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Power and Authority

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

“The Power and Authority—

come from upholding the covenant.”


Today, Doug Barrett released a video, in the early hours— and in it, he said— “Grace is his will.” And the Lord furthered that in me, saying— “My will, is my Good Pleasure, as Strong’s defines.”

Strong’s definition of Grace— graciousness, a manner or act that is gratifying, divine influence upon the heart, in reflection of life; joyous liberality of pleasure— thank worthy.

So, he is literally saving us by his GOOD PLEASURE TO DO SO, as well as— REFLECTING UPON ‘life,’ and OUR LIVES— having an ‘influence upon his heart;’ I find him STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL in that.

And then, I thought about how we are ‘Saved by Grace, through faith,’ and so, that really means— “He wanted to save us,” and so, a way was made; as it was his Good Pleasure to desire to make a way to bring us home, reconcile us, make us whole in him again— and thereby, be saved.

And in that— we receive this Grace, Good Pleasure Will of his— in a MARRIAGE COVENANT to him again— ‘through faith;’ and THROUGH, means— a channel of an act— meaning we have to traverse this path, to get the salvation through his Good Pleasure.

And Faith is defined in Strong’s as— persuasion, credence— moral conviction (there’s the repentance needed, turn from the old ways) of the truth of God, reliance upon Christ for saving/made whole again; constancy in such profession, belief in truth itself (or himself— as he IS the way, the TRUTH, and life) —and, FIDELITY.

Yep, there it is, right there in the Strong’s definition— the last thing he states in the definition— is FIDELITY TO THE MARRIAGE COVENANT; meaning— he expects that to be ‘saved by his Good Pleasure,’ to do so— we are expected to UPHOLD THE MARRIAGE: Covenant.

And in that— we gain ASSURANCE, the definition states; as it says ‘assurance of belief, or believe— it says; and as he tells me— “that means, what you BE LIVE’N, Janet.”

So, if we are saved by his Good Pleasure, his Will, his GRACE…

And that grace is achieved, THROUGH traversing the proper channel, or way, or path TO HIM, as ‘truth’ must be upheld in our lives, and LOYAL TO IT; and ‘he is’ THE TRUTH.

Then we are saved, by his Good Pleasure, when we are loyally, continuously, proclaiming and BE LIVE’N the ‘truth,’ and he’s A PERSON— so living IN TRUTH, with Mr. Truth himself, in a REAL MARRIAGE UNION, in spirit, body and soul; and we are EXPECTED to be in a LOYAL MARRIAGE, meaning— Fidelity is upheld, no spiritual adultery, idols, or continued transgressing him (that would be cheating on him, and betraying him in marriage, meaning— an unfaithful bride).

And when we live FAITHFUL to our ‘groom,’ we gain ASSURANCE OF BELIEF, or assurance in our salvation— because we truthfully are ‘live’n it.’

And I say ALL THAT, to say— that I went back to sleep, after watching Doug’s video this morning, and I asked the Lord to speak to me in my dreams/sleep— and enlighten me to something he wanted me to know, to essentially— learn more about him, in some fashion.

And I heard, 3 times I awoke and kept hearing/thinking this statement— “Power and Authority, come from UPHOLDING THE COVENANT.”

Well, the ‘covenant,’ is the MARRIAGE UNION; it’s 2 becoming 1— rejoined, unified, and inseparable now; it’s literally NEVER going to be ‘me’ alone, ever again— it’s always me yoked to God, forever more.

I literally see this, like 2 peas in a pod, that no one will ever be able to separate, ever; and in that— this is the covenant marriage; as marriage means, by definition— TO JOIN TOGETHER.

So, we HAVE TO join ‘to him,’ meaning— we don’t live anylong, however we ‘alone,’ think we should; we are not OUR OWN, any longer, if we have JOINED TO GOD IN COVENANT.

This is why ‘hyper grace,’ or the overindulgence of living in sin continued— does not work, and is blasphemous (irreverent/profane); because the living God does not walk in continuous opposition to his nature and person.

