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"Prophets-- in hometowns, disciples with hardened hearts of-- unbelief, and Creative Miracles"

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

I opened my bible app this morning, intending to fall back to sleep for a while…

(it’s 1pm as I finish this now, lol)...

and did something I never do; I decided I would ‘spin’ the book dial on the app (I don’t really EVER– do this, like ever…) and read where it landed (same with chapter).

I landed on Mark; I joked with God that ‘I never quote Mark.’

Then, I ‘spun’ the category of chapter, and it landed on chapter 6; I began to read and realized I was about to get emotional…I lifted my gaze and gave Jesus the expression of…

“You’ve got to be joking–


Because I’m a mess emotionally, spiritually– not outwardly– but in intercession

(which is to say– conversation with him a lot)…

about ‘what is coming in,’ because it’s the best, and the worst– coming now.

And he just ‘hugged me’ in the Spirit, and I realized…

“Mark, buddy– today, you will be quoted by me, and it will be emotional, as the Lord clearly has much to say, as the chapter starts with…

‘A prophet is never without honor–

except in his own home,’ family, town, etc…

And ends with…

‘and as many as touched him–

were made whole.’

Mark, here we go.”

(note, it is long;

I will do my best to just let scripture speak for itself,

BUT, God has MUCH to say, and…

there’s SO MUCH in this long chapter.

But to those that endure to the end–

we find the promise– right?)

Mark 6

“And he went out from there, and came into his own country (Jesus– hometown area); and his disciples followed him.

2 And when the sabbath day came (the rest, day), he began to teach (always our teacher) in the synagogue: and many hearing him were astonished, saying…

From where has this man these things?

(What a terrible way to word this, but it’s saying, ‘Where does this guy get these things from– he’s saying??’ There was an attitude in that sentence, and it’s not conveyed well, worded that way.)


What ‘wisdom’ is this (attitude)–which is given to him, that even such mighty works are (or would be) wrought by ‘his’ hands?

(done by– ‘this’ guy.)


3 Isn’t this ‘the carpenter’

(condescending as the first he’s described, not as ‘the person Jesus,’ but by his ‘profession–’ attitude; they could only see him– ‘carnally.’)

– the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Judah, and Simon?

And are not his sisters here with us? “

They could only see ‘God,’ in flesh, because all they saw was the ‘face,’ they grew up with…

and the ‘hands,’ that fixed things for them…

and the ‘kid,’ who grew up with his siblings…

and the ‘son,’ of an earthly mother; note, they did not address any prophecy of him being messiah, as that would have been– ‘seeing him with spiritual eyes,’ from within, and THAT….

was the thing they were not, ‘spiritual’ that is– they were ‘carnal’ folk, seeing through only ‘flesh’ perspectives.

They couldn’t ‘get passed’ the part where God came in a ‘body’ to save his people, and now, we have folks that read bibles, and cannot see their very relatives, as the prophets God created them to be, because they can only ‘see,’ what is presented before them in the ‘flesh,’ for they see with ‘flesh perspectives yet–’ and they dismiss the Holy Spirit’s presence…

when he stands, and speaks before them.

This breaks my heart; when I can see people that cannot see God, when he is standing before them…in one of his children.

“And they were offended at him.”

They were ‘offended,’ they were– upset, because ‘this guy’ has the audacity to ‘claim’ –what he claims; is it not the same within the families, the neighbors, the childhood friends of his prophets now??

–I digress.

But the one thing he has told me–

“Janet, I put some of the ‘hardest offenders,’ in with the prophet families, for they would not have a ‘chance,’ otherwise; this way, they are getting ‘spoon fed,’ and what they do with it– is between me, and them, BUT…one thing is for sure, what the prophet in these families ‘goes through,’ is not to be compared with the reward that will come

for being diligent, and loving, and faithful to me and your call, whilst facing all that persecution and rejection coming at you.

–for it is ‘my very presence in Spirit and Holiness, through Purity, as ‘I AM’ the High Priest– that they reject, whilst seeing ‘only your face.’

Know that it is methey reject and persecute, but your submission and love to serve me and your brethren, has caused this insult –to come at ‘your face,’ for it is ‘your face,’ I currently wear; recompense is mine, and I will repay justly.”

