“And in that day seven [number of completion] women [also– adulteresses] shall take hold of [seize, conquer] one man, saying— We will eat [consume, devour, dine on] our own bread [shewbread– face/countenance], and wear [wrap in] our own apparel [covering, mantle, garment]: only let us be called [accosting a person, and be addressed] by your name [conspicuous position, honor, authority and character– renown], to take away our reproach [disgrace and shame of our pudenda– female area, burning and scabbing punishment and judgment of the Lord].”
I do want us to recall, in the previous chapter— that the Lord had brought judgment, burning, scabbing judgment, to the women of Israel, for their defiled apparel and adornments— as they walked HAUGHTILY— before the Lord— in lewd and seductive ways; I bring all of that up, because this verse describes them attempting to ‘pull the wool over’ God’s eyes, or find a ‘loophole’ in his judgment.
Meaning, they do not want to ‘change their ways,’ or their relinquish their apparel or covering/mantles they wear— but they want the BENEFIT of someone else’s ‘name,’ or reputation and authority of honor— to wash them clean; and it doesn’t work that way with God.
One will either come clean with God, walk HIS way, learn their lessons of chastisement and corrections— which means, his disciplines and nudges of turning, or lump sums of correction— or they will remain under judgment, corrections, and estrangement from being reconciled to him— or in right standing with him.
When God gives a judgment— it is to RECOVER someone from their wicked ways; it’s an attempt by the love and grace of God, to help them see the error of their ways of bringing disgrace and dishonor to God— and from being estranged from him, or rebellious enemy to him and his person’s way, or character of holiness: he is the high and holy one, who is to be revered.
We are to serve him with the best personal cleaned up character and conduct that we can— for we actually desire to be like him, and to bring him honor; if it is WITHIN our ‘literal’ ability to do something— then he expects we will want to, and will do those things; and living clean with him is very important to him.
Not just for some reason of being ‘like’ him, for the sake of just being like him— no; but because he quite literally can ‘hedge us in’ with a protective barrier of HOLINESS, and the angels thereof— when we walk in UNISON, or in HARMONY WITH, the holy God; when we do this, we gain HIS BENEFIT— for he walks with holy angels, and can ‘back,’ what is like and same— for we have chosen to walk ‘with’ him, and not against him, with the enemy.
When we REFUSE GOD, and his corrections, and we continue to eat off the wicked table of options, that satan provides to appease the ‘flesh—’ then we choose to align with the enemy realm— and they have legal rights they can uphold— for you are ‘serving’ their kingdom, as their kingdom— serves you [in options you are eating from their table].
When we partake in enemy table options of our ‘OWN’ ways, and our ‘OWN’ coverings, mantle, adornments of the LUSTFUL FLESH WAYS— we will reap a wicked judgment of harvest crops sowed unto us; for it is what we GAVE TO GOD to grow a future crop with.
If we give him adulterous practices, where we are hooking up with the enemy, eating his options to appease our flesh— then we will have ‘sown unto the flesh,’ and we will reap that harvest; for we have aligned with, or liked the options satan served up— and we will reap that harvest of crops, or results of our actions.
Folks, God does forgive— but forgiveness of sins comes upon the heels of REPENTANCE; and repentance means— come out from that, turnaround and face God head on, and LEAVE THOSE WAYS and ENEMY PRACTICES— for those are ‘death’ ways— and REUNITE with God holy, so he can CLEANSE YOU, PURIFY YOU, SANCTIFY YOU, HEDGE YOU IN— and save you.
If we refuse to do that, like these wicked hearted women, who want the benefits of God, but do not want to get CLEAN BEFORE HIM, ‘themselves—’ but want to skirt around God, with just taking the name of some man— who walks clean with the Lord— just to ‘take away’ their reproach by his ‘name,’ or authority, honor and reputation of character— it will not work.
As we will see in the next verses, as God says he will finish his judgment against them— and with his burning.
Seven is noted in this verse, as it’s the number of completion, or fullness; and it’s noted, because God will complete what he started— and there will be a full recompense, or full payback in judgment, for what they have been found guilty of; it will not go away before it has finished its work.