So, if we are walking yoked to him, forever more— then he will be correcting our behavior, where it is UNALIGNED FROM HIM— as this will result in TENSION IN THE YOKING, and a ‘stalemate,’ or NO PROGRESS.

If we buck reformation, or buck and reject becoming the New Man— were we really ‘saved,’ or REJOINED at all??

I ask that, because salvation is ‘his good pleasure,’ and it’s attained through repentance, the channel or path of changing— accepting the truth, and he’s a person— to be yoked to forever more. And that yoking of a marriage, is to be upheld, honored, and LOYAL— no adultery, living in sin, and going after ‘other gods,’ in idols and things we like/love— that are against him, his nature and person.

Because only in upholding the covenant, loyally, in fidelity, through changing the path, the channel traversed in repentance— do we RECEIVE the ‘good pleasure’ salvation of the Lord.

And so, to wake up and understand all of that— and then hear, after all that understanding— that we GAIN HIS POWER, and AUTHORITY— by ‘upholding the marriage’...

I was blown away again.

Because what he is saying is— “sanctification is necessary. Reformation into the New Man is necessary. Losing the Old Man and ways of, is necessary— and being loyal in marriage to him, is necessary → to receive HIS POWER and AUTHORITY.”

We often wonder how we receive his power, anointing, and success in ministry, his presence heavily in our lives, over our lives, and influence with God and man…

But we rarely talk about being a ‘loyal wife,’ as to HOW THAT IS ACHIEVED.

First, he discusses with us— ‘how to become’ his Bride, or Wife; as both are talked about in scripture, and usually interchangeably.

Then— he discusses, “what is a good wife, or bride?”

And in this, we can see— She is loyal, repentant, clean and sanctified, reformed, one who is living the truth, one who has received HIM— in his Good Pleasure, who has YOKED HERSELF in union and UNISON to him; she is a virtuous woman/bride/partner.

And with her efforts to be in agreement of his reforming her, and her hard work in honoring him, and his leadership in her life, her gratitude, her faithfulness to him, her unyoking from all that is his enemy/opponent/adversary— in idols and self worship or honor, in her living the truth— with and by him— as he is the truth and truthful one, and she has desired to return to looking like him, agreeing with him, and being returned to how he originally made her…

THIS BRIDE, THIS WIFE— gains and receives ‘his power and authority;’ this bride— is seated WITH HIM, IN HEAVENLY PLACES, AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER, ‘with,’ her groom— and ‘in,’ her groom.

I found that very enlightening this morning.


Genesis 32:28

“And he said— Your name shall be called no more ‘Jacob,’ but ISRAEL: for as a prince (chief leader) you have power with God— and with men— and have prevailed.”


Here, in scripture, Strong’s defines ‘Power,’ as— TO PREVAIL; so we learn, if we are to PREVAIL, which means— be strong, extravagant, exceedingly great and mighty, valiant— we will PREVAIL, or be POWERFUL with/in God…


And as my mom said to me this morning when I told her the statement God made, 3 times, over and again, as I awoke from dreams— “Power and Authority, come from upholding covenant,” she said…

“Upholding the covenant is fulfilling all you have been asked to commit to, obedience to all the provisions of the covenant.”

And so, I believe she is saying— “when you honor the marriage, honor your husband, love him the way he said to (obedience to his lead/commands), and are loyal and faithful to yoke to him in a reverencing manner, and are ‘doing’ life with him bringing him Good Pleasure— you are UPHOLDING THE MARRIAGE.”

And in all that— the anointing, power, prevailing success— a VALIANT LIFE with him, is achieved; and with that, his authority comes with.

Let’s look at the definition of authority, in Strong’s, so we understand more verses, as we roll more out; there are several definitions.

Authoritymight and positiveness; increase, abundance, enlarge, plenty— full privilege over, freedom and competency, magistrate delegations, influence, jurisdiction; exercise and bring under the power of, ruler or officer— potentate, superiority of rank or character— prominence, excellency.

These were all definitions combined; let’s see all of power, as well.