He loves us SO MUCH– he sees it all, and he is just and faithful to fulfill his promise to us, and to uplift, those that uplift others…and see the bigger picture, and submit their hearts and lives unto the work of the Lord, and allowing him to further his kingdom here, and his company mission– his military mission to ‘seek and to save– those that are the lost sheep of the tribe, of the house of, or of the KINGDOM OF– Judah,’ and…


4 “But Jesus said to them…

‘A prophet is not without honor,

but (except)

in his own country,

and among his own kin,

and in his own house.’

Do we understand what he just said…

“A prophet– HAS HONOR


with his own countrymen,

his own extended family members,

wife, husband, children, neighbors…

HIS OWN ‘household,’

will NOT SEE ‘the God within them,’

doing ‘his own work,’

through this priestly life of sacrifice.”

I find that HORRIFYING– for the prophet for sure!

But I find it HORRIFYING –FOR CHRIST JESUS, the Father AND the Holy Spirit.

Do we realize how much this GRIEVES GOD??

Because when we do this, we are admitting: we cannot see God in ‘flesh,’ we cannot see his children moving and living with his Spirit, leading them, and upon them, they are reprobate.

For they see only what they have seen of fleshly things, ‘carpenter, sibling, son…’ etc…

and they are indeed REJECTING GOD in his Spirit, for SURE…

because they ‘reject the prophet,’ and the prophet is ANOINTED and ENDOWED WITH HIS PRESENCE…

How is this missed,

if one is ‘spiritually correct’

and living from the Holy Spirit??

(I have found that --where, which is to say-- in whom there is respect for God--

there is respect for his messengers-- the prophets.)

They offend the Son, of his sacrificial livingJUST TO BE ‘able to’ GIVE US ‘his Spirit’ TO INDWELL US, and we miss that.

If we were to believe THAT…in truth, and embody that reality, that sacrifice…

We would be looking EVERY CHILD OF GOD…

‘In the eyes,’

and hearing EVERY WORD that

proceeded out of them…

As God– is in there; and what God needs in there, is important for us to acknowledge.

And these people offend the Father, they GRIEVE the Father because…

These people claim to ‘love God,’ but they REJECT his Son’s sacrifice, and life and mission, AND ACCOMPLISHMENT…on earth– unto humanity….

As they also REJECThis HOLY SPIRIT, in his children, who are fulfilling the very image of what Christ came to do, and accomplished– reconciling his children back to him, living ‘in Spirit AND Truth.’

This is ‘how’ reprobate we became; we became ‘fleshly’ Christians– and I don’t believe that’s a ‘real’ state that exists.

I believe in ‘that state,’ we are REPROBATE, and indeed– ESTRANGED from being reconciled unto the Father.

How could we be, when we have dishonored the Son and his sacrifice, his blood offering, that was TO BRING his Holy Spirit to us, to help us, to change us, to protect us, to become ONE WITH, in marriage to…

Which was in totality to– reconnect us to the Father God; whose conduct and presence…is REpresented’through,’ the other two: the Son and His Holy Spirit.

For ‘how could his true child,’ REJECT HIM SO HARDCORE– the Father, the Son AND, his Holy Spirit ???

5 “And he could do –no mighty works there

(Jesus, no miraculous stuff, around these ‘fleshly’ living folk, in his home– no ‘faith’ or spirit love, found in them– only doubt and unbelief)...

Save (or except) that –he laid his hands upon a few sick folk –and healed them.”

So, there were ‘some folk,’ that he was ‘able to heal’ (which is to say, ‘restore’ in some areas)– but he could do NO GREAT WORKS, or ‘miracles,’ for they lacked ‘faith,’ or rather, ‘they lacked spiritual relationship with God that led into all truth.’

They could only see the past mistakes, and shortcomings of an immature person, growing up, but not a person anointed by God, with God’s hand upon him, for a mission unto God; why??

I believe they were not living lives ‘toward God,’ they were living for ‘self,’ and of self opinions and thinking…

and therefore they could not ‘see’ God, when he stood before them; how much more, in prophets today, that are living with ‘him,’ in them now…

And yet the carnal living folk in their families and areas, just like they did to Christ

Treat them as if they are ‘haughty,’ like they did to Christ, upset that we are ‘claiming things’ about being anointed by God and his presence with them…like Christ said…

All because, I believe, they ‘could not see,’ because they did not have ‘spiritual eyes;’ one must ‘have eyes,’ to see with them.

