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"MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE:" The Forge of God (womb of the man-child)

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

We don’t understand the full gospel of Christ, man-child, or 144,000: 

The Forge of God

“We’re not done— until we are done.”

[video link to this typed transcript:]


The gravity of what he said was— “THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO BRING FORTH, DEAR,” is, well— daunting to my soul; and because it is— I must rest in him as I take my soul to the altar and abide in his love and truth.

{There are several quoted words from him in the body of this, as well}

This message/post/video/teaching will be what he has compiled inside of me of the revelation he’s bringing forth—while he has me solely attending to him, at the altar, in my living life, in all communications, and studies: under him.

I have been listening to his heartbreak over the state of his people, why, and what needs to be done about it— that has led to— “the ‘foundation’ needing to be attended to once again,” he said to me: and that is— Christ Jesus, his person, to be brought into remembrance once again; and what his gospel is really, in full: because it leads to his dream, work, and mission in the earth: full salvation of souls, full restoration, full wholeness attained in him again, and then— full maturity to come forth.

He said— “We have need of the full gospel to be detailed out, so I can even begin to speak of my full and great commission that comes forth in the earth— as like I intended this harvest to be.”

This will be long, detailed, and helpful to humanity, the church, the house of God, the ministry unto him in earth and heaven, the man-child, and what the 144,000 is (out of the man-child); as well as what is full salvation— the full gospel, and the fullness of the great commission we have been sent unto fulfilling with him in the great harvest of the earth.  He said this is the most important message we will bring forth— as it applies to all.  And he said it is…

"The summation of all that is holy." 

I can understand that— as he is holy.

So, with that— I bring you the heaviest (in reverence) message I have brought forth yet— for it is detailing Christ Jesus and his heart, mission, and work, to the world: and who he will be walking out for this mission’s completion in the earth, and the world to come.  (No pressure… )

And it’s exactly what the world needs:  Him.


What is the true and full gospel of Jesus Christ?


G2098 – Gospel

Greek: εὐαγγέλιον

Transliteration: euaggelion

Pronunciation: yoo-ang-ghel'-ee-on

Definition: From the same as G2097; good message —that is— the gospel.

KJV Usage: gospel (46x), gospel of Christ (11x), gospel of God (7x), gospel of the Kingdom (3x), misc (10x).


His life— is the Key (Jesus)


Mark 1:1

“The beginning of the gospel [G2098: good message] of Jesus [G2424: God delivered(s)] Christ [G5547: the anointed Messiah], the Son [G5207: child kin] of God [G2316: the supreme Divine deity magistrate].”

The beginning of understanding the fully understood gospel of Jesus Christ— is that he is the supreme Divine deity magistrate, child kin (in an earthen suit, in the full godhead bodily) of God himself.


Mark 1:14-15

“Now, after that, John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel [G2098: good message] of the kingdom [G932: (God most high’s) royal rule and realm and reign] of God [G2316: the supreme Divine deity magistrate], and saying— The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent [G3340: think differently, afterwards consider and feel compunction morally] —and believe [G4100: have faith in, credit, entrust one’s spiritual well being to Christ— the anointed Messiah, and be committed to] the gospel [G2098: good message].”

God’s most high, royal rule and realm of reign— the supreme Divine deity magistrate, God— has, and is, come near to you, even now.  So think differently inside, and after this inward thinking changes around— consider and feel compunction morally toward upholding the truth within: believe: have faith in, give credit to, entrust yourself and your spiritual (inward) well being to Jesus Christ— the anointed Messiah (savior); and be committed to the gospel or good news that Christ has come to set the captives free, by joining God once again.


Matthew 4:23

“And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel [G2098: good message] of the kingdom [G932: (God most high’s) royal rule and realm and reign], and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.”

And Jesus (and those who follow him) went about teaching and preaching the good news of the Kingdom: God most high’s royal rule and realm of reign; and he healed all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people: not least of which being— bringing them into the truth.


Matthew 24:14

“And this gospel [G2098: good message] of the kingdom [G932: (God most high’s) royal rule and realm and reign] shall be preached [G2784: heralded] in all the world for a witness [G3142: evidence given, testimony] unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”

And the good news of God most high’s royal rule and realm of reign is to be preached or heralded in all the world for a witness; which means— we are to be giving evidence of the gospel and the testimony of Christ Jesus— unto all nations: only after all of that will the end come, when the heralding AND the demonstration and evidences has gone abroad.


Luke 4:18-19

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon [G1909: superimposed, distributed on] me, because he has anointed [G5548: come in contact, smeared and rubbed with oil, consecrating to office and service] —me, to preach the gospel [G2097: to announce good news, declare, bringing and showing glad tidings] to the poor [G4434: pauper, those in straits, distressed, beggarly]; he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted [G4937: crushed and shattered to shivers], to preach deliverance [G859: freedom and pardon, forgiveness, liberty and remission] to the captives, and recovering [G309: restoration] of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised [G2352: crushed] —to preach the acceptable [G1184: approved and propitious— pleasing] year of the Lord.”

The Spirit of the Lord God is superimposed, distributed on a man— because God has chosen to anoint or come in direct contact with a man, smearing him and rubbing him with the oil of intimacy in a crushed and surrendered vessel— given to the truth, righteousness, and his person over them.  And that anointing is for a purpose— consecrating a man to office and service of the gospel: to declare and announce the good news of Jesus, and bring and show glad tidings to the paupers of the world: those in straits, distressed, beggarly— and needing him.

He sends this type of man (dispatches) forth to DO HIS WORKS through them: heal broken hearts— which means the crushed, shattered to shivers, and to preach the deliverance and freedom and pardon, forgiveness, liberty, and remission to the captives, to recover— which means to restore (that’s a work to accomplish and be done, being DOERS OF THE WORD, and not hearers only) sight to the blind (which does not mean only physical sight, but spiritual as well to the truth and person of Jesus) —setting those who are bruised or crushed into freedom or liberty in him.  As well as herald out the acceptable, or suitable, approved, and pleasing year of the Lord (time period).

*All of those things done— are one action, not separate commission: heal hearts, preach deliverance to captives, recover the sight of blind men, set them at liberty (free) those who are bruised— while preaching the acceptable year of the Lord: all one commission at the same time (gospel in full).



Romans 1:16

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel [G2097: to announce good news, declare, bring and show glad tidings] of Christ [G5547: the anointed Messiah]: for it is the power of God unto salvation [G4991: rescue or safety (physically or morally), deliverance of health, salvation, saving] to every one that believes [G4100: have faith in, credit, entrust one’s spiritual well being to Christ— the anointed Messiah, and be committed to]; to the Jew [G2453: Judaean— belonging to Jehudah/Judah] first, and also to the Greek [G1672: Hellen (Grecian) non-Jew, Gentile].”

Because we are not ashamed of the good news of the person of Jesus Christ, now made available to reconcile men to God by his finished accomplishment upon Calvary— for souls of men to join God again; we are going to speak of the anointed Messiah come, in the power of God unto the saving of souls of men— to everyone who will credit him in this, entrust themselves to his care and spiritual wellbeing, and be committed to him: first to the Jew, or Judean, and then to the nations, or others not of the earthly lineage line of Judah (now offered to be grafted in through the Messiah).


Romans 2:16

“In the day when God shall judge [G2919: distinguish, decide— mentally or judicially, decree and determine in conclusion] the secrets [G2927: concealed, private, hidden, inward] of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel [G2098: good message].”

Because there will come a day when God will distinguish and decide, mentally and judicially, decree and determine in conclusion— what is concealed and hidden in the inward parts of men; by Jesus Christ, and according to the good message of Christ Jesus, his person, and his invitation to rejoin God (best we join him in this, and judge ourselves now, surrender, submit, and comply with the truth, ways, and person of Jesus; for he will judge us all as to what is in our hearts, and whom we serve).


Romans 10:15-16

“And how shall they preach— except they be sent [G649: set apart and sent out]? as it is written— How beautiful [G5611: flourishing] are the feet of them that preach the gospel [G2097: to announce good news, declare, bring and show glad tidings] of peace [G1515: the joining, the prosperity of being quiet + at rest and set at one again], and bring glad tidings [G2097: to announce good news, declare, bring and show glad tidings] of good things!

But they have not all obeyed [G5219: subordinated under, listened attentively to, heeded, or conformed to command or authority] the gospel [G2098: good message]. For Isaiah saith— Lord, who has believed [G4100: have faith in, credit, entrust one’s spiritual well being to Christ— the anointed Messiah, and be committed to] our report?”

God must have sent ones, set apart ones who are sent out; and it’s said of them that the feet of these children ambassadors of God will flourish in the earth: those who preach the good news of Jesus Christ, and declare and bring good tidings (which is him in Spirit and truth): in the gospel of peace.  And the gospel of peace means— the joining, the prospering of being quiet and at rest, and set at one again with God’s Spirit, with God himself, inside— two becoming one again in Spirit and truth.  And it will be easy to bring good tidings in this— for the good news and tidings they will declare of good things— is none other than Jesus Christ himself, come, with his Kingdom, nigh to each man.

But not all have subordinated themselves under him and his truth— listening attentively to and heeding, being conformed and under his command or authority, by or through the good news, or gospel.  For as Isaiah said— ‘Lord, who has moved in faith, crediting Christ Jesus in his power and truth within, to entrust their spiritual well being to him, the anointed Messiah, being committed to him?  Who has believed our report?’

There is a work of faith to be done and accomplished in us all— by partnering with God in his truth, righteousness, love, and person.


Romans 15:16

“That I should be the minister [G3011: public servant in a functionary way of the gospel (good message of Jesus Christ), and a worshiper] of Jesus [G2424: God delivered(s)] Christ [G5547: the anointed Messiah], to the Gentiles, ministering [G2418: temple working officiate as a priest of] the gospel of God….”

A minister or public servant in function and way of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and worshiper of God holy, true, and righteous— should be this: one who is attending to the God who delivers his people, through, Jesus Christ the anointed Messiah, to all nations and people; who will minister or be a temple working officiate— a priest, unto God himself (the good news of Jesus Christ).


Romans 15:19

“Through mighty signs and wonders, and by the power of the Spirit of God…… I have fully preached [G4137: furnished, accomplished, completed, perfectly supplied] the gospel of Christ.”

And they shall do this by mighty signs and wonders, and by the power of the Spirit of God working through them, having FULLY PREACHED, or furnished, accomplished, completed, perfected, and supplied the good news of Christ Jesus to souls of men.


1 Corinthians 9:14

“Even so, the Lord has ordained that those who preach [G2605: proclaim and promulgate— promote and make known, show, speak, teach] the gospel [G2098: good message], should live [G2198: be quickened and alive] the gospel [G2098: good message].”

For the Lord has ordained those who preach and proclaim, and promulgate or promote and make known, show, speak, and teach the good news of Jesus Christ; that these, too, should live or be quickened, themselves, and made alive in the good message, or person of Jesus Christ.


