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"JEZEBEL and LEVIATHAN" --the YouTube video transcript

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn


The need to have intimate Prayer [communion and petition] with the Father, and learning how to INTERCEDE, as an INTERCESSOR –for the Kingdom of God.


“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).


Traits and Character issues of the demonic affecting uswhy do we have such a hard time dealing with them– because the Personality and Pattern traits are the same in the human offenders, as what evil entities, in this case– Jezebel– are.

And Jezebel, in her purest definition [no pun intended] –is that she is of an UNCLEAN and FOUL PERSONALITY; the same with Leviathan.

And when the human has personality traits that align with TWISTING THE TRUTH, desiring to DIVIDE RELATIONSHIPS, STIFLE the Holy Spirit, and CAUSE INTIMIDATION– LEVIATHAN is at work– and works CLOSELY with Jezebel’s attributes of character.


Jezebel– is the embodiment of EVIL – This spirit hates authority, despises correction, hates being subjected, or submitted, and loves attention– this spirit is UNCHASTE, UNCLEAN, UNHOLY– and hates pureness and holiness– essentially, sanctified and consecrated, narrow path walkers, who look and sound like Yahshua and YHVY– she HATES! [hate means passionately dislikes]

She sets out to QUENCH THE HOLY SPIRIT, when we realize she is an ANTICHRIST spirit, we will see that the people who operate with her, and like her– are embodying hypocrisy and anti Jesus ways of conducting their person and character.

ATTRIBUTES OF JEZEBEL [and she affects men and women alike]–

Jealousy, pride, envy, hatred, murder [a destructive nature], slander, gossip, criticism–fault finding and corrective over everything, no accountability–blames everyone else for their problems, grumpy, angry, vindictive, wishes you’d ‘get what you deserve’ [slings things back upon sender], holier-than-thou mentality, constantly ‘right’ in their own eyes, sullen, dry, lack of joy and genuine love, moves in manipulation and controlwants to get their way–and will run over others in the process, use and abuse people, lie, cheat and steal, seek to single people out and get others to disown them too, always about themselves-only see their perspective-and it’s skewed, vanity matters, mocks and ridicules and belittles, she will keep a record of your wrongs–and she NEVER forgets BEING WRONGED–and always brings things back up–never lets things go really, revenge is in her playbook, and she runs in adultery–spiritual or literal.

Jezebel has NO CLOSE FRIENDS, but has many acquaintances– because people who operate with her spirit– are not genuine, trustful, or faithful; others around her spirit will tend to fear him/her because when a Jezebel is in power, he/she has an authoritative and THREATENING demeanor [essentially– they are SCARY] –And yet they will make you feel like you NEED THEM somehow.

[socio, and psychopaths fit her spirit]

DESTRUCTION, DESTRUCTION, DESTRUCTION of relationships and people– is her goal; she will come after spouses, boyfriends, friends and desire to SEPARATE YOU FROM THEM…and then discard them…when she’s finished making her point– It’s why she gets along with Leviathan so well.

A Jezebel is impatient, a show off, proud, rude, selfish, provoking, thinks of evil, rejoices in sin, is unbearable, unbelieving and unendurable.

NOTE– Jezebel seeks to KNOW ALL YOUR BUSINESS– so DON’T PUT EVERYTHING ONLINE or TELL EVERYONE EVERYTHING– especially ahead of a schedule, you don’t want them WRECKING YOUR PLANS!

[Side note– watch the seductive music you listen to– she’s in there, and that’s an open door for legal rights, with something in YOU– aligning with her.]

Witches, or unwitting Christians, or humans, in general who walk with her spirit– will give you UNSOLICITED ADVICE, FALSE DREAMS and VISIONS about you– to CORRUPT YOU; they can even FAST and PRAYAGAINST YOU.

[SIDE NOTE– Satan– in general– has a mission to CORRUPT HUMANS in any way, shape or form: STEAL, KILL, or DESTROY– is his M.O.-- so if you have any of those qualities operating in you– he has a foothold in you.]

