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Isaiah 5

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn


When you exalt the enemy—

the enemy comes.


Isaiah 5

“Now I will sing to my wellbeloved, a song of my beloved— touching his vineyard. My wellbeloved has a vineyard [garden] in a very fruitful hill [a horn– as projecting, horn of the altar]: 2 and he fenced it, and gathered out the stones [weighty, dilapidation– squandering or waste] thereof— planted [fix or fasten, plant in] it with the choicest vine [the richest fruit bearing], and built a tower [raised platform, pulpit, bed of flowers] in the midst of it— and also made a winepress [a crushing press] therein: and he looked [expected]— that it should bring forth grapes [bear fruit], and it brought forth wild grapes [poison berries].”


God is singing to, and over his people— whom he loves— a song of fruitfulness, love and provision; his people have a garden of intimacy with the Lord— his vineyard— for his family; he started this in the garden, with Adam and Eve.

He said he ‘touched’ his vineyard— meaning he deliberately gave himself, intimately, to his people.

He touched the union, the projection of the altar of the heart union between God and his children; and he fenced it in, protecting it— gathering out the weighty, weedy, waste and squander of it— and planted, fixed or fastened— the choicest vine (himself), and made it a bed of flowers, where he spoke to us (pulpit, or platform of influence).

He also made a ‘winepress,’ for the crushing of the grapes— this is refinement, to release it as the final fruit yield; and he looked— or expected that it would bring forth grapes— that is good fruit bearing, for he had seeded it with the BEST stock.

But— it brought forth

poisonous berries— instead.

This is saying— God gave his all, lovingly providing for his children, cultivating a proper environment, seeding the garden of intimacy with the best stock and seed (himself, the vine), and he expected— with the crushing of his refinement process— that the yield would be GOOD, and produce much fruit; but instead, what came forth— was poisonous.

Poison— a substance that causes illness or death, something adulterated or contaminated; root definition— ‘drink a magic potion.’

Here we can see that the garden— was poisoned; it became a place of illness and death— as it became adulterated and contaminated.

This first began in the garden of Eden, with Adam and Eve, and the serpent; but we can see it repeated— here in God’s house, once again.

The planting of the Lord— was corrupted, and with it— his people— as evidenced by his statement that he EXPECTED it to produce good fruit, from the best stock— but instead, it produced poison.


3 “And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem, and men of Judah— judge [litigate and govern], I pray you— between me and my vineyard [garden— that’s people].

4 What could have been done [applied and accomplished] more to my vineyardthat I have not done in it?

Wherefore (or however) —when I looked [or expected] that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes [or poisoned berries]??

5 And now go— and I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard [garden of people]: I will take away the hedge [or protective barrier] thereof, and it shall be eaten up [consumed— and brutishly wasted]; and break down the wall [circumvallation— a rampart or defensive entrenchment that entirely encircles the position being defended] thereof, and it shall be trodden down [his garden of people]:

6 And I will lay it waste [desolate]: it shall not be pruned [trimmed in care], nor digged [kept in rank, or defended]; but there shall come up briers [a pricking and scratching] and thorns [growth of weeds, trash]: I will also command the clouds [enveloping darkness] that they rain no rain upon it.

7 For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts— is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah— his pleasant plant: and he looked for judgment [divine law, and manner of law] —but behold oppression [slaughter]; and for righteousness— but behold a cry [shrieking].”


Okay, here in these verses, God begins by saying— take a look at what I have truly given you all— and judge rightly my garden of people; what more could I have done for you all, or provided for you all— to show you who I am, and my love for you all??

And when I planted, my OWN planting and seed, where as it should have yielded a FIRST FRUITS OF MY PLANTING [which is duplicates like God, of his people, living right unto him, and with him] —it instead yielded CORRUPTION, or POISONOUS BERRIES; which is to say, instead of his people walking rightly with him, governing themselves properly unto him— they strayed, and went after other gods and pursuits— and in this, they became WEEDS in his garden, and not a sure planting of his own hand.