2 Corinthians 4:3-4

“If our gospel [G2098: good message] be hid, it is hid to them who are lost [G622: perishing, marred].  In whom the god of this world has blinded [G5186: obscured] the minds [G3540: perception and purpose, intellect and disposition itself] of them who believe not [G571: is without Christian faith, untrustworthy, unbeliever], lest the light [G5462: illumination] of the glorious gospel [G2098: good message] of Christ— who is the image [G1504: profile, resemblance, and representation] of God— should shine [G826: beam forth] unto them.”

Disposition— a person’s qualities of mind and character— and arrangement; root definition—  late Middle English: via Old French from Latin dispositio(n- ), from disponere ‘arrange’ (see dispose— bring to a particular frame of mind).

Untrustworthy— not able to be relied upon or trusted; synonyms— two-faced or double minded, double-dealing, capricious, fickle.  

And one definition of worthy is— suitable.

If our gospel, the good news of Jesus to each soul, is hidden— then it is indeed hidden to those who are lost, or perishing inside, and marred by darkness and lies; in whom the god of this world (self led person, outside the truth, backed by the entity and originator of that way) has blinded or obscured their vision toward the truth, and thusly— toward the person of Jesus Christ, and the reconciliation to God holy, true, and righteous once again, by blinding their minds (and this would be the mind of the heart of man— that has thoughts and intents of its own): and the mind is the perception and purpose, intellect and disposition itself— which is the qualities of that mind, character, and the arrangement of: how a particular mind is framed.  

And satan has blinded souls of men who believe not— which means— who are without Christian faith (or faith in Christ Jesus), who are then (because of this) untrustworthy, unbelievers.  Who are not lightened or illuminated by the glorious gospel or good message of Jesus Christ, who is the representation of God: and thusly they do not have him shining unto them, or from them: they are lost, and need to come to know him, surrender, submit, and comply with him and his truth, within.

These need to become worthy vessels, which simply means— suitable; which would be a vessel desiring and working in, and unto, the truth being established within them, upheld, fought for, and maintained: in and by the power of Jesus Christ finishing his workmanship in them (restructuring).


Ephesians 6:15

“And your feet (footing be) shod [G5265: bound under] with the preparation (ready for use, event, or undertaking,) of the gospel [G2098: good message] of peace [G1515: to be joined in prosperity, in quietness and rest + set at one again] ….”

Their feet or footing should be bound with the readiness for use, event, and undertaking, being prepared to bring forth the gospel or good message of peace, or joining God once again, reconciling out of lies and darkness— into the truth and light of God’s person — being brought into quiet rest, and being set at one again with his Spirit and truth: two— as one now.


2 Timothy 1:10

“But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who has abolished death, and has brought life and immortality [G861: incorruptible, unending genuine existence— sincerity] to light through the gospel [G2098: good message].”

Jesus abolished death or estrangement, and has brought life, or reunion, reconciliation, or oneness with God once again— and immortality; which is the incorruptible, unending, genuine existence in sincerity, to the light, through himself: we ought to couple with him, and it (the truth).


2 Timothy 2:8

“Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed [G4690: what is sown, offspring, remnant planting] of David was raised [G1453: collected in faculties, awakened/roused from disease or death— from obscurity (darkness and ruin)] from the dead— according to my gospel [G2098: good message].”

Faculties—  wherewithal, reason, senses, intelligence, mental or physical power, aptitude— suitable or fit, proficiency, competence, suitability.  

Jesus is the seed given to us— to come back into the right form; it is to take in us, to be sown in us, bringing about a remnant people, offspring of the planting of God, in the earth realm— of the ruling tribe; and he was raised, or collected in his faculties, aroused and awakened from death or disease, from obscurity or darkness and ruin (within and without) —from the dead; and that is the good news of Jesus Christ; and he’s seeking to duplicate this in all those born after him: a repeat workmanship the Father seeks to do, bringing us back into the image of the Son, whom we were predestined to be conformed into.


1 Peter 4:6

“For this cause the gospel was preached….. To live according to [G2596: joined, after this manner and means, toward] God— in the spirit [G4151: breath and spirit— rational vital principle mental disposition of God/Christ Jesus’ spirit-life mind].”

And for this reason the gospel is brought forth, and heralded: that we should live joined after this same manner and means, toward God; living with God the Father in his Spirit and truth (word made manifest), worshiping him there (giving him what he asks for of us) of the rational, vital, principle, mental disposition of God in Christ Jesus and his life coming alive and maintained in us: the mind of Christ erect in us, leading the charge, submissive and compliant with, and under.


When we will come to understand the full gospel, and work of Christ (finished and yet unfinished— still being accomplished— as he lives and ever makes intercession for us) and we live there in it ourselves; we will then be able to understand the great commission unto others in the earth: in the service of the priesthood.

Let’s recap the laymen’s terms of the breakdown of the scriptures above, that pertains to the gospel of Jesus Christ:


“The beginning of understanding the fully understood gospel of Jesus Christ— is that he is the supreme Divine deity magistrate, child kin (in an earthen suit, in the full godhead bodily) of God himself.

And God’s most high, royal rule and realm of reign of God (Jesus Christ) — the supreme Divine deity magistrate, God— has, and is, come near to you, even now.  So think differently inside, and after this inward thinking changes around— consider and feel compunction morally toward upholding the truth within: believe: have faith in, give credit to, entrust yourself and your spiritual (inward) well being to Jesus Christ— the anointed Messiah (savior); and be committed to the gospel or good news that Christ has come to set the captives free, by joining God once again.

Jesus (and those who follow him) went about teaching and preaching the good news of the Kingdom: God most high’s royal rule and realm of reign; and he healed all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people: not least of which being— bringing them into the truth.

And the good news of God most high’s royal rule and realm of reign is to be preached or heralded in all the world for a witness; which means— we are to be giving evidence of the gospel and the testimony of Christ Jesus— unto all nations: only after all of that will the end come, when the heralding AND the demonstration and evidences has gone abroad.

The Spirit of the Lord God is superimposed, distributed on a man— because God has chosen to anoint or come in direct contact with a man, smearing him and rubbing him with the oil of intimacy in a crushed and surrendered vessel— given to the truth, righteousness, and his person over them.  And that anointing is for a purpose— consecrating a man to office and service of the gospel: to declare and announce the good news of Jesus, and bring and show glad tidings to the paupers of the world: those in straits, distressed, beggarly— and needing him.

He sends this type of man (dispatches, sends him) forth to DO HIS WORKS through them: heal broken hearts— which means the crushed, who are shattered to shivers, and to preach the deliverance and freedom and pardon, forgiveness, liberty, and remission to the captives, to recover— which means to restore (that’s a work to accomplish and be done, being DOERS OF THE WORD, and not hearers only) sight to the blind (which does not mean only physical sight, but spiritual as well to the truth and person of Jesus) —setting those who are bruised or crushed into freedom or liberty in him.  As well as herald out the acceptable, or suitable, approved, and pleasing year of the Lord (time period).

All of those things done— are one action, not separate commission: heal hearts, preach deliverance to captives, recover the sight of blind men, set them at liberty (free) those who are bruised— while preaching the acceptable year of the Lord: all one commission at the same time (gospel in full).

Because we are not ashamed of the good news of the person of Jesus Christ, now made available to reconcile men to God by his finished accomplishment upon Calvary— for souls of men to join God again; we are going to speak of the anointed Messiah come, in the power of God unto the saving of souls of men— to everyone who will credit him in this, entrust themselves to his care and spiritual wellbeing, and be committed to him: first to the Jew, or Judean, and then to the nations, or others not of the earthly lineage line of Judah (now offered to be grafted in through the Messiah).

Because there will come a day when God will distinguish and decide, mentally and judicially, decree and determine in conclusion— what is concealed and hidden in the inward parts of men (what they truly partnered with and chose) by Jesus Christ, and according to the good message of Christ Jesus, his person, and his invitation to rejoin God. (Best we join him in this, and judge ourselves now, surrender, submit, and comply with the truth, ways, and person of Jesus; for he will judge us all as to what is in our hearts, and whom we serve.)

God must have sent ones, set apart ones who are sent out; and it’s said of them that the feet of these children ambassadors of God will flourish in the earth: those who preach the good news of Jesus Christ, and declare and bring good tidings (which is him in Spirit and truth): in the gospel of peace.  And the gospel of peace means— the joining, the prospering of being quiet and at rest, and set at one again with God’s Spirit, with God himself, inside— two becoming one again in Spirit and truth.  And it will be easy to bring good tidings in this— for the good news and tidings they will declare of good things— is none other than Jesus Christ himself, come, with his Kingdom, nigh to each man.

But not all have subordinated themselves under him and his truth— listening attentively to and heeding, being conformed and under his command or authority, by or through the good news, or gospel.  For as Isaiah said— ‘Lord, who has moved in faith, crediting Christ Jesus in his power and truth within, to entrust their spiritual well being to him, the anointed Messiah, being committed to him?  Who has believed our report?’

There is a work of faith to be done and accomplished in us all— by partnering with God in his truth, righteousness, love, and person.

A minister or public servant in function and way of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and worshiper of God holy, true, and righteous— should be this: one who is attending to the God who delivers his people, through, Jesus Christ the anointed Messiah, to all nations and people; who will minister or be a temple working officiate— a priest, unto God himself (the good news of Jesus Christ).

And they shall do this by mighty signs and wonders, and by the power of the Spirit of God working through them, having FULLY PREACHED, or furnished, accomplished, completed, perfected, and supplied the good news of Christ Jesus to souls of men.

For the Lord has ordained those who preach and proclaim, and promulgate or promote and make known, show, speak, and teach the good news of Jesus Christ; that these, too, should live or be quickened, themselves, and made alive in the good message, or person of Jesus Christ.

If our gospel, the good news of Jesus to each soul, is hidden— then it is indeed hidden to those who are lost, or perishing inside, and marred by darkness and lies; in whom the god of this world (self led person, outside the truth, backed by the entity and originator of that way) has blinded or obscured their vision toward the truth, and thusly— toward the person of Jesus Christ, and the reconciliation to God holy, true, and righteous once again, by blinding their minds (and this would be the mind of the heart of man— that has thoughts and intents of its own): and the mind is the perception and purpose, intellect and disposition itself— which is the qualities of that mind, character, and the arrangement of: how a particular mind is framed.  

And satan has blinded souls of men who believe not— which means— who are without Christian faith (or faith in Christ Jesus), who are then (because of this) untrustworthy, unbelievers.  Who are not lightened or illuminated by the glorious gospel or good message of Jesus Christ, who is the representation of God: and thusly they do not have him shining unto them, or from them: they are lost, and need to come to know him, surrender, submit, and comply with him and his truth, within.

These need to become worthy vessels, which simply means— suitable; which would be a vessel desiring and working in, and unto, the truth being established within them, upheld, fought for, and maintained: in and by the power of Jesus Christ finishing his workmanship in them (restructuring).

And their (the servants of the Lord) feet or footing should be bound with the readiness for use, event, and undertaking, being prepared to bring forth the gospel or good message of peace, or joining God once again, reconciling out of lies and darkness— into the truth and light of God’s person — being brought into quiet rest, and being set at one again with his Spirit and truth: two— as one now.

