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Love or Vengeance--- his image, or a distortion?

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Love or Vengeance?

His image— or a distortion?


[There are errors in this, but you should be able to get through it;

Link for video: ]


Leviticus 19:18

“You shall not avenge— nor bear any grudge against the children of your people— but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD.”


H5358 – Avenge

Hebrew: נקם

Transliteration: nâqam

Pronunciation: naw-kam'

Definition: A primitive root; to grudge— that is, to avenge or punish: avenge(r) or self avenge, punish, revenge or revenge self, surely take vengeance. 


Avenge— inflict harm, in return for an injury or wrong done to you or another;  root definition— late Middle English: from Old French avengier, from a- from Latin ad ‘to’ + vengier, from Latin vindicare ‘vindicate’.

Punish— afflict a penalty for retribution of offense, treat someone unfairly or harsh;  root definition— Middle English: from Old French puniss-, lengthened stem of punir ‘punish’, from Latin punire, from poena ‘penalty’.

Vengeance— penalty inflicted for wrong;  root definition— Middle English: from Old French, from venger, vengier ‘avenge’, from Latin vindicare ‘vindicate’.

Grudge— be resentfully unwilling to give, grant, or allow something;  root definition— late Middle English: variant of obsolete grutch ‘complain, murmur, grumble’, from Old French grouchier, of unknown origin. Compare with grouch.

Grouch— habitually grumpy person, complain, grumble or sulk, voice one's discontent in an ill-tempered manner— grumble;  root definition— late 19th century: variant of obsolete grutch, from Old French grouchier ‘to grumble, murmur’, of unknown origin. Compare with grudge.


H157 – Love

Hebrew: אהב אהב

Transliteration: 'âhab 'âhêb

Pronunciation: {aw-hab'} aw-habe'

Definition: A primitive root; to have affection for:  be love (-d {-ly} {-r), like a friend.


H7453 – Neighbor

Hebrew: ריע רע

Transliteration: rêa‛ rêya‛

Pronunciation: {ray'-ah} ray'-ah

Definition: From H7462; an associate (more or less close):  a brother, companion, fellow friend, husband, lover, neighbor, another. 


H3644 – Yourself

Hebrew: כּמו כּמו

Transliteration: kemô kâmô

Pronunciation: {kem-o'} kaw-mo'

Definition: A form of the prefix {K} but used separately (compare H3651);

As thus or so:  according to, such as it were, in comparison of, like/as to— thus worth.


I have NEVER been more concerned for the state of the body of Christ— than I am RIGHT NOW, with what the Lord is revealing in discernment:  and they are not hiding their behaviors, attitudes or conduct— nay, it is displayed.

We are NOT the Lord, and vengeance, avenging, revenging, is not ours— and for good reason— we usually do not judge as the Lord judges, nor conduct ourselves as he does, or would:  he is the only one that should handle DEFENSE or DEFENSIVE situations.

And yet— I watch Christians walk in this self defense, or defense on the behalf of ______, fill in the blank— and God does not ask us to do that;  life and death are in the tongue, and I’m seeing a lot of death.

Avenge itself, in scripture has a root of grudge, and grudge has a root of ‘unwilling to allow or permit something,’ and grumbling and complaining (there is bitterness underneath);  and God says he doesn’t hold grudges, or grumble and complain in bitterness, and not permit or allow a person’s free will.

And yet, I am seeing this fruit of the enemy demonstrated in the brethren— INTOLERANCE— is what I am seeing;  a rigidness to comply— yes, a forcefulness to obey the rules— and YahShua never did this with people— free will applies, and so does gentleness:  but his body is sick right now and cannot see the spirits they play with, or conduct themselves like.

Christ does not vindicate, nor treat people harshly;  in body, in demonstration, in revealing the Father to the world— he silenced himself many times, restrained his person, was disciplined in the fruit of the Spirit, and was GENTLE with and unto ALL MEN.

Neighbor— one we associate with— a brother, companion, fellow friend, husband, lover, neighbor, another.

Love— to have affection for:  be love (-d {-ly} {-r), like a friend.

YahShua ALWAYS loved the next guy, everyone was considered a loved one to him— everyone was treated with love, because he desired friends and that all would be saved:  and he showed their VALUE to each and every one;  and yet— the church is demonstrating HATRED.

HATRED— passionate dislike, an aversion, criticize or abuse, denoting hostility, or prejudice;  root definition— hatred (which at its root is— a condition).

We are not called to be a people who have an uncontrolled intolerance for others, with passionate dislike of them, disallowing their free will actions with an attempt to seriously manipulate or control their behavior or actions, complaining or grumbling about their actions, being harsh with them, and seeking to vindicate (either self, or the situation);  this is NOT becoming of the Lord holy, true or LOVING— by any means— and we’ve a ‘spirit’ problem in the church body, otherwise known as— demonic strongholds and undisciplined (untrained and exercised) souls, run by the carnal nature still.

