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“Mothering a Nation”

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

March 10th, 2023

Transcript/notes from YouTube video:

Isaiah 59:19

“So they shall fear the name of the Lord from the west— and his glory from the rising of the sun. And when the enemy shall come in like a flood— the Spirit of the Lord shall LIFT UP A STANDARD against him.”


In Spiritual terms here, we see God is telling us that satan will attempt to usurp the throne within man— COMING INTO HIM ‘like a flood—’ and bringing in the conduct of HIS NATURE into that man.

But when a man is indwelled by the Holy Spirit of God— GOD HIMSELF— God will RISE UP IN THAT MAN, showing him THE WAY TO CONDUCT HIMSELF: and that ‘standard,’ is the conduct of the Lord himself.


Proverbs 18:21

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue— and they who love IT (death or life) —shall eat the fruit (results) thereof.”


Spiritually speaking— like Peter chopping off the EAR of the centurion soldier, and being REBUKED of the Lord, and the Lord himself having to fix that problem— we are CHOPPING OFF THE EARS of God’s other children, and the children of the world— when we operate out of ‘another’ spirit— one of uncleanness, unsanctified, and unredeemed in our character— as we exemplify ‘un-Christlike’ conduct.

When we SPEAK unkindly, without the wisdom and counsel, understanding and knowledge of the Lord, exemplified by his Spirit’s FRUITS OF HIS CONDUCT— gentleness, kindness, long-sufferingly patient, joy, love, generosity, faithfulness and SELF CONTROL ( which is disciplined character) — we are KILLING OTHERS WITH THE TONGUE.

We are loving DEATH, and not SPEAKING LIFE— right then and there.


Matthew 22:36-39

“Master— which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him— You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind— 38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it— You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”


This can be a problem for many— if they do not ‘love themselves’ PROPERLY as designed and exemplified by God; for how can a man love another— in a way he himself is not loved of God, and loves God??

Perspective— and KNOWING THE LORD ‘personally—’ really matters.

We often ‘love ourselves—’ but not as God loves us, and loves himself; DISCIPLINED CHARACTER, and PRACTICE OF IT— is one way God loves himself, and by doing so— LOVE US THE SAME.


But how do we do that? How do we rule our own vessel?


1 Timothy 3:4-6

“One who rules his own HOUSE well— will have his children in subjection with all gravity; for if a man does not know how to rule HIS OWN house— how shall he take care of the church of God? 6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he— fall into the condemnation of the devil.”


Strong’s definitions from the verses above:

RULES = presides and practices.

CHILDREN = product, produce, offspring.

GRAVITY— probity = strong moral principles, honest, decent.

CHURCH = a calling, unto a congregation (people, civil)

PRIDE = to be enveloped in the smoke of high minded conceit– inflated about self.

FALL = be entrapped by.

CONDEMNATION = decision, effect of crime judgment, damnation.

DEVIL = traducer– one who maligns another by making malicious and false or defamatory statements.


So, let’s read this again with the definition descriptions added.

“One who practices and presides over his own house well— will have what he’s producing (teaching) in subjection (under mastery) with all probity— strong moral principles, honest, and decent; for if a man does not know how to RULE HIS OWN HOUSE, how shall he take care of the calling unto a congregation of a civil people, of God?

Not an inexperienced one, lest he be lifted up with, and enveloped in the smoke of high minded conceit– inflated about self— and fall into the decision, effect of crime judgment, damnation of the traducer— one who maligns another by making malicious, and false or defamatory statements.”


When we do not KNOW God’s kind of Love and personal attributes of how he conducts his person— we operate out of another set of attributes; as well, when we DO KNOW God’s holy attributes, and conduct of his person, but we DO NOT PRACTICE THEM, and adhere to them…

We WALK IN ‘another’ set of attributes— because we are UNDISCIPLINED IN CHARACTER: this is sanctification to be clean as the Lord is clean, in his person: priestly.

Callous— showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others; root definition— ‘hard-hearted.’

When we do not practice WITH the Spirit of the Lord, the attributes OF the Lord, and we refuse to BECOME LIKE HIM, as we excuse our behaviors, moods and character displayed toward others— we are HONORING ‘self,’ over God, and have not decided to be RETURNED TO ‘his image,’ in our INNER MAN, toward the way we treat others— is not an endeavor worth WORK and EFFORT in reformation.

We honor self, and that is Pride: enveloped in the smoke of high minded conceit– inflated about self— according to Strong’s.


