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Isaiah 6

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn


“The THRESHOLD Guardians”


Isaiah 6

“In the year that king Uzziah [his name means— the strength of Yah] died— I also saw the Lord sitting [or established] upon a throne [properly covered, canopied— and seated], high and lifted up [ —exalted], and his train [or, hanging down trailing formal robe, hem—] filled the temple.

2 Above it (the train) —stood the seraphims [burning fiery serpent ones–Strong’s]: each one had six wings; with two he covered his face [countenance], and with two he covered his feet, and with two —he did fly.

3 And one cried [or addressed] unto another, saying— Holy [or sacred], holy, holy— is the LORD [or eternal self existent one] of hosts [a mass of persons, a war army]: the whole earth is full of his glory [or weighty, copious splendor and honor].”


I included the name of Uzziah, because I like to see the meaning of the names— as the chapters and books rollout— because they usually have an interesting tie, or meaning to the scripture stories and lessons at hand.

And in ‘this’ chapter, and book— we see that just like the KING DIED (Uzziah) in the earthly realm— God’s people had a ‘death’ to God being the high ruling one in their hearts— as Uzziah’s name means, “the strength of Yah.”

And when God’s people DEMOTE God, from within their hearts— placing ‘another’ upon the throne of their hearts— we see the STRENGTH OF YAH, has also ‘died’ in their lives, too; meaning— they will now see what life is like— sans the holy God’s presence in their lives, and his provision, protections and prosperity: for estrangement from Yah = death and loss of strength, vitality and life.


Here in the first few verses we come to understand some interesting things; the prophet Isaiah sees the Lord, seated and exalted into his proper position over all of creation. And as he is seen this way— his train, or personal garment of high rule and dominion— is seen touching and reaching the fullness of the earth.

I believe that’s significant here, as this details out to us that— he truly is the One, outside time and space, the self existent (noone made him, and he alone holds this position— all others are created) SACRED holy One— over a VAST army of different ‘persons,’ and not only did he fill his ‘temple,’ but the entirety of the earth realm, or material realm.

Now, his ‘temple’ should be noted here symbolically, concerning his children— spiritually speaking— the temple IS his children, their persons, or bodies and souls— here— in the material realm; and they are indwelled by his Spirit, fully filling their temples— as the body and soul are the temples of the Spirit of God’s kingdom, within— and it is ACCOMPLISHED, or ESTABLISHED— by uniting in holy marriage, spiritually— to the living God himself.

But also of note here, I’d like us to notice that the Seraphim, or the created beings that inhabit his throne (and elsewhere) are called FIERY BURNING SERPENTS; serpents were not ALL evil, like satan— who took over ‘one’ of them in the garden; but I am noting here how my mind has gone into another thought, symbolically, spiritually— and that is how many ‘fell’ with Lucifer, when he fell— including actual serpent Seraphim burning ones. (just making the comparison here, and noting it)


4 “And the posts of the door [or threshold] moved at the voice [or sound] of him who cried— and the house [or temple] was filled with smoke [vapor].

5 Then I said— Woe is me, for I am undone [silenced]; because I am a man of unclean [defiled] lips [or language/speech], and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for my eyes have seen the King— the Lord of hosts.

6 Then one of the seraphim flew to me— having a live coal [or stone tile] in his hand— which he had taken with the tongs— from off the altar:

7 And he laid it upon my mouth, and said—

Lo, this has touched [or struck] your lips [language/speech]; and your iniquity [or faulty, mischief, perverse moral evilness] —is taken away, and your sin [or offenses and punishment of] is purged [or canceled, cleansed, expiated— ended, appeased and atoned for].”


The seraphim, or burning serpent creatures— are moving roundabout the threshold (Door) area of the temple— and they are voicing out, holy, holy, holy— regarding the Lord God— and in doing so, the temple is filled with vaporous smoke clouds.

This reminds me of how angels and created spiritual beings, who serve the Lord Holy— are helping us in many different ways spiritually— and they are traversing our temples too; they are helping us with our inner-man workings— where the door of the Lord exists, rules and reigns— with his Spirit in us— and the ‘house,’ or the temple— is filled with God, and his HOLY presence.

I say this, because the literal area of God’s domain in the spirit realm— is also symbolic of (or a mirror of) the workings within man; for the Lord ‘made us in his image,’ which means likeness.

And that includes—

How his kingdom works literally,

there in heaven—

tied to—

how it applies, or mirrors

the kingdom within man??