And women, here in Strong’s, are also— adulteresses; that is not by coincidence either, as it is mentioned in context here.
These women have adulterated the house of the Lord, in their lewd and STUBBORNLY REBELLIOUS conduct— in which they DO NOT WANT TO STOP DOING— as noted by their declaration, or proclamation of how they will ‘still’ continue wearing their OWN apparel, and eating their OWN bread— no repentance, or turning from their wicked ways— just defense of.
And in Strong’s— ‘bread’ —is also noted as SHEWBREAD; and shewbread in Strong’s is also defined as— ‘face,’ or ‘countenance.’
So here, they do not want to CHANGE THEIR COUNTENANCE TOWARD GOD, become CLEAN, or repent— which would be FACE GOD straight on; they want to keep their filthy spiritual countenance, that stands and walks contrary to God holy— but they want to take the reputation, character and name of some man— who is walking clean before the Lord— in an attempt to take away their reproach, or shame.
[Folks, this is what hyper grace is about— we want to continue offending the Lord, doing things he doesn’t— and all the while we will CLAIM HIS NAME, BUT CHANGE NOT.]
They want to ‘wrap themselves in’ their OWN ways, covering and deeds— that are contrary in disobedience to God, and dishonoring unto the Lord— but somehow skirt around his correction judgment; this is hyper grace attempting to cover iniquity.
God does not ‘cover’ iniquity— he expects it gets ERADICATED, by REPENTANCE; but alas— repentance is turning from wicked ways, and DESIRING TO BE AS HE IS, the holy one— and it is a personal choice of the HEART.
2 “In that day— the branch [budding/sprouting] of the Lord, shall be beautiful [goodly] and glorious [honorable]— and the fruit [reward of first fruits] of the earth shall be excellent and comely for [ornamentally beautiful, honorable] → them who are escaped [delivered, that is a remnant] of Israel [he who will rule as God— posterity of Jacob].”
Again, here we see the Lord saying— There will come a time, when the house of the Lord will spring forth, budding goodly and honorably— and the reward of the first fruits [those are repentant people who have turned from their wicked ways, to live in alignment with God and his way] —will be excellent and comely, beautiful and honorable— to THOSE WHO ARE ESCAPED; those who are escaped— are those who came into DELIVERANCE, and as these brackets defined, it is a TINY AMOUNT OF PEOPLE, a REMNANT who partake in this, of ‘Israel.’
And Israel, in Strong’s, literally says— He who will rule as God, gaining the posterity [or future generations of people, flowing is the root definition] —to the house of Jacob; and the house of Jacob is the people OF THE FAITH, and SEED PLANTING OF THE LORD GOD HOLY.
A remnant of repentant ones, who have turned and faced the Lord HUMBLY again [and the definition of humble— is abase— or brought low]— and have desired reconciliation to their ways and character— and thereby have been delivered, and saved: a remnant— is always the few who will walk the paths of the Lord.
And he doesn’t traverse certain ‘ways,’ or paths.
3 “And it shall come to pass— that he who is left [remain of a remnant] in Zion, and he who remains [excels, abounds and is preserved— a remnant] in Jerusalem— shall be called holy [morally sacred— a sanctuary], even every one that is written among the living [life, literal or figurative] in Jerusalem: 4 *when the Lord shall have washed away the filth [excrement, dirt and pollution] of the daughters [apple of his eye, branch, town, village, children] of Zion, and shall have purged [cleansed, cast out] the blood [guiltiness and causes of death] of Jerusalem— from the midst thereof— by the spirit of judgment [verdict, sentence and justice], and by the spirit of burning [consuming fire kindled].”
So, the small remnant of people who remain in Zion, or the place of the Lord— who excel, abound, remain and are preserved— will be called HOLY and SACRED— MORALLY— and a SANCTUARY OF THE LORD GOD HOLY; everyone who is written among the ‘living—’ literal, or spiritually right with God holy.