Jesus abolished death or estrangement, and has brought life, or reunion, reconciliation, or oneness with God once again— and immortality; which is the incorruptible, unending, genuine existence in sincerity, to light, through himself: we ought to couple with him, and it (the truth).

Jesus is the seed given to us— to come back into the right form; it is to take in us, to be sown in us, bringing about a remnant people, offspring of the planting of God, in the earth realm— of the ruling tribe; and he was raised, or collected in his faculties, aroused and awakened from death or disease, from obscurity or darkness and ruin (within and without) —from the dead; and that is the good news of Jesus Christ; and he’s seeking to duplicate this in all those born after him: a repeat workmanship the Father seeks to do, bringing us back into the image of the Son, whom we were predestined to be conformed into.

And for this reason the gospel is brought forth, and heralded: that we should live joined after this same manner and means, toward God; living with God the Father in his Spirit and truth (word made manifest), worshiping him there (giving him what he asks for of us) of the rational, vital, principle, mental disposition of God in Christ Jesus and his life coming alive and maintained in us: the mind of Christ erect in us, leading the charge, submissive and compliant with, and under.”

When we understand all of that, and come into it, and bring it abroad to all nations— THEN— will we have brought forth the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world (the great commission): and then the end.


What is the true and full great commission of Jesus Christ?


Matthew 28:16-20

“Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed [G5021: ordained, determined, and assigned] them.  And when they saw him— they worshiped him: but some doubted [G1365: wavered– double minded].

And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying— All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

Go therefore, and teach [G3100: instruct them] all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  Teaching them to observe [G5083: watching, guarding, keeping an eye upon, preventing from escape— like a fortress of full military lines, detain and maintain] all things whatsoever I have commanded [G1781: enjoined you to, and charged] you: and, lo— I am with you always— even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

The disciples of Jesus are to be making disciples of all nations, and this will come through evangelism, mission work, baptism, and ministry (unto Christ in heaven and earth).  These will be giving everything (as they have died to everything, and now only bring forth Jesus), praying and working the altar, living the Christ life— bringing the truth and person of God to all— and watching him in power and demonstration bring others into the truth, as he exemplifies the God who delivers— right through us: allowing the Father to carry out his works in the earth (lives of men— in the micro, and unto the fullness of creation— in the macro).

They will be of one mind, not double minded (carnal nature, and death to it) no longer, and they will assist others in this: deliverance, cleansing, restoration, wholeness, maturity in Christ Jesus.

All power has been given to Christ— those with him erect in fullness within them— will be able to assist the others in all well rounded areas of the King and Kingdom of God— in the earth, as in heaven.

These will instruct all nations, baptize them (understanding death in Christ, and resurrection in Christ— coming out of darkness and into the light of truth and righteousness, everywhere within man): in the name or character and reputation of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And will teach them to observe: watch, guard, keep an eye on, prevent from escaping— like military detaining and maintaining— all the things he has commanded or enjoined us to, and charged us to live in: for he is with us always, until the end of all things.

These will learn the heart of worshiping God, and will then teach and assist the others what it is to make God holy, true, righteous and loving— Most High within the High Places, within man.


Understanding the depths of worshiping God,

As he desires worship to be


What you ‘give-way-to’ reveals whom and what you worship; and worship is not songs sung unto God, or dance performed unto God, or instruments played, or flags twirled unto God, or words spoken unto God about how amazing he is (which is praise) —though those things can, and are, a part or expression of worshiping God.

But the deep worship of him that he is seeking of us— is in giving him what he desires of us; this is true worship: and he desires all of a man: the whole heart.

Until he has all of our heart— he doesn’t have all of our heart (interior of spirit, soul, and body: the sound whole of a man’s person): so how can we fulfill the law properly to love God with all our heart, and then turn and love the brethren as we love ourselves— if God has not recovered all of our heart (interior centermost of spirit, soul, and body— back into the blueprint and oneness with God)?

That is why the gospel is, and will always be, the most important thing to bring into remembrance, daily, in the life of the child of God: and then— the great commission’s work to bring Jesus and this truth, and reconciling the hearts (all the spaces and places inside men) unto God in truth and Spirit once again can be worked: in the great harvest of souls into safety and the love of God for eternity.

The heart of worship— is giving God what he’s asking of you: praising his name and speaking with words of adoration and praise is part of that, or an expression of that giving of a heart— when done authentically; singing lovely words unto him is part of expression of a sincere heart toward God, dancing unto him or playing instruments unto him— is all an expression and part of giving God our heart: but the heart of worship— is the soul given over to God to have his way within that heart and man— NOT JUST AN EXPRESSION OF HEART: this is what it is to truly worship God— to give oneself over to God, and please him with our hearts.  And he is pleased when we allow him to obtain our hearts, fully, and sincerely, unto his pleasure and purposes:  full heart exposure in sincerity, vulnerability, trust, surrender, submission to his truth and love, complying with him.

A worship leader coming into that, and then leading others into that— will help God restore hearts of worship unto God once again, in verity.

And when a worship leader will walk and work in all of that— AND THEN— bring a congregation or gathering of people into the right heart stance, reverently, understanding that God is asking for them to ‘give themselves’ to him in the way he has asked, individually, personally… when a worship leader will lead men and women into singing or displaying their adoration, praise, AND devotion unto God in this manner… that worship leader will be helping God to actually reach his children in their innermost interior parts of themselves, bidding them to lay it all down to him, surrender, submit, and comply with his truth and person— and obey him: which is how he asked for us to love him back.

It brings our God and Father of us pleasure— when we will know him in deep and intimate detail, and revere him in what he is asking of us: he desires to be known inside the heart chambers of man, and heeded: this is the ultimate working and endeavor between man and his God; and this is the heart of worshiping God as he asked and exemplified to us— in the life and person of Jesus.


The Forge/Furnace (or womb) of God:

And the work of


There is a release of shackles/bonds/chains (an uncoupling soulishly from the carnal nature/mind and inclinations) and restoration needed in the emotional realm, the mental realm, the realm of the will, in our DNA (coded) realm (body, soul, and spirit) that has carried down and needs to be reformed by the hand of God.  We need a cleansing of residual debris from the sum whole of our parts, and to learn to rest and abide in the fiery furnace of God’s love and affliction, which is Christ Jesus— in order to come all the way out the other side of the Forge of God’s womb, or place of reformation and restoration: returning us to whole or complete in his form: restored— but still yet needing to be fully matured.

Healing, mending, stitching us back together in healing the broken heart— comes in after release of shackles and cleansing of the residual debris: as wholeness is returned the soul-man comes out from hiding in strongholds of estrangement from our Lord.  They are released from the demonic holds and entities; then they are released to come out from the prison cells and engage our Lord Jesus face to face in the truth and in his Love, as each soul comes out of estrangement and comes to meet him face to face— in his truth and love; because the soul child needs to meet him in his truth and love.

First the soul child of the Lord (man in a flesh body) comes to him, meeting him face to face (which means straight forward candidly, openly, honestly) to embark this adventure of coming to know God (in every part of them); and as this takes place— the soul-child of God begins to enter the furnace of his love/affliction, as he unshackles them from all that has been imbedded in them: removing babylon from them now in their cellular structure in soul and body (all realms coming free and into the knowledge of the Lord: mind, emotions, will, beliefs etc), as this soul bears all in the furnace.

Bearing all in the furnace means that the Lord will provoke all things not of him and his Kingdom to come forward to be burned away, obliterated in his love and truth (through the shaking, or through tribulation).  

Christ Jesus is the furnace: Shadrac, Meshach, and Abednego are the shadow and type of the child of God coming into oneness with Jesus Christ: he is the Furnace and he burns up everything not of him— hence, why they survived and walked with him within: they were of him, and one with him.

As the soul child of the Lord comes forth in purging all the residual debris from the soul who has endured long term imprisonment —cleansing of the heart comes to be; and every open door to the Lord begins to purge the contents to him— for it is ‘open to him’ now: like a house swept by the military, room by room— removing the demonic: now the Lord goes back in with the soul and cleanses all the adornments, furniture, things that were in there with that soul (lies, pain, suffering) that left the room uninhabitable with and by God’s love and truth.

As the soul child of God comes through this interior cleansing of the rooms —not of demons now and covenants to them, but now cleansing and uncoupling from the  covenants they upheld that the soul child was walking in (memory stored); and in this— the house is then set right with the love, truth and person of God (new experience and knowledge stored).  Then— can the doors be closed, and only then— for the truth, love, and person of God has filled this compartment now; at that point the chamber can be locked with him inside this part of the soul of his child: hence, indwelled.

When this takes place a room of the soul in the heart of God’s child is freed, filled, and made whole again— in the love, truth, and the person of Jesus: and it’s locked and sealed up tight with keys of the Kingdom: they open the doors and set captives free; but as well they then lock up the doors— where God now is, in the truth, and his love, indwelling, and abiding with this soul:  that’s when a part of the soul is filled and indwelled, and thus— made whole in Christ Jesus once again, or perfected.

When the soul comes through all the areas with the Lord Jesus in this work that needs reformation and restoration— the soul is then wholly delivered, cleansed, restored, reconformed, and healed or stitched back together (healed) and whole.

During this time period the child of God is walking and abiding in the Furnace of God’s love and affliction: love— because he is love and desires us to know him in this: affliction— because letting go of all the lies and pain and torment is painful, like an affliction— if we hold onto anything, or refuse his truth and love: we must let it all go, and let it be provoked to the surface by his holiness (separation and righteousness) to bring it all to the surface of the forge— to scrap the dross away, obliterating it.

The soul child learns to walk where the spirit walks, and both come under the authority of Christ Jesus, and are reformed in this world— to the form of heaven, and the person of Christ Jesus: this is where the soul of God’s child becomes freed, cleansed, reformed, and whole once again— into their proper image and personality (identity in, and of, Christ Jesus and his workmanship).

This child learns to live in the fire— where they will always be forevermore: in Christ Jesus: and he will always burn away anything that is not of him, or sets itself against the knowledge of God (darkness cannot survive in the light): this is the salvation of a soul, and the full gospel saving of God’s children and creation.

Maturity in Christ Jesus comes in the furnace of his love, truth, and person— as well: and when he raises this child up, coming through death all the way— he will resurrect him into the man-child of God: the man-child of God, delivered in the earth— is the soul child of God being raised into the full maturation stature of what Christ Jesus walked with the Father, in a soul, in this realm: a soul that has been delivered, freed, cleansed, reformed, and made whole in Christ Jesus— UNDER the Spirit of the Lord, in full surrender to, in full submission to, and in full obedient to him— in all ways.

The man-child maturity is developed in the Forge of God— in his womb of reformation and restoration: a man becomes a proper man— when he returns to the womb— to be born again when completed: delivered of a man-child, a mature child-man of God.  It begins with becoming humble to him again, returning to being a child in the womb of God— to be birthed out when one has come all the way through the fire of his truth and love— and reformation and restoration to it: maturation to the full stature of Christ.

John 3:1-6

“Nicodemus said unto him— How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? Jesus answered— Verily, verily, I say unto you – Except a man be born of water, and of the Spirit— he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”

I have spoken many times on what the Strong’s concordance dictionary defines as the Kingdom of God, verses the Kingdom (royal rule & reign) of heaven— or the elevation, abode of God, eternity: the Kingdom of God speaks of his government— as God means: Divine, Supreme deity and Magistrate (judge/law/government), verses the place of his dwelling— heaven— in general.

Many will enter his abode, but the place he governs from— where he is King, Judge, High Priest, etcetera: his places of governance, where maturity dwells... 

Many have yet to come through this process, many are still in process— and many more will need to come into this process: this is just the man-child being in womb and process to be delivered fully (delivered— there’s a reason he says delivered).  The Furnace Forge (that is Jesus Christ) —is the womb and process: a man must willingly come into this process and collaborate with his Spirit to get the work completed in this realm: men can choose to shrug this off, make excuses, turn back, not humble themselves to him and it, and on and on: that is the wedding invitation that everyone refused: so he went and invited who was WILLING to come.

The man-child are those of his bride who will go all the way through the valley of the shadow of death— into resurrection and maturity: man cannot resurrect himself, or bring himself into maturity, God must: but man can choose to fight against God (by living in the flesh/pride) in his workmanship: thusly— not allowing God to finish his work, here, in this realm: which is his dream come full circle.

Resurrection— is the new birth or delivery of the child: resurrection of the soul in full maturity and unity with the Spirit of God— births the man-child: the soul of a man who has come into the same structure of soul life that Jesus walked out with the Father: maturity of soul that looks, walks, lives, and abides under submission to the Father: duplicate lives as the soul of Jesus walked out in this realm: these will know him in his governing roles— for they desired to be fully governed by him in all sectors and areas of their person, whilst here in the earth life.

These do not desire to walk in manifestation of gifts, powers, dominion, crowns, mantles, or any other thing that points to the pride of man: this man, the mature statured soul child of God (man-child) will desire to know his God, serve his God, and fully worship his God: all other worship of carnal things for the sake of benefiting man— will fall away in the furnace of his love and affliction, as this man learns the art of death and rebirth— revering God and diverting all to him: where all that is left is love for God inside this man, and to serve him in their soul (earthen vessel and realms).

This is the servant of God (as Christ Jesus is/was) in the earth and heaven.  This separates those who will talk about, and worship the created— from those who have eyes only for God, not themselves— they died to self, fully: these do not work to manifest anything; they live for him, and him alone: and thusly— will walk in all he has for them, as he brings it all to fruition, in his timing, as they are given over fully to him: fully owned AND possessed.

Many will miss the first wave of maturity (fruits) because they are still so self-centered with focus upon themselves and have not died the full death, or been resurrected into Life in Christ Jesus within: and so— they will not know or come into all God has for them at this time, because they could not die to living for self-fulfillments in the realm of the soul.

The man-child does not talk about the man-child; the soul child of God who is moved by his Spirit— speaks solely what the Father is speaking: as Jesus did: and Jesus came to honor the Father and the Kingdom of God— not himself or his soul: and his mature souls coming forth of his workmanship, will live and abide in the same: they are the ultimate lovers of God: these have learned to walk in the purity and perfection of worship— as they behold him in his governing roles.

The ultimate worshiping of God is not with lip service, singing, or dancing— though those things can be used at times: the ultimate worship of God is to give the soul over, get delivered, cleansed, reformed, made whole, and then matured by surrender, submission, compliance, and obedience unto God once again.

The man-child— is not the 144th, either: the man-child is not the 144,000 —but the 144th regiment of the Lord is a division of the man-child.

The man-child is just a mature one in the full stature of the Lord Jesus Christ.  These will be led of his Spirit, are reborn in resurrection to his form again, and are given to doing as he sends them forth to do— whilst still in training for the priesthood: focusing on the great commission with him: delivering, cleansing, healing, making whole and maturing God’s people.  

But the 144th regiment of the Lord’s army of warring priests— are a whole other category altogether— who will parent with God, those under him in his priesthood, in training yet. 

When a mature, full stature of Christ erect, soul child of God comes forth in the earth; this woman of his, this partner of his, this one covenanting with the living God is simply rolling out the red carpet for him to come forward: these have laid their crowns and dominions down– that he may take up his; these have taken a seat in the passenger seat, as a ride along in vessel with him— but he owns, drives, and lives his second half of the week out through these souls: two as one now, in spirit and soul: these are giving him all the glory, and will go deeply into him where others will not— for the cost was paid, and the sacrifice made.

When these come forth (manifest Romans 8 children) with the Lord— the world will see him manifest through them in maturity: but the 144th have come through further training and sacrifice, trial and testing.  It’s the difference between graduating college with a 4 year degree— or graduating with a doctorate or masters level of training.

The 144,000 will not stop at the full maturity stature of their soul to manifest the former and the latter (or more than) works with the Lord in the earth: these will seek to go as far as possible in service within the priesthood— in ministry to him, personally.

The 144th warring regiment will come forth in maturity, then they will help others birth out the same (great commission), and then raise the babies up with the Lord (parental roles within the body) that Christ walked out, making disciples (duplicate, disciplined, mature ones for the King and Kingdom):  the apostolic master builders will come forth with him, who are held highly accountable to the parental role he will walk out through them.

The diagram of the Priesthood of the Lord

The priesthood of the Lord Jesus Christ has many levels of service; where Jesus is the foundational point— who serves all above him: those closest to him at the bottom (humility and service) will serve everyone above them, as well: the priesthood has leadership (Jesus the head) —all the way down to those coming in for the first day of training, and realization that they are called to it.

Like a triangle inverted— with the capstone of Christ as the foundation, the man Christ Jesus is he who served all and laid his life down in all ways to do so: so will his governing leadership of the 144,000 do (those down low, near the Cornerstone tip of the summit).  They will be ultimate servants who serve all of those under them in development or position, as Christ did.  

The inverted triangle places Christ as the least— who served all, and placed all above him (exalted them) in a laid down life unto them: the apostolic governing leadership he brings through his Master’s builder program of study in him— will be right under him and doing the same (learning ultimate servitude); as he will manifest himself through this soul child who surrendered, submitted, and obeyed him in all: Christ— the head, and servant of all.

These will be governed by the Lord Jesus himself, study closely under him, held accountable to all he teaches them, will be tested out and tried in all arenas or sectors of his person; and this man will minister unto the Lord Jesus, personally; and as he directs— they will feed, shelter, protect, educate, correct, exemplify unto (walk the talk) the fold— for they will be called to be well rounded out in Christ Jesus: full reformation of person (full overhaul), as well as full servitude to Christ himself and his governing roles, in heaven and earth.

There is a difference between being a child of God (at entrance level of salvation), a soul getting fully delivered/freed, cleansed/unshackled from the world— and the world from them (separation), reformed, whole, and matured in the Furnace Forge of God; versus— the governing body who will serve him and his crown, and his Kingdom— in sacrifice to all, assisting the Word— Lamb, High Priest, King, Savior— and Holy Spirit of God in erecting the proper foundation within men again (Christ Jesus—the truth), and helping the building of the house of God, one soul/stone/brick, at a time— being careful how he is building upon.

Our God, and his Kingdom has order; and all his realms will come under it: it is important to learn the rank and order of heaven: for babies will not be on the frontline, nor raising up others in the proper ways of heaven, nor assisting the High King and Priest, and Judge of heaven in the earth.  All who will be in leadership— will have learned to follow in full submission and obedience— through death to the self-focus and worship of.

The 144,000 will be those who are dead in Christ Jesus— and also— resurrected in Christ Jesus, who will sacrifice all just to serve him AND his people— in higher priority than themselves, in the earth realm, and all realms— at all times.

Those— are a certain caliber soul child of God— who has come into full maturity— and sacrifice for all (which is Christ, and Christ’s body).  But he tells me…. 

“We need not go into all that right now, for many are jumping the gun, and running headlong into what they desire to come into, before it’s time to bring any into such: we have much more need to address the process of dying and rebirth: we have much more need to perfect the understanding of the true and full gospel of Christ Jesus, and the true and full understanding of the great commission: for it’s only because my soul children will come into, and through the full truth and work of the gospel and great commission of service to the others; that one will even enter into the priesthood to serve.  

The priesthood is full of many ranks and positions, and much training and graduating levels of schooling: the 144th— will serve, teach, and raise them up as they lay their lives down with me, and help me parent them, apostolically.  I will speak more on this in times to come— but the focus ought to return to the foundations, dear children: for many have sought riches and glory— before death and resurrection: and that is simply— not the Order of Melchizedek.”

We are at a place in time where the most grandest of delusions has come forth: the great deception is ripe, and must be overcome and outed as Christ brings forth those who walk in the truth with him— as he laid out what the truth was: full surrender through repentance, full deliverance into the truth— and out of covenants and coupling with devils— into full open doors of the soul in every compartment to him once again, to releasing all the debris and things not of his Kingdom or person— to be cleansed and filled with his Spirit, truth, love, and person, to then shut the doors and lock them up with the Truth in there, and then come into maturity with him as we abide in his fire with him.

We must understand THIS is the true gospel in full, and it’s been his mission all along: come into it personally— then assist the others, like he told Peter, when he’s been converted— to then strengthen his brethren.

Mens’ flesh wants to walk in glory, and giftings, and power, and authority, the fame of being a child of God manifest (for all the wrong reasons of heart motives, born in things OTHER THAN just God himself) —before the flesh has been killed, and died the death to allow Christ to now live once again within.  When a man has died to focusing on himself (the priesthood, the man-child, etc) that is when Christ will personally introduce him to such works and placement.  When all that is left is Christ— not ministry, not being a savior to mankind (each soul), not fame, not glory, not position or rank— just the privilege to deeply and profoundly know God.  And, he tells me even now…

“Janet, I cannot even trust a man to serve me and others— who has not died the death— for he will destroy others.  If a man has not died to all things other than me— he cannot be trusted to allow only me to manifest to each person, in each situation, in each circumstance— with total reliance upon me, as I am all that exists to this man; he will find a way to do things himself, of his own flesh arm/soul, and I do not have anyone serving their own soul— in any position of leading others souls as a parental role in my Kingdom: those who will lead with me, will govern souls with me, which means— parent with me: and most— do not even know what that is yet, for they have not died entirely yet— for me to be able to parent them, let alone— bring them through Master’s school training, to allow me to walk freely in their vessels to parent more disciplined ones.

The 144th should hardly be spoken of in the body— for the body has yet to be ‘delivered,’ into maturity (the man-child) in their souls: let alone into a governing position.  I have titled 5-fold that still need to be delivered, and many of my hidden ones are the ones I have been training and schooling, reproving, and teaching straight from my Spirit— for such a time as this, where I will cast down kings and dominions, and raise up my own in vessels of honor (unto me, and me alone): for these I can put my trust in to raise up my children.

These are champions of my love, and those who have perfected worship of God: laying themselves down and dying in every way— so that I can live again through a vessel, myself, and do my own works through them (as they do a ride along with me), and they roll out the red carpet for my Spirit at the helm within.

The priesthood is about servanthood: my governing body is serving me and ministering to me already— in heaven and earth: I exalt in due season, and these will not come out of my Forge— until they are fully resurrected and delivered unto rebirth: and when I bring them forward, this apostolic, prophetic, priestly people— the world will know who are mine, for they will encounter me working right through them.

For now— we have need of ‘working the ministry in action,’ before we focus on the millennial reign, and who is the greatest among us (the disciples already showed you the folly of this endeavor).  Who is concerned for my mission in the earth?  Who is concerned with giving me what I asked for?  Your whole hearts.  I am less interested in who is interested in the 144,000 —and more interested in who is delivering my people now, for that IS the priesthood in action.

We have need to go back to the foundation, Janet.  We have need to return to the gospel— and detail it out in full of what was made available at Calvary— and seek to see if we are fulfilling the mandate I already set in motion amongst my people: the great commission: full deliverance of each soul, personally, into wholeness, clean, and purified, and matured— then taking to the rest.

My people are way ahead in themselves of where they think ‘they should be,’ and are in need of a refocus, great humbling, massive unified work with my Spirit, in surrender and submission to the truth, and under obedience to my Spirit in all ways, every day: pride is subtle, and still too pervasive in my people.

When we get there— we will talk about the 144,000; until then— they have need to be delivered of the self, the lies, the affiliations with darkness, the humble life laid down to me in requited love and obedience, cleansing, healing, wholeness, and maturity (man-child birthed out and delivered): then— we will talk about the servants to all, the warring 144th.”


More on the Man-child


Man-child: this is where Jesus stands up inside the person, at the wheel or helm, and the soul does a ride along like a police officer driving— the law/conducting— would host a ride along guest in the same vehicle or vessel: full surrender and submission.  Too many still in the driver’s seat.

“Many will not come into wholeness or maturity in this realm, because it has to do with salvational deliverance (and he said that to me twice to emphasize).  It’s a very, very few who will birth the man-child,” he said to me, “who will go all the way— giving up their way, and giving into my way of what it is to love and worship me, coming all the way through death.”

The manchild— seeks not his own, and no longer sees anyone but Jesus; and they seek only to minister unto him in fulfilling his desires: this is what it is to truly worship a headship over a soul.

The manchild does not seek to move in power here, not in manifestation of gifts here, not to move in authority here, not to point to man (or man-child or priesthood) really at all; they are dead, or given to massive death to anything revolving around the created man: because to be ‘in focus’ of any of that whole-heartedly— is worship of all of that.  

Instead— the man-child soul is given entirely to God, having laid down their lives (hearts/desires/actions/motivations) all the way, and only he yet exists: when all other things have ceased— there is only the love for God, the focus upon God, the ministering and addressing God’s person, himself— that is left: these ‘serve’ God, and not the created in worship any longer— hence, the priesthood (at some level).  

These minister unto him, wash his feet, and attend to his very person day in and day out— in every realm:  mind/thoughts and obedience to him, emotions disciplined and under obedience to the Spirit of the Lord, they will be given over to his will/desires/pleasure in use of this vessel, their actions given to carry out his heart/mind/will into the earth— allowing his works to come forth.  

These have given over every realm to the Lord God to conquer, and they are surrendered, submitted, and committed unto him as dedicated vessels, or consecrated vessels: body, soul, and spirit (and all realms of: thought, reasoning, emotions, will, actions, etc).

The man-child can see nothing else but Jesus:  they seek no benefit to their own, they seek not their own— not even God unto themselves in a selfish, beneficial way.  

They understand that true ministry is to minister to Jesus, personally, with a zipped lip (lest he open their lips to speak), and with two eyes and two ears open unto him (in reverence); because they understand the VAST difference between themselves (the vessel), and he who is God— who fills said vessel: this is full reverence and full death in his people that will resurrect new life, or the birth of the mature child (man-child).

The man-child (mature soul in the full stature of Christ Jesus) has to do with full deliverance of salvation accomplished in the Forge of God’s womb: the man-child only is delivered into the soul realm (earth) in full stature— through full deliverance: and full deliverance comes from never forgetting to keep the gospel close in remembrance— daily— and seek its fulfillment in our souls and hearts.

Coming into wholeness (after deliverance of demons, covenants, shackles and bonds broken— coming out of cells [prison cells, and DNA cells of memory coding], cleansing the sound whole of a man (insides in full: spirit and soul, and body): it is then that Jesus walks in the fire of his love with each man in sound wholeness (soul recovered/restored into proper image and function) —and brings them into the maturity of Christ Jesus, as exemplified by his walk in the earth: he did say follow him and keep his word: and that these are his disciples who do.

The church has fallen short in deliverance and healing, and I am still coming through this process with him myself— painstakingly slowly and detailed— into becoming ultra refined, which means becoming as he was in his mature ministry unto God and mankind in the earth— when he walked his soul out to be given to the Father and Spirit for use.

Releasing what does not originate from God and the Kingdom of God within our souls— is a critical and crucial part of becoming whole and mature in Christ Jesus; as well as what it is to love and worship him, sincerely, fully, and in verity: he will shake everything not of his Kingdom in a man; it is our job to comply with this process.

Full deliverance, fully unshackling, fully coming home to God once again and recoupling/reintegrating/rejoining once again, cleansing of the entire sound whole of a man— and becoming whole/restored to the original blueprint, design, and image once again, and then into maturity of that sound whole man in God’s image once again— given to living for him with a laid down sound whole of him: body given over entirely to him in, soul, and spirit as well (in all realms of: every sector of the soul, spirit, and body work: emotions, will, mind/thoughts/reasonings/beliefs/disposition/conduct/headship/attributes established, etcetera and so on) —is the completed dream and agenda of our Lord God, and Father of us.

These people who coming through this Forge of his reformation process in Christ Jesus are essentially begging of him, everyday, at his feet, to continue the work of salvation in them— unto the finishing of his workmanship in them, in the earthen vessel, unto the completion of what he is after: the full stature of Christ Jesus erect within a man: which is when Christ is in union with a man’s interior, no bucking in any sector or arena (realm), and Christ is essentially wearing a glove, or a suit— and he is walking this purchased, cleansed, reformed, submissive and compliant (as one, now) vessel out in the soul realm (earth).

The man-child (the whole, coming into maturity) will sit at his feet daily— and ask him how they can die more to what is not of him or his Kingdom (to come into union/unity with his person, as one) —so that they can be resurrected more day by day:  

2 Corinthians 3:18

“But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”

We have such a need to understand what God has already spoken, written, and implied in scripture— and come into it, within, in our innermost deepest central points of our person, in order to be fully resurrected once again: fully— born anew.

“There is a fullness,” he tells me, “that many men never come into in this realm of the soul— because a man can stop short of desiring to do so, to come into full freedom in Christ Jesus.  Ah, but some,” he says, “will come all the way through the fires of my forge of love and affliction— and will come out the other side, in this realm, whole and matured; and that— is a rarity, and my dream of resurrection into the full stature of Christ erect within a person in this realm; and I am not seeking only part of the heart (centermost central depths of a man’s person) —I am seeking the sound whole, Janet:  I am seeking full salvation of a man— in the realm of a person’s spirit, SOUL, and body (body follows soul salvation): I am seeking a man-child, a soul man child fully given to me in this realm, and all realms of spirit and body: that is my dream of fully abiding within a man, at the helm headship role, as one, whole and matured to bring in my millennial reign and demonstration of proper life with God (as like Zion revealed) to provoke the others to come home fully, too.”

These will be trained up as Jesus was trained up by the Spirit of God— who can, and will, bring every man ‘into’ the truth attained, conformed to, and lived in the sound whole of a man.

A man must enter the furnace of him, willingly (in compliance with his Spirit’s bidding), and not come out until he’s fully delivered, after being fully formed— like a child in a womb: the furnace is the womb of God developing a man-child.  He will continue this work until it is finish; most will not come into this finished work on this side of eternity, oh, but it is available, and should be pursued in a life laid down to him, working in compliance with/to his Spirit and his work (coupling, working together/collaborating): some will go all the way through the fires of his love and affliction, willingly, giving all they can to this workmanship being accomplished in them in the earth realm— through surrendered, submissive, compliant yoking (covenanting with the truth), with the Spirit of the living God: who brings men from death to life.

The flesh can never fulfill this workmanship out of our own wills to ‘be’ something; this work is his— but we must be ‘given over’ to it, couple with him, and surrender to, submit to, comply with (obey), and join to— his truth: in this— a man will go from glory to glory being reformed (womb development) by the hand of God (not of men’s hands or building), and will be fully delivered when he is satisfied in his workmanship, and completes his course within each man: as was done and accomplished in Christ Jesus— hence— the full stature of Christ erect within a man-child.

The obedience, the complying with his headship and way, and process— will hold many back— if they are not given to it, from a pure heart motive that reveals that he is the only thing to be sought: not what he has, what he can do or give us, not what he made possible in gifts, mantles, positions, or availabilities to walk in materially in this realm: that he— just being in contact with him, to learn of him, listen, heed and hearken to, know, and love— is the true prize and portion:  these, are the mature in Christ Jesus— and unto true reconciliation to the Father; for these have come into the life of Jesus, as he walked out mature union with the Father in this realm— in compliance to the Spirit of truth.  These understood the truth must be lived in verity (in real reality, not lip service, or head knowledge).

Many things of discord and judgment, cruelty still flung forward from the souls of men, comparison, competition, elitist mentality and heart lived out— would be obliterated in the forge of the Lord’s love and affliction (place of purging all that needs to go within a man’s heart/person), if a man would just comply with the Spirit of truth, to come into the truth, to live and abide in the truth (and his love, and righteousness, separation of holiness, and much more— is in the truth).

Definition comply— act in accordance to wish or command, meet specified standards; root definition— late 16th century: from Italian complire, Catalan complir, Spanish cumplir, from Latin complere ‘fill up, fulfill’ (see complete). The original sense was ‘fulfill, accomplish’, later ‘fulfill the requirements of courtesy’, hence ‘to be agreeable, to oblige or obey’. 

Compare with compliment, which means at its root definition— mid 17th century: from French compliment (noun), complimenter (verb), from Italian complimento ‘fulfillment of the requirements of courtesy’, from Latin complementum ‘completion, fulfillment’.

We are to act according to God’s wish and command, meeting specified standard set forth, filling up and fulfilling Christ’s righteousness in us, accomplishing, and being agreeable and courteous toward, and in obedience to Christ and his truth and righteousness established within us: image reformation, conformation.  Thus— fulfilling the requirement of courtesy, completion, and fulfillment itself.


There are many levels of salvation— depending upon how far a man will go with the Lord Jesus Christ and the truth.  If a man will barely comply and be reformed (given over to him in this realm to reshape them and lead them) —then this man will remain immature in Christ Jesus and the truth.  But if a man should choose to go further with Jesus, whilst in this realm of free will choice to lay all other things down, dying to them, and take up with him as the Most Highly worshiped and heeded within them… then this man chooses the Forge of his love and truth, and to be reformed, rebuilt, and rebirthed into the earth (and soul realm).  This man is heading for full reformation and restoration, with resurrection, or rebirth.  This man will continue on in his word, as he instructed; and will sacrifice all other things to be as he is.

Not all will choose this, hardly any, he tells me; but— the invitation has been sent out to all; and we still have much time to give ourselves to him fully, and come through the Forge of his Love.

He will force no one— he’s a gentleman, he will invite.  And he can, and does, use people at all different levels in the earth realm— to further the Kingdom and his mission: but there is no limit to the man who will go all the way with the Lord God and his truth— in this lifetime.


The man-child is the fullness of Christ standing erect inside an earthen vessel (soul and all its faculties), where man is now taking a ride along, submissive, and compliant position inside the vessel (body/soul in this realm), instead of one who is still leading the charge, or at the wheel.  

The man-child will be caught up to the throne, the man-child will serve the throne and crown (dominion) of God in the earth and heaven— bowing to his scepter (not their own).  These will see the inadequacy of ever walking in their own crown, dominion, or rod: these will defer all glory to God— and thusly— then, God will walk out and bestow his glory upon this person; for they have fully honored, worshiped, submitted, complied, and obeyed his authority over them in their sound whole person.

The man-child is doing nothing more than birthing out full salvation accomplished: where Christ Jesus is erect within a vessel (soul) in this realm and at the helm, in a person/soul who has been conformed to his structure once again, in whom he can pilot in unison.  

The man-child is the fully delivered person in his soul (in all its rooms and rhetoric, and paradigms), led of the Holy Spirit, living in the truth, and continuing therein.  

And a man cannot be stitched up (doors closed) until the debris is removed— until babylon is removed— and the truth is erect, in compliance and submission to, within the rooms of the soul of a man’s heart: full deliverance; and we are on mission to complying with the Holy Spirit of God (the Spirit of truth) to come into this workmanship of God, within us.

We are Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego + Jesus; and we will not be destroyed in the forge (furnace) of his love and affliction (based in the truth); but instead, we will be preserved in the truth, and the truth alone— inside the forge (womb) of God, where he’s reforming man (rebirthing man) into the image of Jesus once again.

When the man is fully formed once again— he will be fully delivered: has God caused to develop this to birth this out, but will he not fulfill bringing it forth and deliver?  

Our job (or part) in all of this is to surrender to the truth (believe), submit to the truth (live it and abide therein), comply with the truth (come into oneness with it and obey it); so he can fulfill his workmanship in us, in this realm (man-child birthed out), as we come to full development in the womb of his love and affliction (reforming us), and will, indeed, cause to bring forth and deliver this child: the man who is one with his God as Jesus was, in this time, season, and generation.

These learn to walk around with God in the furnace, coming through this process, until they are fully at peace and rest with God within— set at one again; as they come out of dungeons, chains and shackles, uncleanness, covenants with darkness, and ways and attributes not of God or godliness (our image); and into the light and covenant with the light (truth and righteousness, and God’s person), into liberty (not prison condemnation or chains to darkness) —bound, now, to the light and truth of God, clean— recovered, walking in the ways of God— the ancient paths, and have regained the attributes and fruit of God’s person— godliness once again: returning to (being reformed in the womb of his person, and delivered into) our proper image and likeness once again, that is one with God’s person.

And ALL OF THATcan— be accomplished to a standard the Father has set in Jesus to bring us into— in this realm, this side of eternity: but a man must fulfill his reasonable service with the Lord; and that has to do with authenticity and resolve.

This is a singular, or individual workmanship with our Lord God, and coupling with him; as it is a corporate workmanship— as he’s bringing many, all at the same time, through this workmanship: to complete the body, in a full stature, of his first fruits— tip of the spearheading people— when he brings forth his sons who will manifest maturity into the earth (as exemplified by Christ Jesus).

Those of his who are the wise virgin maids, at the point in time he chooses to walk the delivery of the man-child forth in their birthing into this realm, the mature bride of his— will birth this out in the wilderness period of the earth; for she has already gone through this wilderness of temptation to all things in the realms of temptation, and so she will then bring forth this maturity, and then assist others during the world tribulation wilderness.  

She will assist many others in the understanding of the womb development, and consequential delivery of maturity in the soul realm that can be brought forth in coupling with the Truth, the Way, and Life in Christ Jesus— as well, during this time period in the earth— hence bringing the bride ‘into’ what is defined in scripture as ‘spotless and wrinkle free, who made herself ready’ for the bridegroom at his coming (this a work of the Lord, but one that a person must yield to, within): the remnant of her seed: the woman (the church who is mature in Christ at the onset of the first fruit deployment into this realm); and she will give birth to parenting in her maturity, or mentoring and raising up God’s children with him in the earth realm (as Jesus did).  

These are servants of the truth, the way, and life in Christ Jesus— and his truth, way, and life inside of people; and they will bring man into the understanding and invitation to join our Lord in the very same: these are the priestly servants of the Lord God, Jesus Christ.

It is not just proclaiming things (speaking them forth from the mouth), but it is a work the mature woman of God (the man-child company of God) will do in and unto others— led by the Spirit of the Lord God himself— where these will go through the captive’s rooms of the souls of men.  And they will set the captives free from the governing unclean spirits to which they came into covenant with, one way or another (devils/demons/covenant agreements; and they will rid the heart and soul entrapments (devils) and their rhetoric (belief systems and thoughts and reasonings) with God, as the heart rooms are cleansed from all the debris left behind by interjection of the truth.  

They will mend the broken hearts: they will stitch them back up with the Lord in this process— which is the closing of the doors once the truth, way, and life of Christ Jesus is now in those places (rooms) of the heart and soul— and in full dominion there as a man couples with and complies with the truth there (filled with the truth now and the Spirit of God in those rooms/compartments).  

And they will assist them like parental roles (apostolic in nature) with laying the truth in a person again (erecting the foundation, Cornerstone, Jesus Christ again, within a man) —raising many disciplined ones (disciples) up in Jesus’ name (character and person of), who will become restored within (or whole) again: and then head them off to maturing into the full stature of Christ within— IF— one will abide and continue in the truth, with reverence unto the Father and Creator of us, as Christ exemplified whilst walking in the flesh, here.

There is always an ‘if,’ and a ‘then;’ or an invitation— and fulfillment of compliance with said invitation— from God.

These vessels who will steward the Deliverer himself to the souls and hearts of men— will have KNOWN the smell, sound, taste, sight of, and recognition of devils, darkness, and lies; and they will know when a soul has been saved, or restored, in any compartment of their vessel— or not: for these have come all the way through the fire with Jesus; and it is now he who stands erect in these vessels: nothing left but Jesus within.  And so— these know the smell, sound, taste, sight of, and recognize God— light, and truth.  

And THAT— is a workmanship that all of creation will take notice of when he brings them forth, upon their birthing into this realm; where he himself will finish out the second half of his week: and the world will understand not only the Lamb and Ox, but the Lion, King, and High Priest of heaven.

These will not be doing anything— these will be in full submission to him, and he will be working out of them: and they will let all know this— as he brings himself forth: for these work the altar ‘with’ God, inside their own vessels, surrendering, submitting, and complying with the headship of Christ Jesus; and then— these will repeat process with the remnant of his church.

These will serve all in the midst of gross darkness (not only in the world at large, but) in the grossly darkened hearts and souls of men— to bring the Deliverer, his truth, his light, his love, his person— to save their souls from the clutches of darkness, satan, estrangement, and separation— into union with him again: these are servants of the Lord (and all are called to be priests and kings: which is holy set apart and returned and restored within to Christ Jesus, his truth, and his way of life with him; as well as allowing him to walk out his dominion within a man, with his crown and scepter— erected and extolled in the high places of man once again): these die the full death, to resurrect fully into the life of Christ Jesus.

Jesus was commissioned and ordained from before the foundations of all that exists in and of creation— to lay his sinless life down as the Lamb slain for all of creation, and he did.

He was born of a virgin, conceived of the Holy Spirit putting him into the womb of Mary— seed and planting of God, lived that sinless life fulfilling the whole law (so we do not have to of our own accord now, we never could, not one of us), then took our punishment and sentence upon himself— giving his sinless life and record in exchange for our sinful life and record— expunging it all and wiping it away as if it never existed legally, died the death of the cross shedding his blood for all— and the Holy Spirit unto all to couple with, went down to hell— conquered it and the fallen kingdom in full— retrieving the keys to death and Hades (hell), then resurrected and is seated at the right hand (rule and reign) of God, where he ever makes intercession for wayward man to reconcile with: he is King of the whole of all of creation, and he’s the gift given to us of the Father.

The magnificence of God our Father, and his Son— who loves humanity so.

But— the gospel of Jesus Christ is not the things he said and did, alone, whilst in the world, with all the accomplishments he achieved whilst in his own body: the full gospel of Jesus Christ is the good message of all of that— AND— the news that HE YET/STILL EXISTS to join man to God once again, and works tirelessly to do so, even now, day by day, taking man from glory to glory: those who will partner with him and his workmanship: the good news is JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF.  

And when man comes full circle back to understanding— God is the only treasure and thing to pursue— in, and from an honest understanding and heart motive within them… then… will a man come into maturity, and understand the gospel fully.

The good news— IS GOD, and the way being made for GOD and MAN to REUNITE: the good news is the person of Jesus Christ, himself, the gift to all of creation and the created: and when man comes all the way back around inside, and everything else dies— and all that lives therein now, in the heart of man— is God, and he is at rest, quiet, and set at one with him again… then that man has been fully delivered from the perversion of this realm of choice and affiliation.

The point to this whole realm is— Whom will you choose and affiliate worship unto within your living soul and heart?

When a man forsakes, loses, gives up all things and pursuits— save Jesus Christ himself… that is when a man is freed into the truth, the treasure, and eternal life, and eternal living (no longer dying by living the lie or deception, illusion, and allure of anything else): a man is fully delivered— when all that’s left is Jesus, and serving and worshiping him (laying down our lives to honor and do as he desires— giving ourselves FULLY over to him— slaying [with God] anything that stands between us, inside, in operation, covenant, exaltation, or worship).

We need to exalt the gospel (fully) once again.  

If we understood the magnitude of the full gospel of Jesus Christ— we would never forget it daily, hourly, and for our whole lives: we would never focus on anything else; because the great commission that Jesus is still leading— is to bring others through the full deliverance of the gospel to them (the good news that is Jesus Christ unto every soul, for the full salvation, cleansing, wholeness/restoration of the heart, and into full maturity as Christ walked out).

If the church were (by far and large) fully delivered into the truth of the gospel, or good news of the person of Jesus Christ and his work in the earth (workmanship to fully save souls and rejoin them in oneness with God holy and true) —we would be much further along in wholeness, maturity, and oneness with God and our fellow brethren; and much closer to a life with the millennial reign of Christ, experienced by many, in the earth realm.

If we walked in the fulness of what Christ’s saving really is, and were given over to him fully delivered, restored, cleansed, whole and mature in his workmanship within that we are collaboration with (complying with)... we would understand that the most honorable mission in this earth— is coupling with Christ in his great (co)mission: taking what we have come back into (first love restored to the truth, way, and living life with and under Christ Jesus once again, and being developed in the womb of his person and fires of his love and truth once again, coming into full delivery of that man-child in the earth realm)... to the others; as we introduce them back to God, by God working out of us, in and by, his Spirit and Truth— and with powerful demonstration of… then more would be resurrected into life, and life abundantly in Christ Jesus, too.

The gospel— is Jesus and his person coming unto every soul in this realm now: saving them body, soul, and spirit— IN FULL— in every room, compartment, mentality, faculty of the heart of man; and bringing them into full restoration wholeness in their form once again, within, and then onto maturity: with an invitation to further their education in the Master’s program, where we learn to serve God and minister to him, and all others— as we lay our lives down to both.

The governing body of Christ: leaders who will serve all, and raise children up in the way, the truth, and life in Christ Jesus: the apostolic (parental) foundational truth layers once again, who are priestly in there service at the altar of God (and the altar of their hearts— all realms), and kingly as they walk in his dominion— for he does his works out of them: these are the 144th (144,000) who will come out of the man-child, even: the fully matured vessel who will now serve all, and come all the way through the Master’s program (education/training), where he will test, try, sift, and temper them to be well roundedin their knowledge of him and his Kingdom.  As they will seek to bring him— and his Kingdom— into the earth, unto the souls of men, for the gospel’s sake, for the Kingdoms’ sake, and for the furthering of this work of salvation in the realm of the living.

The 144th regiment of the Lord is a warring priesthood, which means— servants who know well the work of the altar (intercession of interceding between man and God, where the blood is applied) with the headship of the High Priest; as well as knowing Jesus as King and authority figure, Judge, and manager of all that is created— as they bow to him fully, study him intensely, come very nigh to him learning the deepest things of God himself, like: how he moves, thinks, operates, feels, works, reasons, rules, serves— understanding his person’s attributes, ways, disposition, demeanor, dreams, hopes, griefs and sorrows, agendas and plans, and so much more; who will come to be well rounded out in their knowledge of God, and in their service unto him in all realms (which is required: such as King, Savior/Lamb/High priest, Judge, Bridegroom, Friend, Father, Son, Servant, Teacher, Shepherd, Evangelist, Apostle, Prophet, Lord, and so much more).

These are they who he trusts for they are true worshipers of God— who have been reduced within to the simplicity of Christ Jesus, in a fullness of their realms: body, soul, and spirit (and all compartments of).

All that is left— is Jesus.

All that is lived— is Jesus.

All that is loved— is Jesus.

All that is desired— is Jesus.

All that is continued in— is Jesus.

All that is ministered to— is Jesus.

All that is focused upon— is Jesus.

All that is revered and honored— is Jesus.

All that is worshiped (desired and given to) —is Jesus.

All that is left, at the end of the process (of salvation deliverance) —is Jesus: the way, truth, and what is eternal life, himself.

These have come full circle back to worshiping God: which is to give him what he’s after: the heart of man, in full, and fully delivered back to him.

Every man, in the new earth, where evil is no more, after heaven, and after new Jerusalem (the city of peace) descends and we live forevermore there, with him— all men will walk as the man-child, in a body and with soul and spirit intact: but— not all will walk in position of leadership, mastery of Jesus’ education process of his Holy Spirit in the deep things of God, whilst on the new earth: for the positioning of such placement— is achieved with God, HERE, in this realm— with all its temptations to overcome with God; and with all the choice of surrendering to, submitting under, and in compliance with and obedience toward— upholding the truth, fully, within, now, and here— or if they will not: each man will be judged for what he has done in body, whilst here, he told us so.

And so it is important for man to understand that he can, and indeed should— surrender, submit, comply with, bow down to, and serve, and continue in— the truth, whilst here, in every place within us; and then— if one desires the ultimate intimacy with God Almighty, holy and true— one ought to lay down ALL, and die to all things (even good things), to attain Christ Jesus in full: for he— is the prize, the pearl, and the choice.  

This realm is designed to focus you on everything and anything else— even all you can have, walk in, and receive from God (his handouts that are good); just so long as you do not lay it all down, crowns, dominions, gifts, mantles, missions, and pursuits— at his feet in wholehearted worship— in exchange for only HIM, his person left in your heart.

Because if you will do that— you make it not only to the top of the mountain, or depths of knowing God very, very, VERY intimately; but you will also come through his Master’s schooling, learn to be as he is, serve God and all others in love and truth, mercy and grace, righteousness and holiness; and you will also have him ruling and reigning out of you— no longer the soul of a man in charge, but God himself.

And satan and his kingdom of darkness, and reign— CANNOT STAND or SURVIVE THAT!  And it is his ultimate fear: the whole and mature child of God who will crush his head, works, dominion, ranks, and agenda in this world: and gain the ultimate victory over him— which is to become one, in submission to God, loving him, obeying him, and becoming just like him once again— IN MATURITY.

You see— because satan desires to abort that process within you all, and he hates nothing more than when man finds out this ultimate truth and invitation to come into this with Jesus: because it FULLY destroys what he set in play so long ago: which was to separate man from God: no longer in union as one, no longer ‘under’ him in authority or walking in truth and love; and then— MATURELY —in union with God (this is the realm of the first Adam where he never stepped into with God: maturity as one with him).

Satan sought to stop man in his infancy (immaturity) for it was the only shot he had: the maturity of Christ Jesus, erect in a man— cannot be overcome by satan (for Christ cannot be overcome by satan).  That should tell you that giving up, dying to, everything that is— well, simply not Jesus— is the ultimate goal and mission in our souls.  And when man will come all the way back to understanding this, living this, and giving his life over to this— that man will be restored, rebirthed— delivered, and fully matured in God, in his Fatherhood and headship over man and his soul: and this— is what the full gospel of Jesus is all about.

Taking man into restoration through deliverance, into cleanliness, into wholeness, into full maturity: where satan will never roam, for he cannot be where the light and truth is: and maturity of the child of God, in Christ, is to be fully indwelled by the truth and the light of God in all sectors or realms of man.

The man-child company knows they have nothing left to offer God but their fragile lives, and they fully know they are stunningly inadequate for use— but nonetheless willing for the glorious God to use them in whatever fashion.  

They have attained nothing but coupling with him, surrendering to him, submitting to him, complying with him, and obeying him (and even in all of that— they need his Spirit to do all of that), as he reforms them— inside out.  

Outside of him— they are nothing, and have nothing (no dominion, no love, no mercy, no light, no life, no witness): they know who he is in all his magnificence: and they seek to point all to his glory (dignity and honor): for they know they are but a clay vessel for his use.


Quote from the Lord


“The man, Janet, who believes he’s fully equipped— is a man under strong delusion.  I am the only sufficiency man has, and I require of him to give himself over to me— in every way.  The man who believes he can manifest everything, and anything— is not completed in me.  The man who believes he has all the means, within him, who does not understand it is me and only me, that will ever bring the will of God to be known, or achieved in the life of any man— is a deceived prideful man.

I have a problem within my people, Janet, and it’s been an issue for millennia; and that problem is man’s sufficiency, in pride— the ways of satan: where man can do all things of his spirit and soul: the rectifying of this, the correction of this— is when man will finally admit he is incapable without me doing my works through that man, without my strength in that man, without my ways running that man: and this— is only achieved— when a man is ‘given over to’ me, in every way, in every sector, in all things; who will give me the glory (adoration, respect, honor, and dignity deserved), in abiding in full understanding that it is my person who is sufficient: and by man’s understanding of this, and bowing to this in truth and true heart posture— will a man come into maturity of the truth.

We have a need for the full gospel of Jesus to be preached, worked, and achieved.  And then— we have a need for the full commission (company mission, and mandate) to become alive in my people, where souls are delivered, freed, cleansed, restored, made whole, and mature— in me, my truth, my person, my love, my righteousness, and my reign.

The most important things to understand in my house, Janet— is my perfection, my truth, my love, my righteousness, my ways, my work (completed and still being completed), my leadership, my supremacy, my sovereignty, my mission, my agenda, my desires, my dreams, my thoughts, my heart, pleasure, will, and focus: ME, Janet.  The most important thing to remember (or to be brought back in remembrance of) is me: and to be fully given over to me in all ways.

This was always salvation and deliverance (into the truth, and maturity birthed in restoration and reformation once again.  And this was always the mission— to duplicate this work unto others, in introducing them to me as you have known me (witnessing/testifying), and raising them up with me (as Jesus exemplified in body, and yet does again through bodies, vessels), to come into the full gospel truth of Jesus (the Godhead in full to each man: body seen, soul known, Spirit accounted for) —and come fully back home, as well as— getting mature now, and out of infancy.

I have always been on this mission; but religion has taken my people’s hearts and strayed them away from the simplicity of Christ Jesus, dear; and has focused their hearts upon things that can be attained, walked in, wielded, and accomplished— outside of my person alone: man with his God, reunited, in pure heart stance and worship.

Religion has subtly, by the deceptions of the snake nature and leadership— turned my people away from my ‘face,’ and focused them (at best), at my hand, at worst— to their own.

We have need to deliver such a message of the good news and simplicity of man joining God once again, via the bridge of God in the life of Jesus Christ: for any other pursuit is vain and futile— if one desires to know God intimately, and work with him intimately, in a trust gained in both (God, and man, trusting one another, for they are united within the truth, in both persons).

The full truth— all will see who lives, continues, and abides therein: the cost— is the fully laid down life, where man will not divert from my face (and with a full reverence unto), who will abide in a resolve to worship me— in death to self focus and pursuits: the cost is everything— the reward— is the same (Jesus in deep intimacy).

When a man will pay the full cost back to me (giving me all of them, everything), then— a man will get all of me in the deepest of the profound places within God, revealed to that man, in my person: there is a price to coming unto the deep of God, and the price is full death: but the reward, is full resurrection— in all sectors and realms.  And this, Janet, is my dream— to achieve this in the souls of men: to develop, and birth out, the man-child, from the souls of men coming all the way through the fires of my person, cleaning away all dross and debris, creating a clean, purified, whole, and mature vessel.”


My job, Janet, is to bring people back to him, and make it all simple again (detailed, but simple); and I am still a work in progress getting to know and understand him as he reveals himself and the truth to me.  

What he has shown me is that man made things complicated by the spirit of religion, and doctrines and precepts of devils and soulish (unregenerate) men.  And he intends to once again take all these topics like the wise and unwise virgins, the manifest sons, the man-child, the bride, the priesthood, the 144,000, the mantles, mandates, ministry and every other topic man’s souls has chosen to focus on— and bring them all the way back to the simplicity of the gospel of Jesus Christ and his mission.

