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Learning the hard way, or the easy way: abiding, learning, and gaining freedom in Christ

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Teachings of Christ in my Life:

Freedom of the soul


A list of current things he has counseled through me in the past day:

A glimpse into our life together and what he’s been teaching me,

What we have been walking in, and walking out; and

What he’s been having me counsel others in,

As his Spirit leads in our lessons learned.


1 Praying God’s will:  first, open the heart to God, the people, and the situation:  sit there before praying for a while, in the space of peace and love, listen and watch in that space— concerning the people and situation.  Intentions straight from the soul/spirit place, from the power source of God;  less human words, more spiritual release toward the people— based in what Father will show and say in this space, as you sit and hold them up before him.  

Love is a powerful weapon against chaos, and so is shalom:  when we stay in that space in traumatic situations— we remain in the space of love and godly order:  those two aspects of faith expressed— are powerful in the Spirit, as one with God.

Intentions are so vitally important— remember WHY you are praying in the first place, over anyone, and any situation:  it is to release the love of the Father, the will of the Father (and we must see and hear him, to know it;  in shalom and love— we will hear it), and coming through Love— as that IS HIM.

If we come from anxiousness/fear/panic, etc— we are not standing in the place of POWER:  and the power of God comes from exalting him for who he is:  and who he is, is Love, Power, and Shalom.  If we do not come into HIM— into the high priest himself, before we even open our mouths— how can we KNOW his will?  What will we have seen and heard?

It’s important, at bare minimum, when we are desiring to pray the will of the Father over a people and situation— that we enter first— into his ‘rest.’  Many do not understand that ‘rest’ of the Lord:  essentially— it is remembering who he is, and what’s he’s made of, and what his intentions are for man who trusts in him:  it is to seek and to save that which is lost— through Love, Shalom (godly order restored).

The thing is, that’s not always the same for every person or situation, and so— we must be reverent and ask him.  But I will speak more on that later on.

First thing is first:  we must enter that space of Love and shalom, and open our souls to our spirit— who will go and sit in the Lord’s Spirit, commune with him there in Love, over the people and situation;  and then remain in his Shalom —for that keeps us in the place of secure confidence in that all things are ordered from the Lord, and he already knew all about this situation:  it’s just us, that are being brought into it abruptly;  which is why we need to go sit in the space with him— where he knew all, from the beginning;  and he is willing and able to speak into this situation— with the outcome he desires.

We cannot enter into prayer— from a place of fear and faithlessness:  for nothing is achieved in that zone of mind and intentions:  stay in Love, and Shalom (peace and order, disciplined in self emotions and thoughts);  and meet the Lord in THAT space, in the Kingdom— before going any further.

Once you are there, and you are stable— then seek his will on the situation, look and listen:  praying for his will to be done— and for the angelic he has prepared for just this situation to be dispatched into play— and warfare against his will to be upheld with the host of heaven— for support;  and for you to not have any preconceived ideas of what that looks like, and for all parties involved— to be led of the Spirit of God— as we take dominion over the situation, PLACING God in high order of command:  his will is to save and recover— but remember— that doesn’t always look like how we think it should.

It’s always best to get out of the way, and ask Father to come and keep all parties in Love and Shalom— and Power to save and recover;  but also— keep your heart and mind open to how he may want to do that, as it may be different than what you are thinking or imagining.


2 Hearing God clearly— doesn’t happen overnight;  as with any relationship, and every child maturing— listening, really listening to one another is a discipline, and a heart and mind stance.

I began to work with the Lord from a decision that was Holy Spirit led, where I didn’t know him as I should— and I was having heart issues, and knew I could expire from this earth at any time— and needed to get straightened out in priority to and with the Lord.  This led me into a place of FULL SURRENDER to the Spirit of God.

In this full surrender he said I would need to decide if I truly believed he’s real, and if I did— I would have to resolutely believe that— and never go back on that decision;  because fear, doubt, unbelief, pride, confusion, chaos, monotony and so much more— would threaten the truth, if I let it— through turning back on that belief.

So, once I sealed the belief in that he was real— the next step was to read the scripture with him, and believe IT WAS ALL REAL;  and if it was real— I had to dive into all it said, wholeheartedly— and never turn back from that as well— no matter what.

I read about speaking in the secret prayer language— and when I did— I was then in a place where I needed to fearlessly engage that part of my walk with God too.  And so— I read the scripture, and believed;  I asked him to help me with this, as he had always helped me with the truth before.  And that if scripture states we have a secret heart language— between he and I— then I was going to believe he would help me in this:  and so we ventured out into the unknown together.

1 Corinthians 14:2

“For he that speaks in an unknown tongue— speaks not to men— but to God: for no man understands him; howbeit in the spirit— he speaks mysteries.”

I told him I would sound foolish (this was for my nervousness, not his benefit), and yet— I believe you will help me, and lead me, and show me the truth of all this (as you do with all things), and I will KNOW— what your will is over this secret prayer language, in our life together.

For 2 hours— I was PAIN FREE, as the Holy Spirit and I prayed together in our secret prayer language;  and that language— is an open heart door of trust to our Lord— born in the place of TRUST and INTIMACY:  I believe this is where I was baptized in the fire of the holy Spirit— for hearing and seeing him more clearly came after this trust exercise, and obedience.

One cannot pray in tongues well— if trust (security in God, and his acceptance) is an issue with God, if one is afraid to stand in the humble (humiliating, embarrassing) place;  or is afraid to be intimate with him:  we must be able to do anything with God— and be not embarrassed nor afraid— for he is not, that is another spirit.

I told him that I needed to give him everything I could from my heart and intentions— so that when I crossed over— I knew I did everything I could to be one with him:  believing scripture and becoming obedient to be a DOER, and not just a HEARER of the Word— was critical to that.

I began a process of what seemed like caveman methods of communication with God— because scripture states all his sheep know his voice, he calls them by name, and another— they will not follow:  so I had to solidify I DO HEAR FROM HIM, and at that point it was about dialing him in, to hear what he was speaking.  Because you see— we spend our lives listening to every other voice of reason within us— and must learn to dial into God only.

