Part 2 of Luke,
Led of the Spirit

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Luke 9:1-6
“Then he called his twelve disciples together— and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom [royal rule and realm] of God— and to heal [cure and make whole] the sick [feeble, diseased, impotent (powerless) folk— the weak].
And he said unto them— Take nothing for your journey, neither staves, nor scrip, neither bread, nor money; neither have two coats apiece.
And whatsoever house you enter into— abide there, and then depart.
And whosoever will not receive you— when you go out of that city— shake off the very dust from your feet, for a testimony against them.
And they departed, and went through the towns— preaching the gospel, and healing— everywhere.”
He calls his disciples together once again, he calls the wise virgins (that means those set apart in purity and chastity— who are engaged to the Bridegroom) —and he is imbuing them once again with his authority (because it is HE who indwells them of his Spirit), and in these— they will walk out the Kingdom, or the royal rule and power of his authority in this realm, demonstrating the realm of God (the Spirit) to this world; and in that— the broken (not whole) and the feeble (weak) vessels/folk —will become whole and healed: cured.
Those are the definitions in Strong’s— and you can see there are many applications of the demonstrations of the Spirit of God (and his Kingdom royalty) in this realm— broken hearts, those in chains and prison holds of the demonic strongholds, those deaf and blind (spiritually and literally); he has many ways he would like to demonstrate his REIGN— through his children when upholding his royal, righteous, Spirit realm reign— in the lives of material man down here.
And his ‘students,’ his disciplined ones under him, trained by him— will bring this to the world and masses— because they bring his Spirit to the masses, and the knowledge, wisdom, counsel, understanding, might, reverence and presence— to the masses (his 7 spirits) —because they have been tutored by them, and they all come with them: they are mature ones, the full stature of Christ is erect within them: that means— Christ is fully erect (standing up) inside of them; he does his own works through them, and he does the works of the Father.
The spirit realm KNOWS— it’s he who speaks through them— and they BOW TO HIM— through his vessels, who will do as he says, and who— wield the sword of the Lord (authority and dominion).
“And the apostles, when they were returned— told him all that they had done. And he took them, and went aside privately— into a desert place— belonging to the city called Bethsaida [which means— fishing house, or house of fishermen].
And the people, when they knew it— they followed him: and he received them— and spoke to them of the kingdom of God— and healed them who had need of healing.”
NOTICE: they were ‘students,’ disciples— when they left him, in verses 1-6 of Luke chapter 9; BUT— when they returned to him, matured and walking in that maturity— they were, APOSTLES; and the word apostle means, in Strong’s— delegated ambassadors of the Gospel, commissioners of Christ (which means— commissioned government official), with miraculous powers, apostle— messenger that is sent.
So— they left as disciplined students of Christ, but when he imbued them with his power to ‘make whole,’ that which was broken or weak— they became mature ones; he deemed them approved with enough understanding of the word, and application of it (practice in it) —to SEND THEM FORTH; and when he sent them forth— they became OFFICIALLY COMMISSIONED BY GOD, AS GOVERNMENT OF HEAVEN POSITION HOLDERS, and they became delegated ambassadors (those are chosen people who roll out the red carpet for the Spirit of God and his Kingdom reign, in a foreign land [earth/dirt realm, hostile environment], to WATCH HIS ROYAL RULE, HIGH RULE OVER ALL— TAKE PLACE, AND SET ALL OTHER AUTHORITIES (demonic and fallen) —IN THEIR PLACES— DEMOTED— and CAST DOWN: these are the miraculous works of power, imbued and approved to be walked out, by God himself— as he has commissioned them to do.
THAT— is an apostle.
Can we understand why apostles still exist today?
HE— is ‘the’ Apostle, who leads all other apostles, and he in us; and all other apostles, are led of his Spirit, ‘the’ Apostle— and they became this, by continuing their education and refinement (with practice of, sparring with the enemy in battles) and were MATURED: and now— walk as ambassadors of the King and Kingdom dominion, in the earth, and all principalities bow to the Spirit in them, who is ONE WITH THEM NOW, and in whom he speaks THROUGH.
Why would that kind of disciplined one (disciple of his) be DONE AWAY WITH?
Religious ignorance astounds me— as once I did not understand, as well— but where he has corrected me, and taught me so much about the truth (the word).
I pray we all come to the same understandings: he is ‘the’ Apostle— and he’s in us, attempting to mature all his students; this should be honored— not discounted, not of the ones he’s doing it through (the spear-head tip), or discounting the Holy Spirit and his workmanship being perfected in his children: such disrespect to discredit such maturation workmanship in the children of God, who walk mature in the full stature of Christ (or will).
These exemplify Bethsaida— they have become the ‘fishing house of God,’ or house of fishermen— I will make them fishers of men: these are the mature, who preach the Kingdom (the royal rule and realm of God) to the lost, and set captives free (making them whole again, in Christ, and by demonstration of the truth with power).
“Saying— The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes— and be slain, and be raised— the third day.
And he said to them all— If any man will come after me, let him deny himself— and take up his cross daily— and follow me.”
We too will suffer many things by the religious apostate and hypocritical too (and many are elders in worldly churches, with titles— just like in his day); but as we saw above— a true apostle is a morally mature one, with demonstrations of. And we too will be ‘slain’ by them, character assassination and persecutions— but as Christ was raised from his slain state, denying to be treated a certain way, but instead serving all, and not rendering evil to any man— but demonstrating the Kingdom and the holy King…
We too will be raised up from death to life, on the 3rd day; which symbolically, 3 means whole/complete, and day means— complete period of time elapsed (in our world, 24 hours, a fullness); so— the full matured one, who has been completed in foundational template (walking in the truth as God does), will in due season (completed time elapsed) —be raised up (or exalted into position), too: this is what ‘on the third day,’ means— spiritually.
So, if any man truly follows Christ, he will die this self-centered leading, death, and it will only be Christ who know lives in them (meaning, rules in them all things, full dominion) —and these are they who have TRULY FOLLOWED AFTER HIM; they took up death to self (the cross), and they followed after his ways and person: these are the mature children of God, manifest.
“For whosoever will save his life (his own ways, and preserving them, self gods)— shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life (his own ways, or preserving them, as self gods) —for my sake [account and regard]— the same, shall save it.
For what is a man advantaged— if he gains the whole world, and loses himself— or is cast away?
For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words— of him shall the Son of man be ashamed— when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels.”
He’s coming, his glory, and in the glory of the Father, and of the holy angels (messengers) —but— if we are ashamed of him (don’t want others to hear the truth, or exalt him to others) —he, the Son of man (God incarnate), shall be ashamed of (or not exalt you to others, like the Father or holy angels), either.
What will it benefit man to have the whole world for a moment in time— but lose his soul to eternal estrangement from God, in fire and torment, for all time— because he tried to save his earth suit down here, his reputation amongst the heathen, and would not regard or reverence our Maker, as our God in this lifetime?
For this— we will be ashamed in eternal estrangement— because we enjoyed sin for a moment, but— it lasted for eternity.
“And it came to pass— about eight days after these sayings— that he took Peter, John and James— and went up into a mountain to pray.
And as he prayed— the fashion of his countenance was altered— and his raiment was white and glistering.”
Peter, John and James saw the physical representation upon Christ— of the spiritual truth— HE WAS HOLY, and set apart, and CLEAN: glorified.
And the reason why— is also included here (and let us not forget, he is the Son, who demonstrates to all the sons, how to be with the Father).
His person was changed/altered —by the PRAYER/UNION/REVERENCE— unto the holy Father; time spent with him, as he suffered and was taught obedience through it, as the Father sanctified him— as he walked out the washing of the word of truth in his life, and let it root and be grounded in his foundational structure of his inner man— changed his garments to GLISTENING WHITE, and PURE.
Did we catch that?
The spiritual implications as to getting our garments clean, and ironed out (our inner man, wearing the robe of righteousness) is all about— UNION and COMMUNION, and REVERENCE in OBEDIENCE— to God: this is what YahShua walked out, and walked in, and his ‘followers of his way,’ do the same: and in this— they scrub their garments clean, and iron out their conduct (becoming of the Kingdom of Righteous/holiness) and they are the Bride— who MADE HERSELF READY FOR THE BRIDEGROOM.
