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Priesthood direction: Word of the Lord--- October 28, 2023

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Word from the Lord,

concerning the 144,000 priesthood of his

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“The 144,000 are SERVANTS, Janet— which means they have jobs to do; we do not get to be servant priests under the High Priest by shirking duty.

The 144,000 will be served last— they will not be show-boats, they will not be comfort seekers, they will have bloody knees as they bow down and wash feet.

Have we forgotten about washing the feet of the brethren?

Do we even know what that means any longer in the church?

I have need of a clean and ironed out people— prepared for the Lord. Do we understand what that means?

It means the leadership (144,000 priesthood) have work to do. It means that the rest of the body is in need— and we have a far greater job to do than just to teach theory.

Please include the definition of teaching theory,’ dear.

Theory— a set of principles taught on —which the practice of an activity is based; root definition— late 16th century (denoting a mental scheme of something to be done): via late Latin from Greek theōria ‘contemplation, speculation’, from theōros ‘spectator’.

We need more DOERS, less SPECTATORS; we need those who will exemplify— like my Son (to all the rest of the sons).

We need teaching, we have few teachers who understand me and my ways, as well as scripture from my perspective; I speak in parables, in riddles, but the one who sits at my feet, washing them (serves me)— understands me— and will teach.

But we must move beyond the teaching alone, this is why I exemplified the walk in my flesh life; this is why I said to them— ‘follow me;’ for they had need of consistent upbringing, and consistent demonstration; and so I expect the ones who are teaching with me— to demonstrate the walk with me.

Or else— how will the students under all the teachers walk in what is being taught— if they have no practical applications of the walk to perceive, and glean from?

We have a great many who are willing to talk, and type— but how many are spending hours with my children ‘demonstrating’ the walk?

How many are being spent— all the days long— as Paul spoke of in,

2 Corinthians 12:15 — “And I will very gladly spend— and be spent —for you…” for the Lord, and for his ‘lost’ sheep.

Let me speak of that for a moment dear. What do you think ‘lost’ means, child?

‘Well, sir— I believe lost, is lost; I believe many can be in a place where they have received Messiah into their lives, but who lack intimacy with you— understanding, enlightenment— and therefore need revelation (a revealing of the truth), put into the simplest of terms for them (to condescend to their understanding, stoop down in layman’s terms for clarity) —and an example of that, sir.

I believe many can be ‘lost’ in this way, or that way— and without someone who can ‘show them the way,’ or bring revelation— we have a gap that needs filling— between your sheep, who are ‘lost in translation’ somewhere, in a ‘how to’ of practical understanding and application… As much as we have a people who know you not at all out there— who are called ‘lost,’ as well.

So, the way I see ‘lost,’ sir— is different from the average person’s take on ‘lost,’ I think.”

Exactly— lost, is lost, Janet; and we have a need for them to be enlightened, and guided in that newly enlightened understanding.

For instance…

In Genesis 3:15, when speaking of satan and ‘the woman,’ it says…

‘And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel…’

I am stating that satan will come after my ‘woman,’ my bride— those who are truly working at a marriage with me— my betrothed; he has a ‘woman,’ or a partner too— they are those who uphold the beastly nature of the carnal flesh— in their bodies, in their lives.

And I did say— each man will give an account for what he does in his body. (2 Corinthians 5:10)

My seed— my children who have attained my image fully again; and yes, Janet, I mean fully; my bride —are they who died entirely of self, and serve me and my interests in the earth (and in their earth) —they look like me again in their actions— not their knowledge alone; the tree of knowledge will never bring people into life in Christ, from Christ, or with Christ.

Satan’s seedlings are those who will not come out of carnality, who do not want to come out of the strongholds that they uphold; and by uphold I mean— will not budge from them by choice— for all is doable in, and with Christ Jesus and his Spirit. But there are a people who need help in becoming obedient to me, in counsels and burden bearing— to help them out of strongholds and sin— for they desire to be set free.

My seedlings, my children, my ‘woman’ or bride— will bruise his head (or headship) in their lives— by throwing down, continually— what sets itself against me, and the truth inside of their minds— that stems from their hearts; thereby destroying the leadership of the ‘carnal nature’ within them— hence, dying to self.

And as this takes place— he will bruise her heel; and Janet, the foundation of the gospel is there, and the foundation of the relationship between myself and my children is there.

So satan will attempt to come between us, and bruise our relationship, and bruise the truth in our lives— the Word, the truth, and the truth of the gospel; do you see this happening, child?

