Mature Sons of God
Romans 8:14
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God—
They are the sons of God.”
[video link to this teaching: ]
Ephesians 4:13
“Till we all come in the unity [oneness] of the faith [moral conviction of the truth, reliance on Christ, and that system of belief and fidelity], and of the knowledge [recognition and full discernment and acknowledgment] of the Son of God— unto a perfect [complete growth— mental and moral character— completeness, full age] man, unto the measure of the stature [maturity] of the fulness [completely filled and performed: full] of Christ [anointed].”
Strongs Number G5046 – Perfect
Orig: from 5056; complete (applications of labor, growth, mental and moral character); as noun, with 3588— completeness: of full age, man, perfect. G5056
Hebrew Strong’s: H8002 H8003 H8503 H8549
1) brought to its end, finished
2) wanting nothing necessary to completeness
3) perfect
4) that which is perfect
4a) consummate human integrity and virtue
4b) of men
4b1) full grown, adult, of full age, mature
Many are considering what is maturity in Christ, for his mature sons are soon to manifest corporately; and let’s first define what was spoken here in scripture about a perfected or completed man in Christ.
This is one who has come into oneness with the Spirit of the living God; one whose moral convictions (and the truth) have aligned, they are fully reliant upon the Lord Jesus in and of all matters— led of his Spirit, and their system of belief— they are really living in, and with fidelity to it.
Fidelity— the quality or state of being faithful or loyal, especially loyalty to one's spouse —in refraining from adultery— and submitting to a spouse's reasonable desires.
This person, this mature child of the living God resides in a state of being faithful to their bridegroom (within the inner man, in morals, ethics, attributes of the fruit of God, and led by his Spirit, throwing down all operations of death within) —submitting to our reasonable service, as our Lord asked of us.
“Faith,” he tells me— “is your relationship with me,
and the spiritual walk with me— based in the truth, Janet.”
And if that’s the case— these mature ones uphold their intimate relationship with the Lord, operating as he does— walking only in the truth, and the purity of it: this is a spiritual pathway, the ancient pathway of the Lord.
And if our spiritual walk with the Lord, on his pathways of conduct and discipline of, walking in the truth— is solid, strong, and established— we are walking maturely with him, on his pathways of conduct and discipline of, and we are consummate in our relationship: our faith is alive (not dead faith) and established in Christ, working spiritual principles and laws of, in Christ Jesus: the spirit of the law of LIFE, in Christ Jesus: these are mature.
The mature one walk in the knowledge of the Son of God; this means— they walk in the recognition of him, his ways, his attributes— full discernment or understanding of his person and how he conducts himself (the knowledge of him), and they have matured into his image and likeness once again: they are complete in growth of the structural blueprint of the stature that Christ walked in— in their moral and mental character; they have reached full age, maturity: stature.
And this stature achieved in the accomplishment of the Holy Spirit being able, with a willing partner (us) in this life, who submitted— He was able to mature this person (transform the inner man of this person, spirit and soul) into the completed and fully filled (with his Spirit), anointed child of God.
So, to understand where we are on our walk of maturity with him— first we must understand what that verse means in full.
We must become disciplined ones, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit of God; he will teach us what ‘life’ really is, life in Christ— and he will conform us to it, if we will not buck him, and instead— will partner with him, facilitating that growth into maturity.
Are we practicing what Jesus practiced?
Are we walking as he walks?
These are questions to be asking ourselves, in our walk and communion with God, our Father.
Are we controlling/disciplining maturely our emotions? He did.
Are we controlling/disciplining maturely our thoughts? He did.
Are we controlling/disciplining maturely our words and actions? He did.
We must become disciplined ones, and CONSISTENT with our discipline— or we will not walk maturely in and with Christ; and if we do not walk maturely with him, in him— we do not become those who corporately are the mature, full stature of Christ displayed to the lost world, here, in this realm: what we give ourselves to— will fruit out.
How disciplined, and consistent are we, truly?
How obedient are we, truly?
How submitted and surrendered to his leadership in us, are we, truly?
Have we become his image and likeness again, reformed inside through repentance— which is a total, 180 degree turnaround in our thinking, which leads us to a total turnaround in our words and actions.
This is why continued sin is an unsanctified soul— they are not purified and clean as he is: holy as he is holy. And it is why man does not reach maturity— because maturity requires a resolute life with God, walking only in the Light— as YahShua/Jesus did and does: the fully mature Son, who will birthout many more after him, in his likeness.
How you doin’ inside, for real?
What are you doin’ inside, for real?
What you look at all day (outer things, or inner thought life) you will become the image of; what you do or do not walk in, in discipline of your emotions and actions— you will display to the world, both here in the physical, and to the spirits of the spirit world— that is laid right over this physical world.
Blocks to spiritually hearing and seeing God can oftentimes be due to sin: sin, essentially, is— anything God does not live in, for it is his opposite; and to walk opposite of him (satan’s ways and attributes) is always an option.
You see— he resists, that’s an active operation against, opposes— pride; and pride focuses on self, not him; and pride walks in attributes opposite of God: fundamentally— if we are where he is not, we cannot be where he is.
“This is the spiritual law of the spirit realm, in a nutshell, Janet; do they abide where I am? Or— do they abide where I am not?”
If we are operating in things he does not, we are occupying a space in the spirit realm— where he is not; he is in the light, when we are in darkness (ways operating in us) —we have a really hard time seeing and hearing him, because we have ‘stepped away,’ and are now at a distance from him: this is what he meant about the spiritual prodigals, and why he desires we return home to him.
Home— is where he lives; and where he lives— is not where the world, worldly minded, and worldly actions and ways —live.
Remember, he said…
1 John 2:15
“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world— the love of the Father is not in him.”
This verse does not mean that God does not love us, if we are worldly— he’s always desiring for us to come out of that, and come into him and his ways— which is his point in that verse.