Powerprevail, be firm with vigor, capacity to produce, substance/wealth, strength, might, fierce, dominion/rule, govern, boldness, resistfulness/power to stand, be able in moral right, endurance, overcome, a hand— a closed one (a fist), virtue, valor, worthy, force, victory, mastery, potentate— prince or warrior, forceable army, vanquish in rule or crown, miraculous power/force, ability abundance, superb glory— that is splendor of majesty, chief high ranking— magistrate principality rule, possible/able, exercise authority and bring under rule, grant, deliver.


Verses of Power


1 Corinthians 4:20

“For the kingdom of God is not in word— but in power.”

It isn't what we're saying that is so powerful, alone— but it is who and what is behind what we are saying and proclaiming. And in this verse God is telling us that— the power of the life and death that is in the tongue— and with that tongue, or speech— comes the power of the Kingdom behind it.

As well he is stating that the kingdom of God is → Not Just knowing the Bible scripture of the word of God— but knowing God himself— through Christ Jesus, the word of God himself, the person of— and in and with him— comes the power of God and the kingdom that he reigns over.

Exodus 9:16

“And in every deed— for this cause— I have raised you up, for to show in you— my power; and that my name (reputation and person) —may be declared throughout all the earth.”

In every way God raised up his children to show through us— his power, and in that— his name and reputation is upheld in all of the earth, and declared everywhere.

His mission is still the same in the New Testament, with his children, as it was in the Old Testament; but now we have a better Covenant marriage unto God— himself yoked in Union to us, and indwelling us. This is something that only through Christ could have been accomplished.

Deuteronomy 8:18

“But you shall remember the Lord your God: for it is he that gives you power to get wealth— that he may establish his covenant which he swore unto your fathers— as it is this day.”

But it is only God that gives us power to be wealthy, rich, or well taken care of in this earth realm, which is what wealthy really means; and God tells us that when we remember our Lord God and his Covenant —which he promised to us, that marriage union— this is how we receive his power and wealth.

Deuteronomy 9:29

“Yet they are your people and your inheritance— which you brought out by your mighty power, and by your stretched out arm.”

God's Jewel and inheritance— is his children, and he brought us out of bondage through his repentant power, and Reformation process —when we yoked up in marriage Union to him.

It is by his outstretched arm, or Grace and mercies of his Goodwill —that he made this way of Union for us to be reconciled unto the Father once again. And in that reconciliation to the Father, through the Son and by their Holy Spirit— we are brought into the power of the Union of marriage, unto and with— the holy God.

Joshua 17:17-18

“And Joshua spoke unto the house of Joseph— even to Ephraim and to Manasseh, saying— You are a great people, and have great power: you shall not have one lot only:

18 But the mountain shall be yours; for it is a wood— and you shall cut it down: and the outgoings of it —shall be yours: for you shall drive out the Canaanites— though they have iron chariots, and though they be strong.”

Here God is proving a point —that he's not only going to give them one blessing or arrangement— but the whole enchilada!

He is saying that you're not only going to have this land, but you're going to have all the assets of it, and you're going to eradicate the enemy, and all their strength they have— from this place I give unto you.

That's exactly why the power, authority and dominion over unclean spirits happens, as well.

It is only when we yoke up with God holy, and uphold the marriage Union to him, that he is able to uphold our lives in such a powerful way as this: Prosperity in/with God holy.

2 Samuel 22:33

“God is my strength and power: and he makes my way perfect.”

Perfect in scripture is often described as whole, and here God is stating that the strength of God is made whole in someone's life, when they are yoked up to God and upholding the marriage covenant.

2 Kings 17:36

“But the Lord— who brought you up out of the land of Egypt (bondage) with great power, and a stretched out arm— him you shall fear (reverence/honor), and him —shall you worship; and to him —you shall → do sacrifice.”

God, the one who brings us out of bondage, which is marriage Union to satan, evil, sin, and death —Brings us out of that bondage by great power, and an outstretched arm; this isn't only speaking of his great strength, Authority and Power— but it is also speaking about his outstretched hand, to invite us to come into Union with him.

And when we do this Union with him, we are now revering and honoring him, and worshiping him— which means we are giving him our time, our heart, and our focus of dedication, for real— and with that we will live → sacrificial lives.