Because seraphim have jobs to do in heaven, God’s literal domain where we all go after this earth life— and they have jobs, or roles and work to fulfill in/with man here— in the earth plane too.

Their jobs include ‘guarding the threshold,’ door gate— where the Lord upholds his kingdom within; we don’t really hear or see the correlation taught to us in this world, in ‘church—’ because many churches don’t actually walk in the truth— THROUGH— walking with the Spirit, literally.

But here we can see— if they have a job in literal heaven, for the King, and for the kingdom— then they have a job to uphold in/with man, in his temple, as well.

Lucifer, before his fall— was VERY familiar with the Mercy Seat of God (or as he calls it with me— the marriage seat between man and his God).

The place where God and man communion and find their inner-man relationship —where we honor God, and God ‘fathers’ us; and because of this intimacy with how we operate, and how God operates and conducts his person— satan has had intimate knowledge of both God and humans— and he uses that against us now.

Just because he was kicked out, doesn’t mean he lost his attributes, knowledge or abilities— on the contrary— now, he just uses them against us, and to our demise.

We truly need to get to know God Almighty for REAL— in order to beat the fallen one, who leads many others against us— for he has been at this a LONG TIME, and he knows his stuff better than most all humans.

BUT— there is ONE, who is → the self existent, eternal, high ruling over all creation— who stands OUTSIDE all creation— and he will ALWAYS WIN OVER SATANagain, and again, and again; but we must be PARTNERED with him— in order to do so.

We must think ‘outside’ the human mind, limited boxed understanding and experiences in this world— to understand that EVERYTHING in the material realm, or kingdom— is MIRRORED AFTER the ‘things of’ the heavenly kingdom.

When we do that— we begin to understand God, all God has provided for us, and to us— and we begin to ‘partner with’ heaven— with God— and his created beings who are here to assist us; and we beat satan by partnering with the One who will, and has ALWAYS BEAT HIM: God Almighty, the eternal self existent one.

Serpents— are not always denoted as snakes; serpents are created beings who God holy made; when Lucifer fell— he took many other created beings with him, in his leadership; but he TOOK OVER— a snake/serpent— and with his ‘bite,’ he venomously poisoned humanity.

How is this related to fiery seraph’s noted in scripture—

like Moses’s staff, of a snake—

even his own staff was a serpent?

The meaning of the term seraph in these passages (related to a serpent), is used as an adjective designating a specific type of serpent (or one with a fiery bite, or power); one based on the meaning of the verbal form— śārāph— would designate a snake whose bite causes a burning sensation, a severe inflammation of the skin that kills a person, i.e. → a venomous burning serpent.

There is a symbolic correlation between the word serpent, and the FIERY BURNING ONES, otherwise known as the SERAPH— who are positioned OVER the throne— and guardians of it.

In Genesis, the snake had a ‘fiery bite,’ or a venomous bite— to all he brought to Adam and Eve— and when he bit into them— it left a LASTING VENOMOUS STING to them; one that ALL of humanity feels, still yet.

Serpent, describes— a FIERY BURNING ONE; snake— describes one of scales, who now crawls upon his belly— and was SEATED ‘lower than all the other beasts.’

To understand how those holy beings could ABANDON → the high and holy, self-existent one— We need to understand JUST how incredibly ‘charismatic’ in his leadership, authority, and influence Lucifer was.

He was VERY INFLUENTIAL in his position—

and I mean ‘convincing;’ so, now— think

how easily it is to be ‘swayed’ by

smooth and convincing talk in this world.

BUT—we have creatures that KNOW how satan works, and how he comes to deceive— which leads to stealing the truth from our lives, as well as peace, safety, trust in God, proper relationship with him, founded properly— and so much more…

and then he also, aims to destroy everything we have with God relationally— trust, hope, endurance, fellowship, purity of heart, etc…

and because his final goal— is to kill us in all ways, bodily too.

But if we KNOW that we have ‘other’ HOLY helpmates, created beings that have been around as long as the ‘fallen one,’ who know EXACTLY how to defeat him— what he sounds, looks like and how he operates— and they are WORKING WITH US, as our ‘fellow brethren servants of the Lord—’

Then we can be CONFIDENT that if we stick tight to God— HE WILL WIN THESE BATTLES AGAINST THE ENEMY, WITH US— in our lives: for there are MORE FOR US— than against us: and they are OVER THE THRONE, in rank and authority.


Note that the seraphim, remove the cleansing coal from the altar— with tongs; I asked the Lord…

“How come the seraphim removed the cleansing coal tile (Strong’s definition) from the altar fires with tongs— but touched his lips with it— wouldn’t it burn him?