She will seek to corrupt you with forbidden desires– it’s her goal to take you out.

One weapon she uses is– threatening abandonment, like suicide or any controlling manipulative threat– to attempt to subvert you and your decisions: to control the outcome and move you, like puppet, to respond.

She will try to get you to talk, and let down secrets right away, and eventually use them against you; Jezebel WANTS WHAT YOU HAVE– she has nothing genuinely, and people who run with her spirit are clueless about their REAL IDENTITY– when messed up with that spirit.

People running with Jezebel will use witchcraft and divination and not even know it– USUALLY; like gossiping and rebellion to God’s holy way to live and conduct self, and divination is using your God given gifts and power to manipulate and control people, circumstances and outcomes– praying terrible things into play.

Leviathan, you will see, will be similar,

and overlapping at times.

Jezebel HATES PEOPLE OVER HER in AUTHORITY, and positions of authority in the spirit or physical– BOTHERS THESE PEOPLE IMMENSELY– because THEY ARE THEIR OWN GOD, and THEIR SAY– GOES; this is being a self god, and a person that DOES NOT WANT GOD HOLY OVER THEM, or CONDUCTING THEM ABOUT THEIR CHARACTER or their DEEDS– and OTHERS– don’t matter, what she wants, needs and desires– MATTERS: they have major authority issues, and know not how to SUBMIT– they refuse submission or working together.

Jezebel runs in seduction and manipulation– she doesn’t know what real LOVE IS, or HOW TO REALLY LOVE– though these people with her– they think they do– and THINK– they know real LOVE; but the truth is, they are not even loving self when they operate like this– they are SELF DESTRUCTIVE, and SOCIALLY DESTRUCTIVE.

They don’t bring people together in love, and you can feel a heavy atmosphere when she is in operation; you will get the impression you should ‘bow out of this environment and conversation–’ and you could likely be the NEXT TARGET.

If you bow down to people with her spirit, she will like you– if you set yourself against her, she will come after you with her dirty character attributes, and with a VENGEANCE– and you will become– PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER 1.

She wishes to obscure the TRUTH and will outright DENY IT; it’s why she and Leviathan get along so well. She hates the Truth, and Leviathan sets out to TWIST THE TRUTH, SEPARATE and INTIMIDATE.

She loves to be ADORED and WORSHIPED– popular if you will– and she can seduce you to get close to you, but it’s all subtle lies and will draw you in with complimentary speech– to sneak around you in the end– and come in for the bite, and take down– like Leviathan.

If a gifted or talented person has a Jezebel as a friend– that person will suffer greatly– because Jezebel will act like a friend, and yet he/she is an enemy seeking to sabotage them and their gifts.

These people DO NOT KNOW THEIR REAL IDENTITY IN CHRIST– if they did– they wouldn’t be operating this way; they are under oppression, being used by Jezebel and other evil spirits [as we can see in the list above].

{Side note– Fasting and Prayer, continuously– helps to be strong in the Spirit against these high ranking entities.}

Once you are free of her, and cut ties– you can think more clearly– and headaches go away, and that constant stress hanging over you like a dark cloud– dissipates; it’s why interceding for these people to BECOME WHOLE AGAIN, IN GOD– is so vitally important.


Let’s look at Leviathan– I often tell folks that SHALOM– is more than serene feelings of peace– it’s GODLY ORDER RESTORED, where once CHAOS reigned; and Leviathan is an agent of CHAOS.

Leviathan works in Confusion and wishy-washiness– constantly back and forth and cannot pin them down– not resolute or of stable character; they CANNOT STAND PEACE– always ruffling feathers, always a problem.

God is not the author of confusion– 1 Corinthians 14:33; and church splits come from Leviathan– the ultimate SEPARATOR and DECIMATOR of Unity– it’s why this spirit runs with Jezebel.

