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Reconciling with God-- true Marriage.

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Updated: Jan 27, 2023


It isn’t only to hear– but to DO; it isn’t only to read–

it is to HEED, HEARKEN and OBEY– that is, if you love God.


His heart [and mine], spoken out in a quoted conversation over the state of his body of people; as well as, HOW– he and I converse, research and compile from scripture– during our scribing out sessions.

We must DO, and not only hear– or we will fall to the wayside, again and again– and remain weak and afflicted– and compromised; which is to say– a demonic stronghold within, will remain– and God cannot access that area within us: and he desires ALL AREAS be RECONCILED TO HIM.


H8085 – Hearkening

Hebrew: שׁמע

Transliteration: shâma‛

Pronunciation: shaw-mah'


H6030 – Hearest

Hebrew: ענה

Transliteration: ‛ânâh

Pronunciation: aw-naw'



G202 – Hearers

Greek: ἀκροατής

Transliteration: akroatēs

Pronunciation: ak-ro-at-ace'


G191 – Hearers

Greek: ἀκούω

Transliteration: akouō

Pronunciation: ak-oo'-o


H8086 – Hear

Hebrew: שׁמע

Transliteration: shema‛

Pronunciation: shem-ah'

Definition: (Chaldee); CORRESPOND, HEAR and OBEY.

H8104 – Heed

Hebrew: שׁמר

Transliteration: shâmar

Pronunciation: shaw-mar'


H239 – Heed

Hebrew: אזן

Transliteration: 'âzan

Pronunciation: aw-zan'

Definition: SCALES [like to weigh a measurement], TO FIGURATIVELY PONDER UPON.

G4337 – Heed

Greek: προσέχω

Transliteration: prosechō

Pronunciation: pros-ekh'-o



Proverbs 12:15

“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes–

but he that hearkens unto counsel– is wise.”



“I have noticed a MASSIVE issue within your body sir– they cannot understand what you are saying; I don’t mean that you are not speaking to them clearly– I’m stating– they cannot HEAR YOU and UNDERSTAND YOUR WILL, in their given lives, dreams, visions and general ‘walk’ with you– sir.

I even hear your children in ‘offices of the Spirit,’ who are saying things like– “pray over this, and ask God to NOT BRING THIS JUDGMENT IN.”

Or worse– “Here is a dream he has given me– pray he interprets his will for it.”

Sir– we aren’t supposed to, as prophets, share a dream of your WILL and WHAT YOU ARE SHOWING and TELLING– if we cannot, and have not– ASKED and DECIPHERED WITH YOUwhat you are saying, showing and detailing out; our job is to ONLY REITERATE it, not stand in confusion over it.

This perplexes me, as all judgments are to BRING MAN’S WAYWARD LIVING HEARTS– BACK AROUND in RECONCILIATIONS to the Holy God.

And not only that– but it is NOT HONORING ‘your will–’ and isn’t that what we are supposed to be USHERING INTO THIS REALM– not our will– but– YOUR WILL BE DONE?!”


(the Lord)

“I know Janet– I am grieved; it is because we have a great number of ‘hearers,’ but not HEARKENERS– hearers and seers– but not DISCERNERS– sweet child. They listen, listen, listen to voices of humans, and read them too, and DOUBT and are in CONFUSION; they attend to doctrinal breakdowns and dispensations, and yet– they hearken not to me, nor my word itself.

It is why I have said to you, over and again, about the BREACHED FOUNDATIONS, in saying–

‘Welcome to the REGENERATION, of an


to this


This generation needs many areas within, and without– regenerated, reformed, and reconciled.

They are hearers only– and not doers of the word, like I have explained over and over again, and in some areas– they are estranged within, from me and my Spirit and its full function in their lives– and they are IN DOUBT and FEAR.

I do not mean only straight from my Logos word that they need to hear and do, ONLY, Janet– I mean, even when they seek my counsel, through other human servants of mine, or straight from inquiring of myself– they hearken not.

They have NO FOLLOW THROUGH in their character, or the reformation process– by far and large– in the Body.”



“Sir, I am seeing a LOT of excuse making going on, meaning– they may know your character attributes, and your nature– but they are allowing everything to DISTRACT them from attaining FIRST LOVE RECONCILIATION in their ‘character becoming of the Lord,’ within themselves– and THAT– is causing them to DOUBT, and be in UNBELIEF or CONFUSION.