Isn’t that why he did that?”

He said…

“No— it was done this way so that it would be pure and potent, untouched by the seraph— and touched only to the man’s lips— full concentration— no holiness absorbed by the seraph.”

This is beautiful to me,

as even the created beings would be

benefited by directly touching that in which the Lord God holy has touched, of his person—

and here—

the Lord was intending it for

the man only— to receive of him.

I love this because → we see that the Lord did not directly do this— but he instructed, and allowed the seraph —whose job, role and duty it was to establish— do it; this signifies the incredible rank and position of the entities (created beings) he has over his affairs, and the affairs of men.

I say that to remind us that THEY themselves, and their voice cries— filled the temples with vapors of worship honor— this as well denotes they work with COMMUNICATION, SPEECH/LANGUAGE and HONOR.

[Likewise, satan’s bite— works through speech, dishonor, irreverence and rebellion— leading to moral evil.]

And if that is so— and they deploy and bring things to men and women such as CLEANSING PURIFICATION, deployed and granted of God— we are interacting with them on a regular basis (if you are sanctified child of God) —for all things sanctified, sacred and holy, that God does— intersects with seraphim in heaven and so, in earth— it will be a like/same too; for it will be A MIRRORED, or sameness— taking place.

UNLESS— one is allowing satan to continue his spiritually adulterous defiled

‘speech,’ or LEAD and CONDUCT— within.

If we are needing sanctification, purification and established cleansed and made holy— holy seraphim will be taking part in that, by the lead of the Lord, as/like seen here— and thereby fulfilling their roles and duties— as THRESHOLD GUARDIANS and SERVANTS of the Lord God HOLY.

Can we understand now how a fallen being— such as Lucifer— knows so much about us, and how to get us DEFILED— if he was once ‘so close’ to God and his operations, and the communion between him and his children, man— that he was able to SMOOTHLY DECEIVE US, with his VENOMOUS BITE and SPEECH??

He OVERTOOK— a ‘serpent’ snake— a scaled one with a bite, from its mouth— that now crawls LOWEST OF ALL, because of it’s ‘fall,’ and union with satan; and I cannot help but notice the correlation to spiritual beings who ARE BURNING ONES— who are designed, and originally positioned → to GUARD THE THRESHOLD— or DOOR/gate OF THE LORD.

Because, the ‘ones who fell’WITH satan— are now, working, and operating AS LEVIATHAN the scaled dragon, seated high above (in high places)— within man.


and regain God holy, and his HOLY REPRESENTATION once again, in our lives— and in our HEARTS and MINDS.

But, know this— we STILL HAVEmore with us, and for us— than against us; and we have threshold entities who work with and for God holy— who are assisting us on the daily, whether we are aware, or not: and that is comforting to me.

It comforts me to know they help us attain the ‘lips of’ —holy heaven, in purity and holiness— as to be like, and commune with God holy → LIKE HE FINDS ‘his’ person; and they GUARD THE THRESHOLD DOOR GATE, of the Lord, even WITHIN MAN!

Where the throne, and kingdom of God are represented, here, in the material realm, and bodies.

“We have not— because we ask not;” so → seek ye first the kingdom of God, and HIS RIGHT STANDING (that’s his CONDUCT and PERSONAL WAYS of HOLINESS)— and all ‘these things,’ including seraphim— will be added unto you.


I want us to note as well, that the Lord gives them the assignment of ‘purging’ the mans iniquity and sin— from his language/speech— which was detailed out as, his— perverted, faulty, mischievous, moral evil— and his sin— or offenses to God and his person and ways.

Burning fiery beings— who walk HOLY before the Lord— and work to co-labor with man, by fulfilling their loyalty, roles and service to God— and of whom we are working alongside all the time— and just don’t know it.

God is attempting to help us all understand JUST HOW POWERFUL his kingdom is, and all the person’s that live, work in, and from— his kingdom and rule.

Because if we can grasp that, and that all things ‘here—’ MIRROR his kingdom THERE

We will begin to understand he REALLY HAS provided a LOT for us— but we need to engage with God, for REAL— to receive the benefits → like Isaiah here— and interact with heaven, God, and the servants of him.

We may not ‘see them’ with our physical eyes, as they are SPIRIT BEINGS— of the invisible God; but → if they have a job in heaven to do, and it revolves around the ALTAR OF HOLINESS, where God resides…

Then we must understand— if WE reside with God, around his HOLY ALTAR, and the Mercy Seat communion of man and his God— then the holy seraphim are interacting with usdaily, hourly, and minute by minute —with God holy.