My seed— will have died in all ways; death is required— one will either die in death to the carnal —whilst breathing— or they will die fully in death to the carnal —after they stop breathing in the flesh, making it in by the skin of their teeth— but death is required.

My Son died to death in the carnal —whilst he was yet breathing— he died to self— and then he died in the flesh body as well— for all.

Those who uphold me, in all ways possible, refining their image that they conduct themselves in, with me, now— and according to the truth, and how I conduct myself…

As well as are doing what the Father shows them, and leads them in— are my duplicate children, who ‘followed after the Son,’ in what he TAUGHT, but also— in what he DEMONSTRATED: and they did it FOR ALL, too (myself, themselves, and the brethren).

Janet, we have far too many who can be enlightened, or receive revelation of me— but are they DEMONSTRATING what I have revealed? Are they— feeding my sheep, and RESCUING THEM TOO?

You know I rescued sheep, yes? I went out from among those who were well fed, and in good condition— and I went after the one ‘caught up,’ and I freed them, and I brought them ‘home’ (revelation and application of the truth) and I fed them and cared for them.

We have need to remind the leadership of the 144,000 that we have a job to do; the priesthood is a workforce who sit at the feet of God, and wash his feet.

What does wash his feet mean, Janet?

‘Uh, well sir— in days of past, when man would come in from a long day outside— his feet were filthy, and we are to be clean, sir— when we come into our house (or temple) and partake; so as we do not bring the ‘filth of the world’ into our homes.

And as I understand the spiritual significance of that— we wash a brother’s feet, because it is the heart of the servant to desire to assist someone when they are weary and tired, or cannot do this for themselves— and because another can see areas that need cleansing— at times— better than we ourselves can always see (it’s hard to reach all the hidden spots of the feet, Lord).

So, if we take that into spiritual significance— and you wash us up— you work with us tirelessly to get us clean, serving humanity, and washing our feet (or foundations) because we cannot always see all the hidden areas that need cleansing…

And as I sit at your feet, and I wash your feet— I ask you what you have need of in the earth, where is it dirty, and hidden, helping you to reach the hard to reach areas (in myself or other people)...

Then it is partnership, and it is love; it is to help my partner bear some load, duty, or necessity; and my partner does the same.

I help you in the world— and you help me from the heavenlies; You send from heavenlies— and we bring it into the earth: I wash your feet, or gospel foundation filth situations taking place in the earth (mine first, then assist others)… and you wash my gospel foundation filth situations taking place, as you enlighten me, rebuke me, and reform me.

One is me helping you with others in their foundational relationship with the Truth (you and scripture, and your attributes and needs in their earthen vessels/lives)... and the other is you doing that in my life; and in this— we are partnering from heaven to earth, and earth to heaven— and people (we and they) are getting washed— all the while we sit at your feet AND SERVE YOUR INTERESTS, as we wash your feet.

It is a loving gesture and effort.’

YES. I have need of this— and the reason I choose the leadership I have— is quite frankly because they learned how to do the lowliest of jobs, how to do the un-glorious work, and carry a load/burden that others did not jump to first— seeing it was where my heart was, and is.

The leaders I have chosen are some of the best SERVANTS; and servants— serve, Janet; we need to see the ‘set apart ones’ serve humanity.

I have need of working with more than the 144,000, Janet— I have need to pull more into becoming a child of God— who manifests God’s Spirit; I have need to harvest more of the Lukewarm, and pull them into a fiercely loyal body of believers. I have need of those who will truly serve, in lowly positions, lifting up the needy and poor in understanding, spirit, or truth— and bring them ‘up,’ dear— into the place of understanding, so that they can get cleaned up too.

We have far more in the category of ‘needy,’ than we do in the category of 144,000 manifesting children; so, dear— which do you think needs more attention in teaching, or focus?

No, I really want you all to think about that for a moment.

Which is IN NEED?

Those who can hear from me clearly, and understand my voice, heed it, and are walking in my revelation— or those who need help to stand up fully in Christ, and know my identity and their identity— and how to bruise the head of satan?

Because, dear— he’s truly bruising their foundation and relationship with me (their heel) currently— and this grieves me: they need to be enlightened AND set free.

The priesthood— is a service oriented people; I need my priesthood to do more than intercede in prayer and declarations only; I have need of them to work in the physical realm, and with the physical people (and I mean both one on one with the people— as well as— those who are struggling with the carnal nature).

Because, you see— this is what my Son did; this is what my Son still does— as he serves humanity night and day; is this not the walk of, and the example of sonship to my children?