He is saying— If you abide in the ways of the world, and like to do the things the people and culture of this world walk in— MY LOVE— does not abide in you, because my love is my person, and my person— walks contrary to the ways of this world.
He is love, and love conducts himself a certain way, a very disciplined way that is opposite of how the spirit of this world operates: if we will operate as/like/same as the spirit of this world, we fundamentally have left, exited, and disengaged with his Spirit, and how he conducts himself, and what attributes of spiritual law he walks in— and we have coupled with his opposite.
And so— INTERFERENCE (blocks)— are the result; for we have a veil between us, as he resists the spirit of this world, and his operations have been found operating in us, due to lack of discipline and consistency.
If we will walk as he walks, and talk as he talks— be disciplined in our person as he is— we will hear him and see him clearly (with practice of this) —because we are like/same as, and in the spirit— we ATTRACT ONE ANOTHER.
So, fundamentally— if we are operating in fear, doubt, unbelief, anger/rage, frustration, competition, vanity, greed, pride— self focus, laziness, or any other demonic attribute— WE HAVE BECOME HIS OPPOSITE, WE HAVE EXITED HIS DOMAIN, HIS DOMAIN IS NOT UPHELD WITHIN (his dominion and operation of his Spirit) —THE HIGH PLACES HAVE BEEN GIVEN OVER, and WE NEED TO COME BACK HOME, and STAY HOME, IN CHRIST!!
He often tells me…
“They have left me again, Janet, they have stepped away again; their conduct within, what they are heeding— is not me, nor my ways; please, tell them to come back home again, and uphold the truth again, and operate the truth within their vessels.”
It’s critical we abide ‘in Christ,’ quite literally, spiritually; or we will abide with someone else, somewhere else— and we will be distant, within and without: this can be one of the reasons why we hear and see him clearly at one minute or situation, and not the next: what are the operations going on within, and which kingdom is truly being exalted in the high places of regard, inside each man?
Which realm are we really walking in?
Which table are we really eating off of, and putting into ourselves, and meditation (chewing on)?
What we believe— be living— really matters: and unbelief, or not living and abiding in the truth— actually upholds another kingdom, within: unbelief, or not living the truth incarnate (in your operating system and operations of, inside) —will lead you to live the lie (that is the opposite); and if we live out the lie, we are still in the operations of death— and death really does not mean a physical body stops to be animated by a spirit; it means— we are ESTRANGED FROM GOD WITHIN.
Death eternal— is because we denied life with Christ; and life with Christ— is to abide in HIS PERSON, HIS WAYS UPHELD, and BEING RE-CONFORMED BACK INTO OUR PROPER SHAPE and CONDUCT OF, and LIVING IN HIM NOW, not in the ways of the world, the conduct of the world, the thoughts of the world, with reverence to the spirit of the world: that is DEATH, and will lead us with him, when he is kicked into the lake of fire— because we remained coupled (partnering) with him and his ways, and never stepped into life in Christ.
Salvation is through repentance (a complete turnaround in thinking), which is attained by his graciousness (grace), through a faith (alive in him) —which is your real reliance and intimate relationship with the truth— being lived in your life: for you have chosen to take the truth into your person, and BE THE TRUTH INCARNATE; that means— become the truth lived— in your inner man: word and deeds, in purity of a soul— sanctified and consecrated to the living God: this is the reformed and mature son of God.
Salvation— is not saying something; salvation— is living something, and that something is the truth; and that truth— is a person: salvation is living with and in the person of Christ, and Christ, living and with the person he inhabits, and cohabitates with.
Does he have a place to lay his headship, really, in us?
It is determined by whether we are truly upholding the truth, and whether we have truly come home to him, and stop being prodigal— galavanting all over the world, with the ways of the world— which are the operations of death (the opposite of God) being erected and in operation within our vessels.
If we are operating in the ways that hell operates within— we are far from the ways of the Lord, and it will appear as if he is distant from us, because we have stepped away; this is where repentance is needed to come back in, and we must repent from our wicked ways— and come back to where he is exalted.
So, WE ARE THE ONES WHO NEED TO SUBMIT, OBEY and REJOIN HIM— in his ways, under him, and in obedience to only life and truth, inside again: we must get mature, and to do that— we must submit to the truth, walk in the truth, uphold the truth— and cast everything else down and away, dying to those ways— so we can live unto Christ, Life and Righteousness.
What are apostles, really— as Christ is an apostle?
Apostles are master builders of the house of the Lord, as Christ demonstrated. They are those who will help to lay the foundation, straighten it out again— where it has been perverted and is unstable; and they establish the house of God in a structural format— in the lives of his people: the building of the Lord.
I had said he was taking me in a different direction recently, that he was pulling me away from other ministries and people he had me in for a while— because he has something else for me to bring forth; and he desired a lockdown of purity with him (only his will for my particular life and mission with him) to attain this, to bring it forth to the rest of his household: if you have noticed a shift within me, as of late— this is what you are identifying; he has begun the new thing that he is doing.
Many will not come with him into the new thing— for they are comfortable with the old ways, the old wineskin, and they are complacent and satisfied with the old ways of religion; he is breaking us out of the old religion, and directing us back to the ancient pathways, which exited in the true ways of God, and the ways of spirit beings, and in ways of total reformation and a fundamental overhaul to the church in this world: we are, of course— to be in this world, but not of this world— this is that work.
He called me from before the foundations to be an apostle— and I did not know this; he then ordained me in the physical as well— during a retreat— as I told him, ‘if you want me ordained in the world— you will have to make it happen.’
This is evidence that we are never too late, if we are coming to the truth now, and he himself— will bring in his own will.
He told me himself he called me to be an apostle (in the secret place), and he called me— a swiss army knife, originally— and then fleshed it out in me as thus: “You are an apostolic, prophetic, priest of the Lord, Janet.”