James 3:16 declares– “For where envying and strife is– there is confusion and every evil work.”

Confusion causes unrest, and Leviathan works MASSIVELY– with PRIDE; and this spirit will TWIST THINGS and attempt to TAKE YOU OUT OF THE MINISTRY ALL TOGETHER, rendering you essentially powerless– and STOP DELIVERANCE from coming through fully.

This spirit is called a Dragon of FEAR and INTIMIDATION– see why it runs with Jezebel??!


His ‘skin’ is like armor, the scripture says– a very HARDENED INDIVIDUAL runs with Leviathan in operation in them; his pride in scripture is lined up with his VANITY OF APPEARANCE.

Walls are ERECTED AROUND THEM– they keep you at a distance, not intimate really– FOR PROTECTION [remember– scales of the dragon sea serpent].

Leviathans TEETH are mentioned– this person WILL HAVE A BITE IN THEIR SPEECH TOWARD YOU– haughty look, piercing eyes, never encourage you or smile– INTIMIDATION IS THEIR ATTRIBUTE: chew you up, spit you out, no mercy.

[See why forgiveness and love– in the courts, fighting ‘FOR’ YOUR ENEMIES– defeats these two?]

Individuals operating under the Leviathan spirit feel as though nothing you say is worth listening to. This spirit considers itself superior over all others and– it is always right. People operating under this spirit will seldom repent or ask for forgiveness.

Leviathan hates the flow of the Spirit of God, these people shun the move of God in a church or environment; Leviathan comes at the LEADERSHIP to block the 5-fold offices, because keeping them impotent and separated– stops the full move of God in the churches: Dry and INEFFECTIVE churches and people.

Leviathan is around– when it seems extremely DIFFICULT to move in the Spirit’s gifts and anointings– in a particular place.

In Job 41:18-21

When Leviathan sneezes– it is like lightning flashing out.

His eyes shine like the light of dawn.

Burning torches– come from his mouth.

Sparks of fire shoot out.

Smoke pours from his nose– like burning weeds under a boiling pot.

His breath sets coals on fire– and flames shoot from his mouth.

Leviathan sits in the Holy Place of the temple and counterfeits the things of God; where do we think that is??


walking in HAUGHTY PRIDE.

This spirit prevents one from TRULY ENTERING THE HOLY OF HOLIES– but they will be led to believe they have [again– pride blinds them].

Leviathan is A COUNTERFEITER– it will cause people to have– false light, dreams, visions and revelations– and gives false understanding.

LEVIATHAN BLOCKS PROGRESS IN THE SPIRIT– like you’re up against a WALL; it attempts to derail you by warring against you with pride, fear, intimidation, doubt, worry– and all the things that are not a part of the Kingdom of God.

Leviathan stops people from having a TRUE ENCOUNTER WITH THE FATHER, beyond the veil– and leaves people remaining in the outer courts.

[That’s a heart issue– in the heart courts– or rooms of intimacy with Father]

Leviathan counterfeits the TRUE LIGHT– and comes with deceptive foolery.

Christians operating with Leviathan alignments will be just dangerous enough with their false light, and begin to feel as though they have arrived in God– and they become stubborn, prideful and unteachable: many hold onto doctrine, the law and religion.

It causes them to hold on to denominational beliefs and religious ways instead of embracing the Kingdom of God and His love.

Job 41:22-25

His neck is very powerful.

People are afraid– and run away from him.

There is no soft spot in his skin– it is as hard as iron.

His heart is like a rock; he has no fear. [think reverence/honor, as well]

It is as hard as a millstone.

When he gets up, even the strongest people are afraid.

They run away when he swings his tail. [think tale, as in story, as well]

People running with Leviathan are STIFF NECKED, STUBBORN and HAVE A ONE TRACK MINDSET: nothing, and no one, changes their mind.

Again, It is the religious spirit working in conjunction with pride –that hinders people from growing in God. When you stop growing you get stagnated, stale and remain stuck in the old ways and moves of God.

This is how Leviathan works with the spirit of Religion.

Leviathan works in the soil –that is of HARDENED HEARTS, and STONY GROUND– it has taken root in the heart; can we see why we have to PRAY FOR THESE PEOPLE??

If we don’t– their inner man never changes, and Leviathan and Jezebel working through them– coming at us– never changes. And we will find ourselves facing off with these spirits over and again.

I have personally found– setting out to Love these people in the Spirit, in intercessory prayer– and distancing oneself from them in the physical, while you intercede for them, as you can– is most beneficial.

Leviathan, like Jezebel– STIRS UP PEOPLE’S EMOTIONS and WILLS [ actions and decision making]; often times a person with the spirit of Leviathan deals with anger issues, restlessness, sleeplessness, and uneasiness most of the time, and Leviathan protects itself with armor.

The one thing that Leviathan hates is prayer! To pray means to humble yourself before God, and Leviathan is never humble or repentant.

Supplication and prayers bring forth deliverance and healing, but Leviathan’s pride will not allow him to humble himself and repent.

They are always right– you are always wrong– they are fault finding and accusers of the brethren– and they NEVER take responsibility or accountability for themselves or their actions; they love playing the BLAME GAME– see how this spirit aligns so well with Jezebel??

{Side note– sleepy or uninterested to pray– LEVIATHAN is present.}

Leviathan SPEAKS HARSHLY, UNKIND, NO JOY, SHARP, MOODY, AGGRESSIVE, ANGRY, WRATHFUL and FEARFUL even; the scripture says His breath sets coals on fire, and flames shoot from his mouth.


Leviathan– is also a COVENANT BREAKER; think MARRIAGE, both physical world and spiritual to God– Leviathan will never be wrong in a disagreement and because it is stiff-necked and stubborn, it will not change.

This is ONE OF the strongest spirits to come up against– and it’s because PRIDE IS HARD TO BURN OUT OF A PERSON; being WILLING and WANTING TO CHANGE IS CRUCIAL– and it’s why we intercede to break things off of people in the courts of heaven, and to pray MERCY and FORGIVENESS, whilst covering a multitude of sin– to GET THEM A GOD EXPERIENCE, and A BREAKTHROUGH– as breaking THROUGH the ranks of Jezebel and Leviathan, with and by God– and through LOVE: because they actually have stronghold on them, from some of the STRONGEST entities.

Wherever hearts are HARDENED– Leviathan is likely holding up shop; ask God to assess you too, see if there are any ROOTS IN YOU– because we may have PRIDE that needs to go in certain areas, where the fallen entity of Leviathan is playing around inside of US, with A ROOT: humble yourself before God and pull roots out– that CLOSES DOOR ACCESS to these spirits and their operations in us.

{Side note– growing, changing, humbling ourselves before God and being able to be corrected by God– is NEVER a bad thing; if you are still moldable by our Lord, you are still TEACHABLE: and students of his way, are what he’s after– continued learning, is continued maturing.}

Humility and contrite [broken] spirit before God will begin to remove all doubt, fear, hardness– and the inability to understand the ways of God. Only God has the power to smite Leviathan and break his head– which is his– gained authority –over your life.

The Spirit of Pride Looks Like: Power, Intellect, Money, Arrogance, Oppression, Strife, Arguing, Stubborn, Rebellion, Self-Righteous, Prideful, Vain Looks, False Compassion, False Humility, Spiritual Pride, Disobedience, Rejection of God, Self-Deception, Lying, Greed, Violence, Scorner, Laziness, Idleness, Backbiting, Gossiping, and Jealousy.

These people working with a Leviathan aligned spirit– need to actually be indwelled by the Holy Spirit– they may claim to run with him– but he is not in operation within them, HE’S NOT AT THE HELM OF THE SHIP– other spirits are.

