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Luke (part 1), revealed by the Spirit: with a quoted word from the Lord

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Jesus and the Good news,

By Luke


Part 1 of Luke,

Led of the Spirit


[Video link to this teaching:]


Luke 1:13-17

“But the angel said unto him— Fear not, Zacharias: for your prayer is heard; and your wife Elisabeth shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name John.

And you shall have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth.

For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost— even from his mother's womb.

And many of the children of Israel —shall he turn to the Lord their God.

And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah— to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared [thoroughly, internally equipped in fitness, constructed/created, built and ordained] for the Lord.”


Here we have an introduction of John the Baptist (Jesus’ cousin), who is anointed from the womb— whose name means, the Grace of God (that is the meaning of John);  here we see John will be filled with the Holy Spirit— BEFORE— the time of Christ’s death;  and we will see throughout scripture, MANY (if we look), who were filled— BEFORE HIS EARTHLY DEATH and RESURRECTION:  men and women alike.

That ought to shake up the religious spirit— who claims that God can not indwell before his earthly death on the cross, nor use a woman to prophesy, preach or teach— yet we will see both coming up:  he slayed himself BEFORE THERE WAS A PHYSICAL WORLD, after all.  To take care of all this— and make for one generation— that which was available to all the rest:  he is equitable and fair— what he makes available to one, he makes available to all.

He’s outside time— and time obeys him;  he gave his life before he walked out in the earth realm;  and anyone understanding this— had the opportunity to receive him, whenever.  And we will clearly see— he chose male or female to use, and to indwell/fill with his Holy Spirit, and speak through.

He, John (who is God’s grace, by name), shall bring many to God in relationship and truth;  and he will go with the spirit of Elijah upon him.  I have spoken many times that Elijah’s spirit— is the Spirit of the Lord (in symbolism and spiritual significance);  because the Lord was with Elijah, joined to him, manifesting through him, honing him and leading him (he was a child of the most High one);  and so— the spirit that was operating IN HIM— was the Spirit of God.

So— essentially here we see it will be the Spirit of God who will rest in and with John, in the ways that the Spirit of God desires to bring the children to the parents, and the parents to the children:  this is reverence, in godly order, obeying authority, and walking in brotherly love— as well as in right standing with God— as God intended.

We cannot walk in right standing with God and righteousness itself— if we do not walk minded on the other, in reverence to, and bowing in servitude to care for the other:  this is the lesson of the parents— caring for the children, hearts turned toward them in good will;  and the children— caring for the parents (love is in obedience and reverence) —and with hearts turned toward them in good will:  THAT IS THE SPIRIT OF GOD HIMSELF, and Elijah walked this out, and God is saying— John will be the same in this.

He will as well (like Elijah did with God’s Spirit) —turn the disobedient hearts/souls— tipping them to hear and heed the wisdom of the JUST ONES;  they are those who have been righted by the Spirit of the Lord inside, and walk authentically in upholding the truth and righteousness:  and in this he will make a people prepared for the Lord.

My name means John, Jane(t) is the female equivalent of John, and the Lord has said to me…

“You are a combination of both my Johns;  the one heralding— ‘REPENT, REPENT (turn back to God), for the KINGDOM OF GOD (the Spirit of the Lord) IS HERE WITH YOU, RIGHT NOW!’  And the other— the Beloved, who laid his head on my breast;  and with both— we will walk my Spirit out in your life.”

He is saying— as we walk in reverent love of God, hearing his heart (head on chest/breast) and will for the people, from heaven— you herald it abroad, BOLDLY, and bring the truth to them— we will ‘prepare a people for the Lord.’

Because he is efforting at cleaning up a bride right now— who will be spotless and wrinkle-free in her conduct/behaviors, soul/heart— toward God and righteousness erected in their temples.

A people prepared, or— thoroughly, internally equipped in fitness, constructed/created, built and ordained for the Lord.  Ordained means to —set in order and appoint.



“And the angel answering said unto him— I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God;  and I am sent to speak unto you, and to show you these glad tidings.”


This I have in here— because Mary stood in the presence of God, reverently in her soul/heart— before she ever had an ambassador from heaven appear to her— who does the same— STAYS IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD.

He has me add this here, not only to show that he sent an ambassador from heaven (his presence) to decree his will over her life, and that she is chosen of women to bare his only begotten Son— but also, that one who stands in the presence of the Lord, INSIDE their temple (soul/heart) —will have ambassadors (messengers of the Lord/angels) who will attend to them, and the throne room decrees and orders— for these are also found in the presence of the Lord:  tit for tat, what one will walk in (or sow), one will receive unto him (or reap).



“And the angel said unto her— Fear not, Mary: for you have found favor with God.  And, behold, you shall conceive in your womb, and bring forth a son, and shall call his name Jesus.

He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:  And he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.”


He is the Son of the Highest God, the only true God— and we are sons also, in and through him, with his legal record of no transgression against God the Highest;  his reign has no end, all things have been put into his hands, of all authority in heaven and earth:  what do you have to fear either— child of God?  For angels stand at your side as well, to deliver you— messages, safety, provisions, alignments, and power for you— not against you in this realm. 

Rejoice— for your Father, and your Brother, Bridegroom, Savior, Lord and Spirit— the Most High God, the only true God!



“For with God nothing shall be impossible.  Mary said— Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to your word.  And the angel departed from her.”


Mary said she is his servant, and in the Strong’s it says— female slave— meaning, she is here to do HIS WILL, not her own;  and she says— ‘be it unto me, as you have said it, angel.’  This is where I believe (following this statement, and at some point), the Holy Spirit conceived her child within her— and so, when she comes to Elizabeth (pregnant with the anointed John in her womb), both she and Elizabeth prophesy/preach and proclaim the words of the Lord himself:  two women, overcome by the Spirit of God, and proclaiming the iterations of his Spirit— for great is their faith and service to the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.



“And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told to her from the Lord.

And Mary said— My soul does magnify the Lord— And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.”


The above was Elizabeth proclaiming and prophesying over Mary— and the first thing said was how blessed she was, and (not included here), was how blessed the fruit of her womb is (Jesus);  and how gracious it was, and blessed her that Mary would come to her with her Lord in her womb (how very sweet).

Then she proceeds to say— you are blessed and these things, because of your BELIEF in all he said he would do— there shall be a PERFORMANCE of all the angel said (he shall bring it to pass, fully).  His word shall not come back void.

There is no coincidence that Mary’s soul ‘magnifies the Lord,’ as to one of the reasons she was chosen, and blessed among women;  and that her spirit ‘rejoices in her God and Savior.’  Many of God’s children experience the very same blessing— as they magnify and rejoice (praise and joy) over the God of their salvation.

And these will birth the man-child, as well:  not only will the women (in Revelation), the Bride of Christ— be birthed into maturity by Christ himself, as he reforms them within— but they will go about and birth the man-child in the body as well;  Just like Mary birthed the full mature one in body.  They will mature, themselves— then they will harvest more souls with the Lord, and nurture them in the wilderness— and raise up more mature ones;  from babes to mature ones— as the counsel of the Spirit goes forth from them— bringing them into fully mature men (mankind/persons) —from children (those on suck/milk):  the man-child birthed.


[Mary speaking]


“And his mercy is on those who fear him— from generation to generation.

He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud— in the imagination of their hearts.  He has put down the mighty from their seats— and exalted them of low degree.

He has filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he has sent away— empty.

He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy;  As he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed forever.”


I believe at this point— the spirit the Lord sent to Mary, who said the Holy Spirit will come upon her to conceive within her womb— the Lord Jesus, who will be anointed and called ‘The Highest,’ because he is God— I believe when she said…

‘Be it as thou has decreed’ —it was done unto her.

She, as we can see above— is speaking as a prophet— as YahShua is a prophet of the Lord, and the Spirit of Prophecy himself— and has taken hold of her, to prophecy and preach through her.  But at the very least, where two or more are gathered in his name— there he is in the midst of them:  both she and Elizabeth had, at bare minimum— God with them in Spirit, because they were gathered in his name, but as well because Elizabeth was with child (John), and that child was anointed with the filling of the Holy Spirit in the womb.

So much for the religious spirit out there, in the Pharisaical, who say that a women shall not preach— when the Spirit of the Lord is in/on her, and is leading her;  and especially when the Lord declares— there is now therefore, no such thing as a gender (male nor female) in Christ, or Christ in us:  spirit is genderless, and those who uphold him and his righteous kingdom and dominion— he will use.

Mary prophesied and preached of the Lord and the Kingdom.

As well, Elizabeth had been filled with the Holy Spirit— but many want to say, the old covenant people couldn’t have been— for Jesus hadn’t died in the earth for them yet, to indwell them;  and I have said all along— Well, he did slay himself since before the foundations of the created realm altogether, and any who knew this, and joined him (exalted and upheld him and righteousness, being the King of) —could be joined to him whenever.


“And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:  And she spake out with a loud voice, and said— Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.


And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, saying…”



“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he has visited and redeemed his people, and has raised up an horn of Salvation [the greek is Kar, and means— Lord of;  and a horn— is a strong projection coming from the head, and our Father is the head, and Christ— is the projection coming from the headship of the Most High God] —-for us, in the house of his servant David;  As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began:

That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all who hate us;  To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant;  The oath which he swore to our father Abraham— That he would grant unto us— that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies, might serve him without fear [fearlessly— in Strong’s] —in holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.

And you, child— shalt be called the prophet of the Highest (speaking of John in the womb of his wife, Elizabeth): for you shall go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways;  To give knowledge of salvation unto his people— by the remission of their sins— through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring [dawn rising (or morning star)] from on high, has visited us— to give light to those who sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death— to guide our feet into the way of peace [joining to us, in prosperity, quiet rest and set at one again].”