I am watching it abroad, seeing vitriol and disdain for the brethren, and within, close— in intolerance, harshness and rigidity:  I am grieved to my core, and am pulling back to sit with the Lord on this for a while;  he has a serious issue to contend with in ‘his’ body— when his body is decimating one another, running over them and conquering them in manipulations and control— rather than loving them, forgiving them, and walking in MERCY ‘and’ truth.

We don’t get a pass for this kind of behavior— we were not sent here to CONTROL MAN— we are called to carry men, ‘and’ their burdens or issues to the altar— in love, and WITH CARE:  this is the Spirit of the Father of Love.

I am watching people walk in self righteousness and control— OVER other brethren;  I’m watching a trainwreck taking place in slow motion, and the details are horrifying.

We cannot be people who take to vindication— self defense, defense of others, defense of God or anything else— that walks in HARSHNESS, RIGIDITY, PUNISHMENT, INTOLERANCE, HATRED or anything of the like— and claim we are doing it all in the ‘name of’ the Lord God holy and Loving:  this is hypocrisy and antichrist. 


Romans 12:19

“Dearly beloved— avenge [vindicate] not yourselves— but rather give place [space, opportunity— scabbard (sheath your sword)] unto wrath: for it is written— Vengeance [vindication, retribution, punishment] is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”


When we become a people who have decided that we will inflict justice, and it will be a harshness with us, a tone, a rigidity that walks in dishonoring one another, lacking love— we have decided to vindicate a situation ourselves— and that is always tied to pride (self focus, what we want right then and there);  the Lord never walked in rigidity, harshness, grumbling and complaining, punishing infractions without mercy and love, or in PRIDE— he walked in HUMILITY;  and yet— this is what I am seeing in the church body:  ZERO LONG SUFFERING A BROTHER, in LOVENO PATIENCE or TOLERANCE.

Who is longsuffering, patient and tolerates a LOT of infractions:  Christ.

Who walks in love, forgiving and dismissing a multitude of sins, infractions, displeasure, and without attempting to manipulate or control people, keeping them parameterized into a format, a structure of tolerable actions:  Christ.

Whose Spirit is grieved when we are impatient with our brethren, do not tolerate the slightest of what we consider infractions or annoyances, when things don’t go our way— the way we would like, or perfectly as we have planned or desired:  Christ.

I have been asked by Christ to ‘observe’ the goings on of his household, for quite a while (forthcoming), and I can see why now;  he is grieved TREMENDOUSLY— for his body is doing things under religious pretenses, and not by the move of his Spirit’s leading.

I am seeing his children walking haughty over others, decimating the ignorant children of God (and lest we forget, that means immature and unlearned);  they are not raised up in the way yet, they have discipline training to go— yes;  but worse— is the one who thinks he speaks for the Lord, and is operating out his Spirit— and yet, is working antichrist abroad.

I have warned recently, and I will warn abroad right now to all— PLEASE, be careful who you are ‘aligning’ with;  be careful who you are watching, heeding, and walking tight to, and continuously with (in magnitude of hours)— and whether they are walking with Christ’s Spirit at the lead— or are speaking things that sound right, talking the talk of the Lord God, but with their lips— as their heart is aligned with antichrist.

Because folks— who you listen to and be around— you become like:  whom you behold— you will resemble;  and if your discernment is off— you will be opening doors to the enemy— because you trust blindly, those whom you are familiarized with (familiar spirits or souls);  when holy Spirit discernment is off, and the carnal nature is being upheld, and in a pretense of ‘religion.’

Religion will walk a walk, pray a prayer, post a post, and speak and recite the word of God— but his Spirit— will be absent;  and where his Spirit is absent— will sit antichrist:  and it’s palpable— if you are seeking to know it, discern it, and watching through Christ’s eyes, and listening to his heart (spiritual eyes that see, and hearts unto the Lord God’s Spirit).

I cannot discern for all— we must all know the holy Spirit well, to spot the impostor spirits when they are present, or an undisciplined, untrained, unexercised in the fruit of the holy Spirit— souls— when we encounter them;  you must know the authentic Creator, lover of our souls— to spot the impostors when around, and being given a platform:  INTERCEDE— we have great need of intercession over the body, and the current state of blindness, and ruthlessness taking place— led of an anti (or other option than Christ) spirit.

He is greatly grieved at what we are doing to one another, and how we are drawing our swords— to thrust each other through— with words and actions, that he himself does not participate in:  our battle is not with humans (flesh and blood), but with spiritual powers of wickedness operating through people.

Come Lord Jesus— help us see, and do much better:  help us walk in love— for everything else is burned up, all the works of a flat, dead religious operation— is chaff. 

Do we know what it is to love and prefer the other over self, what we want, how we want things to go— and actually SEE THE OTHER— their heart, their soul, and how precious it is anymore??


Matthew 22: 36-39

“Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

Jesus said unto him— You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the first and great commandment;  and the second is like unto it— You shall love your neighbor —as yourself.”