For the ‘holy’ ones— will attend to— the ‘holy’ ones; meaning— the holy, set apart men and women of God, will interact with the beings that God made, to declare things holy, and who reside around the holy altar.

So → are we getting CLEANED UP

more and more by the days that pass—

returning to his image??

Are we returning to the image of our God— for he is holy, and we are to be— holy as he is holy; for in that— the seraphim co-labor with us— to bring us into holiness, through the purification process with the Lord— for the Lord, and by the command, or lead of the Lord.

But for that to happen— we must present ourselves humbly before the Lord, like Isaiah did here— to have our inner language/speech cleansed, from within the heart, too.

There is SO MUCH MORE in scripture— that the average superficial relational understanding, and reading of scripture— glosses right over; but if we GO DEEPER with God, and allow him to REVEAL himself to us, and his kingdom operations…

and those who reside with him, and are employed of him there…

Then we will see that heaven, and the kingdom— mirror the inner workings of man: for the inner workings of man, were designed to be ‘like,’ or made in the image of— God holy, his person, his ways— and his kingdom operations of HOLINESS.

We have been given much to assist us, and be provided for— including holy spiritual beings— but we must KNOW OUR GOD, and then INTERACT with him, and desire to return to HIS IMAGE, and CONDUCT.

But when we do— we gain SO MUCH MORE THAN STUFF— we gain purification, likeness to God holy again, salvation, access to heaven— and we gain— our spiritual helper brethren too; and I think that’s pretty cool!

All things are possible with God;

but, how much are we ASKING FOR,

and how much are we


because MUCH has been given us.

If satan has an influence into the souls of men, THROUGH THE FLESH, because he still knows what he knows, and has the giftings and smooth talking influence to convince us, and thereby get in and affect us; then know this— WE STILL HAVE ‘other’ HOLY ENTITIESTO HELP US TOO— who KNOW HIM, all too well— and just how to WIN, and DISPLACE HIM and his LIEStoo.

When we actually walk with God spiritually— the spiritual opens up to us— and the facade of satan, the masked illusion of him being ‘so powerful and influential,’ wears off; and we begin to SEE— that we have MUCH MORE than he does, and MANY MORE WORKING WITH USthan he EVER HAS HAD.

God told me he has NEVER STOPPED CREATING— so, folks— how many NEW CREATURES, and HEAVENLY BEINGS, and WEAPONS— do YOU think ‘we have,’ with us?! (😀)


8 “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying— Whom shall I send, and who will go [walk for, carry, grow, lead, pursue] for us?

Then I said— Here am I— send me.

9 And he said— Go, and tell these people— You hear indeed, but understand [mentally distinguish] not; and you see indeed— but perceive [or know, sense, recognize, acknowledge] not.

10 Make the heart of these people— fat [or enlarged]— and make their ears heavy (tired of hearing about it all), and shut their eyes (of understanding); lest they see [and experience] with their eyes [or presence and understanding], and hear [intelligently— attentive] with their ears [and give audience to] and understand [or distinguish, intellectually and discern] with their hearts, and be converted [or turned back—and return again], and be healed [or cured and mended—made whole, and repaired].


Here the Lord himself now speaks, and when he does he asks for someone to lead, walk for, grow in and carrythe duties and works of God holy— in the earth realm— unto a people; and Isaiah boldly speaks up and eagerly volunteers.

Then he says— “Go and tell THESE people,” which is a distinct separation— meaning, a specific segment of people who he is talking about— not all people— ‘these’ people.

He says— “You all hear, but you do not intelligently distinguish spiritually, nor have understanding; you see, but you— do not know, sense, recognize, acknowledge or perceive— the things of the Spirit.”

And because they do not, and they walk carnally— God tells Isaiah to— “Go and make the heart of these people FAT;” which means— enlarged (or reinforced) in their deeds and heart stance.

Fill their ears with a weighty fullness of these truthful facts, until they tire of hearing them. (essentially)

GO and SPEAK FORTH WHAT THE LORD IS TELLING YOU, to these adulterous people— who honor me not.

So they DO NOT experience, with their persons or presence— nor gain heavenly understanding or discernment, with their interior selves [how they think of themselves] in their hearts

And thereby CONVERT or RETURN to me— be healed and SAVED— by being made whole in me, by me— and WITH ME!