The Lord God came unto any and ALL who sought him with a whole heart, and upheld righteousness— and to those then, as he does now— he CAME IN UNTO THEM, to sup with them:  whether he ‘remains’ supping inside with a man, is dependant upon that man upholding him (exalting him) within, steadfastly and resolutely.

Even now— if we refuse holiness and righteousness— he resists the proud;  for the prideful are resisting righteousness, and being holy and set apart:  being authentic with God matters, in fact— our souls depend on it;  as much as steadfastness matters— for we must endure to end, to be saved, he said so in Matthew 24:13.

But for us to say that the Lord does not preach or prophesy through a man or a women— here alone, in the 1 chapter of Luke— we see he chose to fill 1 women (and at bare minimum, come over another with inspiration of the Spirit to speak) and 1 man— with the Spirit of the Lord to do so:  he is fair and equitable to all— if he did it for one (anywhere in time), he will make himself available to all (anywhere in time) —to receive him— given each man or woman exalts him and his righteousness.


Luke 2:13-14

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying— Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will [satisfaction and delight, kindness, wished with purpose— that which seems good] toward men.”


Do we— do we have ‘good will toward all men?’  He asked me to ask this— in hopes that each man would hear what he is saying.

He came into this world, the angels and host of heaven declared he’s bringing godly order and justice (peace) into the world— for he is the Highest— AND GOOD WILL TOWARD ALL MEN.

Folks— if he is in us, we will bring ‘good will toward all people,’ too.

We have an issue in the ‘house of God,’ as like we did in the days past, when our Lord was incarnated in his own body, as Emmanuel (God with us) —in the fulness of the Godhead bodily, in the Life of YahShua, the Word of God manifest to us;  and that is— hypocrisy and unauthentic souls/hearts.

Souls that claim he is in them and yoked to them, and they heed his Spirit and are led of him— but the fruit from the tree they hail from— is that of the corrupt tree, and their fruit is not good.  



“And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother— Behold, this child is set for the fall, and rising again— of many in Israel; and for a sign —which shall be spoken against; (Yea, a sword shall pierce through your own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”


Simeon (who scripture said, had the Holy Spirit upon him as he spoke) said —The Lord Jesus is set to raise up many in the house of God (Israel), who will fall from his grace, through not truly upholding spiritual covenant with God:  he’s saying— he will deliver his people who are sin laden— and raise them up, or resurrect them, internally (in the house of faith— Israel, Abraham— the people of faith).

And he said— Even you, Mary— will be pricked in your heart/soul— for all he shall show you of the truth (conviction);  for he will reveal what is truly in the hearts of men.

He comes to do this even now;  to those who will walk with him willingly in righteousness— they are being reformed by his righteousness— that he may manifest and fill them, and they in this— will walk in his righteousness, as it’s erected within them;  but— to those who will not walk authentically upholding him and his righteousness— he will lay bare for all to see, the separated sheep from the goats:  those who are authentic, and those who are not— and are hypocritical, who bless him with lip service— but not with souls/hearts.

And this— will be a sign that is spoken against;  this means— he will resurrect many who have fallen (sin nature), and humanity that follows the carnal ways, will speak ill against all he is doing (and all we will do, as we follow in his ways, and his Spirit manifests through all of us— to do the same), as we, with him, witness the truth to humanity— as we carry the testimony unto the unsaved, and herald it abroad (and Him).


[When Jesus went missing from the caravan his parents were traveling in.] 


“And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors— both hearing them, and asking them questions.

And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.

And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto him— Son, why have you thus dealt with us? Behold— your father and I have sought you, sorrowing.  And he said unto them— How is it that you sought me (in this way)?  Did you not know that I must be about my Father's business?

And they understood not the saying which he spoke unto them.

And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth— and was subject unto them (honoring parents, authority understood, order and rank placed over our lives— understood and heeded, reverently by Christ): but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God, and man.”


The child of God following YahShua’s example (Jesus), the Son of man (who is to teach all sons of man, or children of God) —was found in the temple of his God, attending to the ones who were there in highest authority (Doctors/PHD’s of the Law), and unto his Father’s business in the earth:  this tells us, this IS THE FATHER’S BUSINESS IN THE EARTH;  to sit with his children in the temple, teaching them from the highest authority (the Spirit of God), and asking questions.

We are to be learning from the life of our Savior, big brother and God incarnate, Jesus/YahShua;  and in doing so— we are to have ‘spiritual’ eyes and ears to understand what the Spirit is saying;  and to do that— we must read these scriptures with the Spirit of God revealing his lessons to us.

In this lesson, he dropped pearls of revelation about how we are to be behaving in our temples, every day:  3 is the number that represents being complete;  we are to completely be given to the Father’s business within us— serving him— seeking the Highest authority, God holy— at all times.

Do we as well desire to have an increase in wisdom and stature, and favor with God, and man?  Because he just said how.  

Be about our righteous Father’s business in our lives and temples (souls/hearts), honor those he put in authority over you— learning how to submit to authority (he being the highest, but placed others in our lives to learn discipline and respect of authority), and serve both God and man reverently:  this will blanket you with the favor of God and man— as the Lord raises you up in the way to go— by his 7 spirits:  the spirit of the Lord (his presence), the spirit of wisdom, counsel, knowledge, understanding, might (power) and fear (reverence) of the Lord:  These are here to yoke with us, and mature us.

Hence, why our Lord increased and abounded in wisdom and stature.  Stature here means— maturity— in Strong’s G2244.


Luke 3:4-9

“As it is written in the book of the words of Esaias the prophet, saying— The voice of one crying in the wilderness— Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.  Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth;  And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.

Then he said to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him— O generation of vipers, who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come?  Bring forth, therefore, fruits worthy of repentance;  and begin not to say within yourselves— We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you— That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

And now also the ax is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.”


John was born into the time of the Lord, for the purpose of rolling out the red carpet (as an ambassador of the Lord), for the Lord himself— YahShua (Jesus) the Messiah;  and the way to prepare the people was to proclaim their unrighteousness, their wicked ways— and implore of them to repent— and be saved:  to see the sin and error, and desire to leave it behind (making their paths straight).

He said— God will level every haughty one (mountains [lofty places, highest] and hills shall be brought low), and every ROUGH way (sin/transgression— rough edges of human souls) —shall be made smooth (refined, polished by scrubbing of the Lord) —and in this— flesh (people) shall see the salvation of God in motion/manifestation.

Generation, here in Strong’s means— offspring produce;  and he’s saying— Oh you offspring product of vipers— and vipers ‘spit venom’ at their victims:  so he is showing they are the product of satan, who is the snake— and what they speak forth from the depths of their souls— is from the father of them, satan.

And he says— Who has warned you of the wrath to come— and is implying, they will receive it, for whom they truly serve.  They, the hypocritical— who are called by his name, the Lukewarm— will suffer the same as the Pharisees of that day;  and so— WHO IS WARNING THEM OF OUR DAY?  Are you?  

Where are the John the Baptists today?

He tells them the way— just as we should be— Bring forth fruits of repentance;  this means— walk as a Newly Created man in Christ Jesus, or in this instance in scripture— by the Lead of the Spirit of God, not satan (self righteousness):  and in this you will produce the fruits of the Holy Spirit, which is righteous fruits— his fruits— as you will then hail from the Tree of God.

And he says— Don’t even begin to tell me— Well we are of Abraham, our father;  because they are meaning— genealogy in natural carnal terms, and John is saying— Abraham is the father of FAITH— and his faith/trust and covenant was in and with the Lord holy— yours is NOT, you follow satan.  And the Lord is able THROUGH REFINEMENT— to raise up even the stoniest of souls (like yours) —and make children of TRUE FAITH.

I’m not sure they understood what he was saying— that their hearts were dead/stony, and they needed to be raised from the dead (spiritually speaking);  but they only saw outward works— and yet— God was looking in on the heart, and it’s motives, and who was leading it, and how dark it was of light.

And as a last, and bold example, John leaves them with this:  And now also the ax is laid unto the root of the trees;  this means that every tree or planting (soul) that is not of the Lord, producing his fruits (as proof of which tree they hail from) —will be cut down, and cast away from him.  

And he continues to further explain— once that tree or (soul) is cast down and away… every tree therefore which brings not forth good fruit— is (not only) hewn down, but cast into the fire:  this is the eternal destination of the souls of men who end up in the lake of fire— for they denied Christ and his salvation (rejected and did not truly receive the Lord God and his salvation);  for they desired not to serve righteousness, nor the headship of.



John answered, saying unto them all— I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I comes, whose latchet of his shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost— and with fire:  Whose fan is in his hand— and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff —he will burn with fire unquenchable.”


In the Strong’s, baptism gives the word, Ablution, which means— to wash one's body as a religious cleansing;  he will immerse us in a washing/cleansing, in a religious way— spiritually/symbolically— this is the cleansing of the word in sanctifying our souls;  he will put us through a process of reformation (spiritually cleansing us) —by the truth (the word and his ways) getting into our souls, and reforming us back into HIS image/shape of conduct and person, again.

And this is done by FIRE, by the baptism of fire upon our lives:  he is the holy consuming fire— and he will consume (burn up) everything not like him in our lives;  and he says— his fan is in his hand. 

This fan is a separation tool in harvesting, it is called a winnowing fork— and that is defined as— a tool similar to a pitchfork that would be used to lift harvested wheat up into the air —into the wind;  and the wind would then blow away the lighter chaff— allowing the edible grains to fall to the threshing floor, a large flat surface.

He is saying— that in this process of refinement and sanctification— every man who is his, will have his chaff burned away in his fires;  it will be removed from the profitable grain (us) —and only what is good (godly) will be left.