And these— are helping the others to step into this as well: the woman who is nourished in the wilderness— who is giving birth to maturity (the man-child).
“Then there arose a reasoning among them— which of them should be greatest.
And Jesus— perceiving the thought of their heart— took a child, and set him by him, and said unto them— Whosoever shall receive this child in my name, receives me: and whosoever shall receive me, receives him who sent me: for he that is least among you all— the same shall be great.”
Here he points out once again, what he pointed out in above verses; that HE— is the one who stooped down (condescended down, made himself small) the lowest— to serve all of humanity (total humility) —and so, he is the greatest, and HEAD over all.
And, it is because he has received all sinners unto himself (who will come to him) —like we would receive a young, ignorant, weak child— in forgiveness and mercy, knowing they know not what they do; so— the ones who will rule with him (be great), will be those who walk out the same.
They will look at wayward man— and they will SERVE and LAY DOWN THEIR LIVES— to bring them the truth, and the way— in love: they will become servants to all— as Christ did/does.
These are considered great in the Kingdom of Heaven— because they did not receive greatness unto themselves— but instead, bestowed the preference upon everyone else: preferring them in love, over self gratification: they learned to humbly lay it all down to fellow man, and serve God and man— in the truth and in love.
The one who puts himself as the least (or last to be catered to) —will be the greatest (or in high position) among you all: Christ is our leader, and those who lead with him, under him— will be the servants to all, as well— who preferred all others to go and receive first; for they know what is coming to them, in the end of it all: in due season— God will exalt (glorify) his own.
And they, like him— will enjoy watching multitudes come to the Truth and person of: and THAT is why they will lead with him; they didn’t do it for ill motives— they did it all for love— both love of God, and love of the brethren.
“And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem. And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said— Lord, do you will that we command fire to come down from heaven— to consume them— even as Elijah did?
But he turned, and rebuked them, and said— You know not what manner of spirit you are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives— but to save them. And they went to another village.”
Jesus was here heading to Jerusalem to be crucified, and his countenance was heavy and grieved— and many did not receive him because of this, as he entered in; and because they did not receive him— his disciples wanted to KILL THEM.
NOTE: James and John were sent out in above verses, and became ‘apostles,’ but here (like how he called Peter by his old name, referring to his old man nature coming out again) —our Lord rebukes them— because they are walking in carnality again— wanting to SLAY PEOPLE— for disrespect, alone.
That is not even why Elijah did what he did, back in history— these did not receive the Lord because he looked troubled; that’s hardly a reason to KILL someone: and right then— they were walking as satan does— as an accuser of the brethren, who comes to exact capital punishment upon them, for the slightest infractions.
And yet— Christ is longs-suffering in patience and grace toward us all— and his people who are supposed to be mature now (inside), have reverted back to immature ways— and he calls them ‘students’ once again (disciples) —because they have something to learn, once again: and that is— that a student of the Lord, can still listen to devils, and do their bidding.
We should heed that— he just said to me.
Because —the Son of man (and we are sons under him) —has not come into the world to destroy men's lives— but to save them.
Are we SAVING LIVES with God— or destroying them with our behaviors (gossip, slander, witchcraft, self exaltation— whilst casting them down in judgments, etc)?
We all have a ‘new name’ coming to us— I don’t think any of us want to be known by our old name (character and authority— our own unsanctified) any longer, or called by it— of God himself.
Revelation 2:17
“He that has an (spiritual) ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches; To him who overcomes— I will give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone— and in the stone, a new name written— which no man knows, save (or except) he who receives it.”
[These are verses taken in part, of those who would not give up all in this world, for Christ]
Luke 9:57-58
“And it came to pass, that, as they went in the way, a certain man said unto him— Lord, I will follow you wherever you go. And Jesus said unto him— Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man— has not where to lay his head.
Let the dead bury their dead: but go you and preach the kingdom of God.
No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back— is fit for the kingdom of God.”
The point here is that if family (people), or comfort and earthly luxuries (no place to rest his head) will stop you from leaving them all behind, and going and spreading abroad— the gospel of the Kingdom of God…
Then you are a person who started plowing with God (the harvest field to reap at some point) —but you turned back, for people, things, comforts, luxuries (the best life ever) whilst here…
You lost sight of eternal purposes, and became fixated on temporal things in this realm— and are now not worthy or fit for the Kingdom, or the Kingdom’s work in the earth: for you would be yoked to the one who leaves ALL BEHIND in this realm (for all, including bodies, will go back to dust) —just to seek and to save that which is eternal— souls of men.
Nothing is greater than that; so, his point…
Leave all that— serve me, and eternal purposes— and you will have riches, luxuries, people to know and love, and things— stored up for you in eternity: you serve me now— and I will give you all you desire; but the most important now— to LAY ALL DOWN, TO SERVE THE KING, and the KINGDOM OF GOD’S INTERESTS IN THE EARTH.
Many refuse him in this— and so, they are not fit for the kingdom— because they cling in their souls/hearts —to the carnal/temporal, and earthly simulated things— instead of the TRUE, and ETERNAL REALITY, and Ruler of.
Luke 10:1
“After these things the Lord appointed another seventy also— and sent them two by two, before his face— into every city and place, wherever he himself would come.”
This is very symbolic of what he’s doing with his people even now; he is going into every vessel of his (where 2 be— he and the person), and he is going out 2 by 2 (two in accord, agreement) into the world— to witness the King and Kingdom of righteousness to a perishing population.
Each man becomes one with his Spirit (in agreement, and the conducting is by the holy Spirit as lead— carrying out the will of the Father) —and where 2 become 1 in unity— he sends us out (now in maturity) into the world, to be ambassadors commissioned by the Father himself.
And like these disciples (they were the faces), we are carrying the Spirit (and the Spirit is leading us) into the places the people need to meet Christ; the one who we pave the way for— to every man who will meet, receive and be reconciled to him.
10 = godly order, and 7 = manifest Spirit, and both multiplied (Christ multiplied) = 70 —which represents the Kingdom of God, manifest, and in godly order:
Jehovah Shalom (the God of Shalom).
[Per Troy Brewer— The ‘kingdom of God’ occurs 70 times throughout the scripture, and 7 x 10 = 70; The capitalized word of ‘King’ (as in High one) is in scripture a total of 70 times.]
So in summary, the mature one in Christ will manifest his Spirit, and his house will be in godly order— walking in the POWER of Shalom, by the God of: Jehovah/Yah. And these, with his Spirit in the driver’s seat— will bring the Kingdom of God nigh to all, everywhere they go— as they bring him forth, and do his will— by his lead.
“And into whatever city you enter, and they receive you— eat such things as are set before you: And heal the sick that are therein— and say unto them— The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.
But into whatsoever city you enter, and they receive you not— go your way out into the streets of the same, and say— Even the very dust of your city, which cleaves onto us— we do wipe off against you: notwithstanding, be sure of this— that the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.
I say unto you— that it shall be more tolerable [endurable] in that day (the day of judgment), for Sodom— than for that city.”
The Kingdom of God has come to the people, as the ambassadors of him— usher in his Spirit to every town and person we come into contact with; if received— the place and people remain blessed, for they welcomed the King and his righteousness, and his ambassadors of.
But if the town and people do not receive him— WARN THEM— that the Kingdom of God has come to them, and that they did not receive him nor honor him or his ambassadors, nor message of the good news. And their judgment will be worse than the judgment of Sodom (perverted place burned with fire, to the ground, with all its inhabitants) because it lacked a godly witness: if only there would have been 10 godly men in the place— God said he would have spared it, because of righteousness, and a hope to sow it abroad, would have remained.
But in the case of God’s disciples going abroad and BRINGING THE GODLY WITNESS TO THEM— and they dismissing, rejecting and CASTING OFF the Spirit of God, who has DIRECTLY come unto them, through his ambassadors— it will be more tolerable (or endurable) for God to deal with Sodom on the day of judgment— than this proverbial town; because this town— had God come personally to them, through his ambassadors— TO WITNESS THE KINGDOM OF RIGHTEOUSNESS TO THEM— but he was rejected.