He wants something different to happen to— these people; he is making a POINT, and a THOROUGH ONE at that.


11 “Then I said— Lord, how long? (how long should he do this)

And he answered— Until the cities are wasted [desolate] without inhabitants [or remaining persons], and the houses [or family units of prison dungeon temples— are left] —without man— and the land be utterly desolate, 12 and the LORD [or kingdom military high ruling one] has removed men [meaning— receded, driven and cast them out] —far away— and there will be a great [and abundant, numerous and increasing] forsaking [or desertion] —in the midst of the land.”


He wants homes and cities wasted, ruined and become wastelands— for a point to be made and understood; for this is EXACTLY what they have done to the inner man relationship, between God holy— and his people— in their spiritual relationship and walk with the Lord.

He is ONLY BRINGING IN UNTO THEM— what they ‘sowed’ spiritually, FIRST; we only receive in this world, in this earthly realm— what we have ‘sown’ in spiritual deeds: this is God’s law of sow and reap works, called— Harvest.

When he speaks of ‘the land becoming utterly desolate,’ again— we are talking about how the ‘land,’ or spiritual house, where man and God commune and relate— WENT DARK and DESOLATE—first; and so, now, in the material realm— their physical cities, homes and persons— are going to reap that harvest crop sown.

When we dishonor, and demote God holy— from being our leader, and father of us in all our ways— we have successfully erected ‘another’ within— and we will reap a harvest of that estrangement from God— and alliance to, ‘another:’ desolation comes.

And then— the LORD, or kingdom military high ruling one— has been called up (by an act of their free will choices) to remove men or recede them, drive and cast them out— far away from his person, presence and dominion rule— BECAUSE THEY HAVE ERECTED ‘another’ KINGDOM, ‘within;’ and they ADHERE TO, or LISTEN and HEED satan → instead of him.

And BECAUSE OF THIS— there will be a GREAT, abundant, numerous and increasing— FORSAKING, or DESERTION, or FALLING AWAY— in the midst of the land.

This is, once again—

due to their


‘spiritually;’ and because of this—



We really need to understand spiritually, with spiritual eyes— all that the Lord God has put into play with his Law of SOW and REAP: the law of Harvest— which means…

“What do you TRULY WANT, and GO AFTER??

Because →

that is what I will bring to you.”

The law of sow and reap— harvest— is just the product of what man desires and goes after— by their ‘wills,’ or decision reasoning, and choice making ‘centers’ within them: that’s the HEART OF MAN.


13 “But yet, in it (this generation)— there shall be a tenth [part], and it shall return [or turn back, reunite, become circumcised, brought home again], and shall be eaten [or, kindled by fire]: as a teil tree [or, strong tree], and as an oak, whose substance [or stock and pillar] → is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy [sacred and sanctified, hallowed] seed [or, posterity— child fruitful growth] shall be the substance [of stock and pillar] thereof.”


The MERCY of God— and his faithfulness to uphold his ‘remnant,’ the small group of people who always have, and always WILL uphold covenant with himhe will SUSTAIN in a certain sect, or grouping of this generation— PRESERVING THEM.

These will ‘return’ to him, when they are PURGED, or ‘eaten’ by REFINEMENT PROCESS, or ‘the kindling,’ or willingly coming into AGREEMENT with the Lord God holy— and will return to him, or REPENT— and be saved.

They will become STRONG OAKS, or ‘trees’ (he often speaks of persons, like trees— even he himself, as the tree of Life) that will have their ‘substance,’ or GOOD STOCK OF THE LORD (seedlings grown and pruned by him) —when they ‘cast their leaves,’ or CHANGE; as casting of leaves from trees, are for SEASONAL CHANGES, that bring forth the DEATH to LIFE ‘cycle.’

You see— it’s ALWAYS A MIRROR, and PARABLE to ‘see’ and ‘hear’ with spiritual eyes and ears ‘if’ one desires to UNITE and AGREE with becoming holy, purified, and one with the Living God again: becoming his ‘seedling’ (another tree reference of fatherhood) and child.

And in this refining process, returning to his seedling children in image and conduct of person, bringing worship and honor to him— from their CLEANED UP HEARTS— they will become HOLY, sacred, sanctified, and hallowed— like their God and Father; and in this— their seed, or posterity, child fruitful growth in the earth realm— will be PROSPEROUS and their substance, or all they are— will be a GOODLY STOCK and ‘pillar—’ or FOUNDATION, in the earth.


Folks— I actually found this chapter VERY ENLIGHTENING, on several levels.