And the sacrificial lives mean— that we will not live to get our own, or be first, or put ourselves on a pedestal of what we want, and when we want it in this life; we will walk in unison with our lord, the way that he walks— and he is → the sacrificial lamb.

So, in that, we will become living sacrifices, giving our lives back to God in marriage union, to be reformed and made back into his image, and UNDER HIS RULE/LEADERSHIP, HIS WAY; and in this —we become sanctified and holy as he is holy, living in, and out of him— and his righteousness.

And when we live that way → we gain all the privileges that Christ himself has, and we find ourselves → seated in Heavenly places with God himself, ruling and reigning with him, and walking in his power, authority, and Dominion— right through his very person— and being yoked up to him, by marrying the King.

1 Chronicles 29:11

“Yours, O Lord— is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth— is yours; yours— is the kingdom, O Lord— and you are exalted —as head, above all.”

This is very true— the power, victory, majesty, and greatnessis his! The Earth and everything in it, it's fullness entirely— is his!

And he is seated and exalted, as the head— over all of it.

It is only when we understand this, and come into a marriage to the King— that we understand this is how we rule and reign with him— becoming equal to him, on the throne.

If one is not going to marry God, in holy matrimony, nor come into Unity with him, and be yoked in a marriage covenant to the king, and the high King, at that— then they are not going to be seated at the head with him, nor equal to him— for they did not become his wife, or the Bride of christ.

We only gain his power, and authority and Dominion— because we are the wife of God holy.

Proverbs 18:21

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

Can we see now that power comes with Dominion of a kingdom? Because if we can understand that— then what we support with our speech, that comes from our hearts— will tell us this is the results we will gain in this life, and thereafter.

If we are aligned with God holy, and we are speaking from Holiness and righteousness that is found in his kingdom and person— then we will reap the fruit of that; but if we are walking in the Kingdom of evil, that offends God and His way, which means his contrary and adversary of, being an enemy of him and his righteousness and holiness— then we will reap the results of that as well.

Because every kingdom holds its authority, power and Dominion— which brings about fruit results.

Ecclesiastes 8:4

“Where the word of a king is— there is power: and who may say unto him— What do you (or, what are you doing)?”

I have this verse in here because ‘a king’ is an authority role, and those seated with christ, will be those who are married to him in marriage Union to God, as one seated next to a king— is his Wife, and HEIR TO THE CROWN; which means because we are married to the king— we have all of the authority and power of that marriage to the high King himself.

And in that —who is going to tell us that we can't do something with him, as we are under him and being led by him— if he is truly the one we are married to, and we are subservient to him— as a loyal and willing Bride, abdicating all authority and rule to our King— then we will be BACKED BY THE HIGH KING.

Jeremiah 27:5

“I have made the earth, the man— and the beast that are upon the ground— by my great power, and by my outstretched arm— and I have given it to whom it seemed meet —to me.”

When he says he has given it to whomever it pleased him to do so unto— he's talking about his power and outstretched arm, and the fullness of the Earth Dominion; He told us we're managers of this place— as he is the owner thereof.

So when we are actually in proper Union with God he is the high King over this place, but we as his bride— or second in command with him— will be properly empowered with authority and Dominion —to take care of this place.

Because we have been found to be— his faithful partner.

Daniel 2:37

“You, O king— are a King of kings: for the God of heaven has given you a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory.”

I have included this verse in Daniel, because I want us to understand that a king of kings, means the highest Chief one, over all the high chief ones; and in that —God our Father has given Messiah— a kingdom, power, strength and glory.

So if we marry him— we will walk in power, strength, glory— of his very own kingdom as well; because we are the faithful spouse of the high King.

Upholding marriage covenant = power, Authority and Dominion— in the Earth realm, by being married to the High King.

Hosea 13:14

“I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death: O death— I will be your plagues; O grave— I will be your destruction: repentance shall be hid from my eyes.”

When God says he's going to Ransom us from the power of the grave, he's saying I'm going to make a way to win them back; and in that Redemptive way that he made possible for us— he becomes the dreaded and Powerful adversary of death, and the grave, himself!

And he goes on to say that he's not going to change his mind from this, or turn in any way from this.

