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"Release this on Yom Kippur Janet, I want them to have CLARITY." -- 2 part series.

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Updated: Oct 5, 2022

“Sin– it’s ALIVE!”

Genesis 4:5-8

“But unto Cain and his offering– he (God) did not respect.

And Cain was very wroth– and his countenance fell.”

This is the first indicator of an evil presence– his countenance about him ‘fell,’ and he ‘became–’ WROTH (full on angry).

We should take note that it is in Cain’s ‘conductUNBECOMING from within, that ‘twisted’ everything into a dark offering, with hidden motives, and hidden demonic operations going on inside of him– and GOD KNEW IT– so should we, and with discipline of godly character, to enable us to ‘discern the spirit’s’ and their ATTITUDES and CONDUCT as well.

6 “And the Lord said to Cain– Why are you wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen?

7 If you do well– shall you not be accepted?

(This is God indicating– he was not ‘doing good,’ that’s WHY his offering ((which should be ‘in honor’)) was REJECTED by God– his inner workings were ‘amiss,’ and demonically deadly.)

If you do not do wellsin lieth at the door.”


(waits for you like a dog on your door-step, or porch)


Jesus– is ‘the Door,’ so it is saying– ‘Sin– the entity, crouches, waits and lies down to do so, at ‘your door,’ Jesus isn’t there– sin is; why isn’t God, the Doorway to all that matters to him?

Why has he got ‘a door of his own,’ not open to God almighty– anyway??

The Spirit of the Lord was available to all since the beginning, and Christ/God– changes not; if we do not choose God to be our everything, we will have ‘doors’ that lead to hell, with the minions that run them– and that leads to ‘life destruction,’ and ESTRANGEMENT FROM GOD Holy and True.

“And– you shall be his desire, and you shall rule over him.”

Here God said– “if you do not do well/good,” then sin is there with you, and it waits to devour you like a lion; YOUwill be ‘its’ DESIRE, and it will DESIRE TO RULE YOU– BUT YOU…have the ability to RULE OVER IT, and you SHALL– if you ‘do well’ to *ERADICATE IT FROM YOUR LIFE.

Folks– SIN IS A ‘living entity,’ and if we play around as if scripture doesn’t tell us that the Devil roams around ready to DEVOUR ‘who it finds’ as ‘doable prey,’ meaning ONE THAT IS PLAYING WITH HIM in some area– with his ‘SIN ENTITY.’

We will ‘die by our ignorance of’ the spirit realm and what ‘lies within’ it.

8 “And Cain talked with Abel, his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother– and slew him.”

We see here that God was SO FAITHFUL to the ‘sinning’ Cain, that he WARNED HIM, FULLY, as to what was taking place ‘inside of him,’ but he REFUSED TO BE ‘led, fathered or raised’ by God, and indeed– ‘chose his own way,’ which led him smack dab, face-forward– into satan, and ‘his way,’ as he had ‘opened satan’s door–’ to his life– and he killed his ‘good’ brother.

I include these verses below, as Father keeps telling me, ‘America has exceeded Sodom and Gomorrah;’ I believe we should take heed that he is saying…

“The sin entity” entertained in that wicked place, is THE SAME here, in ‘this’ wicked place and it– WAS GRIEVOUS– that’s heavy, great, and rampant; this is what he is saying about OUR CONDUCT IN THIS NATION ‘now.’

–which is to say…

“We have a grievous, great




GOING ON ‘here;’

and we should

‘take heed to’

what God puts a nation through






Genesis 18:20-21

“And the Lord said–

Because the cry of

Sodom and Gomorrah– is great,


because their sin is very grievous;

21 I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which has come (up into heaven) to me; and if not– I will know.”

Yes; he is doing this again, for MANY of his remnant have been crying out to him, to ‘do what you must sir, but it’s DARK DOWN HERE, and they SWIM IN ATROCITIES and WICKEDNESS;’ so, he is ‘boots on the ground now,’ and we will see some of those in the literal as well, soon.

Genesis 39:9

“There is none greater in this house than I; neither has he kept back anything from me but you, because you are his wife– how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?”

This one is to include that– to ‘do great wickedness,’ is to ‘sin against’ God; great wickedness is his enemy, and one must be walking hand-in-hand, hip-to-hip, instep with ANOTHER ENTITY– to do that AGAINST GOD.