I Like that definition— for it solidifies I am a priest in the order of Melchizedek first, and I am a foundation building, prophetic hearing and seeing— priest: I do desire to help his church/body to rebuild the old ruins within (apostolic) by bringing them to the truth (him) to reconcile with, within; as well as— I MUST HEAR and SEE HIM; I could not live without him in this way. And finally— I couldn’t bear not being like him, with him, where he is, and how he is— for all of eternity: and in this, an apostolic/prophet/priest is born.
I have a mission thereby that is distinctly that of a priest— to bring in the ways of holy righteousness, with an emphasis on rebuilding the old ruins, and helping others to hear and see the Lord for themselves: for all can no prophecy— it was laid at the Cross for all— as HE HIMSELF— is the Spirit of prophecy.
“Everything is in a name and title, Janet; keep it honorable,” he just said to me: that means— worthily; and I with his help, and focusing on my beloved— he will keep me in all my ways.
My job as an apostolic/prophetic priest— is to bring the truth to you, flesh out how he does relationship with his priests and children— and assist you in how to live this with him, by pointing you both— to him, and his truth lived: they rest— is up to each man.
A corporate body in unity— comes from an individual body in unity with the Spirit of God first; we will come into the corporate unity, more and more— as each individual steps into TRUE UNITY with the Spirit of God in their individual lives: and consecration, sanctification and consistency in our relationship with God, and the truth— carries us into maturity.
We will come full circle back to the Garden, proper experience with God— when we come full circle around in our operations inside our inner man.
We die (to all the old, world ways) to live (unto all the godly, righteous ways): we die, to live.
Just as the parable of sower and heart soils— tares (lies, hypocritical living, and impostor professors of the faith) walk among the true wheat— or pure hearted (with the intentions and thoughts of their souls unto God).
What soil have we given God to work with? Because his seed is not the issue— but the soil always is.
What operations do we truly uphold within? What are our heart/soul focuses really? What we behold (dwell on, think) —we become like/same/as: behold God and truth, holiness and righteous living inside— you will become that, inside and out (in operations).
Birds/fowls of the air, their ways of demonic principled reasoning within us, and operations of… as well as thorns, or cares focused on this temporal world and its happenings down here (issues, perspectives of, fear, worry, concern, ingratitude, not believing all is ordained of God, and he’s providing opportunities to trust him, and be proved as a vessel strong and true unto him) —will always come and strangle us, spiritually speaking— if we will listen to them, heed their counsels, and walk the way they do, eating (ways we operate, things we believe and think) off their table of options in this world (inner man options).
The angelic of God— walk and work with what God walks in and works with: so, which we are truly walking and working with (inside) MATTERS! Are his angels twiddling their thumbs, bound up (tied up and restricted to work) because we are upholding another kingdom's ways and thoughts, and operations?
Do we understand bind and loose a bit better now; it’s not declaring a thing— IT’S LIVING A TRUTH/thing, that binds and looses: WE ARE TO WALK HIS WAY, and THEN WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD— who are led of his Spirit, and his ministering beings, who are called to minister to the ‘heirs of Christ,’ those are children given to be led of his ways and Spirit— will come and minister to us.
If we are upholding another kingdom’s ways and leadership— they (the demonic) will come to assist you too— for you are heirs (future recipients of hell, estrangement from God) of their kingdom and reward: we mustn’t uphold estrangement from God and godliness— or we deceive ourselves: what a man sows of seed— he will reap unto himself, as reward of crop matured.
Does division operate inside you?
Do you walk in instability— for you walk in contradictory ways, one minute or situation to the next?
For this man’s house is unstable— and a house divided cannot stand (remain erect), it will fall to ruin.
This is the call of the apostolic— to reestablish the ancient paths, and bring the truth and Spirit of— to each man and congregation of the Lord— for the Lord himself— to resurrect that man (soul).
Have we buried the pearl of great value (the seed and truth of his person) deep within our souls, and have we sold everything else— to keep the soil pure in that ‘field?’
Field— an area planted and fenced for a particular use, an area of study, an area where a battle is fought, a space or range within which objects are visible from a particular viewpoint, the region in which a particular condition prevails— especially one in which a force or influence is effective.
Has the Lord’s Spirit been successful and allowed to cultivate our field? Has he been able to plant, fence in a particular use to be erected within us? Is he able to operate in our souls— for HIS PURPOSES? That is what that verse says— All things work together for good, to those who love God, and called according to HIS PURPOSE.
Do we study him?
Is the battle against his opposite— all that is contrary to knowledge and understanding of him and his ways— being thrown down, and battles won within, as we uphold righteousness and the King of?
Can we see his viewpoints erect within us now? Because his people perish for a lack of vision and knowledge: the vision is of him and his truth and righteousness, and the knowledge is of his person/identity in a personal relationship with him, upholding him and his ways within us.
Is HIS CONDITION (ways and person, and operation of) PREVAILING in our souls— with his INFLUENCES EFFECTIVE— over and in us?
Maturity in a relationship— is consummation of relationship, upholding him and his ways within us— as we couple with righteous living, and the King of Righteousness (Melchizedek): becoming the priests of the Lord.
The fundamentals of truth— govern a child of God— as they are led by him and his Spirit, in them; your behaviors (words and deeds) are governed by your belief; and your beliefs exist in what you really ‘be living,’ inside, and upholding, inside: purity and truth exalted within, matters.
If we reject purity, righteousness and truth lived inside— we garner spiritual blindness, which brings in confusion and chaos within man.
James 1:1-8, 12-27
“James— a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad— greetings.
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations [testing and proving]; Knowing this— that the trying of your faith works patience. But let patience have her perfect work— that you may be perfect [whole, mature— mental and moral character] and entire [perfectly sound] —wanting nothing.
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men liberally, and upbraids not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith— nothing wavering. For he who wavers is like a wave of the sea— driven with the wind, and tossed.