These towns who reject his direct witness to them— they are considered as wicked as the most vile sinners of Sodom— who were deemed EXCEEDINGLY WICKED.
“He who hears you— hears me; and he who despises you— despises me; and he who despises me— despises him who sent me.”
Exactly— that’s just what he defined above; if a person or town, or place rejects God’s ambassadors, who bring his Spirit directly to them, to witness his Kingdom of Righteousness to them— and they reject them, they reject him; and in rejecting Christ— they reject the Father Creator of us all, who stands in full dominion over all that is created (every spirit being, including man).
The unpardonable sin— is the rejection of the holy Spirit; when men reject Christ, they reject his Spirit— and they only have so much time to repent, in time and space— before this realm is over for them.
“And he said unto them— I beheld Satan, as lightning [a glare]— fall [fall down, fail] from heaven.”
Like a flash of light, a glare (so symbolic, as he glares at the Holy One) —here one second, and gone the next— satan (and all those with him who do not repent) —is/are with God one moment, and then— like eternal estrangement— gone from his presence in a flash. Failing to receive the King of Righteousness into themselves, and live by his kingdom ways of righteousness and holiness— in the truth— and forever a flash in the pan of existence.
“In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said— I thank you, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth— that you have hidden these things from the wise and prudent— and hast revealed them to babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in your sight.
All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man knows who the Son is— but the Father; and who the Father is— but the Son— and to whom the Son will reveal him.
And he turned himself to his disciples, and said privately— Blessed are the eyes who see the things that you see: For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which you see— and have not seen them; and to hear those things which you hear— and have not heard them.”
We are babies compared to him, and we know it— but we are obedient babes (we must come to him as children, and this means— as believing him 100%, and trusting him, humbly); and our Father has chosen to reveal DEEP spiritual truths about himself and his Kingdom— to babies (children), but who are obedient to him; and this seemed GOOD in his eyes.
Children, good, obedient children— do not challenge their parent, but are submissive and revere them; and actually enjoy them— this is the walk of the obedient child in Christ.
The Father delivers all things to the Son, and we are to learn this— our Father will do the same to and for us. And only the Father can show you who is truly the Son (who is he in character, actions, personality, attributes, etc); and only the Son— can truly show and tell you of the Father’s person; because he’s the only one who knows his true person, and he will reveal him (the Father) to you— as he chooses.
That is one of the Most beautiful things, when he does— Christ— introducing you to the true Father of you. ❤️
And Christ said— You are blessed to see what you do (as he is introducing them to the Father in works and character); many prophets and kings have desired to see the things I show to you— but they did not see them, as you have (because he is with them); nor have they heard the things you have heard (directly of God).
What a blessing to have Emmanuel— God with us; we share in this NOW— what they had, we have— for he is with us, even now; and we have every ability to speak directly to the Son and the Father, through their holy Spirit: the Godhead is fully available to us all!
Glory to God, and praise the Son— for his sacrifice: thank you holy Spirit of God!
“And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying— Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?
He said unto him— What is written in the law? How do you read it?
And he answering said— You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.
And he said unto him— You have answered right: do this— and you shall live.
But he— willing to justify himself [regard himself innocent, without blame], said unto Jesus— And who is my neighbor?
And Jesus answering said— A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves— who stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.
And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. (wouldn’t even come near him)
And likewise a Levite (of the priesthood too), when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. (again, wouldn’t come near him)
But a certain Samaritan (one of another nation, not God’s house), as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him— he had compassion on him— and went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed— he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him— Take care of him; and whatsoever you spend more (than this, of his needs) —when I come again— I will repay you (square it away with him).
Which now, of these three— do you think— was neighbor(ly) to him who fell among the thieves?
And he said— He who showed mercy on him.
Then said Jesus unto him— Go, and do likewise.”
This lawyer (like a Pharisee hypocrite of that time) had an agenda to present himself guiltless; but Jesus ends us saying— your neighbor, to whom you are to love as you would care for your own person— IS ANYONE IN NEED.
And this person— who exemplified LIFE— the eternal life, which is the life inside God, and how he operates…
this person, who operated by the lead of God’s Spirit, and exemplified it…
was the one who GAVE of himself, FREELY, and LOVINGLY— and TOOK CARE OF THE DESTITUTE MAN; he did not just ‘pass him by,’ as the reprobate priests (symbolic of the hypocritical, prideful in God’s house)...
but instead— SHOWED MERCY ON HIM, when his people, called by his name— WOULD NOT: a Gentile did the thing which was godly.
And so— our Lord says to go and do this same things, to ALL MEN: for this is what witnessing eternal ‘life’ is: it is walking in the ways of Life himself, not death: it is exemplifying the Spirit of God to humanity, IN LOVE: the household members walked not in love, and walked hypocritical and prideful.
“Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman— named Martha— received him into her house.
And she had a sister called Mary— which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word.
But Martha was encumbered about, with much serving— and came to him, and said— Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me.
And Jesus answered and said unto her— Martha, Martha— You are careful [anxious and taking thought of] and troubled [crowded inside and disturbed] about many things: But one thing is needful, and Mary has chosen that good part— which shall not be taken away from her.”
He said he will do no such thing— because Mary is sitting at God’s feet, mindful (minded fully on him) of him, and the Kingdom, and with reverence— casting aside everything else; and he says…
“Martha, Martha—” that should be noted, like…
“Tisk tisk, think on this Martha… You are anxious, and disturbed inside, mindful of OTHER THOUGHTS, that are distracting you from Emmanuel— God with you— and you choose the other things to ‘serve,’ and not me— when I am in your midst: I shall do no thing as to take Mary from serving and reverencing God— and you’d be well to take note, and learn of her.”
Luke 11:1-4
“And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased— one of his disciples said to him— Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.
And he said unto them— When you pray, say— Our Father who art in [is instrumentally fixed and positioned and resting in] heaven— Hallowed be [made holy, purified and consecrated (mentally) and venerate— regarded with feelings of respect and reverence, is] your name [authority and character— surname (family name)].
Your kingdom [royal rule and realm] come [accompany and appear, bring, fall out unto, grow and light]— Your will [determinations, choices, purposes, decrees, volition and inclinations] be done [generated, become into being, arise and be assembled, brought to pass, finished and fulfilled], as in heaven [the elevated heavens, and the power of eternity]— so in earth [the soil].
Give us day by day —our daily [needful] bread [shewbread]. And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive everyone that is indebted [accruing and owing, in obligations of moral duty failures] to us. And lead us not into temptation [proof and experiences of evil adversity]— but [contrariwise] deliver [rescue] us from evil [hurtful, evil effect or influence, calamitous ill, disease— morally culpable, derelict, mischievous malice, guilt, devils, sin, grievous harmful wickedness].”
Shewbread— root definition— mid 16th century: suggested by German Schaubrot, representing Hebrew leḥem pānīm, literally ‘bread of the face (of God)’.
John, being the forerunner who paved the way for Christ to come on the scene— announcing him and prepared the people for his debut— taught his disciples how to pray, and so— also YahShua did, for his disciples asked him to. And when he did— he said this is the way to pray the Father.
Our Father who is instrumentally fixed and positioned, and resting in the heavens; this is important— because he’s detailing that God is supreme, in full authority, high above all principalities and powers of the created beings— and he is permanently resting in this authority and place.
Hallowed be, or— made holy, purified and consecrated mentally (that’s clean mind) and venerate are you; he is regarded with feelings of respect and reverence, and so— hallowed is his name, his family name (surname) and character and authority.
He is holy, pure, set apart fully in a peculiar and stellar mind (ascended) and he is regarded by us with feelings of respect and reverence— so his name is hallowed to his children; for his character and authority (of being high above all others) is based in his family (or heritage) namesake, he has made for himself.
Your royal rule and realm— accompany, have it appear, bring it to be, let it fall out amongst us, grow and light this place; and let your determinations, choices, purposes, decrees, volition and inclinations be done— or— generated, come into being, arise, be assembled and brought to pass, finished and fulfilled in our lives; as it is in the lives of those in heaven, the elevated, powerful place of eternity; let it be thus in the earth, or our earthen soil vessels, too.