*WHEN— the Lord shall wash away the filthy, dirty, polluted EXCREMENT of his ‘children, branch, apples of his eye, town and village’ of people; and it will be by PURGING and CLEANSING and CASTING OUT the defilement, and the defiled— who were bringing death and guiltiness, out of the midst of— by JUDGMENT, or verdict, sentences and justice being laid down— through— the SPIRIT OF AN ALL CONSUMING, BURNING FIRE.
I believe this is VERY clear here— a cleansing of our ‘own’ ways, and justifications must take place, in REAL repentance; the old and sinful [that’s what God does not do, and offends his person], must be DONE AWAY WITH, CAST OUT and PURGED from us— and it will be done by his REFINING, ALL CONSUMING ‘fire.’
HE— is FURNACE, and his person– THE REFINER; ‘we—’ are his workmanship, his project— and ‘we,’ will find ourselves WILLINGLY being refined and purged of our filth— or— we will be granted a lump sum of judgment correction upon us— by the spirit of judgment.
But one way or another—
a remnant— will remain.
The paths of the Lord are ‘narrow,’ that is to say— tight, a footpath of his literal walk to follow— and few there be who FIND IT; that is because ‘few’ are WILLING to ‘walk it’ with him, FOLLOWING HIM, and his WAY.
And when we refuse to follow him, on his paths— we have ‘gone another way;’ and we have chosen to NOT YOKE WITH HIM [which is come into agreement]: and that will cause our team, our yoked couple— to progress no further— because one is kicking against the pricks.
5 “And the LORD [self existent eternal one— note, he used all caps— this signifies his MILITARY, HIGH RULE— the Law being laid down] —will create upon every dwelling place [abode, or habitation] of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies [called out– person’s meeting place] a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory [copious splendor] shall be a defense [a canopy, chamber, closet].”
The LORD, or high ruling one, of whom every knee and tongue will bow to— will ‘create’ in every abode, or habitation of his [think people], of all those called out, and in assembly together— and will lead them, like in the days of Moses— by a cloud and smoke in the daytime, and by a burning fire at night [this is to say, he will ALWAYS be with ‘these’ ones] —and in doing so, a hedge of protection will be established, as a canopy, a bed chamber or secret closet— was established in relationship union, with God holy.
What we ‘will’ to do, is what we will do; meaning— we will do what we ‘want’ to do; and when we want to do AS GOD DOES HIMSELF— then we will have truly desired ‘repentance,’ which is turning from our ‘own’ way [like the women did not want to do], and it’s coming into UNION WITH, or in AGREEMENT WITH— how God holy operates his person.
If we actually do not want to be as he is— we will seek out our ‘own’ way— and it will not look or be like God conducts his very own person; for with Christ— all things are now possible, and all— means all.
If we are OVERCOMERS— we have a battle of the flesh, and feeding it’s death desires— to OVERCOME; and with God and his Spirit living in us, and with us— and IF we agree to become ONE WITH HIM— ‘he’ himself, can assist us in overcoming ALL BATTLES— for he is the HIGH RULER and ALL POWERFUL ONE; and greater is he IN MY SPIRIT and SOUL— than the flesh, or pull of satan.
And if we will do that— come into agreement with him, and not buck him in making excuses, to partake in operations he does not, especially ‘willingly’ defiling his ABODE, or HOUSE— our temples, where ‘he’ himself now resides…
Then we will be in the secret closet, heart bed chambers, canopy tabernacle of the Lord, in CLEANLINESS— and we will be ‘hedged’ in— by his PRESENCE and he will uphold his RULE, within us: that is the cloud and fire— of ‘his’ leading.
6 “And there shall be a tabernacle [a private hut/lair/booth, covert pavilion, tent] for a shadow [shade, and defense] in the daytime— from the heat [desolation, utter waste], and for a place of refuge [shelter, hope and trust] and for a covert from storm [overflowing tempest, a flood] and from rain.”
In that time— when folks shall abide with the Almighty, clean before him, facing him head on, working with him, and not against him as his enemy— THEN— there shall be a tenting, a tabernacling, private abiding with him— established— and it will be a defense for them, a place of refuge in him from the desolation and utter waste— giving them a hope, shelter and trust— from the storms and overflowing tempest of the enemy, that comes in like a flood— when it rains.