We must understand what we do when we ‘join to’ the entity of Sin, and it’s conduct and operations which come from satan and his way and his crohnieswe are ESTRANGED FROM GOD, and FOLLOWING ANOTHER ENTITY, and ‘that entity,’ has now BECOMEyour ‘god’ in-so-much-as– YOU *OBEY ‘it,’ and NOT GOD ALMIGHTY.

It is ‘sentient–’ SIN,

it has thoughts– as it ‘desires you’...

It has ‘moves,’ as it ‘LIES and CROUCHES’ in WAIT FOR YOU



GOD’S CLAIMING CHILDREN– have ‘obeyed’ IT, which tells you…

IT GIVES ‘orders,’ and those ‘orders–’ ARE OBEYED BY IT’S ‘underlings,’ or otherwise known as– ‘those fathered by the devil,’ HIS ‘children,’ of ‘HIS SEED.’

Seed means– what they ‘sowed–’ in their lives in behaviorsWAS TAKEN FROM ‘his table,’ not the ‘TABLE OF THE LORD.’

Which table


eating from???

Exodus 16:1

“And they took their journey from Elim, and all the congregation of the children of Israel came to–

The wilderness of Sin– which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departing out of the land of Egypt.”

This verse is include to show that ‘Sin,’ also IS CAPITALIZED– denoting a ‘name-title’ a proper, capitalized name…and that now, SIN– has ‘locations’ and ‘places’ it dwells; again, this denotes– A LIVING ENTITY that seeks, devours, lustsdesires and, HAS A *HOME.

Exodus 20:20

“And Moses said to the people– Fear not

(don’t be afraid of what coming from God):

for God has come to prove you

(like tempering steel in the refining fires– or like ‘pop quizzes,’ God keeps telling me),

and that ‘HIS FEAR–’ may be before your faces– that YOU SIN NOT.”

I love this.

Moses says ‘hey, don’t be scared of this; God is coming now with all he brings, to REFINE YOU, and to ‘test’ what’s REAL INSIDE OF YOU; and NOW, the ‘fear of the Lord’ will RETURN TO YOU– that you– after seeing his great terror, power, holiness and justice–


God is coming to ‘do the same’ now; he said…




‘fear of THE LORD,’

will enter the world again,

and with it–

men will humble themselves under my rule


they will perish in

‘their’ way.”

I have been putting these messages out, these warnings, daily now for some time, and his messages just keep escalating in importance and seriousness within ‘this hour.’

So, he has me noting it is ‘Yom Kippur' today, and that is the day where we celebrate God making

‘a way’– ‘COVERING SIN,’ or making a way for us to PART FROM IT, and ‘come into,’ or ‘rejoin to–’ himself and the sacrifice.

Yom Kippur– The MOST HOLY DAY, where

‘the high priest’ would go in, unto God, in ‘the HOLIEST of the holy’ place

and make a ‘sin covering;’ well, now that SIN BUSTER sacrifice– is Christ Jesus.

Kippur– translated, ‘atonement,’ also to redeem, or give a ransom or EXCHANGE for; and CHRIST JESUS ‘paid that sacrifice blood,’ on the cross, FINISHING IT– FULLY.

TODAY, he wanted me to put out this post to make all aware of: WHAT IS SIN, and WHY we ‘need Jesus–’ to RULE SUPREME ‘in us,’ and ERADICATE ‘it.’

‘WHY’ is God doing this ‘eradication’ of Sin, and wicked people from out of ‘the land??’


Exodus 23:30-33

“Little-by-little, I will drive them out from before you, until you are increased, and you inherit the land.

(A promise fulfilled, will bring them into a great land; well he has to get them away from the previous one, and its wicked rulers and their influences or leadership in their lives…

knocking them down and out

to bring his ‘children,’


31 “Iwill set your boundariesfrom the Red sea (which means we exit it, crushing ALL OUR ENEMY in the process of ‘leaving it behind’)...

to the sea of the Philistines, and fromthe desertto the river: for Iwill deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand; and you shall drive them out before you.”

This is about a ‘take over–’ of one kingdom over another, and bringing God’s children ‘into’ the Promises, the Promised ‘land,’ where he rules and reigns with his childrenproviding all ‘for them,’ and ‘with them,’ and DECIMATING ALL OPPOSITION.

32 “Youshall make no covenant with them

(the heathen we ‘take over’ the land from– NO ASSIMILATING THEIR ‘ways,’ into OUR WAYS)

nor with their gods.