They are DISTRACTED with the affairs of this world, the normal happenings out there, and they are not living separated, they are BLENDING IN; and then– they wonder why they cannot hear the Lord, and see the visions he gives out, and DISCERN CLEARLY– what you are speaking.

And all the while– they are drowning in the bathtub that is supposed to clean them– because they are not getting washed in the word– but they are surrounded by it– in religion, and religious activities.”

[Note, my dear sister in Christ, had that in a dream last night, concerning the Lukewarm– surrounded by the word of God– but failing to be washed by it, and drowning with it all around them, and available in PLENTY.]


(the Lord)

YES– DISTRACTION– and lack of follow through; how many times dear, did I write in the word, through my inspired ones– AND THEY HEARKENED NOT UNTO THE LORD??

This hearkening, is OBEY and HONOR– beyond the initial hearing– little one; I expect to be able to detail out clearly to my children, and they will not only hear what I am saying they will HEED IT, which is to say– APPLY IT.

When one can so casually hear the word of the Lord, and then turn and walk away, never having it wash them, never having it reform them, and CHANGE THEM– the word has become a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

I BECOME INEFFECTIVE, the word of God himself,

becomes INEFFECTIVE in this person’s life.”


Genesis 3:17-19

“And unto Adam he said– Because you have hearkened unto the voice of YOUR WIFE– and have eaten of the tree, of which I commanded you, saying– ‘You shall not eat of it:’ now, cursed is the ground for your sake; in sorrow shall you eat of it, all the days of your life;

18 Thorns also, and thistles– shall it bring forth to you– and you shall eat the herb of the field; 19 In the sweat of your face, you shall eat bread– till you return unto the ground; for out of it, you were taken: for dust you are, and unto dust you shall return.”



“Sir, I have noticed, because of private conversations we’ve had in counsel to so very many people, that– it’s all detailed out in the word of God, and then we reiterate it to them, and break it down sir– but all the same, the FOLLOW THROUGH, like you said– is lost in action.

I watch them come back, saying the same things, found in the same circumstances, over and over again– and yet, as well, sadly, the reason is the same– they heed not the word of God, logos or rhema [spoken in counsel].

It very much does remind me of Adam and Eve; they had 100% access to you, to lean in and talk with YOU– any time they wanted to, but instead, they ‘REASONED WITHIN THEMSELVES,’ hearkening not unto what you told them to obey in the past– nor did they REACH OUT TO YOU AGAIN, to clarify anything.

I see this with a lot of people in your body; I believe it’s one huge reason they are infirmed, cursed, and held in bondages still, because you said it is so– when one ‘hearkens not’ unto the Lord.

Meaning, there are CONSEQUENCES to every choice, as every choice, has a FOLLOW THROUGH, either unto God and his command, or unto the ‘other’ voice– the voice of self, and self leading– thinking, this is permissible and preferred, and it leads to destruction and separation, Lord.

If we hearken not to your commands, we are cursed; do we understand that– cursed?? It means– be afflicted in the dictionary, and in your Strong’s concordance, it means– dedicated in great loathing.

CURSED, Lord– and yet– I watch them over and again– hearken not, obey not, make sacred not the word of God, nor his commands, in their lives.

Sir, it’s been grieving me, inside my core center [heart] that I see such laziness and hypocrisy– it is that Lord, laziness and hypocrisy– and I am not mad at them– I FEEL EMPATHY and SADNESS for them– for they will continue to live out, ‘the curse,’ of Adam and Eve, whilst living in the old man ways…

If they NEVER– become, and live by, WITH YOU and YOUR LEADING– the New Creation Man in Christ.

Leviticus 26 speaks in that whole chapter about– “If you will hearken unto me [which is heed my commands] this will come to you in plenteous blessing, but if you do not– this will be your 7 times over, curse unto you– bringing upon so much worse.

I don’t know how we can disregard your person like that; I don’t understand how people don’t realize, the God of the old covenant– is the same God of the new covenant in Christ.

The God of the old testament– CAME IN FLESH– and walked it out, sir; and now– we are to do the same with you, and with Yah’shua, like he did– except, we are not punished if we cannot do it without error.

I think people think that means, we can sin a little bit, and not mention it– or deal with it; but that is not what it means sir. You have told me it means…

‘Janet, if you sin, I will tell you– like a lie, or an embellishment of the truth– I will convict you, and you are to– repent to me about it.’