They PERVERTED— they changed from the original design and intent; they became COMPROMISED, and TOOK ANOTHER SHAPE.

This is the story of Eden’s garden, all over again; history will repeat itself— if the LESSONS are not learned ‘and’ HEEDED from the past, and the mistakes thereof.

Next, he goes into telling everyone what he’s going to do, because all this has come about with the rebellion to him and his lead, and their adulterous straying unto other gods; and this will not just be because he desires to judge or correct them (though he does), but it will be because he is JUST— and he will give them what they have sown (which means, asked for).

This is one way God will ‘help’ us SEE the error of our CHOICES, which are our ways— he will ‘give us’ EXACTLY what we desired, and went after: the Law of sow and reap.

First— he’s going to take away their protective barrier— and it shall be eaten up; that is speaking of the garden, and the barrier, the hedge of protection itself.

And again, this is because they


by their rebellion to him

and his kingdom rule.

When we sow rebellion and dishonor to God holy, and we REMOVE HIM from the place of authority in our lives— we have PLACED ‘another’ in that position, WITHIN us— and when we do that, because of free will— God will back off, and give us what we are sowing, or asking for— unto what/whom we have been honoring in there— instead of HIM.

Many will claim— ‘satan has no place in me,’ and here we can see— satan has no place in us— if we are aligned with God holy in our areas within; meaning, what we believe, what we allow, what we partake in, and who is behind what we exalt ‘within,’ is in harmony with God holy.

I see people claim one thing— but LIVE OUT quite another; and in that— I can literally, spiritually ‘see’ where satan ‘sits,’ within.

We hear often about ‘discerning/test the spirits—’ but I don’t think folks understand that we can LITERALLY ‘see them,’ with spiritual eyesif one is right with God holy; and we SEE THEM— in other humans.

That is where we are supposed to be

practicing our discernment—

upon the spirits IN HUMANS.

We can have areas where God holy rules and reigns within— and then other areas where we seat satan, or ‘anti God holy’ WAYS and OPERATIONS ‘within us;’ God is aiming to EXPOSE all those hidden ‘thrones,’ or operations within us— where his enemy has taken up residency. For he aims to ERADICATE his enemy— without his children’s lives.

Here, the Israelites are about to find out, since they went the direction they went, after the things they went after, following other ‘leaders’ within them— with what they have sown; and just where satan has been found successful in leading them, becoming their ‘god’ within.

God is removing all protections from them— all defensed, encircled protections of this garden; folks, that means— spiritual protection will be removed, and they will go through stuff in the physical world— because they dropped the ball in the spiritual walk with God— and God cannot uphold them any longer, because he is NOT in the role of AUTHORITY FIGURE OVER THEM: satan is in authority over them.

And guess what happens to people when satan is the one over them— WOE comes in; we reap in what we have been living in, doing and allowing— the harvest, or result— is what we were SWIMMING IN for some time.

It just comes ‘down the line’ a bit, because of seed, time and harvest; meaning— the deeds are PLANTED, or started— and then they must be NURTURED, meaning we keep doing these things over and again, watering them and KEEPING THE SIN ALIVEand then, eventually— the HARVEST of time and what we have been doing all along— comes DUE.

This is what Israel will soon find out— and it’s all godly JUSTICE; it’s the justice of the Law of God: what one sows → one will reap.

Then he says— Next— he will lay it waste, and prune it not; that means he himself is going to bring this all in unto them, and he will not be nurturing or attempting to ‘establish’ them during this time— instead, he’ll bring CORRECTIONS in, by giving them what they sowed.

He says he’s not going to ‘dig’ in it— which in Strong’s means, defend it or keep its rank or position, or unto him; that’s HUGE folks— they have ‘lost their standing’ with God holy.

And instead, he’s going to bring in BRIERS, or a PRICKING and SCRATCHING to them; and when in Strong’s, it also said the ‘brier’ stood for— etching them, and chipping away at them, like A DIAMOND is refined.

