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[part 2] This REVOLUTIONIZED ME: The purpose of the Wilderness | The Tip of the Spear, and Spearhead

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

  1.  Consecration begins in the wilderness.

Numbers 6:12

“And he shall consecrate unto the Lord the days of his separation…”

Consecration begins in separation— the wilderness helps to test us in our separation (be ye separate from the world) unto the Lord God;  consecration— is the result of this separation from being in confederacy, or league, with the spirit of this world— and the workers of;  meaning— to be in constant fellowship with anyone who walks contrary to God— not meaning— we cannot ever minister to the lost and reprobate.

It is getting the leaven out of us— pride, reprobate ways, and affiliations with being our own gods (leading self in ways we think is— right in our own eyes).

Consecration, in Strong’s, means— set apart and dedicating oneself unto God;  and the dictionary root definition, is— late Middle English: from Latin consecrat- ‘dedicated, devoted as sacred’, from the verb consecrare, from con- (expressing intensive force) + sacrare ‘dedicate’, from sacer ‘sacred’.

The wilderness with God (the relationship, structural building, plumbline establishing period of God with man) is for the forging of a consecrated, chaste/pure life unto him— which results in a consecrated life and relationship;  this is the essence of covenanting with God.

“The Lord bless you, and keep you:  The Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you:  The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.  And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them.”  (Numbers 6:24-27)

  1.  The burden bearing face of the Ox, begins in the wilderness;  and it begins with the priests of the Lord.

Numbers 7:6

“Moses took the wagons and the oxen, and gave them unto the Levites.”

Burden bearing is the Loving face of God— the mercy extended, and the first face we meet of God, when we meet him;  for by his graciousness, we are saved— through faith in him.  We too— of the priesthood will study under him— and learn of his Ox attribute of his personality, character and demeanor:  he gives, and gives— and bears;  the Ox works for others, and pulls weight they cannot.

We will be required to serve as he does;  we will be required to return to his image— and learn how to do this, as we lay our lives down (and die the death) in the wilderness— we begin to live out his Ox persona/role:  we will bear other’s burdens, firstly— the Lord’s interests and work, in the earth.

  1.  Only doing what the Lord leads us in— begins in the wilderness:  obedience to his command is established in the wilderness building.

Numbers 9:21-23

“And so it was, when the cloud abode from even unto the morning, and that the cloud was taken up in the morning, then they journeyed: whether it was by day or by night that the cloud was taken up, they journeyed.

Or whether it were two days, or a month, or a year, that the cloud tarried upon the tabernacle, remaining thereon, the children of Israel abode in their tents, and journeyed not: but when it was taken up, they journeyed.

At the commandment of the Lord they rested in the tents, and at the commandment of the Lord they journeyed: they kept the charge of the Lord, at the commandment of the Lord by the hand of Moses.”

If God is not moving— we do not move;   we do not FORCE a thing of our own will, in our own timing— because it will fall apart:  “only God has the precision, Janet—”  he has told me this, over and over again lately.  If we will not move according to when he leads, or stay content until he chooses to move— we will be undisciplined under his command, and we will have not desirable results established— because we were our own gods (leadership), and would have no Sovereign leadership (headship) over us:  God himself.

Many learn this the hard way— through trial and error, and reap the consequences:  I sat an entire day under the discipline of the Lord, in his severe frustration with me— feeling the reverence and fear of the Lord— just because I blocked one individual, and had not been led of the Lord to do that:  that is the high accountability of being a leader, serving under him;  if I am not careful (and you too), we will usurp the role of being one who follows God’s lead, and moves accordingly— and we will become our own leaders of what to do:  REVERENCE, and LOOKING TO THE LORD— must be kept in revered priority, in the lives of the child of God— under the fear of the Lord.

  1.  The Ark of the Lord— shall go before us, and we will learn this— in the wilderness.

Numbers 10:33

“the ark of the covenant of the Lord went before them…”

Numbers 10:35-36

“And it came to pass— when the ark set forward— that Moses said— Rise up, Lord, and let your enemies be scattered; and let them who hate you— flee before you.

And when it rested, he said— Return, O Lord— unto the many thousands of Israel.”

The ark of the Lord is where the testimony, truth, relationship mercy seat and presence of the the Lord is exalted among the people;  when we will keep, the relationship, the mercy, the presence of the Lord and the testimony of our relationship— his holiness and sacrifice— and the truth exalted…

And we let THAT— go before us— meaning, that is placed at the forefront of our lives— WE WIN!  For it is the Lord who goes before these men— and it is THE LORD— who will rise up and scatter the darkness in our lives, and the lives of those we intercede on behalf of— as we exalt the Ark of Lord (the place of merciful, truthful, testimonial relationship— between God and man) in our lives.

And in this— the Lord returns to his house, and upholds dominion there:  and where the Spirit of the Lord is— there is freedom, love, truth and righteousness upheld, in that vessel and house.

  1.  Murmuring is complaining, and it kills;  and when we are complaining people— it angers the Lord;  the anger of the Lord— is to be learned in the wilderness;  and we are only angering him— if we are UNGRATEFUL, and UNDISCIPLINED under his Spirit.

Numbers 11:1-2

“And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord: and the Lord heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the Lord burnt among them— and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp.  And the people cried unto Moses; and when Moses prayed unto the Lord— the fire was quenched.”

People died— because of their disrespect unto God, in the wilderness.  When we are ungrateful people, and we complain to God, over and over (think about your prayers) —he will consume that with his anger;  only people who do not revere God— complain to him in his ears.

Do we understand that things and people, situations and hardships will come in this lifetime— but are we seeing the beauty and refinement in the assignment of them??

He sends us what will try us;  and what tries us— gives us opportunity to be refined and disciplined in our nature and conduct of it— in character;  but if we will only pridefully focus on ourselves, and complain and murmur about our own lives, or those of others— we are PRIDEFUL and UNGRATEFUL, UNDISCIPLINED— and stirring up the anger of the Lord:  for we are an IRREVERENT, IMPATIENT, and RESENTFUL people.

“Complaining comes from resentment,”

 he just said.

Resentment— bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly;  root definition is— late 16th century: ‘feel’ (from Latin sentire ). The early sense was ‘experience an emotion or sensation’, later ‘feel deeply’, giving rise to ‘feel aggrieved by’.

Do we RESENT the wilderness, relationship building, cleansing, sanctifying, consecrating, service oriented, refinement reformation period— with God— and all the struggle and uncomfortableness it brings with it?

Do we RESENT GOD— for allowing what he allows, to work his refinement in our lives— as he leads us?

God has a purpose for all he allows— and we either believe he wrote the story of our lives, knows the story of our lives, and is leading the story of our lives— and is sovereign over ALL AFFAIRS— or we don’t.

The devil isn’t sovereign over all the affairs and happenings of your life— God is;  sin brings in a harvest that we sow— but God even is merciful and delays or forgives much of our sin— unless we will continue indefinitely in it— which it then becomes iniquity— and then, he must allow the law of sow and reap to come in.  

But we often are the reason things happen in our lives;  our mouths say things and decree things— and the power of death (calamity) can be found to happen— because we become those who self prophesy death (ruin) over our lives— and satan will assist us in this.

Other times— the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy— but what he meant for evil— God turns to our good;  but can we see this, and give thanks to him in ALL THINGS?  Or— are we resentful, and hate the wilderness, relationship, refinement period in our lives— which MAKES EVERY MAN OF GOD, MATURE?

The wilderness— establishes every man of God;  it is in the wilderness that we learn the fruits of the Spirit, how to discipline ourselves in them (patience, long suffering, thanksgiving, trust, etc);  it is in the wilderness where we return to his image— as he reshapes us;  it is in the the wilderness where we grow close together— and begin to ascend the mountain of the Lord— as we yield to him.

And yet— MANY— curse the days of the wilderness, and complain about them (even I have);  “and yet—” he says— “When will you see it is the wilderness, the trials, the testing— that brings about the victories and the intimacy between us?”

Death— of the relationship, trust, fruits of the Spirit expressed, victory, intimacy— is all destroyed— through complaining and murmuring— as we walk life out with God.  The wilderness of refinement and testing— tests our LOYALTY to God, righteousness, and our LOVE (obedience) to him.

Complaining— KILLS;  

gratitude— SAVES and RESTORES.

  1.  Reverence of Leadership (and for the reasons and cost of a sanctified life) will be learned and heeded in the wilderness;  or— the correction of the Lord will come with sow and reap.

Numbers 12:1-10

“And Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses —because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.

And they said— Has the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses? Has he not spoken —also by us? And the Lord heard it.

(Now the man Moses was very meek [gentle, humble, lowly], above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)

And the Lord spoke suddenly unto Moses, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam— Come out you three— to the tabernacle of the congregation.  And they three came out.  And the Lord came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood in the door of the tabernacle— and called Aaron and Miriam: and they both came forth.

And he said— Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you— I the Lord will make myself known to him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.