For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord (in that state of spiritual function): for a double-minded man is unstable [inconsistent] in all his ways.”
“Blessed is the man who endures temptation [testing and proving]: for when he is tried [proved pure, acceptable] —he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love [in a moral sense] him.
Let no man say when he is tempted— I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted— when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
(Satan tempts us with evil, God leads us into times of being tested with satan’s options, like he did Christ, in the wilderness; but God did not tempt him to do evil, satan did: but YahShua, was tried in his faithfulness to righteousness in the Father, BY SATAN, and so will we be; as all is an option of free-will here. YahShua had no lust of the world, working with or like that spirit in him— so when it was offered, he sinned not: he was not led away of soul lusts unto unrighteous ways.)
Then— when lust has conceived— it brings forth sin: and sin— when it is finished— brings forth death.
(And death is to be removed from God and his godly ways; it is not loss of animations of a body suit— that is what catapults us into our eternal destination— but death— is a state absent of God and his truth: that begins in a man, in this world, within his soul: and God just said, when we are drawn unto lust of this world’s ways, and follow those lust to complete them— we then conceive like making a product— sin; and sin— is opposite conduct of God holy; and sin— brings estrangement from God and godliness.
Can we see this is what death really is, now?)
Do not err, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect [whole and mature morally] gift is from above— and comes down from the Father of lights (not father of darkness) —with whom there is no variableness [fickleness or change, consistent] —neither shadow of turning [hint of revolving another direction].
Of his own will he begat us —with the word of truth— that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren— let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man —works not the righteousness of God.
Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness —the engrafted word— which is able to save your souls.
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only— deceiving your own selves.
For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer— he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholds himself, and goes his way, and straightway— he forgets what manner of man he was.
But whoever— looks into the perfect law of liberty, and continues therein— he, being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work— this man shall be blessed in his deed.
If any man among you seems to be religious, and bridles not his tongue, but deceives his own heart— this man's religion is vain [empty, or of dead works].
Pure religion, and undefiled before God and the Father is this— To visit the fatherless [the parentless (this is the walk/work of the disciple of God, for he is our parent)] and widows [without a husband (we bring the bridegroom to partner with)] in their affliction [trouble]— and— to keep himself unspotted from the world.”
In the wilderness proving grounds of our life with God— where we are finding out what we have inside of us for real, and how we operate for real— as we are given opportunity to partner and exalt God holy, or his opponent and opposite— are we upholding moral character for real, within— which is walking in the truth, for real, within?
Our faith is born in our relationship status with God; if our relationship is solid and real— founded in the truth within our inner man— we are mature in the stature of Christ, perfectly sound or entire— in moral and mental character of righteousness; this is his vision and goal— to bring every child into maturity, unto the way Christ lived in this earth realm.
But we cannot waiver and be of two minds, or mindings: or we will be tossed around, divided— and our house will fall— to ruin: this is why the apostolic/priestly is needed in the last days— to resurrect the Tabernacle of David within each man again (the true relationship to the truth and person of righteousness) —and then corporately, abroad (the body in full).
For no man should think he will receive ANY ‘thing’ of the Lord; for this man remains in another spiritual state— where the Lord, and his provisions— do not reside, nor function; a double principled man is unstable in all his ways, which means— INCONSISTENT in all his ways: are we stable, or inconsistent in our mental and moral character?
Because blessing covers the man who endures through temptation testing of the devil— where we are proved in our refinement, regenerative, reformed process of sanctification, as we dedicate ourselves to the Lord, and the Lord wholly; and a crown of ‘Life,’ will be given to this man.
A crown is what envelopes a man’s mind/head— and Life will permeate with this man, for Life (truth/righteousness) permeates this man’s mental and moral compass of character: crowned with Life.
When we fall into lusts of things down here, the lower base, animalistic way of functioning, as this world does, and the spirit of error that leads people in this— we will conceive (or birth out) sin; this means— WE CREATED WAYS OPPOSITE OF GOD, AND WALKED THAT OUT: this is not led of his Spirit— but of ‘another,’ satan.
And when we are led of satan, heed his ways, couple with him— and carry out these moral and mental character inclinations— these operations within us bring forth death: and death is— being opposite of godliness, and estranged from the God of righteousness— in our inner man; this is what leads to an eternal estrangement— for we are eternal beings, and if we desire to not be coupled with him now (reconciled to him) in his person, walking in him now— we will continue in that estrangement (separation) for all of eternity: that saddens him greatly.
For what we exalt— we couple with.
God is light, and he is found in the light; there is no darkness (sin, opposite of his nature) in him; there is not inconsistency or fickleness of change in his person, he is resolute unto being, a being— of righteous holiness, no hint of revolving another direction: are we like/same/as??
Of his righteousness, he birthed us with the words of truth— we must return to living and abiding in the words of truth (full circle); that we should be his first fruits— his first duplicates of being like/same/as him. And to do that— we must lay down all that he does not walk in— naughtiness, filthiness— and instead, receive the engrafted word within us, which is able to SAVE OUR SOULS: do we understand salvation a bit better?
We are to be a kingdom of people of integrity in the character of Christ, the truth and holiness; DOERS OF— not just readers of scripture, DOERS OF THE TRUTH, becoming ‘living’ love letters (epistles) unto the world, not ‘dead’ or estranged from his ways and person— letters (or witnesses in words and deeds) to the world: what manner of man are we?
What do we see when we behold our inner man?
Are we beholding, or analyzing with God— our own hearts?
He is— ought not we know what is in there too?
Jeremiah 17:10
“I —the Lord— search the heart, I try the reins— to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.”
He who looks to the perfect, whole and complete law of liberty [which means— legitimate moral ceremony, and CONTINUES THEREIN— being a DOER and not just a HEARER (or reader, or knower) —THIS MAN— shall be blessed in his deeds.
