walking in pride and fear— antichrist is with us, and so is religion.

May we all REALLY look at the life of Christ Jesus— and follow after HIM; because he OBEYED THE SPIRIT and the FATHER— not religion, not protocol, not procedure, not precedent— he obeyed THE GOD OF HEAVEN.

The things he is showing me as of late— are very serious matters, being walked out in the earth, by his people— and we have need to analyze and truly, by the lead of the Spirit— determine what, and whom we are serving this day, and every day: the letter of the law, the religious and antichrist spirit— or the freedom in the moves of the Spirit of God, in the law of the Spirit of Life— in christ Jesus?

Because Christ obeyed the Father, his will, and what he was leading him in— period; and religious man— had a problem with that.


Matthew 19:17

“And he said unto him— Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one— that is God: but if you will enter into life— keep the commandments.”


Now, is God in Christ Jesus speaking of us keeping the letter of the law— or the commanding of the Spirit of God over our lives? We can practice with God, the keeping of his precedents, but by his lead— and not to the keeping of the letter of it (or never infractioning, or suspending them); but the letter— will never supersede the lead of the Spirit— his COMMANDMENT over us— in listening, seeing and heeding the voice and lead of God, the Spirit of Life.

YahShua NEVER infringed the command of his Father— but he broke protocol of the written law, time and time again— how is this so?


"I have kept my Father's commandments."

John 15:10


It is so— because he was not following the letter of the law— but he was following the LAW OF— the Spirit of Life— in him; are we?

Because we are to be keeping our Father’s command— not the letter of the law; and we are to be led of his Spirit— not the religious, antichrist spirit: which kills.


Matthew 4:4

"Man shall not live by bread alone— but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."


Bread— the common way of sustaining life in the earth; protocol— the common way of sustaining life in the earth. And yet— God says that life itself is held together, and prospers— not only by the common way— but by the decree of heaven, from the mouth of God himself.

Religion— will never lead us to life; obeying the Spirit of Life himself— will, and does.

Jesus— fulfilling the law— establishes the way it is to be obeyed; the Spirit of God will always do things properly— the letter of the law only detailed how man could not be set free by it— but instead, was bound by it— and shackled.

Messiah came to unshackle us from the letter of the law— and to bind us to his Spirit: where two twain— are now one, in spirit.

We are to follow the command of the high King— and in order to do that— we must know him, be in relationship with him— and hear how he is leading us, and why, and when: the whole of the written word, was to return us to our Father.

And in returning us to our Father— we return to Life; and Life in Christ Jesus— will always be freedom and liberty from bondage; which is what antichrist and religion desires to keep us bound to— bringing death (estrangement from God holy) with it— by pride and fear: are we obeying the spirit of religion and antichrist— or God holy and his the lead of his Spirit?

Because Christ was led in mysterious ways, by the Spirit of God; and religious man took great offense against the Spirit of the Living God, who gave them their very lives— and they killed him— because of their spiritual blindness; all under the guise of sticking to the letter of the law.

Lord God— may we shed the scales over our spiritual eyes— that seek to take us down to the pit.


My Prayer


“Father, I pray each and every one of your children will truly give way to you, and will honor you in this…

I pray Father that they will become one with you, just as the Son became one with you— and who was led of your Spirit, and not of religion or the letter of the law; but instead— was freed from religion, by following all you decreed and led him in— by your Spirit.

I pray we become a people with you, who will truly lay our lives down; because following religion and antichrist— means we are still ruling in our vessels, and the Spirit of Life and Liberty— are bound— because we uphold the ways of the earthly realm, and not those of the Spirit of God.

I pray we come out of religion, sir; I pray we come out of Babylon, and we get Babylon out of us, sir.

I pray we see that mercy and love— trump judgment, rigidity and cold callousness— found in religion, and sticking to the letter of the law; the letter that kills, instead of moves in love, liberty, and preference to the life forms before us— as valuable and treasured by you.

I pray we will see that the word, when used rigidly— will only bring bondage; and the word, or truth (as he is a person), when honoring the Spirit of God, and Life in Christ Jesus— will always bring life, love, liberty, and his glory.

May we truly see the error of religion, sir— and may we step out of it— and into life in Christ. May we we truly come into love, and preference to another (namely God, first)— and serve our God and Father— as our big brother, Savior, Redeemer, Rabbi, Bridegroom, Partner, and lover of our souls— did, and does— and exemplified; because souls are on the line— ours, and that of our womb brothers (brethren) —and antichrist comes to steal the truth from them— and real relationship to the command of our Father, as well as— destroy all that our Lord exemplified to us, and if he can— kill us entirely (even spiritually speaking).

And I pray, as you do Father— that none should perish, but that all would repent— and be saved.

I pray we see the error of that way, the way we are living in if, we are walking in religion— and that we come out of her (the great whore) —lest we go down to the pit with her.

Because Father— love, is merciful, and embraces the will of the Father— who walks in all that is truly good for the creation he loves; and he moves in ways that are mysterious to man, to religion, and to protocol: and yet— there is none good, but God.

I pray we really see that obeying your Spirit— is the new covenant, the new relationship between God and man— and that brings us freedom from the letter of the law— that brought forth death: none could keep it, but God himself.

And God himself— in YahShua— broke the written law, time and time again— because the dictate of the Law of Life— led him so: are we following the letter, or the Spirit?

May we each seek you on this matter— and may we all find out— before we continue walking in religion, and antichrist ways— and time to see the truth, and time to follow after Christ— is long spent.”


God moves in mercy and grace toward man—

preferring them—

Do we?

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