I believe we have a ‘plethora,’ a fullness of measure, of this same ‘living’ now; where we have many professing to be ‘of Christ,’ but are currently only ‘with him,’ in a cerebral understanding of him

But have not ENGAGED themselves to him, married themselves to him, becoming one with him, yet…

And are thereby –are still estranged, at least in some areas…that are keeping them reprobate, in rebellion to his way, and prodigal; may they come home lord.

6 “He marveled (not in a good way) because of their unbelief.

And he went round about the villages, teaching.”

He ‘marveled at,’ that means, he was taken aback by their wack behavior; and just departs…without any big help to them, because of: their rejection of God…

WHERE GOD ‘GREW UP IN FLESH;’ how is this so???

How can we be so BLIND SPIRITUALLY??

He had to just– leave; depart, go elsewhere: to ‘teach.’

What must Christ feel, and think, in his marvelings today, living inside his prophets that have carnal living folk around them, treating them as such too?

He has told me…

“You just WAIT my sweet child, for the day comes when I will ‘repay,’ as I did my Son; you will walk out with me, on your arm, in my glory, and I will take pleasure in your ‘resurrection’ too.”

How beautiful is that, to you true children of the Father– and his prophets!?

He is saying, “I too, know what that is like, but I will now do a ‘new thing,’ says the Lord; I will change your ‘outward appearance,’ as I did my Son, after his mission was completed, and he ‘endured until the end’ too.

I will change your bodies, since it’s the bodies they are staring at, and NOT MY SPIRIT WITHIN, for their ‘focus,’ is elsewhere; better for you all, as you will ‘walkout’ my RESURRECTION, with restitution and justification!”

I, personally, would take all the persecution again and again, for that; because he is saying, ‘well done, good and faith-FULL servant.’

7 “And he called to him– the twelve, and began to send them forth– two by two (paired/married/partnered); and he gave them power over unclean spirits;

(that’s right! Because, they are ‘clean,’ with Christ)

8 And commanded them (he gives us orders, when we are truly ‘under him,’ and he truly is, ‘our Lord’)– that they should take nothing for their journey, save (except) a staff only; no scrip, no bread, no money in their purse:”

He’s really big on “having faith– he will provide,” to the extent, he will push us to go without– to prove, he is enough, always– he provides for his.

If we never went without, in risk of faith, how could he prove he is faithful– to resupply them, or provide??

–For we would have had, no lack to resupply; we would have no harvest of blessing coming in, and resupply to gain– for we sowed not from the ground of ‘sacrifice.’

The ‘staff’ was provided, as the shepherd always needs the staff– to protect and guide the sheep, keeping the wolves and predators at bay…

by bringing his authority into the realm; this staff is a picture of carrying a ‘royal scepter’ in the life of the ‘godly–’ watching over the others, the sheep.

–also noting God's power, and provision to supply them, when they have NOTHINGexcept him, and his authoritative anointing; ‘pray, decree a thing, and it shall be established.’

9 “But be shod with sandals; and not put on two coats.

10 And he said to them…

In whatever place you enter –into a house, there abide –till you depart from that place.

11 And whoever shall not receive you, nor hear you (that means they disagree with you, or won’t even hear God out)

…when you depart from there– shake off the dust from under your feetfor a testimony against them.

(that’s a legal witness against someone,

spiritually legal)

Verily I say to you…

It shall be more tolerable for

Sodom and Gomorrha

in the day of judgment

than for that city (of people).”

Do we understand what he just said??

He just said…

“Whoever REJECTS me, through what we are bringing to them, through you…shake the dust from off your feet– means, don’t fret over them, walk away with a clean conscience


This will be a ‘legal testimony’ that will stand with me forever against them, as a witness of their REJECTION of me, and my way, through my servants, the messengers and ambassadors of me, and my way; and Sodom and Gomorrah, will do better on the day of Judgment than these…

and they were wicked beyond belief.


Because NOW– the Holy Ghost was offered to indwell, and speak directly with men– and he was REJECTED; how much sorer am I with these that COULD ‘do all things,’ and KNOW ALL THINGS, through Christ– but REJECTS Me and my Holiness– and my messengers, who are my children carrying my presence, my essence, my love and my Word in their conduct??”