Strongs Number: G1657: eleuqeria – Liberty
Pronounce: el-yoo-ther-ee'-ah
Orig: from 1658; freedom —legitimate, or licentious (adulterous) moral or ceremonial liberty (character/morals).
Hebrew Strong’s: H2668
1) liberty to do or to omit things having no relationship to salvation
2) fancied liberty
2a) license, the liberty to do as one pleases
3) true liberty is living as we should —not as we please
But he who will not tame/bridle his own tongue— deceives his own heart/soul, because this man’s moral persuasion of character— is in vain, or empty, or dead.
Pure religion, undefiled before God and our Father (source we came from, as/like him, made from only his attributes and ways) —is to go visit or commune with the parentless (fatherless), namely— of righteous ways, and destitute; it is as well to visit or commune with those who do not know our bridegroom (husband), nor have him as a partner in life— but of whom he desires to be reconciled to/with— as they are living in trouble (affliction, opposite and without God).
But above all that witness of Christ in us, as we live like/same/as him, and are led of his Spirit to do so, and witness him (rolling out the red carpet everywhere we go, to usher him forward from within us)...
He desires for us to be CLEAN and PURE— UNSPOTTED or UNDEFILED BY THE SPIRIT (spiritual alignment) of the WORLD: the spirit of error.
What are we, and who are we really coupling with inside?
Our thoughts, emotions, words and actions— will prove our fruit, and from which tree (kingdom) we hail from.
We must live consecrated/dedicated lives unto the truth and righteousness— and under the headship (King) thereof.
We must ‘lose our heads,’ and gain his headship: martyrs in scripture, talks about becoming witnesses of his; and to do that— we must lose our headship, and gain his; we must have his mind, and lose or die to our own minding and ways: pure hearts come from pure minds, through the gates we open— to what we behold all day long.
What are we truly taking in?
Because what we take in— will eventually come out of us, after we have chewed on it long enough, and digested it: what are we really ruminating on all day in our thought life (chewing on) and beholding— because many are desiring to be in a better state within, but they are remaining in the same spaces that Christ does not occupy: in that— is insanity; doing the same thing again and again— expecting a different result or goal.
We must behold and uphold —as he has told me it’s relative— the truth and the person of, or we are upholding and beholding (all day long) —the opposite of him, and in that— comes the freedom, or liberty of licentiousness, which means— unprincipled and disregarding accepted rules or conventions; root definition— late Middle English: from Latin licentiosus, from licentia ‘freedom’.
He said…
“Walking in the vision of this world (perspectives and operations) will never lead us to walk in the vision of Christ— for they are at enmity— one to the other: minds, views, principles, words, actions, focus.”
Are we swimming in HIS THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS (controlled and appropriate, chosen wisely, and heeded in discipline of), led of his Spirit, words, deeds and will —or of our own?
Philippians 4:6-9
“Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God, which (sur)passes all understanding— shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Finally, brethren— whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report— if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise— think on these things.
Those things, which you have both— learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me— do: and the God of peace shall be with you.”
Are we?
Are we remaining in gratitude in all communications with God?
Are we remaining in his Shalom of godly order being erect within our persons— and in that shalom erect— understanding things of value far beyond this world’s superficial means and ways, and vanity of?
And is he able to ‘keep,’ which is guard and remain in our hearts (his ways and the person leading us) in our souls— and our MINDS?
Are we minding HIS WAYS, and HIS HEADSHIP/LEADERSHIP within us?
Are we meditation and beholding the things he does, and is?
The things that are TRUE (not lies believed inside, and thereby unstable, double-minded), are we upholding HONESTY (in our ways, not hypocritical, but adhering to the truth)?
Are we upholding things JUST (holy, righteous, godly) within our souls/hearts/minds?
Are we walking PURELY before the Lord in his righteous ways— hiding nothing, nor defending unrighteousness in us?
Are we focusing on the LOVELY— and that is him, truthfully— and all places he resides in the Spirit (love, joy, peace, gratitude, patience, forgiveness, mercy, etc)?
Do we operate in a GOOD REPORT, and A GOOD REPORT— ONLY?
Are we operating our person in VIRTUE— which means high moral standards, merit and valor?
ARE WE THINKING (meditating and beholding, ruminating) ON THESE THINGS— the things we have both learned, received, heard and SEEN HIM DO???
I think that’s CRITICALLY IMPORTANT TO GATHER, folks: where are we hanging out in the spirit realm— and whom are we minding, for real?
Because whom we listen to and heed— we will become like.
Philippians 4:11-13
“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned— in whatsoever state I am— therewith to be content.
I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere— and in all things— I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”
Paul is saying— I have learned to be grateful in all circumstances; for if I am stripped— I will learn to be content with having God, and that is all that truly matters in the end of all this lifetime together with him; as well— if I am in abundance— I will still be grateful to the Lord, for all perfect gifts and provision— come from the Father above, the Father of Light: I will learn to be grateful in all circumstances, both in hunger and in abundance— but I will be content in it all, for in and with Christ— I can be STEADFAST and FULL OF HIM— in all things: shalom/peace in all situations.
Have we attained this yet? If not— let patience in all things— carry us through to her perfect work in us: to mature us into the full stature of Christ, in us: for Christ, and Paul— learned to be grateful and content with the Father, not their circumstances in this temporal realm: both to hunger and to be full— at the same time, and perfectly complete in both.
Strongholds reside within the mind— whether it be Christ’s mind, or ours— determines which strongholds abide with us.
Do we have defended towers and structures within us of Christ, holiness, righteousness, power of love and a sound mind— based in truth… or the opposite, based in upholding structured towers of defense abiding in unholy, unrighteous— powers of hate/serious dislike and an unstable mind, based in lies?
We either have the reinforcements of Christ and the truth, or of the devil and lies: life or death— abides within.