Which is to say this is always going to stand!

This is our Father, and our Bridegroom—

and his great love to save us from ourselves,

and the enemy.

Because it was only when we ourselves decided to follow and yoke up to his adversary, which is death and Evil— that we even found ourselves in this situation of estrangement— to begin with.

That's incredible love folks!


Matthew 10:1

“And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples— he gave them power against unclean spirits— to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.”

Note that he called unto him his students, or children under him; these would be those who have chosen to yoke up in a marriage covenant with God.

And to those— he gave his very own power over the enemy, the adversary— which is unclean spirits; and with that —Dominion was taken over them, and they had to go— and with them, everything they brought from their kingdom.

Do we understand that we get to rule and reign with him, subduing all other powers under him— because we're married to the high King, and upholding a faithful marriage to him??

Matthew 28:18

“And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying— All power is given unto me, in heaven and in earth.”

Again, just reiterating it's his power that he's giving to us— because we are upholding a faithful marriage union: Covenant.

Mark 13:25

“And the stars of heaven shall fall— and the powers that are in heaven— shall be shaken.”

Oftentimes in scripture, God will have me transpose the word ‘that,’ for the word ‘who—’ because it's speaking of people, or persons, entities; and in this —can we see that the stars of heaven, which are symbolic for Angelic powers— will fall and be shaken?

Which really means that his dominion and power, of his kingdom— is going to be what shakes the powers of the spirits in heaven— namely those that are of the other kingdom!

And we get to partake with him in this, as a privilege and blessing, and honor of → being a faithful bride, and wife— to our holy, high ruling KING.

Luke 1:17

“And he shall go before him— in the spirit and power of Elijah— to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient → to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

I'm going to include a couple of definitions here, one being when it says ‘fathers’ in this verse— the strong definition actually says father— single tense; and so when it speaks of the hearts of the Father, being returned to the children— that is speaking of God and reunion to his children, relationship— being restored.

And with that, his intention is to use the WISDOM of the JUST— which are called the innocent and holy to teach the disobedient; and in this —we make a people who are not ready— thereby, now —prepared and ready for the Lord's return.

And in that —his children will walk in the spirit and power of Elijah, or same as— for this is exactly how Elijah walked with God; God's children will be seedling duplicates of this very nature as well.

Luke 10:19

“Behold— I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy— and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

John 19:11

“Jesus answered— You could have no power at all against me— except it was given to you, from above…”

I’ve included this verse here, for us to understand that the only Power we ever receive— is granted to us → by the Father of lights above— and unto his purposes.

Acts 1:8

“But you shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost has come upon you: and you shall be witnesses unto me —both in Jerusalem, in all Judaea, in Samaria— and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”

I want to reiterate that God has said in Acts 5:32— I only give the Holy Spirit to those who obey me; so in that— we understand that upholding a marriage covenant to God— has a lot to do with obeying him.

But— when we obey God— we then have the Holy Spirit come upon us, anointing us— to be his Witnesses in all of the earth.

And a Witness— have to actually witness something; which means —show and prove something, by their testimony and evidence of the kingdom they walk with.

And with that —comes his power, authority and Dominion— and proofs thereof, that we walk in the Kingdom of Lightwith, and unto, the holy God himself— yoked in holy matrimony/union.

Acts 6:8

“And Stephen— full of faith and power— did great wonders and miracles among the people.”

Again, just witnessing that the average person yoked up to God— we'll be able to witness, or show and prove to the world— the power, authority and Dominion of God holy— from the kingdom marriage that we uphold, and have become one with.

Romans 1:16

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ— for it is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone who believes— to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”

The gospel of christ, is Christ himself— and His holy spirit gift, that he bestows upon us— when we decide to marry him— which is coming into Union with him once again, being reformed by him— and yoke to him forever more.

So unto everyone who believes on him— in that way, unto his salvation— first those that were first chosen by him, the Jews, and then second— those it was opened up to, the Gentiles— will receive power, authority, and Dominion through the marriage Union itself.

Romans 13:1

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power —but of God: the powers that be— are ordained of God.”