Do we even understand what that means anymore? Do we even understand that if we're actually loving God with our whole heart, soul, and mind…  we will actually be minding his heart for the people he made, loves, and cares about?

Our first command by him is to seek him— to see through his heart’s perspective— to see through his eyes about the truth, about love, about the fruit of his Spirit, and about his great love for others… over being right, proper protocol, getting our way, walking in rigid intolerance, unaccepting of the slightest of annoyances, inconveniences, walking in short suffering (not long suffering), zero patience— not long patience, and in passionate dislike grumbling and complainingnot love, nor the Spirit of God holy, LOVING and true.

He tells us to treat everyone else —like you would want to be treated yourself.


Do we want to be run over by others, decimated and treated harshly, instead of gently, with patience, long suffering and lovingly?

Do we want, desire, and like to feel pointed out as in error, intolerable, not proper, ignorant, and otherwise rejected— or forced in compliance?

Do we desire to be loved, forgiven, treated with mercy and grace, and to have others actually, and actively love us— through, with and according to the holy Spirit of God?

Because if we claim to be Children of the most high, holy, gentle, and loving God—  we will walk disciplined in his Spirit, and by his lead.  And if we honor and revere him, truly— we will honor and revere and treat his children— in whatever condition we find them in— with love, and respect, with kindness, and gentleness, long suffering them in patienceas if it were Christ himself in a needy state;  because it is:  every human is an expression of the Almighty himself— if we cannot understand this at this juncture in life with him— God help us.


Deuteronomy 7:9

“Know therefore that the LORD your God, he is God— the faithful God— who keeps covenant and MERCY [KINDNESS, piety, beauty, lovingly], with those who love him and keep his commandments— to a thousand generations.”


His people are like him;  and he shows faithfulness, keeping covenant (compact, league and confederacy) with his people— walking in MERCY which is KINDNESS, piety, beauty and lovingly;  and are we ‘keeping’ his commandments?  

Truly, are we ‘keeping’ them— because that means hedge them into us, guard them and uphold them within, take heed to them, look narrowly upon them with care, preserving and observing them, regarding them as a watchman of them?

Because that is what ‘keep’ means in scripture— it means to cherish them, highly regard them, AND LIVE THEM— from the inside, to the outside:  BE THE SCRIPTURE WALKED OUT— as God is.

I do not see this taking place by far and large;  can we even determine when the Holy Spirit is NOT PRESENT in the people talking, or teaching, or sharing??

Because if we were aware— we would not participate where he is NOT;  and if we are still a people who cannot determine the— talkers of the lips, but far from walking in his Spirit, people— at this point— it is because we are still struggling in knowing our God and HIS SPIRIT from impostors, or flesh:  for if we knew the originator of Love— we would see when he is not present, not speaking, not representing— but another spirit is.

And we cannot;  and he is grieved, and so am I.

I am not perfect, without error— I am human, in a fallen world, and a work in progress;  but I can hear him, feel him and discern his Spirit when he is, and is not present.  The body is in a world of trouble if we are just trusting people because we are ‘familiar’ with them, and we let our guard down in discerning the spirits— because at any point a person can fall:  we are to be ‘watching’ and keeping our brethren.

Remember when we heard— 

“Am I my brother’s keeper?”

Well, yes— we are to watchout for our brothers and sisters;  we are to carry them to the Lord, and we are to reach down and help where we can;  we are to cover a multitude of sins or infractions WITH LOVE and so, yes— we are to be our brother’s keeper:  as Christ is.  Which if you see them as an expression of Christ in a needy way— WE WILL keep them, and love them, and be patient with them— and endure, and be GENTLE with them.

For what we do unto the least of those— 

we have done unto him.

Have we lost sight of that?  Have we lost sight of treating them how we ourselves desire to be treated, or how Christ treats us?  Do we have untamed souls that walk in funk still?  Do we need healing?  

Do we need to be walking with the Holy Spirit longer in refinement— lest we decimate the brethren’s fragile souls??

I am perplexed and confounded;  and I am watching Him grieve.


Deuteronomy 10:12-13

“And now, Israel (that’s his spiritual people of faith) —what does the LORD your God require of you— but to fear (reverence and honor) the LORD your God— to WALK IN ALL HIS WAYS— and to LOVE him, and SERVE the LORD you God— with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the Lord, and his statutes— which I command you this day for you good?”


Are we?  Are we, the people of faith IN HIM (the holy loving, patient and kind God) doing what he requires of us?

Are we honoring him (and with trembling), are we WALKING IN ‘all’ HIS WAYS— that’s his conduct?

Are we LOVING HIM— if we are not walking in his ways, and decimating in harshness, rigidity, and intolerance to infractions, with no patience— his people (because he doesn’t walk that way— and yet we are called to walk in all his ways).

Are we actually SERVING HIM, in our souls/hearts— our ourselves and the fleshly carnal nature?  Are we walking in religion, and not love and truth WALKED OUT?  Are we demonstrating another spirit— or the holy Spirit?