12 “And they went out, and preached that –men should repent.

13 And they cast out many devils

(that’s because we have many that need casting out– as can be witnessed of the fowl nature presented out of folk, in conduct unbecoming of the Lord and his holiness)

and anointed with oil –many that were sick, and healed them.

(same scenario– many demon operations in us, will cause sickness and oppression, our conduct matters and who is leading us in there, within, MATTERS)

14 “And king Herod heard of him– for his name was spread abroad– and he said that ‘John the Baptist was risen from the dead,’ and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves– of him.”


they thought he was–

“peculiar John,” reborn.

15 “Others said…

That it is Elias; and others said…

That it is a prophet– or as (like) one of the prophets.

16 But when Herod heard, he said…

It is John– whom I beheaded:

he is risen from the dead.

(I again giggle,

as John was the ‘most peculiar’

of the prophetic evangelists…

and THAT’S what they associated

Jesus with– makes me giggle.)

17 “For Herod himself had sent forth and laid hold upon John, and bound him in prisonfor Herodias' sake– his brother Philip's wife: for he had married her.

18 For John had said to Herod…

‘It is not lawful for you to

have your brother's wife.’

19 Therefore Herodias had a quarrel against him, and would have killed him– but she could not:

20 Herod feared John

(so we know he’s making note of Jesus' holiness, and the similitude of John about him),

knowing that he was a just man and holy, and he observed him; when he heard him–

he did many things, and he heard him gladly.

(watched and listened to, and about him– intently)

21 When ‘a convenient day–’ came…

Herod, on his birthday, made a supper to his lords, high captains, and chief estates of Galilee;

22 And when the daughter of Herodias came in, and danced, and pleased Herod, and those that sat with him…

The king said to the damsel…

‘Ask of me whatsoever you will

And I will give it to you.’

23 He swore it to her…

‘Whatever you shall ask of me–

I will give it to you,

(up to) half of my kingdom.’

So, he says, he’s watching this ‘just man,’ Jesus, that reminds him of John the baptist, whom he murdered…

because John was a ‘just man,’ living morally according to God, but this King had a quarrel with him, not because he was ‘just’ …

he rather fancied that about him with his boldness

but because his sister-in-law/new wifey–

didn’t like him

and wanted to live however she wanted to live.

And NOW, he has given her daughter, who is partial to her mother, AND WHO OBEYS HER LEADING– who doesn’t like him, nor his morality or God

any desire of her heart.

24 “So she went forth, and said to her mother

What shall I ask?

And she said…

The head of John the Baptist.”

Well, wicked, seems to run in the family–

Can we all say ‘familiar spirits?’

25 “And she came in –straightway–

with haste to the king– and asked, saying…

I will (desire) that you give me

by and by

in a charger–

the head of

John the Baptist.

26 And the king was exceedingly sorrowful– for his oath's sake– and for their sakes which sat with him– (as) he would not reject her.”

He was loyal to his word given– and to her, and he was just to follow through with what he promised, he is faithfulalbeit he is devastated at the manipulation being had, that he must now fulfill–

by his hand, at that–

being king, and final say.

27 “And immediately the king sent an executioner, and commanded his head to be brought: and he went and beheaded him in the prison,

28 And brought his head, in a charger– and gave it to the damsel: and the damsel gave it to her mother.”

So, here we see, it was done to ‘please’ the mother…

She runs to mommy, like a cat with a mouse to drop on the doorstep, never understanding what has been done to that life; this is wicked, and ignorant, and privileged– it is evil– incarnate.

29 “When his disciples heard of it– they came and took up his corpse, and laid it in a tomb.

30 And the apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus– and told him all (these) things…

both what they had done…

and what they had taught.”

Man-oh-Man– that must have been HARD;

Knowing they too, stand firmly with the Lord,

And his ‘code of ethics and conduct’ too,

Which is to say–

They run with his Spirit too.

31 And he said to them…

Come (separate) yourselves apart (come away with me)– into a desert place, and rest a while:

for there were many coming and going,

and they had no leisure so much as to eat.

32 And they departed into a desert place– by ship, privately.

(This still reminds me of a state of ‘mourning.’ ‘Come, let us go away into the dry place, to mourn, privately, away from the others, we’ve not eaten–

to rest there, and be together.’)