33 They shall not dwell in your land– lest they make yousin against me: for…

IF YOU SERVE THEIR ‘gods–’ it will surely be a snare to you.” (snare– trap)

Exodus 29:36

“And you shall offer every day a bullock for a sin offering for atonement: and you shall cleanse the altarwhen you have made an atonement for it, and you shall anoint it– to sanctify it.”

This verse is added in this post to show that when one sacrifices an ‘offering for sin,’ like what Jesus did FULLY, and COMPLETELY– it ‘CLEANSES THE ALTAR–’ the heart– or ‘the place you and God are intimate, the ‘place he reforms you–’ from the deepest intimacybecoming ‘his image’ again; and in this CLEANSING*sanctification takes place, and GOD’S ‘anointing–’ IS APPLIED.

We have MANY FOLKS WONDERING ABOUT THESE THINGS; the ‘things of God,’ and ‘how and why’ some are anointed and cleansed and sanctified– and others, are NOT– this explains that.

It is because Jesus, the sacrifice, the blood– his Holy Spirit– the fruit of his sacrifice, that goes with us now to conform us


Compromise stifles the Holy Spirit and his ‘anointing,’ which is HIMSELF ‘joined to this man,’ and IN OPERATION and APPROVAL.

Without HIM and his holinesswe are reprobate and ‘in Sin–’ and he must BRING US OUT OF THAT ‘way–’ and REMOVE the DEVIL that ‘leads them in it.’

Exodus 32:31

“And Moses returned to the Lord, and said…

Oh, these people have sinned a great sin, and have made them gods of gold.”

The Lord tells me…

Mammon is the same in this country now,

And now…

My children have been worshiping at

‘its’ altar–

The one they ‘erected’ in their heart posture


‘money, provision, and shiny things;’

Mammon has been exalted in this nation,

and along with it…

Baal, Molech and Jezebel spirits,

have become its god’s.

I will come to deal with them now through my manifested ones,

making them a ‘footstool’ under me

(which is to say– under ‘us–’

which is they and me

become ONE NOW),


ALL WILL SEE THE RESULT ONE RECEIVES– when they ‘play with satan and his Sin–’

for RECOMPENSE OF ‘ways,’

has come into the earth,

through and with


(pertaining to the Harvest.)”


Exodus 32:34

“Therefore now– go, lead the people to the place of which I have spoken to you (gotta hear– to obey): behold– my Angel shall go before you– nevertheless– in the day when I visitI will visit their sin upon them.”

This verse the Lord wants included to show– the recompense of him– tossing the ‘sin–’ back UPON THE WICKED.

–that’s the ‘result’ or the ‘fruit’ of what they ‘sowed’ into their lives, and unto God

(or a slap in the face of him–really…) in REJECTION and REBELLION TO ‘his way’

Whilst SIMULTANEOUSLY‘hooking up with satan’ and ‘his Sin essence’ leading them, as ‘their true god’ of them.

And that folks, is called– SPIRITUAL ADULTERY PERPETRATED ‘against-toward,’ the holy marriage to God almighty, holy and true.

This next section of scripture, Father wants included, in order to show what ‘he said to do,’ and how to behave, and with WHOM

or with whom one should NOT follow or allow around to fellowship with or be influenced by…

and HOW we ‘transgressed’ his ‘way–’ in this nation– and we have SERVED OTHER GODS; he will DRIVE OUT FROM AMONG US ‘the wicked tribes’ again– best you be not ‘among them–’ when they fall, as to NOT BE COUNTED ‘with’ THEM in ‘their Sin–’ and PENALTY, or result OF.


and be ye SEPARATED’

unto God in Truth

‘AND,’ in Spirit!

Exodus 34:4-16

4 And he, (Moses), hewed two tables of stone like unto the first; and Moses rose up early in the morning, and went up to mount Sinai, as the Lord had commanded him, and he took in his hand the two tables of stone.

5 And the Lord descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord.

6 And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed,

The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth,

7 Keeping mercy –for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, –that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children– unto the third and to the fourth generation.

8 And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshiped.”

I bet he did!

God just said in that verse, “I am the LORD GOD– merciful, gracious, long-suffering, and ABUNDANT in ‘goodness and truth;’ I FORGIVE SINFUL TRANSGRESSING of ‘my way,’ when one REPENTS and TURNS FROM ITthrough my GREAT MERCIES, but know this…

‘That’ SIN, and the TRANSGRESSING of ‘my way,’ that REBELLION and ‘putting the hand up to my face’ in REJECTION OF ME– brings, when one continues doing it, with it’...