In the definition of good, at the root of it— it means that which is righteous, or pure, or with dignity, upstanding, ethical, truthful, incorruptible (blameless), worthy, of merit and justice:  essentially— godly.

He will gather the wheat into his garner— his storehouse (heaven’s domain), repository— which at its root means, Placed Back;  and the chaff— debris that is worthless— he will burn (consume wholly, Strong’s states) with fire unquenchable;  and unquenchable means— unable to be extinguished, perpetual (unending).

That is what will take place in the sanctification process of every man who comes to him— the chaff will be taken away through fiery refinement, and the precious and profitable fruit (the grain of wheat) will be saved, and taken to his storehouse or domain.

BUT— it is also a picture of goats and sheep;  it is a picture of what will happen when God sorts the wheat and tares, first— before refining even the wheat;  it is a picture of what he said— he will destroy the tares (goats, impostors, hypocritical lukewarm, insincere toward him in their souls/hearts— live wickedly and do not turn to him) —they will burn with everlasting fire unquenchable, in the Lake of fire;  but the wheat— come home to him, through the fire— through the sanctification process, of YOKING TO— the all consuming fire, and having all that is not of God— burned off.

Who is warning this generation of both the separation process of wheat and tares— and also— the process of sanctification, where our Lord will separate the dross from us (the chaff, unprofitable, waste debris) —through fiery trials of refinement— to save the pure soul (wheat that falls to the ground)?


Luke 4:16-27

“And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up (Jesus): and, as his custom was— he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up to read.

And there was delivered to him the book of the prophet Isaiah.  And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written— The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised— To preach the acceptable [approved and favorable] year of the Lord.

And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister— and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.

And he began to say unto them— This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.

And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said— Is not this Joseph's son?

And he said unto them— You will surely say to me this proverb— Physician, heal thyself: whatever we have heard done in Capernaum— do also here in your country.

And he said— Verily I say unto you— No prophet is accepted in his own country.

But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elijah— when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land;  But unto none of them was Elijah sent— save (except) unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon— to a woman that was a widow.

And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet; and none of them was cleansed— saving (except) Naaman— the Syrian.”


He came to his hometown, and his pattern (custom) was that he went into the church (synagogue) on every sabbath day there— and stood up to read.  And as he was given the book of Isaiah that day— and so he reads the LORD GOD IS UPON HIM— and all that the Lord God has anointed him to take care of.

This sets in motion within the people’s hearts— Isn’t this Joseph’s kid, they say;  and they begin to murmur thoughts within themselves— words and thoughts our Lord picks up on, and reveals taking place in their hearts, as if they said them aloud.

Their thoughts and words were— Hey, prophet of the Lord, who God has anointed to do all these things— you yourself, do this healing here— in your hometown, like you have claimed, and we have heard of in Capernaum.

And he says to them— Verily I say to you, no prophet is accepted (received as one in heart and reverence) in his own country;  because they only see him as they said— Joseph’s kid. 

So then he goes on to make his point, as to why they will not see much done of him in his hometown— where they are unbelievers of who he really is.

It is because, he says— like in the days of Elijah, when there was great famine and dearth in the earth (shortages) —where THE HEAVENS WERE SHUT UP, this means— NO PROVISION ALLOTED in the land;  this is the same here for them— they are SHUT UP TO BELIEVING IN HIM— so, THE HEAVENS ARE SHUT TO THEM RECEIVING MIRACLES OF HIM.

And like in the those days with Elijah— HE WAS NOT SENT TO THEM, but only to save one women, out of ALL OF THOSE in Elijah’s day— a widow woman;  like this— YahShua (Jesus) was only able to heal ‘a few’ in his hometown, because there was a GREAT FAMINE TOO‘of belief’ in him:  and so he only came for a few who had respect for him, as a prophet there, as well— in his hometown.

And he also says— As like there were many lepers (those NEEDING HEALING) in Israel in the time of Elisha— but none of them were cleansed (did not receive, as heaven was closed to them, as they were closed to heaven/God) —except one— Naaman, the Syrian:  his point— YOU MUST BELIEVE, TO RECEIVE FROM HEAVEN— or it is CLOSED TO YOU TOO.

And they believed him not, that he was the anointed prophet of the Lord— like in the book of Isaiah— that he read, and said was fulfilled to them today (meaning— it is he, here— who is before you— anointed of the Lord to do these things, setting captives free and healing souls);  and so— they DID NOT RECEIVE FROM HEAVEN, it was shut to them.

We must truly believe he is who he says he is.


Luke 6:1-5

“And it came to pass on the second sabbath [repose from secular avocation, which means— a pause and state of rest from avocation, which means— a minor occupation, a person’s regular work or jobs] —after the first, that he went through the corn fields; and his disciples— plucked the ears of corn, and did eat— rubbing them in their hands.

And certain of the Pharisees said unto them— Why do you do that which is not lawful to do, on the sabbath days?

And Jesus answering them said— Have you not read so much as this, what David did, when himself was an hungred, and they who were with him;  How he went into the house of God— and took and ate of the shewbread— and gave also to them who were with him;  which it is not lawful to eat, but for the priests alone?

And he said unto them— That the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.”


Isn’t it like satan to accuse— as the Pharisees here demonstrate again, and who sought to find fault with him, by stalking him about in observations, scrutinizing his ways;  but likewise— here the Lord lays the truth of his person (God’s person) out to them;  for it is LOVE and PROVISION— the Lord works from, even as the Son of man.

They are on a time of rest, from regular work occupations— and the Pharisees do not see that part of rest— is recuperation, and restorations— involves sustenance and provision;  so the Lord begins to detail out how David was in need of the same, back in his time— and yet they do not fuss over David’s story of taking from the shewbread (which was only for the priests in that day, not Kings and Prophets), but the Lord— was not wroth with David;  for Jesus states here— the Son(s) of man, are LORDS OVER THE SABBATH— not the sabbath, lord over them.

The sabbath, the time of rest and recuperation, and focus and reverence upon God— was so that God could recover his people as they came to him to do so, making it a holy and set apart day— to unite with God, and rest and recuperate:  how the Pharisees could not see the spiritual implications of why the sabbath existed to begin with— or that it meant, God desired to recuperate and restore them, as they reverence him.

Do we get on people about what the sabbath is?  Do we harp about which day, or what we are or are not supposed to be doing, what is lawful and what is not?  When our Lord clearly stated that the son of man is to be the Lord of the sabbath, not the sabbath— lord of the man:  they WERE honoring God, right then and there, and they were resting from their minor work occupations, and they were RECUPERATING and being RESTORED.

It is the same with saving an animal from a well— if God seeking to recuperate and restore on the sabbath— that is exactly what saving a soul in peril is (animal or person);  that is what healing on the sabbath is as well— rescuing/saving a soul in peril;  it is RECUPERATING THEM and RESTORING THEM— so they can rest in him.

And yet the Pharisees could not see this— and only desired to pin an offense to him;  and in doing so— MISSED THE WHOLE SPIRITUAL POINT OF SABBATH, altogether.

Do we do that toward our brethren?

Jesus went against the norm— but WITH and IN ACCORD WITH THE SABBATH, but the lukewarm cannot see this.  He followed the rules of the sabbath in spiritual terms:  seek and save that which is in need of recuperation and restoration.  It came in the form of food, for some, healing for others, casting out of demons in many— and yet the Pharisees saw not that he was FULFILLING THE SABBATH— and bringing ‘rest’ to the people.

Are we seeing the sabbath in carnal terms, seeking to pin an offense to someone— or are we seeing in the Spirit— and seeking to RECUPERATE them, and RESTORE them with the Spirit of God, too?

I have said that— EVERYDAY— should be spiritual sabbath with the Lord, where we seek to save that which is lost with him;  I have said (as the Lord has taught me, that) —we should be walking in RECUPERATING a brother, and helping TO RESTORE a brother, EVERYDAY:  and thus— fulfill the sabbath too, where all carnal endeavors or works— CEASE— and we work only that of the Spirit, and to recuperate and restore that which is in peril— in need of saving.



“And it came to pass also on another sabbath, that he entered into the synagogue and taught: and there was a man whose right hand was withered.

And the scribes and Pharisees watched him, whether he would heal on the sabbath day; that they might find an accusation against him.  But he knew their thoughts, and said to the man who had the withered hand— Rise up, and stand forth in the midst. And he arose and stood forth.

Then said Jesus unto them— I will ask you one thing; Is it lawful on the sabbath days to do good, or to do evil— to save life, or to destroy it?

And looking roundabout upon them all, he said unto the man— Stretch forth your hand. And he did so: and his hand was restored whole— as the other.”


That’s the point of the Lord— good, or as defined above— that which is righteous, pure, with dignity, upstanding, ethical, truthful, incorruptible (blameless), worthy, of merit and justice:  essentially— godly.

Is it better to PERFORM THAT— or evil on the sabbath?  And what is evil again?

Evil, here in Strong’s states— a bad doer, injurious or sinning (transgressing God and his way).  

So, he is saying— is it better to go OPPOSITE OF GOD’S WAY (transgress/sin), be INJURIOUS, which means— harmful, or of detriment in effect, and detriment means— cause harm or damage— being a bad doer… on the sabbath?  OR— is it better to DO GOD’S WAY or SUCH AS HIS GOOD WILL and PLEASURE— on the sabbath— for the Lord God is healer and deliverer?

Do we see the spiritual implications here of what God’s idea of ‘rest,’ and the sabbath is?  It is to RECUPERATE (save) and RESTORE (which is save too);  and he does that— by walking out the person of God, the heart of God, the law of God— which is to seek and to save that which is lost, in detriment, destroyed or in peril.