The powers that be are ordained of God, which means God put them in a position to rule as they are. When we understand this— we really should be subject to God, as all power is given of him to anyone.

This includes the enemy realm— in order to hold up their own kingdom; without him ordaining that power— they would have none.

And if man is supposed to be yoking with God, but is giving over his power and Dominion that he was made in the image of God with— then the devil is getting power and dominion— by the taking of power and Dominion— being handed over to him, usurping man’s in this earth.

This is why it's incredibly important to be yoked to God holy— because when we are yoked to the enemy— this is how he receives his power and Dominion in this world.

Meaning that he is the prince of the air, because men and women seem to like living with him, and by him— and he is empowering them here— as their leader.

We were given a choice to accept God holy, return to him and his way— or stay yoked up to the devil and Evil— and eventually be cast into Eternal estrangement from God.

1 Corinthians 1:24

“But unto them who are called— both Jews and Greeks— Christ, the power of God, and the wisdom of God.”

God calls everyone, there is not only a ‘special people’ called— that he calls for the opportunity of salvation; meaning there is no Prejudice of race or Creed— salvation was opened up to all.

And with that, this speaks to us that— the power of God, and the wisdom of God— is Christ; he is the word of God, who is god.

1 Corinthians 2:4-5

“My speech and my preaching— was not with enticing words of man's wisdom— but in demonstration of the Spirit, and of power:

5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men— but in the power of God.”

Paul is saying here that his speech and preaching was not meant to woo us from man's wisdom, but was meant to convict us and prove to us the truththrough the demonstration of the power of the Spirit of God; for he IS— the Spirit of Truth, himself.

That our trust, our faith and belief— would not be from man's teachings, of a wisdom from down here— but would be from the power of the Spirit of God himself, bringing conviction and proof thereof.

And I have this in here to state that— only with, and through the holy Spirit of God— in marriage Union to him, covenanted and yoked to the holy living God— can we even ever hope to prove, by the power and authority of God— the spirit of God himself, and the TRUTH— manifest in us.

Ephesians 3:7

“Whereof I was made a minister— according to the gift of the grace of God— given to me —by the effectual working of his power.”

Paul is once again stating here, that it is only by God being continually working his power through Paul— that he's able minister the truth, at all— through the gifts that God is gracing him with, by his Spirit, itself.

Without being yoked in marriage, and upholding that marriage faithfully, loyally —and putting effort into it— we are able to do nothing of our selves.

All power, dominion and Authority— comes from the Most High God.

Colossians 2:9-12

“For in him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

10 And you are complete in him— who is the head of all principality and power: 11 in whom also you are circumcised (separated unto) with the circumcision made without hands— in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh —by the circumcision of Christ (the separation of Christ— from the world, perfectly):

12 Buried with him in baptism— wherein also you are risen with him —through the faith of the operation of God, who has raised him from the dead.”

The complete fullness of God in every way— dwells in Christ, the Messiah and the Lamb of God.

We are only complete, when we are married to him— and living with, and out of him; and in that —we have the chiefest one, the head over all principality and Power— that we are married to, and have become royalty— in.

We have been set apart, or circumcised from the world— because Christ was, and being separate entirely from the world— he lived unto the Holy Father— completely, or perfectly.

And when he says this is done not with hands, but by the Spirit of God— it is because this is a spiritual matter, of a spiritual holy matrimony— and it’s upholding it— that separates us from the world, and the spouse of the world— which is satan.

If we died with Christ— when he died to all of that and to sin itself, and the way of the world— then we too will be raised into complete, redeemed and reformed, resurrected life— just as Christ was— by the Father himself, and their holy Spirit.

And when this happens— and we unite in holy spiritual matrimony unto God holy— living it for real, with dedication and loyalty— we then too, are married to the High and Holy One, and with him → comes all power, authority and dominion.

Colossians 2:15

“And having spoiled principalities and powers— he made a show of them openly— triumphing over them in it.”

And so now with him, and married to him— we too have this privilege and honor— because he holds this privilege and honor, and High rule —himself: We— his Bride/Wife.

2 Thessalonians 1:10-12

“When he shall come to be glorified → in his saints→ and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.