We are supposed to be led into all truth– by– you, sir; we are to be corrected and molded daily– and HEED the correction, and APPLY– the new molded character and actions [follow through].”


(the Lord)

“Yes– that is true; we will keep posting and explaining, and correcting and exhorting, and encouraging them to LIVE IT, dear. For only in living out the First Love relationship in me, and in them– do we have a partnership.

TELL THEM THAT again, child; tell them, I expect a PARTNERSHIP– it’s the only relating-ship that is successful.

And a partnership is where BOTH are working hard, to be helpmeets to each other; and a help meet is where both are working toward the same goal– UNITY– that’s a reconciliation, together as one– life walk.

It is where two separate individuals, come together, and agree upon a thing, and carry it out; they agree in their inner man, their hearts– and then they support each other, fellowship, encourage, and perform hard work– bringing all things together under, and in– unity– that is agreed upon: THAT– is a partnership.

A Partnership– HONORS THE OTHER– and upholds that union; they SERVE one another, and seek not for self only; are my children serving and honoring me Janet, in their obedience to attain my nature and character within themselves?

Because THATis Love– dear child; when one Loves God, and desires to honor him– they obey my commands, statutes and precedents– because it was all put into play to PROTECT and PROVIDE for them.

When they ‘hearken not–’ dear, they are really saying–

“I still align with the other kingdom, in rebellion–” and child, when they do that– we are estranged; and when we are estranged, it means we see eye to eye, NOT.

And when we do not agree [see eye to eye],


and the devil is present.

When the satanic viewpoints, and actions are present, AND ADHERED TO– curses come– because he is fallen, his attributes are fallen, which is to say twisted, perverse and corrupt– and THAT, is what is brought into the individuals lives.

Walk with God, in his ways, hearkening and heeding his word and command [which is leadership], and blessing and provisions of God come in; hearken unto self and satan– whilst rebelling against God holy, and his ways– curses, calamity and hardships come.

I do not override nor force my ways or person upon anyone– I am a gentleman, and I am respectful and honoring– it is my personality and character; I expect the New Man creation to DESIRE to be reconciled with me in all areas, and I wait– PATIENTLY– as I speak and sing over you all, for your hearts to hear my pleas with you all, and to acquiesce to your God.

In that, one will actually DESIRE to OBEY me; because it pleases them to do so, and they Love me– and honor not the enemy in their lives any longer.”


Deuteronomy 4:1

“Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you– for to do them, that you may live– and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers gives you.”



“Lord, I hope they understand that the PROMISED LAND– is more than actual physical world provisions– it is also, experiences with God in intimacy, that we all dream of; a place where God becomes real in so many ways– visions, dreams, visitations, trips to heaven, raptures [in body or out, I do not know], and so much more– angel visits, conversations and downloads from your Spirit– straight to ours, as we are one now… and so, so, SO MUCH MORE.

I hope they begin to understand, sir– that your goal here, with us all– is to mature us spiritually; because what that means is– be reconciled in all our ways, unto God again– and in that, we RETURN HOME– literally, and figuratively/spiritually.

HOME– they say, sir– is where your HEART is; but I say, sir–

HOME, is where your heart lives, breathes and finds its being—


And later, we will see the spiritual and physical manifestation you have prepared for us, in which you call ‘home,’ like heaven and the new earth; but HOME– is really– YOU, sir– it’s YOU!”


Deuteronomy 7:12-13

“Wherefore it shall come to pass, if you hearken to these judgments, and keep, and do them– that the Lord your God shall keep unto you– the covenant and the mercy which he sware unto your fathers:

13 And he will love you, and bless you, and multiply you: he will also bless the fruit of your womb, and the fruit of your land, your corn, and your wine, and your oil– the increase of your kine, and the flocks of your sheep– in the land which he swore unto your fathers, to give you.”



“Do you think they understand when they read your old testament stories sir, that you don’t only mean flocks, sheep and land– you mean– all that you desire and have need of– full provisions via God??

Because when we loose the devil, and LOSE THE DEVIL operations out of our lives [lying, laziness, apathy, compromise, excuses, etc] –we gain God, and godly living; and THAT, sir– is always beneficial to both God and man, and their marriage covenant.