And yet the Pharisees (lukewarm hypocritical, staunch in rules and regs) could not SPIRITUALLY SEE what the sabbath was;  they only saw infractions of rules— not the RULE OF THE HIGH ONE BEING DISPLAYED OF HIS CHARACTER AND PERSON to allTO BEHOLD HIS BEAUTY:  the savior of his people, TO BRING THEM INTO ‘rest’ which is sabbath.


[Before this Jesus was stating ‘blessed are these,’ and ‘woe to these.’]


“But I say unto you who hear— Love your enemies, do good to them who hate you— Bless them who curse you, and pray for them who despitefully use you.

And unto him who smites you on the one cheek— offer also the other; and to him who takes away your cloak —do not forbid him to take your coat also.

Give to every man that asks of you; and of him who takes away your goods (steals from you) ask them (those things they stole from you) not (for them) again (to be reinstated to you, or— given back to you).

And as you would (desire) that men should do to you— you do also to them, likewise.

For if you love them who love you— what thank [acceptable graciousness] do you have? For sinners also love those —who love them.

And if you do good to those which do good to you— what thank [or what graciousness] have you (displayed)?  For sinners also do the same.

And if you lend to them of whom you hope to receive (back from), what thank [or what graciousness] have you (displayed)?  For sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.

But love your enemies, and do good, and lend— hoping for nothing again (to be returned to you); and your reward shall be great— and you shall be the children of the Highest: for HE— is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.

YOU— be therefore merciful— as your Father also is merciful.

Judge not [or, do not distinguish and decide mentally or judicially, do not try and condemn in punishment, any one] —and you shall not be judged [or distinguished and decided with a judgment against you]: condemn not— and you shall not be condemned (that means— free the of man of his trespass, and your trepasses will be forgiven you): forgive— and you shall be forgiven:  Give— and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over— shall men give into your bosom.  For with the same measure that you measure out— it shall be measured to you again.”


He begins with ‘blessed are these,’ or— ‘woe to these’ —based upon which camp one falls into;  and each camp one finds themselves in, is by which god (God) is upheld within them, in our actions and deeds.

He starts with— Love your enemies, do good to them who hate you— Bless them who curse you, and pray for them who despitefully use you;  this is his whole point in all descriptions that follow:  that those who will defraud you or betray you in any way— are your enemies.

BUT— we of the house of God are MERCIFUL TO ALL MEN, as an example of the MERCY and GRACIOUSNESS OF GOD:  because we desire that none should perish, but that all WOULD COME TO GOD, and they need to see him action— to be pricked and convicted of his goodness, that causes them to repent:  and in this— some will be pulled from the fire, if we do not care more about:  goods, money, material items, defrauding itself (as if we are more than sinners ourselves, and deserve anything in this life).

For WHAT KIND OF GRACIOUSNESS (grace of God) IS SHOWN— if we demand to be repaid by them, cannot be givers of things— or even let material temporal things go that are taken from us— that make our lives comfortable— to those who have need (or even think they have desperate need of these things, and take them without asking)?  

What grace have we shown to the sinner— of God’s character in us, HIS SPIRIT LEADING US— if we are selfish in wanting the ‘stuff,’ MORE THAN THE WITNESS OF CHRIST, being shown unto them?

He said— sinners (evil persons) require to be paid back, or not stolen from and defrauded— What mercy, forgiveness and grace of God are you showing— if you are like them, and DEMAND for restitution from them, or cannot let a material thing go?  What witness is that?

Instead— do not hope to receive anything back again from them— and your reward (from God) shall be great— and you shall be the children of the Highest: for HE— is kind to the unthankful, and the evil.  Are we??

YOU (he said) —be therefore merciful— as your Father also is merciful.

Do not distinguish, or decide in yourselves (like judges of matters, trying people in a courtroom) what is right in God’s eyes— he tells us what is— SUFFER LOSS FOR THE KINGDOM WITNESS, and DO IT GRACIOUSLYFORGIVING THE SINNER:  this is the way of God.

And in doing so— YOU will not be judged harshly by God, in the same manner;  he will see you graciously suffered loss and defrauding, injustice and malice— BUT— you did it with GRACE, the grace of God and his Spirit’s leading;  and in this you demonstrated FORGIVENESS (dismissal of charges against them, and you suffered loss because of it):  and because you demonstrated (manifested God in you and through you in this behavior, as witness of the Spirit of God in mercy and love extended) —what you measure out will be measured to you once again— by God and man (favor).

It will be pressed down (that’s packed, as full of blessing as possible) and running over (excess) —because you allowed yourself to suffer loss, and graciously with God’s Spirit;  for those men either ‘believed’ they NEEDED these things (because they don’t know God), or they REALLY DID need these things— and either way— we should be the merciful, the kind, the generous and gracious, forgiving and GIVING— children of God.

And MEN— he said, so you will have favor from humans in this earth— THEY too will give unto you— the full and overflowing measure;  and that— will be God sending it to you— THROUGH THEM, of himself:  for God sees all, and repays all— this is the law of sow and reap, of which his righteous (and equitable/fair) kingdom runs on;  if you dole it out— you receive it back to you.

So, if you dole out mercy and grace and material things— mercy, grace and material things come back to you (even if they were stolen from you, but you never sought restitution from that man, nor God— demanding of him):  God loves sacrifice, he loves mercy, he loves grace, generosity, forgiveness and kindnesses.

Do we prefer having God’s heart, will and witness— fulfilled— or our own, in restitutions?

Because if we truly will say— Well, they must have needed it, Lord;  and we had it to provide to them.  Then God will see you are demonstrating his Spirit and fruits— and sow and reap will take place— and that which you doled out, will come back to you— IN EXCESS.

For with the same measure that you measure out— it shall be measured to you again.



“The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect [completed, thoroughly repaired and adjusted, restored] shall be as —his master [instructor, doctor, master teacher].”


If our Lord was defrauded, stolen from by satan— taking his children and defrauding them of their inheritance (God and relationship with him), and his inheritance (them);  then the spirit of error will also defraud us in this lifetime too, of what we possess, or have of inheritances;  and in this— we are sharing in our Master’s sufferings.

BUT ALSO— he states, that the truly converted inside, those truly restored, completed and repaired thoroughly, adjusted (refined/reconfigured back into his image) —will be operating like he does, for we— the students— are not above our Master instructor/doctorate teacher:  and as he walks in mercy toward the sinner (the one operating as satan now) —we too will walk in mercy toward the sinner, and GRACIOUSLY— like he does.

If not— we are not displaying his Spirit or person, and we are in need of repentance:  turning back to face him again, humbling ourselves, and turning away from those behaviors— and walking in his Spirit, displaying his fruit (or what he produces).

We are called to be as he is.



“And why do you call me, Lord, Lord [supreme authority controller] —and do not do the things which I say?

Whosoever comes to me, and hears my sayings— and DOES THEM— I will show you —to whom he is like:  He is like a man who built a house, and dug deep— and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house— it could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.

But he that hears, BUT DOES NOT (do them) —is like a man that without a foundation, who built a house upon the earth;  against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately —it fell; and the ruin of that house was great.”


We cannot call him ‘LORD’ —and not actually have him in that position— that is the Lukewarm, hypocritical church— who claims with their lips, but who does not walk it in their souls/hearts, in truth:  this is why many will say ‘Lord, Lord,’ in that day— and he will say, I do not know you— because he doesn’t.

A master instructor teacher— KNOWS his students who study under him (follow after him);  and those who were not in his classes (refinement, under obedience and instruction of his Spirit) —he does not know, it’s simply understood.

The Pharisees were in classes all the time— BUT NOT HIS and it showed;  they were instructed in the scripture— by ‘another’ spirit:  and our Lord has warned us of the doctrine (teachings of the way we are to be instructed of the scripture) of demons, who by the precepts of men (general rules that regulate people’s thoughts) —are leading people into the religion of devils, who twist (or pervert) the Truth and the Way (the Word of God).

We must be a house of God, a building of the Lord whose foundation is SURE— built on Christ;  which means we follow his precepts and the law of his Person, and he rules our vessels— and we DO WHAT HE SAID WE ARE TO DO:  we behave as we were INSTRUCTED, by the Master/Doctorate Teacher/Rabbi, himself:  we are led of the Spirit of God, and fall in line with his conduct and image within ourselves:  we are TRUE and PURE toward him, righteousness, and the truth;  and it is erected inside of us, rooted and grounded.

But, to those who hear the truth (scripture) spoken or read— BUT DOES NOT DO THEM (be a doer, not just a hearer of the word, scripture says) —then he is like a man who does not have a foundation (that’s nothing stands) —who built a house upon the earth (or in the earth realm) —where, when the stream (or floods came), they beat vehemently against that house (building on the surface, superficial, vain, empty of righteousness erected), and immediately —it fell;  and the ruin of that house was great.

This is not only the individual soulbut if his house is corrupted by these— his house is divided, and so it will fall— for it is has an unstable, or NO foundation— at all:  so— he’s coming to cleanse his house, and cut of the unprofitable branch— so that the branches that took to being grafted into righteousness— will be nourished, and receive that which the unprofitable branch is stealing of sustenance— toward the fruit producing branch of the Lord.

Recompense is coming— walk in the Spirit, and obey the Word of God— be as he is, and your house will stand— if you walk in the truth, and your foundation is founded upon it (the Rock).


[The centurion soldier with great faith.]

Luke 7:7-10

"Wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto you: but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed.

For I also am a man set under authority, having under me soldiers— and I say unto one, Go— and he goes; and to another— Come, and he comes; and to my servant— Do this, and he does it.

When Jesus heard these things, he marveled at him, and turned him about, and said unto the people that followed him— I say unto you, I have not found so great faith— no— not in Israel.