My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.  With him —I will speak mouth to mouth (face to face), even apparently [visually and clearly], and not in dark speeches [puzzling ways]; and the similitude [manifestation] of the Lord he shall behold: wherefore (why) then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?

And the anger of the Lord was kindled against them; and he departed.  And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold— Miriam became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous.”

First— the children of God in the wilderness— judged a meek man, one who is humble, lowly and gentle— in a harsh, and unfair way;  and then— they pridefully erected themselves into a position of ‘we are just as holy and called, and disciplined as he.’  And this angered the Lord.

The point here is— God chooses whom he chooses, and with good reason (character and loyalty) —and he chooses wisely.  These two— exalted self, and in the process— demoted Moses, the chosen one of the Lord to be in leadership, who communes face to face with God— to lead the household of God:  he is the ultimate, consecrated servant;  and these two— are judging wrongly, usurping authority, disrespecting authority, and promoting themselves into his position.  Eeesh.

The Lord says— Why were you not afraid (no fear of the Lord) to do such things against Moses?  And as soon as he departed— her rot set in:  this is symbolic of disrespect God— and death is the result, rottenness of bones (or structure);  and he gave her a taste in the physical— of what she was walking in spiritually (and with which kingdom she represented, and was working with— and from the counsels of:  satan).

Why is reverence of leadership, in the house of God to be learned— because it is symbolic of usurping God’s authority— as the ultimate, highest leadership of us all.  When Miriam and Aaron (unsanctified, undisciplined, and irreverent) usurped, mocked, judged Moses unfairly— they simultaneously— exalted themselves in pride:  and God hates pride, and resists pride.

The law of sow and reap took place— the moment the Lord’s cloud departed— and Miriam bore the physical representation— of death upon her, for death was found in her heart (usurping the authority of the Lord).

  1.  Trust in God’s identity, and his word of promise, and stand resolutely in both— this is established in the wilderness.

In the 13 chapter of Numbers— Moses sends out scouts, to survey the land, and see who and what is there;  there come back declaring it is as the Lord said— but giants are in the land, and they are dismayed by them;  and yet— Caleb stands up, and stills the people before Moses, by his words— Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.

While everyone else is fearful— which isUNBELIEVING TOWARD GOD AND HIS WORDS OF PROMISE (that they shall possess the land) —Caleb, leads a charge of BELIEF and FAITH— in God and his promises.

If we cannot be a people who believe God at his word— no matter what it looks like— we are an unbelieving people;  and the forerunners— are believers, who take conquests, and gain them under their belts— with the Lord leading the charge:  as they have believed in whom they are persuaded, and who is able to keep that in which has been entrusted to him.

The forerunners— are Joshuas and Calebs;  they are priestly people of the Lord, who only fear the Lord;  they fear no other opponents (like David) —and they slay giants in the land, that has been promised of the Lord, who is faithful to deliver, and keep his word:  he is not a man that he should lie.

  1.  REVENANT RELATIONSHIP (resurrected) is to take place in the wilderness, as death takes place in the wilderness (either spiritually dying to self and becoming reverent, or literal physical death);  those who refuse, by their resentment (complaining) against the Lord— will not cross over into the promises, and will die in the wilderness— never having learned, nor accomplished the revenant (returning from the dead) relationship building, of the Lord.

Numbers 14:1-12, 22-24

“And all the congregation lifted up their voice, and cried; and the people wept that night.

And all the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron: and the whole congregation said unto them— Would God that we had died in the land of Egypt! or would God we had died in this wilderness!

And wherefore (why) has the Lord brought us unto this land, (just) to fall by the sword— that our wives and our children should be a prey?  Were it not better for us to return to Egypt?

And they said one to another— Let us make a captain, and let us return to Egypt.

Then Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before all the assembly of the congregation of the children of Israel.

And Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh —who were of them that searched the land— rent their clothes:  And they spoke unto all the company of the children of Israel, saying— The land, which we passed through to search it, is an exceeding good land.

If the Lord delight in us, then he will bring us into this land, and give it to us; a land which flows with milk and honey.  Only rebel not against the Lord, neither fear the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their defense is departed from them— and the Lord is with us: fear them not.

But all the congregation bade— stone them with stones. And the glory of the Lord appeared in the tabernacle of the congregation before all the children of Israel.

And the Lord said unto Moses— How long will this people provoke me?  And how long will it be ere (until) they believe me, for all the signs which I have shown among them?

I will smite them with the pestilence, and disinherit them, and will make of you a greater nation and mightier than they.


Because all those men who have seen my glory, and my miracles— which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness— have tempted me now these ten times, and have not hearkened to my voice;  Surely, they shall not see the land which I swore unto their fathers, neither shall any of them that provoked me— see it:  

But my servant Caleb— because he has another spirit with him, and has followed me fullyhim, will I bring into the land whereinto he went; and his seed shall possess it.”

They still want to live with, and as Egypt (the old man ways) and they resent GOD, and God’s man— for bringing them out of the world:  Would to God that we had died in the land of Egypt! Or would to God we had died in this wilderness!

Well, they haven’t even left the wilderness yet— and we will see— They will die in the wilderness, and they will never see the promises;  because they resented God, the journey, the reformation, the holiness, the order of God’s Kingdom and his ways:  and they voiced their disapproval of ALL GOD WAS DOING IN THE WILDERNESS— the entire time.

Let us make a captain, and let us return to Egypt.

This was not only them disrespecting God, and wanting to turn back— with no faith in him…

But it was also them, looking to find a leader who would lead them in their rebellious and faithless ways.  Can we see why these will not be permitted to cross over— THAT— is what they would continue to demonstrate, in rebellion and faithless irreverence— to the next generation, and the rest of the congregation:  so God will SEPARATE (remove) THEM— from those he will mature, and covenant with— and bring into the promises.

The godly leaders— they wanted to stone, who believed and upheld the Lord;  do not think this is not going on in the religious of this day— nor that they will not attempt to rise up against the forerunners (the first of the first fruits), for they will, and do.  But the Lord is their defense.

Do we see they are with satan and his kingdom?  Do we see them speak against God, godliness, reverence to him, faith in him, and desire to kill his forerunners?  If so— you see this spiritually—- then we understand why God must separate them (remove them) from his congregation (for they are a wicked, perverse and evil people);  who would influence the next generation, and the glory of the Lord would depart from them.

God was on mission to save a remnant— it’s always been so;  and God is not mocked— what a man sows, he will reap back upon him in spades (large allotment);  and here— they sowed satan and death, not godliness and life— and so, they will reap sin and death, since they are still in covenant with both:  God has been long suffering and merciful— and no matter WHAT they were showed of his grace, love, forgiveness, and power— they turned not in repentance toward him;  and they remained in bondage to Egypt (old man, wicked ways, and the leadership of).

Those people will never make it out of the wilderness proving grounds— for they were of another spirit— and those who revered God, will be the seed (or offspring) of the Lord, who will enter into the promise— and see it, and receive it:  for God is faithful, to those who are his;  and that is the point— those who ‘claimed’ his name, but went from among them, but were not with them— are those of ‘another’ spirit, who are not his household, nor those of the promise.

But his SERVANTS, like Caleb— because they have ‘another spirit with him’ (his), and have followed him FULLY THOSE—  he will bring into all he has promised; and THEIR seed— shall possess the promises, as they inherit the kingdom:  THE MEEK INHERIT THE EARTH, not the haughty of another spirit.

Numbers 14:28-39

“Say unto them— As truly as I live, says the Lord— as you have spoken in my ears— so will I do to you:  Your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness; and all that were numbered of you, according to your whole number, from twenty years old and upward —which have murmured against me.

Doubtless— you shall not come into the land, concerning which I sware to make you dwell therein— save (except) Caleb the son of Jephunneh, and Joshua the son of Nun. 

(That’s all adult deaths, except Caleb and Joshua— of the tribe.)

But your little ones— whom you said should be a prey— those— I will bring in, and they shall know the land which you have despised. (irreverence)

But as for you— your carcasses— they shall fall in this wilderness.  And your children shall wander in the wilderness forty years, and bear your whoredoms, until your carcasses will be wasted in the wilderness.

After the number of the days in which you searched the land— forty days, each day for a year— shall you bear your iniquities— forty years;  and you shall know my breach [opposition, alienation, and enmity] of promise.

I the Lord have said— I will surely do it unto all this evil congregation that are gathered together against me: in this wilderness— they shall be consumed— and there they shall die.

And the men, which Moses sent to search the land— who returned, and made all the congregation to murmur against him, by bringing up a slander upon the land— Even those men that did bring up the evil report upon the land, died by the plague before the Lord.

But Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh— who were of the men that went to search the land— lived, still.

And Moses told these sayings unto all the children of Israel: and the people mourned greatly.”

Some who were with us— will not remain with us, nor cross over;  the children of the Lord, are those led of his Spirit, who do the will of the Father;  the wilderness will try all men— and reveal the status of the heart and its motives:  those given to the Father, in truth and spirit— will be those who will cross over;  and they will be led by forerunners (who are led of his Spirit) —and will enter into the promises too— for they had eyes and ears, given to the Lord, holiness, righteousness, and FAITH in him:  the others, who were with us, but not of us— will not make it out of the wilderness testing grounds, for they were IRREVERENT, and RESENTED GOD, and WERE OF ANOTHER SPIRIT.