The walk, the conduct, and the service that Yah’Shua HaMashiach demonstrated and demonstrates even now? And if so— do we not think this is the walk of the priests under him?

I see a lot of showboating out there in the church, which is juxtaposition as church is to mean— the ‘set apart’ unto me ones; I have need for HUMILITY— and humility is born in SUFFERING and SERVITUDE.

Did not my Son demonstrate that, as well?

Hebrews 5:8

Though he were a Son— yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered.

Galatians 5:13

For, brethren, you have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love— serve one another.

I have need of a humble leadership, who know how to stoop down, and lift another into position— through suffering the death of the Cross themselves, and dying to all that is carnal, fleshly, of comfort or preference— and exalt in preference the other, who is lowly and needy— and destitute: SERVITUDE— this is the position of the priest under the High Priest.

The priest under the High Priest— will be an understudy; do you know what that means?

‘Not exactly, sir.’

Well, let’s define it.

Understudy— a person who learns another's role in order to be able to fill in; it is to learn another’s ‘role.’

A priest under the High Priest— is learning the role of the High Priest, to walk as he walks, and to talk as he talks, and to serve as he serve’s the Father— and his will and interests in the earth, and in the lives of his children, who have need of the priestly office.

We have a great many children of mine— who are in NEED OF DELIVERANCE; and I mean deliverances of all kinds.

I delivered those in oppression, and as you said above— those with ‘obscured,’ or ‘veiled’ understanding and spiritual insight.

I set captives free of disease —physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, soulish, in understanding, wisdom, truth and much, MUCH more— the books could not contain it all; the works I did through the Son and with him.

And it is the same I desire to do through the priesthood in my earth now— and unto the same needy and destitute people, of whom I am seeking after.

Are the people of the 144,000 of mine, the servant children of mine— SEEKING AFTER my ‘lost’ sheep? Because my High Priest is.

I will be stepping into the priesthood in more depth, in this hour, Janet; it is why I am beginning to bring about all this revelation of WHO ARE THEY— for even they need to know their identity and role in me, and under me— as they are led by the High Priest.

I will be teaching them to SERVE in a greater capacity; I will be teaching them to get busy in SETTING CAPTIVES FREE in the earth realm (and in earthen vessels).

I will be developing the ‘heart’ of my priests in a greater capacity in this hour; for this hour will demand it of them.

With gross darkness arriving now— we will have need of my light in the earth; and my light will be showcased through my servants— the priests. In order for that to take place— they too, must be refined more— and this is why I said that the time for my people right now— is a time for scaling back, locking down with me— and getting DISCIPLINED.

The hour is arriving where we will have a GREATER DEMAND placed upon us (my children); and with this greater demand— there will MANY— who will need to be pulled out of the fire.

So— we must teach on sanctification and consecration; we must teach on the walk of oneness with our God, and Lord of us— as he saves our souls daily— in walking clean before our God, same/as/like our God; because in this— they will be set free, they will be healed and delivered; and then, we must teach them to stay clean, and ironed out in their conduct, in their souls— Or the house will become filthy again— and the strongholds of the enemy will come back.

But in addition to the teachings on these matters— and why we sanctify (freedom from satan, and into union with me) and consecrate (a fit vessel for my indwelling, with a single purpose— to uphold me, holiness and righteousness) —to allow me to manifest through my children, for them to remain free from satan, and to continue my works in the earth (and in their earthen vessels) —for it is God who makes free.

I have need of you all to DEMONSTRATE to them, how captives are set free— just as the Son demonstrated (because you are the first born, following him) —so, we will begin ministering to the lost in many ways— within my priesthood: deliverance— is healing, and healing— is deliverance; and all deliverance is to be delivered of lies and satan— and to be brought into the truth, and Christ.

BRING THEM TO CHRIST, as Christ is in you, and working my works and good will through you; heal my sick, needy, lost and destitute, because child…

The priest is an intercessor— and my intercessors—

INTERCEDE, or interject God into the picture.

Walk in my ways, and by my lead— and GO— reach the ‘lost;’ for they are many, and present in many different capacities; and I have need of them all to be ‘set free.’

And remember— where the Spirit of the Lord is— there is freedom.

So, walk in my Spirit, and allow my Spirit to walk in you (working MY own works); submit, bow, humble yourselves, teach, explain— and then SERVE THEM; for ‘this—’ is my way.”

—Abba Father,

On behalf of the Son,

And unto— the ‘sons’

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