And they that were sent, returning to the house, found the servant whole that had been sick.”


The centurion soldier knew he was a sinner, who walked not according to the ways of righteousness (as he said, I also, have thought myself to not be worthy, to have you come to my house);  BUT— this soldier knew REVERENCE.  He knew that subordinates under an authority figure, if REVERENT— will heed the directions of the authority figure— and DO what was commanded of them:  and so, he said, essentially— I can see you are a man whose kingdom obeys your every command (the spirit realm), and I TRUST— that if ‘you’ say such and such will be done— and I am not there to see it— I TRUST— it will be done as you say.

The Lord literally was SO IMPRESSED by his kind of faith— that he turned him around, to exemplify him to all that were there:  this should always be noted, that if Christ praises a man— and makes him an example— we should seriously take note (which means, see how this story should apply to our very lives, as well).

In the verses just before this— our very Lord said— ‘Why do you call me Lord, and do not the things I tell you?’

Ouch— here, this Gentile speaks of such great REVERENCE that the angelic, and the spirit realm have for our Lord and God— BUT HIS PEOPLE— are an irreverent bunch, who do not do— that which he commands:  we ought to hear that truth right now.

His people are a people of AUDACITY against his command, but the spirits without human bodies— are REVERENT to the King of kings, and Lord of lords:  why are we not, but instead are AUDACIOUS AGAINST HIS AUTHORITY?

Audacity—  bold, arrogance— with disregard for normal restraints, with shameless bold confidence in SELF.

Great FAITH— is born of REVERENCE, and reverence is born of KNOWING our God’s AUTHORITY over all beings;  so why are we IRREVERENT— in disbelieve and rebellion?

Why do we disbelieve he is who he says he is, in ways that we DOUBT he will come through for us, in this way or that?  Why do we doubt his AUTHORITY in the spirit realm— where ALL SPIRITS are subject to him?  So what do we have to fear?  

And why do we rebel against his ways— and do things in our lives that are not becoming of the Lord himself, in our behaviors, what we heed and obey?  Why do we dishonor him— and tell him no— while we continue in misdeeds, that he does not conduct himself in?  Why do we still operate as our own god, who makes his own decisions— and does not heed the Word of God?

Why do we not do what he tells us to do, but call him Lord, Lord?  There are a certain people whom he will not receive in the end, who do this:  is he your LORD— the master of you, the supreme one in command?

Because this Gentile (from another tribe and nation, not God’s) SAW the authority he carries in him— and REVERENCED HIM;  and his very own people, do not.

We wonder about those in GREAT FAITH.  

Well— those in great faith, are in GREAT REVERENCE to who he is, they give him his rightful position of AUTHORITY in their lives;  they ask, seek, and DO the will of the High One:  and in this— they KNOW HIM, and are KNOWN OF HIM, and they are the children of the Lord who DO HIS WILL.  

They are those who have TRUE REVERENCE for the High King and Priest;  they know holiness— and become it;  they know his authority— and fall under it/him:  they do not rebel him or CHALLENGE HIS AUTHORITY.

He said…


Word from the Lord


“Right there, Janet;  it is a challenge to my authority— when one tells me no, by their actions of not doing what I ask of them— either in my word written, or in my word to them directly in spoken Spirit conversations.  When they challenge me— it is like a duel inside that man— his authority or mine;  which is the REVERENCED authority within, truthfully?  Which is the lord— truly?  Which is the one listened to and heeded, truly?

Each man should weigh this, within— and examine himself in his heart.

Do you know why you do what you do?  And do you know who is boss inside of you— because who is boss in your decision making— is the leading authority in you.  If it is you— I am not your Lord, you are.

And in this— we have the problem within the church, dear. 

We have authority figures— and I am not it— they are;  we have kingdoms erected— but it is not mine;  it is the fallen kingdom that erected itself in the garden— when man stood up to me, and it is as alive as it ever has been.

A reverent church body I desire;  and a reverent church body— I require.

My ranks fall in line;  my spiritual bodies are subordinate;  does my church even understand subordination?  

Because my truly set apart ones do;  they are casting down crowns to me— they are handing over authority, and casting out satanic operations in their lives;  sins are being laid down, and they are walking in cleansed souls of obedience before me.

Those who will not— will miss the first fruits wave of resurrection;  this is the first resurrection— those raised from the dead— the wise virgins, whom I will come in unto— for they have truly laid their lives down;  they understand my AUTHORITY, and they REVERENCE IT/me.

The others are still allowing themselves to decide what they will do, and with justifications— sins are still gripping them, and they are gripping them back:  with the pride of life, being born of the lusts (of eyes and flesh) —being the primary one:  they are their own gods still, and will not stop sinning (this in inquity);  sinning is transgressing me, my person and conduct, and the path of righteousness that I have laid for everyone to walk upon, and walk out.

Wise virgins were not only having intimacy with me, children— THEY WERE REVERENT TO ME;  they DID WHAT I COMMANDED or asked of them to do:  they were respectful to me, not rebellious to me, DOING WHAT THEY WANTED TO DO, as the unwise virgins— who delayed obedience to me, and missed out when I came;  and they were locked out of the Bridegroom coming out of his chamber— and in— unto his waiting Bride.

One was REVERENT and OBEDIENT— the others were not, and dallied around doing their own thing, and were not doing as they were bid to do:  this is happening now.

The first resurrection is at hand— I have raised up an obedient tip of the spearhead;  they will lead the others into the truth, explaining the way— as I myself manifest myself through them— and the others begin to REVERENTLY seek my face, and lay down their selfish ways, turning from them— and to me, seriously— for what is coming in now— will require FULL TRUST IN ME;  and full trust in me— is born of REVERENCING ME FOR WHO— I AM:  and I am the Lord of all lords, and the King of all kings— and the wise virgins ARE REVERENT, and know this.

They as well LOVE ALL;  they are speaking to the unwise virgins even now— not casting them away— but WARNING THEM, to shape up in obedience to the Lord, by PLACING HIM (me) IN MY RIGHTFUL PLACE WITHIN, and REVERENCING ME THERE;  which means— STOP DOING WHATEVER YOU DESIRE— and begin to DO THE WILL OF THE LORD in your lives:  for the will of the Lord is the only will there is, and my children obey me, and do it.

Those who will not— will be shut out;  I have not minced this in scripture, and have drawn a clear picture and parable to what is coming.  Others who were not getting clean, reverent, and obedient— will have time to do so, but in/with/and during great tribulation;  because it will take the tribulation for them them to gain the oil for their lamps— because they would not pay the cost for it, before the tribulation.

I have told you time and time again, Janet— there is cost to serve me in this realm;  and the cost is a laid down life, AUTHENTICALLY;  those who still ‘take up their lives,’ and walk in their own ways, that I do not walk in— will need refinement still, to become clean and wrinkle free in their RIGHTEOUS GARMENTS that I gave them, to prepare for a ‘wedding.’

Garments are filthy— and my truly resurrected ones (who have passed from death to life) will assist them in this, as I will close the door, lock myself in with them— and prepare them, equip them, and recommission them— to walk in them, with them, leading them— to do my works through them— to accomplish this:  to make a people prepared for the Lord.

Janet— the Bride— MADE HERSELF READY, I said:  they will be required to prepare themselves, just as the tip of the spear, the wise virgin first fruits have:  and the first fruits will lead them in the way— the old ancient paths of righteousness, righteous living, on them.

The FIRST RESURRECTION— leads you into eternal life, NOW— and the ‘second death,’ you will have no part in:  that is the eternal death state (perpetual).

Resurrection, in the Strong’s, Janet, in that verse in Revelation 20, verse 5— is defined as— A standing up again, from death to life, it’s a moral recovery of spiritual truth— raised to life again.  

Do my children dig enough to read the real meaning— or do they sit in a superficial, shallow end of the waters (Spirit’s) understanding of scripture?  Because, especially my own revelation, I speak in parables, and symbolic understanding in the book of Revelation— it is not to be taken in carnal literal terms, but with the eyes of the Spirit, for understanding.

With THIS UNDERSTANDING of ‘resurrection,’ can we understand why some are resurrected by my Spirit already— who stand raised up again, from death to life in Christ, obeying him, walking as he walks (a Son to example that way to all sons) —in their moral recovery of spiritual truth?

Moral means— proper principles and behavior (of my kingdom and person, righteousness walked in), holding or manifesting high principles of conduct (and high is not only a distance, but my ways are higher [ascended in holiness] than those of the carnally led man), and the root definition is— CUSTOMS;  what are the customs of MY KINGDOM, children?

Those resurrected, truly, spiritually— are the tip of the spear-head right now— those leading the way, because I am doing my works straight through them;  the LIFE, himself (me) HAS TAKEN OVER THEIR VESSEL, and they live not by bread alone (carnal ways of the temporal realm), but NOW— they live by every word that proceeds from my mouth (Luke 4:4).

I need many to come into the first resurrection— and they will— but the TIP of the spear-head, will come in NOW:  and they will lead the rest of the spear, through the strait, tight path of righteousness— with demonstrations of my Spirit upon them:  signs, miracles and wonders follow the tip of the spear-head.

For I am the Head (or Prince/Principal one), Janet— and the tip, are the sharpened ones;  they walk pointed toward the Lord in all ways, and are refined and sharp in their polished walk with me:  I am their first love, and they OBEY ME, and I am their AUTHORITY figure, in all their ways;  and if they see ways in which they are not like me in their inner conduct— it is ERADICATED, and they keep their garments without spot, and ironed out.

These— have resurrected spiritually first, and will PART THE WAY (as a tip does) —for the rest of the spear head to ‘come through,’ and pierce the darkness of this realm— with the Light of God (which is holiness).