Because it’s upholding all they swore to, and contracted themselves to [both God and the man] when they signed on with you, at the Cross and salvation acceptance of you as their God– and they– as your child and protege.

Do you think they understand apprentice,

child and protege, sir??”

Protege– a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential person; root definition– late 18th century: French, literally– ‘PROTECTED’, past participle of protéger, from Latin protegere ‘COVER IN FRONT.’


(the Lord)

“I believe they will understand now dear; thank you for detailing this all out for both my children [your own understanding], and for my will and desire for them to not only understand– but to APPLY this understanding; because without application of the understanding– we are hearers only, and not doers.

And a DOER, dear child– is A PROTEGE, a DISCIPLE, a seedling, a child who is GROWN UP, IN THE WAYS OF THE LORD: a planting of mine.”


Deuteronomy 18:15

“The Lord your God will raise up to you– a Prophet–

from the midst of you– of your brethren– like me; unto him you shall hearken.”



“Sir, there is a pure prophetic voice in the world– it has been here since the first prophetic voice following you was established– but with it, the counterfeit is here as well; the pure voices, unto God– are those who teach us to adhere to God, his commandments and statutes– and to obey the Lord God.

I believe we have a lot of people that do not know what a prophet


A prophet, one in the OFFICE OF– has a job description, and walks in the priestly, sir, in addition to the kingly; they are on mission, sir– and that mission is not to predict the future alone sir– that was such a small thing they did.

In fact– diviners do that sir; diviners and magicians predict and do wonders– BUT THEY ARE NOT LED OF, nor BY– GOD HOLY.

Sir– just because it rains fish, and someone said it would– we have powers that be in the enemy realm, that were SUPPOSED TO REMAIN HOLY, and ASSIST HUMANITY in various ways, BUT WHO FELL, and seek to continually lead us astray now– and they can definitely dry rivers up, rain fish, turn staffs to snakes and waters to blood; can we not discern this truth in action in the world, even today?

We have ministries, as you have shown me, operating with devils, and because it’s FANTASTICAL, and raining gold dust– your children are lured and hypnotized by it, and their flesh is LUSTING after signs and wonders– WAY MORE THAN– coming after you, sanctification, consecration, holiness and obedience.

And in that, sir– I say–


You’ve been telling me, and showing me, that 2023 and beyond– will be REQUIRING that we have ‘Holy Spirit discernment;’ but sir, in that– THEY NEED TO BE OBEYING THE HOLY SPIRIT, HEARING HIS VOICE, and THEN– they can heed the warnings and the actions they need to follow through on.

What are we to do, sir?

You have people in the office of the Prophet– but we have a people that would rather sit back, ‘get a word’ from one of them, and remain UNABLE TO HEAR YOU FOR THEMSELVES; if that continues, when the lights go out, and the power goes off, and phones don’t work, and ministries online cannot be reached– FOLKS will NOT be PREPARED, and seasoned with you– to HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS SAYING– directly to them.

We have prophets, and I’m glad I am one sir, because it really means: one who can hear the voice, and heart, and plans of the Lord, and reiterates it to the others; as well as, calls out the judgments of the Lord, imparts gifts [helps God hand them out, and inform people of what gifts God is imparting to them], lay hands on and speak into their lives– their prophetic destinies and words God is declaring over them.

But sir– it is also our job to–


to their FIRST LOVEto God.

That is how we got this office in the first place; your prophets, in the office of– are DEEP LOVERS OF THE LORD GOD HIMSELF, and I like that about prophets, God.

BUT– your heart, since Christ coming into this earth, going on his mission, and fulfilling his mission– is now that– ALL MEN and WOMEN CAN BE RECONNECTED, reconciled to God– and so now– ALL MEN can prophesy: meaning hear God clearly, and reiterate it to others.

But sir, I’ve likewise noticed that– they are not walking out the holy, the sanctified, the cleaned up in conduct, nor are they taking God seriously in the ACTIONS, DEEDS and FOLLOW THROUGH department– and it has caused A WALL to be erected, between man and God [because of disobedience], and they CANNOT HEAR YOU.

If they cannot hear you– they cannot receive– and if they do not receive, they cannot reiterate it, be instructed by you, nor obey your rhema [spoken now] commands to fulfill.

Meaning– the conversations that go like–

“But sir, I cannot hear what you are saying to me; what do I do??”