The Lord has shared with me several times now that we can ‘deliver the truth,’ in and with a FUNKY spirit and character conduct— and completely FAIL AT what the intention was, and MISS THE MARK; because when ‘what we are saying,’ becomes MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than the PERSON we are saying it to— then we have become pridefully puffed up by THE KNOWLEDGE we have and are sharing— as the PERSON and their worth, and their hearts, and their wellbeing— goes to the wayside.

Practicing the DISCIPLINED CHARACTER of the Lord— is VITAL in ‘ministry,’ or you will not be doing ministry for the Lord very long; and if you are ‘called’ to be a leader in the ministry of the Lord— he will not promote your ministry, until you are CLEANED UP, and REFORMED into his image— because he cannot TRUST YOU WITH the hearts of men and women yet, as you are UNDISCIPLINED IN HIS CHARACTER.

He is seeing a LOT of so-called leadership, that is much less concerned about the people, and how they are doing in their inner man— than they are with the CONTENT IMPORTANCE of what they are intending to share, in a KNOWLEDGE BASE.

When we have decided the ‘gnosis’ itself is most important to convey, OVER and ABOVE the ‘care of’ the PERSON— we have entered satan’s character domain— and vacated that of the Lord.

The Lord will always practice his attributes and character, whilst attempting to reach the ‘lost,’ and the lost are those unlearned or deceived; he will reach out toward them with love, joy, peace, long-suffering patience, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness, and SELF CONTROL (discipline of character).

The Lord is much more minded upon— is the person READY to receive the valuable ‘content,’ being APPROACHED WITH a ‘welcome’ reception— than the content or lesson, alone; because if we cannot reach them, as the Lord would reach them, WITH THE LORD’S SPIRIT at the helm of OUR VESSEL and PERSON— we are going to ‘fail’ at ministering anyway.

Because it’s truly not the people we are ministering to, first and foremost— we are the HANDS and FEET OF THE LORD HIMSELF— ‘unto’ these people, FOR HIM, WITH HIM; but if we are acting out of our flesh, or unsanctified, unhealed, and undisciplined, and UNPRACTICED SOUL— we are not going to be allowing the Holy Spirit of God to witness CHRIST to them: they will be witnessing ‘us,’ and of in an unclean, twisted character and attributes of.

For how can Christ, and HIS SPIRIT ‘witness,’ like in a court case display of HIS OWN SELF out of us— if we are WITNESSING our own unsanctified souls— out of us?


Philippians 1:27

“ONLY LET your conversation be as it BECOMES THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST (that’s practicing Christ): that whether I come and see you, or else I be absent— I may hear of your affairs— and that you STAND FAST (at attention like a disciplined soldier in an army, and with respect unto the Leader of) in ONE SPIRIT (that would be the HOLY Spirit of God), with ONE MIND (again, God’s mind) STRIVING TOGETHER— for the faith of the gospel.”


Colossians 4:5-6

“Walk in wisdom TOWARD THEM WHO ARE ‘without,’ redeeming the time. 6 Let your speech be always with GRACE (refined, honoring behavior), and seasoned with SALT (cutting with truth, favorably, TASTEFULLY) —that you may know how you ought to answer every man.”


1 Timothy 3:14-16

“These things write I to you— hoping to come to you shortly: 15 But if I tarry long— I would have you know how you ought to BEHAVE YOURSELF in the house of God— which is the church of the living God— and the pillar (support) and ground of the truth.

16 And without controversy— as great is the mystery of godliness (piety, the gospel scheme— systematic arrangement): God was manifest in the flesh, justified (innocent) in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world— and received up into glory.” (honor and worship)


1 Peter 1:14-

“As obedient children— not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: 15 but AS HE WHO HAS CALLED YOU— is holy— so be holy in all manner of conversation; 16 because it is written— Be ye holy; for I am holy.”


We ought to remember that he is a person of HONOR, and one with a CONDUCT becoming of God himself; we are to EMULATE HIM in the flesh body vessels we indwell with his very Spirit— for he, and the world— is watching.


1 Peter 2:12

“Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles… glorify God on the day of visitation.”


Truth— outside of ‘God’s’ kind of Love and conduct of the fruit of his character— leads to being SLAPPED WITH the truth, and not BLESSED BY it— as the Lord blesses; that is ‘if’ we are bringing the truth at all.

When we entertain the conduct, nature, and character attributes of uncleanness— we are entertaining, and hosting with us— the attributes of fallenness itself, and that comes courtesy of fallen beings themselves, in which we are listening and adhering to.

And when we are doing that— the likelihood that we are AMISS in what we are bringing altogether— is great.


“You will MOTHER my children,” that is what he said I will do; he said—

“Janet, you will mother my nation.”


