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Isaiah chapter 14

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

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In chapter 13, the Day of the Lord is at hand, chapter 14 begins by bringing this into deeper revelation, as the Lord speaks to the enemy— directly, through Isaiah— as to what will become of them, and what will become of his people.


Isaiah 14



“For the Lord will have mercy [compassion, pity] on Jacob (God’s house), and will yet choose Israel [symbolic name of Jacob], and set them in their own land: and the strangers [foreigners] shall be joined [united and remain, obliged and lend to, cleaving] with them, and they shall cleave [gather together, and abide] to the house of Jacob.

And the people [tribe, flock and nation of Israel] shall take [accept, mingle with, place, and receive] them— and bring them to their place [locality, country and home]: and the house of Israel shall possess [inherit, bequeath— leave one’s person to someone else— as a beneficiary, or generally enstate] them —in the land of the LORD, for servants and handmaids: and they shall take them captives [carry them away with them] —whose captives they were; and they shall rule [Tread, subjugate, have dominion over, prevailing against and] over their oppressors [tyrannical harassing driven, distressing taskmasters].


It’s interesting that in the end of chapter 13, the Lord is addressing what will become of the enemy, and in the beginning of chapter 14— he’s detailing out that one of the things that will happen to the enemy— is that where, and how they were oppressing his nation of people, they will now fall into oppression themselves, and serve his people— as part of their overtaking, and judgment— by God.

In the past 24 hours God chose to show me a vision of a spiritual attack, and what the enemy’s plan was to overtake his children— in their individual lives.

I saw, as he showed me the onslaught of spiritual attacks against me (as the first example) —a spider’s web, with me sitting in the middle of it.

Now, this is the attempt of the enemy to cause God’s people to feel, or have it seem that they are closed in, flanked on all sides— by a fierce enemy, coming from every angle; as this was when I saw spiders, on each long line of web, coming off the center hub where I sat.

These spiders were placed on lines from the center, like spokes coming off of a hub— like a wagon wheel— giving the impression that the person (victim of attack) was hedged in, with nowhere to escape.

But this was an illusion

as the Lord began to reveal to me.

He said…

“Janet, what does the webbing feel like beneath your fingers?”

And I said— “Lord, dry, soft and bouncy, not sticky at all.”

And he said— “Yes, now I want you to rebound in the center of this web; I want you to stand up, and rebound.”

Now, the definition of rebound is— bounce back through the air, after hitting a surface, spring back, ricochet, make a recovery, a recovery of possession; root definition— late Middle English: from Old French rebondir, from re- ‘back’ + bondir ‘bounce up’.

He was going to show me that we have the upper hand still, if only we will stand up, and bounce back.

So, I stood up, and I began to bounce— as the Lord instructed; now when I began to bounce— shockwaves of fire light went down each row the spiders were on, and as I jumped and the waves of fire light flowed down each row— the spiders ran as fast as they could to the furthest reaches they could go— from the center of the web, hub, or trap.

They ran to the furthest edges of the web, and could go no further; they were unable to get away, or go anywhere else— as God was releasing forces against them.

I saw as I jumped, joy filled my face— like a child on a trampoline; I was no longer concerned about the attacks, nor was I concerned about the spiders or the web itself— at all. The web became a place of joy— I believe it was the joy of the Lord, his presence— and his desire to always show his children— he is a good Father, and one who can be relied upon— to deal with his enemy, and the enemy of his children.

The Father delights in taking down the enemy in his children’s lives— but I was required to not just sit there, in concern or worry, but to TRUST HIM, and LISTEN TO HIS VOICE— as we sat together, where the enemy meant to destroy us.

I was required to RELAX in the midst of the onslaught attack— and RELY UPON MY GOD; and so I did.

He guided me to see that all was not as it was being presented; the web was not sticky, and I was not entrapped— it was an illusion. The web was traversable, it was nothing more than a trap, to trap the enemy in, and turn back upon them— what was meant for our destruction.

I watched in the spirit— as I jumped, and the fire light went down every line, every row, and spiders scattered— that the angelic, Heaven’s Host from the Father’s Kingdom— went on mission to attack and trap the enemy that was attempting to trap God’s child.

The web— was lies; and the spiders— the voices of the lies, meant to entrap us, and for us to depart from the truth— and to believe the lies.

But when we stand up, and we don’t lie down in our lives— but we come against the enemy, his voice of counsels, and we RE ENGAGE with the TRUTH— we destroy the lies, rise above, hear the voice of our Father again, and destroy the works of darkness— setting the trap, upon those who set the snare in the first place: we engage heaven, our Father, our resources and comrades (the angelic) who fight on behalf of the heirs of Christ— and the battle momentum and tide turns in our favor; not to mention— the joy of the Lord returns to the children.

I saw my face light up with great big grins, as I REBOUNDED upon this snare that meant to take me down— as I watched the angelic bloodhounds— go after the enemy, for the take down. They were trapped, and could not escape the snare they set for God’s children— when God’s children FOUGHT BACK.

Lies— are just that; they are stories people make up, based upon faulty reasoning— and we can rise above those voices. We do not have to defend ourselves— our God will do this, if we will remain in alignment with his Spirit— and work from his Spirit, in the nature attributes of his Spirit’s fruits.

We must rise above the carnal attacks, the spiritual attacks coming against us— and remember— flesh and blood people are not our enemies— the spirits behind them are; and we ought to attack those spirits directly.

Part of this REBOUNDING— was to stand in the truth, no matter who said what, judged how, gathered with a troop of like spirits against us— it was to remember what the truth is, what God knows is the truth, and be not swayed by the fall of man, or the counsels of the enemy through them, nor direct spiritual attacks: he will crush satan under our feet.

OUR FEET— as we engage with him, and pray FOR the flesh and blood people who are being guided, counseled, and puppeted by the enemy— setting webs of lies up, and engaging, coupling with the enemy of God (even unbeknownst to themselves that they are) —and DO SOMETHING ABOUT our brethren’s captivity.

What do I mean??

Well, when one of our brethren is coming against us, being puppeted by the enemy to attack us with lies (they need human partners in this world to accuse us) —then we go fight for them in the spirit realm, unto Father, in his presence, intercessively— for God to help them get set free from a reprobate mind (the enemy’s influence) over them, and to bring them back under the mind of Christ, where his thoughts and ways are higher.

You see— if they were in their right mind— they would not work in falsehoods, lies, slander, gossip, or any other witchcrafted, prideful counsel from the enemy; so the very first thing we do is— PRAY FOR OUR ENEMY— right then and there.

The victory, in Christ, comes— when we are not judging our brethren, but working mercy from the throne of heaven OVER THEM, on their behalf— praying Father comes through, that the enemy mindset is removed from them, that they will see clearly, come back into alignment with God holy, walk in mercy, and look at the junk in their own trunk (heart) that has set them up for this fall— so it can be seen, convicted of, dealt with, removed, and healed up within them; so it doesn’t become a root and tare of the enemy in them.

When we will work with God, not panic at all that is coming at us, recall whom our God is— we will REBOUND from any attack, and remember— the flesh and blood persons being used, are just victims that God wishes to redeem and help, to come out from doing the devil’s work, and re engage with God, and his nature attributes, lead, and counsels: it’s when we have ‘another’ we have taken counsels from, and brought those counsels within— that the enemy has found a place in us.

The web of lies now becomes a battleground, through the mercies of God and his child who has aligned himself to fight on behalf of his accusers, to get them set free and reconciled inside, and healed inside; and the snare that was set to take down the child of God— begins to trap the entities who counseled the ignorant child to listen to their lies.

God comes after the REAL CULPRITS (the spider, lying spirits behind the wayward children speaking falsehoods and lies) —and BOTH CHILDREN ARE SET FREE: the child being attacked, and the child doing the lying and slander— because we embraced the children of God (slanderer and victim) at the same time— WENT AFTER THE REAL ENEMY; and the trap set, became to down fall of the spirits who set it up.

This is what will happen to those who attempt to oppress the children, the family of God; like in this chapter of Isaiah. The trap the enemy set for God’s children— will become the trap that takes them down, as God turns the tables on the enemy— and his children walk out in spoils of war— what was meant to take them down.

REBOUND with God— do not sit down, and be scared of anything, or frozen; get up, put on the mind of Christ, unite with the Holy Spirit of God unto the Father, and DO SOMETHING to change the tide of what is happening to the children of God.

Get up, and FIGHT FOR THEM, not against them; judge them not, that’s God’s job— FIGHT FOR THEM WITH MERCY, LOVE and FIERCE GODLY FORCE against the ‘true’ enemy— the spirits who are entrapping them; let loose God’s angelic forces against them, through INTERCESSIVE, ‘bridging’ prayers unto the Father on their behalf, for the oppression they are under.

Because— if they were in their right mind, the mind of Christ— they would be working from mercy, forgiveness, long suffering, patience and love toward the brethren; so— THEY NEED OUR HELP, even if they are attacking us: for they have fallen captive to bondage of the enemy and his counsels— and we know what that’s like.

Better to have AN ADVOCATE FOR US, in Christ, and an in our brethren aligning with him— and INTERCEDE FOR EACH OTHER, than to judge, and refuse to dismiss charges against our brethren attacking us— for they are in bondage, and MERCY and FORGIVENESS frees them in the spiritual legalities, and STOPS THE ENEMY from being able to progress within them, or use them against you any longer— when you FIGHT FOR THEM, and not AGAINST THEM, in the heaven courts of God’s presence.

Rebound today— and intercede for the attackers in the flesh, whilst going after the spirits, by asking God to send his angelic heavenly host— to do so; as well as convict the person being puppeted of the truth, heal them inside, and set them free from the voice of the accuser and the spirits influencing them: this is love, this is how God turns the trap meant to take US DOWN— upon the enemy of our souls— HIS ENEMY, and crushes satan beneath our feet (our foundation, Christ, the cornerstone).

At the end of what the Lord was instructing me to do in this visual parable he was showing me— he said,

“Janet, now go to your brothers and sisters, and assist them.”

So, he showed me the faces of some of my brethren, who were in need of intercession, prayer, a proxy and an advocate FOR THEM, to assist them in the spirit, and he asked me to step into the trap set for them— and help them REBOUND; in the vision he showed me the both of us, holding hands and jumping, smiling and reengaging successful warfare against the enemy in their lives.

We were taking back ground in a war, with adversaries set against us— but the victory was found in UNITY, FORGIVENESS, LONGSUFFERING, and ASSISTANCE (carry your brother’s burdens) —not sitting in judgment against our brethren, but in being a helpmeet in the lives of our brothers and sisters: open hearts, vulnerable, and valiant to fight FOR our brethren, when they are having a hard time lifting their swords alone— against the enemy.

God fights FOR US, not against us; and the Holy Spirit of God in us, will do the same: he will desire us to fight with him, and for the brethren— this is one area I saw him doing this.

When our brothers and sisters attack us, or even are ignorantly led of the enemy to cause inadvertent harm to us— help God, help our brethren by going after the enemy of THEIR SOULS; this assists God, the child of his, and the ENTIRE FAMILY STRUCTURE.

This is what he will do in chapter 14 of Isaiah— he will go up against the enemy of our souls, and bring him the disaster he was setting upon God’s children: we too can do this with God, and break strongholds off through mercy, forgiveness, long suffering and assistance in intercessory prayer for them.



“And it shall come to pass in the day that the Lord shall give you rest from your sorrow [pain— bodily or mental], and from your fear [commotion, restlessness, disquiet or even anger, or troubles], and from the hard bondage wherein you were made to serve— that you shall take up this proverb against the king of Babylon [empire of confusion], and say— How the oppressor [tyrannical harassing driven, distressing taskmasters] has ceased!

The golden city [exactress— female exactor—A person who makes illegal or unreasonable demands; an extortioner] has ceased!

The Lord has broken the staff of the wicked— and the scepter of the rulers.

He who smote the people in wrath— with a continual stroke— he who ruled the nations in anger— is persecuted, and none hinders (this).”


The Lord will give you rest from your sorrow, your pain, and from your fear— or the commotion, restlessness, disquiet, even anger, or troubles… when we DISARM the ENEMY in our lives; by his hand, rule and authority: his name.

We can do a great deal by partnering with the living God— and likewise, those who determine, who choose to become his enemy, working against him and his children— will suffer greatly.

He will rescue his children from the hard bondage wherein the enemy kept us bound, in their lies, counsels and directives, where we were made to serve, when we followed those other gods, who in our ignorance— oppressed us, and led us.

The king of Babylon, the ruler of the empire of confusion— will be kicked out, and turned aside when we fight against HIM, and FOR— our brethren, FOR— our family; this is what God is showing in chapter 14 of Isaiah— that he fights FOR those who uphold him as the Most High One inside of them, who uphold covenant marriage with God holy.

Oh how the oppressor —the tyrannical harassing, driving, distressing taskmasters— has ceased— when the children of God rise up and stand in opposition against him, with their God, upholding covenant, working the attributes of God holy in their lives, being DOERS OF THE WORD, and not readers, memorizers, or hearers of it, only.

We have the UPPERHAND when we are in alignment with God holy; he has already crushed satan under his heel, and made an open show of it!

We must walk in Christ, his way, his nature, by the lead of his Spirit— for real; or we will walk with another, in pride, and be aligned with the accuser, the traducer, the one who comes to speak ill and harm against God’s children. And will find ourselves stepping out on God, in bed with ‘another’ spirit or two, or three….

And we will be in need of deliverance, ourselves.

God’s children are called to rise above, see from a higher perspective, where God’s thinking and perception is above the carnal perspective, or that of devils— who seek to destroy, steal and kill.

We cannot play with the enemy, or we ourselves become the opponent to God; and God comes to uphold those who uphold covenant relationship with him, and who have LITERALLY made him, The Most High (that’s counseled of, led of, possessed by) God within the hearts of that man— where all conduct originates from.

This man— will find rest in Christ, recompense against their true enemies, and reconciliation with the family of God; this man fights for God and his family— and God and his family, fights for this man.

God’s coming for the traducers and the opposers— we ought not be one of them, or the merciful judgment of God— will come upon us, for we need to be shaken, convicted, and awakened from the grips of the enemy, who has ensnared us: let us be a people who server the living God, and come to intercede on behalf of those oppressed of the devil— for that is what God came to do— destroy the works of the devil, and we can assist him in that— or hinder him in that, depending on whether the carnal nature is upheld within, and with it satan— or God, and his nature, and his Spirit— is truly leading us, within.



“The whole earth is at rest (when Babylon is dealt with) —and is quiet [reposed, and settled]: they break forth into singing.

Yea, the fir trees rejoice at you, and the cedars of Lebanon— saying— Since you are laid down [cast down], no feller [felling a tree (symbolic of people) is to cut it down, a feller— consumer, destroyer] is now coming up against us.”


Do we want quiet, rest, repose and to be settled inside— not in fear, torment, oppressed and held in bondage by spirits not of God??

Because— When Babylon (a spirit and way) is dealt with, the people are quieted, and break forth into rejoicing, in singing; the trees are symbolic of people, and the people are rejoicing because now that the enemy has been dealt with— they can breathe again, rest in God again, and no one is set against them.

Folks, when we fight ON BEHALF OF someone else, we are interceding; we are interjecting our hearts and efforts spiritually— on behalf of someone else getting freedom, and that will assist the entire family of God.

Babylon is a spirit of this world, it exalts the ways of the world, in the hearts of man— it caters to self, and self preservations, self exaltations, self comforts and all that serves self, and self’s best interests.

God’s Spirit exalts others above self, namely God holy, first and foremost as Most Highly regarded one inside man’s heart.

When Babylon gets inside a man, we need to assist our brethren, by the lead of the Holy Spirit of God— and fight for them, spiritually, in prayer, and break off strongholds with God through forgiveness, mercy, long suffering, patience and love.

He said— “Come out of Babylon (alignment with, in your hearts and actions) lest you partake in her plagues.”

When our brethren are ignorant of the devices of the devil, we must be honest, truthful, gracious, loving, long suffering, patient, and put our efforts in to assist them: even if they are attacking us.

We must work WITH God, assisting God and his efforts to set captives free from the bondage, the oppressor and the counsels of devil; and in doing so, when fighting on behalf of our brethren to God in prayer— we will assist God in pointing out where Babylon (the spirit of), has found a place within our family members: and in that— God can convict, heal and set them free.

But we must have God holy exalted within, for REAL, and not the flesh; our motives must be pure to enact the power of Love, from the Kingdom of God— to work on their behalf.

But when we do— The spirit of this World gets exposed, and captives are set free— if they will have it; for the first Babylon could not be saved— for she wouldn’t have it.

We must CHOOSE to actually LIVE FROM the Spirit of Christ, and HIS NATURE ATTRIBUTES, his conduct, fruits of his Spirit, and express them through discipline— throwing everything else down.

But, again— when we do— we MOVE MOUNTAINS in the spiritual realm, and on behalf of our accusers, going after the REAL enemy of our souls, their souls, and the family of God.

But our God is coming for the enemy— and he’s desiring to make a show of them all.



Hell [the world of the dead, including its accessories and inmates] from beneath —is moved [quivering with violent emotion, anger, and disquieted, provoked, raging, shaking and wroth] for you, to meet you [encounter you with hostility in opposition of you] at your coming: it stirs up the dead [ghosts] for you— even all the chief ones [full grown leaders (of the dead spirits— worst of the worst)] of the earth; it has raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.

All they shall speak and say unto you— Are you also become weak [afflicted, diseased, entreated, infirmed, fallen, made sorry, and wounded] as we?

Are you become like [resembling] unto us?”


These spirits ‘of the dead,’ the ghosts of hell— are speaking of satan; and God is showing that those who oppose him, are satanic, and harbor his spirit and counsels of.

Any who are adversary, or opponent of the living God— fit the title of satan; and here in Isaiah 14, God is showing that the enemy against his people will be tossed into hell, and suffer at the hands of the elite dead souls— the chiefest of them.

These will see he has been made to the same stature as the rest of them— and weak, and no tyrant any longer— not one to rule over anyone else, or come into judgment against anyone else; this is equated, or set at equal to the man who comes against the House of God— Jacob, spiritual Israel: best we do not find ourselves ‘sayers,’ or people who quote or memorize scripture only— but people who are actual worshipers of the Word of God himself (doers of righteousness in Christ): True children of the Most High and HOLY God.

Because his enemies will be tossed into the pit, every satan— and the chiefest of the wicked— will set themselves upon them; this is retribution and recompense to evil.

Our God is just— what a man or spirit sows— that shall he reap.



“Your pomp [arrogance and pride] is brought down to the grave— and the noise [sound] of your viols [vessel— a skin bag for liquids that collapses when empty, a vase]: the worm is spread under you, and the worms [voracious maggots] cover you.

How you art fallen from heaven [the place where the celestial bodies revolve]— O Lucifer [brightness]— son [relation, child, whelp] of the morning [howling dawn light]! How you are cut down [felled like a tree] to the ground, who did weaken [decay and overthrow, discomfit and waste] the nations!”


Arrogance and pride— brings us to the grave, to hell, where dead spirits roam imprisoned; the ‘sound’ of your viols means— the noisy sound of your skin bag vessel (it is an instrument, like bagpipes, but its symbolic here) —carnal nature, living by the worship of our creation— viols, vessel— a skin bag for liquids (we are to be living water cisterns) that collapses (fails) when empty (or vain), a vase.

We become a satan, a ‘son’ who came from/of the Father of holiness, and the Morning Star himself, the true Son of God— when we walk contrary to God, in the nature of the fallen— and we end up a light bearer (like Lucifer, it means that) who has now gone dark.

If your light has now gone dark— how dark has your light gone?

Satan decays and overthrow, discomfits and wastes people— from the inside out; and he, and those he couples with in the spirit— will be cut down like trees, and fall: this is the lot, that the wicked of Isaiah 14, of Babylon, and the spirit thereof— the spirit of this world— have coming to them.

Best we do not associate, or get our counsels from these spirits that serve self— and place God holy, away, down, below, and lesser, NOT MOST HIGHLY REGARDED ONE ‘inside’ their hearts.



“For you have said in your heart— I will ascend [come up high, mount up, arise, break the day— into (enlighten), climb up, dawn upon, exalt, excel, grow over, increase, lift self up, prefer, scale, and shoot forth] into heaven [the higher ether— where celestial bodies revolve] —I will exalt my throne [seat and stool] above the stars [blazing, shining— prince figuratively] of God: I will sit [dwell, remain, judge, and cause to settle down in marriage, establish, habitat and tarry] also upon the mount [range and promotion] of the congregation [the assembly, the appointed], in the sides [flank, rear, or recesses] of the north:

I will ascend [come up high, mount up, arise, break the day— into (enlighten), climb up, dawn upon, exalt, excel, grow over, increase, lift self up, prefer, scale, and shoot forth] above the heights [elevation, high place] of the clouds [copse— small group of trees; clay thick cloud]; I will be like [considered in similitude] the most High [supremely elevated one].”


Ether— the upper regions of air; root definition— late Middle English: from Old French, or via Latin from Greek aithēr ‘upper air’, from the base of aithein ‘burn, shine’.

When satan (which is a title) becomes the most highly regarded one inside— through exalting the carnal, base, animalistic, self preserving, self exalting nature and leader within our hearts— we become a satan, a self god.

We have decided to ascend into heaven, on our own— coming up higher, mounting up, arising, breaking the day— into (enlightenment of our own, through self reasoning), self reasoning and intellect climbs up, dawns upon us, exalts, excels, grows over all other reason— namely God holy —increases, lift self up, prefers self, scales, and shoots forth into heaven: the higher ether— where celestial bodies revolve.

And ether is THE UPPER AIR— symbolically, the spirit and mind, and the mindset; it is where a spirit ‘burns and shines.’

If we are not exalting God holy within— IN ACTIONS, meaning, DOERS, not just readers, agreers, memorizers, sayers— but PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN CHRIST, and CHRIST LIVES IN THEM— and truthfully rules the roost within…

Then we become a satan, who takes his own counsels, via his own reasonings, and the ‘fallen one’ assists us in all this— and we will go where he goes in the end: hell, then the Lake of Fire, for we were hypocrites and not true, at all.

God is looking for PURE HEARTS, which means— true hearts, not impostors or hypocrites, which means— actors who play a role, but are lying and not true at all: they do not adhere to the conduct or leadership of the Most High and Holy God.

This is why the wicked enemy of the people of Isaiah 14, the enemies of God and his children, will fall like Lucifer— be cut down, purged and pruned out— for they sought to serve pridefully, and pompously— themselves, not God holy at all: and the truth could not be found in them, for in satan— he had not the truth, from the beginning, but lies, and deceit: hypocrisy and spiritual adultery, exalting himself— playing the role of ‘god.’

This person exalts his own throne above blazing, shining (stars)— prince figuratively of God; and who is the ‘prince’ of God??

Jesus Christ, Yahshua Hamashiach— the Son of God, the Morning Star of God holy.

There is a morning star impostor— he sets himself up in man, exalting himself above God, God’s shining and blazing, above the Son of God (Christ), and he rules there, within: this is anti christ, or the ‘other’ option Christ: Christ meaning— anointed one.

We can be a false light, a dark light, exalt self, be enthroned inside, shine our own light above God’s shining, blazing brightness— and become an antichrist: there are many antichrists in the world already, scripture states.

This spirit will dwell, remain, judge, and cause to settle down in marriage, establish, habitat and tarry with man, and he will sit upon the range and promotion within that man: the mountain, the HIGH PLACE WITHIN man; and he will be established in the congregation —the assembly, the appointed ones, if so— even the very elect will be deceived— in the sides, or flank, rear, recesses of the north, inside man.

The rear, outsides/flank, the deep recesses of man, in the north— THE MIND; satan sets himself up in mindset; we best actually be bowing within to God holy, and erecting him there— meaning, putting him up as Most Highly Regarded One inside our hearts and minding him!

If not— the ‘other guy,’ the one who comes to purport himself to be a pure light, pure enlightenment, but who walks in darkness, and desires to set himself up to be exalted, presented as most important, and most regarded (in his reasoning and intellect) —will be the antichrist or satanic spirit exalted within: becoming, the most high one erected, mounting up inside, presenting himself to ‘be like God.’

What was it that Lucifer tempted the first Adam with??

Genesis 3:5-6

“For God does know that in the day you eat thereof— then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods— knowing good and evil.

6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat— and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.”

They were tempted to set themselves up within, in the high place— to be like God— judging what is good and evil.

A god is over someone in counsel and leadership; when we decide we are ‘like God,’ but do not WANT HIM AS GOD— we are self gods, determining what is right in our own eyes; and we have decided it is good to gain wisdom— but without God holy as our leader within— we are of a devilish, earthly, seductive self governed wisdom, from below: there are two wisdoms.

Proverbs 21:2-3

“Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD ponders the hearts. To do justice and judgment— is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.”

James 3:15

“This wisdom descends not from above— but is earthly, sensual, devilish.”

There is a wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and counsel of intellect— that originates from satan— and it appeals sensually to our flesh (earthly), and it’s devilish.

It will cause man to set himself up inside, in the most highly regard spot that is for God holy, and —will cause that man to desire to ascend, come up high, mount up, arise, break the day— into (enlightenment, reasonings and counsels), climb up, dawn upon, exalt, excel, grow over, increase, lift self up, prefer, scale, and shoot forth in the HIGH PLACE….

…. above the heights or elevation, the high place of the clouds; and the clouds are symbolic of people (great cloud of witnesses) —and one of the definitions in the Strong’s concordance is copse— which means a small group of trees; a thick clay cloud.

A thick CLAY cloud— sounds like a humus person, a dirt person, a human being.

And if satan can convince someone to just follow the fallen nature he seeded us with, one will desire to lead self, and be like, be considered in similitude to —the most High, the most supremely elevated one within that man.

This reasoning carries out in the minds of men and women today— who do not erect God holy, or creator inside as most Highly Regarded one, above all others— whom the will be subject to, in submission: satan would not have the truth in him from the beginning, and would not submit to God holy.

We must be sure we are.



“Yet you shall be brought down to hell— to the sides [furthest recesses] of the pit.

They that see you shall narrowly look upon you, and consider you, saying— Is this the man [as an individual, person] that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house [dungeon] of his prisoners?

All the kings of the nations— even all of them— lie in glory— everyone in his own house.

But you art cast out of your grave [sepulcher] like an abominable [detestable, abhorrent] branch [descendant]— and as the raiment [apparel, clothing or wife, figuratively] of those that are slain [destroyed], thrust through with a sword— that go down to the stones [the building] of the pit; as a carcass [idolatrous image, of a beast— dead] trodden under feet [loathed, polluted, trampled and tread down].”


One that follows satan will be tossed into hell with he, who will be tossed into the furthest recesses of it— the deepest, worst places of that imprisonment; and these people that follow his counsels and exalt self in the Most High place within man— will be cast into the sepulcher as satan— and will be a CUT OFF BRANCH, as well.

John 15:1-2

“I am the true vine— and my Father is the husbandman.

Every branch in me that bears not fruit —he takes away: and every branch that bears fruit —he purges it [cleanses it, prunes it— expiates, meaning end it— by sacrifice of guilt or sin]— that it may bring forth more fruit.”

Every branch that is of God— will be pruned, trimmed, and purged— cleansed from guilt and sin, putting it to an end in that person’s life; sin being transgressing God.

Matthew 7:21

“Jesus says— Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven— but only the one who does the will of my Father, who is in heaven.”

We must be serving Jehovah, and DOING THE WILL OF THE FATHER, not knowing of it, reading it, memorizing it, reciting it— DOING IT: that is one who has erected God holy, as most Highly Regarded one inside their hearts and minds: they have put a stop to following the sinning nature, the carnal nature— and have put satan beneath their feet in this realm— and have exalted God holy again, walking in Christ, and have returned to reconcile with the holy Father, placing him Most High inside that man.

Satan— will not do this; and satan— is a title to those who will wear it, and listen to, and heed the fallen one’s counsels.

These will be pruned off, cast out, and like the raiment apparel, clothing or wife— of those that are slain [or destroyed], thrust through with a sword; BRIDE OF SATAN, wife, one united with, tied to, in covenant with satan— the fallen nature, embracing him, and it!

This person will be pruned off, cast out from, away from the TREE OF LIFE— Christ, God holy; as life eternal is only found in him— but these will have refused him with their hearts— even if they confessed him with their lips.

These will go down the foundational building structures, of the lowest regions of hell— the pit; for they were proclaimers, but hypocrites; they knew enough to hang themselves with the truth: they played a part, a role, a hypocrite is an actor: satan purported himself as an angel of light too.

These are spiritual adulterers: they claimed God holy, studied his Word— but served another: and they will be beasts (see why the enemy is called the beast, with his markings in Revelation) —who served evil, self, satan— and will be trodden down, loathed, polluted by satan and his counsels of seductive allure to lead self, and serve self…

And they will be forever estranged from God holy— because they were deceived, as they thought too— his fruit was appealing to the eye, and desires to flesh.



“You shall not be joined [become one] with them in burial, because you have destroyed your land— and slain your people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned [famous, named, mentioned or proclaimed].

Prepare slaughter for his children (the enemy’s children) —for the iniquity of their fathers; so that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.

For I will rise up against them— says the Lord of hosts— and cut off from Babylon the name [position, memorial of individuality, character and fame] —and their remnant— son, and nephew— says the Lord.”