11 Wherefore also we pray always for you— that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodness— and the work of faith with power:

12 That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ— may be glorified in you, and you in him— according to the grace of our God, and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

This speaks of him coming to be glorified— in his people, who are saints, which means holy clean ones, set apart and circumcised spiritually from the world— and he will be admired in them all who believe on him— in that day.

I find that incredible in general— that he's such a gracious God who wants to be known— through— his very children themselves.

Paul here, says that we should pray always, that we are counted worthy of this very calling he has called us too— which really is his good pleasure and goodness extended to us, and a work of Faith with power!

So that the name of our lord, Christ Jesus—

may be glorified in us— and us— in him.

It is this upholding of the marriage covenant— faithfully and loyally— that brings him good pleasure; and he did say, without faith in him, trusting the truth, and yoking to it— which is him— we cannot please him.

He is really saying he looks forward to showing the enemy his power and authority through his very children!

And his children will be those who —have married him spiritually, and become yoked to, and one with him— as well, upholding it faithfully: Covenant.

1 Peter 3:22

“(Christ) Who is gone into heaven— and is on the right hand of God; angels, authorities and powers —being made subject unto him.”

2 Peter 1:2-4

“Grace and peace be multiplied unto you— through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,

3 According as his divine power has given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness— through the knowledge of him who has called us to glory and virtue:

4 Whereby, are given unto us —exceeding great and precious promises: that by these— you might be partakers of the divine nature— having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”

Grace and peace are multiplied unto us when we gain the knowledge of God and our Lord Jesus Christ; and it is according to his divine power that he gives us all things pertaining to life and godliness and that comes through the knowledge of him, himself— who has called us to be a glorious and virtuous people.

And in that— he's given unto us exceeding great and precious promises, and by these— we might be partakers of his divine nature; that is an expectation to be living with him and like him, out of his divine nature— thereby proving we have escaped the corruption that is in the world through the flesh nature lust, that is ruled by the prince of the power of the air of this world: satan.

Revelation 2:25-27

“But that which you have already— hold fast to, till I come.

26 And he who overcomes, and keeps my worksunto the end— to him, I will give power over the nations: 27 and he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter —they shall be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.”

Those who will rule and reign with Christ are a specific people— they are people who will continue until the end, keeping the same works that God does— overcoming the adversary; these people will be given power over the nation's by him, to rule and reign with him.

We often wonder who those people of the 144,000, or the Romans 8 manifesting children will be— I believe this tells you right here what caliber man that will be— to whom Christ will endow with his own authority, dominion and power.

It will be a people who have yoked to him so tightly, and with such faithful union, working to become Sanctified living sacrificial lives unto him— that he will turn around, and he will bless them and anoint them— to rule and reign with him.

Revelation 5:12

“Saying with a loud voice— Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing.”

Revelation 19:1

“And after these things— I heard a great voice of many people in heaven, saying— Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power— unto the Lord our God…”


Verses on Authority


Matthew 7:29

For he taught them as one having authority— and not as the scribes.”

All authority is God's to give unto whom he shall give it; and he gives to those he teaches, or raises up— he did say go and make disciples of the Nations— those are student children of his.

And his student children of his— are the ones yoked in a faithful marriage covenant to him; and in that— they will be the ones who will be endowed with his power, authority —and who will be taking Dominion in the earth realm, with— and by him.

Matthew 8:9

“For I am a man under authority— having soldiers under me: and I say to this man— Go— and he goes; and to another— Come— and he comes; and to my servant— Do this, and he does it.”

I like to hear how this Centurion Soldier is speaking about how one achieves Authority; first Authority is earned by being under someone else— who then bestows an authority position upon you— for you learned to FOLLOW, before you LEAD, and be TRAINED IN THE WAY.

Once this Authority has been bestowed upon you— others will be under you, and will be following your lead and command.

When we understand that to become first with God— we must first become last, or servants to all— then we understand that in this yoking to God, his way, like he yoked to the Father himself— we will then be equal with Christ on the throne— living out of Christ's very own person and nature attributes, yoke to him in marriage unto the High Kingand then— power, and authority will be given to us as well: for We Are The Bride of the High King.