  1.  The decree and judgment of the Lord is to be heeded in the wilderness;  and we are not right in our own ways, nor can we make right— what the Lord has not blessed.

Numbers 14:40-45

“And they rose up early in the morning, and got themselves up into the top of the mountain, saying— Lo, we be here, and will go up unto the place which the Lord has promised: for we have sinned.

And Moses said— Wherefore, now— do you transgress the commandment of the Lord?  But it shall not prosper.

Go not up— for the Lord is not among you;  so that you will not be smitten before your enemies.

For the Amalekites and the Canaanites are there before you, and you shall fall by the sword: because you are turned away from the Lord— therefore the Lord will not be with you.

But they presumed to go up unto the hill top: nevertheless the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and Moses— departed not out of the camp.

Then the Amalekites came down, and the Canaanites which dwelt in that hill— and smote them, and discomfited them— even unto Hormah.”

It never turns out, when we have turned away from obeying and reverencing the Lord, doing our own thing— and being presumptuous against the decree of the Lord.  Here— the Israelites had already been told— God has departed from covenanting with them, they will never leave the wilderness— they will never cross over (because they didn’t cross from death to life, spiritually, in the wilderness) —and they will NEVER EVER SEE the land of promise.

And yet— they head out, of their own accord, again doing their own thing— and they are slaughtered in the way;  because the Ark, the man of God— and God himself— does not go before them:  it is not ordained, and even worse— IT IS DISREGARDING HIS ROYAL DECREE, and they forge ahead with ‘what is right in their own perceptions and reasonings.’

We are to heed the lesson of the wilderness— in that when God decrees a thing— an unrighteous man— will not prevail against the Lord, and his sovereignty— not even with their life.

Numbers 15:30-31, 41

“The soul that does ought— presumptuously— whether he be born in the land, or a stranger, the same reproaches the Lord; and that soul shall be cut off from among his people.

Because he has despised the word of the Lord, and has broken his commandment— that soul shall utterly be cut off; his iniquity shall be upon him.

I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt— TO BE YOUR GOD:  I am the Lord your God.”

  1.  The difference between the holy and the profane— is established in the wilderness.

Numbers 16:2-5

“And they rose up before Moses, with certain of the children of Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown:  And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them— You take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them —and the Lord is among them: wherefore then (why do you) lift up yourselves above the congregation of the Lord?

And when Moses heard it— he fell upon his face:  And he spoke to Korah and to all his company, saying— Even tomorrow— the Lord will show you who are his, and who is holy; and will cause them to come near unto him: even they whom he has chosen— will he cause to come near unto him.”

This is the same story of Miriam— all over again;  they think there is no difference between person ‘A,’ and person ‘B,’ even when the Lord has made distinctions, and those distinctions— are based on REVERENCING HIM, and HIM CHOOSING THOSE WHO ARE CLOSE TO HIM, PERSONALLY— to be in leadership.

Here they are PRIDEFULLY erecting themselves into self-righteousness, and placing themselves in a position of HOLINESS and RIGHT STANDING WITH GOD— when God just said, the adult congregation will die in the wilderness, with a wandering of 40 years:  but somehow, in pride— they continue to disregard God, his man/leadership— and flow in demonic spirits who lead them in their ways.

Numbers 16:19-21, 30-35

“And Korah gathered all the congregation against them unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation: and the glory of the Lord appeared unto all the congregation.

And the Lord spoke unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying— Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume them in a moment.


If the Lord makes a new thing, and the earth opens her mouth, and swallows them up, with all that pertain unto them, and they go down quickly into the pit… then you shall understand that these men have provoked the Lord.

And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these words— that the ground clave asunder that was under them:  And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that pertain to Korah, and all their goods.

They— and all that pertained to them— went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them:  and they perished from among the congregation.  And all Israel that was round about them —fled at the cry of them: for they said— Lest the earth swallow us up also.

But there came out a fire from the Lord, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense.”

God will always bring sow and reap into play— when a people continue in inquity, and usurp the godly authority— pridefully and self-righteously, presumptuously— promoting themselves:  as this demonstrates— the usurping of the throne and order of God himself.

In the wilderness— we are to learn to be disciplined, and disciplined under God.

But the people continued to blame Moses and Aaron— and God had it with them, and their demonic, complaining, insulting ways of irreverence.

Numbers 16:45-46, 49-50

“Get yourselves up from among this congregation, that I may consume them as in a moment. And they fell upon their faces.

And Moses said unto Aaron— Take a censer, and put fire therein from off the altar, and put on incense, and go quickly unto the congregation— and make an atonement for them: for there is wrath gone out from the Lord; the plague is begun.

49 Now those that died in the plague— were fourteen thousand and seven hundred— besides those who died, about the matter of Korah.”

  1.  The gift of becoming a priest— begins in the wilderness.

Numbers 18:7

“Therefore you and your sons with you— shall keep your priest's office, for everything of the altar, and within the veil; and you shall serve: I have given your priest's office unto you as a service of gift.”

The priest’s office (being one, now, us— with the Lord) is a gift unto humanity;  the priesthood of Melchizedek— the children of the most High and only true God— is a gift to humanity, as they usher in the holy, righteous King, as ambassadors of his Spirit— to save.

They serve (we serve God, and humanity) —because we exist in two realms, at one time (tip of the spear, right now) —and we have gone beyond a veil;  we sojourn in a body, with a soul here in the earth— doing the will and works of our Father, through us;  and we abide in heavenly places with our Father, Bridegroom/Savior/Teacher, and High Priest— bringing in the Spirit, will and works of God— into the earth.

I hate the saying— Too heavenly minded, to be of any earthly good;  when the opposite is true:  it will take those who LIVE IN HEAVEN, NOWwith God— to BRING INTO THE EARTHLY REALM— the works and will of the Father, with demonstrations of.

To think there is anything such as— TOO GODLY MINDED— to be of any use down here, is satanic;  only satan himself, through a person who is compromised— would say such a thing.

The priesthood, operating in the righteousness of God, and have become holiness (separated and consecrated, purified) —is the GIFT to a reprobate people;  who do not deserve his mercy and grace— but whom will receive the gift of— when they come in contact with his priests, who operate as the High intercession priest over them— has shown them to do.

We are a peculiar, priestly people of the Lord— prepared of the Lord, by the Lord, and with the Lord— FOR THE LORD:  this is his dream fulfilled— a family like him, a family of priests in the earth, who operate— from heaven, and his leadership (headship):  it is Emmanuel in the earth.

  1.  The Lord is our inheritanceas priests— and we begin to receive him in such ways, in the wilderness.

Numbers 18:20

“I am your part, and your inheritance— among the children of Israel.”

Do we understand the significance of this, truly?  

When he says— I am your inheritance— means— ALL HE IS, ALL HE HAS, ALL WE ARE TO BE AND HAVE— will come directly from him;  because we are one with him;  we shall have need of nothing:  land and stuff is just ‘part of’ what will come with HIM— as our inheritance.

When God goes with you, and you have become one with him— everywhere you go, and everything you do— will prosper, because LIFE, TRUTH, and THE KINGDOM— goes with you, in all things.

He is the ONLY thing we will ever need;  and HE— IS THE GIFT RECEIVED:  when we come to the place where this realm, and all it’s struggles fade away, and is more and more tolerable to endure— and all we truly desire is to behold him, now— that’s when we gain true freedom, and understand SALVATION in this realm.

The priesthood understands this, the forerunners live this— as they have inherited Christ, and he sups with them:  he speaks with them face to face, and plainly— not in dark sayings or riddles:  he is their dream, and they are his— and two have the same soul now, one toward the other.  The cares of this world fade away in comparison to his glory in their hearts, minds and upon their lives.  

He is the INHERITANCE (stuff) THEY WERE AFTER:  him.

The wilderness helps us see the truth, and gives us an opportunity to exalt it:  him.

The first fruits do this, and follow in YahShua’s footsteps— for his delight was the Father, beholding him, being as he is— and fulfilling his will in the earth (his person):  and that was to save the brethren, and bring the Kingdom, and the High One into this realm— exalting him.

  1.  The best of the best, of the Lord (that means close intimacy with him) —are forged in the wilderness.

Numbers 18:30

“When you have heaved the best thereof from it— then it shall be counted unto the Levites as the increase of the threshingfloor— and as the increase of the winepress.”

The wine is the intimacy forged, and crushed and pressed out unto the Lord;  Moses walked in this with the Lord, as well as Joshua and Caleb— and they were tested, crushed, and poured out as a drink offering to the Lord— in their set apart, and consecrated lives.

