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Misconceptions of scripture--- study to show yourselves approved"

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Commonly known scriptures— but do we know the full meaning behind them; religion has not always done a justice to defining the full understanding, and proper intent of the Words of God: the scriptures.


Proverbs 4:23

“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues (H8444) of life.”


Psalm 68:20

“He that is our God is the God of salvation; and unto God the Lord belong the issues (H8444) from death.”

H8444 – Issues

Hebrew: תּצאה תּוצאה

Transliteration: tôtsâ'âh tôtsâ'âh

Pronunciation: {to-tsaw-aw'} to-tsaw-aw'

Definition: From H3318; (only in plural collective) {exit} that {is} (geographical) {boundary} or → (figuratively) {deliverance} (actively) SOURCE: - border ({-s}) going (-s) forth ({out}) {issues} outgoings.

KJV Usage: goings out (11x), outgoings (7x), going forth (2x), issues (2x), borders (1x).

Essentially, the ISSUING of Life.


Out of all the definitions available to ole King James, he chose to use ‘issues,’ in his translation from Hebrew; and ‘issues’ is only used twice in all of scripture. I have included both verses, and I believe they have vastly different meanings than what common teachings have taught us of understanding.

We can see that in both verses used, this definition is not speaking of a literal geographical border, or location— but instead, figurative spiritual meaning of the root of the word ‘issues;’ so let’s reapply the proper meaning, in context, for better understanding.

And let us recall when Timothy said, in— 2 Timothy 2:15

“Study to show yourself approved unto God— a workman that needs to not be ashamed— rightly dividing the word of truth.”


Psalm 68:20

“He that is our God is the God of salvation [help, rescue, deliverance, saving]; and unto God the Lord belong the issues [active source of deliverance, and outgoings] (H8444) from death [ruin].”

Here, in Psalms, we can see that we were speaking of spiritual matters, not geographical location, but instead— spiritual/figurative defining of the word ‘issues;’ and in that the verse has different, or FULL understanding when read applying the appropriate wording from the same root of H8444.

It then states, God— our Almighty— as that is the Hebrew root of that definition of God, is the God of salvation— or help, rescue, deliverance and saving; so, we can see straight away that God is making an emphasis upon salvation and deliverance, or help and rescue unto man.

And pertaining to that deliverance from the grips of satan, sin and estrangement— this verse leads us unto his point; that God supreme, holds the active source of deliverance, and outgoings— that pull us from death— or, ruin and Hades.


And then, in Proverbs 4:23

Keep [guard, protect, maintain, observe] thy heart [intellect, will and feelings] with all diligence [guarding]; for out of it are the issues [active deliverance source, outgoing, going forth] (H8444) of life [living, strength of life].”

As we can see we are speaking of figurative/spiritual matters once again, and God is stating in the word, that we are to guard, protect, maintain that guarded protection, and observeour hearts— which here, means— our intellect, will (choices of what we do), and feelings— with all diligence, or guarding; that, in and of itself, most do not gather at first glance when reading.

And then he says, after we have guarded, protected, maintained and observed our hearts— which is our intellect (thinking), our feelings (emotional statuses) and our wills, or choices and decisions we are making— with great diligence in doing so…

We are to understand that— out of our intellect, will of choices and decision making, as well as our emotions and feelings— comes LIFE (or death, depending upon if we are upholding truth within), and LIFE is— our strength of living; and it comes ‘by’active deliverance from God, by his source, or outgoing, going forth— or sending it to us through his Spirit.

We gain LIFE SUSTENANCE, through our hearts, or— well guarded, observed (which means analyzed), and maintained intellect, feelings and decisions— by God himself— the deliverer or rescuer, helper.