Are we keeping his command in our lives, and his statutes?  Or are we living our own commanding, and by our own legislation of our body (sound whole) —because that is the definition of statutes— legislating body, and rules instituted:  are they how we desire to conduct ourselves, by the flesh— or are we behaving ourselves according to his Spirit and conduct?

Because we will demonstrate one or the other to the world— as we act upon the statutes we uphold:  God holy, or carnality— as a legislating, dictating body (sound whole of us) unto ourselves— self gods.

We have a serious problem in the body of Christ— when we cannot perceive that the Spirit of the living God— has departed the operations, people and setting— because it is not he on the throne, nor being exalted, nor presented:  he will not compete— he will withdraw.


Psalm 51:11

“Cast me not away from your presence; and take not your holy spirit from me.”


He will withdraw— if he is disrespected, and we choose to walk with, and IN another spirit;  he is not in competition with anyone, he stands far above all— and will beg no one to exalt him within, or without.

And he renders himself the same to all men— without partiality, and without hypocrisy;  he walks true to all, and lovingly to all, and presents his conduct and person resolutely, continuously and exactly the same to all people:  with charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, and chaste.

His children will practice themselves in these fruits (conducts) as well— because they are called to be disciplined ones under his leadership.


Deuteronomy 10:19

“Love therefore— the stranger:  for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.”


LOVEtherefore— we could do a full stop there, alone;  but, he goes on to say— because you were once strangers in BONDAGE too (Egypt).

Have we forgotten MERCY and GRACIOUSNESS —are the Lord:  and his children will walk in this?

Have we so long forgotten hospitality, preference to the other, and how to acquiesce to another— bow, to another (namely— the Spirit of God, first) —in preference to be heard, seen, or validated?

Have we gotten so bogged down with ministry— that we forget who we are ministering tothe Lord— and that he is ministering to fragile souls/hearts?

Have we gotten so enamored with ‘doing the work,’ that we have lost sight of the souls before us??

I am grieved deeply at what I am witnessing in the church.


Deuteronomy 13:3

“You shall not hearken unto the words of that prophet [inspired man], or that dreamer of dreams:  for the LORD your God proves you— to know whether you love the LORD, your God— with all your heart and with all your soul.”


A man can be inspired to speak— and it be not of the Spirit of the Lord, but of that man, or a devil;  and the Lord is setting out to prove whether we love him with our whole hearts/souls —or another we serve.

If we have been walking in anything he does not walk in, with harshness, and hostility, intolerance and no patience, no long suffering forbearance, no mercy, gentleness, kindness, or love— carrying our brethren’s burdens, suffering the children to come to him, in love covering a multitude of sins and transgressionsthen we are walking in hate (passionate dislike, and begrudgingly) and we are walking in self righteousness, and in the antichrist spirit:  the other option to walk in, who operates NOT as Christ does— but claims to ‘be like the most high’ —but whose fruit is showing.

If we loved him with a whole heartwe would love the brethren the same as we love himthis— the first and second commandment summed up:  but, alas— we are not;  we do not see his face— upon their persons.


Psalm 4:2

“Oh, you sons of men— How long will you turn my glory into shame?  How long will you love vanity…..”


Vanity— emptiness, worthlessness, no purpose— according to Strong’s H7385.

How long will we grieve him in empty endeavors— because it is his Spirit that is devoid of doing them?

How long will we turn his glory— to shame?  

Glory, in Strong’s H3519his good sense, splendor, honor or copiousness— which means adequate quantity or supply;  hence— how long will we take away good sense, and squander the gifts and fruits of his Spirit, that he DID GIVE US??

And turn it to shame….

Shame in Strong’s H3639— disgrace, dishonor, reproach:  shame.

How long— he asks— will you squander the fruit of my Spirit I gave you, as you walk in another spirit’s conduct, and bring my name, reputation and honor— to disgrace, and reproach:  shame?

Are we really looking at how we treat people?

Are we really looking at what we are saying and doing— and whether we are working from the Holy Spirit— or walking in religious actions, DEVOID OF HIS SPIRIT— and clueless that he has departed the building (so to speak)??

Can we not FEEL his absence?

Can we not sense that which is spiritually palpable in the ‘room?’

Can we not see that Christ does not behave certain ways— and yet, we are by far and large dismissing such callousness, harshness, rigidity, unforgiveness, lack of mercy, grace, gentleness, and kindness— and can we not see we are not addressing the foul spirits in the air, or in love to those who are operating in them?

We have got to do better;  we have got to take these things to the Lord, and on behalf of the people getting decimated by spirits who have agendas— and the agenda is not to prefer one another, but to rule over one another:  these types will be ABASED, and DEMOTEDnever promoted to rule and reign with Christuntil they repent and change:  for they serve him NOT, now— in Spirit;  and so will not serve him any other time before repentance and humility.

If we want to obtain, and contain continuity of occasion— over preference to the living breathing souls before us— we are religious, and we are antichrist.