These, will cease to exist, when we can hear what God is saying clearly; and we will begin to come full circle to what your plans were in the beginning, when we OBEY [where Adam and Eve did not], and we HEARKEN UNTO THE VOICE OF THE LORD GOD HIMSELF, and not what ‘others,’ are saying that we ought to do.


Because if you have said it– and we obey it not, and heed it not, and hearken not to it– IT’S ON US LORD; we disobeyed, and did not honor your efforts to teach us and provide for us, and we become cursed in some fashion– which is to say– we reap, a result of twisted, corruption– instead of blessing and provision.

Because we remain estranged, unreconciled to the obedience of the Lord, to lead us– and really remain in rebellion, and reasonings of our own– that lead to, whatever we ‘think’ we should do, or be, or heed: satan did that.

Sir, what were satan’s biggest offenses

and infractions against you again??”


(the Lord)

“Satan hearkened not, nor honored the Lord God, and set out to lead self, Janet; satan’s way is to repeat this in humans.

He became perverted, and contorted away from me– my way, my leadings and my instructions– my character and my nature, and he sought to become his ‘own man,’ if you will.

He hated man, because man was made in my image, which is to say, is a ‘junior of me,’ and he hated, and hates– me; he was unaligned from living in my statutes and nature, and under my command.

So, when a human does not live under my commandments either, nor adheres to my nature and attributes, but displays other ones– they have been fathered in the ways of the devil, and refuse to be reformed– for they heed not, nor hearken not– unto me.

They truthfully refuse to BE LIKE ME AGAIN.

This is satan’s way; to lead men and women to continue sinning, which means offending, and leads to an iniquitous life– which means– one that remains in rebellion to God, and his ways, and his leadership.

If one remains in satan’s leadership and ways, making excuses AFTER CHRIST CAME and LIVED, and DIED to reconcile them, thereby making the way– then satan is their god still– and they are on the broadpath to destruction.

Sayers– not DOERS, are people that live hypocritically, I do not– I am TRUE; what I say, I follow through on, what I do, comes from my nature.

I live what I speak, and I speak what I live– no hypocrisy is found in me.

When my children become TRUE, which is to say– GENUINE, and ACCOUNTABLE to me and to living with me, and LIKE ME– then they are living TRUE– and then, the devil has no hold in them.

Where he still has ‘strong’ HOLDS in them,

he is still their LEADER in that area,

and that area is UNRECONCILED to God holy

which is to say–

still operates under the ways of the enemy kingdom

and leader of those ways.

I desire to reconcile ALL AREAS WITHIN MY CHILDREN, child; I desire to REMOVE SATAN from ALL AREAS WITHIN MY CHILDREN– that is what reconcile means.”

Reconcilerestore relations, coexist in harmony as compatible, settle a disagreement and become acceptable; root definition– bring back together.



Psalm 34:11

“Come– children– hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord.”

Proverbs 7:24

Hearken unto me now therefore– O you children– and attend to the words of my mouth.”

Proverbs 8:32

“Now therefore hearken unto me– O ye children– for blessed are they that keep my ways.”

Isaiah 34:1

“Come near, you nations, to hear; and hearken, you people: let the earth hear, and all that is therein; the world, and all things that come forth of it.”

Isaiah 46:12-13

Hearken unto me, you stouthearted– who are far from righteousness:

13 I bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry: and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory.”

Isaiah 51:7

Hearken unto me, you who know righteousness– THE PEOPLE IN WHOSE HEART– IS MY LAW; and fear not the reproach of men, neither be afraid of their revilings.”

Mark 7:14-16

“And when he had called all the people unto him, he said unto them– Hearken unto me every one of you, and understand:

15 There is nothing from without [outside] a man that enters into him that can defile him: but it is the things which come out of him– in those things– are they that defile the man. 16 If any man has ears to hear– let him hear.”

Psalm 81:13

“Oh that my people had hearkened unto me– and Israel had walked in my ways!”



Psalm 119:9

“Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?

By taking heed thereto according to your word.”

Matthew 16:6

“Then Jesus said to them– Take heed and– BEWARE OF THE LEAVEN OF– the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.”

[Here, leaven is mixture and literally the Strong’s says– fermenting– which is to say corruption, as that is what to ferment is– it is to take one thing through a corruption process; in this, it states– ‘watch out for the hypocrisy, the saying, but not doing– the twisting of God’s ways–’ as that is what the religious Pharisees and Sadducees of that time did, and do today.]