Discipline— and consistency of our discipline of our nature, minding, and God leading us inside— will bring about freedom in the principles and ways of the ancient paths of righteous holiness exalted within each man, within the soul of that individual: hence, salvation of life with Christ, reconciliation.
We often like to think of being seated with Christ in heavenly places— but are we? Because those places are the high places of thought and minding— within us— based in our principled beliefs and conduct of. So— if we are TRULY SEATED WITH HIM— in heavenly places— it first means…
Did we catch that?
It means— HE IS RULING YOUR VESSEL, and HE’S SEATED THERE, at the right hand of the Father (where you exalt truth, holiness and righteous living— as he is that), and you have found your person, in his person, (like/same/as) and in obedience to him; and because HE IS SEATED IN THE AUTHORITY SPACE WITHIN YOU— and you are with him, there, partaking and watching, and learning and heeding— YOU ARE SEATED ‘with’ Christ— in the high places, the heavenly places.
When we begin to understand this— you will begin to understand why has, who he has— in leadership governing roles, both now, and in the millennial reign of Christ; because they have stepped into all this— and will have the accountability and responsibility (as Christ does) to bring all this to the rest of the body, and LEAD THEM IN IT: one must first walk it, to lead in it.
And those called to lead, first learned to bow, watch, heed, reform, obey, and serve all— going last; so— the lease/last, shall go forth in leadership (the first) and govern; and those who wanted to run ahead and usurp, and be soulish and boastful— desiring to be served first— will be last in the kingdom, and in leadership: for they have need to learn to die, to live; and how to serve— to lead: this is the example of the Son of man (YahShua Ha Maschiach): these are his first born duplicates, his first fruit sons (children) of his way and person— who honors the Father of our ways.
His first fruits will be imbued with power and authority— in so much that when they decree a thing— it shall be, and it shall be IMMEDIATELY: they will carry such power and authority— that if they were immature— it would be deadly!
These are they who have resumed the image of God both outwardly, and inwardly; they have not denied the power thereof to transform them, and regenerate their inner man; and they will be called to assist the rest of the body in how to do this: as they will teach what they have stepped into, with Christ.
As a man thinks— so is he.
So, are we Christ-like again in our image and likeness of God holy, righteous and true?
Can we be trusted with our mouths and thoughts— to bring forth what we decree?
Have we learned to live in this world under the Father, and ONLY doing what we see him doing?
If not— we need to step into maturing in our souls, by the lead of the Holy Spirit— who ‘brings us into’ living all truth, from our vessels: for we have need to be purified and matured, and cannot be trusted with great power and authority— in a realm of CREATION, where what we think and speak— QUITE LITERALLY CREATES.
Maturity matters with our Father, and it wasn’t until YahShua/Jesus was led into the wilderness testing and proving grounds— full of the Spirit of God— that he was led out, AFTER THE PROVING OF HIS MATURITY— into the— FULL POWER OF GOD: all in due season.
Luke 4:14
“And Jesus returned— in the power of the Spirit —into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him, through all the region roundabout.”
He is faithful to exalt— in due season; which means— in maturation and approval: the sons in whom he is well pleased, and has approved for POWER, now: that is very specific, and has prerequisites.
1 Peter 5:6
“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God— that he may exalt you in due time.”
Without this process of maturation, through sanctification— as he helps us scrub us (reconform) to the truth, and getting it operating in our system again— as we consecrate and dedicate ourselves to him and his truth getting erected within us —qualifies us to walk in his authority and power: as he is TRULY, seated within us now, at the right hand of the Father— which means— at the POWER SEAT OF AUTHORITY, where the Father’s attributes and person are upheld in us for real— and we are now ‘co creating’ this life relationship here, in this realm— together, BY HIS LEADERSHIP IN US.
The mature ones— are doing this, and working with him, in obedience to him— not in their own ways, nor undisciplined in their person— toward righteousness, and having a God over them, leading them: these are the meek and humble, the servants of the Lord (for they serve him and his ways inside them).
If your ‘citizenship’ was proved, by your thoughts, words and actions— which kingdom would you prove to hail from??
Where is your citizenship really hailing from in your conduct, ways, moral character, ethics, attributes, behaviors and nature— righteousness in Christ and heaven (above), or unrighteousness in satan, or hell (from below)?
Do you know his true identity, and do you uphold it within you?
Do you trust him to be good, and good only?
Do you truly believe the truth and exalt it within you, and it only?
And if you do— Do you know your worth and identity in Christ Jesus?
*Because we need to be dedicated/consecrated to him, and in order to do that— we must believe him to be who he is, know who he is, obey him, and become as he is.
If we do not trust him— we will not give loyalty, resolute dedication to him in fidelity; which means— we will waiver in faith.
Faith, essentially— is your status of your relationship to the truth, walked out, and lived in this realm (and he’s a person); if we are upholding the truth (living it within), not just knowing of what scripture states— but our person is now PERFORMING the truth— we enter into his spiritual spaces (he is the truth), and we are now abiding in Christ, and Christ in us: and in this— we know his identity and uphold it, and we now know our identity, and uphold it.
It is this upholding of our true identity and his— within our souls— that is the fruit proof of our maturity of walking in the same stature as Christ, in our own person.
The full place Christ walked with our Father and his ways, watching him and studying him— and gaining all that structural shape within himself— listening and obeying him and his ways of holy righteousness— that caused Christ to be qualified to walk in Father’s POWER and AUTHORITY— after the wilderness proving grounds— of ‘whom he truly served.’
We are being tested out in the same: it is truly on the spiritual law of sow and reap in play: what are we truly sowing (walking in, inside), because what we sow— we will reap (be bestowed back upon us) as we store this up in heavenly places, in the storehouse of God, and by his spiritual laws: God is not mocked— what a man sows, he will reap.
Sow righteousness, and loyalty to God, his ways, his person, his leadership, and his purposes— you will sow— HIS POWER and AUTHORITY, PRESENCE and APPROVAL in your lives: this— is the full stature of Christ, erect— in the manifesting, maturely aged— sons of God.