When he said that in 2020, I had little understanding of what he meant entirely, as well, I had little understanding of what that would entail.

He also told me I will be a ‘prophet, to prophets;’ now that— I didn’t understand entirely at the time, either.

[Which essentially means— see things, and hear things they do not discern, and assist the other prophetic leaders: giving the counsel of the Lord to them, from what he shows and tells me.]

Since then, I have come to understand his people— EVEN HIS CHILDREN CALLED TO LEADERSHIP— are needing sanctification, clean-up in the soul man, teaching, reform, and by A GENTLE HAND— as he brings up his children; this is where the ‘mother’ comes into play.

But a ‘good mother,’ as he is a ‘good Father,’ is A DISCIPLINED PERSON in their character and nature.

One cannot mother if they are immature inside, in their spirit man, in their inner conduct— as they will begin to degrade right down to the level of the infant or child— and will succumb to the ‘same ways’ as the young one.

Have you ever seen a parent who has an out of control child, screaming and throwing a fit— and then the parent is doing the same, almost identically, back at the child— complete with yelling, and loss of patience and understanding of HOW TO LEAD THIS SITUATION, and CORRECT THE BEHAVIOR?

Well, this is from lack of learning how to parent, due to lack of a good example of a ‘good’ parent, or the failure to care to GAIN THE DISCIPLINE OF a ‘good parenting’ MODEL— to attain, apply, and adhere to.

We are all going to be tested and tried, and fall short from time to time, losing patience— but this should be seldom, and rare— as we practice exemplifying what our Lord demonstrates DAILY— toward us, in his attributes of Long-suffering, patience, kindness, gentleness, understanding, love, and forgiveness— along with his— wisdom, knowledge, counsel, and presence.

We must be MOTHERLY with God’s children— this is what he called us to, if we are called to ‘ministry.’

What do we think ‘to minister to,’ means??

To BRING UP, CARE FOR, DISCIPLINE and CORRECT IN LOVE, and GENTLENESS, and KINDNESS— exemplifying God holy— so he himself can mother his children straight through us.

If we are not TRAINED UP IN THE WAY TO BE, by the Lord himself— OUR VERY OWN HOUSE IS UNRULY— just as the verse in the beginning, in 1 Timothy 3 said— “if a man is unable to rule ‘his own house’ (person), how will he rule (lead) God’s people?”

We cannot miss the facts— and the facts are, Yahshua came to EXEMPLIFY THE FATHER; he is not the Father, but he came to DEMONSTRATE THE INNER GUTS OF, the INNER CONDUCT, CHARACTER, and PERSON OF: God holy.

He came to RAISE UP the Father’s ‘little ones,’ in THE WAY; he came, as he tells me— to MOTHER the Father’s children.

He calls us to do the same, the same way as he; and ‘if’ we are IN HIM— we will allow his very Spirit to do so, but first— TO US.

He will reform ‘US’ first— and then, he will call us to minister to his other little one.

He will not promote, advance, or move you into a public ministry with success— until he can ‘trust you’ within your own vessel to conduct that vessel, under the rule and leadership of HIM, HIMSELF— because until then, you are not only disobedient to his ways of conduct within, and unreformed— you are a danger to THE WITNESS OF CHRIST altogether.

It took Yahshua up to the age of 30 years old, before he was anointed, and baptized, and called into ministry— by the Father himself.

Yahshua demonstrated the level, and commitment to the study of the Father, and his ways— for YEARS, DECADES EVEN— before he was promoted and advanced into his large public ministry.

God has a process, and it has ordered steps, and is IN ORDER OF CONDUCT, all at the same time— to how, and why he prepares the way for each of our lives.

Peter wasn’t ready to lead, until he was; he was Simon, then followed the Lord until his person changed— and then, as his old man fell away— he was given a new name, because he was a NEW MAN, and became Peter.

Then, he walked even longer with the Lord, under his mothering leadership, raising him up in the ‘ways of’ the Lord God, the Father— and he then, after FOLLOWING a LONG TIME— was advanced into A LEADERSHIP ROLE, as Peter, the Apostle.

There is a process, and we are not ready— until God says we are ready; and we are to be ‘PRACTICING’ Father’s attributes, daily— and being about HIS BUSINESS— until he sees fit, to advance us.

A LEADER, will have learned under the MASTER HIMSELF, for quite sometime— BEFORE he is advanced into LEADERSHIP, himself.

He tells me, “they want to usurp the role of the Holy Spirit, and advance themselves; oh, they know not they are doing it, but all the same— it is the work of the Holy Spirit of God to bring a man into all truth— and that is as much reforming the inner man, into my image once again, and under my leadership— as it is about any knowledge based understanding or wisdom.