Today, and everyday— give unto us our needful shewbread, which is— the sustenance of the face of God in our lives. Forgive us of our sins, as we also forgive everyone who is indebted, or— accruing and owing, in obligations of moral duty failures toward us, too.
And lead us not into temptation, or proof and experience of evil adversity— but contrariwise— deliver or rescue us from hurtful, evil effects and influences, that are calamitous, ill, diseased— morally culpable, derelict, mischievous, of malice, guilt, devils, sin, and grievous, harmful wickedness.
This breakdown brings MUCH MORE understanding in not only how we are to pray, but what we are really saying, or to say— to the most high and holy one: this is so full of praise and recognition for who he is, who we are, and how forgiving we ought to be to everyone, for the level of grace extended to us, by the gloriously pure God and Father of us: may we pray THIS WAY Father, for it is beautifully full.
Luke 11:5-12
“And he said unto them— Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say to him— Friend, lend me three loaves; For a friend of mine in his journey has come to me— and I have nothing to set before him?
And he from within shall answer and say— Trouble me not: the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give to you.
I say unto you— Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend— yet because of his importunity [persistent annoyance] —he will rise and give him as many as he needs.
And I say to you— Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock— and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asks— receives; and he that seeks— finds; and to him that knocks— it shall be opened.
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father— will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish— will he, for a fish— give him a serpent (instead)?
Or if he shall ask for an egg— will he offer him a scorpion?
If you then— being evil— know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them who ask him?
He was casting out a devil— and it was dumb. And it came to pass— when the devil was gone out— the dumb spoke; and the people wondered.”
He’s actually saying— when his children ask— they do NOT need to beg him, or be persistently annoying unto him, demanding— like the man who turned his friend away because it was inconvenient— and he couldn’t be bothered; he’s saying— I am not a man like that, and when my children ask of me— I will open to them, and I will give them good things, good gifts— for I am a good Father.
And then he goes on to tell us what the best gift he could ever give us is— The Holy Spirit, himself: the holy Spirit is the person of God, available in full, to all his children; and that very same Spirit was whom provided to the Son in all he needed in the earth; and he never let Jesus down, and he will not let us down.
He’s saying— all you will ever need can be found with him (the Holy Spirit); so of God— and stand believing he is a good Father— and the Spirit will provide.
Then— he demonstrates this by setting a captive free— by that very same Holy Spirit; and this proved that anything we need, we need only ask of God— and he will send the Holy Spirit to fulfill these things in us, and unto us— for he is a good Father.
“But if with the finger of God— I cast out devils— then no doubt, the kingdom of God is come upon you.”
The finger of God wrote the law upon the tablet; he made the law, and he rules the law— and the same finger of God— casts out devils; because the finger of God made the law, upholds the law, upholds all dominion— and every knee and tongue bows to him: the Kingdom of God has come upon one— for the King himself has done it with just his finger.
That is the POWER to save, of our Father— he but says a word, or with a ‘point,’ the princes (principalities in the spirit) MOVE— and carry out his will.
I have seen him do this in the Spirit— I’ve seen him only point, and angels scatter and move like lightning streaks.
With the finger— he also wrote in the sand, when the Pharisees judged and set out to condemn; what’s the chance he was speaking with authority, and power with his finger— even then?
“When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man— he walks through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he says— I will return unto my house from whence I came out.
And when he comes (back), he finds it swept and garnished.
Then he goes, and takes to him— seven other spirits, more wicked than himself; and they enter in— and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.”
This is a very important lesson to learn; he has said this to me many times…
Word from the Lord
“We will NOT go about casting every demon or demonic/carnal working down and out from every man— for if they do not understand how it came about to be in the first place, should we cast them out— and they do not clean up, and lock the doors to those behaviors and patterns of…
Those entities will come back, see it’s been cleaned out (which means, made more room), and yet— THE DOORS WERE NOT LOCKED, to lock them out— which means, they didn’t STOP THE THINGS THEY WERE DOING, that ALLOWED and INVITED THEM IN, in the first place…
And so— they come back, and with them— they bring more with them, even more wicked. And do you know why?
Because they KNOW— they have been kicked out once— SO THEY FORTIFY, Janet. They come with stronger opposition— so the battle next time is HARDER, because the stronghold has now been fortified (which means strengthened) stronger than before.
And so— THAT LATTER STATE— is worse than the original demonic stronghold, they began with.
So make sure we are making disciples, dear— disciplined ones, of my Spirit— because if not… if we do not WARN THEM that this will happen, we have actually done them a disservice, not a deliverance that lasts; only one that will lead to heavier oppression in the latter state: I warned them all— Go, and sin no more.
Sin no more— in the areas they were letting them in— locks down the operations, they stop eating off of satan’s table of behaviors— and the doors and openings are shut to them; and in this— if they uphold the righteous living— the devils will not come back.”
Luke 11:27-28
“And it came to pass, as he spoke these things— a certain woman of the company— lifted up her voice, and said unto him— Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the paps which you have sucked.
But he said— Yea rather (it is) —blessed are they who hear the word of God— and keep it.”
We must KEEP, which in Strong’s means— isolates (sets it apart to be cherished in this life), watch/guard, preserve, and observe his Word; it is not just knowing his word— it is protecting it in our souls, as the eternal treasure it is: the truth upheld in our hearts, and exalted there.
“And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say— This is an evil generation [age]: they seek a sign [supernatural indications/miracles/wonder]; and there shall no sign be given it— but the sign of Jonah the prophet.
For as Jonas was a sign [a supernatural indication] to the Ninevites— so shall also the Son of man be to this generation.
The queen of the south [the south wind] shall rise up in the judgment [tribunal justice, condemnation] with the men of this generation— and condemn them [sentence against judicially]: for she came from the utmost parts [extremities] of the earth [the soil] to hear [give ear and audience of] the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold— one greater than Solomon is here.
The men [fellow husband] of Nineveh shall rise up in the judgment [tribunal justice, and condemnation] with this generation [age of people] —and shall condemn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and— behold, a greater than Jonah is here.”
He then speaks of the light of the body, is the eye— and if it be single— the whole of you shall be light; but if your eye (perspective and ways) be evil— the whole of you will be evil. So take heed, he said— that the light in us— be not darkness.
When the people were tightly gathered together, he began to explain that this generation, this age (a type) of people is perverse; they seek supernatural miraculous signs and wonder— but they walk in darkness of carnality (unrefined, undisciplined in character and actions), as did the people of Nineveh; and so, the same ‘sign’ that God gave Nineveh (Jonah), he will give to this generation: the Son of man coming to tell them to REPENT, and seek God’s face once again— for judgment comes— that is the sign: a witness and a warning.
He says, the south wind blows, as the ruling forces of that spirit come (symbolically, as like the queen of Sheba came to Solomon for wisdom) —and that spirit shall rise up in judgment (one of wisdom), or tribunal justice of condemnation to these people shall come— for this age, generation and type of people are evil (perverted, carnal). She comes from the furthest reaches to do this bidding in the earth, or soil (spiritually/symbolically— each life) —to hear the wisdom of the Lord’s decree to be carried out— as one greater than Solomon in his wisdom is here now: YahShua, God himself.
The fellow husband (Christ) and his people (the Ninevites who changed and repented— the remnant Bride, symbolically— the reformed), shall rise up in judgment of tribunal justice in condemnation, to this generation— this age and type of people who are wicked —and shall condemn it [sentence it in judgments]; because they (with their bridegroom) REPENTED at the preaching they heard— when someone came to warn them, individually: and yea, greater than a prophet came to them— the Holy Spirit himself; and so— they will judge this generation with him, and by his lead through them: the mature ones in Christ.
Judgment comes, and he sends a sign to the people— those who preach REPENT, REPENT— for the King, and the Kingdom of God— have come to you; seek his face now— while he can yet be found; for as judgment comes— you have little time to turn from your wicked ways, and be saved.
The sign— is a group of repentant people of the Lord, who come to warn the rest of the ungodly— that if they do not repent— eternal judgment, far worse than temporal judgment (in the flesh) —comes their way: a witness, and a warning— for such a generation as this.
“And as he spoke, a certain Pharisee besought him— to dine with him: and he went in, and sat down to meat.