Christ never blew off the person before him— to only keep preaching, teaching or speaking, or on task;  Christ addressed the people;  Christ preferred the souls before him— rather to carry on with his agenda.

Are we more concerned with our agenda— than the fragile, and VALUABLE souls before us?

Are we more concerned about pointing out infractions— than covering them?

Are we more concerned about getting done, what we want to achieve— than the souls before us?

Because Christ is not;  in fact— Christ desires to SERVE the souls before him— not to achieve an agenda, as most important:  and he never desires to run over others, or assert dominion over them— but to bow down to them, and to lift them up, and hear their voice, and give them place.

Are we leaving the Lord, in each vessel— better inside, 

than when we found him 

(as he is expressing himself through his children)??

Have we fallen so far??  

I see we have— and both he and I are grieved.

He is asking me to speak on these things, on behalf of the throne— and a very divided and hurting household;  because folks— whatever religious deeds we are doing— DEVOID OF LOVE are burned up works.


Psalms 97:14

“You who love the LORD— hate evil:  and he preserves the souls of his saints;  he delivers them out of the hand of the wicked.”


Are we?  Are we hating evil— which in Strong’s means— bad morals, displeasing, grievous, heavy, hurtful, ill favored wrongdoing— and much more?

Are we preserving the souls of other saints??

I mean that— are we hedging them in, guarding their souls, protecting, attending to them, watching them?  

Because that is the definition of preserving souls in Strong’s.

Are we LEAVING OUR BRETHREN ‘better off for being with us, and partaking in our spirit,’ than when they found themselves in our presence??

Because if not— we are of another spirit;  for all those who are loved in gentleness, kindness, mercy, grace and the love of the Spirit— are better off for the time they were with us:  but I am not seeing this by far and large.

And I do not mean— NO WHERE— thank God I see some operating from his Spirit, working on loving the brethren— and being spent for them in love;  but I mean what I said— by far and large I am not seeing it, and the church is sick:  another spirit has taken them over, and the carnal nature was the door propped open for access— because we are not dead yet in the flesh, but still alive— and kicking (literally— the brethren).


Proverbs 1:22

“How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity?  And the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?”

Proverbs 8:36

“...he that sins against me— wrongs his own soul:  all those who hate me— love death.”

Proverbs 10:12

“Hatred stirs up strife:  but love covers all sins.”

Proverbs 17:9

“He who covers a transgression— seeks love….”

Proverbs 18:21

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue:  and they who love it— shall eat the fruit thereof.”

Matthew 12:34

“Out of the abundance of the heart —the mouth speaks.”


How long will we scorn others? 

How long will we hate knowledge, and lack godly wisdom?

How long will we sin against the Lord himself, hating our own souls— because we do not uphold him within, walk contrary to how he conducts himself— and we lead ourselves, unaware that the Holy Spirit has vacated the premises— and another spirit is in charge and speaking now?

How long will we hate— and not love?  

[And hate, remember, is— passionate dislike, with an aversion to something or someone, whilst walking in criticism or abuse, and denoting hostility, or prejudice;  with a root definition of— hatred (which at its root is— ‘a condition’).  It certainly is a condition of the foul and darkened heart.]

And how long will we walk the paths of sin and death— instead of love and life— covering a multitude of sins (namely— our own, when we will walk in love, instead)?

Death and life— are in the power that the tongue wields— we are either supplying life to someone— or stealing it from them— with the words we wield.  And we will reap the fruit of what we wield— from the sword that brings life, or death— it will be repaid to us.

For out of the abundance of a clean heart, a pure heart, a heart like the Lord’s— or out of a dark heart, a filthy heart, an unhealed, twisted and perverted heart that is amiss— we will reap what we dish out.


Isaiah 38:17

“Behold— for peace— I had great bitterness:  but you have, in love to my soul— delivered it from the pit of corruption:  for you have cast all my sins behind your back.”


Have we?  Have we loved the soul of our Lord and our brethren SO MUCH SO— that we have given them deliverance from bitterness of their souls— by casting their transgression behind us;  meaning— walking in MERCY and LOVE?

Are we so concerned about bringing for the truth— that we have forgotten we are called to bring it forth by LIVING IT, and with it— accompanying it with MERCY— in LOVE?

I am deeply disturbed;  we are not only— NOT delivering our brethren from the pit— we’re pushing them into it!  

Think— Joseph.  And yet Joseph was called, chosen, and loved by God— but the brethren threw him in a pit, and sent him into bondage— and truthfully wanted him dead:  steal, kill and destroyers of life.

Good Lord God— help us all— and have mercy on our souls, even so.


Isaiah 61:8

“For I the LORD— love judgment (that would be godly judgment) —and I hate robbery [plundering thievery— things taken by violence] for a burnt offering…..”


Are we?  Are we STEALING peace, joy, and love from our brethren’s lives— leaving them worse off for being in our presence— than before they came to us?  

Are we doing the devil’s bidding?  

Are we causing violence to the souls of men, as an offering to the Lord?

God help us.