That’s VERY descriptive to me, y’all.
We have the ‘right,’ and freewill to choose whatever, whenever we want— he didn’t make slaves or robots— he made humans, who can choose to wield their free will at any time; but he desires that we will FOLLOW HIM, and HIS LEAD— because our free will choice led us into rebellion to him in the garden— and the true mercy, grace and love of God— is to give us another chance.
And that SECOND CHANCE— is to LISTEN and HEED him once again— giving up our right to rule self, and FOLLOW the Master; it’s correcting the error of the garden— bringing us full circle back around again—but doing things RIGHT this time— by giving up our right to ‘lead’ self, in self reasonings, ideas and justifications— relinquishing all— to have a RULER OVER US AGAIN, and not self or satan.
It’s an opportunity to trade in the ‘half’ measure, or mixture of good and evil being allowed in our lives— stepping out of that tree and way of living— and walking that narrow, tight path from that tree— into the OPEN DOOR of the Tree of Life.
But because the ‘walking’ of that way is hard, and people reject, persecute, and mock you as you walk on by them— few choose that route, or path— his path.
This is why— few, are the remnant, and few return to him; for they were unwilling to return to him— because the way was much more restrictive, tight, and stripped— than the broadpath, that feeds the flesh; which is to say— the ‘easy’ way.
The ways in which we excuse behaviors, choose what ‘helps’ our bodies or flesh— and thereby— satan has found a way to keep you ‘bound to’ —his table of options, and his kingdom; because he desires to destroy us, in the ‘flesh’ first— and then drag us to hell, afterwards— when his ‘tree’ and kingdom are thrown into the burn pile.
What was Eve’s reason for taking from
his table in the first place??
Genesis 3:6 states— she saw it was good to eat, which means EDIBLE, and she saw it was PLEASANT TO THE EYES, that means— appealed to her, and it was DESIRABLE; she and humanity fell, and broke— because of a DESIRE OF THE FLESH, to fulfill it’s LUST/DESIRES, of it’s EDIBLE ATTRACTION [that means the body desired to INTAKE IT], and it was APPEALING TO HER EYES, or her LUST of FLESH— her person.
When we ‘take into us,’ things that OUR BODIES or FLESH NATURE DESIRES, because we see it’s good to eat, or EDIBLE— but God said not to, or he doesn’t— and we do it because it APPEALS TO OUR BODIES, or FLESH, to do so— we have chosen satan’s ways and option once again, and found ourselves rebelling God.
God’s defense is AMAZING— but one must ‘yoke’ to him, in a marriage– and in a marriage, we are ACCOUNTABLE TO each other.
We must face him, in honesty, and ask him, and ourselves— if God desires for us to take part in things— because we are HIS, owned, and he’s in here.
I cannot tell you what to do, I am not your God, nor do I WANT TO BE; I can only tell you the truths he has brought me into, by ridding myself of the excuses and the mixture, and of the things that were KILLING ME— as they were death ways of taking from satan’s table.
And ‘for me—’ I ask him; I ask him if I should partake and do things, or not; and then, further than that— I go back into scripture and— I SEE ‘if he did,’ or if he PREACHED AGAINST these things, or ABSTAINED.
I don’t follow the men or women of the bible → I learn from them— the decisions they made, why— and whether or not it benefited them; we are to learn from them.
But the ONE we are to ‘follow,’
is and always will be → OUR GOD—
and he is Yah, Yahshua—
and their Holy Spirit.
So, I go and see of what things ‘did Jesus do,’ kind of like the old slogan saying and bracelets; I look to him, his example, his person, and his ways.
Because folks, the people of the bible were flawed just like us, self included— but I wish to look, sound and act as CLOSE TO HIM, and HIS PERSON, as possible— this is out of HONORING the One, in here WITH ME.
I am NOT ALONE in here, and I must REVERENCE his presence— because I WANT TO HONOR HIM, but I also have seen, time and time again in scripture— where he will PULL HIS PRESENCE FROM a people who will NOT REPENT, and of whom CONTINUE IN INIQUITY— which is continued in transgressing ways of his person, ways in which ‘he’ does not operate— the ways of his enemy, WITH— the enemy’s presence, along with.