Matthew 24:4

“And Jesus answered and said unto them– Take heed that no man deceives you.”

[This verse says ‘deceives’ you, which means– causes you to err, and turn away from truth and virtue– and wander out of the ‘way.’]

Mark 4:24

“And he said unto them– Take heed what ye hear: with what measure you meet– it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear– shall more be given.”

[Here we see that if we take God seriously, whatever effort we put in, he will bless and increase in provision and productivity– and to ‘hear,’ here is to also ‘heed’ what was heard– and this is why MORE WILL BE GIVEN to ‘this type of person,’ for they are USING WHAT GOD GAVE OUT INITIALLY, and so, GOD WILL GIVE MORE.]

1 Corinthians 10:12

“Wherefore let him that thinks he stands [righteously, and properly in the lord] take heed– lest he fall.”

1 Timothy 4:1-2

“Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.”

1 Timothy 4:16

“Take heed unto yourself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this you shall both save yourself, and them that hear you.”

Hebrews 2:1

“Therefore we ought to give more earnest heed to the things which we have heard– lest at any time we should let them slip.”

Hebrews 3:12

“Take heed, brethren–

lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief–

in departing from the living God.”


(the Lord)

“Well done child, in this they will understand that BLOCKS between the Lord, and the child– are related to how much ‘hold’ the devil still has, which is to say influence and operations within my children– as he leads them.

My hope and desire is that my children will OBEY; and in obeying, I mean– my word, my commands, my desires, my statutes and presidents, my nature of attributes and character [and only express those], and in that– they will understand the REFORMATION process.

The process that takes the old man away–

and delivers them to their true selves


through the work of the Son,

and in reconciling them to me.

I desire to REFORM my children– they are my Son’s Bride, dear child; if they do not reform, they do not become my Son’s Bridethe BEST– is for my Son.

Many want to know the difference between

the BODY of Christ,

the Church, and the Bride.

The BODY– is the core group of BELIEVERS; they literally believe in me, and believe ON ME– which is to say– HAVE FAITH UNTO ME TO CARE FOR THEM AS THEIR GOD, in all ways.

But my body is sick right now Janet, it’s infirmed, which is to say WEAK; there is compromise in them, and it ought not be so– it’s why I MUST– vomit them out eventually, the Lukewarm, for it is making me ill, quite spiritually literally.

The Church, well, are we talking about the people in the churches of the world, in denominations– because that is WORLDLY CHURCH then– and it is not ‘MY CHURCH.’

Worldly church is compromised, in mixture, in hypocrisies and in perversions; it is mixed with devils in pulpits, and behind microphones, it’s steeped in devils putting on shows called ‘deliverance’ and fire tunnels, gold dust, and distractions of grandeur.

When I move– beauty is beheld in RECONCILIATIONS– that is what deliverance truly is at its core; it is RECONCILED to God in ways you were perverse, twisted and estranged, previously.

So, the church goers in the world– are not what I consider MY church; my church is PURE, HOLY, SANCTIFIED and CONSECRATED: they are PRIESTLY KINGS in my Kingdom.

More often than not, when we discuss the ‘church’ here in this realm, we are discussing a mixed pot, the Lukewarm, apostate, and PURE– all mixed together; it ought not be so.

THE BRIDE– oh, my Bride dear child– THE BRIDE I HAVE PREPARED FOR MY SON, she is spotless and ironed out in her character; she is CHASTE, and a SPIRITUAL VIRGIN, she is perverted not– she WALKS IN MY WAYS. She is my seedling duplicated out, and she is GLORIOUS and DEARLY BELOVED of both the Son and the Father.

My Bride– is cherished, and they are hard workers; they are PRIESTS in the PURITY of their walk with me IN CHARACTER and ATTRIBUTES BECOMING OF THE LORD HIMSELF. They walk circumspectly, attentive, fearlessly and boldly; they are DOERS in this realm, AND– in my realm of the Spirit.

They honor the Son, the Father


the Holy Spirit–

and they QUENCH HIM NOT!

They fight for the Lord in the earth, and for the Lord to be heard, seen and KNOWN BY MANKIND; and they love not their own lives– even if I take them to death to prove it: they LOVE ME with EVERYTHING THEY’VE GOT!