Isaiah 63:9

“In all their affliction —he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bore them, and carried them all the days of old.”


In all THEIR AFFLICTION‘he’ was afflicted;  what we do to the least of these, the brethren— we do unto him.

The angel of his presence (the holy Spirit sent to them) SAVED THEM;  are we saving people— or pummeling them, decimating them, and leaving them carcasses for the vultures?  Because that’s antichrist’s ways.

In LOVE, and PITY (mercy) —he redeemed them.

Are we redeeming them (delivering, is one definition of redeem) in LOVE and MERCY (pity)?

Because he bears them up, and carries them;  do we?


*All Matthew verses— 

are the words of our Lord, himself.


Matthew 5:43-48

“You have heard that it has been said— You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.

But I say unto you— Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;  That you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

For if you love them —who love you— what reward do you have? Do not even the publicans do the same?

And if you salute your brethren only— what do you do more than others? Do not even the publicans do so?

Be therefore perfect— even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”


If we cannot be different from the worldly folk— the love of the world, or worldly ways has been found in us erect— and ‘the Love of the Father’ is not in us;  this is the way the Father Loves— is also, not found in us.

We must SEE my dearly beloved with CLEAR SPIRITUAL EYES, no planks in them obscuring our vision;  he is grieved, and we are grieving each other at best— decimating each other at worst, and doing the bidding of satan.

What reward have we— when we can love those easy to love, and tolerate those easy to tolerate, and show mercy to those who already walk mercifully, and give grace to those who walk graciously;  our Father is testing OUR HEARTS— as to whether he’s really enthroned inside them, and if we are operating with him as most highly regarded spirit within us:  and I’m seeing many spirits upright inside man— just not the Holy Spirit, as he should be.

Remember— everything done outside of Love— burns up:  it was religious works that sounded good, in theory— but failed in practical application to be led of the Holy Spirit of God, or from a clean heart of servitude and love.


Matthew 24:12

“Because iniquity [violation of the law, wickedness, transgression— unrighteousness] shall abound— the love of many— shall wax cold.”


Are we waxing a cold demeanor toward our brethren, toward Christ in a flesh suit that is dirty at the moment, and imperfect— as he expresses himself in each person?

This is probably one of the saddest verses in the scriptures— because if we are serving him, tightly knit to him, and walking as one— this would never happen;  we cannot embrace God, and then simultaneously keep him at an arm's length away— for we will actually be rejecting him:  and if we do— other spirits will step in, and get close, and intimate with us.

Because man will continue to walk contrary to God’s Spirit, uphold the spirit of the world, how men of the world behave and conduct themselves, in self leadership— outside love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, long-suffering, patience, gentleness, kindness, generosity and preferring one another— LOVE WILL FAIL.

Good God— I weep at this happening even know;  and from blind eyes and hearts;  can we REALLY NOT FEEL THIS, SEE THIS, SENSE THIS, DISCERN when his Spirit is withdrawn, and not present— and an impostor is in the lead, with an ‘agenda’ —and it’s not his agenda, nor the move of his Spirit??


1 Corinthians 13:3-8

“And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity [love, affection, benevolence— in a love feast] —it profits me nothing.

Charity suffers long, and is kind; charity envies not; charity vaunts not itself, nor is puffed up— it does not behave itself unseemly— seeks not her own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil;  it rejoices not in iniquity— but rejoices in the truth;  it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Charity never fails: but whether there be prophecies— they shall fail; whether there be tongues— they shall cease; whether there be knowledge— it shall vanish away.”


What is God's point here, as Paul says— I give my body to be burned, and feed the poor with all that I have—  but if I do not have love, and affection, and benevolence toward my brethren, coming out in a love feast— it profits me nothing?

His point is that true love, true charity, affection, and benevolence toward our brethren is long-suffering, patient, and kind. It  also does not envy, does not puff itself up or erected itself into a position to be seen and heard, and it does not behave itself unseemly— which means in a way that the Lord God would not and does not behave.

True love does not seek its own, its own way, its own agenda, or to be seen and heard above anything else; nor does it provoke or think evil.  It does not rejoice in evil, but rejoices in the truth; and this means it walks in the truth, and it does not walk in evil, or contrary to the Lord God. Because out of our hearts —stems the truth of our souls— and what is truly upheld in there, and whom.

TRUE LOVEbears all things, believes all things

hopes all things, endures all things.  

This Means that it is long suffering the things that are annoying, or frustrating, and believes that all can be redeemed, and work through with the Lord God as it hopes for all these things— and then it endures all these things:  it does not seek to run over others, decimate them with harsh intolerance, lack of mercy and grace, or love;  it rather silences self, walks graciously, gently, kindly, mercifully, and prefers the other have voice, place and is heard and seen— because all souls are precious— especially in the ‘family of God.’ 

And what we do to them— we have done to him;  the gravity of that should haunt us all in reverence, with fear and trembling.

What do these things mean?  —Charity never fails: but whether there be prophecies— they shall fail; whether there be tongues— they shall cease; whether there be knowledge— it shall vanish away.