I mince nothing, and I repay— EVERYTHING, Janet.

Those who paid the cost— relinquished all, shaped up, toned up (resolute, strong in righteousness, mine), became obedient to my command and will— will lead the way, for I have been ALLOWED to be the Most High One in them;  the others will now see the difference between vessel ‘A,’ and vessel ‘B,’ and will seek to do the work, pay the cost for the oil of their lamps too— and more laborers will be added to the harvest, to pull it in— who will be able to now pierce the darkness in this realm, because they will CEASE TO PLAY IN/WITH IT.

That is truly the issue at hand, dear;  the disobedient to righteous living, and being led of me in it— are PLAYING WITH SIN, and the DEVIL— and have strongholds upon them, that they are heeding— that will cause open doors;  and open doors to darkness, lets darkness in;  and where darkness has been welcomed in— one cannot defeat darkness, and cast it out abroad, in a great harvest— because one has not learned to overcome the darkness within THEMSELVES— first.

The ones who have coupled with me to overcome the sin (cease from sin) —are overcomers, who have defeated the devil— in a time period where the pressure on them, by the devil and his temptations— has been HEAVY;  this is why, as they have held up under the most SEVERE OF TEMPTATIONS, and have PREVAILED OVER THE DEVIL.

This is why they lead the tip of the spear-head;  because I am the tip of the Head, I am the MOST HIGH, of all holy beings— and I am High One in charge in their vessels— so I will walk them out, and defeat the armies of darkness once again— through these.

The others, to whom the door will shut— will have time to purchase their own oil, but it will be in harsh times, and it will cost the same as the others:  it will cost a laid down life, literally/spiritually, and it will cost them intimacy hours with me, and it will cost them OBEDIENCE and REVERENCE— as they become subordinates to me, who learn to walk in holiness— not sin and transgression of my ways.

Subordinate, Janet— means— someone who ‘works for someone else.’

When I truly have my people working for ME— and not their own lusts/desires and wills— I have a people of the Lord;  when they are working for me (washing my feet, and attending to my needs and desires, and not their own) —they are an obedient, clean, pure, holy, righteous people:  this I have need of.

Or why else do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ if not to be subordinate in obedience, and reverent to me, as your God— Coming full circle out of rebellion in the garden (your souls)?”

—The High King



“And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother.  And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying— That a great prophet is risen up among us; and— That, God has visited his people.  And this rumor of him went forth throughout all Judaea, and throughout all the region roundabout.”


It is true even now;  he is here and raising the dead everyday.  He is raising people from death to life— Can these dead men’s bones live?  YES— to whom will come under him, in obedience and reverence, upholding righteousness and the King of— becoming priests under him (as he is the High and holy one):  to those dead bones— HE BRINGS LIFE.

This is the first resurrection;  and we need more resurrected, and brought into the harvest:  what are men seeing of your sacrificial life laid down, that causes them to KNOW— you have been raised from the dead, and can bring that same Savior to them?

What are our lives (behaviors/conduct, and character) really exemplifying to the Lost?  Holiness, resurrection from sin and death— into life, righteousness, holiness and being set apart from the way the worldly people (and spirits) operate?

Or— do we blend in with the customs of this world in our behaviors and conduct, character and lack of righteous integrity?  And are we exemplifying that to the Lost world?  Because if we are —we are Lukewarm, and we will be spewed out in the end, for we did not reform, and reverence him, and make him Lord over us, and truly Save us (Savior) from the dead/death state ourselves— and our dead bones (structure within), is still walking in sin and death— and we are exemplifying that (manifesting that) to the world:  and the world— knows it’s own.

The pioneers/forerunners who are led of the Forerunner himself— will lead the others into this truth, so more will LIVE AGAIN, and be brought back to ‘Life;’  he’s a person, and he is to be reverenced and obeyed.

The first fruit duplicates of YahShua (Jesus), paid the cost— and they placed themselves last (to YahShua, and the rest of all the brethren), and they served the Lord and the brethren:  they suffered and were defrauded, but still served— and so— he will raise them up (exalt them) in due season (appropriate season) —to be the first (or the leadership);  for he himself leads the way, IN and THROUGH, them: the head of all principalities and powers;  they laid down their power to rule and decide matters— and came under (subordinate to) him.

They will lead the others in a laid down life— dying— to be raised again, morally/spiritually— to pass from death to life— as well:  and the world will KNOWGod has visited his people.



“And John calling unto him two of his disciples sent them to Jesus, saying— Are you he that should come— or should we look for another?

When the men came unto him, and said— John Baptist has sent us unto you, saying— Are you he that should come— or should we look for another?

And in that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits; and unto many that were blind he gave sight.

Then Jesus answering said unto them— Go your way, and tell John what things you have seen and heard; how the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and to the poor— the gospel is preached.

And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended [scandalize, entrap and trip up— stumbling— and be enticed to the sin of apostasy] in me.

And when the messengers of John departed, he began to speak unto the people concerning John— What did you go out into the wilderness to see— A reed shaken with the wind?

What did you go out to see— A man clothed in soft raiment? 

Behold, they which are gorgeously apparelled, and live delicately, are in kings' courts.

What did you go out to see— A prophet? Yea, I say unto you, and much more than a prophet.

This is he, of whom it is written— Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who shall prepare your way before you.  For I say unto you— Among those that are born of women— there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist: but he that is least— in the kingdom of God— is greater than he.”


Okay— there is so much here in these verses, that I am not sure everyone understands. First, we see John’s faith wavering;  I would venture to say, many of us have been in that place— ‘Are you he that should come— or should we look for another?’

John is in prison, probably wondering why Jesus is leaving him there to suffer— if he has been paving the way for Jesus all along (the Messiah), and serving him diligently and authentically, boldly even;  and in the weakness of his soul sufferings— sends word to Jesus, implying— dissatisfaction in his circumstances— by his DOUBT surfacing (he’s judging in his soul what the Lord should be doing concerning him there, as unbelief and doubt starts to creep in) —and he essentially is telling those who follow him— he is unsure about the moves of Jesus right now, as to whether he is truly the Messiah, sent from the Father, who leads the charge of heaven in the earth— unto men.

And Jesus sits on that word for a while— and continues to minister to the captives (those bound and destitute, EXEMPLIFYING he is the Messiah).

Demonstrating how the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and to the poor [destitute]— the gospel is preached.  And as he does this— his RECORD/WITNESS of ‘who he is,’ should speak for itself:  the Spirit speaking for himself, THROUGH the works;  because the works that bring one from a death state (bondage to sin and death) —is only demonstrated by the Father of Lights, where all true and good things come from:  resurrection.

So, he sends the messengers away, to return to John, and speak forth all they witnessed of the Father doing his works through the Son.  And then he began to speak to those who were still there, about John.

He said— What did you expect to see in the wilderness (where John preached, the place of the destitute people in need of a savior, the place of temptations)?  Did you expect to see a man weak and fearful (shaken like a reed)?  Did you expect to see someone dressed to the hilt, polished and refined in culture (a man clothed in soft raiment)?  Did you go to see a prophet of the Lord?

Because, Yes— he is, but he is MUCH MORE than that;  he meant— he is one who walks in righteousness, exalts the God of heaven and suffers in doing so— he is true spiritual family, and laid his life down (all, even being imprisoned) for the Lord.

He said— behold, yes— I sent my messenger before your face, who shall prepare your way before you.  

This means— he will show you the paths of righteous living— as he exemplifies them to you, and as he is the TIP OF THE SPEAR-HEAD, as my forerunners are, even now.  He has paved the fallow ground, the ancient paths— for those who will ‘follow’ by his lead (as I am leading him myself by my Spirit).

And he said— I say unto you— Among those that are born of women— there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist.

BUT— he that is least in the kingdom of Godis greater than he.

That, above statement— Christ is saying…

‘I am the least in the Kingdom of God;  I laid my spotless life down for all, I have served all the sinners (the lowliest of all beings), and I have offered my love and life laid down for them all— even when they did not deserve so;  therefore— I am the least (or one who served the most, and laid the MOST DOWN— to do so, his spotless record of righteous holiness) —and so, as great as John is among women (humans) —Christ is higher, and I am head.’

Many people are still self-centered inside (prideful) when we make everything about us;  there is still a stance all around of how man will be in dominion here and working the Kingdom of God— and it’s ‘man-centered,’ and not GOD-CENTERED speech:  that garden fall was that way.

The spear-head (those who have him as head for real) will remind all that the KING REIGNS MOST HIGH, even in them— and it is THE FATHER WHO DOES THE WORKS THROUGH THE SON, in the earth;  and all sons— are in the Son— and it is the Son and the Father who will do all supernatural feats ‘through’ all surrendered sons:  the honor is still the Lord’s, not ours.

Satan fell from beholding the glory that he thought was his— but God made him, and the glory ON HIS LIFE— was that of the Most High.

God’s REVERENT children claim no glory or honor— and give it unto him;  they know he is the LEAST (satan, and it’s a title to any it applies to— does not want to be least and humble, subservient);  God— IS THE HEADSHIP, not created beings:  and the reverent created beings will, as like the Son— only do— that which the Father shows them to do:  this is SUBORDINATE AUTHORITY REVERENCED.

The spear-head, forerunners— led of the forerunner himself— YahShua Ha Mashiach, Jesus the Christ, and head of the Priesthood— are one with the Spirit, bowing to him and his will in the earth:  they ask, they heed and obey; they do not seek their own.

They do not even WONDER (as the disciples— who is the greatest among us, and clearly— Jesus said John, and the way he lived)...

These humble ones do not wonder if they are a leader, the tip of the spear or any other title of honor— they ONLY SEEK TO DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER, and to be INTIMATE WITH HIM, and REVERENT TO HIM, in OBEDIENCE TO THE SPIRIT.