Matthew 21:23-24

“And when he came into the temple— the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching, and said— By what authority do you do these things? And who gave you this authority?

24 And Jesus answered and said unto them— I also will ask you one thing— which if you tell me— I, likewise, will tell you by what authority I do these things.”

All authority given— is given by the most high God— and the Father— has put all authority in the Son's hand; when we are married to the bridegroom, who is the Son of God himself— then we are the bride, who is sitting with him, equal on the throne— and power, and authority, and Dominion— is handed to us as well, in the Earth realm.

Mark 13:34

“For the Son of Man is as a man taking a far journey— who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work— and commanded the porter to watch.”

The Lord God— Jesus the Christ— is the one who went far away to heaven, and resides there now; but he left his house, or this world to his servants— which are his children, his disciple students of him, and his way.

He said he left us all work to do— and commanded us watchmen, which are porter Gatekeepers— to be about our Father's business yoked to the Spirit of God himself, allowing himself to manifest through us— as we are yoked in a marriage covenant: where 2— have become 1.

Luke 19:17

“And he said unto him— Well done, you good servant: because you have been faithful with very little— I have given you authority over ten cities.”

The Lord is going to see how well we will steward the very little he gives us, in a sacrificial and humble lifewhether finding Us Faithful or not with that little that was given us— before he's going to endow us with authority over more areas, and people.

This is why only a certain caliber man will walk, and rule and reign with Christ himself— during the Millennium; because only a certain caliber man will have been found faithful with what was originally given him, in a humble status— to then be entrusted with more authority, influence, and rule— over more people and domains.


So— if Power and Authority are received— when we uphold the marriage covenant— then let’s see what power and authority are again.

When we uphold our marriage to God, we gain his Power and Authority by….

Being a good and faithful Bride/Wife/Partner.

He details— what a good wife, or bride is.

And in this, we can see— She is loyal, repentant, clean and sanctified, reformed, one who is living the truth, one who has received HIM— in his Good Pleasure, who has YOKED HERSELF in union and UNISON to him; she is a virtuous woman/bride/partner.

And with her efforts to be in agreement with his reforming her, and her hard work in honoring him, and his leadership in her life, her gratitude, her faithfulness to him, her —unyoking from all that is his enemy/opponent/adversary— in idols and self worship or honor— and in her living the truth— with and by him— as he is the truth and truthful one, whom she has desired to return to looking like him, agreeing with him, and being— returned to how he originally made her…

THIS BRIDE, THIS WIFE— gains and receives ‘his power and authority;’ this bride— is seated WITH HIM, IN HEAVENLY PLACES, AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER, ‘with,’ her groom— and ‘in,’ her groom.

And Power and Authority are GAINED with this UNION, and detailed once again as the below— and so we become all these— WITH GOD, THROUGH CHRIST— when we yoke up to him proper like, and gain ‘through him,’ as we are YOKED TO HIM— all he has to offer us in all these attributes and provisions, below:

Authoritymight and positiveness; increase, abundance, enlarge, plenty— full privilege over, freedom and competency, magistrate delegations, influence, jurisdiction; exercise and bring under the power of, ruler or officer— potentate, superiority of rank or character— prominence, excellency.

Powerprevail, be firm with vigor, capacity to produce, substance/wealth, strength, might, fierce, dominion/rule, govern, boldness, resistfulness/power to stand, be able in moral right, endurance, overcome, a hand— a closed one (a fist), virtue, valor, worthy, force, victory, mastery, potentate— prince or warrior, forceable army, vanquish in rule or crown, miraculous power/force, ability abundance, superb glory— that is splendor of majesty, chief high ranking— magistrate principality rule, possible/able, exercise authority and bring under rule, grant, deliver.

All Power, Authority and Dominion— are GIVEN HIM; and if we are ‘in’ him, and yoked up in MARRIAGE COVENANT TO THE KINGwe by default gain all the King has— in marriage: we are a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, and his inheritanceIS US, and ours— HIM.

Upholding a faithful marriage union— matters.


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Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
01 mai 2023



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