Folks— he ‘is’ with us, but SO IS SATAN, and HIS PRESENCE, when we ‘give him place’ in our lives— because then, we are compromised, having two masters…
One in ‘this way,’ or area—
and another in this way, or area;
and a house divided—
will FALL.
This is why LUKEWARM, or excuse making— gets vomited out in the end; because of their excuses to hold hands with both God, and his ways— and satan, and his ways— NO COMMITMENT: they wanted to eat from BOTH tables and options, when it suited the body and the flesh.
The Lord has been confirming to me that the enemy is having a hard time finding a way, door, or entrance into me, to influence me to run in the carnal— to indulge in the flesh— and that’s a good thing, I am grateful for his presence upholding covenant with me, and locking doors; but— this was confirmed yesterday— as a seer prophet told me, word for word, what he could not have seen or known— save the Lord, my Father, told him.
And with that he added, “you are up against very intelligent strategist prince of the enemy— and he hates you— because they cannot get a hold inside of you; but they are sending everyone of compromise at you, in an attempt to hurt you, dissuade you, and cause you to STOP, or be offended by their persecutions of your resolute nature and stance —that you take up with your Father.”
Then my Father [God] added…
[Word of the Lord]
“When the soul of one of mine will only go so far in their sanctification with me— their spirit is offended by those who will not stop, and will continue deeper into the refining fires with me— cleaning up more and more, and leaving no excuse in looking like me— which is to say operate like me.
They will do this without realizing it is my cleanliness that they abhor— not you, and living resolutely with me; it is that they don’t want to RELEASE, or LOOSE some of these options offered to them.
So, they will seek to ridicule you for being clean in areas they are unwilling to clean up in, or RELEASE FULL TO ME, and be reformed in.
There are ‘some,’ Janet— who will only go so far in their sanctification with me— and then, they will HIT A WALL, as I told you in the seer/prophet’s vision yesterday; they only want SO MUCH OF being like me, because it ‘hurts’ to go further into the HOTTER FLAMES.
Do not be upset— time will reveal all, and I am just; it is only when the mocking, ridiculing and persecutors of my ‘body’ [because my people are the biggest offenders] SEE the error of their ways— when one is promoted, and another is not— that they will RECONCILE these areas to me; which is to say, FINALLY relinquish them to me, to REMOVE and CLEANSE THEM —properly.
Think clearly child— why would one be MAD or UPSET at you, for cleaning up in any area of your life??
Why would someone who claims to follow my way and person— be HORRIFIED and OFFENDED by purity, holiness, and sacrifice??
Because they are tabernacling with the enemy, child— and the enemy has convinced them to live in compromise, and to PERSECUTE anyone who REFUSES to do so, where I have given instruction to be clean.
Obedience is better than sacrifice—
and you are obeying me,
my way of living, and my orders;
but even in THAT—
I did not say SACRIFICE
Sacrifice is the way of the Son; and you are a son of God, a child of God— and sacrifice is part of the walk.
We are to live sacrificially,
and we are to SLAY THE FLESH.
This is what those who are desiring to ‘clean up their act,’ or ACTIONS and DEEDS— making them like/as me— are doing.
To ridicule someone for ‘getting clean—’ is not my way; in fact— it is OPPOSITE MY WAY and PERSON; I bless those, and yoke with those— to make all things possible— to those WILLING TO DO THE WORK and SACRIFICE.
Let’s see what my scripture says about sacrifice, child.”
[heading to look those up now]
Psalms 20:3
“Remember all your offerings,
and accept your BURNT SACRIFICE; selah.”
“Child, can you see— offerings unto the Lord, in the old marriage covenant, in the old testament— were required— and in the new as well; and BURNING SACRIFICE— is also required— as this is your LIFE LAID DOWN ON MY ALTAR.”
Psalms 40:6
“Sacrifice and offering [of lambs and goats] you do not desire; my ears you have opened: burnt offerings and sin offerings [of goats and lambs] you have not required.”