First, EVERYTHING IN GOD’S DOMAIN OF HEAVEN— is a mirrored reflection down here, in the material earth realm, or kingdom.

It’s either SANCTIFIED and UPRIGHT, resembling God’s domain in heaven— orIT IS PERVERTED, twisted, malformed representing satan and his kingdom— but it is still represented down here.

God has courtrooms up there, we have them here; he has ranks and authorities— satan and earth has that here, as well.

He has power— and we do here, as well as satan.

He has attributes and natures of his person— and we do too, and so does satan.

He has holy servants and creatures— and so does satan have unholy servants and creatures, too: he’s the OTHER OPTION down here, folks.

Down here it is just → whether it is holy, or unholy— in this MIXTURE REALM, from life in the ‘tree of mixed knowledge.’

We have to vacate that tree, and covenantfrom the person who leads all that— and RETURN TO GOD HOLY; and he is THE TREE OF LIFE, or the ‘person of life,’ not death.

When we begin to ‘see’ with spiritual eyes, and ‘hear’ with spiritual ears— we will begin to have understanding and wisdom; and he did say— “the FEAR OF THE LORD— is the BEGINNING OF WISDOM.”

We walk in ‘darkness,’ when we DO NOT FEAR GOD, or reverence and honor him;

when we exalt ‘another—’ within.

We already did that, exalting another within, thing— in the garden of Eden— when Eve and Adam sinned, and demoted God from all authority, from— high ruling father figure (or leader) over them.

NOW— we need to re-place him,’ or PLACE HIM AGAIN— in his ‘rightful’ place, within our HEARTS— and then, when we do that, FOR REAL…

We have been ‘converted,’ and see and hear God clearly again— and are being made whole, healed, and CURED— by, as Strong’s states in its definition of ‘healed—’ STITCHED, and MENDED BACK TOGETHER.

Folks— it’s always going to be referencing— ‘BECOMING ONE WITH’ God holy again; it's about being the 2— who become 1in the heart of the union of man, with his HOLY and LOVINGGod.

Marriage— is never one sided;

and it’s always— A PARTNERSHIP.

But God has given us SO MUCH, and SO MANY HELPERS and WEAPONS of warfare— to help us against the ‘enemy of our souls.’

The question is—

“Do we have FUNCTIONAL spiritual eyes and ears— open— cleaned up, and PURIFIED of the Lord God holy??”

Because we have ALL THINGS MADE POSSIBLE TO US NOW— but we ‘do’ have to ENGAGE GOD HOLY; and I mean that as the ‘double entendre’ that it speaks.

We need to ‘engage him’ in heart stance, communion, reverence and honor— TRULY living unto him, from a WHOLE HEART; but we also must ‘get engaged to him,’ in MARRIAGE— where 2, become 1 entity, or UNITand live out the rest of their existence— JOINED IN HOLINESS.

There is so much more to his

‘saving’ SALVATION

than most understand.


THAT is the marriage covenant union definition— in TRUTH.

If we want THAT, and we are GOING AFTER THAT— then we have truly— ‘been saved,’ and reconciled to the Father God holy, his Son, and their Holy Spirit again; and then— by default— the kingdom comes with— and that includes the other kiddos (witnesses), the angelic, the host and all created brethren creatures— and all provisions of heaven.

I pray we all WAKE UP to life spiritual, with God holy— and thereby ‘find ourselves—’ in the 10th part of the remnant— who RETURN TO HIM, BEING SAVED from estrangement to union with him— who PROSPER in POSTERITY here— with ‘the good stock’which is HIM.

I pray— we all see and hear with spiritual eyes and ears— what the Spirit of the LIVING GOD is showing and telling.

P.S. —it’s no accident, or coincidence that the ‘tithe’ of what we GIVE BACK TO GOD— is equal to ‘the number of the remnant;’ and the word ‘tithe’ means— a 10th part given back, in a debt owed.

Can we see that when we GIVE BACK TO GOD (exactly what he gave to us— in love and dedication), with and by a ‘true’ and WHOLE HEART of gratitude and reverencetruly sowing a gloriously splendid crop of→ REQUITED LOVE UNION

That we will reap → a LOVING REMNANT YIELD, or result unto us.

Because folks— HE IS THE REWARD,

of a Love Union sown back and forth;


and WE— are the



Holiness and marriage union to God holymatters; and we have PLENTY OF HELPERS to assist us in these matters: this

realm is mirrored after his kingdom— and we are NOT ALONE.



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Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Apr 25, 2023



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