My Bride– are LEADERS; they feed my sheep, they protect my sheep, they teach my sheep, they equip my sheep, and they encourage, correct and provide for my sheep: MY LITTLE ONES MATTER– to my Bride.

Child– the effort each puts in– is in equal proportion to the effort I put in; if my children EFFORT AT OUR RELATIONSHIP [and that means fight off the influence of the devil in their lives, in the earth], then– I WILL BRING MIRACULOUS PROVISIONS and RESTORATIONS IN FOR THEM.

I will fight their battles with them,

and we will overcome them.

Sow and ReapReap what’s Sowed– that is my law, in a nutshell; because depending upon what, and whom you are obeying inside– reveals WHAT, or WHOM– you wish to BE LIKE, in truth.

I give everyone the OPPORTUNITY to FIND OUT what you are truly choosing, in a LIFE ON EARTH, and IN THIS TIMED ZONE; but if they choose me, and they love me– they WILL obey and they will REFORM.

I make the way– but THEY– must EFFORT AT IT; it’s a two way street, what one puts in from your side, is equally [at bare minimum] measured out back at them– from my side.

I LOVE THEM ALL– I died for themin the Son; but do they love me, truthfully??

Because IF THEY LOVE MEthey will OBEY ME; and that is when the Holy Spirit comes to indwell them– when they ACTUALLY DESIRE, and SET OUT TO– obey me, and be RECONFIGURED into ME: my way, my nature, my image, my attributes, my everything.

Acts 5:32‘I give the Holy Spirit to those– who obey me.’

If they desire to HEAR ME CLEARLY, and KNOW what the Spirit of the Lord is saying– for THEMSELVES– they will HEED, HEARKEN and OBEY ME.

For in this– is eternal life found– and life is ME;

they will FIND MEif they seek me–




“Amen sir. I want nothing more in this life than for you to be completely reconciled to your little ones, and for them– to be SAVED BY YOU– in completing that process within them.

For ALL– can prophesy now, sir– for ALL, can have you indwell them; but we can see– if they choose not the sanctification process of DOING WHAT YOU HAVE INSTRUCTED…well, sir…

HOW CAN THEY BE ‘prosperous,’ for that word means– DO WELL.?

If they want to be prosperous, or DO WELL WITH GODthey must obey their God, and they must heed and hearken– which, essentially means– APPLY WHAT YOU ORIGINALLY GAVE OUT, PAY ATTENTION TO IT, ADHERE TO IT– and OBEY IT; and then, in doing that– YOU SET UP SHOP WITHIN THEM, and bring all your provisions and love.


we will hearken unto your word, heed the lessons and teachings

and nature of God– and then we will obey you in it all.

We will hear your LOGOS WORD [the words of God written in scripture], and we will hear your RHEMA WORDthe WORDS YOU SPEAK STRAIGHT TO OUR SPIRIT MAN; WE WILL HEAR THE VOICE OF THE LORD GOD‘because–’ we hearkened, heeded, and obeyed.

Lord– help us all to do that; help us all to READ, LEARN, TAKE NOTE OF [hearken] THE TRUTHAPPLY IT, WORK ON IT, CHEW ON IT, STRUGGLE WITH IT [heed], and STICK RESOLUTE TO ALL YOU HAVE SPOKEN and EXEMPLIFIED, bringing it into US, and allowing you to RECONFIGURE US.

God bless us all, every one of us– to help you, to help us– and fulfill HEARKENING, HEEDING and OBEYING– in our heart of hearts person; and in that, let us SEE– OUR NEW MAN CREATION, that is now ONE, with our God.




2 Dreams about ‘acting the part,’ but not BEING TRUE, or GENUINE

given last night to a dear sister in the Lord– as well as myself.


Dream 1– given to me from a dear sister in Christ.

In this dream, the dreamer had a theme that others wanted to do for her birthday– it was a theme of dinosaurs– which represent the fallen nature, and the demonic; the them she said, was known, that is was– CONVENIENT, NORMAL, THE THING OF THE ‘times,’ that was out.

This signifies a tie to the world, and going the way of the world– despite it not being appropriate, as especially the birthday girl– did not like this, nor desire it [she represents God, and his desires for humanity, and NEW BIRTH, or rather, the NEW MAN CREATION– who is to hearken, heed and obey the Lord– not whatever they desire.]