And when the Pharisee saw it— he marveled that he had not first washed before dinner. And the Lord said unto him— Now, you Pharisees make clean the outside of the cup and the platter— but your inward part —is full of ravening and wickedness.
You fools, did not he who made that which is without [on the outside] make that which is within, also?
Give alms [compassionate giving, exercised towards the poor] of such things as you have; and, behold— all things are (or will be) clean unto you.
But woe unto you— Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue, and all manner of herbs— and (yet) pass over [neglect] judgment [justice of divine law], and the love [affectionate benevolence] of God [the Supreme deity and magistrate]: these (things) you ought to have done— and not left the other undone.
Woe unto you, Pharisees! For you love the uppermost seats [highest preeminence in counsel, to be seated chiefly] in the synagogues, and greetings in the markets.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees— you hypocrites [actors/stage players, who walk under an assumed character]! For you are as graves which appear not— and the men that walk over them, are not aware of them.”
He begins by stating that the religious spirit, hypocritical people— the Lukewarm, who have the truth available to them, but walk not in it— are set down with him, to once again— find error in our Lord; but instead— he points out the gross error in THEM— spiritually, following after another spirit: pride.
He says— You are concerned about outward things symbolically, carnal and prideful things, superficial and temporal things; and as you do— your inward man is wasting away in wicked lust, and power trips: your outside you clean— but your inner man remains wicked and perverse, self-serving and hypocritical to what you claim you represent.
They are fools, he says; and he lets them know he can see their hearts, and the darkness of them; as he sits and ponders the hearts of these men, with the Spirit— and reminds them— that God, who made your outer package— sees the inner too.
He says— Give, and give compassionately, exercising good will toward the poor, or destitute— this is good; give of what you have— and all things are clean to you, or— pure.
But he then says— However— WOE to you Pharisees, because what I see of you is that you give a tithe of herbs, but you NEGLECT the divine law of the LOVE of God (the highest one, supposedly over you); the benevolence of God (with his affection expressed) goes UNDONE; and you ought not have neglected this within, or without you— doing only the giving of herbs— BUT NEVER EXPRESSING THE AFFECTIONATE LOVE OF GOD TO THE DESTITUTE: essentially— they had it not inside them, so they gave it not out; they were ‘of another spirit,’ and that was his point— they are not his.
You hypocritical actors, you stage players— playing a role, under an assumed character— you love to sit in the highest preeminence among the people, the chiefest seating/thrones (highest judge) —in the synagogues and markets (the public places); and he is the one who is supposed to be most supreme, yet these are their own gods— and like to be.
And the part that should be most frightening to the religious spirited people out here now, the ones who walk Lukewarm, compromised, wicked— like these here, who have degrees (PHD’s) as doctors of the Law— but who walk not in it…
They are as/like unmarked graves (that means, they know not they are dead and no one else knows they are the walking dead spirits) —that men walk over unaware they are even there: here one minute, and cast from heaven like a glare (a flash in the pan) and then gone, cast away: dead spirits.
He has a message to the Pharisaical of this age, even still— REPENT, come to the truth, turn, humbling yourselves, and seek God face to face, heart to heart, and in truth— or you will, as well— be a flash in the pan like satan (I saw him fall from heaven), a streaking light that was for a moment, here— and then gone, and cast away for all of eternity: dead spirits who never were revived, nor passed from death to life: resurrected in the first resurrection.
“Therefore also —said the wisdom of God— I will send them prophets [poetically inspired orators, inspired of God, to foretell] and apostles [delegated ambassadors, commissioned of Christ, who come with miraculous power] —and some of them they shall slay and persecute:
That the blood of all the prophets— which was shed from the foundation of the world— may be required of this generation; From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias— which perished between the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you— It shall be required of this generation.”
Did we catch that?
He’s going to send orators of himself (people who speak on his behalf) to be inspired by his Spirit, and poetically so in their speech— to foretell what is coming into this realm— because he shares his secrets with them, to herald to the people of what is to come; and he is also sending— ambassadors, commissioned of him directly, and delegated in miraculous power to witness his Spirit and Kingdom reign.
And some of each of these— the spirit of this world will kill and persecute, through the WICKED GENERATION of people— and for one reason God allows it to happen: So that the blood of the prophets— WILL BE ON THEIR ETERNAL ACCOUNT— AS JUDGMENT AGAINST THEM; for these— as Zacharias was— were persecuted or died— spiritually serving the Lord and doing his bidding— weeping and serving (essentially) —between the porch and the altar (the place of the priests of God).
This type of people, this age of people, this generation— will be held accountable for what it has done to God incarnate; for what they do to the least of his (the lowliest, most humble, most subservient, and innocent) —they do to him: and that is an account of accountability— I would NEVER want to hear and see, come the day of the judgment of Christ.
“And as he said these things unto them— the scribes and the Pharisees began to urge him vehemently, and provoke him to speak of many things: Laying wait for him— and seeking to catch something out of his mouth, that they might accuse him.”
That’s the point— the people of the house of God are not supposed to be looking to others, in the house of God— to lay wait, and seek to CATCH them in transgression— TO ACCUSE them: this is the work of satan— the accuser of the brethren.
We are to walk with our brethren, carry their burdens, love them— and in doing so, cover a multitude of sins— reprove them when they are in error (that is love too); but we are not to lie crouching at the door (like sin) —seeking to devour our brethren.
And these— clearly did not believe he was Messiah, so at best— believed he was a prophet or rabbi; but they could not SEE the Spirit of God at work, right before their eyes— because they DID NOT MOVE WITH the Spirit of God, themselves: this is the sign of the Pharisee, even today.
They will walk with a spirit who seeks to ‘find fault’ with another (without doing their godly duty of helping that person, reproving, loving, carrying their burdens, and assisting them— in hopes of delivering a soul); instead— they set out to only condemn in judgments, as they lie in wait to devour them.
And eventually— when they found no fault in him (YahShua) —they lied and set him up to be killed, just to gain what they sought (death to him); for he THREATENED THEIR KINGDOM REIGN: do we see satan’s kingdom is threatened, when the true light and love is shed abroad to the masses?
This, because satan was still their father— they murdered the pure, and they still do, and will: and those are they who claim to be of the house of God.
Luke 12:1-3
“...Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees— which is hypocrisy [acting under a feigned part, deceit, condemnation and dissimulation— concealment of one’s thoughts, feelings, or character: pretense].
For there is nothing covered [concealed], that shall not be revealed [disclosed]; neither hidden [private/secret]— that shall not be known [perceived and understood].
Therefore whatsoever you have spoken in darkness [dimeness and obscurity]— shall be heard in the light [manifest and illuminated by fire light]; and that which you have spoken in the ear, in closets [privacy chambers]— shall be proclaimed [published and heralded] upon the housetops.”
Beware— he says— of the hypocrisy of the posers, who run with the spirit of this world— who come playing a role, feigning relationship with God, deceiving and condemning others in the house of God— walking in dissimulation, which is— concealed (hidden) thoughts, feelings and character (demonic), under pretense— which means, feigned fakery.
But don’t worry— everything concealed (inner man workings, and things done in secret) shall be disclosed, and people will perceive it (see it) and understand fully, the truth. Because whatever we do in darkness— will be revealed by the Light (God) and made manifest for all to see— by his Spirit (fire light); and he will proclaim it from the rooftops— heralding it abroad, as he publishes it to the masses.
We should take heart— he is going to expose all hidden agendas— and he will judge accordingly; he’s coming to demote those who walk in darkness in his household of people; and he is coming to erect pure ones, who walk by the lead of his Spirit— where the hypocrites once stood (their positions): he is just— what a man sows, he will reap back upon him.
“And I say unto you my friends— Be not be afraid [be alarmed and frightened, in awe and reverence] of those who kill [destroy] the body, and after that —have no more that they can do.
But I will forewarn you in whom you shall fear: Fear him— who, of which— after he has killed [destroyed the body] —has power [ability, mastery, privilege, freedom and potentate control] to cast [subject] (one) to hell [everlasting punishment]; yea, I say unto you— Fear [be alarmed and frightened, and in awe and reverence of] him.”