“This child, is speaking of laying animals upon the altar, and burning them literally— I do not desire that— BUT TO OPEN THE EARS OF THE SPIRITUALLY DEAF; and so, it is the SPIRITUAL life laid down, SLAYING the flesh— and by my lead— that I truly desire.
For one to be OBEDIENT to ‘me,’ is what I desire; which means— for one to again have me as the Father of them, the Father of their ways, in a life laid down and GIVEN BACK to me.
I gave life— and I desire for ‘my’ children— to give their lives back to me— so that I can hedge them in, correct them, purify them, anoint and promote them— and bring them into union with me and my ways; and then, eventually— bring them home to me into my domain, within, and without [heaven].”
Psalms 50:5
“Gather my saints together unto me [wheat];
And those who have MADE A COVENANT
with me → by SACRIFICE.”
Psalms 54:6
“I will freely SACRIFICE unto you:
I will praise your name O Lord;
For it is good.”
Psalms 107:22
“And let them SACRIFICE the SACRIFICES of thanksgiving,
And declare his works [deeds], with rejoicing.”
Psalms 116:17
“I will offer to you the SACRIFICES of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the LORD.”
[LORD— high and holy ruling one]
Psalms 118:27
“God is the LORD, who has shown us the Light:
Bind the SACRIFICE, with cords, even unto
The horns of the altar.”
“This one, dear child, is important— when one lays their life down sacrificially unto the Lord God— he will GRIP THE ALTAR FIRMLY, and will have BOUND THE FLESH to do so, with cords; this is deliverance.
For when one is BOUND TO CHRIST, in cords— he is DELIVERED OF THE CORDS OF THE ENEMY; we are ‘bound’ or yoked unto one— or the other.
So, bind yourselves up in the cords of the Lord, and loose yourselves from the yoke of the enemy— for I destroy the yoke of the enemy; and a 3 STRAND CORD— is not easily broken.”
Proverbs 15:8
“The SACRIFICE of the wicked [ungodly, morally wrong]
Is an abomination to the LORD [high ruling holy one]:
But the prayer of the upright— his delight.”
Prayer is communion with God,
which is ‘communicative union—’
Or agreement— communion.
Proverbs 21:27
“The SACRIFICE of the wicked is
Abomination [disgusting, idolatry]:
How much more,
When he brings it with a wicked MIND.”
“Child, the definition here, of WICKED MIND, is one who— operates wicked or immoral practices or purposes, lewdness against my person and ways— in heinous crimes; that is the definition in Strong’s.
And lewd means— crude and offensive in an adulterous way; and the root definition is— ‘common people, vulgar, vile, worthless and evil.’
Immoral means— not conforming to acceptable standards, unethical and shady.
And heinous means— utterly odious or wicked; with a root definition of— ‘to hate.’
There is a MIND TO DO
So child— we have a real issue when people are SACRIFICING unto me in communion and deeds, and especially WICKEDLY MINDED upon immoral standards, NOT CONFORMING to my ETHICS— and are shady— meaning demonically darkened in their hearts → which has intents and thoughts of its own…
Committing heinous crimes, or transgressions against me, hating my ways, utterly— or fully…
And thereby walk lewdly, or offensively adulterous— as like the common, and vulgar, vile, worthless and evil practices and conduct of → people of the world— mixture.”
Romans 12:1
“I beseech you therefore, brethren—
By the mercies of God—
That you present your bodies as a living
Holy and acceptable unto God—
“Reasonable, here, Janet, means— rational and logical, service. Mercies, means— pity, and present means— exhibit, yield.
So, it is a rational and godly logic, and service unto God— to present, or exhibit and yield your BODIES— a LIVING SACRIFICE, which means— victim— on the altar unto me; and victim means— person slayed, killed, stricken, in Strong’s.
This is to say, the FLESH— gets killed— when you lay down your carnal pursuits and endeavors that PLEASE THE FLESH— and you are then found— HOLY and ACCEPTABLE to the Lord.
We don’t get to accept some of what I teach, and am, and reject other things— making excuses for, or PERMITTING— things I do not.
