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“Pride of Life/self-exaltation, is airing– more than the Spirit of LOVE-- GRUMPUS spirits abound."

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

December 18, 2022

Because I’ve seen more than I’d like to see this December 2022, of The Pride of Life, Bitterness, and DEVILS ENTERTAINED‘within–’ people; and God is NOT EXALTED, when ‘self’ and ‘devils’ ARE entertained and enthroned– within.

MOODSare conducted by spirits, not bad days, or situations, or triggers– they are ‘spirits’ of a FOUL nature, or the Spirit of God, in a loving, kind, courteous, long-suffering ‘spirit’ nature– but they are CONDUCTED by a spirit, or spirits.

Don’t be fooled or deceived into thinking is ‘ok’ to act-out in a foul way– because that’s the deception of a prideful, self-centered, ungrateful wicked spirit; and if you ‘play with it,’ it will INHABIT YOU, and you will ‘fall prey’ to it being enthroned in your system operations, and NOT GOD HOLY, TRUE and ‘LOVING.’



Greek: ἀγάπη

Transliteration: agapē

Pronunciation: ag-ah'-pay

Definition: From G25; LOVE THAT IS AFFECTIONATE OR BENEVOLENT; specifically (plural) A *LOVE FEAST:

KJV Usage: love (86x), charity (27x), dear (1x), charitably (with G2596) (1x), feast of charity (1x).


1 Corinthians 13

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but I do not have CHARITY→ I have become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

[noisy and annoying only]

2 And though I [may] have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge– and have all faith, so that I could remove mountains– but I do not have CHARITY→ I am nothing.

3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned→ but I do not have CHARITY→ it profits me nothing.

4 CHARITYsuffers long, AND IS KIND; CHARITY→ envies not; CHARITY→ vaunts itself NOT– and is not puffed up,

[envy– is seeing others and being dissatisfied with what one has, and walks in a competitive spirit with others, and desires what they have– instead of going and getting it for self, they sit in bitterness.]

5 Charity does not behave itself UNSEEMLY, nor SEEK AFTER → HER OWN– IS NOT EASILY ‘provoked–’ and THINKS NO EVIL;

[When we sit around thinking negative thoughts and judgements about others, instead of going into intercessory prayer ‘for’ them, and interceding to God for a breakthrough in the areas of contention in their lives– we are walking in self exaltation, and condemnation of othersNOT CHARITY/LOVE: and God holy, true and LOVINGwalks in Love.]

6 Does not rejoice in INIQUITY [cont. sin], but rejoices in THE TRUTH [and the Word, and his Character– are truth];

7 [Charity] BEARS ALL THINGS [deals with things, doesn’t fester], BELIEVES ALL THINGS, HOPES ALL THINGS, ENDURES→ ALL THINGS.

[without bitterness or condemning others]

8 Charity never fails: but where there be prophecies– they shall fail; where there be tongues– they shall cease; where there be knowledge– it shall vanish away.

9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

10 But when THAT WHICH IS PERFECT [perfect means whole/complete in this scripture] HAS COME [and he’s supposed to be INSIDE YOU NOW], then that which is in part shall be done away [with, and you can BECOME WHOLE/PERFECT/COMPLETE ‘in him’ now].

11 When I was a child– I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but WHEN I BECAME A ‘MAN–’ I put away childish things. [that’s maturity]

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly– but then face to face [with the living God– INSIDE] – now I know in part– but then I shall know [God], even as/like– I am known [of God].

13 And now ‘abides’ [that’s– lives in me and with me] FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY→ these three; but– THE GREATEST OF THESE→ is CHARITY.”


If you know scripture, but you walk in a GRUMPUS MOOD→ you sneer, roll your eyes, scoff, snap/bark at others when they speak to you or otherwise engage you– you have a ‘FOUL’ spirit in you; and you MOVE NOT INCHARITY→ nor do you know true love.

