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Our relationship with God--- is it written in the Stars, or written in the Sand?

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

This is a quoted, and unconventional conversation with the Lord about Commitment to him, Resolution (things getting resolved) and Fulfillment— in regards to our relationship/yoking with him, as our Bridegroom, and we— his Bride.


Written in the Sand— 

by Old dominion


I was listening to the radio (as I do, with the Lord, from time to time), and I heard this secular song come on;  now, normally I listen with spiritual ears to hear what the Lord would like to say to me about the song, lyrics, points and premises, singer, life, the world, his kingdom— whatever the Lord would like to point out.

Today, when I heard the lyrics to this song, I began to hear him ask me questions, questions pointed to his body of believers.  Those questions were asked in conjunction with the lyrics of this secular song;  and the song was about love and commitment.

So, when I was able, I looked up the lyrics to the song— the ones the Lord began asking questions to me (the body) about.  I will post the lyrics below, and what he said about them.

If you are unwilling to learn from secular music lyrics, or are judgmental to God using whatever, whenever he desires to— in order to instruct his people— this post may not be for you.  Because it will encompass ‘out of the religious box’ revelation teaching;  and some people in the church do not believe God uses whatever he chooses to— and it ‘offends’ them.

I pray we become a people who understand that God can use anything he chooses  to speak to us— and if we will step into that— we have an open door to receive lessons from God in all things;  this realm is his, in full authority— whether satan likes that or not;  and unto his children— he will use all he can to communicate with us;  if we will put on the mind of Christ, and discern with him— as we walk and talk in the cool of the day.

This is all about our relationship with God— commitment, unwavering loyalty to our spiritual husband— or not, in our hearts/souls.

Lyrics will be highlighted in yellow.


“Turn me on, turn me off, but you turn me back on by the weekend.”

Again— these are secular words, but he said…

“Janet, if you have SPIRITUAL eyes and ears, to see what the Spirit is showing and saying— you will hear a lot in many different conversations in life.  ‘Turn me on, Turn me off— but back on by the weekend.’  What do you think I’m saying to my body of believers, if I said that to you?

I told him… 

“Lord, I believe you are talking about being fickle;  and being in alignment with Christ, when it suits, interested in godly living and God himself— when it suits;  but if it doesn’t suit, or work in our favor, if it hinders our carnal lives here, or might cause man to not favor us or approve (and I mean worldly man) —then we will ‘turn you off’ again, then back on by Wednesday or Sunday service.

I think you are talking about adultery, spiritually speaking sir;  and about being fickle lovers of God.”

He said— “Yes, spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear what the Spirit is showing and saying.”


“And you won't say the words that I want, but you flirt when you're drinkin' “

“Now, spiritually speaking, Janet— what am I saying here, if I were giving you a worldly parable to discover spiritual truths from?”

I said— “Do we live by your Spirit, and speak the holy words of God— or do we live by the carnal inclinations (lusts of the flesh), and speak words that do not align with Christ or the Kingdom of God?  Do we flirt with you when it suits us to do so?  Do we flirt with holiness and commitment to you, on our terms, and when we desire to be yoked to your Spirit— or are we going to walk clean, not carnally, and uphold you inside for real— and have a real commitment to you— in purity, and honestly?

Or are we just looking to ‘hook up with you,’ on the weekends (church services) sir?  Are we carnal, and suiting the lusts of our flesh all week long, every day— then come to flirt (court you) on the weekends, truthfully?”

He said— EXACTLY.  What are we really doing, Janet— and why are we doing it?  Do my people exalt me, or the world?  Are my people loyal to me— or the world?  What you do, what you say, what you partake in, within the time I gave to each man in this earth— reveals the truth within your heart;  or— it reveals the deception, the adultery, the hypocrisy, and the disloyalty, carnality, and lusts of the flesh, pride and eyes.

Are my people only flirting with a relationship with me— or are they fully invested?”


“I see those bubbles pop up like you're texting then they disappear

Let's cut through the ____, and let's get to what we're doing here”

I just put a line there for the crass word used— but the point still stands.

“Do you understand what I’m showing you here, child?”

I said— “Yes, I think so sir.  You are saying that we come up to speak with you, or at least ‘think about’ doing so— whether we reach your throne in truth, in honesty, in actuality— or just say we would like to ‘pray more,’ but— actually doing it— is another story.  And I mean— genuinely honoring you, seeking your will, listening to you, obeying you— and carrying your will into the earth.

We tend to be people who have not much ‘follow through,’ sir;  we tend to begin with God— and ‘fall away;’  and that breaks my heart, for you, for them, for the whole family of God.

As well— I hear you saying…

‘If this is the way we are going to be doing things— What are we doing here at all??  The garbage or dung we are putting forth— isn’t making the cut;  it isn’t successful in our relationship, and we need to really get introspective about what we are putting forth in our relations with God and holiness in this realm.  WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE?