Deuteronomy 8:1-2
“All the commandments which I command you this day — you shall observe to do, so that you may live, and multiply, and go in and possess the land which the Lord sware unto your fathers.
And you shall remember all the ways which the Lord your God led you— these forty years in the wilderness— to humble you, and to prove you, to know what was in your heart— whether you would keep his commandments, or not.”
Do we keep his ways?
Do we keep his leadership (command) in us? Do we observe to do them in our souls— so that we may have LIFE course through us, bringing us into life eternal in Christ Jesus?
Because in that— obeying his ways and person— we will then be able to— LIVE, MULTIPLY (prosper), GO IN AND POSSESS THE LAND (that’s tackle the giants within man, devil operations that come to waylay us, distract and pervert us from God) —which God promised us— if we would only obey and honor him.
Do we remember all the ways in which our God has attempted to lead man, and in them— through all the stories of how he rescued his people from bondage to satan before (in Egypt and under Pharoah)?
And that the entirety of the wilderness testing period is so —WE KNOW— what is really in us, and WHOM WE REALLY SERVE, this day.
It’s meant to HUMBLE US (knock us down off the high horse, to go low, and serve God and righteousness, learn obedience and reverence with him as an authority over us again— coming full circle back to the garden, for a do over again); as well as to prove in our souls whether we are truly UNDER GOD— and his COMMAND in our lives— or not.
We either come out of the wilderness— MATURE, and IN OBEDIENCE and REVERENCE TO GOD HOLY, again— or we die in the wilderness, never leaving it— like Moses, Aaron and the rest of the people 20 and over— who were not allowed to enter into the promises of God.
Are we learning this now— that what we truly live— and who we truly heed— leads us into the promises and maturity in Christ, or away from that?
Moses was given AUTHORITY and POWER— and he ‘misused it,’ and DISOBEYED GOD: that qualified him to NOT CROSS INTO THE PROMISES: are we heeding this lesson?
To whom much is given in authority, power, responsibility and accountability— much is required of that man; and Moses’ emotions and thinking— strayed from the Lord, strayed from obeying what he said, and walking in anger uncontrolled, or undisciplined— and he was held back from entering into the rest of the Lord, in the promises of the Lord, in the land of the Living.
Oh, he still had the authority and power WORK— but he worked HIS OWN WILL— and this was in direct violation of obedience to the Spirit of the Lord; and in this— he brought forth the result— but he STRUCK GOD— with his disobedience, instead of softly obeying him with his speech (struck the Rock, instead of speaking to it).
Imagine— we do this, undisciplined in the FULL POWER and AUTHORITY OF GOD— and people die from a result of our lack of maturity.
As an example— Aaron led the people of God to create and worship a golden calf; he took them into idolatry— and he died in the wilderness, and so did they.
To be seated with Christ —is a big deal; to have his power and authority— is a big deal; to obey God— is a big deal; to be led of our own unsanctified souls, and see the consequences of that— is a big deal.
And so— it is the mature sons of God, who will forerun, and pioneer with God (as they have been) —who will help to bring the rest of the Bride into maturity: preparing a people of the Lord, for the Lord, with the the Lord: for they have been tried in the furnace of affliction— and found to be pleasing in their fruits— to the Lord.
Heart/souls must be tried, proved, purified and matured in Christ— or we will DECIMATE— that which we were called to RECREATE: building again the ruined places (people).
James 3:10
“Out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.”
They CANNOT be so— or we will kill that in which we called to bring life to; for we cannot operate in the ways of satan— and bring forth life; for it is the juxtaposition, or enmity of God: life is opposite of death, and so is God holy— opposite of satanic ways.
Both bitter waters and sweet waters— cannot come forth of the same well, for this is not natural— nor is it congruent with the ways of God, where there is no darkness in him.
Kings— walk in authority, as they are seated in it; this is why PRIESTS OF THE LORD, must be developed FIRSTLY: and we are a peculiar people to this world, a kingdom household of priests, holy and pure: we are the children of the holy God.
Those in the Order of Melchizedek will come forth as first fruits— and they are matured fruit of the Lord himself; he has been able to mature them, and bring them forth as duplicate seedlings of the Father’s ways, and led of his person: they are under the High Priest himself (Jesus) and they are priests in training, being trained in the ancient paths of righteousness.
We jump on board with this process— anytime we are willing to seek his King dominion (kingdom) being erected within us, in truth and righteousness— as we seek the Kings’ righteous robe to wear, and keep clean, and ironed out (spotless and wrinkle free).
It’s all our choice— whom are we serving this day?
Matthew 12:36
“But I say unto you— That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof —in the day of judgment.”
Thank God he is judging us (discerning us) every day, and willing to reprove, chasten, correct and reform us— but are we listening to his prodings, and his truth of who his person is in scripture— and how he operates his person?
And are we assimilating?
Because here— every idle word, in Strong’s, means— every useless, unemployed, barren, lazy word— SPOKEN; which means— RHEMA WORDS— we put forth in this CREATIVE REALM.
The Strong’s word for ‘word,’ is RHEMA, which is the equivalent of how God CREATED THIS REALM: with his words spoken.
I keep telling people— we are CO-creating at all times— but is it with God or satan?
We will give account in the day of judgment; that's a report card session with God; so— our sins are under the blood— if we keep them there: are we still creating more sinful, anti-God ways and actions in our lives?
If so— It’s time we repent, turn around from all that thinking— and do the opposite: come into alignment with the holy God, and obey him: becoming living stones of righteousness— obeying the God of, and his ways: as continued in structural sin ways— is called iniquity; and all those who continue in inquiry— have their part in the lake of fire.
Iniquity —in Strong’s, G458, is— illegality, violation of law (general wickedness): transgression— the law of unrighteousness.