The pressing— produces the vintage, and the vintage he’s going after— is pure refinement:  the best of the best he can produce.  Many will come in— but he will use the forerunners, the best of the first crop of mature ones— to assist him in bringing in the rest:  as they will EXEMPLIFY the laid down life, and at-one-ment returned in relationship of first love— between God and man:  the successful union, where 2 become 1— in spirit.

The wilderness is the proving grounds for this forging of purity in relationship to him— to take place.  

The more I read, listen, heed and learn of him— about the purposes of the wilderness— the more I see the beauty and gift of suffering, learning, refinement, and union with him during it all:  for if we did not have this opportunity to forge this unshakeable bond— we would remain outside knowing him personally and intimately, as well— would not return to being as/like he is in his conduct and inner man;  and in that— we would not be able to walk tightly with him in this realm— or secure that same relationship in the heavenly realm with him.

The wilderness struggle, learning obedience and reverence, truth and discipline— IS A BLESSING— and IS VALUABLE:  I pray I will never forget this, or think otherwise ever again, Lord.


and it has seemed good to God to do so.

  1.  Forerunners are either established or removed from office— in the wilderness.

Numbers 20:8-12 {Prior to this the people were complaining again about provisions}

“Take the rod, and gather yourself to the assembly, together— you, and Aaron your brother— and SPEAK unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth HIS water— and you shall bring forth to them water— out of the rock: so you shall give the congregation and their beasts drink.

And Moses took the rod from before the Lord, as he commanded him.

And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together —before the rock— and he said unto them— Hear now, you rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock?

And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod— he SMOTE the rock, twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also.

And the Lord spoke unto Moses and Aaron— Because you did not believe me, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel— therefore, you shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them.”

Moses was upset because the people were complaining again— and Moses is usually a meek (disciplined and humble) man— but this day— his emotions got the best of him;  and when they did— he rebelled against the Lord:  forerunners must be completely obedient to the Lord, or they will suffer consequences of this— and for good reason:  they are exemplifying proper protocol unto God holy— to those who are following them, as they lead.

And here— the Rock, was God himself— symbolically;  and God said— You only need to ‘ask’ of me (him) —and I will bring forth the living waters from me, that you seek.

But instead— Moses lost his composure, then he lost his reverence for God, then he rebelled and was led of his own:  and all this— because he took his eyes off the Lord, and placed them on the people;  that led him— to lead himself, and disobey the Lord.

How can a forerunner— who is exemplifying that— cross over?  He would lead people in rebellion— for he had not exemplified DISCIPLINE under, and unto— THE LORD:  whom God chooses, he chooses wisely;  and when he demotes— and removes a man— he does that wisely too.

You see— Moses was OPPOSING GOD, he was CHALLENGING GOD— when the Lord said, ‘do this,’ and Moses— ‘did that,’ instead;  and all the people were WATCHING:  this was an exemplifying problem.

Not only did Moses (a forerunner/leader) do contrary to God’s command, he gathered the people to see this take place (so an audience of impressionable people were there) —and he smote the Rock, but not once— TWICE.

When you smite the Rock, you are in direct rebellion to God— and he was;  but this was not a one time mistake— HE DID IT TWICE;  he deliberately demonstrated rebellion— TWICE IN A ROW, and challenged (or struck) God himself:  this was— Moses, taking dominion— OVER GOD, and doing his own thing, how he wanted, when he wanted, in front of all— and as many times as he wanted.

Reminds me why God was upset that I blocked someone on social media— it was because of the same thing, and I sealed that in, that day;  Lord don’t let me forget this lesson:  and I can see why now— Moses and Aaron (forerunner/leaders), didn’t get to cross over, to see the promise— all because they disobeyed, and exemplified this behavior to others— by not doing what the Lord’s will was.

And by that— THEY CHALLENGED GOD’S AUTHORITY— in their own lives:  and Moses (leading Aaron) became a god, in that moment— and demoted God holy from his throne and dominion.

Numbers 20:23-29

“And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in mount Hor, by the coast of the land of Edom, saying— Aaron shall be gathered unto his people: for he shall not enter into the land which I have given unto the children of Israel— because you rebelled against my word at the water of Meribah.

Take Aaron and Eleazar his son, and bring them up unto mount Hor:  strip Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his son:  Aaron shall be gathered unto his people— and shall die there.

And Moses did as the Lord commanded: and they went up into mount Hor in the sight of all the congregation.  And Moses stripped Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his son; and Aaron died there— in the top of the mount: and Moses and Eleazar came down from the mount.

And when all the congregation saw that Aaron was dead— they mourned for Aaron thirty days, all the house of Israel.”

  1.  The covenant of Peace is established in the wilderness.

Numbers 25:12-13

“Wherefore say— Behold, I give unto him [Eleazar— Aaron’s son, of the priesthood] my covenant of peace:  And he shall have it, and his seed after him— even the covenant of an everlasting priesthood; because he was zealous for his God, and made an atonement for the children of Israel.”

Walking in right standing with God, uphold him in the wilderness (the testings and trials) —will establish his covenant of peace in an everlasting priesthood, with us— even now.

Peace, in Strong’s means— safety, welfare, health and prosperity, completeness, quietness, contentment in relationships— especially with God, friendship.

We become the friend of God— when we will be zealous for God;  and in the wilderness we learn to cultivate this kind of loyal relationship with him.

  1.   Promotion takes place in the wilderness;  all that is established in the house of God— will be established through testing, trials, and promotion will be granted— when one has been found to remain faithful and loyal (this is fidelity unto God) —and the Spirit of God is found erect inside that man— this man of God will be promoted.

Number 27:15-23

“And Moses spake unto the Lord, saying— Let the Lord, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation— Which may go out before them, and which may go in before them, and which may lead them out, and which may bring them in;  that the congregation of the Lord be not as sheep which have no shepherd.

And the Lord said unto Moses— Take Joshua, the son of Nun— a man in whom is the spirit, and lay your hand upon him;  And set him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the congregation;  and give him a charge in their sight.

And you shall put some of your honor upon him, that all the congregation of the children of Israel may be obedient.

And he shall stand before Eleazar the priest— who shall ask counsel of him, after the judgment of Urim before the Lord:  and at his word —they shall go out, and at his word— they shall come in— both he, and all the children of Israel with him— all the congregation.

And Moses did as the Lord commanded him: and he took Joshua, and set him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the congregation:  And he laid his hands upon him, and gave him a charge, as the Lord commanded by the hand of Moses.”

  1.  Warriors are built in the wilderness;  and obedience carries us into the promises, born of the REVERENCE of God.

Numbers 33:50-53

“And the Lord spoke unto Moses in the plains of Moab— by Jordan near Jericho, saying— Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them— When you are passed over Jordan into the land of Canaan— You shall then drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you;  and destroy all their pictures, and destroy all their molten images, and quite pluck down— all their high places:  And you shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land, and dwell therein: for I have given you the land to possess it.”

It is reverence unto the Lord, that causes a man to obey God;  and a man who will obey God, know their God for his true identity:  true, loyal, powerful, holy, righteous (fair and equitable), just, loving, merciful, gracious, long-suffering with godly judgment.  This man— will become a warrior for God— when one actually trusts God— that it is not by our might, but by the Spirit of the Lord that all things are established:  all promises of God— are brought forth by God;  and only partially by the hands of man— as by the law of sow and reap— when one exalts God— God fights that man’s battles— and the victory of the Lord is established.

We must cast down all idols, all strongholds must be dealt with— as this is upholding God and the Kingdom of righteousness, within;  but in all that struggle, warfare, and battles won— the man is going to possess the promise, and his portion is THE LORD HIMSELF.

  1.   Permanent sanctification is to be established in the wilderness— to carry us into permanent habitation with the Spirit of God— in the promised land.

Numbers 35:34

“Defile not therefore the land which you shall inhabit, wherein I dwell: for I, the Lord —dwell among the children of Israel.”

God will not continually abide with a people who are not reverent of him and his righteous ways— and so— in the wilderness we are to learn and establish sanctified souls;  but not only learn and establish it— BECOME RESOLUTE and PERMANENT— in that established, sanctified soul.

We will carry, from the wilderness— into the promises— that in which we gained in the wilderness, of our relational building— that which we sought after of a permanent habitation (tabernacling) with the Lord God, holy and true:  for that to be fulfilled in our lives— sanctification, must be gained in the wilderness testing and trials, through loyalty and fidelity— of that time of the struggle—  whilst there’s a developing of a DEEP BOND to God.  

And this will become permanent, if we will not only assimilate it into our character— BUT REVERENCE SANCTIFICATION— there, in our souls:  which means— see, love and hold dear— a sanctified soul, to be as God is.

He will keep the promised land pure:

Deuteronomy 1:38-40

“Joshua the son of Nun— who stands before you— he shall go in thither (to the promised land): encourage him: for he shall cause Israel to inherit it.

Moreover your little ones— which you said should be a prey, and your children, which in that day had no knowledge between good and evil— they shall go in thither, and unto them will I give it, and they shall possess it.

But as for you— turn you, and take your journey into the wilderness— by the way of the Red sea.”

Those who are not reverent to the Lord— will not enter into the promises;  those— who are still impressionable (teachable) by the Lord, will cross over— and will exit the wilderness:  many— will never leave the wilderness, and will die there:  for they never died the soul death to self whilst there— not the whole time in the wilderness;  but instead— served self, disrespected God, and remained loyal to sin and iniquity.  

The wilderness— did not accomplish her purpose— in the souls of those men;  because those men— reverenced not the Lord— no matter what he did for them, or how much he provided, or showed of his love and power.

Do we see why there is a generations spoken of by our Lord— that will not be saved?  For they are a prideful, selfish people— who are seared in their ways, and have been given over to their lusts and sin.

We will either bow to God in the proverbial wilderness, and revere him— or— we will never exit it, and cross over into the promise:  that, spiritually— is life in Christ Jesus.

  1.   How to raise the next generation, and help them enter into the promise— is established in the wilderness.

Deuteronomy 4:9-10

“Take heed to yourself (speaking to Joshua), and keep your soul diligently— lest you forget the things which your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart —all the days of your life: teach them to your sons, and your sons' sons;  Especially the day that you stood before the Lord your God in Horeb— when the Lord said unto me— Gather me the people together, and I will make them hear my words, that they may learn to fear me all the days that they shall live upon the earth, and that they may teach their children.”

God will promote those, to cross over— if you will help him to raise his next generation of children up properly, and in exalting him, the truth, and righteousness.  This is the walk the Son of man exemplified himself— as he came to disciple the children of the Lord;  and from a sanctified soul— all the days of his life (John 17, I sanctify myself for their sakes Father, that they too— would sanctify themselves— by your truth/word).

Deuteronomy 4:21-24

“(Moses) Furthermore the Lord was angry with me for your sakes, and swore that I should not go over Jordan, and that I should not go in unto that good land, which the Lord your God gives you for an inheritance:  I must die in this land— I must not go over Jordan: but you shall go over, and possess that good land.

Take heed unto yourselves, lest you forget the covenant of the Lord your God, which he made with you— and make unto you a graven image, or the likeness of any thing— which the Lord your God hath forbidden you.  For the Lord your God is a consuming fire— a jealous God.”

  1.   The purpose of the wilderness— is revealed— in the wilderness:  perfect union with God.

Deuteronomy 8:2

“Remember all the way which the Lord your God led you— these forty years— in the wilderness, to humble you, and to prove you, to know what was in your heart— whether you would keep his commandments, or not.”

So— what is the purpose of the wilderness?  Perfect union with God, where 2 become 1 in spirit. 

And it comes through proving TO US— what is in our souls, by attempting to get us humble (we must participate— look how many never made it out of the wilderness, and died in it) —so that we can become a sanctified, consecrated unto the Lord and his righteousness— house of God:  the children who are led of his Spirit.

THAT— is the purpose of the wilderness:  and I’ve loved discovering the beauty in the suffering,  the polishing in the fire, the union in the agreements, the maturity in the surrender.

The wilderness— is the journey into maturity— 

and it’s a GIFT:  please see it from the heavenly perspective.

  1.   The whole Kingdom is offered in the wilderness— as the King is offered to all, in the wilderness;  and all his assets come with him:  abundance in the crossover— is achieved in the surrender and fortitude developed in the wilderness, with God:  the relationship structure, building of the Lord, time.

Deuteronomy 8:7-10

“For the Lord your God brings you into a good land— a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills;  A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees, and pomegranates; a land of olive oil, and honey— A land wherein you shall eat bread without scarceness, you shall not lack anything in it; a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills you may dig brass.

When you have eaten and are full— then you shall bless the Lord your God —for the good land which he has given you.”

This is not speaking of a land in this realm, only— but the Kingdom of God:  a place that is a good land, full of provisions— depths of living waters that spring forth, a land of wheat (people harvested into the Kingdom), barley (the first of them), vines (family tree, branches of), fig trees (full provision of the tree of Life in Christ) and pomegranates (the sweet fruit of God);  a land of the anointing (oil) and of the sweetness (God himself, the honey);  a land where you shall eat and be full— lacking nothing;  a land whose Kingdom is in full dominion and reigns over all, and conquers all other kingdoms.

A place to dwell with God that will make your heart/souls sing with praise to God— for such a place and person:  life in Christ— the good land he has given us.

  1.   Circumcision of the heart— begins to take place in the wilderness;  and is brought into effect, and unto— the next generation and offspring of the Lord— as we step into the promises.

Deuteronomy 30:5-6

“And the Lord your God will bring you into the land which your fathers possessed, and you shall possess it; and he will do you good, and multiply you above your fathers.  And the Lord your God will circumcise your heart, and the heart of your seed— to love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul— that you may live.”

We are circumcised in heart/soul, by the Lord— and that begins in the wilderness— and carries through into the promises;  in fact— it is the reason we are brought into the promises— for our souls were converted, sanctified and consecrated, and set apart unto the Lord God (circumcised— cutting the ‘flesh’ away):  and in this process— is Life eternal, established.

  1.  The narrow way is discovered/revealed in the wilderness;  but it must become a permanent fixture in the structure of that man— or it is lost in the testing of abundance (which can lead men to pride, and yoking to the enemy of God once again).

Deuteronomy 31:20-21

“For when I shall have brought them into the land which I sware unto their fathers, that flows with milk and honey; and they shall have eaten and filled themselves, and waxen fat; THEN— will they turn unto other gods, and serve them— and provoke me, and break my covenant.

And it shall come to pass, when many evils and troubles are befallen them, that this song shall testify against them as a witness; for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed: for I know their imagination which they go about, even now, before I have brought them into the land which I sware.

Even those who will cross over with God, and exit the wilderness, have the potential to FALL AWAY— and a great falling away is prophesied to come in the last days.  If we do not remain mindful and heartful of God— we, even the very elect, who cross over— can fall prey to PROVISION and ABUNDANCE:  and in this— fall to the enemy again, in PRIDE;  garnering wicked imaginations, lusts and sinful transgressing actions— that move contrary to the Spirit of God.

And he sees and knows all ahead of time— but is STILL FAITHFUL— to fulfill what he said he would:  take heart— he is faithful to come through on what he has promised;  if we are faithful to continue to uphold him, and endure to the end of it all— WITH HIM.

Deuteronomy 32:3-4, 9-10

“Because I will publish the name of the Lord: ascribe ye greatness unto our God.  He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity— just and right is he.  

For the Lord's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.  He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about— he instructed him— he kept him as the apple of his eye.”

  1.  The word of the Lord is kept in the wilderness.

Deuteronomy 32:48-52

“And the Lord spoke unto Moses that selfsame day, saying— Get yourself up into this mountain— Abarim, unto mount Nebo— which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession:  And die in the mount whither you go up, and be gathered unto your people; as Aaron your brother died in mount Hor, and was gathered unto his people:  Because you trespassed against me among the children of Israel at the waters of MeribahKadesh— in the wilderness— of Zin; because you sanctified me not in the midst of the children of Israel.

Yet— you shall see the land before you; but you shall not go thither— into the land which I give to the children of Israel.”

We are called to obey God— or he is not our God;  it’s literally a title given, where those under him— are just that— he is there God over them:  this is the meaning of ‘most high God,’ in us:  if we will not obey and heed him, exalt and revere him— we have another god of us, namely— Self, and satan who assists us in this:  and Moses failed to have God— most high, and in the sight of the children of God— he exemplified a chosen one, in direct rebellion to God;  and this could not be exemplified unto the next generation.

God chooses wisely— but anyone, at any time— can fall away from having God placed on the throne of their souls/heart— and being obedient to him, and in that— usurp the throne.

God still loves Moses dearly— but he was not the forerunner who was promoted into the promises:  we should note this— because the Barley (first fruits), the majority is rotten with worms in it right now:  that is symbolic of sin and devils.

Only a remnant of the first fruits are ripe, and ready for harvest:  and God is coming to exalt these wise virgins, and very soon— for they are the tip of the spear-head, who will help him bring in all other first fruits— and every harvest after this:  the tip— must penetrate the darkness first, then it will bring through the rest of the spear-head— and after that— the rest of the entire spear (harvest, wheat— that follows):  and this— is the great harvest of the last days.

Remembrances were made— of all that was taught in the wilderness— by Moses;  he blessed the people who were crossing over into the promises— and then he died, there, at 120 years of age— on mount Nebo;  and Israel wept for him for 30 days:  and Joshua and Caleb (and the teens and under) —crossed over into Jordan, the tip of the spear-head— and all those that would follow after them:  and they went after the promises of the Lord, and to conquer the giants of the land (world spirit).


The Wilderness Testing

Of Jesus


Matthew 4:1-11

“Then Jesus was led up— of the Spirit —into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.  And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights— he was afterward an hungred.

And when the tempter came to him, he said— If you be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

But he answered and said— It is written— Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”


This is what satan will attempt with us as well, whilst in the wilderness— he will tempt us to fulfill what we think is right— from our own perspectives— and I’ve learned time and time again now… what I think looks and sounds right— isn’t always the case, nor the will of God:  and we must be the children who KNOW, and who DO— the will of the Father;  or it is not his works he’s doing in and through us— after all.

Satan— will come to us in the wilderness— to cause us to ‘do our own thing, based in carnal reasonings;’  and the Lord’s Spirit— will counter him in this— if we will only do what the Father is leading us in— not what seems right in our eyes:  so we must hear him, know his will— and then do it.

If he would have done it, even seeming ‘good,’ he would have been the COMMANDER OF JESUS (the son of man) —and God the Father would not have been:  it is not our will, or satan’s that is to be heeded— BUT GOD THE FATHER’S.

*This was the temptation of usurping God’s authority and will— to serve our own.


“Then the devil took him up into the holy city, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him— If you be the Son of God, cast yourself down: for it is written— He shall give his angels charge concerning you: and in their hands they shall bear you up— lest at any time you should dash your foot against a stone.

Jesus said unto him— It is written, again— You shall not tempt the Lord your God.”


Again— who is Jesus' commander?  

God the Father.  

And even though it sounded good and biblical— it was not, and do you know why?  

Because it wasn’t that the concept was untrue— but the MEANS to achieving that conceptual truth was tempting God:  testing God and his faithfulness— and Jesus said— I don’t test my Father, I listen to him lead me (essentially).

*This was the temptation to tempt God— or manipulate God into doing something we want— by FORCE;  many people fast in hunger strikes— and this is a wrong heart motive— that rivals manipulating God into doing OUR WILL.


“Again, the devil took him up into an exceeding high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;  and said unto him— All these things will I give you, if you will fall down and worship me.

Then saith Jesus unto him— Get yourself hence (behind me), Satan: for it is written— You shall worship the Lord your God— and him only shall you serve.

Then the devil left him, and— behold— angels came and ministered unto him.”


The devil wanted the ‘Son of man’s’ WORSHIP— and he sought to GIVE the earth man something in exchange;  he will attempt the same with us:  fame, acceptance, resources/money, possessions of material things, power, assets, etcetera and so on.

And yet, Jesus says to him— You are underneath me, not above me— leave— I only worship the true God, the LORD OVER ALL THE CREATED;  and you are to serve him only as well.

And then— satan took the hint that he couldn’t get him to do any transgressing the Father, in the wilderness— and he knew his stuff, and he knew his loyalty to the Father— and he displayed them both to satan— defeating the devil, head on.

*This was the temptation to give our worship to another— to gain something;  and satan is still doing this today— and in fact has caused many to fall— because they gave their affections and allegiance to ‘another’ —him.


Wilderness Lessons Recapped


The wilderness— is the entrance into the freedom of the deliverance of the Lord.  It is the place where the angel of the Lord meets you.

There is wandering, or staggering and reeling— but he will see you through it all, it’s part of the process of maturation— where not all things are easily understood at first.  Prospering a man— can take place in the wilderness (given he surrenders to God, and reverences him there).  

Plotting to kill others, like persecutions and the likes— can take place in the wilderness— but we are called to trust God, believe in the power of his might, and his will to deliver the just— and we are called to forgive and be merciful;  it’s all a maturation process into understanding God’s identity, and ours— in him.

Pits, and pitfalls can be recognized in the wilderness— but again, these are all opportunities to meet God in our circumstances— and men have free will in this life;  but God— is faithful and true, and he is a man of war— he will deliver his people, trust him in all that comes about in the wilderness:  mercy is established there.

The stripping of you takes place in the wilderness— all that was not of the Kingdom of God or godliness— must, and will be removed (like dross in the forge), within the wilderness maturation of the Lord.

Enslavement can happen in the wilderness— if one is inclined to listen to satan, he is found there— as much as God’s Spirit is;  for we are still coming out of bondage, and the ways of— and we are learning new discipline, under the Spirit of the Lord God holy, now.  Deception is still an option to believe and adhere to in the wilderness of the soul— but God is always there to encourage us to come up higher and sup with him— where his ways are higher, and his thoughts are too:  we must learn who he is in the wilderness— to discern the spirits who present themselves as angels of light— but who are not his, at all:  knowing the authentic one— is to be accomplished for each man— in the wilderness.

Encounters with God himself— take place in the wilderness, as well as— promises kept, he brings forth in the wilderness:  not only does he begin to speak to you of all he has instored for your life, what he plans to bring forth in full— to your future… But he BEGINS to bring forth the beginning of these promises— to you— in the wilderness period.

Sacrifices begin in the wilderness— as we lay our lives down, and face to face communion with our God takes place in the wilderness:  we are forging the bond, here.  

Anger and disappointment can occur here, as we meet God face to face;  either our anger, or his— but it is part of the process;  just because he has, or you have— become angry or disappointed— does not mean you cannot work through it;  after all— we are both long-suffering, patient and forgiving of each other— if we are his:  for we are to be, as he is;  and all things— if we will reverence one another again— will work out in a stronger relationship, forged through the trials, temptations and victories of maturing.

We celebrate God in the wilderness (feasts), we begin our service of serving God (not ourselves any longer) in the wilderness;  and this brings about a separation— unto God and his purposes— in the wilderness.

Red sea, miraculous moments of provision, from our Father— take place in the wilderness— as we ‘draw nigh’ to him;  that is what the beginning of leaving Egypt— and entering Goshen— means:  we begin to see the loving hand of our Lord, who is for us— not against us— coming to draw us nigh to him, as well as to know who he really is, and how much he desires intimacy with us, as a good Father does.

If our eyes remain in the lusts of the flesh, and the pride of life— entanglements with Pharaoh/Egypt, can still happen in the wilderness— as satan tempts;  but that happens, only when— we refuse to die to carnality, in the wilderness, and become a humble and meek people.

The wilderness deals with sin— one way or another;  it either shines a light on it, and we come out of it, and reform, and become reverent to God… or… we stay in it, become hardened to God, fall away from union with him, and remain in inquity:  one way or another, though— sin is highlighted— in the wilderness.

Godly leadership is established, and either heeded or rebelled against— in the wilderness;  and many lives were cut short— when this did not take place:  it is because God has respect of authority (in the Life of YahShua/Jesus, unto the Father) —and all of God’s authority figures he places over us— have been wisely chosen, and reflect— the life of the sons of man, heeding God— as he leads and teaches through his chosen vessels:  this is what the Son exemplified, as he was the teacher/leader, placed over the disciples (the students) —who were to learn from the authority figure placed over them, in rank and discipline— to show the way.

Praise— will begin in the wilderness, and should be perfected in the wilderness;  it is not the circumstances that make us a people of praise— but it is keeping our focus on the One, in all the circumstances, who is high above all of them— in the treasure of our hearts:  and in this— we can praise through anything— for our praise is not circumstantial, but instead— given regardless, to the One who is good and faithful, holy and loving— no matter what the circumstances look like:  he is worthy to be praised— IN SPITE OF— all circumstance:  for he slayed himself for us, before we ever were— just to have the opportunity to love us again;  and for us— to have the opportunity to love and reverence him again.

Keeping covenant (good marriage/yoke relations), born in holy righteousness (sanctification) is established in the wilderness;  it is when we behold his holiness— that the fear and reverence of the Lord is established in our hearts— as we see the mercy of love laid down for our lives, in various ways— that brings about the desire in our souls, to lay our souls down, die the death of selfishness— and become sanctified and consecrated, as he is.  

The consecrated and sanctified are invited to come up higher, and ascend his mountain (him in relationship depths) —and our conduct is established in character, in the wilderness.

There is a parallel with Jesus— found in the wilderness;  Jesus journeyed with the Father in this earth, he was taught of him, through the Spirit;  and he was then tested and tried in the wilderness, of the devil, too.  The wilderness people wandered 40 years, one year for every day they served idols— whilst Moses was upon the mountain (ascended to hear from God);  and Jesus— wandered in the wilderness 40 days— being tempted of the devil.  

As he was— he was required to do WHAT THE ISRAELITES DID NOT— which was, honor God, righteousness, the truth— and do not sell out to the lusts of the flesh, or the pride of life:  we are to take note of these lessons.

Firstly— how the Israelites failed, like the first Adam;  but, secondly— how the second Adam (Christ, second example of a son of man) succeeded, and we are to duplicate that in our relationship with God, in this realm, and wilderness journey— too.

Success comes from a laid down life— dead to carnal ways and selfish lusts, laid down in humility and servitude, to serve our God once again;  and this— is the free-will offering, requested of us— in the wilderness.

The Ark of the covenant is established in the wilderness— which is the mercy of God, the relationship with him (as we lock in with him in covenant marriage union), the truth, and testimony of our relationship with him— as well as his blood and mercy toward us, in the ultimate sacrifice;  where the holy angels, seraphim and cherubim (and all the rest) go with us, as we tabernacle with him— and establish right relationship, in reverence to him— once again:  this is where the priesthood is established.