—> WILL BRING UPON YOU and ‘your children’ AND ‘their children–’ the SAME ‘sinful and corrupt,’ WICKED RESULT ENDING that ‘you’ will find yourself under– when you REBEL AGAINST GOD ALMIGHTY.


He doesn’t want you ‘reproducing’ that ‘spirit’ of operation in the earth, by being ‘blessed in it, with it’ and the same is now.

He will SHOW you the error of your ways, and IF you or your children repentand reconcile with God holy and true again– he will REMOVE THE CURSE: Obedience and SURRENDER TO HIS WAY, ‘matters.’

We WILL LEARN ‘the fear of the Lord,’ which is to say ‘YOUR KNEE WILL BOW,’ they ALL DO at some point to him– but your ‘family line’ will have CURSES UPON THEM (and all those in that line), and it, the ‘curse–’ WILL RUN UP TO 4 GENERATIONS!

WHICH MEANS– YOU WILL SEE YOUR CHILDREN SUFFER, and DIE– because of ‘how you chose to live.’


He’s attempting to save ‘the children,’ for perhaps– they are NOT TOO FAR GONEto return to him, in their innocence– not yet fully tainted by ‘our example–’ where otherwise, had you raised them up in error, and they stayed upon that paththey would not COME HOME TO GOD at all– but end up in hell.

Also, MANY CHILDREN DIE EARLY– if their parents are sinning offenders of God and his way;


BECAUSE HE TAKES ‘innocents–’ like children, that don’t know right and wrong, nor the workings of Sin yet, and they will ‘LIVE WITH HIM FOREVER,’ taken NOWbefore they ‘continue in your way,’ and PERISH TO HELL FOREVER.

Essentially God has told me

“they don’t steward my children well–

and I remove my children from their CARE.”

THEY ARE ‘his’ KIDS, AND HE WILL ‘take them back,’ IF ‘we–’ AREN’T ‘raising them up in the way,’ GOD’S WAY.


BECAUSE THEY WILL NOT COME BACK TO HIM, IN THE END– if they are ‘allowed’ to STAY WITH YOU– so, HE BRINGS THEM HOME, ‘in the nick of time.’

Do we ‘SEE’ now, why ‘generational curses’ EXIST, and TERRIBLE LOSS in our FAMILIES???

Because– we did NOT CHANGE OUR WAYS, and we ‘bring cursing’ UPON OUR CHILDREN– that were ‘innocent–’ until WE GAVE BIRTH TO THEM, and ‘led them astray in our ways–’ counting ‘the blood,’ upon *OUR HANDS

when we do not live holy with God, reconciled in him, AND, ‘his way,’ which is to say…

HIS RULE in our lives– leading us, and US– *OBEYING HIS LEADERSHIP.

9 “And he said…

Now if I have found grace in your sight, Oh Lord…

let my Lord, I pray you, go among us; for it is a stiffnecked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for your inheritance.”

Here Moses is essentially begging God to reconsider and ‘bless them,’ by forgiving their sinful trespass against him, and his ‘way,’ and to ADD THEM TO HIS FAMILY– as ‘his inheritance;’ I just want to be sure we understand the weight of what Moses is asking of God.

To ‘stay the sentence’ upon the people, through mercy– and to HAVE THEM AS FAMILY MEMBERS.

10 “And he said…

Behold, I make a covenant (with you)-- before all your people I will do marvels such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation: and all the people among youshall see the work of the Lord: for…

–It is a terrible thing that

I will do with you.

11 –Observe that which I command you this day: behold…

I drive out before you –the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite.”

He states– ‘I’ll do this scary looking thing, I will DRIVE OUT OF THE LAND BEFORE YOU– *ALL TRIBES OF REBELLIOUS PEOPLE;’ I believe we should ‘feel,’ the WEIGHT OF THE FEAR of THE LORD– in that sentence and statement from our Father God.

12 “Take heed to yourself– lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whither you go– lest it be for a snare in the midst of you:

He just said– “I forewarn youDON’T FOLLOW THEIR WAYS, or ‘hangout with them,’ the people of ‘the wicked way–’


YOU WILL BE ENSNARED BY THEMcaught like a wild animal in a TRAP.

13 “But (instead–) YOU SHALL DESTROY THEIR ALTARS, break their images, and cut down their groves:

14 For YOUSHALL WORSHIP NO OTHER GOD: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:”

He just said, “I am JEALOUS, because…

I ‘made you,’ and you RETURN NOT TO ME, NOR DO YOU ‘love’ ME, or ‘stay with me;’ YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO NOT WORSHIP ‘him–nor his way!’”