I believe that’s the REFINING PROCESS from → roughcut to polished— that God is mentioning; chastisements come when God needs to bring in a lump sum of correction, because the little attempts to adjust our course— were disregarded and disobeyed.

*When we blow God off— essentially.

He also notes, it will be WEEDS that take over; and the weeds in Strong’s were mentioned as ‘waste.’ And when God says— ‘no more rain,’ he is saying— no more PROSPERITY right now.

For rain, over crops— helps them GROW; here, he doesn’t want them to prosper, or GROW IN WICKEDNESS— he desires for them to see the error of their ways, and come OUT FROM that, repent, and turnabout and face him in RIGHTEOUSNESS again.

He said he ‘searched’ for the righteousness among them— but only a cry was heard instead; many of us cry out to God— but remain living unrighteously before him, and wonder why woe comes instead.

And I am not speaking to everyone— but there is a ‘religious’ type person, who will live CONTRARY to how God himself conducts his person— and wonder why woe is still coming into their lives; this happens when one is still eating off the options of the devil’s table, in conduct and deeds partaken in— and it will result in the harvest being evil, instead of blessed: for God is JUST GOD— what one wants is what one will do— and what one will do → comes from the WILL OF MAN.

If we will allow ourselves to come into alignment with how God conducts his person— we will reap the things of God unto us; if we ‘WILL NOT,’ meaning, if we use our free will to align with satan’s ways (example drugs, gambling, adultery, fornication, lying, etc), and eat off his table of options, into our lives and person— we will sow and reap an evil harvest; that’s a harvest noone truly wants or desires— but will gain, if one is not CLEANING up their ways in sanctification of the soul, with God.

Israel will soon realize this,

and WE— are to


as to not repeat this pattern,

or reap the same results.

He said he searched for JUDGMENT— that’s where man would be living JUSTLY and right with God, ‘his’ way; but instead— he found OPPRESSION.

This is to say— ‘the devil had a hold’ in them, and ‘a place’ was given to him, satan— inside of them— instead.

We MUST LEARN FROM THESE PEOPLE, and what they did, and where it took them— unto WHAT RESULT; or— we are doomed to repeat the pattern and outcome.


8 “Woe unto them who join [couple up with] house to house [prison place of family, dungeon, temple]— that lay field to field— till there be no place [figuratively— condition of mind]— that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!”

9 In my ears— said the Lord of hosts, Of a truth— many houses shall be desolate, even great and fair, without inhabitants.”


He just said— Because they go and join, everyone, one to another, continuing in this ‘way,’ like houses of families imprisoned in oppression dungeons, laying waste to all fields (or all that was given to cultivate in their lives) —he is going to make them desolate, wasted away— until they are ALONE in the middle of the earth.

When he says we are ‘now alone,’ he means— their God, and his protection and union fellowshiping with him— his PRESENCE— is now removed from them; that is a horrifying thought to me.


10 “Yes— ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath [bath is a hebrew measure of liquids], and the seed of a homer [bubbling up— like mire cement]— shall yield an ephah [again, a measurement].”


Here God is showing what 10 acres will yield from now on— and it will be MUCH less than it should be— as prosperity is being removed.


11 “Woe unto them who rise up early in the morning, that they may follow [run to and pursue] strong drink [intoxicant]; who continue until night— till wine inflames them!”


He’s talking about liquids here, and drawing a comparison of measurements, meaning— he is saying— with what you DO, a measure of return will granted you; when you want to live in drunkenness [literal physically, or spiritual unrighteousness] from morning till night— sowing that crop— you will reap WOE unto you.


12 “And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts: BUTthey regard not the work of the Lord, neither do they → consider the operation of his hands.

13 Therefore my people are gone into captivity— because they have no knowledge: and their honorable men— are famished, and their multitude— dried up with thirst.”


Ouch. That hurts my heart for GOD, but also for them; they have sown a life harvest that will now reap CAPTIVITY for them.