These spirits go not out, but by prayer and fasting– this is true– because one must become strong in the spirit to overcome them inside; one must UN-ALIGN WITH THEIR CHARACTER ATTRIBUTES, and close up shop on operating like them any longer– and live from the New Man creation in Christ: it’s why we need to emphasize TRULY BORN-ANEW LIVING, in SANCTIFICATION of the Soul part of man.

And the Lord has to rebuke the high principalities and powers operating out of the 2nd heavens– it’s why we have to go to the highest Judge, Father– to get the highest host army ranking spirits with Michaelto go after them; that only happens when we start praying for and loving our current enemies– as well as– seeking the Lord to cut these entities off at the spirit realm pass, so to speak– and allowing THE LORD TO REBUKE THEM.


Prayer, fasting, humility before the Lord, praying truly in LOVE and FORGIVENESSTOWARD– our current enemies– THAT, STIFLES THE ACTIVITIES OF LEVIATHAN and JEZEBEL; and that’s when we see God– deal with them, at the ROOT LEVEL– LEGALLY– by going after the VICTIMS OF THEM, WHO HAVE NO IDEA OF WHO GOD REALLY IS IN IDENTITY, or WHO THEY REALLY ARE, in their TRUE IDENTITY, as God made them originally.

Essentially– we are praying GOD into their lives, to SHOW THEM THEIR TRUE SELVES, HIS TRUE SELF– and the REALITY OF THEIR TRUE OPERATIONS CURRENTLY, within their hearts– and WHERE GOD’S WANTING TO TAKE THEM, in how he desires to REFORM THEM into the NEW MAN CREATION married to his Spirit– for real.


Now– WHAT CAN WE DO IN THE COURT SYSTEM OF HEAVEN– how do we intercede and pray??

First, come humbly, and IN LOVE– if you cannot find yourself in TRUE LOVE, ridding yourself of bitterness and offense– DON’T GO TO COURT! Because the Lord will review ALL YOUR OFFENSES TOO– and if you want to HOLD OFFENSES [sentences and charges] AGAINST ANOTHER– he will REVIEW YOUR CASE, FAULTS and INFRACTIONS– too.

Remember– if you do not forgive others of their tresspasses against you– your heavenly Father will not forgive you of your tresspasses, either.


We come into the court and we fight ON BEHALF OF THEM, ‘as if–’ WE ARE THE GUILTY PARTY.

[demonstration of this]

“Lord, and Judge most high, I come to you today over a guilty sentence and charges that I fully take accountability and responsibility for– BUT– I plead FORGIVENESS, MERCY and A DROPPING OF CHARGES [for self, or the person you are in PROXY for].

I am guilty of running with ________ these spirits and attributes, [list the attributes you have written down, from Leviathan and Jezebel, or any other entities that apply] and I am asking you to CHANGE ME, HELP ME, REFORM ME, and LET ME HAVE A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH YOU and with TRUE LOVE– and cut off these evil spirits from having any place, or hold in me.

I am giving you full access and authority to do so; as well, add to these spirits listed– ALL THE OTHERS LINKED TO, and WORKING WITH these ones listed, in any way, shape or form!

Please call them out in the spirit now, Holy Spirit of God– and NAME THEM to this case.

I ask for your forgiveness, and I give forgiveness, and loose others where I have been holding offense inside– concerning them– and where there were infractions committed– I RELEASE THESE PEOPLE and WISH TO RECONCILE SPIRITUALLY.

[Reconciling ‘spiritually–’ doesn’t mean you have to do so in the physical world– but it would help– if we could humble ourselves enough to do so.]

I take full ACCOUNTABILITY here today, and I desire for RECONCILIATION SPIRITUALLY– to both YOU, OTHERS, and MY TRUE IDENTITY– amen.”

When we pray such powerful intercessory prayers ON BEHALF OF OUR ENEMIES– we gain –spiritual breakthroughs and VICTORY, because we are praying in– THE WILL OF GOD– because the WILL OF GOD– is ALWAYS– to reconcile with estranged sinners.