‘Throw “him–” out of our BED!’

(your heart altar of intimacy with Father God)

15 “Lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land…

(A Covenant with–

is ‘a bed of intimacy in your heart altar,’

where God is supposed to be

–the ONLY ONE)...

and they go a whoring (there it is– the spiritual adultery) after their gods, and who do sacrifices to their gods, and one calls you– and you eat –of ‘his sacrifice;’


Eating from

‘the table of’



16 “Or– You take of their daughtersto YOUR sons, and their daughters go a whoring after their gods, and make your sons go a whoring after their gods.”


THISis why God does what he does.


‘heathen’ people

Thereby becoming ‘unequally yoked with them,’ and it will CORRUPT OUR OFFSPRING

For they will NOT BE ‘brought up in the way,’ but instead will– GO INTO SIN, INTO PERDITION, ESTRANGED FROM GOD, because ‘you would not–’

COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, and be ‘separated,holy, and OF A PURE HEART ALTAR– unto God holy and true…

NOT WORSHIPING (or spending time and activities with) SATAN– and his ‘Sin,’ and its ‘ways.’

Leviticus 4:35

“...and the priest shall make an atonement for his sin that he hath committed, and it shall be forgiven him.”

The Lord wants this included to show forth WHY it is DISRESPECTFUL to ‘continue in sin,’ to continue ‘performing it’ still yet, and NOT ERADICATING that ‘entity’ and its ‘deeds,’ from our lives.


and FOR ALL’...

In ‘other words–’


–to this person–

what Christ did for us

WHO HE IS TO US– and we truly DO NOT

*honor or SERVE HIM.

we LIE, it is ‘another,’ we truly serve.

Leviticus 5:17

“And if a soul sins and commits any of these things which are forbidden to be done by the commands of the Lord; though he knows it not– he is YET guilty– and shall bear his iniquity.”

Is this ‘old testament law–’ yes; did God ‘live it’ PERFECTLY??


Does he have a point and premise as to ‘why’ he put his ‘orders’ and his ‘laws’ into play before??


It is to show you that if you ‘behave yourselves’ CONTRARY TO HIS WAY, one WILL SUFFER FOR IT– as you are ‘disobeying orders’ from the one in WHOM YOU CLAIMis your ‘leader’...

But your leader is really ‘self,’ and you will go to where that ‘self leadership’ entity is COMMANDED TO GO TO –after this earth realm time too– for you are ‘JOINED AS ONE WITH HIM–’ in ‘his way.’

The next verse is a ‘perfect’ foreshadowing of our ‘Christ,’ OUR HIGH PRIEST– and what he fulfilled.

Leviticus 14:19

“And the priest –shall offer the sin offering

(himself– for us on the altar, with his blood), and

make an atonement for him that is to be cleansed from his uncleanness; and afterwardhe shall kill the burnt offering:”

He gave ALLfor us, and he expects we will ‘do all we can’ in LIVING FOR HIM– aimed back toward him in our ‘conduct and spirit’ becoming him, via the Holy Spirit and his ‘reformation process of salvation–’ of his sacrifice and honor DUE HIM: of Obedience– to HIM.

We cannot disrespect and put to nothing, the sacrifice that he gave TO DESTROY THE WORKS OF SIN

by continuing TO DO that in which HE CAME TO ‘make a way’ NOW, FOR US TO– ERADICATE FROM our lives!

Can we see how if we

‘continue with Sin–’

we are

‘in another family’


The devil’s family, whilst ‘cheating on’ God, in spiritual adultery.

Leviticus 16:6

“And Aaron shall offer his bullock of the sin offering, which is for himself, and make an atonement for himself– and for his house.”

Jesus did this– MADE AN ATONEMENT FOR ‘his household;’ THEN WHY ARE WE ‘pooping on’ WHAT HE DID FOR US– by making it ‘of NO EFFECT,’ NOT APPLYING ‘the way’...

‘not stopping the sinful behavior??’

Leviticus 20:20

“And if a man shall lie with his uncle's wife– he has uncovered his uncle's nakedness: they shall bear their sin; they shall die childless.”

This one he wants included to show how the ‘crime–’ fits the ‘punishment;’ with Sin, one will reap what is sown.