And sir— we cannot just flirt with God, our way, when it suits, and truthfully hooking up with the spirit of this world— 9/10ths of the time;  because sir, that actually means— the majority.  And if we are hooking up with (that’s yoking sir) to the enemy— 9/10ths of the time…

We are actually in spiritual relationship with the enemy, we are living in spiritual adultery to your Spirit, the truth, loyalty to you, and we are not committed to you, nor your holiness or righteousness:  we are doing what we wilt, and we are our own dictator of right and wrong, good and bad, what we will do or not do— and we are in rebellion and dishonor to you still— it’s the Garden still playing out.

It’s not about what ‘serves us,’ and in fleshly ways;  it’s about what works in a faithful and upstanding relationship, that is GENUINE, with our Creator, Father, and Bridegroom of us (our partner, inside).

Who is our ‘partner inside,’ for real?

Do we even analyze our lives and inner man enough to find out?

Because what we uphold and do— points to whom we are learning from and heeding, inside our inner man:  God and holiness and commitment to, or satan— unrighteousness, spiritual adultery in the heart, and dishonor toward holiness and the God of.

We have a husband in the spirit (our partner we are yoked to);  but I wonder if people really know which one they have themselves yoked to:  you, sir— or satan and self still?”


“Are we just a backseat— tryna get it while we can? Are we names in a tattoo, or just a number on a hand?”

“If I’m speaking spiritually here, what do I mean, Janet?”

I said— “A backseat ‘affair,’ sir;  that’s when you are just ‘hooking up,’ but not doing things properly in intimate relations, not in the proper place, likely— not really married, only ‘a one night stand’ type, carnal fix— when it suits, how it suits, type ‘relations;’  essentially— it’s something that makes us feel good for the moment, is not appropriate, is not proper, and fulfills our desires— but is not the way of the Lord, nor commitment, doing in the proper way of intimacy and union with the Lord:  it is, essentially— devilish, sensual, and fickle relations, fulfilled by our own way;  how we want, what we want of you, when we want you.  

But when it does not ‘fit into our lives,’ or is not convenient to us, or is uncomfortable and not preferable (and mind you, I’m still talking about you Lord, upholding you, truth, holiness and righteous living unto and with you) —we just do not participate;  we do what we wilt.

We in ‘our own way,’ and we get what we can, how we can, when we can, and unto what means we want you— or relations with you.

‘Are we a tattoo, or a number on a hand?’

That speaks volumes about the long haul sir.  A tattoo— is the long haul, it’s permanent commitment;  a number written on a hand— is temporary, and will pass away with time:  this is speaking about resolute, and committed to God, holiness and upstanding spiritual relationship, yoked to God;  or— the converse, the opposite— where we are temporarily committed to you (think backsliding), but given time— step away from ‘the way, the truth, and the life’ in and with Christ Jesus.

We become fickle lovers;  lovers of pleasure— over being lovers of God;  and we see this truth played out in our actions— that stem from what is truly happening in the heart, toward you, holiness, and upholding the truth and proper relations with you inside our inner man/souls/hearts.

Is this a temporary upholding of God, noncommittal, disloyal in truth, and passes away— like the thorny soil, or rocky soil— where the fowl/foul birds (demonic) help to seduce us away from you— and back onto ‘self?’

Or— are we fully invested in you, as you walk life out with us, and we are committed to truth, loyal to your person and righteousness and holiness?

What are we doing, sir— and why are we doing it?”


“Are we last-call kissing or will we be reminiscing with each other for the next forty years?”

“And what do you think about this line that the secular relate to— when I speak to you about this as a parable of learning spiritual understanding?”

I said…

“Well, ‘last call,’ sir— means, ‘last chance to live carnally,’ since it is about fulfilling the lusts of the flesh— all the way to the ‘end;’  so, essentially— if we are intimate, only in Pharisaical, and carnal ways with you (we say it, but live contrary to you) —we are fulfilling our own ways and desires in this realm, in our intimacy with you:  it’s temporary sir— as last call living, will come to a close at some point;  this place will end, our temporal lives will end, and if we are only fulfilling the ‘lusts of the flesh’ living, here— eventually— time comes to a close, and everyone ‘goes home;’  which is spiritual terms means— comes before the face of the Almighty in the Throne Judgment of what every man did ‘in body,’ whilst here.

If we are ‘reminiscing with each other, for the next 40 years,’ we are living together, as a married couple— yoked and living life together, to the end:  we are committed and making memories in this union.  

As well— 40, symbolically in scripture is the number that means— a number of ‘completion and fulfillment/resolution.’