They cannot function, from unction, child; they must function out of OBEDIENCE; and to function from obedience— they must BE SUBMISSIVE to my Spirit, and PRACTICING, of their own volition, because they desire to BE AS I AM— my attributes and character.

They must walk in the integrity of character that I myself walk in— if they are going to serve me in ministry; for to minister unto, is to CARE FOR.

And I ‘care for’ my children a certain way— and I will require this of my leadership, as well.

They will learn to be GREAT STUDENTS, first; and then— they will learn to be GREAT STUDENT TEACHERS, next.

And finally— I will ask them to LEAD, and to COUNSEL, and to use the lessons taught to them, of my 7 spirits— first being MY PRESENCE.

It’s difficult to usurp my role, if one is cognizant of my person, right there with them; and is operating in THE FEAR OF THE LORD.

I have end-capped my 5 spirits, by 2 very important spirits, equaling 7; the first— my own presence— the last, the reverence of my presence.

The other spirits and attributes they bring, are grouped within the end-capped presence and reverence of the Lord myself— MY: Wisdom, Counsel, Knowledge, Understanding and Might.

One does not get those 5 attributes of my character and person, without first gaining MY PRESENCE, and BEING MINDFUL OF IT (the fear of the Lord); it is when one forgets I am watching and weighing all matters, within the context of WHAT ARE YOU WITNESSING OF ME— that they fall into the temptations of the devil.

Pride, haughtiness, lying, callousness, cold-heartedness, judgment, etc.

Child— we can bring all the TRUTH, which means REAL REALITY, that we can handle— but if we bring it through ‘another way,’ another ‘spirit—’ we will fail.

We will fail to WITNESS CHRIST— and I am the TRUTH, and MY PERSON’S CONDUCT— is the WAY TO FOLLOW IN and BE— and ‘that,’ child— is LIFE IN CHRIST.”

–Yahshua, the Christ


We are not the Father, we are not the Holy Spirit, we are not MESSIAH— but we HAIL FROM HIM; and if we are hailing from him, as ambassadors of a foreign King, from a foreign land— we will LOOK and OPERATE ‘foreign’ to the ways of this world.

WE ARE AMBASSADORS, we are REPRESENTATIVES OF HIS SPIRIT; which means, we hold his Spirit within, and we are to BOW TO IT, and allow him to LEAD OUR LIVES— ‘through’ us.

And this is possible if we get out of his way, allow him to do the work within us, by reforming our inner man, which means CLEANING HIM UP, as the Lord is CLEAN and HOLY— and then PRACTICING THAT with him, as he mothers and fathers us— in God’s ways.

Christ, Yahshua the Messiah, came to this earth to DEMONSTRATE ‘mothering’ his children properly– HE SERVED, and we are to serve likewise.

He served, the Father, and he served MAN– as he gave his all, bowed low, and UPLIFTED THEM, and brought them into TRUTH— by his gentle, kind, thoughtful, and loving spirit; only under certain rebellious times, after much repeated lessons, did he say harsh things.

He does not come that way, but long-suffering in patience, kindness and forgiveness, first; but when his children are failing to grasp the training, and it’s been repeated continuously— then— we hear, “oh how long will I suffer you?!”

Likewise, a parent would respond this way, after a long time of explanation and demonstrations of proper protocol— gone unheeded.

H517 — Mother: "The bond of the family"

Genesis 17:16

“...and I shall bless her, and she shall be a mother to nations.” (referencing Eve)

Genesis 24:60

“...and be thou a mother to thousands of millions…”

(referencing Rebekah)

Exodus 20:12

“Honor thy mother, and thy father…”


The Lord is our parent, and all that we are, both male and female, and all our attributes of— came from the Most High God himself.

He both mothers and fathers us in his ways; he is the High one, and we are to follow him in his ways, and duplicate him in the earth, and unto man.

He asked us to BE IMITATORS OF CHRIST in the earth.

That means to BE AS HE IS, and finds his person; and he very much took offspring, students— under his wings, his leadership and protection— and he raised them up: like a HEN, with her chicks.

We must understand we are to be as he is; and as we do that— we begin to understand what it is to PARENT ‘little ones.’

He is the ultimate parent, far exceeding our understanding and knowledge base— and the only way we will succeed at helping him (which is ministry) to raise his little ones in this earth, as LEADERS— is to learn what it is to FOLLOW IN HIS WAY, and to FOLLOW HIS LEAD.

We only become leaders, AFTER we have learned what it is to be ‘followers’ of him, and his ways: as students of his, as little ones being raised up under him.

He often tells me…

“They want the AUTHORITY, but they don’t want the DISCIPLINED TRAINING to ‘hold that position.’ And that position is VERY DELICATE, and IMPORTANT— as it is revolving around my ignorant, unlearned little ones— and we do not want to CAST THEM AWAY.

It will require GREAT DISCIPLINE, which is PRACTICE and ADHERENCE TO— my very nature, under submission to my Spirit.”

He has also brought up to me lately— they want to ‘pass the buck’ a lot; which is to say— slough off responsibilities to others, that HE HIMSELF is asking them to TAKE CARE OF, which is to say— be accountable for.

He will not send someone to you, that he does not expect you to assist, yourself; he knows you have within you what they need— even if it is the knowledge to point them to someone you know, who can help them.

But if he sends someone directly to you, and you pass the buck to someone else, because you simply believe they are ‘better at it,’ right now— without attempting to solve this issue with God, for that person he sent to you— you are never going to come into your leadership role— because you are passing the RESPONSIBILITY OF THIS LITTLE ONE, onto someone else.

That someone else— God will promote— while you learn more lessons in STEPPING UP INTO, what he has called you to; apprehension, is not ready to lead.

God is with us ALL THE TIME; he doesn’t need to be called down, or begged to help. He does, however need to be REVERED, and RECOGNIZED ‘daily,’ and LEARNED FROM.

We must learn his presence, engage his presence and allow himself to REFORM US, INSIDE, first and foremost— because otherwise, we have nothing but ‘self,’ to offer the others anyway.

And self— falls short.

God— is the only one who will be able to mother and father his children properly— and it’s our job to let him do that— through us; but first— we have to be RAISED UP BY HIM OURSELVES.

Let him reform your inner man, please; let him discipline you in your character, and reconfigure your programming, like a computer— so he himself— can work through you to reach his wayward, ignorant, unlearned little ones.

It’s the only way, truly.


Psalm 113:9

“He makes the barren woman— to keep house— and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord.”


You don’t have to have children in this world to MOTHER ‘WELL;’ you need only have a desire to love others, treat them well, uplift and teach them, as God does— and he will give unto you— ALL THE CHILDREN TO RAISE UP that you could EVER IMAGINE.

You need only to KNOW YOUR LORD himself; and he will equip you to parent his ‘little ones,’ quite well.

We must GET OUT OF OUR OWN WAY— literally, spiritually— and STEP INTO HIS; and as we do this— we learn to follow, and next— LEAD— which is ‘to parent’ his little ones.


Proverbs 1:8, and Proverbs 6:20— are almost identical.

“My son, hear the instruction of your FATHER, and forsake not the LAW OF (conduct) your MOTHER.”

“My son, keep the commands of your FATHER— and forsake not the LAW OF YOUR MOTHER.”


Galatians 4:26

“Jerusalem— which is above— is free, which is the mother of us all.”


Yahshua came to bow under the Father, the hierarchy of God’s Kingdom, and came to MOTHER His children, in the ‘way,’ as he is, the way.

He FOLLOWED Father and all he LEAD HIM IN, as Father is the Leader over the Son— and as the Son, exemplified his ability to BOW in following, and adhering to the Father, and fulfilled the example of what it is to ‘be a son of God holy—’ he then, RAISED HIM UP to LEADERSHIP ROLE.

We are following in his footsteps— it is the way.

As ‘sons’ of God, we are to FOLLOW, and then— when mature in the eyes of God— we then gain a LEADERSHIP ROLE.

There is no other way than to learn to operate as the Son— he is the ‘bond that holds the family together,’ as H517 defines MOTHER as; he is the ‘glue,’ that holds us all together.

NO ONE comes to the Father, except through the Son.

If we are to be PROPER Witnesses of Christ, to the world and the Lost— we will learn what it is to be as the Son, with the help of his Spirit, and we will BOW TO THE FATHER and his LEADERSHIP ROLE: as the hierarchy of his family blueprint.

Son— follows Father— mothering the children.

Father— puts all authority in the Son’s hand: mothering.

Children— now follow the Son, learning to be a ‘son’ too; turning, and raising up the other younger brethren.

He has a model— and we are poised to follow it.

Then, we will be promoted to LEAD IN IT; one cannot LEAD in anything one does not WALK IN.

We need to be ‘walking in,’ the WAYS OF the Son, as he walks in the ways of the Father; and as the Son finds the Father’s person to be— we are to also emulate.


BOW and SERVE— to LEAD and TEACH: mothering.



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