I do have covering grace— but that forgiveness of sins is attached to repentance; and repentance is turning an ‘about face—’ and heading in a different direction, a different path, unto LIFE PURSUITS, not death bringing ones that the flesh desires.
The flesh, if it leads a person—
will lead them unto death.
Hebrews 10:5-6
“Wherefore when he comes into the world, he said—
Sacrifice and offering, you would not—
but a body you have prepared for me:
6 In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin—
You had no pleasure.”
“Here, I came, Janet— and I laid my life down— IN A BODY, not with the slaying of goats and sheep, but the slaying of THE FLESH; and in that— I conquered sin, and for all.
Are my people presenting to me— A BODY, SLAYING THE FLESH as well, a laid down life upon the altar of sacrifice, or a victim slaying— not following the ways and deeds of the world, and how THEY OPERATE— but becoming LIVING SACRIFICES unto God??
For I do not take pleasure in animal sacrifices— I take pleasure in a BODY, a PERSON being presented to me, to become CLEAN and PURIFIED upon my altar— and becoming holy and acceptable for my habitation with.
I desire for TRUE YOKING UNION to my children; and desire for the image of satan to be eradicated from their minds, wills and desires, as well.
For the sacrifice in sanctification,
the slaying of the flesh in a
laid down sacrificial life—
is to
make a clean house abode for ME.
In a person like this— the indwelling fullness of the Lord God holy— can manifest; and in this, sweet child— only SOME, will continue on into DEEPER sanctification and consecration with me, willingly.
And so, some— will HIT A WALL BARRIER— that they will only pass through— when they lay down the things they do not want to let go of —of the world— that the flesh desires.
This is the OVERCOMER—
they must desire to overcome the things
that pull so hard, the STRONG HOLDS on them,
that the devil and flesh have dug into—
with their claws.
You see, the devil's claws get ripped out, and sent packing— when you finally decide to REFUSE HIS OPTIONS, and his LEADING and EXCUSES to be contrary to my way.
It’s a choice for all— and it will have its consequences; for sow and reap is only what man gives to me— to return to him.
If a man gives me rebellion and opposition to me and my ways— then he will reap a harvest of wicked results, for he is in alignment with ‘another kingdom.’
Sanctification is a choice— and one will go as far as he wants INTO ME; yes, dear children, many want to go deeper with God, and ascend his mountain— but it requires refinement, which really is— giving up the worldly ways, and returning to my ways.
Many do not want to believe their deeds matter— do my deeds matter??
Really think about that—
did my way of living in the earth— matter??
Did how I live— matter??
It did— I would not have been able to finish my mission with great success— without the surrender of my own ways.
The same is asked of you all— if you will not surrender your ways and will to me— you will not accomplish as much as you can in the earth realm— nor bring my will into the earth, as it was written and dictated from heaven.
Deeds and alignments matter— HOW CLEAN you will come into alignment with me and my person— is a personal choice— you have free will— I will not force anyone to become clean, purified or sanctified, as I am.
I will invite, and I will let sow and reap play out; but my hope will always be, that you will choose, by ACTIONS OF YOUR WILL— to align with, and be led by— ME.
For in this— the evil one will have no hold in you, and when no place for him is found in you— you are an UNCOMPROMISED VESSEL; which means— you will have become a vessel of honor— not making or accepting a compromise: making no concessions— inflexible, unyielding.
That’s the definition of uncompromising— and when one becomes resolute, as I show you what I desire, and do not desire for your lives— you will become vessels of honor, acceptable and holy before your God— and you will be unyielding to satan and his options: you will HOLD YOUR GROUND, and OVERCOME.
I said— ‘I come to do your will, Father,’ in the book of Hebrews; and so, I ask you all the same— ‘do you come to do the good pleasure of the Father, as well?’
Hebrews 10:26-27
“For if we sin wilfully— after we have received the knowledge of the truth → there remains no more sacrifice for sins,
27 But only —a certain fearful looking for—
of judgment and fiery indignation,
which shall devour the adversaries.”