You cannot know ‘him of true love,’ and walk in selfishness at the same time, or ENTHRONE UPON YOUR HEART ‘love–’ and walk in BITTERNESS simultaneously– that’s a ‘different god.’

That’s right– a grumpus spirit IS a self-centered spirit, and it’s centered on BITTERNESS, and WHAT SELF DOESN’T HAVE, or how SELF SHOULD BE TREATED BETTER– instead of ‘knowing–’ we truly deserve NOTHING– and that Christ is the ONLY GOOD THING ABOUT US, and that if it were not for him– we would be wretched, iniquitous, naked and cursed –even yet.

But the worst part is not what you do to ‘yourself’ when you walk in bitterness, it’s what you do to CHRIST himself; you are REJECTING THE GOD OF LOVE FROM FLOWING TO YOU, and THROUGH YOU, and you LIMIT HIM FROM LOVING OTHERS ‘through you.’

Yah’shua IS LOVE; the Father– IS LOVE, and love does not vaunt itself.

What does vaunt truly mean??

Vaunt→ to boast self in vain emptiness.

How, if you are a bitter grumpus do you SELF EXALT– because your focus isn’t on God, nor his other children or even animals or his creation at allyour focus is on YOU: your mood, your feelings, your pain, your suffering, your everything is SELF FOCUSEDand you walk in pride.

Satan [the nameless one] walked this way too– everything about him screamed– “WHAT?!




This is what ‘living in/from bitterness’ does to a person– it causes self focus of upset inside you, and then you leak it, and spread it like a virus to others, because DISDAIN FOR EVERYONE, and EVERYTHING SEEPS FROM YOUR ‘foul spirit’ into, and ONTO, EVERYONE around you.

If you do not put a stop to this, you will BURN UP ALL YOUR DEEDS in heaven, before your Father– stubble, wood, and straw/hay: nothing will stand of your efforts in the end, because you made no true efforts to be reformed in your soul– your soul ROTTED.

When we are self focused– we have become the center of attention within ourselves, and we PROVE– we don’t really care for others, nor abdicate preference or love to thembecause we simply cannot stop our foul focus upon ourselves, to serve in love.

I don’t believe the grumpus understands love, nor moves out of it– until they learn to suffer whatever life throws their way, WITHOUT TAKING IT OUT ON OTHERS– God included.

You see, the grumpus spirited person doesn’t know how to stop focusing on self, nor loss and suffering; they cannot walk in love and honoring others [even God], because they won’t step out of bitterness [self negative focus] to serve others, nor step into GRATITUDE.

And there it is– they know not how to SERVE– and SERVE WITH A ‘GRACIOUS’ SPIRIT.

Gratitude is when you can go through anything, and still walk in love and honorPREFERRING THE OTHER PERSON GETS WHAT YOU TRULY NEED or DESIRE ‘first–’ because you KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO LIVE ‘without’ people around you that care, or are kind, or thoughtful, and you KNOW what it’s like→ to WALK IN LACK.

The person that walks in ‘gratitude’ is a person that suffered TREMENDOUSLY in some fashion, and prefers to NOT INFLICT ANYMORE SUFFERING UPON ANYONE ELSE, or ANY OTHER WEIGHTY BURDEN: the person that walks in GRATITUDE ‘and’ LOVE– is a person that KNOWS what’s it like to suffer, and wishes in NO MANNER to ‘be suffering added to–’ SOMEONE.

That’s right– bitternessINFLICTS SUFFERING, like a viral spread, TO THOSE AROUND US; and proves we don’t really care about others, only self: you cannot even care about God either, if you are not caring about the state of the humans he made and loves, that you are inflicting with your bad attitude, which is a BAD SPIRIT [and demonic, at that].

Your attitude– is the lens in which you see all things through, and the lens in which you TREAT OTHERS WITH.

If your attitude, or your ‘heading’ like a ship’s direction, is focused on YOU all the time, and you are entertaining a foul bitter spirit– you will SNAP, and BLAME OTHERS as always the culprit of some tragic thing you’re being inflicted with– instead of ditching THAT DEMON and WALKING IN THE SAVIOR.