Matthew 7:23
“And then I will profess to them— I never knew you: depart from me— you who worked INIQUITY.”
The way is narrow, and few there be that find it— because many are not looking to LIVE IT: I challenge you today— to LIVE IT; let him erected the truth within you, and then— obey the truth and person of: come out of iniquity, and partake in eternal life: and let it begin in you today— as you renew your mind.
Romans 12:2
“Be not conformed to this world: but be TRANSFORMED— by the renewing of your mind— that you may PROVE— what is that good, acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
He has a perfect or whole will— a fulfilled and complete will; and that is that we would operate like him again— that our minds/souls would be RENEWED, which means— go from one state, that of death— to another state, that of LIFE: transformation, and conformation to his image and likeness again.
Let us make man in our image, in our likeness— we must come back full circle to this inner man's conduct, image: not an outward one, with man-faced looks, only.
Uncontrolled emotions, thoughts and creative power— BRING UNFORTUNATE and DEADLY CONSEQUENCES:
we must mature in Christ; or— we will leave a trail of DEATH,
instead of a trail of LIFE— in our wake.
What comes out of the mouth of man— is a spiritual indicator of the level of maturity in Christ Jesus, that has been accomplished by the work of the Holy Spirit: are we coupling (based on our mouths and operations within) with God’s holy angels, or with demons?
Because we are partnering with someone, we are loosing someone to work with us— either holy ministers of light, or unholy ministers of darkness; and the tongue is a clear indicator of the spiritual status of the soul man’s conversion: mature ones of God— will be disciplined by his Spirit, and working with holiness— and so, holy ministers will be working the works of holiness with them.
Can God trust us yet—
with his spiritual POWER and AUTHORITY??
Because we are either going to do satan’s bidding with our tongues, based in our minds and principles— or we are going to do God’s, based in his mind and principles: but either way— there are consequences.
Can we understand that— whomever God puts forth as a first fruit— will have undergone a STRINGENT PROCESS OF REFINEMENT: and they were tried, tested, tempered and proved— before they will lead with him?
We can move quickly into this with EFFORT; we can quickly excel with God in the maturation process, too— if we will TRAIN WITH THE MASTER.
Are we willing?
This is his vision and dream: that he will walk with sons that walk as he does, with him.
And one way to get there is found in Philippians 4:6.
What things are we meditating on, and minding: the lovely, pure, true, honest, just, virtuous, praise worthy things of a good report, or otherwise?
What we behold— we become; whom we behold— we take image of: what and whom we behold, we worship, and take image of.
We are to bind the things of God to us— and loose the things of satan from us: death to carnal ways— live unto Christ and his righteousness: this is what— LIFE IN CHRIST, truly means.
Neville Johnson’s story of the demon he let in: One day, Neville heard a knock at the door— he yelled— COME IN! And he watched a demon walk right in the room— and the demon told him…
“You gave me permission to enter,
I am not leaving now.”
Words— have agreement; what are we saying, and with whom are we agreeing?
Is God’s holy Spirit entering in, and with evidence of— by the fruits of our mouths and actions— or satan?
Isaiah 6:5-8
“Then said I— Woe is me! For I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for my eyes have seen the King— the Lord of hosts.
Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar: and he laid it upon my mouth, and said— Lo, this has touched your lips; and your iniquity is taken away, and your sin purged.
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying— Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I— Here am I; send me.”
I actually asked him for this, spiritually speaking— and then began the work of my mouth— which rolled back even further, to be the work of my HEART: for it’s motives and desires must be pure: he sent seraphim to me, they minister holiness to his people— and they remain with me (in the spirit).
Have your spiritual eyes and ears SEEN and HEARD the Lord, in his holy word— and do you desire to be as he is?
For we are dwelling in a foreign land amongst people of unclean lips— and we have a need for purification, separation, sanctification and consecration— away from them, and unto God and holiness.
I said— ‘Send me Lord,’ and because of that— I was required to be refined into his image again; and this will be the same for all of the rest of his first fruits: for we will all be duplicates of him, under his headship, and in unity.
Psalm 17:3
“You have proved my heart; you have visited me in the night (the hidden of the soul); you have tried me, and shall find nothing; I am purposed— that my mouth— shall not transgress.”
Two witnesses are going to come forth— and they will carry the power to open or shut the heavens (operations of God in the earth, from authority and power of God); and discipline, sanctification, dedication of consecration —maturity in the Spirit— will flow from them, as they do the will of the Father.
Maturity— is his vision, and his requirement— and with good reason: government with Christ in this realm, comes with blood (souls) on his children’s hands— and depending on their maturity— he will not promote that in which cannot be trusted with such responsibility or accountability, yet: this is the love of God.
“Teach them how to die, Janet; that is what I am after. I am attempting to lead them into death of the individual identity, the one wherewith they identify as SEPARATE from me, and to come back into union with me— where I lead them, train them up in, and execute my ways in them.
I am here, as the Holy Spirit— to train you up in the ways of the Lord, in the truth— and the embodiment of: this is the house of the Lord, to lay is head(ship) in: this is what I have been able to accomplish in the mature ones: and these, first of first fruit duplicates of Christ— will help to mature the others.
And in this— they will then learn whom to LIVE FOR!”
–Holy Spirit of God
Revelation 12:11
“And they overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”
An army of love and purity is coming forth;
and it’s coming forth— in maturity— In Christ.
We are to change things here, with the Lord —as he brings LIFE, and LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY— to a lost and dying (estranged) world.
We are ambassadors— bringing the King everywhere we go, in everything we say and do— for those— are the children of the Most high and Holy God: children who have returned to his image, inside and out; who have renewed souls/minds— who obey righteousness and exalt the King of.
THESE— will take the world by storm, a righteous and holy storm is coming; and these who have learned to slay giants inside with the Lord— will take it abroad. The debut of the manifest sons is on the horizon: