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Isaiah--- Chapter 13

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn


Isaiah 13

“The burden [carrying of a load, chiefly— doom and prophecy] of Babylon [the name meaning— confusion empire]— which Isaiah [name means— Jah/Yah has saved] the son of Amoz [which means— strongly] did see.”


So, the burdensome load, or doom prophesied of Babylon (the empire of confusion) spoken to Isaiah— whom God has saved strongly (meaning of Isaiah’s name, and Amoz names) —Isaiah did see.

God strongly held his peace and long suffering with/against Babylon— but this heavy burdensome load that God has been long suffering, is about to come to an end— as he unrolls her judgment, as begins the first verse.

It's a heavy chapter.


2 “Lift up [raise, furnish] a banner [flag or sail— a signal] upon the high [sticking out, bare— highest place of the] mountain— exalt [raise] the voice unto them, shake [cause to quiver and vibrate] the hand [figuratively— the ordinance, order, power, stroke, dominion and charge]— that they may go into the gates [entrance ways, doors and openings] of the nobles [magnanimous— great souls, a grandee— high ranking grand man, free princes].”


God is furnishing his representatives, and they bring and hoist his banner or flag in the land— to signal that judgment is coming— and they are hoisting, or shouting it from the rooftops, in the highest places possible— for all to hear; it will cause an uproar, and cause them to quiver and shake at what God will do, by his hand (or power). It will be by ordinance (being ordained) of the Lord, and carried out with his dominion and charge.

His ambassadors— his anointed children and oracles of his decrees— will go out into the prominent places, where great and grand souls dwell— and will warn the souls abroad.

God has been speaking of judgment with me, in the land of the USA for quite a few years now— it is closing in upon us at this time in the spirit, and in the physical; he has recently confirmed this through several people— and in the last week of time.

I have released words on the heavenly court system God has in his kingdom, and just how incredibly JUST with JUSTICE, our LORD Jehovah, commander of an army of his kingdom, really is.

And that everything God does— is ‘in order;’ nothing he does is half measure, out of step, or out of timing— and he’s bringing everything to a head, or as he has said to me several times over in the past few weeks— to a PINNACLE.

Pinnacle— most successful point— the culmination; root definition— ‘wing point,’ meaning— the tip.

God has order in his kingdom— and the law of reaping what we have sown, will get played out; but he is ultra patient, for a very long time, before that all culminates unto— ‘the time is now.’

And I believe that ‘the time is now—’ is knocking at our door, here in America; and I believe it will kick-off world events like none have seen before.

I believe it will take us from ‘rumors of wars,’ to wars, outright.


3 “I have commanded [enjoined and constituted, charged and set in order] my sanctified [clean and pronounced— consecrated and dedicated, hallowed/holy, prepared and purified] ones; I have also called my mighty [powerful warriors, champions and chief tyrrants] ones for my anger [nostril flaring ire/passion and wrath]— those who rejoice [are exultant] in my highness [majesty, excellency].”


God has set about, throughout the world— his pillars; those are his children, his leadership (whether a mother or father at home, or a public leader, and anyone in between) whom he has sent into the world— for such a time as this. These people went through his refining fires, and are sanctified in the Lord— these live ‘out of’ his very person, and his very person— lives ‘out of’ them, and commands them as his government reigns in them (as he governs their person).

They are what he calls consecrated ones, purified in his fires of refinement— ones who would settle not for what the world— its logic and reasoning, systems and provisions from the ‘spirit of this world,’ had to offer them.

They want nothing more than the Lord God, their Father, and to please him; they have come out from among the spirit of this world (that’s the leadership within man of the carnal nature) and have slayed that spirit within them.

These are what the Lord calls ‘spiritually pure’ souls; which means hearts completely dedicated unto him— as their souls (hearts) have been sanctified (burning in purifying fires) as they slay the carnal leading, and erect God as spiritual leader most high, within them.

He has called his warriors, his ‘chief leadership,’ as well, into the earth— for such a time as this— like he has done for millennia.

These are his children who will forge the way as they bow to his Spirit’s lead— no matter where he leads them: like Paul into prison, or Daniel into the lion’s den, or any of the other greats of faith.

There are ones for his anger —his nostril flaring ire/passion and wrath; they are those who rejoice in his highness, or majesty and excellence; meaning— they exalt him and are eager to do his bidding, and hold his opinion, leading them.

These hear straight from God, and are led by God to do his bidding.

They are offensive to a fearful and prideful person; they provoke unclean spirits in other people— for what can be shaken within a man, is not of the kingdom of God— and must be pointed out, to be dealt with, by the Spirit of God.


4 “The noise of a multitude in the mountains— like/as of a great people [troop, unite, tribe and flock]; a tumultuous noise [sound, voice] of the kingdoms [dominion royal rule] of nations [massing troop of people] gathered together [assembled]: the LORD [self-existent eternal one— Jehovah] of hosts [masses of an army, campaign and battle company] musters [visits, charges, cares for, appoints, enjoins and sets over] the host [campaign, and company] of the battle [engagement of warfare].

5 They come from a far country [land/wilderness], from the end [extremities, borders and frontiers] of heaven— even the Lord— and the weapons [prepared implements and utensils, vessels and artillery] of his indignation [fury and displeasure with sin, rage], to destroy [wind up tightly and pledge to spoil] the whole land.

6 Howl [wail]— for the day [appointed time/season] of the LORD [Jehovah— the self-existent eternal one] is at hand [near, approaching, nigh shortly]; it shall come as a destruction [violence and ravaging of desolation, oppression, robbery and spoil of wasting] from the Almighty.”


God never ceases to amaze me; he has had me for quite some time working on other messages he has wanted out, along with their perspective teachings; coming back to Isaiah now, in chapter 13 (which, by the way, the number 13 is for rebellion) —is no coincidence. He has ordered my steps, the lessons, and in due season.

But we are entering a new one now—

judgment lies at our door, and has for quite some time—

but it feels ever more imminent today.

In this chapter he details out that— The noise of a multitude, in the mountains (high places, prominent places, well known places)— like/as of a great troop of people— are gathering; and it is with a tumultuous noise or sound/voice— coming from the kingdoms of nations [massing troop of people] who have gathered together, for such a time as this.

And the LORD [Jehovah] of hosts musters the host [campaign, and company] of the battle for the engagement of warfare.

Folks, that is saying— God is mustering foreign nations, and by the hand of their mighty humans, as well as decreeing it from heaven, with spiritual backing— to bring in judgment, to Babylon; let us not forget, their is a Babylon 2.0 that God is coming for this go ‘round, similar— but FAR WORSE than Babylon 1.0, and we are nigh upon it rolling out.

When God takes a few years, warns, and warns, and warns people— through prophetic words, both scriptural, and already in print— but then as well, through oracles trumpeting out God’s warnings even now— eventually, ‘time is up,’ and the judgment unrolls.

The foreign troops, who will be doing his bidding to bring in the judgments to Babylon 2.0— will be as/like the foreign troops who invaded the first time, because of Babylon 1.0— the original cookie cutter shaping of the great and adulterous/idolatrous Babylon 2.0— America, and every nation as/like her, coming straight from Rome [the depiction of Egypt and the original Babylon— worldly, with all its perverse lusts thereof].

They come from a far country [land/wilderness]; land or wilderness sounds like Russia, to me— full of wilderness, by far and large; and they will come from the ends or extremities, borders and frontiers of heaven; meaning— the LORD commands it all, and likely— the skies will play a part in all of this.

They will be the Lord’s weapons [prepared implements and utensils, vessels and artillery] of his indignation, fury and displeasure with all the sin and rage taking place— and he will bring them to this land to destroy [wind up tightly and pledge to spoil] —the whole land.

People will howl and wail— for the day of the appointed time and season of the LORD Jehovah— the self-existent eternal one— is at hand [near, approaching, nigh shortly].

It is that serious in our time and season right now, as it was in Babylon 1.0; Babylon 2.0 has sat a high whore upon the nations, exporting her whoredoms to all— sending and merchandising sin abroad. And her destruction shall come as a violence— and as a ravaging of desolation, oppression, robbery and spoil of wasting— straight from the Almighty.

The Lord has confirmed in 1 week to me (some will understand that reference to Daniel, as well), through 3 different ladies of the Father— the same message, essentially:

“Time + Prepare,” (one lady), and “Time to Prepare,”

from the second lady— as well as, this morning,

a 3rd lady had a dream where I told her in the dream—

“Prepare as much as you can—

but, either way— you are in the Father’s house.”

I have always said, “Triple checking, is the way to go,” pertaining to study, and being sure of a matter— like nurses are taught to check their medications they will dispense, 3 times, for ‘good measure,’ and assuredness.

This is no different— Father has now given 3 warnings to “Prepare, it is Time to Prepare as much as you can— but, either way— you are in the Father’s house.”

And essentially that means— Get prepared, time is short and nigh upon us— but remember, you have an inheritance, you are an heir to the throne of God through Christ, and you are in the Father’s hands, for you are a member of his household.

With God, there is always a ‘But God’ that he will remind us of— giving us a hope for an expected ending, meaning— a plan God has to prosper us, and take care of us through anything, and all things.

I feel the spiritual weight, and need—

to give this warning out— even now.

I spent the day yesterday, relaxing with God, as he has said it’s a time to ‘regroup,’ or to listen— and sit in his presence. And it’s no coincidence that after I finished videos on Pride— (which he said were related to ‘why’ Babylon will be judged so harshly, because hearts will fail from shock of what is about to unroll)...

And then also, the heavenly court system of his rule and reign, and judgments to unroll— right before now— leading me back to the book of Isaiah, to work on the REBELLION CHAPTER (number 13) —and pertaining to the judgments he is to bring to Babylon.

Along with the 3 warnings, within the same one week period— I, myself, am preparing my heart (soul), and staying in his presence.

Isaiah 26:3

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace → whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusts in thee.”


7 “Therefore shall all hands [power] be faint [slacken, abated, cease be consumed— weakened], and every man's heart [innermost, courage, mind, awares and understanding] shall melt [waste, fatigue, be discouraged or grieved]: 8 and they shall be afraid [trembly inwardly, palpitate, be alarmed or agitated— anxiously]: pangs [physical or mental pressure— throes (violent pain or struggle), constrained by the principal or ambassador/messenger] and sorrows [a twisted rope— noose of cords, a company of throes or ruin] shall take hold of [seize, catch, possess] them; they shall be in pain as a woman who travails [bears young]: they shall be amazed [consternation/astonished] —one at another— their faces [countenance] shall be as flames [sharply polished points of weapons— glittering].”


Again, it’s not me alone saying all of this, but the God of heaven is the same yesterday, today and forever— and he changes not; if he brought it to Babylon 1.0, he will bring it to her FAR more wicked sister, Babylon 2.0— and I believe he is.

He has said here, that— all hands of power, will be faint, slacken, abated, cease be consumed— weakened; that means, the people who think they have a enough money, or pull in this world, connections and means to handle anything— will not be able to handle ‘this,’ that is coming, and via the hand and dominion of the Lord God holy.

And he goes further to state that —every man's heart, or innermost— courage, mind, awares and understanding— is going to melt, or sink away, waste, fatigue, be discouraged or grieved— from what all he is bringing in from the crop that was sown in wickedness, perversion, and rebellion against his holy person: God Almighty.

And people are going to be MASSIVELY AFRAID, as they trembly inwardly, as their hearts palpitate, being alarmed and agitated— anxiously, and with pangs of physical or mental pressure— totally in the throes (violent pain or struggle) of FEAR, and constrained by the messengers bringing it all in (foreign troops); as they swim in sorrows, like a twisted rope— a noose of cords, all about them, and consuming them from within.

And it shall take hold of and seize, catch, and possess them— meaning, they will be held captive within, by FEAR; and they will be in pain (within), as/like a woman who travails in bearing a child; for they will be amazed in consternation, and astonished, looking —one at another— with their faces and countenance sharply affected.


These are warnings to Solomon, as to how not to be, why and what will come to those that side with paths of unrighteousness, and walk them: live wickedly, in rebellion, and reap that harvest sown.

Proverbs 1:15-33

“My son, do not walk in the way with them; refrain your foot from their path: 16 For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood.

17 Surely in vain the net (trap and snare) is spread in the sight of any bird.

(person of wickedness, often spoken of foul spirits, or birds in scripture)

18 And they lay wait for their own blood; they lurk privily for their own lives. (me and my four, and no more— don’t care, I do what I wilt)

19 So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain (exactly, pride and self centeredness); which takes away the life of the owners thereof. (pride = death)

20 Wisdom cries without; she utters her voice in the streets: 21 She cries in the chief place of concourse— in the openings of the gates: in the city she utters her words, saying, 22 —How long, you simple ones [fools], will you love simplicity [foolishness] ?? And scorners delight in their scorn— and fools hate knowledge?”


Here he is stating, as my friend Crystal pointed out, that the 7 spirits of God were not heeded, nor regarded— as several are listed out in this chapter of proverbs; the first one mentioned— WISDOM, as in, the wisdom of the Lord.

And when the wisdom of God is rejected, it’s from PRIDE, and destruction sets in, because of pride. The second one mentioned, following being foolish in pride and ignorance— is KNOWLEDGE; and let us not forget SHE IS CRYING OUT IN THE STREETS, God has sent his spirit of Wisdom who is crying out, heralding wisdom about to those who will walk in it with God…

And she is being DISREGARDED, because people are choosing pride and foolishness, rebellion to God, rejecting him— and his KNOWLEDGE, that comes— when his Wisdom is entertained, his counsel.


23 “Turn you at my reproof [corrections, that come through his COUNSEL]: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you— I will make known my words unto you.

24 Because I have called— and you refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded it; 25 But you have set at nought all my COUNSEL (another spirit of God), and would none of my reproof.”


When we will be a people who CANNOT BE TURNED ABOUT BY THE REIGNS OF GOD, we are a STUBBORN PEOPLE, a PRIDEFUL PEOPLE, who have HARDENED HEARTS toward God holy, and his leadership in our lives; we become a people who have REJECTED his Wisdom, his Knowledge that comes with, as well as his Counsel to correct us of our errored ways.

We have become— altogether unprofitable— and a branch that will not produce the fruits of the Spirit of holiness, will be pruned from the family tree.

He stretched out his hand to help us, to provide for us, but he said— No man regarded what I had done, or brought to help you to be in right standing with me; and your foolish pride has brought about your destruction.


26 “(So) I will also laugh at your calamity [oppression and ruin]; I will mock when your fear comes; 27 When your fear comes as desolation, and your destruction comes as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish come upon you.

28 Then shall they call upon me (those who would not walk the paths of righteousness with God, heeding his counsel, wisdom and knowledge), but I will not answer them; they shall seek me early— but they shall not find me: 29 For that they hated [found it a foe and enemy] knowledge, and did not choose— THE FEAR OF THE LORD (another spirit of God): 30 They would have none of my counsel (advisement, governing): they despised [abhorred, blasphemed, contemned, and scorned] all my reproof [chastisement, corrections, arguments, reasoning, and rebuke].”


Not only does he say fear and desolation are coming to the foolishly ignorant and rebellious, wicked people— but that when they cry out unto him to ‘save them’ NOW— he will not give them ear.


Because he PLEADED with their ‘ears,’ over and over, and over again— for YEARS— and they would not have it; they would not regard God, his counsels of corrections (conviction to the heart, for it was hardened, and could not steer them about, for their necks were stiff), nor would they heed his wisdom, nor the knowledge from his wisdom— into their lives: they outright REJECTED GOD.

So, he will outright reject them, when their calamity comes.

All because they HATED, found it a foe and enemy → his KNOWLEDGE, and did not choose— THE FEAR OF THE LORD —this being the 4th spirit of the Lord’s presence, mentioned; when we won’t entertain the Lord’s presence (the first spirit to be entertained of the 7), then we will reject all the others, when he sends them to TUTOR US in our ways— as he attempts to ‘raise us up in the way,’ or paths of righteousness.

And because we refuse them, and reject ‘his way,’ we will suffer accordingly— for refusing the long suffering patience of the Lord, as he attempted to save us— BUT WE WOULD NOT HAVE IT: Babylon.

We would have none of his counsel, or advice and governing: we despised, abhorred, blasphemed, held God and his counsel, wisdom, knowledge and spirit in contempt, and scorned all his attempts to reprove, chastise, correct, argue and reason with us.

We brought it on ourselves: free will, and all.


31 “Therefore they shall eat of the fruit of their own way (pride/self leadership) —and be filled with their own devices [counsel— self leadership].

32 For the turning away [apostasy, backsliding] of the simple— shall slay them— and the prosperity [security] of fools [properly— those fat in, stupidity, silliness and foolishness] —shall destroy them.

33 But whoso hearkens unto [hears intelligently, with implication to obey and regard] me— shall dwell safely [as a refuge], and shall be quiet [peaceful, at ease and rest] from fear [alarm, feeling of dread] of evil.”


It’s all a choice, and each of us has the free will to decide; we must decide if truly we are hearing intelligently the Lord, as he attempts to raise us— his children; and if we are obeying and regarding his counsel, wisdom, knowledge, person— and FEARING HIM (honoring him)?

Because if we FEAR THE LORD, we will fear nothing else; but the prerequisite is first to NOT REJECT THE LORD: not reject his counsel, corrections, knowledge of what he’s telling us and has provided to us, his wisdom of his person and leadership, and keeping ourselves STAYED ON HIS VERY SPIRIT— the spirit of the Lord and his presence.

Once again…

Isaiah 26:3

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace— whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusts in thee.”


9 “Behold, the day [appointed time/season] of the LORD [Jehovah] comes [befalls], cruel [terrible]— both with wrath [passionate anger and rage] and fierce anger [nostril flaring ire]— to lay the land [nations soil] desolate [astonishingly desolate and wasted— a wonder]: and he shall destroy [overthrow, pluck up, and utterly desolate] the sinners [criminally guilty offenders] thereof out of it.”


There is a rhyme and reason to everything God allows, orders, and brings into this realm— and it’s all related to his law of ‘sow and reap,’ which is still in play, and will be— until the end of this realm entirely, in the fallen state.

And it has to do with this sentence: “and he shall destroy— overthrow, pluck up, and utterly desolate— the sinners [criminally guilty offenders] thereof out of it.”

God has got to bring in the harvest each and every one of us sows— this is JUSTICE; many do not heed the side of God concerning his justice— but ought to; for it is his JUSTICE that brings us our ‘due rewards,’ either evil, or GOOD— as all comes from our Father.

If we are waiting on him for inheritance, of a goodly promise that he has promised us— then we will note his JUSTICE system— for only in and through his JUSTICE (for he is an equitable person, fair and impartial) —will we obtain the promise.


Hebrews 6:11-14

“And we desire that every one of you would show the same diligence— to the full assurance of hope— unto the end: 12 That you would be not slothful— but followers of them who through faith and patience— inherit the promises.

13 For when God made promises to Abraham— because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself— 14 Saying— Surely blessing I will bless thee (with), and in multiplying— I will multiply thee.”


But the choice has always been ours— whether we will serve him this day or not— is the choice of every ‘house,’ or temple.


(Isaiah 13 cont.)

10 “For the stars of heaven, and the constellations thereof —shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened [dimmed, withholding light] in his going forth [or appearance, bearing, breaking forth, coming out abroad, issuing] —and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.

11 And I will punish [visit, oversee, charge and deposit, bestow, appoint judge] the world [the inhabited earth— particularly— Babylon] for their evil [immoral bad, wickedness, affliction, displeasure, exceeding hurt, harm, mischief, misery, naughtiness, vexing, wretched wrong]— and the wicked [morally wrong, bad person— condemned, ungodly] for their iniquity [perversity, moral evil]; and I will cause the arrogance [pomp, pride and swelling] of the proud [presumptuously arrogant] to cease [desist, fail, suffer, be put away or down, get rid of] —and will lay low [depress into sinking, humiliate, abase, cast down, humble and lower] the haughtiness [arrogance of majesty, highness and swelling] of the terrible [tyrannical oppressors of great power and violence].”


Again, for reference— the brackets are the Strong’s definition, as they stand— and God has said, “particularly for Babylon,” meaning— she will be an example to all.

Many want to talk about ‘darkness of 3 days,’ and I say—

“no matter what God unrolls, the darkening of the elements will be nothing compared to the DARKNESS OF THE SOULS, gross darkness indeed.”

Which is the entire reason it’s all going to play out with darkening of the elements in the celestial skies; and as, the dark entities that are abroad in the world, even now, as many antichrists are with us, and within man.

But he will be bringing in a punishment, a— visit, overseeing and charging and depositing— bestowing an appointment of judgment; unto the world— the inhabitants of earth— particularlyBabylon; for their evil immoral bad, wickedness, affliction, displeasure, exceeding hurt, harm, mischief, misery, naughtiness, vexing, and wretched wrong.

As the wicked— morally wrong, bad person— the condemned and ungodly persons, by their iniquity— their perversity and moral evil— brings in the hand of the Lord, with his judgment.

And he will cause the arrogance, prideful, with pomp and swelling of their pride, or— presumptuous arrogance against him, his nature, person and rule— to cease, or desist, fail, suffer, be put away or put down and gotten rid of.

He will lay low— depress, sink, humiliate, abase, cast down, humble and lower— their haughtiness of arrogance— whereas they gloat in their own majesty, highness and swelling; and he will use the terrible, the tyrannical oppressors of great power and violence, to bring it all into play.

Folks— he ain’t play’n!!!

And it’s about time we all understand this, in humanity.

There is one God, and he is OVER ALL— and he is, whether we want to play like he is or not— ALMIGHTY, SOVEREIGN, and JUST.

He will bring in his legal system of heaven into this realm; we will see his JUSTICE SYSTEM play out, and it will be through his GAVEL DECREES of judgment, upon this ‘wicked generation,’ and all will see it take place.

From afar— the burning of Babylon shall be seen.


12 “I will make a man more precious [valuable] than fine [pure] gold; even a man— than the golden wedge [pure mined gold] of Ophir [the gold region].

{He’s saying— depopulation— as humans are more ‘precious,’ or valuable than elements of rocks, or things we can collect in this lifetime; and that we will learn from all this judgment— that humans are precious things to God; and not to run after idols, worshiping the ‘created things;’ but that we are to worship GOD ONLY.}

13 Therefore I will shake [with violent emotion, cause to quiver and tremble] the heavens [the lofty sky, and celestial bodies], and the earth [ground] shall be removed [undulated— moved slowly, up and down— like a wave] out of her place [fixed position/spot, locality] —in the wrath [passionate outburst of the anger] of the LORD [Jehovah] of hosts [mass of military persons and campaigns— battle companies of war]— and in the day of his fierce [burning] anger [nostril flaring ire].”


Yes— we have much calamity coming— not only invasion of foreign troops literally in the physical, and spiritually in the heavens— but we also have depopulation of humans coming in, as well as— natural disasters.

These have been prophesied, as you can see, for quite some time— to the first Babylonian empire, Babylon 1.0; and it will come around again, as nothing is new under the sun, if it went on once, it goes around and again— it will come to the Babylonian empire 2.0— the MORE WICKED SISTER: she is a whore among whores.

And it’s all coming in, from the perverse wickedness, the rebellion against God directly brought in by the choices of the hearts of men— as they chose to FORGO holiness with the living God and Father of them— and instead, chose to adhere to, bow down to, and fall in love with Babylon; the spirit of this world.

And would not GET IT OUT OF THEMSELVES, by SLAYING THE FLESH CARNAL NATURE— but instead, ‘coupled’ to it; and so— will partake in her plagues.

Brought in by ‘sow and reap,’ and the nostril flaring ire of the LORD Jehovah— as he brings it in; for his longs suffering patience, has run out: the time is at hand.

As so it has gone for Babylon 1.0— it shall go for the latter Babylonian empire, Babylon 2.0; and it will be a witness to the entire world, as her judgment is brought in.

For far and wide will the tale of ‘the fall of Babylon’ ring out, abroad; for the fierceness of— the Day of the Lord.


14 “And it shall be as the chased roe [gazelle, deer/buck], and as a sheep that no man takes up [collects or grasps– bringing together]: they, every man— shall turn to [face and behold] his own people [tribe] —and flee [vanish away] —every one, into his own land [country].”


People are NOT going to want to stick around in this country, Babylon— for the wrath of the Day of Lord that will extend itself throughout the land; everyone will want to flee from this place, and take refuge in other countries— turning even from their own families, and abandoning people— for their fear, and for the torment of her burning.


15 “Everyone that is found shall be thrust through [stabbed, pierced, reviled]; and every one that is joined [gathered together] unto them —shall fall [die] by the sword.

{There will be much destruction, in the very land, and amongst the people— that will cause such fear— people’s hearts will fail them, and they will desire to UP AND RUN from here, leaving behind— even their families.}

16 Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled [plundered and rifled through], and their wives ravished [copulation, sexual intercourse].

17 Behold, I will stir up [awaken] the Medes [central asians] against them— who shall not regard silver [implication— money]; and as for gold— they shall not delight [desire] in it.”


Here he is saying— people like the ruthlessness of the Medes of the days of old— he will bring upon this land, merciless people (I think of Russia/China), and these will not have a regard for what money you have, or what provisions— you will NOT BE ABLE TO BUY YOUR WAY with these people; they have one mission, and one mission only— TOTAL DOMINATION over the land, and the people in it.


18 “Their bows shall also dash the young men [adolescents] to pieces; and they shall have no pity [compassion or mercy] on the fruit of the womb (children); their eyes [countenance and regard] shall not spare children.

19 And Babylon [meaning, the empire of confusion]— the glory [splendor and beauty] of kingdoms [dominion, estate and rule], the beauty [ornament and honor] of the Chaldees' excellency [arrogance, pomp and pride]— shall be as when God [the supreme magistrate] overthrew [destroyed] Sodom [which means— scorched and burnt] and Gomorrah [which means— a ruined heap].”


Ruthless savages shall descend upon the people, with no regard to being bought off— they will have domination as their sole purpose and mission; and the glory (old glory is our flag and standard here in America), her splendor and beauty— the beauty and standard of it upheld before the nations abroad…

The beauty of the reprobate of the world— in their arrogance, pomp and pride of leading self— do what thou wilt, disregarding God holy and his people…

Shall bring to Babylon 2.0, what he brought to Babylon 1.0

Whereas she shall be like when God— the supreme magistrate— overthrew and destroyed Sodom [which means— scorched and burnt] and Gomorrah [which means— a ruined heap].

It will likewise come to Babylon 2.0, all the same: she will be scorched and burned, and become a ruinous heap, where the jackals and ostriches will play.


20 “It shall never be inhabited, nor shall it be dwelt in —from generation [revolution of time] to generation [revolution of time]: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold [cause the flock to rest] there.

21 But wild beasts of the desert shall lie [dwell and crouch] there; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures [howling, lonesome, wild animals]; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs [hairy he goats, devils] shall dance [skip around] there.

22 And the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons [sea serpents or jackals] —in their pleasant [luxurious] palaces [large public buildings or temples]: and her time is near to come [approaching, at hand] —and her days shall not be prolonged [extended, or continued].”


There is a time, when ‘time,’ is up; a time with the Lord will step in, and he will arrest— or stop, and charge— humanity, in their sins and transgressions.

This will as well be the time wherewith the Law is laid down— and God will come to raise up his children, as they have ‘come out from among her,’ and he will abase, or drop low— the prideful and rebellious, the wicked and idolatrous adulterers of him.

That time is nigh upon our door, if it wasn’t already; the steps of the Lord are sure, and are ordered. He has dominion, which is rule— and his rule will be laid down, and out— amongst the inhabitants of the earth.

Babylon will not be saved; for her sins have reached the heights of heaven, and unto the nostrils of our LORD, Jehovah— the captain of angel armies.

We WILL SEE the destruction of the wicked, in the land of the living— and we will be here to observe it all— as his children were in Egypt, when he sent the pestilence and the plagues.

What does a child of God do,

when judgment rolls in??

They are to have been strengthening their relationship in the Almighty, upholding the covenant marriage, and legal contract with the Lord God.

That is the best thing we can do, when God is coming to let loose on the wicked— DON’T BE ONE OF THEM; go, repent, and make right your relationship with the Lord, if you are out of step with him.

But if you are in covenant, and uphold it, and him in your life…

Then— as Crystal stated above— “Prepare as much as you can, but either way— you are in the house of the Lord.”

Remember who your Father is— and live by FAITH, trusting him— that if and when he needs to ‘part a sea for you,’ HE WILL!

But unto the wicked, rebellious, idolatrous and spiritually corrupt, perverse, prideful leaders of self— who walk in spiritual adultery of their covenant marriage unto him— WOE is nigh upon your door.

REPENT— for the Kingdom of God



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