33 “And the people saw them departing– many knew him and ran afoot, thither– out of all cities– out went they– and came together unto him.

34 And Jesus…

When he came out…

Saw many people, and was moved with compassion toward them– because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.”

I just started bawling reading that folks; he just had to hear about his cousin, his brother, his child, as he is God– murdered for ‘his sake,’ for upholding him in his way and person…

And he was now looking out– as he disembarked, to get away and mourn, together with his other sons…


looking for ‘the way,’ and ‘the shepherd,’ and so, HE WAS MOVED TO COMPASSION

(I see tears, at least watery eyes with him), and…

Because of ‘who he is,’ not what he was going through

He had ‘compassion’ upon them, and he ‘served’ themin the middle of ALL THAT.

God– Lord Jesus– your heart is INCREDIBLE sir, I bow humbly before such love, compassion and *SACRIFICIAL LIVING– preferring the ‘brethren,’ over self.

35 “And when the day was now far spent…

his disciples came to him, and said…

This is a desert place,

(a destitute place)

and now the time is far passed:

36 Send them away

that they may go into the country


and into the villages,

to buy themselves bread:


They have nothing to eat.

37 He answered and said to them…

You –give them to eat.

(food– you provide it)

And they say unto him…

Shall we go and buy

two hundred pennies worth of bread

–and give them to eat?

38 He said to them…

How many loaves do you have?

–Go and SEE...

And when they knew… they said…

Five– and two fishes.

39 And he commanded them to make all (the people) sit down by companies (groupings) upon the green grass.

40 And they sat down in ranks– by hundreds, and by fifties.

41 And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes…

He looked up to heaven and blessed… and brake the loaves… and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes he divided– among them all.”

Uhh…he just fed thousands…

by multiplying what he had,

and then dividing it;

can’t say God doesn’t like his math skills

(that’s a Jesus joke).

42 “And they did all eat– and were filled.”

Not a soul was even– dissatisfied, all ate, AND, were satisfied; truly amazing, I do believe.

43 “And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments (afterwards), and of the fishes.

44 And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men.

45 And straightway– he constrained his disciples to get into the ship, and to go –to the other side, unto Bethsaida– while he sent away the people.”

A head-start on their journey…they enter a ship to cross a body of water, and Jesus stays behind to ‘deal with’ disbursement of the crowd of sheep/flock.

46 “And when he had sent them away– he departed into a mountain –to pray.

We always meet Father ‘on his mountain,’ when we are wanting to directly speak with him.

47 “And when evening came– the ship was in the midst of the sea– and he, alone, (left) on the land.

(*note to self, I should find a picture of that to post with this…

As I can see him standing there in the Spirit

even now…

looking out to sea, as they depart in the boat…

without him…looking on– after prayer.)

48 “And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary to them: and about the fourth watch of the night (4-5 am ish) he came to themwalking upon the sea, and would have passed by them.”

Our brother (our savior and God) appeared as if he was going to just ‘keep on, keep’n on,’ and walk right on by them….

Whilst they are ‘toiling away,’ with contrary winds…

in a boat

–he is ‘strolling’ right on by.

“Bahahahahaaaa”…that’s so funny to me; can you imagine their thinking right then??

“Who is that??

Is he just walking on water??


Is he just going to walk on by…??”

SO FUNNY TO ME…also, what would I have said or done; That thought is just as funny to me.

49 “But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been ‘a spirit–’ and cried out:

50 For they all saw him, and were troubled.

And immediately he talked with them, and said to them…

Be of good cheer:

it is I; be not afraid.

(unbelief-- causes fear to arise.)

51 And he went up to them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure– and wondered.”

That means they had their mouths silent, and hanging open– or at least spiritually speaking;

they were flabbergasted!

52 “For they did not considered the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened.”

Ooooh….they, ‘THE DISCIPLES,’ his students… had ‘hard hearts–’ which is to say, unbelief still.

53 “And when they had passed over– they came into the land of Gennesaret, and drew to the shore.

54 And when they were come out of the ship– straightway, they knew him.”

I don’t know if we all ‘caught’ that, but he just said, they had hardened heartswhen he stepped into the boat– but, by the time they exit the boatthey KNOW HIM!

Something happened on that journey with Jesus that brought them closer in their knowledge of God and ‘his way;’ I am reckoning– some more discipling, or teaching and sharing occurred.