Unleavened— is brought forth in the wilderness;  this is where God separates us from sin, cleansing us in sanctification— developing a new spirit in us, with new conduct:  and selfish pride is thrown down, as he is exalted, in humility.  And in this— the anointing is established, and atonement is made and received.

The filling of the Spirit of God— in man— takes place in the wilderness:  through all the obedience, sanctification (change in soul, repentance) and reverence of God, and the cherishing of his Spirit with us:  to the point— he choose to permanently tabernacle with that man from henceforth— and this is the tabernacle of David resurrected.

But— grave disobedience, if through irreverence— and reverence of self and carnal lusts and desires— serving idols— can take place in the wilderness, too.  And when this happens— a culling takes place in the wilderness;  for the wages of sin— is death, and the gift of God— unto salvation— was rejected.  

Face to face encounters with God are given in the wilderness (spiritually speaking), and warnings are shed abroad to all— as the law is established.  The glory of the Lord will go with the reverent man— as holiness is established within.

Pure oil is established in the wilderness— as we begin to revere the sanctuary of the Lord (your vessel), and learn— the fear of the Lord:  great respect.

The testimony is established in the wilderness, both God’s and man’s with his God;  the relationship is tried, tested and proved to be true— in the wilderness;  we learn to walk as he walks in the wilderness— to love our neighbors;  and in this— the respect of the Lord is earned in the wilderness.

Consequences arise— when we will not walk with the Lord on his paths of righteousness.

Merciful intercessions are born in the wilderness;  and first fruits are established in the wilderness— through consecration to God.  The burden bearing face of the Ox is established in the wilderness— as we bear burdens of others, and we become obedient to the Lord’s command and ways:  we love, as he loves.

The Ark of the Lord shall go before us— that means— we remember the sacrifice, the presence of God and his holiness, the mercy, the testimony and the truth— and uphold his holy righteousness:  and if we do not— and we murmur and complain, challenging God— we find out that complaining, or resenting God and his process— leads us into death.

We will learn to trust in God’s identity, and respect his authority.  

A REVENANT RELATIONSHIP— a resurrected relationship, from death to Life in Christ— takes place in the wilderness;  and we cannot be resurrected to Life himself— and resent him at the same time— in complaints of the process, of what he is sovereignly doing in our lives:  he wrote our stories.

The difference between, and separation of— the holy and the profane— is established in the wilderness.  The decrees and judgment of the Lord will be heeded in the wilderness— we are not right in our own eyes, and our ways are lower, lesser, and perverted down here:  the precision— is the Lord’s, and the Lord’s alone:  what he has not blessed— we do not do, or be associated with.

The gift of becoming a priest is realized in the wilderness, and that— the Lord is our inheritance;  he is our everything— and in him ALONE— we have all we will ever need:  this must be learned in the wilderness— through the stripping naked of our souls before him, as they are sanctified and consecrated to the only One worthy to be praised.

The best of the best, of the Lord (that means close intimacy with him) —are forged in the wilderness:  and forerunners are either established, or removed from office— in the wilderness period of maturation and testing.

The covenant of Peace is established in the wilderness:  godly order to your souls is erected, through the revenant (resurrected and reverent) marriage seat upheld, for real— inside the hearts of men.

Promotion takes place in the wilderness— as warriors are built and established, and obedience carries us into the promises, born of the REVERENCE of God.  Permanent sanctification is to be established in the wilderness— to carry us into permanent habitation with the Spirit of God— in the promised land.

How to raise the next generation, and help them enter into the promise— is established in the wilderness;  and the purpose of the wilderness— is revealed— in the wilderness:  perfect union with God.

The whole Kingdom is offered in the wilderness— as the King is offered to all, in the wilderness;  and all his assets come with him:  abundance in the crossover— is achieved in the surrender and fortitude developed in the wilderness, with God:  the relationship structure, building of the Lord, time.

Circumcision of the heart— begins to take place in the wilderness;  and is brought into effect, and unto— the next generation and offspring of the Lord— as we step into the promises.  The narrow way is discovered/revealed in the wilderness;  but it must become a permanent fixture in the structure of that man— or it is lost in the testing of abundance (which can lead men to pride, and yoking to the enemy of God once again).

The word of the Lord is to be kept in the wilderness.

The temptation of usurping God’s authority and will— to serve our own— as Jesus was tested and tried in this— will be one of the plots of the enemy, as well as— the temptation to tempt God— or manipulate God into doing something we want— by FORCE from a wrong heart motive, to do and receive our of our own will; and there will be a temptation to give our worship to another— to gain something:  satan is still doing this today— and in fact has caused many to fall— because they gave their affections and allegiance to ‘another’ —him.

These are but SOME of the purposes of the wilderness, but they have forever changed my perspective on the sojourn in this lifetime, and realm— in the area of forging relationship with our God;  and gives me ample understanding of how to do this with him, and mature— in the preciousness of the wilderness.

The wilderness presents us with many opportunities to become the men and women of God, in a solid relationship with him— not only developing an intimacy with him, but in knowing who he is, and who our identity is in him:  the wilderness experience with our Lord— is the biggest part of our entire lives down here.

He said to me…


Word from the Father


“Janet, the story of Genesis is the beginning, and all that took place in the beginning— as well as the fall— it is the setting about, from hence forward— of how God is going to rescue his people.

The falling into sin and bondage part— is only the beginning;  the journey from out of the proverbial Egypt (place of bondage to sin and satan) —into resurrection life in Christ— is the majority of the entire journey/sojourn in this lifetime, with my children.

The crossing over— is BECAUSE OF the success in the wilderness;  the longest part of the walk with God on this planet, and in this realm.

But the wilderness is where every man is made, proven, refined, saved/delivered, resurrected— if the journey of the wilderness is valued;  it is the place where I meet men and women, coming out of bondage— and begin to reshape their understanding, their conduct of their inner man— as I show them my love to fight satan, just to recover them with my love and power.  I provide all to them in the wilderness, I am patient in the wilderness/long suffering;  but I also teach discipline and consequences in the wilderness.  

And if these lessons are heeded, and if they be not grievous for one to bear— the wilderness is the place we erect the plumbline, the structure of being built on the Rock— in every child of God’s life.

But if the wilderness is perceived as grievous, and something to be escaped from— then one will never gain the deep value of the wilderness, the refinement of returning to me and my image, nor the intimacy, and ability to become resilient and steadfastly loyal to me in the wilderness— believing in our relationship;  one will not realize that the wilderness is a VERY important time period for the Father— in rescuing, reforming, and developing the child:  it is the place of schooling (raising my children up in the way).

And seeing whether they are joyful and thankful in all things— because they are with me, their real treasure— through it all;  or— if they will complain, murmur, be selfishly focused, desire to escape the whole process— not understanding the preciousness of the wilderness— because they cannot see the forest for the trees.

They are too focused on self (the trees), and the discomforts, and the stripping process;  but yet— if self is not thrown down with a partnership of yoking to me, in humility, as well as a stripping of the old (man nature and focus) is not accomplished— then there is no resurrection.  I was stripped before being asked to bear my cross of death— and you all will as well:  I cannot build the new structure— if you all will not release the old, and be stripped of it, and die the death of the pouring out of your souls, in the wilderness.

My attempt is to resurrect LIFE into my people, myself.  But I cannot do that— if death and sin is still upheld— through selfishness.  Death is required in the wilderness.

The wilderness will either assist each man in the death of the pouring out of the soul, in humility— coming out of selfishness— or, the wilderness will keep the prideful man there— and he will never leave the wilderness— and die in it.

The wilderness journey is the place of building each man of God, or it is the place where one fails to be built by God, reshaped, reverent unto God again, coming back into my image and serving me, with joy and thanksgiving— and that man stays covenanting with sin (murmuring, complaining, negative association to the death of the soul of selfishness, resenting the wilderness experience of building relationship with me, and coming into maturity) —and death comes for the man who is still sowing it.

The wilderness— is the largest part of the journey with me, where I build you up in the ways of the Lord, where we bond, where we become steadfast— one toward the other— that leads us into the VICTORIES of conquering BIG GIANTS— in the promised land, publicly— taking kingdoms away from satan:  but the training grounds, the proving grounds, the practice and the discipline of— is born of the wilderness.

I pray, Janet— that my children see the VALUE of the wilderness— because it is, after all— the majority of the sojourn here with me, in this life;  there will always be victory opportunities, and promises to come into— but the wilderness is where the two of us experience blood, sweat and tears together:  and that relationship forged in the forging grounds of the wilderness— sets us up for a more successful crossing over, with victories to experience together (great exploits).

But— as you note— just because one makes it through the wilderness— does not mean one can never fall away;  I said at the end of the book of Deuteronomy, to Moses— I see their hearts, and when they are waxen fat, for the abundance of all I will bless them with in the land— they will return to idols and transgress me.

One must remember the VALUE of the wilderness walk with me— and carry that with you, the gravity of it all— into the crossover, into the promised land;   because if you lose sight of me, of our relationship— and only see value in the fulfillments (stuff, victories) —you will grow fat upon the material world and its offerings again— and will fall away unto idols, self sufficiency, pride, and more— as you take your eyes off of me— and place them upon other desires.

The wilderness— is where the foundation is laid, one to the other;  you upon the Rock, living in heavenly places with me— and me, building you from within, where you revere me— and where I dwell in your high places, in the earth (soul).  

If you lose sight of this— if you take your eyes off of me, and focus on anything else— you can fall:  that is what happened in the garden, the first time:  don’t lose sight of the beautiful building opportunity of the wilderness— given, and required of every man of God;  for it will make you, and our relationship— or it will keep us unreconciled, as the focus is on the hardships, and not the God who is with you in them all:  the reverence will be unto the hardships, as your worship goes to escape, and focusing on escape— instead of the God who has set this all up— to train you, hone you into my shape again— and resurrect you from the dead.

Your perspective is either grounded and earthly, sensual unto your own lusts, and devilish— or— it is heavenly, seeing what I am doing, valuing the process of reformation, bonding deeply in all the suffering and trials, remaining loyal and joyful to me in it all— as I resurrect you, and bring you up higher— to be seated with me in heavenly places, not hellish, earthly understanding.

Gravity, in and of itself, is neither good, nor evil;  depending on which you are gravitating toward:  are you heavenly minded, seeing the spiritual perspective of God— and so gravity draws you upward to ascend this lower realm?  Or— are you gravitating still within your soul, to carnal understanding and perspectives, born and sustained in negativity, complaint, sensual/devilish lusts and pursuits of escapism in the earthly— staying bound to it?

The gospels— are the story of Jesus walking this all out, Janet.

He came into the world, to bring the children through the wilderness— after rescue from the bondage of satan (the old man and sin);  he exemplified this, as he taught my children the way to be, the ways of God— in a wilderness sojourn with him, while he was here on earth, on his mission:  his mission was to raise them up, mature them— and then send them out.  The sending out— is the cross over, from student— to practitioner of salvation, themselves.

He traveled with them, exemplifying the Kingdom to them, righteousness to them, expecting them to convert inside, and then strengthen and serve their brethren;  go out and create more of the same (disciplined ones), by leading them through the wilderness journey that God will take each man through— to mature him— so he too, can cross over into the promises:  creating more laborers, pulling people into the Kingdom of God (the family of God), and from the fire.

The exodus journey in the old testament— is the exodus journey, of the discipleship of the students— with Jesus in the New Testament:  and the success of their wilderness journey of maturity with Christ— led them to be sent out, to do the same— upon their graduation, if you will.

Is not that, what took place with the ones who graduated in the wilderness of the old exodus too— of Joshua and Caleb, who raised up the nineteen year olds too— in the promised land, after the cross over?

Each man will have to UPHOLD that in which he learned of his wilderness, humbling, reformation, relationship building, truth erecting and abiding— journey in the wilderness, with all its purposes— in the cross over, into the promised land:  because children— the cross over into the promises— brings bigger battles than those of the wilderness:  it brings the slaying of Giants.

But if the wilderness purposes were successful in the man of God— then that man of God KNOWS HIS GOD, and is IN FAITH to his God— and that man of God, with his God— will do great exploits with his God, for his God goes before him, and fights for him— assuring the victories, to the consecrated child of God.

Do not despise the wilderness— for she will either give you every opportunity to succeed— or you will never leave her:  for she is the proving grounds of every man, and his relationship to God:  if it is a reverent relationship that is resurrected— that man will go forth in victory with the Lord;  but if it is an irreverent, complaining, idolatrously lived wilderness— where that man does not come out of his selfish and sinful ways— that man will die in the wilderness, never coming to the truth (me) for real— and will never see the promised land.

The wilderness— is the gift of relationship building between God and that man;  it is the courtship period of reconciliations, and reshaping;  are you honoring the wilderness and the God of— who has brought you out of Egypt?  Or— are you still thinking of all the selfish indulgences you’d like to get back to, and the things you like to have— and despising the stripping, and complaining in the wilderness— like the resentful children of Israel?

For they continually said— ‘Why have you brought us here, just to die the death?  Would to God we had died in Egypt.’

Do you not understand, children— YES— I have brought you to the place of your death;  you are to die the death of the pouring out of your soul (selfishness, being stripped of it), in the wilderness— for if you do not, you cannot be filled with me.  I have brought you to die here in the relationship building, truth erecting, humble submission period of the wilderness;  for if I do not— you WILL DIE IN EGYPT:  for Egypt is the place of bondage, where no man has been set free.

Are you dying in the wilderness, children, to selfishness, desires and self will— to see my perspective, works and will?  Or— are you missing the whole point of the wilderness, missing the forest for the trees— because your perspective is near sighted, and your eyes are on yourselves:  come, look up, for your redemption draweth nigh;  refocus— and place your worship back on me, and thank me for all I am doing with you, and for you— in the wilderness of affliction, reformation, relationship building, and truth erected and lived— salvation.

For with the victory of the wilderness success— brings about the graduation into the promises— to take the world on, publicly— and slay the giants (fallen entities and their structures) in the land.

The wilderness— has her purposes— can you see them, and do you joy in them:  are you still praising me all the way through, and enduring till the end— with joy in your souls/hearts?

For the majority of your life— is in the wilderness— so the majority of all our time together, is in the wilderness relationship building;  please— honor my process, my presence, my reformation, into the maturation of you, child of God;  for ALL I DO— is to work together for your good:  I am a good Father, and I am here to raise you up into maturity:  for Christ comes soon to receive the first, of his first fruits— the forerunning company— and to catch them up, restore what the locust and worm has eaten— to assist in raising up the rest of the harvest of souls— into maturity:  which will, eventually— usher in the Millennial Reign of Christ, in the earth.

Do not despise small beginnings— learn from them, grow up, mature, praise me in the process, and draw nigh to me— for the victories in the promise land— will require matured souls under my leadership:  it will require Christ multiplied, in each of my children— to do my works through them.

The wilderness, and the success of its purposes erected and completed in you— brings you into the promises;  and then, you— will assist me, as I work my works through you (because you died in the wilderness, and I was resurrected in you— Life) —and we pull many from the fire, as we stomp on satan’s head (fight demons and situations) in the earth, in the lives of others.

The wilderness— develops the priestly, kingly servant— who serves the High King, and his family in the earth:  and these— are the first fruits, and wise virgins;  and he’s coming soon to lock himself in with the FIRST OF, the first of them to mature: and in them— I will demonstrate myself to the world, and will crush principalities and powers— once again— through the Son, leading you all in my works and will— straight through the tip of the spear-head— where the rest of the broadhead of the spear (first fruits) will come through, following.

Join me, and embrace me in the wilderness process, children— and we will overcome, and you will become mature, and help me raise up more:  love the process, thank me for it, rejoice in our intimacy, learn from the struggles— wins and losses;  for all in the wilderness— works together for your Good.

And I love you.”



Do we know the reasons for the wilderness now, and what it is to accomplish:  stellar, refined relationship with God our Father— where 2 become 1, in spirit.  And are we allowing the wilderness to mature us into this?

Because the definition of ‘first fruits,’ is found in this understanding of the purposes of the wilderness, relational structure, building of oneness— with, and unto the Lord:  Emmanuel incarnate, once again.

And the very first of these to come into the full maturation of the stature of Christ— are the tip of the spear-head;  but the spear-head (the broadhead) —must still come in, following, and because of the forerunning pioneers— who put their spiritual hands to the plow, and never turned back:  these will lead the charge of the Lord, and help him bring in the rest of the first fruits— and every other harvest after that.

The remnant, of the remnant— the first, of the first fruits— are about to be locked in with him;  and when he does lock himself ‘into them,’ quite literally— his Spirit’s full essence he will imbue to the fully mature, man-child of Christ— will have Christ himself, living straight out of them:  and he himself will do the exploits of the Father, straight through them, and with them.

And it’s because they reformed all the way with him, and walk maturely in him— and do nothing their Father doesn’t led them in;  and if they do— they repent immediately, and change:  this is the tabernacle of David— resurrected;  and these will bring in the fullness of the Barley harvest (first fruits), and the wheat harvest after that.

The spear-head TIP— are the ones who have broken the matrix with Christ within— and will now— penetrate the matrix, PUBLICLY— with the Lord, setting many captives free:  souls and accountability will be on their hands— but if they stay true to the leading of the Lord— they will prevail in the darkest of times, and light the way for the others.

Many will come to him, through his servants— and many will reform— as they learn of them;  and they will learn this:  How to do first love with God, again— and uphold the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness— in the earth (their lives).

THIS— ushers in the Millennial Reign of Christ— and prepares a people of the Lord:  the bride— who made herself ready.

Understand the wilderness— thank God for it, and it’s refining, rise above and see the salvation of it— and come into maturity, too.


There is a purpose to the Wilderness, with God:  

Oneness and Maturation: into his full stature

To usher the King and his reign into the earth:

As in heaven— so in Earth.

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