I had to start with the simplicity of Christ in my own life— that he is enough, period.  And that if I would seek him, with my whole heart, soul, mind, and strength— to serve his Kingdom and his righteousness— all these ‘other things’ will be added unto me: and then— I am to bring this understanding to the others, and walk it out, in demonstration of (the great commission fulfillment).

He asked me to take what man has made complicated— and simplify it again: and if you do that to the utmost simplification— it is this: take Christ seriously, and his mission to recover your soul: surrender, submit, and comply with the truth within (getting delivered, restored, made whole, in your proper image once again), coming into full maturity with him, in the fires of his refining forge where he takes away all that is dross (or darkness and not of him as he shakes things to come up).  And then— if willing to continue to serve him to the fullest, and creation as well— take him up on the Master’s school of learning him in all his sectors, really well, becoming well rounded in Christ Jesus (as he is): and then come back down the mountain to help all the others in the valley (as the Father will desire to demonstrate Christ Jesus through your vessel, in a well rounded, well defined way— to the people of the earth) —unto their full salvation and reconciling with God, as well, within.

The simplicity of the gospel, or good news that Christ Jesus is available to all now, to couple with inside, and be saved by in every sector or realm of each man, is: THE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE, EVER.

And it is the simplicity of the mission at hand: the great commission— which is to bring Christ and his truth to every willing soul, who desires to rejoin God inside, and for eternal life: to be fully born again, fully developed, turned around, set free, restored and made whole— who may, just may, indeed, desire to become mature in Christ Jesus, as well, in THIS REALM.

Anyone who is not preaching, and turning all their messages back to the gospel and the great commission—has diverted from Christ and the mission of Christ in the earth.  For all who will keep, continue in, abide in, and maintain the good news of Jesus Christ’s person, and his mission to save the souls of men, and reconcile them to God (same thing) —will have all other things added unto them: which includes your mantles, giftings, mandates, positions, manifestations (things showed), authority in this realm, and everything else that comes with the ‘person of’ Christ Jesus, and coming under his headship.

The great temptation, the great deception, the great obscuring of the light and delusion that man descends into— is to put our focus and worship unto anything, or everything else —except— the ‘face of’ God, in Jesus Christ.  The church is steeped in this right now, and he desires to expose this work of satan that appeals to the places that are unregenerate, and unsubmitted to God within a man’s heart: the spirit of error— self indulgence and direction of, revering self, and abiding in ways opposite of God, and with compliance to the unregenerate places of man’s heart and soul that cause him to —be at variance— from God.

We would be much further ahead by now, if we would have (by far and large in the church) have stayed the course in the simplicity of the gospel (and given to understanding it fully) —Jesus and his work getting accomplished in us, in the forge, until he’s achieved his full stature in us.  But, instead, we diverted, by lusts, into all other categories getting exalted, that took the place of speaking about the gospel (in full, and its meaning and intention), and working the glorious gospel to its fulfilment within each of us; and thusly we have a need to return to Christ Jesus within the souls of men, still yet, (even in the elect) and let him has his way.

Worship God properly— by giving him what he’s asking for: full attention on him, full confession of the soul, full surrender of all darkness and ways to him to eradicate from us, full release of all debris from satan left in our rooms (reasoning, beliefs, ways, etc), cleansed in the heart, restored in the inner man’s rooms where God is to be most high, filled, and reigning— coming into wholeness once again in our image and union with God: and then— onto the full maturity and stature of Christ Jesus erect within our sound whole.



A lack of trust in the truth— creates walls and blockages, bondage, chains, entrapments, and estrangement from God and freedom in Christ Jesus: he’s come— to fix all of that within man: man’s reasonable service is to join him there.

Faith is when you will never give up on God and his truth (both), and will resolve to remain there: see the truth (like a room you can come into), choose the truth, and enter therein at the strait gate of it, and resolve to never exit it; and if your person does— come back, continue the good fight of faith to come back into that space, room, place, inside of God; go touch that space again, and continue therein, come back and ultimately— stay there, prodigal: because when you touch the truth, and taste of its beauty and freedom— you will always come back.

Let him have his way in your heart, come into the truthful places within God, and let him fill the rooms of your heart with all his truth, love, and person (a reciprocal love affair) —cleansing your heart, creating a newly born space and place where he lives and abides, with his truth and love. 

Faith is never giving up on God and his truth, and fighting for its establishment within, and guarding it and maintaining it: it’s a fight/war.  

And hope— lives in seeing the rooms of truth and restoration— and going and holding onto that vision (the author and finisher of our faith— the substance unseen [yet] in the physical, but alive and real in the hidden, or spirit); for he is faithful to fulfill his work in us all— better we join him there in it, and collaborate with him: it’s faster that way: until Shiloh come— and unto him— shall the gathering of the people be. [Genesis 49:10]

(receiving inheritance)

Joshua 18:1

“And the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there. And the land was subdued before them.”

Shiloh— H7886— tranquil epithet (quality characteristics of a person) of the Messiah, Shiloh.

He desires that the land be subdued (soul) before him, as he gathers together his congregation in the tabernacle (vessel), and Shiloh (tranquility) of Jesus the Messiah (his truth, love, light), comes to every person gathered unto him, in full: full deliverance of the gospel and mission to recover souls of men unto God and his glorious liberty.

The man who will not come into this with the Lord, will not come into the man-child fulfillment in the earth, nor the 144,000 (well rounded in God, serving all others), or any other sector of maturity achieved in Christ’s work within that man.

He said he’s bringing forth his first who have come through this with him— so that— many more can be invited into this as well with him: and they will help him parent (disciple) the others: this will be the humble, dead, and resurrected servant priests of the Lord who walk with him in his apostolic, prophetic, priestly mandate in the earth; unto the saving of souls, and the birthing out of many more like him.

This is a very heavy (in the gravity of understanding his mission in the earth) message to bring forth with him.  He has said it’s one of, if not THE MOST IMPORTANT telling of his truth and mission in the earth: and how some will come out with him on his arm, in a tip of the spear, first of first fruits wave (pioneering group) —and others who knew a lot of information, but did not come all the way through the forge (womb, development) of his person and fires, removing all the dross— will not: but will have wilderness time given to them to lay their souls entirely down to him, as well, and pay the cost that was not formerly paid: for he is just— what a man sow, he will reap.

This message has been days in the making (and very heavy in tears as Father reveals his heart break over this), as he’s been bringing forth more and more to detail out: with his desire to bring things back into focus within his people: Jesus Christ.

If you are alive on planet still, and hearing this message— you still have plenty of time to get on board with his mission, and worship him in verity, and be brought into all of this deliverance, restoration, cleansing, conforming, complying, and obeying him in his truth and person: it’s why we are bring this all to be in this post and recording: because you are personally invited into all of the invitation of the gospel, and the schooling of the Holy Spirit— to bring us into all truth.

The Man-child company has not even come forth yet, out of his corporate womb and fires; so— we are all still works in progress: come, and meet him in this work— and take him up on the invitation (many were called/invited), but few chosen (or compliant with him): come into this by your free will choice, and resolution to do so.

Give him all:  all your pain, all your reasoning, all your thoughts, all your emotions, all your will, actions, attitudes, doubt, pride, desires, obstinance/stubbornness, etc: that is the worship he is after, he said to me.

The heart of worship— is giving God what he’s asking for: your heart, devotion, collaboration, surrender, submission, compliance, obedience— this is true reverence unto God ‘most high.’

And the maturing in Christ— understand this, and seek to allow him to complete his work within them, and give themselves to the work of Christ Jesus; and they worship him in Spirit, and in Truth.


Quote from a brother in Christ


“Christ— is the gospel, the living gospel, the living Christ, the today Christ— not just the logos or written word, but the rhema word; not him just speaking to his prophet— but his children, and not just speaking— but full interaction, relational, day to day.  

It’s a process getting yourself through the carnal nature, but step by step of laying down your life, and putting other(s) first— the process is greatly expedited: where one will begin to take on the heart of Christ, and with the heart of Christ, you cannot help but hear Christ; because you have started to become one in the same.  

And as Christ is being formed in you— which is the sanctification taking effect— the process of laying your lives down as you are called to, not of mental exercise, a faith exercise, a heart exercise— the things of heaven are received through faith (working in the unseen).  

As this relationship is developed within— it becomes a lifestyle; and then— all things coming will be put in place (mantles, personal missions with him, position, duties, etc). 

We need to bring people to the simplicity of Christ, and make disciples, not converts only— but disciples (disciplined ones in the truth).”

—Steve Kelly


Why Authenticity & Resolve is paramount


Paramount— more important than anything else— supreme, preeminent, foremost, principal, leading; root definition— mid 16th century in the sense ‘highest in jurisdiction’ in the phrases lord paramount and paramount chief : from Anglo-Norman French paramont, from Old French par ‘by’ + amont ‘above’.

Authenticity— the quality of being authentic, or genuine— legitimate, bonafide, reliable, truthful— with verity, faithfulness, valid, of undisputed origin— resembling the original; root definition— late Middle English: via Old French from late Latin authenticus, from Greek authentikos ‘principal, genuine’.

Resolve—  determine a matter, come out of discord and into concord (which means— harmony of agreement and treaty; root definition— Middle English: from Old French concorde, from Latin concordia, from concors ‘of one mind’, from con- ‘together’ + cor, cord- ‘heart’);  root definition of resolve— late Middle English in the senses ‘dissolve, disintegrate’ and ‘solve a problem’: from Latin resolvere, from re- (expressing intensive force) + solvere ‘loosen’.

So, all together now— of the highest importance, and given jurisdiction from above— is to be authentic, or genuine, truthful, faithful, resembling the genuine and principal one (Jesus and the truth); and to do and be this from the purity of heart; which is with resolve— determination in all matters— to serve the truth, coming out of discord with the truth (and subsequently with all others in the truth/Jesus) —and into concord, or— being of one mind (no more tossed to and fro, or of two minds or determinations and reasoning within), together in heart; to solve a problem and loosen things from us.

It literally describes the full purpose of the gospel, and Jesus Christ, and his mission in each life; and then his mission abroad to all who will choose him to come into this work/relationship as well.

Manifestation of Christ to the world through one of his children, is simply this: he exposes what and whom is within, flipping the man inside out (manifestation in this realm); and what and whom is at the helm within (as the soul couples with satan or God), is what will show (manifest): the manifest children of God, will simply be flipped inside out for the world to see— for one reason: to show Christ to the world, and what coupling with him in submission to his person really is.

This— is the simplicity of Christ remembered, and is the work of the great commission: the mission Jesus is still on, in the earth (vessels): his servants, the priests, have joined him here after coming through the forge of his womb themselves: and they will serve the inhabitants of the earth on mission of his great gospel and good news of Christ Jesus— unto the nations, making disciples of those who will.

Anyone who forgets (or never knew) the full gospel (the good news of Jesus Christ himself, to do and finish a workmanship in every man, by his blood, life, and dominion in his priestly duties) —has been waylaid and led astray in this realm by lust: and needs to come back into the simplicity of Christ Jesus and our coming into full agreement union with him— as one; and then assist the others, as we minister— unto Christ— in heaven and earth (souls in this realm).

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