It means that when true love is actually in operation— it will not fail man, nor God.

It means that prophecies, or things that men and women speak— can fail. It means that if there are tongues— they can fail mankind and God, and knowledge can vanish away— but the true love of God— will never fail, nor fade away— for he is eternal. 

This is why being attentive to the Eternal things, and not the temporal things in this material world are of the utmost concern to the lord— and exactly what he walks in:  a temporary frustration or distraction— if we will not operate in love, long-suffering, patience, gentleness and kindness— could have eternal consequences:  we need to be heartful and walk in eternal godly wisdom, from above.

His children will walk the same as he— for they will be led of his Spirit.


Romans 8:1

“There is therefore now no condemnation— to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh— but after the Spirit.”


There's a prerequisite here and that is that we must be in Christ, and operating straight out of Christ and not walking in the flesh— for us to not be walking in condemnation.

We really need to observe which spirit we are operating from.


Romans 8:5-8

“For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

So then they that are in the flesh— cannot please God.”


Are we actually minding the things of the flesh? Or are we actually minding the leading of the Holy spirit, via his conduct? 

Because if we are minding the flesh we're on the path to death right then and there. 

Because those that are currently minding the flesh— are on the path of death and sin still— working THAT LAW— in our members (tongue, being the strongest one). 

But those who are on the path of God's spiritual mind and heart, ways and conduct— are on the path of peace, or shalom— which is where Godly order has been restored Within— where the spirit of chaos once was reigning:   and namely the king is on the throne, and not self.

Because the carnal flesh is actually the enemy of God;  it is not subject to the conduct of the law of God— to the law of the spirit of Life in Christ—  nor can it be;  because it is fundamentally opposite of holiness, pity, mercy, grace, kindness, gentleness, and love.

Does operating in these, as they cannot please God —affect us here, in this verse; do we care if we are actually pleasing God— or pleasing to God?

Because I believe that if we truly did— we would put the face of Christ on every individual that stands before us, whether in a virtual room, online, on a phone call, in a text message, in a post on social media, or a video— we would be treating those as if they are Christ himself —in a needy position and state:   but alas by far and large, I do not see this happening;    and the Lord is grieved, and so am I.

For the Brethren themselves are grieved— and grieving others.

The deceived— are deceiving and decimating others;   deception is far and wide right now, and sweeping throughout the church and body of christ.

It is not only decimating individuals within— but it is decimating individuals abroad— as we are spreading the foul spirit that is leading us— to affect others.


Romans 8:9

“But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit— IF IT BE SO— that the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if any man has not the Spirit of Christ— he is none of his.”


Is the Spirit of Christ dwelling inside of us— and if so, why are we not obeying his Spirit?  

He said he only gives the Holy Spirit to those who ‘obey’ him, in Acts 5:32.

So— if we are indwelled by him (and he’s not simply walking beside us), and we have become one with him— why are we disobeying his heart, his perspective, his desires, his will and his leadership within us— and operating from a harsh, divisive, punishing, intolerant, impatient, demanding, non-long-suffering, SOUL— leaving our brethren in a worse state for having been with us?

Christ does NOT do that— when he comes around.


Romans 8:14

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God— they are the sons of God.”


Are we?  Are we being led of his Spirit?  Are we leaving people better off for coming in contact with us?  

Because he does— where his Spirit goes— people are set free from love— not bound up in bondage chains of heaviness, brokenness, and abject suffering— for having been in our presence;  that would be just the case— they were in OUR PRESENCE— and not his.

For if we were led by his Spirit— there would be freedom, not bondage and suffering.


2 Corinthians 3:17

“Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is— there is liberty.”


Are we putting people in straits, or setting them free?  Are we binding them up and disabling them— or making them whole?  Are we mending broken hearts— or creating them?

Good Lord God— I pray we all look into this;  for I see your heart, and you are grieved for our transgressions and blindness to your Spirit, and to Love:  we have trumped love with truth— at best, and walk CALLOUS to our brethren, and out of love and the fruit of our Spirit;  and at worst— we are not even led of your Spirit at all— and we walk in inquity to you, and dishonor to the King and throne.

Your heart— matters God;  and their hearts— MATTER, God;  and what we do unto them— we have done unto you— in more ways than one.

They are an expression of you, even if they are dirty and twisted— they are in need;  and you are hurting because we cannot see this— and we do not see your face upon them, as we interact with others.

We walk in self righteousness, and that is flawed and dirty righteousness (for that is all self will ever provide) —which is actually unrighteousnesshow do we expect anything of the Lord, as we walk in this?

Your heart is decimated as they grieve the treatment done to them by man— but far worse reaching is it— when it is by the hand of a ‘brother.’

You are afflicted, when they are afflicted— scripture stated above;  but do we have an agenda that supersedes what we are doing to one another?  Is there ever to be a pursuit of teaching the truth (scripture), or prayer, or evangelism, or preaching— DEVOID OF LOVE, or the Spirit of leading??