And so— whomever he walks out as a first fruit— will be a duplicate of the Lord YahShua himself.

They will be those who completely laid down their lives, and serve all— GOING LAST— in being exalted, because they are too are busy being BENT OVER (bowing) to the Holy One, and doing his will— than to be standing up to him as an equal;  Christ thought it nothing to be grasped (that’s cling for) —to be equal with God, because he wasn’t seeking to be— he was seeking to be SUBORDINATE to God; and in that— God RAISED HIM UP in due season.

The humble servants of the Lord (the priests in his order) have been stripped— as YahShua was with his Cross, as well;  they have been oppressed/depressed/pushed down, persecuted, rejected, mocked, scourged, defrauded (stolen from), and yet— STILL SERVE THE KING OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, and walk in GRACE, FORGIVENESS, KINDNESS, MERCY and LOVE— laying their lives down (do not seek justice), for they, like their Leader/the Lord— desire more than justice— they desire MERCY, that none should perish, but that ALL WOULD REPENT (and that comes by the goodness of God being expressed to them) —and be saved.

The tip of the spear-head are the people who walk as duplicates of YahShua’s walk:  they die (in all ways stripped and seemingly demoted) in this life— just to lift up the others, and do the will of the Father to save a lost generation.

He is the Headship, where all was placed in his hands of authority— because he proved himself to be the rightful one of that position— for he obeyed the Lord God, the Father, and did his will in the earth;  the first fruits (the duplicate disciplined one’s that YahShua has been able to raise up from death to life) —are those who do the same in this earth:  they have died to everything and everyone else— and serve only righteousness and the King of.

Because they have gone the LOWEST, like Jesus— they will be raised up (exalted) and placed into their leadership roles (because it’s actually Jesus in them who is leading) to lead the house of God, with God, by God— because there is TRULY, only ONE LEADER… and that is God, the Son (right now, with all in his hand);  and those who have him at the helm in them— have GOD REIGNING, and so…

If he is reigning in them— he has been placed as the most high Potentate, and as such— when he places them in their leadership positionsHE WILL BE PLACED IN THOSE LEADERSHIP POSITIONS, multiplied throughout the earth— because those people died to their own leadership— and his Spirit reigns in them:  this is CHRIST MULTIPLIED.

One King, One Lord, One Spirit and One God— of all:  this is the kingdom.

He will throw down any king not walking this way— and he will raise up kings who exalt the King himself;  and we will see it all, in this realm, and soon.



“And the Lord said— Whereunto then shall I liken the men of this generation? And what are they like?

They are like unto children sitting in the marketplace, and calling one to another, and saying— We have piped unto you, and you have not danced; we have mourned to you, and you have not wept.

For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine; and you say— He has a devil.

The Son of man comes eating and drinking— and you say— Behold, a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners!

But wisdom— is justified of all her children.”


This generation is a hypocritical, double-minded generation of spiritual adultery;  they are like selfish spoiled children who want everyone to perform for them, do as they desire:  they play music— they want us to dance (perform for them), they cry— they want us to (perform tears) also: they want to be gods of control and manipulation, led of lusts of the flesh, and the pride of life.

The Lord says here— and they cannot be pleased, no matter what you do (the prideful/selfish, who rule their own thoughts and ways);  you can do one thing one day, and another the next— and they will find fault in it all:  because it’s not about what you do— it’s about— if you please them, and do as they would have you to do— being ‘gods’ themselves.

This is this generation, seekers of pleasure more than God, and lovers of self— not God.

But wisdom— is justified of all her children.

This means— the children of the Lord— understand the things which are spoken by the Spirit, and their behaviors will justify which are his, and which truly are not:  the children of the wisdom of the Lord— will justify the wisdom of the Lord, heeding it— as they obey him, and his ways:  they will prove the wisdom of the Lord, as they live it, incarnate:  integrity of character, with spiritual eyes that see and hear what the Lord is saying and showing.


Luke 7:37-50

“And, behold, a woman in the city, who was a sinner— when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster box of ointment— And stood at his feet, behind him, weeping— and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head— and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.

Now when the Pharisee who had bidden him, saw it— he spoke within himself, saying— This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and what manner of woman this is that touches him: for she is a sinner.

And Jesus answering said unto him— Simon, I have somewhat to say unto you. And he said— Master, say on.

There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty.

And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most?

Simon answered and said— I suppose, the one to whom he forgave most. And he said unto him— You have rightly judged.

And he turned to the woman, and said unto Simon— Do you see this woman? I entered into your house, and you gave me no water for my feet: but she has washed my feet with tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her head.

You gave me no kiss: but this woman— since the time I came in— has not ceased to kiss my feet.

My head with oil you did not anoint: but this woman has anointed my feet with ointment.

Wherefore I say unto you— Her sins, which are many— are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven— the same loves little.

And he said unto her— Your sins are forgiven.

And they that sat at meat with him began to say within themselves— Who is this who forgives sins also?

And he said to the woman— Your faith has saved you— go in peace.”


Again— there are so many spiritual lessons to learn of our Savior and God right here;  first he begins explaining that he is at a Pharisee’s house, and a sinful woman comes to him;  and she brings with her, a very expensive box of perfumed oils, and stands at his feet (before his presence), but BEHIND HIM (reverent position, behind him in subordination/reverence) —and begins to wash his feet with tears, and wipe them clean with her hair (ALL SHE HAS— that’s loving God with a WHOLE SOUL/heart, with all she has) —and kisses his feet (act of reverence), and anointed him with the ointment [perfumed oils].

This is referencing what we are to be doing to/with/unto him as well— loving him in our souls with everything we’ve got— because we know we are filthy sinners who have transgressed him— and we forget this NOT (always in remembrance of our history and ways);  she gives him everything she’s got:  first, she is ‘behind him,’ that’s a supportive position of subordination (spiritually speaking), and she brings with her the most expensive/valuable things she has— and I am not speaking of the box or oils— I am speaking of her LOVE FOR HIM, and REVERENCE TO HIM:  she KNOWS WHO SHE IS (a sinner who has transgressed him), and yet— she gives everything she has, to FILL THE NEEDS OF THE SAVIOR (where the Pharisee did not, as we will see).

Being religious— does not honor the Lord, having a position in church does not honor the Lord— genuine heart/soul stance toward him in REVERENCE— does.  And this woman with no title, no stature, no honored position (a sinner) —gave him something MORE PRECIOUS than the high standing Pharisee and knower of the Law gave him:  REVERENCE, and EVERYTHING SHE HAD TO WASH HIM (care for him), and ANOINT HIM (for this is an act of reverence):  she gave him— HER SOUL/HEART, ‘truthfully,’ in spiritual life of moral conviction— LIVED OUT and DEMONSTRATED TO JESUS— the Pharisee did nothing of the sort.

The people of a spirit of religion live hypocritically in this way, as well— and it is why the Lukewarm will be vomited out of the house of God— in the end;  no matter if they called him Lord, Lord or not;  for it is only for those who MAKE HIM LORD, for ‘real,’ who actually HAVE HIM as their Lord (master over them).

And remember— Faith is born of REVERENCE, and reverence is born of understanding SUBORDINATE SUBMISSION TO AUTHORITY— his.

To whom little is forgiven— the same loves little.

What does this mean?  

It means— if we see ourselves as ‘not needing much forgiveness,’ we do not understand how filthy fallen man REALLY is, and we do not walk in forgiveness well, toward others— because we walk in self-righteousness (thoughts that we are better than another):  and the truth is, we infraction God’s perfection everyday in small ways, that he does not sweat— nor speak of to us:  BUT— if you desire to know them— he will show and tell you;  if you desire to clean up in all your ways, as much as possible.

The persons who do not love well, others— have forgotten how much grace God has extended to them (a sinner);  and so— they walk in haughty ways toward other men and women in the family of God— because all they can now see, is the other person’s status as ‘sinner,’ and they have forgotten their own status of— Being one who has fallen short of the glory of God, too.

Not only did he forgive her sins— because she authentically sought him with her whole heart to be saved, and did not deny her status as a sinner (he said she had a great number of sins);  but he said— Your FAITH has saved you, go in PEACE.

This is significant, in that FAITH— is born of reverence and knowing who he is in AUTHORITY, and being subordinate to him (in obedience);  and so, he’s saying…

“Your subordinate, reverent actions born of faith in who I am in authority over all created— has made you free (saved and made you whole);  and so— go in the godly order restored in you (peace).”

I believe we can all learn of what is really being said and shown here:  Lukewarm, self and hypocritical— will never save, no matter how knowledgeable we are in the scriptures;  the Pharisees had that— and never came to the knowledge of the truth— he said (they never performed the truth, having it rooted in their inner man).

She, a sinner who knew the depths of how she had fallen short of his glory— gave him everything she had to honor him;  and everything she had— was what she had with her, and in her soul:  tears, hair, love and reverence:  THAT ANOINTING— was what really moved his heart.

And it is THAT ANOINTING— he is looking for from us too.  He’s looking for us to anoint, or as Strong’s defines it— perfume him with oil of intimate reverence and honor too:  this is the difference between the wise and unwise virgins;  the ones who had this extended to him all along, and those who relied on the wise virgins to supply THEMWITH THE ANOINTING OIL:  and that will never be.

We cannot do everyone’s personal relationship with God— and yet the church is currently satisfied with apostles, prophets, watchmen and the 5-fold to tell them of what the Lord is saying and showing:  and that will never save them.

Only having the oil of intimacy for themselves will:  and the door is shutting soon;  we need to pay the cost, put the time in with God, separate from worldly conduct and customs— walk in his ways— abstaining from the world:  for time will come when the lamp oil from yesteryear— will run out— and only the wise virgins who continued in this relationship, enduring and being stripped (like he was stripped naked before the world, and by the spirit of this world) of all —will be locked in with him, when the door shuts, and the rest are left out in the world.


Luke 8:4

“And when many people were gathered together, and were come to him— out of every city— he spoke by a parable.


And his disciples asked him, saying— What might this parable be?

And he said— Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others— in parables (meant to lead them to desire to know more, if they are called and heed the calling); that seeing— they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.

Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.”


He desired for verse 4 to be added here, just to make a point to all— HE SPEAKS IN PARABLES— those are stories, to bring understanding we can relate to;  and he does that for those who know not his Spirit— to entice them to desire to know more of him— and come to seek covenant with him, as they begin to understand a little.

It is for us to have FULL understanding, for we have his Spirit with us already— we should know the mysteries of God now:  for we are one with his Spirit, who brings us into all truth;  but for them— they can only begin to be drawn, by parables.

The parable is this— The seed (which must remain in us) —is the word of God.

Not only does that mean to be a doer of the Word, and not just be a hearer— but it also means— we must be covenanting with God incarnate:  Emmanuel— God with us, and we must remain with him in covenant relationship, heeding and reverencing, honoring and obeying him.

John 1:14

“And the Word was made flesh— and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”

This is not just Jesus living in his own dirt-suit body— but is spiritually referencing how he must now dwell in the flesh of his disciples, God’s children, being with them as well (Emmanuel— God with us), and the world will behold his glory again— in the manifest sons of God (Romans 8 children) —who are full of grace (his, and extend it to others, forgiveness) and truth (for we live in the person of Truth, his ways, and with him, literally, inside).

He is clearly speaking of the truth settling into men’s souls/hearts, or not;  which is living the truth, becoming the truth incarnate, being a believer for real.

And in so, he begins to speak a parable or story of understanding to them:  That some people have the truth delivered to them (the word of God, his scripture truth and person of his Spirit), they hear of him and the truth (he is the truth) —but then the devil comes immediately to sow doubt, unbelief and skepticism in them— so they will not become true believers, lay their lives down in covenant with the Lord (knowing their true identity in him, and that partnership) —and be saved.  

So, the unbelievers are separated for eternity because the devil was able to cause them to doubt, be skeptical, and not believe the truth or person of, in trust to him with their lives:  we must be believers, for real.

And the people who are like rocks (very hard), who had the seed (word/truth/person of) heard, as well, and are joyful in the receiving moment— but the seed/truth/word of God— could not take root, because there was not root in them;  they were shallow in receiving the truth into them, or becoming it— and when hard times came, that required them to hold faith steadfast in God— they fell away from him, belief and trust in him, who also perish in the end:  the truth must take root;  we must become the truth and covenant with the truth and person of, for real— to be saved, after enduring to the end.

The people who are like the seed/word/person/truth of God, falling into thorns— are those who when they have heard, they go forth with him in the truth, and relationship— but then, as soon as hard times come, issues in life, and lusts and pleasures of this life come forth (carnal desires) —they bring no fruit forth (produce nothing of the Spirit’s fruits in this lifetime, that lasts, or is completed):  we must produce fruit, or we are not from his Tree (person/family/Spirit), and we are hewn down as unprofitable branches, and cast away into eternal separation, too.

But the person with fertile soul/heart (soil to receive him), they are the good ground (or soul/heart ready to receive, AND RETAIN the seed/truth/person of);  they have an honest and good heart toward God, the truth/seed/word of the Lord;  and having heard it (the word/truth/and person of) —THEY KEEP IT (like protecting it, and nurturing it, as valuable) —and with patience, they bring forth fruit to completion:  fruit to completion, is Christ finishing his workmanship in us, and reforming us, and we being disciplined to walk in only his fruits of his Spirit, by his lead— and leads us into perfection (or being whole and completed) by him.  

His children— are fruit producers of his character and truth in their earthen vessels (sound whole of them).


Luke 8:16-17

“No man, when he has lit a candle, covers it with a vessel, or puts it under a bed; but (instead) sets it on a candlestick— that they who enter in, may see the light.

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hidden— that shall not be known and come abroad.”


No man who truly has been enlightened by God, the fire stoked of truth and righteousness within— will be able to hide that light, nor will anything be able to obscure it (diminish it);  this light will be displayed to the whole world, and will shine into the darkness, and will dispel the darkness:  as people see his light in them.

Nothing secret (hidden within) will not show forth in time;  and God is in the mode of exposure at this time;  he is exposing in private— to those who will be humbled in private, and reform their inner conduct with him;  but to those who will not— public outing of all that has been hidden— is coming forth now;  this is what is meant by— COME ABROAD.

It shall be known, the secret sin of men (if we lie, it will be shown, if we covet, it will be shown, if we are prideful it will be shown, etc) —PUBLICLY— or ‘abroad.’



“And it was told to him by certain (people) who said— Your mother and your brethren stand outside (without) —desiring to see you.

And he answered and said unto them— My mother and my brethren are these who hear the word of God— and DO IT.”


Again, there is so much to behold in those 2 verses, brethren:  and that is this— Who are his true family members, in the earth?

They are those who not only hear the Word of God (he’s a commander), BUT DO WHAT THE WORD OF GOD SAYS (that’s a subordinate).

He’s bringing a truth to light here— earthly lives do not matter— it is SPIRITUAL LIFE IN CHRIST, that matters— THAT DETERMINES GOD’S FAMILY (children/produce and product he’s remaking);  they are an OBEDIENT and REVERENT people— led of the Spirit of God himself:  these are Jesus’ brethren.

These are they who are seated with him in heavenly places, and he is seated in heavenly places within them.

Those who ‘stand outside,’ are locked out (unwise virgins), and they will not be received of the Bridegroom, nor receive the Bridegroom in their HOMES (vessels).

Note the Bridegroom comes out of his chamber (heaven), and enters into the WISE VIRGIN’S HOMES:  and he comes and sups with them, there:  our temple matters if we are truly upholding him in our souls/hearts or not— as High and holy one in charge:  those who remain carnally minded (minding the carnal) —are those who REMAIN STANDING OUTSIDE, and who the door shuts on:  they are not the true brethren (family) of the Lord.

There are many who ‘desire to see him,’ but who are not revering him, and placing him in authority inside their souls, nor are obeying him;  they can desire all they want— but they deny him what his soul and Spirit want— OBEDIENCE, REVERENCE and TO BOW TO HIM:  this is authenticity in a life laid down, that truly exalts the King of all kings (that’s us).



“Master, master— we perish. Then he arose, and— rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased— and there was a calm.

And he said unto them— Where is your faith? And they, being afraid, wondered, saying one to another— What manner of man is this!  For he commands even the winds and water— and they obey him.”


Faith, again— is born of reverencing the authority of God, to be who he is— and obeying him as we bow to him:  this is a life laid down, to the person of Truth and all Dominion (we trust in him).

And if we truly know who he is, and we trust in him— then we would be unafraid in anything we face (winds and waves are inside of us, turmoil and tumult of the soul) —and if he’s in dominion in us— he is faithful to calm any storm in us (our souls).

He was demonstrating a spiritual concept, with the wind and waves in the natural:  the natural is easily dominated by the son of man (that’s us, with God) —he demonstrated this as a son of man, not as Son of God:  we have dominion over the weather in the natural— if God has dominion in our spirits and souls, and we BELIEVE HIM to be the MOST HIGH ONE, who reigns over all, who has bestowed the ability with and through him— to do so once again, by his leadership in us, and being remade into his image.

Water, the Living Water is symbolic of the Spirit of God, so when he says, as a son of man —he rebuked the raging water and wind— he is spiritually/symbolically saying…

Nothing shall have dominion over you (your inner workings) —if you know who I am, know who you are in and with me, and STAND UP and CAST DOWN THINGS in this realm, and in the inner man:  no mental illness, no emotional instability, no doubt, unbelief or any other thing that rears its ugly head, and exalts itself against the knowledge of God— can stand and remainIF YOU WILL SUBDUE AND TAKE DOMINION;  he gave us this ability:  but do we really believe?

Winds are symbolic of life issues that blow about, every voice heard within, and everything that comes to tip you off balance;  take dominion over it, cast it down— while you CAST UP GOD within, exalting him— as the one over ALL principalities and powers.

He was attempting to show the disciples what was still in them, and who they really are in and with God;  and he’s doing the same today:  what are you ALLOWING— that you should be THROWING DOWN?

Because the one in you— is greater than all carnality, and fallen beings harassing you:  exalt him— and cast them down (tell them to get out, and get moving) —and you will walk in the glorious liberty, as the children of God.



“And, behold, there came a man named Jairus, and he was a ruler of the synagogue: and he fell down at Jesus' feet, and besought him that he would come into his house:  For he had only one daughter— about twelve years of age— and she lay dying.  But as he went— the people thronged him.”


The Lord asked me to put this verse in here to demonstrate, that when people come to us to minister, by the Spirit of the Lord, to set the captives free— you will be followed, closely— by a crowd of people, once they hear of your ministering and being an ambassador for the Spirit of God to manifest— you will too be thronged on the way.

Throng, here in Strong’s, means to— strangle completely, drown and crowd him about.

Strangle is figurative here, like choke, as in a choke in the road— is a tight pass, and so— the crowd, as it was drawn to YahShua and his works that the Father did through him was followed closely, in droves— this will begin to take place as his Bride comes forth from her chamber, as he receives her— to begin her public ministry in mass with him— unto the great harvest:  preparing a people of the Lord, with the Lord, by the Lord, for the Lord:  two working as one, in Spirit and CO-mission.

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