If one sows unto adultery and perversion– that SHOULD HAVE *MADE A CHILD– a ‘fruit of union–’ it will NOT HAPPEN TO this sinful person– where they were SUPPOSED TO BE IN OBEDIENCE TO GOD HOLY and TRUE– and his ‘way,’ and they were not in obedience to it, or HIM.

*INFERTILITY is noted in scripture here–

and comes unto sinful living ‘Christians–’ that ends in NO CHILDREN BLESSING; for sin was sowed, not holiness in obedience to God and his ‘way.’

Numbers 16:22

“And they fell upon their faces, and said…

OH GOD– the God of the spirits of all flesh, shall one man sin– and will you be wroth with all the congregation?”


I want you to include this one,

because I want my family to understand–


(that’s y’all in the world now–

My ‘flesh units’ to use

Via my Spirit indwelling)

is a

‘whole and cohesive unit.’

When we ‘disobey’ me now,


then becomes–



separated from







So, why is it–

ANYcontinue in it


Why do they



Why do they NOT‘come out from that kingdom, that ruler, that way– and TRULY COME INTO MY RULE, as their God, SaviorAND LORD??’

They REFUSE ME ‘AS LORD’ JANET; and in that– they truly have chosen ‘another.’

We must warn them.”


Numbers 32:23

“But if you will not do so (obey, sin not) behold–

You have sinned against the Lordbe sure your sin will find you out.”

Numbers 33:11-12

“And they were removed from the Red sea– and encamped in– the wilderness of Sin.

And so they took their journey out of the wilderness of Sin– and camped in Dophkah.”

Meaning of the name ‘Dophkah–’ A knocking.

The Lord has told me– this is where we are at currentlyThe Wilderness of Sin– the people of the ‘land.’

He took us OUT OF EGYPT– by his Sacrifice on the Cross, and yet– we just end up going…

‘ROUND and ‘ROUND in the Wilderness of Doing Sinful Behaviors– around, and around, and around– sowing the same sin– well now we will reap that ‘fruit’ result.

He ‘intends to–’ bring us OUT OF ITbut like all his other stories in ‘time,’ WE WILL BE REQUIRED TO ‘play along,’ OBEY, AND REPENTturning from the Sinning, wicked ways…


May we be ‘humbled’ by your hand now Lord– that SOME, may survive– and BE SAVED, as you ‘reintroduce yourself,’ and your REIGN and SUPREMACY OVER ALL YOUR CREATION.

The Fear of the Lord

will ‘resume’


‘the earthen vessels’


Deuteronomy 21:22-23

“And if a man has committed a sin worthy of death, and he is to be –put to death, and you hang him on a tree…

23 His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, you shall bury him that day;

(for he that is hanged ((on a tree))--

is accursed of God;)

that your ‘land’be not defiledwhich the Lord your God gave you– for an inheritance.”

He continues to show me how ‘land,’ means ‘your person’ symbolically– SO OFTEN in scripture, and if we ‘fail’ to grasp this– we will not gain the ‘pearl’ of wise understanding– from the forest of ‘words,’ given.

This has been a Foreshadowing of Christ; this is ‘why’ Christ died on ‘a tree–’ FOR WE WERE

‘accursed–’ with OUR SINFUL LIVING WAYS, and ‘he was innocent,’ BUT BECAME‘cursed–’ because of us.

And he was PUT TO DEATH‘as we should have been–’ thereby TAKING OUR CRIMINAL SENTENCE– FOR US.



like the devil worshiping Alester Crowley said to.

We really did– ASSIMILATE THEM INTO ‘us,’ and our ‘ways.’



And I mean that as his ‘Grace–’ unmerited agape love, AND– ‘his *GRACE–’ both ROYAL and *SOVEREIGN SUPREME.

Deuteronomy 24:16

“The fathers– shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children– be put to death for the fathers: (but that) every manshall be put to death for his own sin.”

Romans 6:23

“For the wages of sin is death; butthe gift of Godis eternal life– throughJesus Christ our Lord.”

This is important,

Sinresults in our death;

it’s why ‘staying in it,’ is B.S.--


Sin– KILLS, and ‘each man,’ will BE REPAID FOR WHAT HE ‘put in,’ and NO OTHER PERSON has ‘any bearing over,’ WHAT WE ‘as individuals–’ CHOOSE TO DO IN LIFE; and so…

WE WILL REAP THAT ‘individual–’ RECOMPENSE OF ERROR, ‘in the way.’

(continue to part 2

–October 4th, 2022

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