God told me long ago–

“I need someone to stand up, and take accountability for the sin and transgressions; and if you will do that as a proxy– I can move mountains in the physical realm.”

Definition Proxy– the authority to represent someone else, a person authorized to act on behalf of another.

I know this topic, and these spirits– want to stop this information from getting out– because when they have NO MORE VICTIMS TO USE– their operations have to stop, because godly reconciliation happens inside hearts to God– and everything they were once playing in, and with– COMES TO A SCREECHING HALT.

This is Father’s message– and GOD– will enforce it; WORK WITH HIM– TRY– MAKE EFFORT TO DO THIS, and REFORM YOUR OWN WALK IN INTIMACY WITH HIM at the same time.

The greatest thing, or one of them, is that I think what the disciples said, and did, with Jesus, was PERFECTLY, GODLY ORDAINED– when they asked of Jesus– “TEACH US HOW TO PRAY LORD.”

This is what we are attempting to do with this breakdown today; to teach his children, HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY BEAT THE DEVIL– and GAIN INTIMACY, and a REAL RELATING heart to heart, with God, and ON BEHALF OF HIM and his WILL, and for OTHERS– and THAT– MOVES MOUNTAINS.

Go– present a case before the Lord– and ask him to DROP CHARGES, and LOOSE LOVE, HEALING, HIS PRESENCE, THE TRUTH, and RECONCILE their TRUE IDENTITY TO THEM.

And when we FIGHT ‘FOR’ THEM, like this, INSTEAD OF AGAINST THEM– Leviathan, Jezebel and all the ‘linked’ spirits that work with and under them– LOSE THEIR HOLD on their VICTIMS.

Get healed people who know who God truly is, and who they truly are at their real core– and you lose victims and puppets of the enemy.

THAT– is what we are after: Healing, and Reconciliation to GOD, and TRUE SELF IDENTITY ‘regained–’ as God made them to be.

PRAYER– based in love and forgivenessMOVES MOUNTAINS in this realm, and in God’s domain.


God– defeats these entities– they are ANTICHRIST SPIRITS, and remember, he said– “many antichrists are already in the world;” this is what he was talking about.

We just obey, love and forgive– and God and his high ranking Host and Angels– go after REBUKING the principalities and powers in high places.

WE– are vessels– we intercede and we ask for God to cut off the spiritual access from Jezebel and Leviathan, but– WE INTERCEDE– that means we bridge an answer –and work a work– on behalf of the oppressed individuals.

God does the BLOCKING– we do the LOVE and FORGIVENESS and MERCY, whilst dropping all charges; otherwise, if we do not– God will pull up our record in these scenarios, and he will weigh– OUR CASE before him, too.

I always find–


Besides, we gain more people reconciled to Father, when we ONLY PRESENT ‘his’ ATTRIBUTES IN OUR LIVES; we stop evil powers from having access to us, when God wins at REFORMING OUR INNER MANand THAT– is what we are asking him to do with our loved ones.

FIRST– DROPPING THE CHARGES, and COMING IN LOVE, to PLEAD ‘for them–’ and not AGAINST THEM in complaints presented to God.

He’s wishing to teach us how to pray, and how to reform our inner man, and how to have a truly intimate, and successful, relationship with him, and reconcile areas of ourselves, and reconcile to others, as well as helping them to reconcile back to him, truthfully– ALL AT THE SAME TIME.


Because, did you know– his ultimate goal– IS TO MATURE US INTO LOOKING, WALKING, TALKING and SOUNDING LIKE HIM AGAIN; our being spiritually mature– is at his heart– and is his goal.

Everytime we mature in an area– it actually means– we RECONCILED another part of ourselves to him– that was STILL ESTRANGED, and looking funky and strangeBUT NOW– LOOKS LIKE GOD AGAIN in IMAGE.