The people who makes themselves enemies, or opponents of God— those are they who will not do the will of the Father— will, like satan, and like the enemy of God’s people in Isaiah’s time— will not become one in death with God’s people— for they destroyed their land (lives, dirt suit vessels, and time given to them).

The seed of (duplicate persons of) evildoers— shall be cut off, cease to exist, as God judges them all; they will not survive, nor prosper in the earth— to spread more abomination.

For God himself, the LORD OF HOSTS shall rise up against them, and shall cut off, out of Babylon (the spirit thereof) the name of them— the position, memorial of individuality— that means the individual themselves, and their character and fame —including their offspring remnant in the earth.

God is very thorough— and it’s to save and prosper HIS SEEDLINGS, his children— those who serve the Will of The Father.



“I will also make it a possession for the bittern [a bird, water bird, like a heron], and pools of water: and I will sweep it with the besom [broom] of destruction [desolation and overthrow]— says the Lord of hosts.

The Lord of hosts has sworn, saying— Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed it, so shall it stand:

That I will break the Assyrian [descendants of this empire] in my land, and upon my mountains [range and promotion]—tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them— and his burden depart from off their shoulders.

[Revelation 20:10

“The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.”]

This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations.

For the LORD of hosts has purposed it —who shall disannul it?

And his hand is stretched out— and who shall turn it back?”


When God himself comes to crush satan— it is good for the House of the Lord; especially when he comes to crush him under our feet.

This means, in our very lives— if we will align with him, walk in our true identity and inheritance in God, the Most High and holy God— having given our lives to him, truthfully and are doers of his word, obedient to his commands, and fear the LORD…

It is satan, it is the enemy of our souls that pays a high price for being the one set against us; but it’s important we work with God, and not against God— upholding the enemy realm.

The cowards, who would not take God’s side, and stand firmly with him, and consummate the relationship, loving not their lives— even unto death to uphold God as Most Highly feared, loved and honored within— are the first to be dealt with by God— in Revelation: the Fearful and Unbelieving.

Because to be fearful of satan— is to honor satan as Most High— so they had another god; and to be unbelieving of God holy— is to challenge his nature, faithfulness and person— again, these honored another god, namely self, or satan.

For it is these that loved their carnal lives, sought to save them, compromised, would not become resolutely in fear of God holy, becoming the Newly Created ‘man’ by Christ’s hand and in doing so, sought to save their own skin suit— like satan, he upheld his own good, not the fear of the LORD— these will lose life: because life is only found in Christ, and service and fear unto him, believing in him.

These will have remained on the broad and easy path in this carnal material life, they will have kept satan exalted within, remaining under the yoke of satan— and not in yoke relationship with God holy.

You do not want to be yoked to satan, or the carnal nature at the ending point of this material life— for you will have remained in death, listening to the counsels, reasoning, intellect and judgment of death (satan, self reasoning and leadership), you will have remained the one making all your decisions and turning your ship by the helm of your own hand— and you will lose life.

HE IS the Way, the Truth and THE LIFE: outside him— there is none alive; all life is in God holy.



“In the year that king Ahaz died— was this burden.

Rejoice not you, the whole of Palestina —because the rod of him that smote you is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice [a thrusting tongued viper]— and his fruit [reward] shall be a fiery [burning poisonous seraph] flying serpent [burning poisonous seraph].

And the firstborn [chiefest, eldest] of the poor [dangling, weak or thin] shall feed— and the needy [wanton, of destitute, beggarly] shall lie down [rest] in safety [security, refuge, confidence, hope and surety]: but I will kill your root —with famine [hunger, dearth— scarcity, famished], and he shall slay your remnant [remaining portion].”


The fruit of running with the devil, and doing his bidding— is that you gain a reward— a fiery, burning, poisonous seraph— a flying serpent— will be set against you.

We have seraphs with us, and the enemy has seraphs that fell with him too; and the burn of that poisonous snake, with a thrusting tongue coming after you, with his reward with him— is nothing anyone wants to experience.

These Palastinians are told not to rejoice over the downfall of Babylon and its king— because coming after you very soon— God will exact a snake, a tongue thrusting viper, spitting— will come against you, too!

It will come in the form of spiritual judgment and justice— as a burning seraph dispatched.

And the firstborn, the chiefest and eldest of the poor —the dangling, weak or thin people who were oppressed, shall feed and the needy, wanton, destitute, and beggarly people— who were formerly oppressed— shall lie down and rest in safety [security, refuge, confidence, hope and surety].

But you— Palestine (wicked ones) —I will kill your root with famine [hunger, dearth— scarcity, leaving you famished]— and he (the seraph) shall slay your remnant —the remaining portion of your people and prosperity.

This is what comes to those who tangle with, and oppose the living God— and work with satan, as a satan— one who is looking out for, and fearing (honoring) himself: me and my four, and no more.

They do not hold God Most High within, and exalt self instead; God will pursue his enemies— FOR, his household’s sake: the pure in heart, who are in covenant, consummated the marriage relationship with God, and have reunited with the Father— to DO HIS WILL in the earth.