Examples being— Noah opened the window of the ark after 40 days;  it rained upon the earth in the flood— 40 days;  Esau and Isaac were 40 when they took wives;  Jacob (Joseph’s father) was embalmed by the Egyptians and completed after 40 days.  The children of Israel ate manna, and endured for 40 years in the wilderness;  Moses went into the cloud for 40 days and nights;  About 40,000 with Joshua passed over into Jericho for the fight.  Eli died at 40, Jesus fasted when tempted of the devil— for 40 days, and he showed himself to people for 40 days after his passion (the cross) was completed, and he resurrected.  And Paul received 40 stripes.

So— if we are going to be yoked and reminiscing for 40 years— we will be living intimately all the way to completion and fulfillment and resolution of matters with you— in this lifetime and the next:  we will be loyal, committed, yoked, obedient, reverent, holy and in right standing with you as your spiritual partners;  we will be the Bride who gave herself completely, resolved to do so inside, and fulfilled relationship with you, the Bridegroom, in union, as One.”


“Are we written in the stars, baby, or are we written in the sand?”

“Now, what does this mean— Stars, Janet— and Sand?”

I said, “Well, that could mean many different things, sand is spoken about in scripture and stars too; BUT— in this instance what he showed to me in the Spirit at that point in our conversation was that…  Stars are FIXED in space and time, they are actually ‘not supposed to’ wander from their fixed orbits or patterns.

Now— sand is constantly being moved around, it shifts;  as well— Stars represent the spirit, and sand represents the carnal and temporary;  it is terrestrial, it is of the land.

If we are going to be in relationship with our Lord properly (or even our earthly husbands and wives) we are to be fixed in a pattern with him, not wandering;  we are not to be shifty, or easily moved about by every wind of doctrine or the issues of life that so easily beset us:  we are to be resolute, and unwavering in our steadfast loyalty and dedication;  we are to be committed to one another.

So, essentially sir— written in the Stars is a ‘heavenly,’ or ‘spiritual’ relationship with God— and worshiping you in spirit and truth;  and one written in the sand is a Pharisaical one, swimming in hypocrisy, always wavering between two things, double minded, shifty, not resolute and instead— wandering spiritually, which is spiritual adultery.

To be written in the Stars, is also a reference to your story that is told in the constellations, their fixed positions, and patterns;  written in the sand— is an unstable story that changes and shifts:  essentially, sir— I believe you are speaking of long lasting and committed relationship, versus— temporary and superficial relationship with God— that will pass away, or change.”

He said— “Yes, essentially— I am speaking about the eternal and constant, or the temporal, temporary, and changing:  the stable or the shifty.”


“Yeah, I want you to want me to take you back home to my mama

Put my name on your lips call me yours and forget all this drama (Forget it all)”

At this point he just looked at me to keep going, so I said…

“I believe you are showing your desire to return the people to the Father, and to walk in the name of the Kingdom and the High One:  that’s his conduct, led of his person, united to him again— and returning to his image: this is spiritual marriage to our Father again.”

I waited to see his response, and he shook his head, yes;  so I continued on.

“You want to give us your Surname, sir— it says so when you look up the definition in the Strong’s of ‘in his name;’  it literally says, at the end of that definition— Surname— and that is your last name, or your ‘family name,’ if you will, sir.

You want us to be yours, for REAL, sir— and like a woman would now have a change of name to speak forth from her ‘lips,’ every time she communicates her name to others now— we too, are to be ‘yours,’ and to walk loyal to our spiritual husband to which we are now yoked to in covenant marriage;  and we are to walk in your ‘name,’ which is your character and authority— because we are married to you.

And ‘forget all this drama,’ well— drama, sir, is fake acting— or falsehood;  the definition means— ‘a theater play, and act.’  

So— you are asking us to ‘drop the act,’ and get REAL WITH YOU;  to walk this relationship out in TRUTH and IN GENUINENESS, as the definition of ‘actor,’ at its root— means, ‘hypocrite,’ sir.  And hypocrite means— a person who indulges in hypocrisy, an actor;  and hypocrisy means— the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform;  pretense only;  and the root means— ‘acting of a theatrical part’, as well as— ‘play a part, pretend’, and— ‘under’ + ‘decide, judge’.

So— we must be GENUINE and TRUE, as you are;  as we hold relationship with you;  and we cannot decide and judge for ourselves what is right or good.”

He just smiled, in agreement.


“Your makeup is next to my toothbrush but you never put it away on the shelf— I'm asking you baby 'cause I'm tired of asking myself…

Are we just a backseat, tryna get it while we can?

Are we names in a tattoo, or just a number on a hand?”

“Again here, Janet— makeup ‘next to’ a toothbrush, but NOT put up on a shelf— is temporary, and noncommittal;  it is not living together and committed, married and in it for the long-haul:  it is temporary, and when it suits.  