We cannot be a people so tightly clinging to a carnal dirt-suit, that we are IN AWE and REVERENCE to satan (anyone working by his spirit) —otherwise, we are CARNAL YET: we ‘value’ the dirt, and are in reverence to one who can kill it.
I say— Why not be in REVERENTIAL AWE OF THE ONE WHO CAN SUSTAIN IT, or— throw it into spiritual and eternal death?
He is the one who has the ability, the mastery (high above all principalities and powers), the freedom (the sovereign one) as the potentate in control of all— to not only deal with the flesh (that’s all satan can do) —but also to have the final say of the eternal soul, and where it will be for all of eternity (not just a flash in the pan of temporal life, here).
We cannot be a people of fear in satan— or we will go where he does— because to fear what satan can do to us— is to REVERENCE HIS RULE IN OUR LIVES: as it simultaneously DEMOTES GOD HOLY— from being the highest potentate (even though he is) —as we BELIEVE THE LIE, and NOT THE TRUTH (him).
THIS IS WHY— the fearful of satan, are the first to go with him into hell and the Lake of fire— because they ‘reverenced’ him, with their awe— everyday, and would not reverence God in his power and authority.
Reverence— deep respect for someone— a bow to; root definition— Middle English: from Old French, from Latin reverentia, from revereri ‘stand in awe of’ (see revere). And revere— at its root definition, means— ‘to fear.’
So you see— we make satan our God (most highly regarded one in us) —when we fear him, as that is reverencing him with respect, and BOWING TO HIM.
“Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: you are of more value than many sparrows.”
When we realize this, and we stop reverencing the HUMAN FLESH BODIES, as well— we begin to reverence God, and the ETERNAL THINGS, not the temporal: then we have become— the children of God, and have demoted and cast down satan, from within.
We are HIGHLY VALUED TO GOD— and we must get this down inside of us, established; once we do— we will walk CONFIDENTLY IN HIM: as he is high above all principalities and powers, and he reigns supreme— as the potentate controller.
How can we reverence, in awe and fear of— a created being, that had a beginning, and will have an ending of judgment, when we have the UNCREATED, PURE, HOLY, LOVING, TRUE GOD— who is for us, and not against us?
Only believing the lie, and continuing to believe the lie, and worshiping the carnal body-suit— would ever cause a man to cease to worship and revere God as most powerful and supreme— just to remain exalting satan as dangerously powerful, and worthy of awe and reverence.
We must LET GO, and DIE TO THE CARNAL— to be able to ascend up higher, come out of fear of losing an outer covering, over the true and authentic persons we are: spirit beings, with souls— that are eternal.
Because we will remain eternal souls, who will go to one destination or the other— and it’s all based in— whom we serve here, in reality— that will determine whom we spend eternity with: God, in truth, and fearing him inside for real— or satan, worshiping the carnal things (a dirt life), and forsaking eternal union with the Father in heaven— because we forsook him in our souls, here— in the temporal realm, and continued to reverence satan (self preservation, in the temporal, the superficial— upholding the lie, the facade).
“Also I say unto you— Whosoever shall confess [covenants and acknowledges] me before men, him— shall the Son of man also confess [covenant acknowledge] before the angels of God: But he who denies me before men —shall be denied before the angels of God.
And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son [kinship] of man— it shall be forgiven him: but unto him who blasphemes [vilifies and defames and speaks evil] against the Holy [sacred, pure— morally blameless] Ghost [Spirit of Christ/God]— it shall not be forgiven.”
I keep telling people— rejecting the Holy Spirit is the unpardonable sin, and here is why.
Because the Spirit— is the inner guts of God, all he is in his inner spirit and soul of his person; if we reject, as you can see it stated, ‘son’ is a kindred, a family of God person in the earth— we are forgiven. Christ was a ‘specific’ kindred family member of heaven— hence his sonship (the word son) was capitalized as Son; but he came as a ‘son of man,’ (a kindred person) and so— if we speak against our kindred men— it will be forgiven us.
BUT— if we speak against, vilify and defame— GOD, HIMSELF— we have entered into unforgivable territory. Christ came ‘as a man,’ and so if we speak against men— we will be forgiven; but if we speak against the INNER PERSON OF GOD, HIS TRUE ESSENCE— and purport him to be vile, evil, and we defame HIS NAME— we have entered the unpardonable, the unforgivable sin: because he is sacredly pure, and morally blameless: he is holy.
“And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers— take no thought of how, or what thing you shall give of an answer, or what you shall say: For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what you ought to say.”
This is living by faith— trust in him to be who he claims he is— believed by us, and so— we will actually walk confidently, and REST in him— as we are brought before magistrates and church folk, and the powers that be; all because we TRULY EXALT HIM INSIDE— to be the ruling magistrate, of whom we obey, honor and place in his rightful position.
We have fearful souls still— because he has not been promoted into High Ruling Magistrate, Highest Potentate within our souls yet; this is why all FEAR exists— it’s a heart trust issue— that we do not trust him to be who he is, yet.
“And one, of the company (of people) said unto him— Master, speak to my brother, that he (should) divide the inheritance with me. And he said unto him— Man, who made me a judge or a divider [apportioner] over you?
And he said unto them— Take heed [discern and stare at mentally], and beware of [watch out for, be on guard, and avoid] covetousness [fraudulent extortion, greediness]: for a man's life consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesses [property he has].”
I was speaking of this earlier— the things in this temporal realm will burn in the end, it’s only part of a superficial simulation; the eternal matters are spiritual matters— the things that either save or condemn a soul for eternity— the matters of exalting God, for real— not the carnal.
This person asked our Lord, who came as ‘as son of man,’ to do for him— what only the Father judges out— and for carnal reasons; Christ came ‘as a man,’ not as the most High Father, who judges all: he came to do Father’s will in the earth, but not Father’s job of judging all matters; he came not into the earth to judge man, but to reconcile him. This is why he said— Who made me judge or divider (apportioner) of you?
He said, you ought to discern the truth of this matter, mentally— and that is— beware of, watch out for, be on guard, and avoid covetousness; for he called covetousness— fraudulent extortion and greediness; he equated desiring carnal, temporal things (material things and gains) here in this realm— to extortion and greediness— when set at ought against another who is in possession, or has property we desire.
To covet means— desire what belongs to another. And we are to be content in what God has given and supplied to us— Christ walked humbly, and this example— is what it is to walk carnally haughty, seeking his own.
“And he spake a parable unto them, saying— The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: And he thought within himself, saying— What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits?
And he said— This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there I will bestow all my fruits and my goods.
And I will say to my soul— Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease— eat, drink, and be merry.
But God said unto him— You fool, this night your soul shall be required of you: then whose shall those things be— which you have provided?
So is he who lays up treasure for himself (here) —and is not rich [wealthy and increased in goods] toward God.”
Yes— many people think of only the carnal… “Well, if I have a lot of this, or a lot of that— these provisions— I will be safe and good.” And yet— he details out, here, in these verses, that— more in the material, and hoarding it— will not allow for spiritual safety, nor even ensure carnal safety (all can be destroyed, easily); it is a false sense of security, and trusts in the arm of one's own might.
God calls these— fools— because as they store up carnal things that will burn and be destroyed— their eternal souls are at stake— but they perceive nothing past the superficial simulation down here, and have bought into it— as all there is: and he says— tonight, you die— and now, what is all that temporal stuff worth?
Who will benefit from all the material things now?
Only they who will assume it unto themselves, now that you are dead; you who trusted in your own strength, and in carnal matters— who forsook the TRUE MATTERS, the eternal matters of your eternal soul, and whom you will serve for all of eternity: yourself, in estrangement and imprisonment, with gnashing of teeth and wailing torment.
We are not ‘rich toward God,’ or— we have not stored up heavenly treasures, in his storehouse— when we attend to temporal and carnal things down here; we store up heavenly treasure— when we are proper toward God, inside, in our souls— while we are here: we are in good standing with our God, and we do his good works in the earth (unto spiritual things), as he does his works (the Father), through the sons.
“...Therefore I say unto you— Take no thought for your life, what you shall eat; neither for the body, nor what you shall put on.
(Because) The life [soul/heart, mind of you]— is more than meat [nourishment and rations]— and the body is more than raiment [an outer clothing].
Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have a storehouse nor barn; and God feeds them: how much more are you better than the fowls?
And which of you— with taking thought— can add to his stature one cubit?
If you, then— are not able to do that thing— which is least— why do you take thought for the rest?
Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not— they spin not; and yet I say unto you— that Solomon in all his glory, was not arrayed like one of these.
If God then— so clothes the grass, which is today in the field, and tomorrow— is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you— O ye of little faith?
And seek not what you shall eat, or what ye shall drink— neither be of a doubtful mind.
For all these things— the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knows that you have need of these things. Rather seek the kingdom of God— and all these things shall be added unto you.”
EXACTLY: Take no thought for the preservation of your material life— for your Father KNOWS what you have need of; and he is a good Father and provider.
And not only that, but he says— The life, or the soul/heart, mind of you that I created— is more than a meat suit to be nourished in food rations— and the body (the sound whole of you) is more than an outer clothing— YOU ARE A SPIRIT BEING, FIRST AND FOREMOST; and your heavenly Father will provide for you— for you are his spiritual child who exalts him: he is a good Father.
If we cannot add even stature to our person (height) —then do we understand how feeble we are, and are not the adult responsible for ourselves (babes in Christ) —God, the mature one, is; then why do we fuss over ANYTHING DOWN HERE, that we even ‘think’ we have need of? Because he already knows what we have need of— because he is a good Father.
“If you, then— are not able to do that (simple) thing, which is least— why do you take thought for the rest?”
Consider ALL THESE THINGS GOD TAKES CARE OF— who cannot even ask of him (like the birds and flowers) to do so, but rely on him all the same: and he does it.
He says— DO NOT DOUBT ME, do not be of a doubtful mind; for the worldly people seek after ways to save themselves; but your Father KNOWS that you need earthly provisions— so— rather, seek the King, the King’s Dominion (kingdom) in you— and all those things you have need of— will be added into your life.
And that’s the truth— because he is faithful and true, and his word never goes out and comes back unprofitable, it will do as it set out to do— he cannot lie, and so— we will be cared for; provided— we do not doubt his faithfulness to us, and are double minded— claiming he is capable, but doubting he will come through.
We must be— THE PEOPLE OF FAITH IN HIM: for these are the children of God.
“Fear not little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
Sell what you have— and give alms [compassionate beneficence toward others, being benefactors of your love and giving]; provide yourselves bags [depositories] which wax not old— treasure [deposits of wealth] in the heavens— that fails not [is inexhaustible]— where no thief approaches, nor moth corrupts [ruins].
For where your treasure is— there your heart will be also.
Let your loins be girded about (remember this is the armor of truth we are to keep)— and your lights burning; And you yourselves, be like men who wait for their lord, when he will return [depart] from the wedding; that when he comes and knocks— they may open unto him, immediately.”
We have wise and unwise virgins being spoken of once again.
Do the eternal matters, let go of the material possessions and focus— GIVE, and it shall be given unto you, pressed down and running over— with what you measure out, it shall be measured back to you. Store up heavenly treasure— deposit wealth in heaven, where the storehouses are ALWAYS FULL, and NEVER RUNS OUT, they are INEXHAUSTIBLE, and nothing ruins it!
For where your treasure is (the carnal, temporary, simulated life— and things of down here, or the— eternal matters of spiritual living, and unto God in truth) —for your heart/soul will be attached to that in which it beholds as MOST VALUABLE.
Gird yourselves, put on THE TRUTH (he’s a person and conduct, and way— and be in relationship with him for real) —keep those fires burning (with intimacy oil and loyalty, in your lamps) —and wait for your Lord/Bridegroom like a waiting Bride, who looks for his departure to come unto the wise virgins— and shut the door, and lock himself in with her, like the wedding: where 2, become 1— in union, one spirit in Christ Jesus.
That when he comes and knocks— you open up to him— immediately: prepared, serious, intimate, and ready to receive your Bridegroom; this is coming.
He keeps speaking to me about shutting the door to the unwise, SOON; and so— I herald that abroad: seek him seriously— while he can yet be found, covenant with him— and know him, and be known of him: so you will not hear in that day— Depart from me, I never knew you— even though you called him ‘Lord, Lord,’ you never made him Lord; and so— you did not consummate a marriage, covenanted relationship, FOR REAL.
This is the ‘sign of Jonah’ —REPENT, for the King, and the Kingdom, has come unto you!
“Blessed [well off] are those servants [subservient ones, bonded]— whom the lord, when he comes— he shall find watching [awake and vigilant]: verily I say unto you— that he shall gird himself (I see a waiter, with an apron to serve), and make them to sit down to meat— and he will come forth and serve [wait upon them, attend to them, and be a host to] them.
And if he shall come in the second watch (evening), or come in the third watch (dead of night) —and find them so (in this way, waiting for him and watching) —blessed [well off] are those servants [subservient ones, bonded to him, bondmen].
And know this— that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come— he would have watched— and would not have suffered his house to be broken through (into, and suffered loss, lose out).
Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man comes at an hour when you think not.”
Well off, blessed— are those subservient ones (obedient ones, bonded to him) whom when the Bridegroom comes— he shall find awake and vigilantly watching for him; because— he said— he will come, dress himself to serve us, set us down to eat or sup with him— and he will come forth, and do just that— he will serve his heirs: do we see why, now— he is the LEAST, who is the HEAD (or first)?
He will host, and wait upon his children— HE IS A GOOD FATHER and GOD! He is equitable and fair— we serve him, here, in the earth, doing his will, pleasure and commission— and he serves us, in MANY WAYS— and clothes himself to do this: he who is HIGH ABOVE ALL, stoops down to serve the lesser: this is our Bridegroom.
And should he come in the evening, or in the dead of night— and find us watching and waiting, expecting and reverencing him, in real relationship— we are blessed, well off, as we serve and exalt him in such ways— when he comes unto us.
Know this, he said— I will come as a thief in the night, that means like one— and when I do— if the home owners (the virgins) knew when I was coming, they would have not LOST OUT on me when I come: but because the unwise virgins are not doing intimacy, obedience and subservient submission to him, now— they are relying on the wise virgins to ‘get a word,’ or send forth knowledge of him— to warn, or such— they will miss out.
Because he said— I WILL NOT TELL ANY OF THEM (virgins) WHEN I FOR SURE COME— all must be prepared, in real relationship (having intimacy oil in their lamps, from personal relationship, in right standing with him) FOR THEMSELVES: otherwise, they will miss out when the door shuts— and will be required to go and purchase the oil for themselves, but only AFTER— the door has been shut to them (the first fruits) —because they dallied and had dalliances in the world, and with the spirit thereof— and sought not the relationship for themselves— IN TRUTH; they were hypocritical, and caught up in carnality— they slept and were not ready.
The wise virgins rested too— but they WERE READY (this speaks of internal, real relationship with him, and KNEW HIM, personally); so when he came, in the evening, or in the dead of night— they OPENED UP TO HIM, IMMEDIATELY.
This is symbolic of those who open their souls to him for REAL in this lifetime, and STAY TIGHT TO HIM, always about the Father’s business in this realm— not earthly distractions and lust: so when he comes— they are clean, wrinkle-free, and oily (anointed) with the intimacy of the relationship, that lives the truth.
“And the Lord said— Who then is that faithful and wise steward [house overseer and management employee], whom his lord shall make ruler [designate and constitute] over his household— to give them their portion of meat [measure], in due season [proper timing]?
Blessed is that servant, whom his lord— when he comes— shall find so doing.
Of a truth I say unto you— that he will make him ruler over all that he has.
But and if that servant says in his heart— My lord delays his coming; and shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens (take on another spirit’s nature, for unbelief and doubt) —and to eat and drink, and to be drunken (giving up on God, believing him not for his faithfulness); The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looks not for him— and at an hour when he is not aware— and will cut him asunder— and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers [the disbelieving, without Christian faith people— untrusting(worthy), infidels].
And that servant— who knew his lord's will— and did not prepare himself, neither did according to his (God’s) will— he shall be beaten with many stripes (tribulations).