When we learn truly to forgive our enemies, and to PRAY ‘FOR’ THEMwe step into what Yahshua/Jesus did for us– when he came to reconcile us offenders, who were guilty as well– to himself, via Calvary– by DROPPING ALL CHARGES AGAINST US.

Leviathan, Jezebel, and ANY OTHER WICKED, PRIDEFUL, EVIL SPIRITcannot stand [remain] around God’s Spirit and Presence– because LOVEREPELS THEM.

So GO, INTERCEDE, IN LOVE– and REPEL –Jezebel and Leviathan– and all those working with them– through LOVE and FORGIVENESS, and in ‘FIGHTING FOR’ those wayward folk in our lives; they are in ‘our’ lives– FOR A REASONwe are meant to BRIDGE PRAY FOR THEM, and intercede, so God has the BEST OPPORTUNITY TO HELP THEM, and ‘us–’ in all we are going through.


So– in closing, and summary– GOD DEALS WITH THE PRINCIPALITIES and POWERS IN HIGH PLACES; he sends his angels and his heavenly host army– and WE– are responsible for THE INTERCESSION– over and for– these victims and offenders: because true lovecovers a multitude of sinsand the legal system of God’s domain– BINDS UP THE OPERATIONS OF HIGH RANKING EVIL SPIRITS in our lives, and the lives our loved ones.

Our job is DISCERNMENT, and an OPEN and WILLING HEART, to intercede in these issues and circumstances, and for these people, and on their behalf– because that’s what God did when he saved us.

[intercede means– do something, about something– like a cop intercedes in a robbery]

Love– is the ultimate weapon– against evil; and when we truly begin to operate in God’s attributes with him, and fight ‘for’ our brethren– GOD STEPS IN, THE ANGELS STEP IN– and MEGA CHANGES and MIRACLES HAPPEN.

We have a role, God has a role, the angels and host of heaven have a role– and even the offender has a role, JUST LIKE CALVARY.

We are the CATALYSTS– God is the EXPLOSION that sets things right; God made satan [the nameless one] and HE– is the one that will fight these ANTI-CHRIST SPIRITS for us; that’s HIS JOB our job –is to LOVE ON PEOPLE IN PRAYER.

Because they are only our enemies today– but they could reconcile tomorrow– and the only reason they are our enemies today, is because they are ESTRANGED FROM GOD HOLY, somewhere inside themselves, and are blind to it, or don’t love themselves enough to care to be different and healed. So if we care enough– things can dramatically change.

His eyes are roaming our hearts to find ones like him– and ones like him– will lay their lives down, for their friends and brethren; this is one way we do thatby intercessory prayer, and taking responsibility and accountability before God– ‘FOR THEM–’ until they can do it for themselves.

It is essentially– locking arms spiritually with your enemy, in love– to help them along in the spirit realm, for things they may not do for themselves– in and from this realm, and your HEART: perhaps because no one has ever truly loved them, or they have never ‘felt,’ or had it seem like, anyone ever has loved them.

LOVE, and lack thereof, is at the ROOT OF THIS– and LOVEwill be what reconciles and fights this off.

They are only that way– because these spirits have convinced them of a false identity, and false power, and they are really taking them down the BROAD-PATH to DESTRUCTION; care enough about that– and GOD will move your mountains where high ranking entities are set against you.

I will post a transcript of this video, of what was typed up before hand, in the comment section below this posting; it will be in the format of a ‘blog’ post, for convenience of listed attributes, and sample intercessory court proceeding and supplication, prayer.

God bless you all– and may the Lord assist you with his Holy Spirit in all you put effort to with him– especially concerning intercession legal proceedings in his heavenly domain, and where we need to receive power over the enemy, and to destroy their works and plans.

May his Shalom fill your hearts and minds, today and always– in Jesus’ name.

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Jan 24, 2023

So glad this post is out alongside the prayer!

May Abba richly bless you as He continues using you as a vessel.

May He,the Teacher continue revealing these things to us and teach us how to pray!


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