I cannot have this in relationship with my people— and I do not ‘do’ relationship with my people in a half committed and half not committed stance;  and I require the same of my people.

Is this relationship that we are doing— is it loyal, committed, resolute, unwavering, fixed and established in truth and spirit, for real— walking out a set apart life from the world, and a yoked and committed relationship and union to the Lord God holy and true, for real?

I am like the man in this song and lyric— I’m asking you all this, because it needs to be addressed— like the man in the song is addressing matters to his half-hearted, half committed, half interested counterpart:  I too ask my people this.

Are we committed and in it for the long haul?

Do you and I agree?

Do you walk the same as I walk in conduct and character?  

Because you call yourselves by ‘my name,’ which is not only Christlings, as the name Christian— but it is also claiming my character and authority:  and my authority will only work in this realm and the spirit realm— if we are in a real relationship, and you are upholding me for real in your hearts.

Call upon my name— and be saved;  this is true.  But if you are only calling upon my name and authority, never changing to meet me inside and be reformed— sow and reap of a half-hearted interest in me— will carry forth, and you will find yourselves in situations, with results— that are less than ideal or preferable.

I am JUSTICE, as much as I am LOVE.

And eventually— I must come forth with the law of man’s free will choices of what they sow in this realm.  I can be ULTRA patient and long suffering with man— but eventually, it all comes full circle— and what a man ‘asks for,’ in what he puts himself to in this realm, and toward me— comes back to him.

If my people are committed, loyal, and uphold me and the truth and couple with me and the truth, and live in love, and are being reformed back into my image, and led of my Spirit— great harvest is coming in, with the judgments decreed from my throne concerning— sowing and reaping in harvest time.

But if not— the truth will still play out, and man will see the error of their ways, in the judgments and allotments that will come in;  and it will be based upon their choices and actions that stemmed from their choices made, and acted upon— in this realm.

So— are we in this for the long-haul, and committed??”


“Are we last-call kissing, are we dancing in the kitchen?

Baby tell me what it is or what it isn't.”

“This is what I’m talking about Janet.  Are we just temporarily, on weekends, speaking to one another, or on occasion— but all the rest of the time here— we are walking something else out, in my people?

Or are we committed, loyal to one another, invested, and unwavering in our relationship— throwing down the carnal, the devil’s sensual options that fulfill what we ‘want,’ and walking straight and clean before the Lord, with our Lord?

‘Are we dancing in the kitchen,’ Janet— what does that mean?”

I said…

“Well, symbolically speaking, like in dream interpretation— the ‘kitchen,’ is where the heart is God;  so, essentially, you are saying…

Are we right with God in the heart, and are we dancing together there, intimate with each other there, rejoicing with each other there— in our intimate walk of relationship?

And you are clearly saying— ‘Tell me what it is, or what it isn’t,’ truthfully.  

Meaning— we need to know if we are really being loyal to you, yoking with your spirit, in this for the long-haul, committed and going to remain unwavering in our pursuit of you, our marriage covenant to you (upholding it, not cheating on you with hypocrisy and devil ways), and do this relationship for REAL, or not.

YOU ALREADY KNOW THE TRUTH— but, in our hearts, lives and actions— do we, sir?”


“Are we written in the stars, baby, or are we written in the sand?

Are we just a backseat, tryna get it while we can?

Are we names in a tattoo, or just a number I should wash right off my hand?

Are we last call kissing or will we be reminiscing

With each other for the next forty years?

Are we written in the stars baby, or are we written in the sand?

Are we written in the stars baby, or are we written in the sand?”


This song, though secular, and written from a carnal perspective— if sorted with the Spirit, and if we listen to what the Spirit is showing and telling us (from anything he chooses to use to do so) —we can learn a lot;  and we can go within, and have a chat with him about the questions and points in this conversation— from the lyrics of a song.

If we desire intimacy with him— he has a few things to say to us about intimacy;  and if we desire to see from his perspective— we can, in what he has shown here.

He has, essentially— brought forth the state of the heart— and its loyalty or disloyalty to God.  And he did that, all through a secular song that was about ‘lust and the temporary,’ or— true love, commitment, and the option to fully invest:  and all the way to completion, resolution and fulfillment (40 years). 

Because what we do with our time and person in this realm— has eternal consequences, and God is attempting to reach us over and over again, in many different ways.  God will find all kinds of ways to speak to us— if we are looking for him to do so.

I pray this blesses you, as it blessed me when he and I discussed and looked at all this song has in it, to learn from— in spiritual understanding, revelation and wisdom;  as well— what his goal and dream is with us, in a committed relationship.

God bless you and your endeavors of intimacy with our Lord, Creator, Father of us, and our Bridegroom (your spiritual yoke, marriage partner).

Commitment, Resolution and Fulfillment:  40

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