But he that knew not (was ignorant of all this, likely for the terrible warning of the apostate church, or the totally secular) —and did commit things worthy of stripes— he shall be beaten with few stripes.
For unto whomsoever much is given— of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much— of him they will ask the more.”
We are called to be FAITHFUL, as he is— and oversee his household down here, managing them— as an employee of him (a servant); and to these, who do this with him, serving him and his interests in the earth— he will designate and constitute them to govern his household (lead); and he will expect of them to dole out the measure to each one in his household— in their due, or appropriate timing: this is a commission, job description of authority.
And those will be well off, blessed— when he comes and finds them doing their duty, rightly. He says— This is true— I will make him ruler, or governor over all of God’s household, in the earth: this is speaking of ruling and reigning with, and through Christ, in the earth realm, over others— leading, and being accountable, in our character, morals, ethics, service to the king and the brethren, and judging rightly— and dividing out portions rightly.
But if we DOUBT HIM, and his goodness and faithfulness— and we start acting and running ourselves like the spirit of this world (other wicked men) —then he will come to his temple, at an hour this man does not expect— and he will cut him down (lay him out, and down), and he will count him as an unbeliever: these are people who do not believe, who have no faith in God, are not trustworthy (God cannot count on them) and they are untrusting (in God) —they are infidels.
Infidel— a person who does not believe, an idolater, a heretic, apostate, free-thinker at liberty (no master, only themselves at the helm), a nonconformist dissenter.
And this type will be beaten with many stripes— go through much punishment; but the ones who didn’t know they were guilty of all this, but who are deserving of the same punishment all the same— will receive less stripes, for they didn’t know— they were transgressing God: but the ones who know they are to do the will of God— and do it not, but serve self— they will be punished harshly, as he deems them unbelievers, who ought to have known better.
He’s speaking of eternal punishment/judgment: there are levels to the prison places people will be cast out into, as they reject Christ and reconciling to the Father (and walking in trust to him, and walking in righteous holiness).
To those who ought to know better, to whom much was given them (in revelation, in the truth) —much will be required of that man, and whether or not he’s upholding the truth, and faith and fidelity to God and his righteousness.
Men— even require much of another man, whom much has been given to: they will expect better of him. As an example— if a man is college educated, we expect more of him in the ways of being not ignorant, in his field of study— compared to someone who has not been educated in that field of study.
This is the same with the household of God— if you sat in church, had the bible your whole lives— you will be responsible for what you were given, all along. If you live in a country where the Word of God is not outlawed, but you refused to read it, study it, or conform to his truth in it— you will be held accountable for having the education and possibility of study and personal relationship with God all along— but you rejected him, and it: to others— who knew him not, did not have this all along, but transgressed him in similar ways— his punishment will be less.
We ought to be TRUE— God is; and we ought to be HARDWORKERS/DILIGENT— God is: and we are to be as he is— an upholder of truth and righteousness, and diligent and resolute about it: we are to resume his image once again.
And he gave us EVERYTHING— when he gave us Christ— and the church goer, or Christian— ought to know this already— and be loyal and true to it, and him.
“I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I— if it be already kindled [lit]?
But I have a baptism to be baptized with (immersed in); and how am I straitened till it be accomplished!”
He comes to cleanse us from unrighteousness— he comes to save, and his fire (passion) he brings, born of love to save— is already lit and burning; he has to go to the cross here— to bring about the way back to God the Father in reconciliations— and he is constrained inside, and set like flint to accomplish it, to fulfill the mission.
Because he has come to seek and to save that which is lost— that desires to come home to him in reconciliations: this is salvation. We are to turn from the wicked ways, repent, reconcile to holiness and righteousness (and the Spirit thereof), to be tied (yoked) to him once again: Salvation, cleansing of all unrighteousness— to become purified, spotless and wrinkle-free; the Bride who made herself ready.
And his love (fiery passion kindled) —drove him, propelled him to this sacrifice; he desires that none should perish, but that all would repent, and be saved.
But where his fiery passion rests on the unrighteous, who will not repent and be saved (reformed) —he comes with judgment (sow and reap) into those lives.
“Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you— Nay; but rather division [disunion (separation) of opinions and conduct]: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house– divided [thoroughly partitioned (separated spiritually), divided apart)— three against two, and two against three.
The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.”
Folks— if the families we were born into, in this material temporal realm are not taking Christ seriously (God), then he will come to divide them away from his— because he is a jealous lover and a good Father— he comes to take care of his, and those who are not his— they will destroy them, if he allows no separation of kingdoms; for the devil will use them to destroy us— it is why we must let them go, and intercede for them— but God’s will be done, accordingly.
He’s not coming to make peace between God’s kingdom and satan’s— he’s coming to establish his, only.
“And he said also to the people— When you see a cloud rise out of the west, straightway you say— There comes a shower; and so it is.
And when you see the south wind blow, you say— There will be heat; and it comes to pass.
You hypocrites [actors] —you can discern the face of the sky, and of the earth; but how is it that you do not discern this time?
Yea, and why even of yourselves do you judge [distinguish] not what is right (spiritually)?
When you go with your adversary— to the magistrate, as you are in the way— give diligence that you may be delivered from him; lest he hale you [drag you down and arrest you] to the judge— and the judge deliver you to the officer, and the officer cast you into prison.
I tell you— you shall not depart from there— till you have paid the very last mite.”
He’s saying— we can determine carnal world things, but not spiritual things of God— because we are not submissive to his Spirit, nor walk in his ways (the truth); and why do we not discern things rightly, spiritually? Why do we yet walk carnally?
He’s saying— you will go to court, in your heathen secular, wicked sinful ways (because you repented not, nor turn from those ways to righteousness), and the ACCUSER (the devil who knows you’re obeying him) will come and accuse you to the judge. And as he does— and he lays out all the things you did in your body, and that you NEVER turned from those wicked ways, to serve God holy and righteousness —that was never erected, nor exalted in you…
The lawyer will turn you over to the judge, and the judge will turn you over to the warden officer of the prison (an angel that will take you to hell/lake of fire) —and you will be cast into eternal torment and estrangement from God and heaven.
And he said— You will not not depart from there, until you have paid everything, like Christ did (flawlessly) —and this, symbolically/spiritually, is not possible: so one will never leave.
Folks— this is why we must SEEK HIM NOW, TRUTHFULLY, GENUINELY— while he can still be found; for there comes a day (the judgment day) when this world, is expired and over— where every man will see the Lord directly about what he did in his body, and with the time he was given, to choose this day— whom he will serve: and at that point— hell and death, and all who are there— will be cast into the Lake which burns with fire and torment forever (that was made for the devils, not us) —and it will be too late to be repentant, and to turn to him to be saved.
PLEASE— seek him NOW!
What a way to lead us smack up to where we find ourselves in time, right now; the judgment of God is coming in now, and the unwise, from the wise will be divided, even. He will do this— so the unwise will know they are unwise (this is his love), and they can still seek him, to be REAL with him, while there is still time.
And those he is promoting to reign with him, and judge with him— are those who have paid the cost, been resurrected, passed from death (sin and death ways and covenants) and are brought into eternal life: what life in Christ really is.
And these are they whom, the second death— has nothing to do with them: for they serve the King of Righteousness, and abide with him now, and forever.
We have arrived at a harvest, storehouse separation; the threshing has been going on for some time, and he has marked the good, fruitful wheat— and he has heaped up, and prepared the chaff to be burned with fire: tribulation comes, and much refinement will happen during this time— if people will HUMBLE THEMSELVES, turn from their wicked ways and seek him: it is what great tribulation is for.
It comes to SHAKE AWAKE —those who slumber, and are unprepared for eternity; who know not whom they currently serve for real (satan), but will find out too late— if God does not bring in a period where the worldly people find out— they were not serving God all along, but instead, satan (self, and self worship, and in wickedness): it is the love of God, to shake to wake the wicked, or unbelieving.
And the world will shortly see this; for he comes with a fire kindled— that is lit already; he comes to divide with a sword, and he comes unto a waiting wise virgin— to exalt her, and to imbue her with his power: for she is chaste and she seeks to work the harvest field of the great tribulations with him (her bridegroom), and pull some from the fire (the fire that is kindled, even now).