[yep, you’re entertaining another ‘god,’ and a demon at that]

It’s spiritual adultery to walk with demons, whilst simultaneously ditching/rejecting WALKING WITH MESSIAH– who is ‘Love/Charity’ INCARNATE: literally when he walked the earth in his own time, and NOW– IN YOU, as the Holy Spirit is to be ‘indwelling you.’

You can go to church, read your bible, pray and fast– and you can still ‘walk with demons’ of BITTERNESS, and reject LOVE– if you don’t become a ‘refined’ and ‘DISCIPLINED’ child of God’s character and way.

It isn’t what we think, or what we say– IT’S WHAT WE REALLY ARE– that is TRUE.

I see more people walk in selfishness, than I do those we walk in HUMILITY; and we must know by now, yes– that SELFISHNESS [where bitterness lives in the grumpus] is PRIDE [self focus], and GOD– RESISTS THE PROUD, and exalts the HUMBLE.

Humility– is BOWING LOW, and SERVING, and SACRIFICING, ‘with–’ a TEACHABLE and APPROACHABLE ‘spirit.’

I don’t care if you sing in the choir, if you preach on the streets, if you drop food off at the food bank, if you cook, clean and change dirty bottoms– IF YOU DO IT WITH A BAD ATTITUDE– your deeds are stubble, straw and wood, and will be BURNED UP in the end when judged; because you were ‘doing things–’ and you were not LOVING ANYONE.

LOVE– gets rewarded–

SELFISHNESS and HATE– does not.

Yes– it’s HATE, when you cannot see the other person as VALUABLE; you are only seeing others as ‘nuisances’ and ‘things that don’t SERVE YOU,’ or God– when you DISHONOR VESSELS ‘before you.’

And when you dishonor vessels before, YOU DO NOT WALK WITH GOD HOLY, TRUE and ‘LOVING–’ you walk with devils, and have ‘another’ leader in you that you LISTEN TO, and ‘obey,’ because you ‘carry out’ their system operations.

If we cannot ‘discern’ the SPIRIT WITHIN US– we are doomed to walk with devils– because they’ve been at this longer than us, we’ve only been here 80 years or less.

And truth-be-told, if we are walking in a grumpus spirit all the time, and are snapping at others, and playing the blame game, and gossiping and slandering others– WE ARE NOT SANCTIFIED, NOT DISCIPLINED IN CHARACTER BY THE HOLY SPIRIT, and we are ‘amiss’ IN OUR CONDUCT– and it’s ‘unbecoming’ of our HOLY and LOVING GOD we claim to be a child of.

HATE– is of the devil;

and when we walk in hate–

we walk with devils, not God.

Hate, is nothing more than SERIOUS DISLIKE with PASSION involved; that means, you are PASSIONATE AGAINST OTHERS, and you MAKE IT KNOWN in your CONDUCT/ACTIONS/WORDS/MOOD: you walk in hate– NOT LOVE.

Love– PREFERS OTHERS BE TREATED WELL, and CARED FOR; love is kind, gentle, easy to be entreated [be around] and PREFERS OTHERS, over self and over self receiving.

Love→ ACQUIESCES, which means…

Love makes sure THE OTHER PERSON GETS WHAT THEY ‘need’ ABOVE, BEFORE and EVEN ‘if–’ YOU DON’T GET WHAT ‘you need, or want.’

Love says…

“I’ll die for them, before I will live without them; I will suffer in any way I have to– I will sacrifice myself if it means they get saved from sin and iniquity and can be reformed and rejoin me for all of eternity.”

And then he did just that, when Yah’shua GAVE HIS ALL, INNOCENTLY, upon Calvary for our salvation.

Folks, if you cannot learn who, what and HOW LOVE OPERTATES, and you DON’T BECOME THE EMBODIMENT OF LOVE WITHIN and WITHOUT YOU– you, unfortunately, don’t KNOW the Holy and LOVING GOD YET, and you WALK NOT WITH HIM, nor does he WALK IN, and OUT OF– you.

That means, if you ‘think’ he INDWELLS YOU and you walk with a bitter, foul and grumpus spirit– you will want to ‘think again;’ because where HE LIVES– LOVE REIGNS SUPREME, not grumpus, bitter and foul spirits of devils.

SANCTIFICATION, Yah’shua said, IS REQUIRED; for without the reformation clean up process by the Holy Spirit of God– you will remain unreformed, uncleaned, and walking with devil attributes all up inside your operating system.

Like a computer– YOU NEED TO DEFRAG and TRASH VILE and CORRUPT SYSTEM PROGRAMMING out of YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM; and the only one that can do that is with and through→ the Almighty God who ‘walks in’ LOVE and POWER and ‘sound’ MIND and HEART.


You ‘walk in’ SHALOM, when you WALK WITH THE GOD OF SHALOM– until then, you walk with the ‘god’ of this world, and his self-centered, self-focused, grumpus nature of DISDAIN FOR OTHERS.

Yes– grumpus spirits walks in disdain for others,


Disdain– the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect– CONTEMPT; refuse or reject (something) out of feelings of PRIDE or SUPERIORITY.

Root definition is→ to ‘CONSIDER UNWORTHY.’

Contempt– the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn; disregard for someone/something that SHOULD BE taken into account, the offense of being disrespectful or disobedient in a court of law.

Superiority– a supercilious manner or attitude, the state of being superior.

Can we see why PRIDE is involved now??

Pride says–

“They are someone UNWORTHY of CONSIDERATION or RESPECT [judgy much??], and they are HELD IN CONTEMPT [which is undeserving, and disregarding– because they are viewed as WORTHLESS], and I AM ‘above’ them– NOT BELOW THEM.”

PrideEXALTS SELF, point blank; and IS BLIND THAT IT DOES all this usually.

The grumpus bitter spirit, at best– walks in religion– and NOT THE SPIRIT OF THE LIVING and ‘LOVING’ God holy.

Religion knows scriptureBUT NEVER BECOMES THE LIVING EPISTLE LOVE LETTER– themselves.

Religion vaunts itself of ‘what it KNOWS–’ but is BLIND and NAKED and DESTITUTE of ‘living with’ the Spirit of the holy and LOVING and true God– who isn’t allowed toINDWELL THEIR VESSEL or RUN THEIR ‘operating systems.’

We must PUT GOD ON THE THRONE, and WE MUST THROW ‘self’ DOWN, or SELF– is still the ‘god’ inside.

To be INDWELLED BY and RUN BY GOD Holy and LOVING– is when HE LITERALLY, RULES YOUR ROOST; if you are displaying demonic attributes, and they are LEAKING and OOZING out of you– he is not ‘indwelling you’ or ‘ruling’ inside of your vessel yet.

God holy will only come and operate where one is DISCIPLINED, in being DISCIPLED BY HIM [not just studying the bible– APPLYING HIM to your living]; that means, the person that is indwelled by the holy Spirit has PLACED HONOR and PREFERENCE ‘to’ the Holy Spirit of God inside their vessel→ and he has PREEMINENCE.

Preeminence– the fact of surpassing all others; superiority.

One cannot be the SUPERIOR focus, and GIVE GOD PREEMINENCE at the same time– because to ‘give’ preeminence, is to PLACE ANOTHER ON THE THRONE ‘yourself–’ whilst SIMULTANEOUSLY throwing ‘self–’ OUT OF THAT POSITION: and the grumpus, bitter, foul spirited person– has NOT placed God holy, true and LOVING– in that position yet, because they still PRACTICE→ self exaltation [pride].

God walks in sanctification– which is holiness; and he told us– “be ye holy, for I am holy;” if we are HIS– we will PUT HIM ON THE THRONE INSIDE OUR HEARTS, we will THROW SELF and DEVILS DOWN and OUT, and we will PRACTICE [discipline of character] walking in LOVE and PREFERENCE OF OTHERS [not self].

We will SACRIFICE and we will BE REFORMED– or we are not his child after all; for his children are to be REFORMED inside, which is to say– like a former ‘offender’ of prison– WE ARE NO LONGER THAT OLD MAN, and we are ‘REFORMED’ in our conduct now.

The true state we lived out– is the only thing that will show forth on our report card day, our evaluations in heaven, and even now, when our God weighs our conduct within; TRUTH, and living in ‘him,’ sets us FREE from lies and deception and evil– but you HAVE TO LIVE IN TRUTH, not lies, devil attributes or THE PRIDE OF LIFE.

The Pride of Life is defined in other words as– Pride in LIVING; and pride in living is ‘self exaltation’ in your lifestyle– as pride means ‘excessive self exaltation,’ and life means– living.

So, when we are focused on ourselves all the time, and we believer we DESERVE BETTER, are TREATED CRAPPY, should BE CARED FOR MORE, and that ‘others’ are DEFICIENT, ERR, and BENEATH OUR LEVEL, and we BLAME OTHERS, instead of REFORMING OUR OWN CHARACTER WITH GOD, in the SANCTIFICATION PROCESS and PRACTICE IT– we are walking in THE PRIDE OF LIFE.

And God resists the proud,

and exalts the low, bowing– humble ones.


1 Peter 5:5-6

“Likewise, you younger [ones] –submit yourselves unto the elder [spiritual elder, not age related].

Yes– all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with HUMILITY: for God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble.

6 HUMBLE ‘YOURSELVES’ therefore– UNDER THE MIGHTY HAND OF GOD– that HE MAY EXALT YOU [not ‘you–’ exalt you] – IN ‘due’ TIME.”

{Due time– is when you are humble, and God will then raise you; pride– RAISES SELF ‘above’ others, and DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO BOW to ‘anyone’ else, ESPECIALLY NOT GOD, HOLINESS [preference toward others] or *LOVE.}


James 4:6-7

“But he gives more grace. Wherefore he said, God resists the proud– but gives grace [blessed, unmerited love] to the humble.

7 Submit yourselves therefore to God.

Resist the devil– and he will flee from you.”


One must ‘RESIST’ the demonic attributes and REFUSE TO LIVE THEM OUT through their hearts and deeds and words– one must CHOOSE TO EXALT GOD and HIS ATTRIBUTES INSIDE, to kick devils and their operating systems out.

But, again, you must be HEARING YOUR GOD GIVE HIS ORDERS, and LEADING– or YOU are still on the throne, for ALL HIS SHEEP– ‘know–’ HIS VOICE and OBEY HIM.


(Acts 5:32)

You have to OBEY God, or he will not ‘give you’HIS Holy Spirit; so start to OBEY GOD and his CHARACTER ATTRIBUTES today, and begin the process of SOUL SANCTIFICATION.

Or you risk ALL YOUR EFFORTS and DEEDS being ‘consumed’ in the fire of God, for they were done from a ‘self exalted’ position, and NOT, a low, and bowing down POSITION OF HEART POSTURE– in HUMILITY, nor was the HOLY SPIRIT PRESENT when the ‘deeds’ were done– SELF, and PRIDE and BITTERNESS, and FOUL SPIRITS WERE– but NOT, the ‘holy’ and ‘LOVING’ → Spirit of God.


And the worst devil of all to be EXALTED IN US– is ‘self.’

You can ‘be–’ YOUR OWN GOD; for they, like satan– WOULD NOT EXALT and OBEY THE HOLY and LOVING GOD, nor be ‘under’ him and DISCIPLINED TO, and BY HIM, either.

THIS– is why ‘self pride–’ gets RESISTED by God; he hates SELF EXALTATION, because satan is the ‘father’ of that.

LEARN HUMILITY, LEARN TRUE LOVE– AND WALK IN, and WITH HIM; for grumpus– will only lead you to hell in so very many fashions.

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