The dream continued on and there were ‘fake’ flowers mentioned [that’s fake humans– we are the planting of the Lord], and WASTES OF TIME mentioned– that is because we got caught up in the world, the way it works and the lusts of the fleshreligion, not relationship.

Cable tv was mentioned as a gift one wanted to give to her– she said, ‘not for me, anyway, it’s a waste of time;’ This is indicating many of God’s people are CAUGHT UP IN LIVING DISTRACTED LIVES, lives that are inundated by spending more time on pointless ventures.

A juvenile middle school atmosphere now shows up [spiritually immature], and people begin to praise and worship, except the girl in the dream– cannot get her voice to work, or sing out; this is representing a block, a wall– something is not right in the PRAISE and WORSHIP area with, and TOWARD– God.

This is for the corporate body– as others were able to, but she could not. It is stating that where PRAISE and TRULY WORSHIPING THE LORD is [that’s sitting in his presence and loving on him, and not bringing your issues to him, but loving him for him] it IS STIFLED and BLOCKED, in the body of Christ.

Next, it’s noted– ‘I don’t go to that church anymore;’ and another person confirms that they do not either. Right after that remark– we see they are about to sing again– but in this, the dreamer is aware there is a VERSE THEY ARE MISSING [scripture is missing], and they are not applying it, as she is aware that we are to sing AN EXTRA VERSE– which is to say– DO MORE than what the church was going to do.

It was stating in the verse lyrics–

“I give you EVERYTHING, my Facebook, my Instagram– I give you my Snapchat, Twitter I GIVE YOU EVERYTHING, my video games…”

and in this– the people she sang this to started breaking off, and crying and began in prayer groups– quietly, privately off by themselves, and she reiterated–


This is speaking of THINGS and AREAS that God is asking for us to GIVE UP– to gain INTIMACY WITH HIM; and to REVERENCE our lives with and unto him.

We are MISSING THIS, as we are ‘missing that verse,’ that part of scripture he has stated over and again, throughout the entirety of the bible– and we NEED TO GIVE HIM THESE THINGS– which is– remove the hold they have over our lives, and the distractions they are creating, as they FEED US– and he, and his word, and his precedents, ways and PRESENCE– currently– do not.


My dream was just of several famous people– so, this is indicative of even the famous faces we know in church, or on tv, or online– as walking around in ACTORS GARB– like from the early Elizabethan actors era– and they were MANICALLY MOVING ABOUT; in that, it is signifying– NOT RESTING IN, or WITH– the Lord GodAND DOING ‘performances,’ and not REAL RELATIONSHIP.

Because in my dream– it was a couple being portrayed, but instead of REALLY RELATING TO ONE ANOTHER, they were running around grabbing BOOK, AFTER BOOK, AFTER BOOK– off of the shelves– and MISSED ACTUALLY RELATING TO ONE ANOTHER– in the process.

[Reading, reading, READING SCRIPTURE

{or other’s books}



with God the Father.]

There was NO REAL CONNECTION– just a feeling of a list to accomplish–

‘To do lists–’ but none of it was FULFILLING, or RESTORATIVE, or PRODUCTIVE‘between them.’

They moved about busily– but they NEVER TRULY CONNECTED.


We have GOT TO BE– true lovers of our God; we have to take him seriously if we love him; and if we love him, he said– we will obey him, and reconcile to him, and fellowship with him, and spend our time on him, and worship and praise him– IN TRUTH– and from a truthful and full heart.

I pray we all reconcile with you Lord, in all the ways we are currently still estranged– and in that– we BECOME ONE, and on the same page again– TRUTHFULLY, inside; I pray your Spirit will guide us all, in all the private and individual ways we need to do this.

For in reconciliationis restoration; and we become WHOLE again– whilst simultaneously losing that loser– the devil– from our lives, along with his influence in us, and over us.


Reconciling our Covenant Marriage– and becoming chaste Brides of our Lord, as we walk out being TRUE and FAITHFUL– like he is to, and for us: TRUE PARTNERS.

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Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Feb 02, 2023



Jan 27, 2023

My note book in hand...this is meat.i gotta chew really slowly.

Wow!HE is HOME!

Thank you 🙌

Janet Lynn
Janet Lynn
Jan 27, 2023
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You and me both!


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