Have we fallen so far from serving you, your heart, and your children— that we cannot see when we are walking in religious works— and not in the Spirit of the Lord God— as we do them?  

Are we oblivious to souls— and only looking for religious works?

Are we oblivious to the value of each soul— to you, and to their saving— over beating folks with truth, or an agenda?

Good God— are we that blind and rebellious to your Spirit still?

If so— we had better prepare for a serious judgment to the church, first:  for she is reprobate, and rebellious, estranged from your Spirit— and cannot even perceive it.

God help us.


A Word from the Lord


“Janet— I am as grieved as my heart can get;  I told you— a great falling away will happen, and I did not mean from claiming me, alone— I meant— FROM SERVING ME.

I watch it happening, and I do not interfere with the free will of man;  this time period is for choosing this day, and every day— whom each man will serve.  But I am seeing man, serving man;  I am seeing them serve their own agendas, stifle my Spirit’s move, silence me altogether, box me in, and walk all over others in a dominating, elitist manner decimating heart/souls as they go— all the while claiming to be walking out my will.

It is horrifyingly devastating;  and few are actually seeing this take place.

If those who are called by my name— can only honor me in private, but when they get around others— operate from another spirit— we have a serious problem in my house;  and this is exactly what I am seeing.

If my house can only conduct themselves with honor unto me in private quarters, but walk as Pharisees when in public— we have hypocrisy at the heart of man, we have undisciplined souls— not led of my Spirit, and we have devil operations being undertaken— in the guise of Christly duty and service.

Do you see, child, why my Spirit is grieved?  For my Spirit is not being preferred, nor are my children— self is;  this is what happened in the beginning, and we have not come full circle from the garden yet, and walk as One spirit with the living God yet— if we have not charity.

Charity— will always prefer others over self;  and it will always prefer a person— over an agenda, a program, an undertaking or anything of the such;  I look at the souls before me, child— and I SEE THEM;  I do not hush them when they speak, I do not step over them harshly— I do not seek to manipulate or control them.

I do not seek to ‘make them obey,’ or comply;  I am patient, long suffering, loving, kind, gentle, generous and DISCIPLINED:  I will entreat them, I desire to talk with them, to counsel with them, to answer their questions, and to build them up.

I am grieved to the core of MY SOUL— at what man is doing to the souls of other men:  and by what the enemy of me— is doing in leading them;  and they are none the wise to it all:  planks in eyes, with agendas exalted above me, or the brethren.

How will we rectify this, child?  How will we overcome the accuser of the brethren, and the one who seeks to steal, kill and destroy souls?

We will have to be REFINED— and I will not do that— before they give me HUMILITY:  and humility will always begin with ‘introspection’ of all our ways, by and with the lead of my Spirit:  it is a willing process one will ask me to undertake in them, and with them— and by free will choice.

If we are going to come out of this mess we have found ourselves in— where I am hurting, and my body is hurting— by what we are doing to each other—  it will begin with HUMILITY, and SERVITUDE again:  to me first, confessing your faults to me first— and then to the brethren.

Without humility— we remain in the transgression of the garden, having failed to come back to me, full circle— into obedience, and assimilating back into my image, led of my Spirit.

I have chosen certain vessels for a reason, and I have chosen very wisely;  they seek to walk in LOVE, gentleness, kindness, generosity, joy (not complaining and frustrated), patience with one another, carrying them in long-suffering, as well as carrying them to the altar— applying mercy and graciousness, in love and forbearance— COVERING a multitude of sin, not walking in them.

I have need of my people to do great inventory of their hearts, motives, intentions, discipline (or lack thereof), ways in which they walk— and I do need them to compare their actions to mine:  for these are my children.

If we will not walk as I walk, uphold what I uphold, move as I move— we are not mine.  If we will walk as the world, and the worldly ways, paths, conduct, and desire to continue this way is found in us— we are of the world, and are none of mine.

I expect my house to examine themselves— and with fear and trembling;  for I am coming to clean house;  best to find ourselves cleaning with me— than leaving it to me to burn away the dross with heavy, instant, and strong fire— in a lump sum judgment.

I am coming for the meek, disciplined, and pure hearts— I told you this;  and I change not.

Tell them dear, tell them I am watching;  I said I would.  Tell them that they ought to be examining their hearts— because I am.  Tell them, they ought to be keeping my commandments— because I am.  Tell them they ought to be walking in the fruit of my Spirit— because I am.

Tell them, child;  tell them— I am coming, and I desire to know if I will find them in faith to me— or to another, with another agenda, and another spirit.

I am watching, I am willing— but I will force no one to work with or by my Spirit;  and I am deeply troubled with what I see.

Walk in Love little children— for I do;  walk in gentleness, kindness, preferring one another over self, or self agendas— for I do.

Walk in the witness, that you desire to witness to MY PERSON— for what you do to them— you do to me, as all are an expression of the living God:  treat each with respect, decency and love:  I am watching.”

—God holy, true and LOVING


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