(Mental Note made here)

55 And (their presence and knowledge of them) ran through that whole region roundabout– and they began to carry about, (people) in beds (cots)--

those that were sickwhere they heard he was.

56 And wherever he entered– into villages, or cities, or country– they laid the sick in the streets

(this will occur again– he just said;

they will come to him–

through his anointed ones again, and soon–

from the streets)...

and they besought him– that they might touch if it were– justthe border of his garment.

And as many as touched him– were made whole!”


Did we hear that– they were made ‘whole,’ not HEALED– WHOLE!

Healed is when something is amended, or stopped from furthering– arrested in its progress and halted, fixed; but ‘WHOLE’– is entirely MORE, it is ‘restored fully’ to a proper state– AS IT WAS TO BE FROM THE BEGINNING.

Complete reversal

unto full restorations!

Folks, he started us with how he, himself was not treated well by those ‘closest’ to him, familiar– and the ‘fleshly’ living carnal man, that cannot KNOW HIM, for the carnal man is at ‘enmity’ with God and his Spirit (opposites)...

And then, he mourned the death of John, with his disciples…

Did many miracles, ‘elsewhere,’ as this was the only place folks ‘were carrying faith’...

Doing all his math (jokes y’all– jokes!) with multiplying and dividing fish and loaves of bread

To then…

Disperse those crowds– that during his mourning in the desert, destitute place– began to follow the ‘shepherd,’ because they were ‘sheep’ without a fold and Shepard…

And then he went walking on water…

to his students in the boat…

(*note he had to send them away,


to bring himself in big measure to them…)

Walking on water…

–Disciples mouths agape– in wonder…

Only to find that, that response, was indicative of –unbelief, and hardened hearts in his disciples.

Who– should have not been like those in his hometown, of those of little faith, but they were

And it was counted of them, as the same ‘lack of faith,’ or spiritual eyes, as those in his ‘hometown,’ who couldn’t believe, either.


Then, some kind of teaching and sharing– of Jesus, unto them, had to have taken place, because when Jesus entered the boat

He found them in ‘unbelief,’ but when they exited the boat, they were DOING MIRACLES ‘with Jesus,’ and those things required GREAT FAITH FROM ALL PARTIES INVOLVED: the patient, or receiver– and the disciple, or believer/follower of Christ and his way.

Then, miracles break out…

and all the people that touched them, were made ‘whole,’ which is remarkable in and of itself, for it details out how it was ‘creative miracles’ being done, for WHOLENESS is now mentioned.

Can we ‘see,’ how much we need to BELIEVE IN HIM, ‘on’ him, and soften ourselves in our hearts, and rid our hearts of believing things like…

God not ‘able to do’ the IMPOSSIBLE,...

AND US TOO, ‘with’ and ‘through’ him!

That’s the point here– to ‘SHOW US’ that miracles are what he WANTS TO DO– but it takes ‘faith,’ to DO THEM!

That– was the REAL miracle, truly, of that whole scenario from hometown– to ‘elsewhere–’ chapter and premise…

“At first– my people did not believe, and had pride, and unbelief functioning in them, that caused– spiritual blindness, and power outage (spiritual), impotence– not OMNIPOTENCE.”


After some reproof, on the ship, they exit…


Some ‘humility’ was found on that boat with Jesus, and it’s the same in our ‘relating’ SHIP

(or boat we are in with him) NOW.

“May we soften our hearts toward you again sir.

May we believe in your ability,

not our understanding or opinions,

and may we BELIEVE,

by ‘trust in you,’

that we may WALK OUT WITH YOU too,

as they did,

and ‘get right with you,’



May we watch you, as wellwalkout a life, living with your dunamis power…flowing from our lives too…

unto you, and your glorious purpose which is to– SEEK AND TO SAVE– that which is LOST; may we ‘truly partner with you,’ and may we…

*give up steering this ‘relatingSHIP,’ and let you!

For MIRACLES, signs, and GREAT WONDERING in people occurs– when God, gets to be God– in the earth again– and that ESPECIALLY INCLUDES– the earthen vessels his owned temples– living right out of his children.

In the ‘true’ re-presenting and exemplifying of him– may we walk out this life– in the NAME OF JESUS and his WAY OF PERSON– in Faith Trust!

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