So, I asked him to work with me on yes and no answers at first:  thumbs up, or thumbs down in my mind.  Then— it progressed to using my other senses, and not just sight;  I told him that I could feel a light and free feeling across my heart— to a yes answer, and a heaviness to a no answer;  and that— combined with thumbs up, or thumbs down— was how I began to speak with God, in a one on one conversation:  very elementary— but in full trust that his Spirit was leading me.

That developed into hearing a really smart ‘me voice’ in my head;  we do, after all, have the mind of Christ:  so, I began to understand he was using my voice, to speak a word or phrase, concept or sentiment to me:  “IT WAS ALL A TRUST EXERCISE,”  he just said.

You see— it wasn’t about getting it all perfect— but instead, about trusting my Father, and BELIEVING.  He had to help me believe, first;  and so we practiced this exercise of communion, everyday, all day— and it developed into hearing things I couldn’t have known otherwise— as I told people what he was telling me, inside, or showing me, inside— and people would admit it was the truth in their lives:  this began to build confidence inside of me, concerning our Lord, and our relationship.

As this went on for months and years— I then began to trust him so much that it was really him speaking and showing me things in my imaging room (imagination) —that he began to use his own male voice at that time:  he said— “I begin in the voice you all know, inside yourselves— your own voice;  it is familiar to you;  but eventually— I prefer you know my own, and with my own inflection and use of vocabulary.”

And so— I began to watch God ‘develop’ our relationship of intimacy— as his voice developed and transitioned inside of me, to learn of him more intimately:  but this was not overnight, and in fact— over a couple of years in development.

After hearing his voice (and I didn’t always get it right, my own soul got in the way many times) —he began to desire to counsel and speak through me;  this was another trust exercise;  in that— I would make mistakes— but I had to be willing to go through all the humiliation, and explain that my soul got involved— and I am still a work in progress:  but he’s always been so faithful to continue to teach me the differences between myself and his voice, my will, and his. 

THAT— is part of the process, for how will you know his will, if you don’t know where your own is?  And how will you know his voice, if you do not know your own— and the reasons why, and when you use both?

Part of the process of getting to know one another— is to understand who each person is, each’s voice, and each one’s character, behaviors, habits, fruits of nature, intentions, and so much more:  to understand when it was me, and when it was him (and we still have need to practice this) —I had to look at the intention, the character, the discipline, the voice, and what I saw him ACTUALLY say or do:  I’ve made many mistakes— when allowing my soul to ‘interpret’ what was said or shown— instead of sticking only to what was said or shown by the Lord.


At this time, in the video, I will explain a situation where I worked with two coma patients with the Lord, one went one way— and the other— another way:  and my soul was involved, and led me to conclusions that were incorrect, because of ‘my’ desires of my soul, and ‘my’ intentions:  as I didn’t reverence the Lord, the second time— to seek HIS WILL, and enacted my own.  

As well— I will explain a scenario of recent— with a friend, her dog, a vision of being in the spirit with the Lord, the dog— and an open heart and intentions of love and life toward the ailing dog:  BUT— I saw what I saw, I heard what I heard, I moved how I moved with the Lord— and I got it all wrong in my ‘interpretation,’ instead of asking.  Thank God— I only told the person what he said to;  he saved me in that.


I’ve had to learn slowly and methodically with God, and be willing to make mistakes— for we learn when we get it right, and we learn when we get it wrong:  all is a maturation process:  DO NOT BE UNWILLING TO MAKE MISTAKES WITH GOD— for ‘all things’ work together for your good, when you love and trust God.

I have often said to him— “Help me have no opinion, I do not judge men or situations— you do;  please tell me what opinion we have (yours), and how and what you are asking of me, if anything at all— in this situation.”

Ask— it’s far better than to assume with God;  that is one of the hard ways I have learned.  Practice your relationship with God (workout that salvation), and ask him his will, for his words, for his understanding and judgments (how he sees and decides the matter);  for otherwise— we will still learn, but it is much more painful.

Many people seek God for superficial reasons— not the depth of intimacy he desires, from his perspective.  And what I mean is— many of us want to hear words of knowledge from him, heal with him, save others with him, support and love others, have supernatural experiences with angels or God, visit heaven (in a preconceived idea of what that means)... And he said to me…


Word from the Lord


“All that is outer stuff;  it is not what I am desiring as the most important;  the most important will always be you and I dear:  it will never be ministry before intimacy of knowing one another, and doing life together.

You see, my dream— is that my child knows me, and knows who they are to me, and in me:  it’s never going to be about saving the world together, firstly— it will always be about saving our relationship and identities— firstly.

In fact, if we do not have the foundation, Rock solid and established— the ministry will not work properly;  for how can you and I minister, if you cannot hear me, see me, and know my will, thoughts, emotions and intentions toward the people and situations?

I know what I am doing— and people will struggle with ministry, and intercession— until they come into understanding the development of the individual with me (you and I) is what I am after FIRST:  everything, after you seek the King’s dominion in your soul (seek ye first the King-dom) and my righteousness (I know what is the precision things to do and say, born of my ways and person) —all the other ministering, supernatural experiences, mantles, giftings, words of knowledge, power, and more— will come with.

The stuff, the moves, the ministering, the experiences— will never be my first will in any life;  it will always be finding me inside, in the secret places within you and the Kingdom— and developing you and the Kingdom within you, to know me, my will, my voice, my ways, my Spirit;  and to develop you into living in the Truth too, within your vessel, ways and character:  in that— we can conquer ANYTHING together;  without that— we are impotent, confused, and aimlessly swinging— hoping to connect with a hit here or there.”


I have learned to ask— not assume, I have learned to listen— more than I speak, ask questions for clarification— more than I make statements;  look at what has really been shown or said— and not embellish or add to anything, using my own soul’s involvement.

It was asked of me lately— “How do you do what you do with God, Janet?”

And in that statement— my clearest answer is that— “I” don’t do anything, and that is the key— he leads in all, he shows in all, he speaks in all;  and the only thing I do— is listen, watch, repeat.  

This is why it’s vital to develop the spiritual ear to hear him, believing you do and can— no doubt, and then to practice this with him:  doing exercises of such— working with others, listening to him inside— and repeating what he is saying about them or to them:  and seeing what the person and Holy Spirit reveal to us, in response.

If we are unwilling, and too afraid to do this— how can the unseen God— work with us, if we are unconfident in him, and afraid to try?

He will always need a fearless vessel (and you can be scared and still move forward with him, in obedience— and conquer fear) to deliver what many will not;  for those vessels who are willing to be incorrect, humiliated and a work in progress— will be the chosen vessels of use:  for they will TRY— where others just outright refuse God in such endeavors.

He is seeking a people who do not need to ‘see’ to believe;  and what that means is— a people who can listen in the spirit to a knowingness of what God is leading them in, and not have to KNOW 100% (those are facts, not faith) before being used of God— but instead, work from faith in what you were told or shown within:  this is his dream, he said— to have a people who move from the unseen darkness, where God moves, inside— and to move forward, fearlessly— from what was shown and said there.

THAT— takes practice, and takes conquering:  fear, anxiety, doubt, restlessness and intimidation that will try to set in, that speaks to you— ‘that you better not do anything, if you might do the wrong thing.’

Do we understand ONLY SATAN would say that— because, of course— HE DOESN’T WANT YOU TO MOVE A MUSCLE IN THE SPIRIT— for you may decimate his kingdom and agenda.

GOD— is not afraid of anything, and he knows all mistakes that will be made, and he has provision for them:  he desires maturity and intimacy with him, efforts and trust— over all other things:  we must be the children of God who are powerful, disciplined/stable/secure in God and led of his Spirit, fearless in that our Father goes before us (he saw it all from before the foundations) —and we know our God, and who we are in him.

“Staying in a ‘safe space,’ afraid to try with God,“ he said— “is equivalent to staying immature, and never trusting God in all things (even, mistakes).”

You learning how trustworthy God is, and your identity with him as your Father, and moving with him in the Spirit realm, taking dominion through his will and decrees— frightens the spirit kingdom of hell, and they desire you NEVER UNDERSTAND WHO YOU ARE TO GOD, OR WITH GOD:  they desire you stay scared to make a mistake, and so— NEVER MOVE INTO YOUR IDENTITY, or CALLING— with him:  Don’t let that happen.

Risk big with God = move big with God;  

Risk little with God = move little with God:  

without faith (risk and trust) we cannot please God.

A reverent risk taker with God— is the difference between ‘the wilderness people in large,’ (or even Annanias and Sapphira) —and those who knew AND trusted their God— Joshua and Caleb;  they became mature in God’s faithfulness and identity, in true belief of— and they became the forerunning mature ones he used in great exploits;  those— who crossed over for they knew their God, and their God— ‘knew’ them (like a husband knows a wife).

There must be a belief that God is really in you, and he’s making you one in Spirit;  when you believe that you are being made one in Spirit— you ought to be able to hear one another, see one another, and move together:  for you are one entity.

THAT—” he just said— “is the issue with many:  they do not believe this is happening within them;  they think it is some future state of accomplishment that will ‘one day’ take place:  and yet— the oneness is now!  And it must be cultivated and nourished, practiced and believed— NOW— to continue to develop our bond.”

What we believe— sets us up for success or failure;  what we preach inside, sets us up for success or failure with God:  doubt/unbelief, pride and fear— all must be dealt with— to come into successful relational fruition with God.

I have learned that when I have tried to exert MY will, over God’s (even ignorantly, not knowing I am doing that), I have learned through pain and suffering:  because his will is going to be done, he is sovereign;  but my soul will suffer, if I think my own will, reasonings or opinions are his;  I was a rebellious soul, right then and there— when allowing myself to lead inside— asserting my own will over God’s, and even from good intentions— but not his will.

It’s only in resigning myself to see and hear what is his will— that we will come through the other side of things— secure, and unmoved.

We can only know the will of God— if we ask.  Many see a hit and miss approach with deliverance and healing ministry— and he said— “Because they don’t ask and see my will, Janet.  It is reverential to ask the will of God, and critical to know it.”  

The word of faith movement— can cause some to just believe they already know the will of God— when time and time again in scripture— Jesus never did the same things twice;  he was always watching and doing what the Father led him in:  if we will not— we will have hit and miss ministry, because we are guessing, not led.

“We must step into the realm of his will:  it’s an actual place,” he said to me— “where I can speak and show you my will in matters:  it is accessed through belief, reverence, and peace— knowing I have planned for this for a very long time, and have a plan already established, whether to bring someone home— healing and restoring them— or to exact that in the earth (and body);  but when you step into the place of my will— I will show and tell you.”

Our motive should always be the same from our hearts/souls— to know God:  everything else is secondary:  to heal, to give a word of knowledge, to deliver and cast out demons— all the other stuff is secondary to KNOWING GOD:  his first desire is that we know him, and in that— we must hear him, in scripture and Spirit:  otherwise— every other effort is futile.

And again— for those who do not believe you can hear from him, your inner man is supporting that lie— and… “for as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”  

(proverbs 23:7)

You will not be ‘able’ to hear him, even though he speaks to you, all day, everyday— if you believe in your soul/mind/emotions— that he does not, and you cannot:  as you believe (think), so are you.

So— I have been learning, some of the most CRUCIAL things we can be learning with and under God— is not the priesthood stuff, is not the timing of the end, is not the millennial reign of Christ, is not the judgments coming into the earth…

But is instead— HOW TO HEAR and SEE GOD— in the Spirit;  and how critical that foundation is, to all other endeavors we will walk into with God;  and in understanding what the 7 spirits of God will bring us in knowledge, understanding of that knowledge, the wisdom of God— through his counsels.

If we cannot hear God, and see God (spiritually speaking) —then how can we ‘receive’ of him, in anything else, or unto anyone else?

It will always be his first priority with us, in our walk of maturation with him— that we DEEPLY DEVELOP our relationship with him, in trust, belief, exercises of (practicing) these day to day communications;  for in them— we ‘know’ each other, like a husband ‘knows’ a wife.

If we do not intimately ‘know’ each other— how can we publicly work together— this means in intercessions or ministry?

We must be able to hear our bridegroom leading us, speaking to us, and living within us, and fully BELIEVE it all, to be able to ‘move’ in the Spirit successfully.

This is why he and I say very often— It is better to cut all the videos of knowledge learning off— and sit quietly with him, day after day— asking him questions, and receiving the answers (and you must believe he’s giving them, and discipline yourself in shalom and love to receive them);  than it is to stuff knowledge into your brain (the flesh likes to do that) —but knowledge you never ‘walk in,’ because your relationship foundation is not strong.

The foundation— is the most important, bones structure of a relationship:  this is found in scripture, yes;  but it’s also found in the Spirit:  where we worship him in truth and SPIRIT:  we must believe he is, and he rewards those who diligently seek HIM (not more video knowledge ‘of’ him, but HIM).

If you are unwilling to be alone with him, shut everyone else out (save less than a handful of other voices he approves for you to learn from, as he leads), and let him ALONE— teach you…

You will always be desiring the intimacy you see with others— but never stepping into it, and attaining that in your own life, with and for you and God:  as one.

That is a sad state of affairs— always desiring— never accomplishing, because the work was not put in, and the fear was not conquered, and the discipline to keep going in perseverance— was not attained:  we will not get where we desire to be— if we will not move toward that.

Do you want to hear from him personally?

Then that requires you to give him the time and space to do so;  you must make room— and cut other voices feeding into you, out— and he will fill those spaces;  but you must STAY IN THAT PLACE OF BEING ALONE WITH HIM— to do so.  If you fear this alone time with the bible and communion with him— you will never step into this deep relationship, nor rest in his peace.  What, or who are you WILLING TO GIVE UP— to gain the whole of everything (him)??

Be willing to go into the unknown, the darkness with him— be willing to try, cry, struggle through it all, cast down wicked unbelief— exalting the truth of what scripture says— All my sheep hear my voice, and I call them by name;  be willing to step away from human saviors— to come deeply in relationship into the ultimate Savior, one and only true Savior.  

They are looking for a savior in ‘a flesh,’ as in another person;  but they have a savior in THEIR FLESH, as in a person:  ME.”

If we will not relinquish all the humans we are desperately reaching for to save us, mature us, tell us all the answers— we will never receive them directly from him;  and we will be trading what we truly desire, for what is easy:  unwise virgins.

So— go get your oil for yourselves— it’s the only way to be ‘locked in’ with him, anyway.

He doesn’t ‘need us’ to save anyone, in anyway— but he WILL USE US— to bring in his will, if we can hear and see it:  this is why locking in with his Spirit, and spending more time alone with him, practicing and developing your relationship with him— being taught of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit alone— is critical, and is his dream:  this is where deep intimacy, and success of knowing one another takes place, and where great future exploits with your God— are born from.

If we cannot hear him— we cannot obey him:  and obedience is needed for ministry.  So— a foundationally developed relationship to just hear and see him in the spirit— will always be priority number one with God:  it’s always been— just about you and him, and a functional relationship built upon trust, and anchored in faith and hope:  that’s it;  everything else comes with.

That is where two begin to move in unison, synchronized:  as one.

‘Our will’ being done— will never be the best will being done;  and at some point, when the latter outpouring of his Spirit, imbued with his power and authority to do the greater works comes in— what we decree, will be;  and we do not want ‘our will’ to be done (which would be witchcraft and divination), but the will of the Father to be done:  there are consequences to moving from our own will— best we learn it, and learn Father’s.

Ask him to help you get out of the way, be reverent to him, cast down every other thought that distracts and contradicts God, and competes against him— bringing yourself into shalom and accepted love, walking disciplined in our thoughts and emotions— casting those down before him— entering into his rest, in our obedience:  here is where you will hear his still calm voice, who will not shout over all the others that need to be dealt with.

Take the pressure off— and just ‘be’ with him, and relax, and do this often.

When we will do this with him, and gain more and more success as the days pass— becoming one in Spirit, and under God as most high one in us— THEN— we begin to walk corporately with all the others in the Order of Melchizedek that are doing this as well:  and we stay faithful to continue this way, as One.


3 Seeing flesh and blood people as our enemies —in any way, shape or form— is still being carnally minded, and in self defense, self focus and self importance:  we have all been duped, denied, rejected, betrayed, abused and misled— but all that came from evil spirits behind people.

The Jezebel spirit, for instance— is only the attributes of satan played out;  and where a person came into agreement to ‘be’ as/like that same spirit, in it’s behavior, character and conduct:  and Jezebel is out for herself, what she wants, what serves her, and she will go after that no matter what;  she will kill, steal and destroy for power:  this is pride.

If we do not forgive the people who were puppeted by such a spirit, who fell into sin, and self focus— who hurt us— we will remain in unforgiveness, and miss the bigger points, which are:  as God looks down from heaven— we all fell short.  He sees no difference between ‘us,’ and ‘them,’ in the department of sin:  for all, from his perspective ‘above,’ have fallen short.  And in this falling short— all needed him and his sacrifice, and his life— to save.

We must come into a place where we are the pitiful (merciful) people of God, who seek not their own (justification) —but seek to destroy the works of satan:  and satan hurt, duped, and misled those people into bondage:  and only because of that— did flesh and blood hurt us.

It was never those people as how God created them, undefiled and made in his image to begin with;  it is what the spirit of this world did to them, and how they came into agreement with that spirit— whether they know it or not— that has led them to be oppressed of the devil, and doing his bidding:  which included hurting you.

BUT— we are the merciful children of God, who can see a devil has entrapped this person, and they have agreed with the counsels of that devil, are focused on self— and thereby are deceived and in partnership with the wrong kingdom;  which means— they are on the broad path to destruction, for all of eternity.

THAT— should ALWAYS BE MORE IMPORTANT TO THE CHILD OF GOD— than to seek justice, unto flesh and blood— from their transgressions;  for our Lord saw both our transgressions against him and others, and theirs toward him and others— from the beginning, and sees— we all needed him, for all have transgressed.

Jezebel— or any other spirit— is just a set of principles, behaviors, beliefs, self focus, self justifications (getting what you ‘deserve’ in this realm, and we truly deserve nothing— for we have sinned like the rest), who will go after what that personality desires— at all costs, and will hold a grudge (unforgiveness) against others (means you can’t let it go);  and those who work in this mentality and heart posture— are backed by the energy source (evil spirit) who it originates from.

So— to conquer seeing people as problems and offenders, it’s best to understand you have been a problem and an offender, and you need God’s grace as much as the next guy;  and it was only because YOU were deceived, and walking in alignment with satan in the past— that led you to transgress God too:  and that the people were not made this way, and it was only by being exposed to the spirit of this world (others who did them wrong, led of devils too) —that they are ‘being’ how they are being, or were being— and that they need salvation, love, and healing.

When we begin to see that— we learn that all God does, even bringing in judgments— is to seek and to save that which was lost;  people, deceived and led of satan— into his arms, in mercy, grace and forgiveness— to come out of those alignments, behaviors, ways, conduct, reasonings and enslavement to evil:  to set people free, and to know him.

And when that takes place— YOU WIN, THEY WIN, and GOD WINS!!  And the devil loses another soul, because LOVE AND FORGIVENESS PREVAILED, and you and they— BOTH— have been saved through the graciousness and mercy of God to forgive, let go, and desire to RESCUE SOULS.

Jezebel is an option, a character, belief, behavior, conduct, heart posture and intention to focus on self:  Christ— is another option, character, belief system, behavior, conduct, heart posture and intention toward sinners.

Which you uphold— determines if you are healed yourself, if you are working with the Spirit of God to reconcile, heal and rescue;  or— if you are working for self, to get what you are set out to get, and to be the ultimate focus of importance— instead of the rescuing of an entrapped and tormented soul, under demonic oppression.

WE BECOME WICKED SPIRITS, OR HOLY CLEAN AND PURE SPIRITS— depending upon what we are beholding, and what we are holding up, inside the high places within us:  God holy, or self— unto self.

We must live from above, from Christ— where all desire that none should perish, but that all should be saved/rescued.

He’s looking to see who is still bringing people up on charges, as accusers of the brethren— demanding justice (this is satan’s role);  or— who is doing their priestly duties, bringing these people to the altar, applying the blood of Christ in forgiveness, mercy, grace and love— covering a multitude of sins, and preferring the sinner be saved.

Because if we cannot do this— we are being played, and deceive by the same spirit as they are;  for we are standing in pride, to receive unto ourselves what we think we deserve (and we deserve eternal separation from God, but by his grace— we can reconcile), hold these people to the law (when we were forgiven of much ourselves by God), all to receive something to defend ourselves;  and as we do this— pride leads the ways inside of us, we are deceived by the same spirits, and entrapped in oppression too:  for we are still tormented to dwell and think on these unlovely things, these things without virtue, that are not peaceable.

All because we move in unforgiveness, focusing on people as enemies— instead of the spiritual forces behind the people— who hold them in bondage;  and thereby— we refuse to walk with God, where he is— in mercy and forgiveness— and we remain holding the devil’s hand, walking with him, unto self justification, in the world;  instead of HEAVENLY JUSTIFICATIONS, moving love and mercy— to set a another sinner free, and win for you, for them, and for God;  at the same time— WRECKING SATAN’S AGENDA, KINGDOM and RESCUING A VICTIM FROM HIM.

God will always see the real enemy— evil spirits— not the people the way he made them— can we?

Can we see they have only ‘become’ an evil spirited person— because evil spirits have them in bondage— and their mind, heart, emotions, and reasoning— need RESCUE, and for God’s LOVE TO COVER THEM, and PENETRATE THEM?

If we do not ‘become’ the heart of God toward them— we will remain being the accuser of the brethren— and we will remain at a distance from God, because we align with the kingdom of hell, ourselves:  and in this, we remain bound by unforgiveness, and coupled with torment.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is upheld— there is love, peace and freedom:  no torment there.

People only become evil spirited— when they have been trapped by evil spirits;  so— it will take the LOVE OF GOD, IN YOU— to set them free from their transgressions, allowing God to move in the spirit on behalf of your request— that they be saved from satan, come into the truth and love— and be set free too.

THAT— will always be better than any vengeful retribution we could ever hope for, in judgment against them;  and it will always be what facilitates our own healing, inside, too.


4 Men who say a woman cannot preach or teach;  but he actually said— a woman is not to usurp over a man in authority— in teaching or preaching:  and a woman moving by the Spirit— never could, because a woman moving by the LOWEST SERVANT OF ALL— SERVES ALL, AND DOES NOT USURP ANYONE.

Teaching the ways of the Kingdom of God— is that we lay our lives down to serve God holy, and the brethren;  that everyone else— is higher priority than ourselves;  it is IMPOSSIBLE TO USURP SOMEONE IN AUTHORITY— when you are simultaneously laying your life down for them, going into the lowliest position, and serving them.

A woman of God, bows low— and serves Christ and the brethren;  teaching these truths and examples usurps no man, nor their authority— but serves them, laying all down to them.

To usurp someone’s authority— is to dictate, order them around, and control them;  women of God would never do this, and do not move with that spirit;  they are submissive, lowly, bowed to all— to serve all, and we need to understand these spiritual truths.

A man of God— does the same;  and a true man of God— serves Christ, and serves the brethren, lays himself down— does not attempt to exalt himself above anyone else, but instead— serves them all, and prefers them over self.

Men who stand in a place of exaltation— over women, and teach that they cannot minister to anyone by the Spirit’s lead— have forgotten that ‘inside Christ,’ where these women live and abide— there is no such thing as male and female anymore:  all are one.

True men and women of God work as ‘one,’ and do not usurp, nor shame— ANYONE;  but instead— SERVE ALL, GIVING ALL FREELY THAT WAS RECEIVED, and WORK FROM LOVE and HUMILITY:  they see the beauty of Christ in all, and receive all, and honor all:  for this is Christ’s way in the body.

He loves his bride, both male and female in the earth;  and he has, and will— always use them both:  but they will be a people who seek not to stand in a place of preference or self exaltation— but instead— one of humility and service to others, placing them in priority, and under love and honor:  for these know the value and uniqueness that God placed into all his vessels of honor.

As a woman of God, I am under my husband (the Lord), and if I am obeying him— we are usurping no man— but instead— serving them:  neither the Lord himself, nor his child (male or female) desires to usurp any man (person);  but instead— to honor them, raise them up in preference (exalt), respect, love and serve them:  it is impossible to serve others, and usurp authority— at the same time.

Usurp— take a position of power or importance— by force, take someone’s place, encroach or infringe upon another;  root definition— Middle English, in the sense ‘appropriate a right wrongfully’: from Old French usurper, from Latin usurpare ‘seize for use’.

No woman, moving by the Spirit of God’s lead— would ever attempt to take someone’s position of power or importance, by force;  or take someone else's place, encroach upon and infringe other’s rights;  they would not be appropriating anything wrongfully— nor seeking to seize for their own use or benefit.

You see— that is satan, not God;  and a woman of God is lowly and servant to all;  but many men will miss out on what God has given to his ladies— because they are believing (for reasons I do not understand) —that woman is seeking to usurp them, their position and their power— when a truly godly woman, is only seeking to SERVE THEM, from the heart of God, in love.

I pray your men learn of you Father— that we are here to only serve, love and lay our lives down as you lead us— just like them:  and that they can begin to see us through your eyes and heart:  that we are not trying to ‘be’ anything, or ‘steal’ (usurp) anything;  we have our own portion with you, and truly only desire to SERVE YOU AND THEM.

Freely you gave to us, sir— and freely we send it out into the world for all;  those who are moving in love, not fear— are able to receive of your ladies;  for we are able to receive of you, sir, and of your men— who likewise have only laid down their lives for all (including, the ladies of God).

May we be unafraid, Lord.  May we be moved by Love.  May we be reverent and honoring to the men and ladies— as you loved the church and gave yourself for her.  May we serve one another, and stop trying to compete with one another for a position or power.

May we be in Christ, and Christ in us— and work only from that place, Father.


5 Deliverance:  self deliverance with God;  for all we have need of, is God himself.

Demonic oppression comes from being in agreement with how that spirit operates;  we truthfully become the principles, behaviors, reasoning of that spirit— played out inside of us— and so that battery pack of counsel and power from the other side— empowers us, leads us, and traps us in those patterns of existence.

Like doubt/unbelief, fear, pride, jealousy, anger, bitterness— we, as spiritual beings— become a spirit of those attributes— when we uphold those spiritual attributes inside our minds, emotions, souls and hearts.  We no longer only hear their rhetoric slung at us— we come into agreement with what they are offering up— and then— WE BECOME THAT KIND OF SPIRIT, OURSELVES.

Even having the Holy Spirit with us— we can deny him, deny his attributes and fruits of his conduct— and side with unholy spirits, who walk in other things.

This is why I will continue to say, that part of the saving of the soul— is to come out of operations of devils, in our minds (wicked imaginings) —and come into alignment, agreeing to operate our minds, emotions and souls— as God does;  because in this— we have agreed to to ‘be as he is,’ and in that— is freedom from devils:  because we are no longer walking (living, thinking, emoting) as they do.

As a man thinks— so is he;  we become what we behold, and what we behold— we exalt;  what we exalt into the high places inside of us (the mind and emotions) —becomes our God, and leader of us.  If that is fear, unbelief, pride, jealousy, bitterness, anger, lying, cheating, disobedience, etc— we have BECOME that now, inside;  and there are spirits who we draw to us— to continue to school us in this way of life, for it is what we have ‘thought,’ so we have become it;  it is what we behold (think on) —so it stays, and we are conformed to that image, by the counselors of (demons).

That bodiless persona and all it encompasses, takes up refuge inside our souls (as a home) —because we are in agreement for their principles, conduct, beliefs, and actions to take place in us:  so, we are ‘abiding’ with them now.

It is why we must uphold God, righteousness, and walk there in— the ancient paths;  for if we do not— we will walk the paths of unrighteousness, born of devils, and with devils:  and we have the ability to become reformed and sanctified (cleaned up) inside, with the power of the Holy Spirit:  oppression of the devil is not inevitable, but is able to be overcome— if one will only partner with God holy, and his righteousness will be upheld within.

That means— we walk as he walks, talk as he talks, think as he thinks, and are moved by the Spirit of the Father and Son— as Jesus was:  in this, the Spirit of the Lord is present, exalted, and freedom is where his Spirit is.

So— all areas we will clean up— we will be free in:  it’s all been provided, but only YOU— and he together, in agreement— can do something about the beliefs, thinking, and emotions that often times lead our thoughts within:  If we will partner with the TRUTH, and HIS WAY— and LIFE ETERNAL— these will flow inside of you;  and demons FLEE IN SEVEN DIRECTIONS FROM HIS SPIRIT and HIS HOLINESS.

If we find ourselves unable to relax in the presence of the Lord, or weird manifestations taking place when we go to be with him— if we were in peace, peace would flood us, if we were in rest— we would be able to rest peaceably in his presence:  these are examples of not being found in the place and presence of peace, within our souls— and that means something else is erected there, and needs to be dealt with.

Deal with the belief systems, and deal with the demons;  Deal with the behavioral patterns— and the devils go:  if we uphold the truth— they cannot stay where the truth is actually lived, not known of— LIVED.

The problem I’m finding with people who need deliverance is that they are saying, I am praying, and I am reading my bible— BUT.  And I am hearing the Lord say to me…


Word from the Lord


“But Janet, what about the mean time?  What are they thinking, inside their heads when they are NOT reading scripture or praying to me?  What thoughts are swimming there, and are they in alignment with scripture, and are they my thoughts, from my mind— or their thoughts from an unredeemed, undisciplined, self-led mind?

I need them to be led of my Spirit, and believe the truth;  if they will not do either of those, and cast down anything that sets itself against the word of truth, or my Spirit— then they are UPHOLDING those spirits and beliefs— and are an unbeliever of the truth within them, and they are led of another spirit:  that is where bondage lies.

Freedom comes— when the person will actually LIVE and BELIEVE the truth, and UPHOLD BOTH— within them:  demons cannot stay, where God is;  for I am the polar opposite of them;  where holiness is— unholiness leaves;  where truth is— lies leave, where security in who I am and who you are in me, is upheld— fear leaves;  where humility is exalted as you place me as the biggest person to dwell on within— pride leaves;  where you die— I live.

This must all take place— and is where freedom comes in:  devils flee— when I am found upheld in your mind, emotions and actions (the soul).”


So, not only is there a ‘mean time,’ that needs to be dealt with— all those minutes in the day where we allow our mind to go idle (that is a deadly thing to do);  but there is also— WHAT ARE YOU TALKING TO GOD ABOUT, when you go to speak with him?

Because if it is not him, or others— and it’s you, and what you need, don’t like, can’t stand, wish you had, etc and so on— then— you are carnally minded, self minded, and in pride:  and he resists the proud:  you will not hear him there, in that spiritual place, for he is not found there:  he is found in the spiritual location of humility.  And when he says he resists the proud— that is EFFORT he is putting in toward you, to PUSH AWAY FROM PRIDEFUL PEOPLE.

And do you know why?  He is not that.  He cannot couple with that in which he is not:  so, we must be introduced to humility— him and others are more important— because THAT IS WHERE HE IS, and WHERE YOU WILL FIND HIM.

Many cannot hear him— because THEY are still shouting so loudly inside, because they have not died yet;  and we must die the soul death, to be resurrected into the life of Christ.  Devils and strongholds— will desire us to remain in the place of self importance— because in that— God will fundamentally push back from us:  that is their goal, and that is our bondage.

When we will push back against pride and demonic ways— we PUSH TOWARD GOD, RIGHTEOUSNESS and FREEDOM:  the bondage breaker, and the bondage being broken!

G498 – resisteth

Greek: ἀντιτάσσομαι

Transliteration: antitassomai

Pronunciation: an-tee-tas'-som-ahee

Definition: to arrange oneself against— that is oppose.

1 Peter 5:5-6

“Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.  Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.”

James 4:6-7

“But he gives more grace. Wherefore he said— God resisteth the proud, but gives grace unto the humble.  Submit yourselves therefore to God— Resist the devil— and he will flee from you.”

We must become those who OPPOSE/RESIST THE DEVIL:  and that is achieved by truly upholding God and the truth, within:  in doing that— the devil is resisted or opposed by what we now believe, think, behold, and act according to— and God is exalted, and his righteousness— and there— is peace, freedom and wholeness found.

Our thoughts are not our own— we are led of the spirit realm, the realm of thought creation— and many spirits live there;  we are either led of the Spirit of God, or from ‘other.’  We need to understand that we are being led of someone— it’s either God’s spirit, or we have given ourselves over to self leadership— and the originators of that nature and way— will assist us:  this is why it’s crucial to get to know the truth in scripture, and in Spirit:  we must know God, and live and abide with HIS SPIRIT— or another will fill that space.

He said… 

“It would behoove you all to think, rather— every thought I have is led of God, or self:  and if of God— I am walking in his righteous thoughts, his will and his ways of his person and conduct;  but if I am listening to self— it will align with the fallen nature, woe, calamity, unbelief, pride, fear, and every other demonic attribute, focused on selfishness— IF I AM NOT RENEWED IN MY MIND, CASTING THINGS DOWN— and EXALTING GOD INTO THE MOST HIGH PLACES WITHIN.

We are like gloves— and someone is a ‘hand’ (a spirit) inside of us;  who is moving the hand (our spirit and soul) inside of us (vessels)?  Is it God holy as we are becoming one with his Spirit and led by him and his righteousness?  Or— is it self and satan, moving us about, by their rhetoric, ways, agendas and focus?

Best to keep our houses clean (sanctified) in our ways, under God, and in obedience to his character and conduct of holiness;  or we will remain abiding with foul spirits, their leading and counsels, and in bondage to sin and death.

He just said….

“And what does that mean— child?  In bondage to sin and death, Janet?”

And I said— It means still transgressing (or violation, and not in alignment with, congruent with) your ways of your person, and this brings estrangement, or alienation from the Spirit of God (death), for we are upholding another spirit, and that spirit’s ways about them:  sin and death.

We must uphold righteousness, and life— and exit living contrary to how God lives and operates;  freedom is found there, in living the truth, and with integrity of:  resolutely.

He would constantly have me record my prayers, and record my communion with him— and he would say— “LISTEN TO WHAT YOU ARE SAYING.”

And what I mean is— analyze whether that is the Spirit speaking, and I am in agreement with, and we are one— or— if I am speaking from my own soul, and it is indeed— not like/same/as God, his ways, thoughts/focus, or character.  In this— I was shown MUCH— just by determining whether I was praying from self focus (soul), or from the Spirit— seeing and hearing what he is showing me.

Our speech— will always give away what spirit we follow and believe;  listen to your words— and examine them with the Spirit, do not live in denial— see them all ‘as they are,’ not as you would like them to be:  and then go— and sort your soul, thoughts, emotions and reasonings with God— to see if any lies, darkness or ways of estrangement are existing within you:  this was and is a very beneficial activity for me to do with God:  self analysis of whether God and I are in the same belief, thoughts, emotions and agenda (his), or not.

As we focus on what God is focusing on, and on what God is saying and showing— all the soulish stuff, all the things that so easily beset us in this life of its issues— fade away, in the glory of the Lord’s presence being exalted within you:  freedom, love and peace are found here, and they bring you into the rest of the Lord.

When you move with him this way— you have now tapped into the river flowing from the throne of God, it’s washing you clean, and the demons cannot hold on— in that river of righteousness, that upholds God, the truth, and holiness:  the anointing of God— causes them to lose their grip (their strong hold) on your soul— and freedom floods you.

Don’t ever stop doing that kind of life with God!

He has shown me time after time, in counseling with him, as we examine lives with his Spirit, where strongholds exist in his people— that it is what they are upholding within:  what we do with our time, what we are thinking and emoting inside;  whether we are running to created beings for the salvation that only the Lord can bring if we would lock down and do the work inside— to assist him in the reformation process (changing thinking— is what repentance really means) —that sets all souls free, and returns them to his image.

HE IS THE SPIRIT OF FREEDOM AND TRUTH AND RIGHTEOUSNESS:  are we upholding those kinds of thoughts, reasonings, beliefs and behaviors?  Because if not— we are not facilitating our own release from imprisonment of devils (bondage).  

LET MY PEOPLE GO— has already been said and done— but are WE WALKING OUT OF THAT PRISON?  