“Howl, O gate; cry, O city; you— the whole of Palestina, are dissolved: for there shall come from the north [the hidden, the unknown] a smoke, and none shall be alone [solitary] in his appointed times [assembly and troop].

What shall one then answer the messengers of the nation?

That the Lord has founded [ordained and established] Zion— and the poor of his people shall trust [flee for protection and confide in it, as a hope and refuge] in it.”


The LORD— cares for his own; and his enemies are obliterated, over and over again in scripture.

He is a God of pattern, if he’s done it once, he’ll do it again and again— for this is his faithfulness expressed; he is one who can be relied upon, counted on, and in this— we know his faithfulness toward us.

Every one of his enemies, in their appointed time— their troop, tribe and assembly— will come to nought; he will destroy them ALL TOGETHER, none alone in that time.

But unto his Zion, his promised mountain and capital unto his people— he is a refuge in time of trouble, and a reward unto his children; he is faithful and he is valiant.

He comes not to exalt or establish the wicked, but the pure in heart— those in covenant with him, in truth and spirit, worshiping him as Most Highly Regarded one inside man.

He has ordained and established Zion, for his people; and his people can count on him, flee for protection and confide in Zion, as a hope and refuge for God’s people, with God.

We must actually be exalting God within, which means— have him raised up as the one above all other counsels and reasons within— throwing down the fallen carnal nature, and establishing God Most High and Holy— as the Cornerstone within our hearts, that our entire lives, and the building of them— is founded upon.

If we are hypocritical, or in speech only— and not DOERS of the truth— we will deceive ourselves, lead ourselves, have become gods ourselves, setting ourselves above God holy inside our heart thrones— and we will be HEARERS ONLY: completely deceived.


James 1:21-27

“Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness— and receive with meekness the engrafted word —which is able to save your souls.


For if any be a hearer of the word, and NOT A DOER, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: for he beholds himself, and goes his way— and straightway forgets what manner of man he was.

[This man is superficial, nothing established within; outward appearance alone— is sufficient for this man.]

But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty, AND CONTINUES IN IT— he, BEING NOT A FORGETFUL HEARER— but A DOER OF THE WORK— this man shall be blessed in his deeds.

[This man is deeply rooted in the truth, and the truth deeply rooted in him: Messiah is the Truth, the Word of God.

This man ‘looks into’ the perfect law of liberty; that’s the perfect law of FREEDOM— and how, whom, and where that comes from.

This man is not a forgetter, he is EVER MINDFUL of the truth, the Word of God and his person; this person is rooted and grounded in the truth.

This person is a HEARERAND A DOER of ‘the work.’



This man— will be blessed in his deeds (those are his actions, his works).]

If any man among you seems to be religious, but bridles not his tongue [controls it], but instead deceives his own heart— this man's religion is vain.

[The person who speaks presumptuously, NOT by the lead of the Holy Spirit, but runs off at the mouth— he is a hearer only, and not a doer of the Word— his religion, or belief of faith— is VAIN, meaning, EMPTY, and VAPID— of a nothingness.

To be DISCIPLINED by God, is to be a ‘disciple’ of God; one who is raised up in the ways of God— who will not depart from it.

The undisciplined— are those who heed satan, and run off at the mouth; speaking all kinds of evil.

Ephesians 4:29-32

“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth,

but that which is good to the use of edifying—

that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

And grieve not the holy Spirit of God,

whereby you are sealed unto the day of redemption.

Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor,

and evil speaking— be put away from you, with all malice:

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted,

forgiving one another— even as God

for Christ's sake— has forgiven you.”]

(Because) Pure religion, undefiled [unsoiled, and pure] before God and the Father is this—

To visit the fatherless [parentless, comfortless, bereaved] and widows [deficient, lacking— literally or figuratively] in their affliction [pressure, anguish, persecution, tribulation or trouble], and to keep himself unspotted [unblemished morally] from the world [the arrangement of the world].”


There is a conduct of God, and conduct of God’s children— they will not come to add burden to others in affliction, they will seek to carry their burdens and help those who are parentless (without guidance or care), and deficient, or lacking in any way, shape or format; and these— will then, keep themselves unblemished from the world, its ways and conduct— the arrangement of it— and will walk purely, undefiled morally, in PURE RELIGION.

Our Bridegroom is coming for a spotless Bride—who, MADE HERSELF READY; are we, truthfully, really— making ourselves ready inside, sanctifying ourselves and consecrating ourselves unto the Holy One?

Revelation 19:7-8

“Let us be glad, rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come— and his wifeHAS MADE HERSELF, READY.

8 And to her it was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen —is the righteousness [equitable deeds, statutes and decisions of judgment, justification, ordinance— equitable— root definition, equal in character or actions] of saints [sacred ones, pure ones— morally blameless, ceremonially consecrated ones].”

Let us recall the spider’s web/trap in the beginning, and determine if we are a spider (wicked spirit offensive toward God and his children), or a REBOUNDER— helping and assisting God, and his children.

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