When God says— We have become a people who will party and celebrate it up, in our ‘feasts—’ but we DO NOT REGARD ‘the work of’ the Lord, or CONSIDER his operations, what HE DOES WITH HIS HANDS, any longer…

We ourselves have VACATED life with God— and have TAKEN UP WITH, ‘another.’

And we will reap that harvest of courtship and honoring another god, or gods.

We only receive from whom we honor; when we honor satan, sin and defilement— meaning we walk in thatwe will reap from that god. And satan can only give us his crud, from off his table of options; and none of what he has is anything we really want to receive.

We must understand, God is JUST— and this chapter is beginning to lay out his JUSTICE; and his just is two parts.

One part, he GIVES WHAT WE ASK FOR IN WHAT WE SOW; that’s the law of sow and reap— it’s free will choices being allowed, and then getting what we wanted, or lived.

The second part of his justice is— he is HIGH ruling one, of holiness and truth; he will UPHOLD HIS LAW, he will NOT FALTER at that— he is FAITHFUL to uphold his law of personal conduct; meaning— if you sow it → HE WILL BRING IT: Justice couples with Faithfulness.

He will allow you to have the god of your choosing over you— if you truly want him and his options, and results— He will give you himself; but if you truly want satan, and his options and results— he is just to give you what you asked for, and he’s FAITHFUL TO DELIVER IT TO YOU: you can count on him.

He will not ‘take’ from you— that choice— because really the choice is— WHOM DO YOU WISH TO SERVE, in your LOYALTY OF HEART?

What we do— was based upon a choice of options we were offered inside, to align with; some options were evil, and from satan— whilst others were holy, good and pure— offered from God; but all of them— were given us to CHOOSE FROM.

And the choices we make, which lead to the deeds and conduct we do, and sow in life— came by the instruction, counsel and lead of GOD HOLY— or satan; and depending on which we CHOOSE, determines WHICH WE EXALT‘within.’

And which we exalt within— is who controls, leads, instructs us within— and WHOM WE HONOR.

If we honor God’s enemy— we get his enemy to bring us his results into our lives; when we honor God, and choose the narrow path— we reap God in our lives, and we reap prosperity, blessing and favor from God.

We are not robots— we wield one of the


‘free will’ to choose for ourselves—

what, and whom

we will be LOYAL TO.

And folks— our fruits proves this; meaning— what we choose, we chose out of our TRUE HEART STANCE; and if our heart is truly NOT after living with God holy and true, and remaining loyal to him, disciplined and resolute to be pure and clean— we will actually ‘choose another path’ to traverse.

We will choose and make decisions that lead to actions that actually listened to satan’s leading— and we will end up in a destination we did not desire in our walk here (and after, if we don’t turn around, and head down a different path).

We are choosing the path we walk, daily,

as we make our choices;

if we are WANTING to walk with God holy,

he will turn us about, nudging us to regain,

and re-engage the STRAIGHT

and CLEAN path.

But if we are listening to satan, have lies inside that we have latched onto, allow things we ought not into our lives from satan’s table— and he has become the ONE WE ARE FAITHFUL TO…

Then God ‘has to’ give you over to him— in one way or another— even if it is to show you who you’ve been tangoing withthrough sow and reap— to show you the error of your ways, in his JUSTICE SYSTEM; he will give us ‘what we went after,’ and he will give us— ‘whom’ we went after, to serve us— for we PLACED OUR LOYALTY THERE.

This is ‘how’ satan finds ‘a place—’ within man; man gave him one— and God is JUST, so he will allow us our free will choices to play out— how we chose.


14 “Therefore hell [inmates of the grave, hades] has enlarged herself [will, desires, breathing and vitality], and opened her mouth [portion and sentence] without measure: and their glory [splendor], and their multitude [wealth and abundance], and their pomp [uproar]— and he who rejoices [is exultant]— shall descend into it [sink].

15 And the mean man [hypocrite, common low degree person] shall be brought down [humbled and abased]— and the mighty man [of high degree] shall be humbled— and the eyes of [conceit of countenance] the lofty [arrogant and proud] shall be humbled:

16 But the Lord [eternal existent one] of hosts [leader of a mass of persons, and army]— shall be exalted [lifted back up] in judgment [verdict being laid down, pronounced, law upheld], and God → who is holy [moral, a saintly sanctuary]— shall be sanctified [clean, hallowed, pure] in righteousness [rightness, just of virtue and morals].”


Ugh— another hard couple of verses.

Okay— the ‘inmates of the grave,’ or hell— has enlarged herself— that’s it’s breathing and vitality— through people’s WILLS and DESIRES; that ‘alone,’ folks is VERY DESCRIPTIVE: hell has inmates, and it grows with our choices and our wills, through OUR DESIRES.

She has opened her ‘portion’ or ‘sentence’ to us (this how we all choose to go to hell, not God— hell is generous, and OFFERS US to ‘come hither’) and without measure; meaning— hell is a willing host, to dole out exactly what we have desired and chosen— like a faithful kingdom.

I don’t think we see that much— in truth, preached— that whatever kingdom we UPHOLD and HONOR within, by our DESIRE and our WILL CHOICES being enacted out, and aligned with…

→ Will come with a kingdom that is eager to fulfill our desires and alignmentswith the harvest, or RESULT OF— what we have sown in relationship WITH, that kingdom, and taken from themas we SEAT them, in EXALTED PLACES‘within’ our hearts and lives.

And the glorious splendor and fun of that sinning, and the wealth and abundance of that crop sown, deeds done, desires played out, with the pomp and stance of it, or uproar and rejoicing over it all— and those who EXALTED THAT WITHINwill SINK, descending down into the pit of hell.


We ought to ‘hear’

that right now— and clearly.

The mean man, or hypocrite, common low degree person— is going to be → brought down, or humbled and abased; that means, removed from his high horse— along with the man of high degree [thinks himself smart, educated and wise— but in worldly ways] —as well as the conceited, arrogant and proud persons.

But— the eternal existent one of hosts, or military high kingdom rule, over a MASS of persons and armies— shall be lifted back up, or exaltedTHROUGH HIS JUDGEMENTS, or verdict being laid down, and pronounced with his law being upheld; and God HOLYwho is moral, and a saintly sanctuary— shall be sanctified— or clean, hallowed and pure— in RIGHTEOUSNESS, or— rightness, just of virtue and morals…

→ In all he brings in.

That is saying— That when God, who is high ruling one over ALL CREATED, brings in his JUDGEMENTS, which is his verdict being laid down, and he upholds his own law— THEN, will he be placed back into his rightful place, men will revere him again, and exalt him within— lifting him back up into proper position in their lives.

And God, who is HOLY— or a moral and saintly entity and person of sanctuary to abide with— will be standing CLEAN, PURE and HALLOWED before men, IN HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS once again— which is his ‘rightness,’ that’s uprightness, and his VIRTUE and MORALS— will be upheld and honored again.

That is what got these people into this situation in the first place— DEMOTING God holy, who is saintly and pure and righteous— FROM— his rightful place within, and from being exalted and honored; and only THROUGH HIS JUDGMENTS coming in [which really is just people reaping what they sowed unto themselves] —God will finally be seen as one to be honored, and covenanted with in marriage union again— and FAITHFUL TO HIM.

I pray we learn from these Israelites, and HEED the lessons into and APPLICATION in our own lives— placing God holy, and a reverence unto him— in right standing, within our very own lives: for what, and unto whom we SOWwe will gain from— in a harvest crop of results.


17 “Then shall the lambs [his people] feed [figuratively rule] after their manner [arrangements]— and the waste places [desolated, destroyed places] of the fat ones [prospering in] —shall strangers [of hostiles] eat [or burn up and consume].

18 Woe unto them who draw iniquity [perversity, evil, mischief, lawlessness, and punishment of sin] with cords [attachments, like a noose unto ruin] of vanity [desolation, evil ruin, idolatry, uselessness], and sin [offense, habitual, with penalty against God] —as it were with a cart rope [harness]:

19 Who say— Let him make speed [hurry], and hasten [eager to enjoy] his work— that we may see it [behold and honor it]: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh [approach] and come [pass out, and employ, strike] —that we may know it!”


Okay, so… His people are going to figuratively ‘rule after’ their own ‘arrangements’ that they made unto themselvesin the deeds they sowed, when they sowed ‘like ways’ of satan and his lead in their lives— exalted him within, as they carried out in their conduct.

And the desolation of the fat, haughty, arrogant ones— will come from hostile strangers who will burn up, and consume them (that’s cook them, figuratively, as a meal— ‘fat ones,’ like cattle); he is saying another people will come and wreck them entirely— and they will become not only spiritually captive people unto satan— but literally, by the way of the hostile other nations people of the world.

He pronounces woe unto → those who draw iniquity unto themselves, or otherwise known as live— perversely, evil, mischievously, lawless— who will bring punishment of their sin unto themselves by the crop they sowed; when they attached to it, like a noose around their necks— tying themselves to ruin— all for vanity, or— desolation, evil ruin, idolatry, uselessness— with their continual sinning, as they tied to it— like a horse in a harnesscontinually working it.

Who hurry to run to, and eagerly partake in and enjoy— the workings of his own hands and ways— so even others will SEE THEIR EXAMPLE and FRUITS, and honor them in it (that’s pride of life, folks) —and the Holy God of Israel will draw close, and approach them— to bring his passing out, deploying and striking of them, in his judgmentsSO THEY WILL KNOW IT.

Yikes— he ain’t mess’n around—

and he’s JUST and FAITHFUL

to uphold sow and reap—

and dishonor and rebellion against him—

are sure to bring that in.


20 “Woe unto them who call [or appoint, consider, suppose] evil [or immorality, harm, mischief, naughtiness, wickedness] good [or, well, kind, lovely, pleasant, precious, favored]— and good, evil; who put darkness [misery, death, sorrow, wickedness] for light [illumination, happiness, brightness]— and light for darkness; who put bitter [discontented, chafed, heaviness] for sweet [sweetness]— and sweet for bitter!

21 Woe unto them who are wise [intelligent, skillful or artful, cunning] in their own eyes [conceit], and prudent [distinguished, eloquent] in their own sight!”


Yeah— when we become a people who are SO BACKWARD, that we are now seeing depravity, dishonor to God’s ways, and doing our own thing like satan doesas GOOD, and God’s ways of holiness and purity as EVILwe have TRULY FALLEN FROM HIS GRACE.

When we are walking in immorality, harm, mischief, naughtiness, and wickedness— and see NOTHING WRONG WITH our ways and deedsnow thinking and seeing our actions as PREFERABLE, and doing well, kind, lovely, pleasant, precious, and favored conduct— we have become an ‘evil people.’

A people who have replaced ENLIGHTENMENT of the Lord God HOLY, PURE and JUST— for darkness; our light, within us— HAS GONE DARK when we pervert our ways from God’s ways— and delight in them.

We become a people who are bitter against God and his ways of living— or a people who are discontented and chafed with heaviness, and find it GRIEVOUS to live with God, and LIKE God holy— and have turned all sweetness inside us, to bitterness.

And what do we get for thinking we are ‘wise,’ in what we have ‘devised’ with our wit, or— intelligent, skillful, artful, cunning conduct, in our conceit and distinguished, eloquent perceptions of ourselves as we lived in SIN, contrary to God, and in disrespect of him —WOE!

We sowed WOE unto ourselves— in a harvest we will REAP of a JUST God— who will give us exactly what we ask for, when we honor a kingdom.


22 “Woe unto them who are mighty to drink [imbibe in] wine [intoxication], and men of strength— to mingle strong drink [liquor intoxication]:

23 Who justify [cleanse, clear and call just— call right] the wicked [morally corrupt, ungodly] for reward [bribe, gifting them], and take away [decline, refuse, turn away] the righteousness [rightness, virtue, prosperity, or justice] of the righteous [just person] —from him!”


God is saying— WOE is coming for the people who are drunken (literally, or spiritually), indulging in intoxication (literal, or spiritual) —who JUSTIFY WICKED LIVING, and FAVOR WICKED LIVING FOLK, rewarding those folk, favoring those people— OVER THE RIGHTEOUS FOLKS, who are living resolutely in right standing with God holy, his way, and unto holiness, purity and chastely before the Lord— and CAST THE RIGHTEOUS AWAY, declining, refusing them, and turning them away.

Have you ever lost out on something,

been fired, or rejected—

because you have GOD HOLY

as your Father??

Because this is talking about that— how the worldly folk will hire, or fire, reward, or gift— the evil people who live immorally like thembefore they will allow you to remain, or come on board— be accepted, or honored.

This is what that is talking about— and God said— YOU HAVE WOE COMING TO YOU; and folks, he says that, because they have REJECTED HIM— when they reject the ones who are ‘with’ him: God is just, and what goes around → will come back around; meaning— what is sown, will be reapedgood, or evil, cursing or blessing.


24 “Therefore as the fire devours the stubble [dry], and the flame consumes the chaff [dried out] —so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom [budding forth prosperity] shall go up as dust [light particles as volatile— or, easily evaporated]

→ because they have cast away [despised, loathed, refused and rejected— as reprobate— and is utterly vile] —the law [precepts, statutes, decalogue— 10 commandments, and pentateuch— first 5 books of the old testament] of the Lord of hosts [high ruling one of an kingdom and army]— and despised the word (commanding) of the Holy One of Israel.”


Ugh— another tough one to go over.

When God says— ‘as the fire that devours,’ he is speaking of himself— the all consuming fire; and when he says stubble and chaff— he is saying those walking contrary to him, NOT with the living WATERS, but wandering in DRY PLACES, like devils.

That’s why their ROOT will be as rottenness, and their budding forth, or prospering— as dust, or— like light particles that are volatile— or, easily evaporated; because they yoked up with satan, became dried out— and now will burn.

That’s VERY descriptive.

And it will be because they have— cast away, or despised, loathed, refused and rejected God, and his ways and conduct of holiness, and the law, or his precepts, statutes, decalogue10 commandments, and pentateuch— or, the first 5 books of the old testament

And before the Lord of hosts, or high ruling one of ALL CREATION, and his kingdom and army, they have— become reprobate— and are now utterly vile before him— who despise the word, which is his commanding and authority over them— the Holy One of Israel.

It is straight up— hating him and his conduct and ways— truly; and WE— are to learn this lesson by READING and HEEDING— the ‘word—’ like they did NOT.


25 “Therefore— the anger of the Lord kindled against his people, and he has → stretched forth his hand against them → and has smitten [struck, wounded, punished] them: and the hills did tremble, and their carcasses [idols, dead] —were torn [swept away] in the midst of the streets [severed completely, abroad— no joke, that’s the Strong’s].

For all this— his anger is not turned away— but his hand [power, and dominion] is stretched out, still.”


When God says his anger is kindled, and he has stretched out his power and dominion AGAINST his people, smiting, wounding, and punishing them— to the extent that the idols of death living, are torn and swept away from them— severing them COMPLETELY AWAY from them, abroad— and he STILL WON’T REPENT OF THIS TOWARD THEM, meaning— change his stance and actions toward them, but remains AGAINST THEM WITH HIS POWER, FORCE and DOMINION, striking them in judgment corrections…




26 “And he will lift up an ensign [flag and standard] to the nations [troops] from far, and will hiss [give a shrill whistle] unto them— from the end of [extreme distances of] the earth: and, behold— they shall come with speed swiftly:

27 And none of them shall be weary nor stumble [falter] among them; none shall slumber [drowsy] nor sleep [slack]; neither shall the girdle [belt] of their loins [strength] be loosed [stopped], nor the latchet of their shoes [symbol of occupancy] be broken [stopped, or plucked away]:

28 Whose arrows [woundings] are sharp [pointed, pricking— pressed in and treading upon], and all their bows [weapons] bent [drawn and readied], their horses' hoofs shall be counted like flint [troublesome], and their wheels (rolling forward) like a whirlwind [tempest]:

29 Their roaring shall be like a lion [or fierce], they shall roar [or moan and rumble] like young lions: yes— they shall roar [growl], and lay hold of [seize and possess] the prey (or oppressed), and shall carry it away safe [slip out, victoriously escape with], and none shall deliver it [or, rescue or recover it].

30 And in that day —they shall roar against them like the roaring of the sea: and if one looks unto the land— behold darkness [figuratively— misery, destruction, wickedness] and sorrow [tribulation in a tight fashion]— and the light [or illumination, and happiness] → is darkened [dimmed] in the heavens [drooping of the horizon— Strong’s] thereof.”


Okay, so, he said he’s going to LIFT UP A FLAG and STANDARD against his people— of NATIONAL TROOPS FROM ABROAD— and with a SHRILL WHISTLE, he will call them forth, from the FURTHEST STRETCHES OF THE EARTH— and they will come speedily and swiftly; I cannot help but note the similarity to America and Russia/China right now.

And they will not weary, stumble,

falter or be slack in any way—

as they are gird about with their

strength and power—

they will OCCUPY,

and will NOT BE STOPPED,


And their treading upon, pressing in, strikes and woundings— as they draw upon us with their weapons readied— very troublesome as they rollout like a tempest— they will be FIERCE and moan and rumble in like young lions growling, and seizing and possessing their prey (the oppressed); and they will carry away the people into captivity, victoriously— and NO ONE will be able to RESCUE them, or RECOVER the people.

I believe we should be heeding

this information, and hearing what the

Spirit is saying, and showing.

And in that day— the enemy will roar against his people, like the roaring of the mighty sea; and if you were to look about the land of our nationbehold you would see (darkness) misery, destruction and wickedness— and (sorrow) tight situations of tribulation; and happiness and light— is dimmed and darkened, and there is a drooping (downcast), on the horizon (future outlook).



We REALLY need to hear that word right there.

We are a haughty people today, who are obstinate, rebellious and dishonoring to God holy— who run with his enemy— and we are not really too mindful of the facts; and the facts are— what WE have been living like in our MORALS, and who we are EXALTING ‘within,’ in our lives…

Is what brings about an oppressive enemy, in the physical world, that will overrun us with their might and power, and take us captive; all because we became oppressed of the enemy, SPIRITUALLY— long before it bled into the physical world, with literal human troops.

Everything God does, is JUST;

and everything we DESIRE

we ‘sow;’ and what we sow—

We → eventually reap.

I pray we are heeding all of this revelation God is giving in the book of Isaiah.

I pray we are listening, understanding, heeding the wisdom and counsel— and then APPLYING it to our lives, as to NOT repeat the same patterns in ourselvesPERSONALLY.

Because, we DO live in a wicked country, meaning— adulterous toward God holy, and living with him— his way; but— we all have a PERSONAL HARVEST we are sowing too.

We all have the choice, in our own individual lives— to be one who PERISHES IN THE WILDERNESS, as God is attempting to bring us out of captivity, ‘within—’ or one who will ‘crossover,’ REPENT, and turn an about-face— and reconcile with God holy in union and harmony to his person again— and enter safety in the promise land with him.

It’s always— a personal choice with whom we honor and serve folks— and our actions are always showing us the fruits of the heart— and what is REALLY going on inside there; and the HEART— is what God’s eyes are searching day and night— looking for faith in.

What he finds—

is truly— up to us,

and what we will allow,

not allow→ or honor.

I pray we all analyze ourselves, and become accountable to him— putting effort in to align with him, and partner with him in a true relationshipnot buck him; because in doing that— one will find themselves HEDGED INwhen the tribulations come.



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1 комментарий

Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
23 апр. 2023 г.

Great message sister 🙏🙏🙏🙏


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