Are we— uncoupling with our prison guard (the demonic), and walking away from their operations?  Or— are we still in Egypt, with Pharaoh over us— because, at least in bondage to the devil— it’s familiar (hence, familiar spirits over us) —and we do not have to change?

No change (repentance and reformation/regeneration) —no freedom from a captor (devil) or imprisonment (bondage to them).

CHANGE BRINGS FREEDOM— and Christ brings the change, if we will uphold it.  His Spirit— BRINGING US INTO, all TRUTH— makes us free:  not just knowing the truth— COMING INTO IT SETS US FREE.

2 Timothy 3:7

“Ever learning— and/but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

It’ll never be the knowledge of the truth that brings you freedom— 

BUT THE APPLICATION OF THE TRUTH OF THAT KNOWLEDGE, instead.  He must ‘bring us into the truth,’ not just a knowledge of it, but an APPLICATION OF IT, as we BECOME IT, INCARNATE.


Word from the Lord


“Many are seeking a savior ‘in the flesh’ of another, and yet— I am here in YOUR FLESH, to set you free NOW:  are you willing?

You, Janet, can lead them in a prayer of repentance, and you can cast out temporary inhabitants;  and then— at the end of the day— you and I go home together, and we uphold what we uphold and live in;  and they go home with me, and what they uphold and live in— but if they do not LIVE and UPHOLD WHAT WAS GIVEN/DONE and ACHIEVED— they will come right back into oppression, and worse (7 more wicked spirits will come with) —because the lesson of LIVING ANEW— was not heeded, and DISCIPLINE UNDER ME and RIGHTEOUSNESS—  was not upheld.

It’s far more important for us to explain what is happening, which spirits are involved, how to deal with them, how to keep them out in disciplined obedience to my spirit and listening to what I do and say— than it is to temporarily kick out inhabitants— that will come back, because their ‘root system’ (the thoughts, beliefs and actions) are still in play, in that person;  repentance— a complete change in thoughts (the renewed mind, and minding) must be upheld;  and in that— my Kingdom and Kingship is upheld, as well as righteous living under me— and freedom comes AND STAYS— when the King and his Righteousness is exalted, and the seed remains— inside that soul.”


If we will uphold the truth— we need no other deliverance, or minister of:  if we deny not the power of God to save— we will be saved.

I cannot uphold the truth in you;  I cannot keep you resolute believing the truth, or staying in reverence and obedience to God— but in that— is your freedom:  and I can do all I can to explain my life with you, how he and I have learned together, and what he has taught me, and how he’s making my soul whole and free, in one area after another; but you will have to come into it, and uphold it.

Each man will be required to walk this with the Lord, in Word and Truth— in speech and actions— authentically, honestly and wholeheartedly.

We have the choice and opportunity to uphold a holy spirit within us (ours, in alignment with The Holy Spirit), or— we have the choice, option and opportunity to uphold an unrighteous, unholy, lying, unbelieving, prideful and fearful spirit inside of us:  but the choice of free will stands.

Just because you ‘have’ Holy Spirit with you— does not mean you have made him most Highly exalted and regarded (listened to) one inside of you, nor that you are in belief to him:  we must become believers who uphold the truth within our souls:  and in that truth upheld, and lived— WE ARE FREE IN CHRIST, and Christ is MOST HIGH— in us.

What are we exalting inside, for real—  him and his truth, or other?

Is it all ‘I’ statements of what we lack, don’t have, cannot do, are not, will never be, can’t stand, can’t live without, desire, covet, stare at inside ourselves all day— everyday— of money issues, health issues, family issues, powerlessness, hopelessness, calamity and woe?

If so, we are EXALTING OURSELVES INTO THE HIGH PLACES, NOT GOD;  we cannot be in estrangement from— THE WAY HE THINKS AND MOVES— and expect freedom and unity:  we cannot CAST UP SATAN— and CAST DOWN GOD— and expect freedom in Christ;  for those are the actions satan did in the garden, and has been able to get you to walk in.

And if we are exalting ourselves in our own thinking in the high places within— two things are happening:  

1.  You have exalted yourself, and carnally so— minded on the temporal realm, and things that will pass away and are not eternal, or should be a focus of desire;  as we are walking in pride— and being resisted (opposed by) God, in the process.  

2.  We are not focused on God, exalting God, praising God, remembering who God is, desiring God’s words, thoughts, reasonings, ways, agenda, love, wisdom, counseling of us— as he raises us up into maturity;  we are SOULY, and SOLELY— focused on the god of ‘self.’

And what you behold all day— you enforce, and become:  focus on all that stuff, and not God— you REINFORCE ALL THAT STUFF, AND NOT GOD:   and you become all that— and not FREEDOM IN CHRIST.

Freedom is found in exalting the truth and God of:  and exalting someone and something (the truth) —is when HE, AND IT— is your focus, what you are beholding, locking onto, what is most important to you, and in you— and YOUhave truly died, become humble/selfless, and a servant to God.

Outside of that— remains bondage in this world.

Freedom is in God only, and in God— is only truth, righteousness/holiness, love, obedience to, and discipline— found:  outside of God— is lies, unrighteousness/wicked self focus and ways, disobedience toward God and the truth, and undisciplined souls (thoughts, emotions and actions) found;  and in that— you are in bondage, partnership to satan— and entrapped in the fowler's snare.

Freedom— is available to all in coupling with the Truth, and the Spirit of— and UPHOLDING, BEHOLDING, and BECOMING— the truth incarnate, led of the Spirit of Life himself:  deliverance and freedom— is in the working out of the Salvation that was freely given to you (who is Christ Jesus).

When we decide to repent for real (change in thinking) and we begin to uphold the truth and his ways— and we say…

“The buck stops here, the patterns stop here— all ways our family and my person has behaved and thought in the past, is now OVER WITH, and BEHOLD— ALL THINGS ARE BECOMING NEW IN ME:  I will BE THE NEW MAN CREATION, IN CHRIST…

We then are RESISTING THE DEVIL, and in turn— are COUPLING WITH THE TRUTH, and GOD OF— and are now upholding him, his truth, and his ways— and that’s when we enter into eternal life and freedom, found only in the Holy God;  the one, the true, the only God:  freedom and the salvation of the Lord.


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