2 Corinthians 10:5-6

Casting down [lower violently, demolish, pull and take out] imaginations [computations– calculations/reasonings, thoughts], and every high thing [elevated barrier] that exalts [raises up] itself— against [intense opposition] the knowledge [knowing] of God [exceeding magistrate], and bringing into captivity [lead it away captive, (handcuffed)] —every thought [perception, intellectual disposition, minding] to the obedience [attentive hearkening, and compliant submission] of Christ [the anointed one, Messiah];

6 And having a readiness [prepared] —to revenge [vindicate, retaliate and punish] all disobedience [inattention] —when your obedience [hearkening, compliance and submission to God] is fulfilled [crammed like a net full, leveled up, executed, finished, verified and accomplished— fully preached and perfectly supplied].”


Okay, that’s huge!

Let’s recap that with proper wording of the definitions added, for understanding.

Casting down our feelings, intellects and decision making that sets itself against God, in wicked imaginations, by— lowering them violently, demolishing, and pulling them out, and taking them out; and the wicked imaginations, are computations, which means— calculations/reasonings, and thoughts.

Along with lowering in stature violently, demolishing and pulling out and down, casting out imaginations that are set against the truth, and God— we are to do the same to— every high thing, or elevated barrier (which means BLOCKAGE to God) that exalts itself, or raises up, meaning— rears its ugly head— against, which means— in intense opposition to → the knowledge, or what we know of God— the exceeding magistrate/high judge over us.

And we are to bring all that garbage into captivity— which means lead it away captive, handcuff it all and chuck it out; every thought, or perception, intellectual disposition, or minding that is exalting and puffing itself up inside of us in our hearts (or, intellects, emotions and decisions)...

And bring it all under the rule of, and unto the obedienceor, attentive hearkening, and compliant submissionof Christ, the anointed, or consecrated and perfumed one— Messiah;

And then— we are to have a readiness, or otherwise always be prepared —to revenge, or vindicate, retaliate and punish— any and all disobedience, or inattention to God, his truth, his word and instruction; and when our obedience— or hearkening, compliance and submission to God is fulfilled within us, as we cast all that down and out— the obedience is then crammed inside of us, or— exalted and raised up full— like a net full of catch— leveled up, executed, finished, verified and accomplished— or, otherwise— fully preached and perfectly supplied within us.


Let's continue with one more verse— digging more deeply once again, and showing ourselves approved in the understanding of God’s word, truth and communion of it, with us— as we study.


Genesis 3:5

“For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods— knowing good and evil.”

H430 – gods

Hebrew: אלהים

Transliteration: 'ĕlôhîym

Pronunciation: el-o-heem'

Definition: Plural of H433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural {thus} especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative [superlative root definition– carried beyond, exaggerated]: - {angels} X {exceeding} God (gods) ({-dess} {-ly}) X (very) {great} {judges} X mighty.

KJV Usage: God (2,346x), god (244x), judge (5x), GOD (1x), goddess (2x), great (2x), mighty (2x), angels (1x), exceeding (1x), God-ward (with H4136) (1x), godly (1x).

Genesis 3:1-5

“Now the serpent was more subtil [cunning and crafty] than any beast of the field —which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman— Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

2 And the woman said unto the serpent— We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden— God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it— lest ye die.

4 And the serpent said unto the woman— Ye shall not surely die:

5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes [countenance and knowledge presenting, fountains of] shall be opened [observed], and ye shall be as gods [or, superlative– carried beyond, exaggerated— magistrates, judges of spirits] —knowing [seeing, sensing, observing, recognizing, instructing, acquainted with, respecting, discovering, understanding and comprehending] —good and evil.”


First, let’s make note here of ‘who’ is speaking— satan; the cunning, crafty deceptive, twisting one; secondly— the root here of this Hebrew word is Elohim— and taken properly as in the HIGHEST SPIRIT, above all other spirits— is God Almighty.

But when taken out of context, exaggerated, and making oneself an high judicial magistrate of oneself, whilst —deceptively comparing oneself to the Almighty self-existent, eternal one, when being a created being —when the LORD is the ONLY GODis satanic in nature.

I say all that, because we must see what ‘he,’ is trying to purport here, as he leads Eve astray, subtly compromises what God said in/of TRUTH (he’s still doing that today in religion, and religious minds) —and convinces her to take his counsel, instruction and she then begins to ‘lust after,’ knowledge, self leadership and understanding of both good, AND evil.


“For God does know— that in the day you eat of it— your eyes, or countenance and presenting knowledge, and fountains of that knowledge— shall open your observations of good and evil, and you shall be as/like gods.

or, ‘gods’ being superlatively described as– those who are carried beyond (that would be puffed up) and exaggerate— minded as self magistrates, spirits of self judgment and self leadership —who knowing now, or— seeing, sensing, observing, recognizing, instructing, acquainted yourselves with— respecting, discovering, understanding and comprehending, both —good and evil.”


Satan was duping us to become reprobate, essentially, as he is; to become those who seek after SELF ENLIGHTENMENT, sans, and without the lead of God holy, Almighty, Most High at the helm of us; HE— wanted to LEAD US, and by compromising us with good ‘and’ evil.

And he was the one who wanted us to become like ‘him,’ otherwise known as ‘little gods,’ or created spirit beings who went astray from the leadership of God; meaning— those who are carried beyond (that would be puffed up in pride) and exaggerate themselves on highminded as self magistrates, or little spirits of self judgment and self leadership —who knowing now, or— seeing, sensing, observing, recognizing, instructing, acquainted yourselves with— respecting, discovering, understanding and comprehending, the knowledge of —both good, and evil.

When God, our Father, was attempting to save us from evil, ENTIRELY— keeping it far from us, and in its own prison tree.

We must ‘study’ the word of God, and not only read it, and say to ourselves— ‘I understand this, at first glance;’ because oftentimes— we have zero idea of what the underlying gems of understanding really are— until we dig further.


Proverbs 25:2

“It is the glory of God to conceal [hide] a thing: but the honor [weighty copious splendor] of kings [royalty] is —to search out [intimately, properly and penetratingly seek] —a matter [a cause, decree, judgment, language, oracle, promise, sentence, word or work].”


We are little kings, under the Most High king— and he has left us gems to dig up, and discover— or UNCOVER, hidden right in plain sight; right in scriptures, where most gloss over and assume full understanding of, at first glance— but only with digging, and uncovering, can the treasure be found.


Matthew 13:44

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field; when a man has found it— he hides it; and for joy thereof, he goes and sells all that he has— and buys that field.”


Heaven’s kingdom, or where God abides, his home and how he runs it— is a treasure; and he runs it from his being, who is TRUTH and Holiness, Justice and Mercy.

This treasure of his kingdom, is truly— HIMSELF— who is TRUTH and holiness, justice and mercy; and he likens the kingdom that holds the King within— to be like a treasure, buried in a field.

And when men go looking to find his kingdom, and he inside— the TRUTH, holiness, justice and mercy— he will hide this TRUTH and TREASURE of it, deep inside himself, buried in that HEART FIELD— as we keep it with all diligence, remember— the intellect, emotions and will?

And the child of God holy, will buy up that kind of heart (field), and he will sell everything else of this world (worldliness), and he will NOT SELL THE TRUTH, nor— the KINGDOM, or THE KING MOST HIGH for anything!!!


Proverbs 23:23

Buy the truth— and sell it not; also (buy/gain) wisdom, instruction, and understanding.”


If we have not the fullness of the 7 spirits— bringing us into all truth with the Holy Spirit— we will fail to receive all that God is gifting to us, in his Word, and Life: the 7 spirits are— the spirit of the Lord, his Counsel, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Might (or strength and power) and Fear or Reverence of the Lord.

And we need them all to help us ‘study, to show ourselves approved,’ and gain understanding of all God has given to us.

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Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu




Very well said, Amen 🕊📖💜


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