“If you WILLFULLY, that’s exerting your free will against my Spirit— continue in sin [which is iniquity, as satan walks] —then, you have NO MORE SACRIFICE provided to you, or for you; and only have a FEARFUL KIND OF JUDGMENT, and FIERY INDIGNATION coming, from me— to DEVOUR the ADVERSARIES.
And child— all adversaries, or opponents of me and my person, or enemies— are those who support, walk in the ways of the enemy, and yoke up with them, and eat of their options, from their table; and I will come to DEVOUR my enemies— please don’t be yoked to them, when I do.
Repentance is your salvation.”
Folks, the word is heavy— but so are the consequences.
When he says that some will only come SO CLEAN before him, he is saying they are stubborn, rebellious and unwilling to LET SOME THINGS GO— that’s a choice; and we all have a choice— he will force no one.
But— he will come with what one has sown, and heavily so— which is just— and he will SHOW the error of our ways, in an attempt to REGAIN US— by ‘willing’ SURRENDER to him.
Reconciliation to him—
is A GIFT—
not a grievance.
We should delight in letting more sinful ways go; and folks, he will lead you to KNOW what grieves him.
For me— he says, “do I do it, or did I do it in my earth suit?”
And so, those questions open a dialogue with him, and if I am not prideful or obstinate— coming up with reasons or justifications to appease my flesh— then I become humbled by his wisdom, counsel and lead— and I repent, and turn from that behavior, deeds and alignments.
This is what he is asking us to do— seek the Lord, his kingdom ways, and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS.
For me, when I do that— I LOOK AT HIM, what ‘his’ righteousness looks like, and what it DOES NOT look like— and then we talk— and then we clean up if I see he does not now— nor did— walk in those ways himself.
For— with Christ— ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, when he resides within.
So, I don’t give place to the devil— because I CAN SUFFER, FOR HIS NAME’S SAKE; which means— I can suffer for his holiness, union, character, and conduct: how his person carries himself.
The world and satan will hate us— because they hate him, and will be punished for all of eternity because of their WILL and CHOICES; but if we are WILLING to become victims, or people who will be slain of the Lord’s refining fires— and LIVE UNTO HIM— we will be saved.
Everything is a choice— and some choices bring VICTORY IN CHRIST, and others— bring a reaped harvest we do not want to partake in.
God is searching the hearts of men and women— and what is inside, he attempts to REFORM when it doesn’t look like him; but he will force no man to find HIS WAYS, or HIS PERSON— delightful, or a treasure to yoke up in marriage with.
He prays, he hopes, he wishes for NONE to perish— but many will— for they will refuse to LET GO OF THE WORLD’S WAYS.
If you see the ‘worldly’
people doing it…
isn’t it then—
I pray we all seek the Lord in seriousness about our lives, and GIVE HIM
Ours → laying down our will and ways— FOR HIS; for ‘he—’ quite literally DID THAT, for us.
And in that— SACRIFICE WAS MADE, and REUNION— was made possible: reconciling with God, coming into union agreements with him and his person— ARE A CHOICE we all have to decide.
As in/like the beginning of this short, 6 verse chapter— we do not get to continue in our iniquity, and refuse to relinquish those ways— by ‘claiming’ the NAME OF a righteous one, whilst CONTINUING IN OFFENSE AGAINST GOD.
We must all come into a true relationship marriage with the holy God, allowing him to refine us and reform us into his image again— by intimacy with him.
We will not get to skirt into God’s domain— with defilements upon us —inside of us now— or in heaven later— as both, are his domain that he owns.
And, it’s not by the old law ways— but by his Spirit cleansing us, coming into agreements with his Spirit, and allowing his Spirit to reform us— that saves us: the Spirit saves us through the work of the Son— and his yoking to us.
If we will ALLOW HIM TO DO THE WORK— we will be saved, and overcome the wicked one.
And HOW did he say we do that??
Revelation 12:11
“And they overcame him [the dragon] by the blood of the Lamb (his sacrifice, offer and union to), and by the word of their testimony [judicial given evidence— recorded testimony witness]; and they loved not their lives unto the (that’s a specific one) death.”
We have to choose to DIE, folks— to become ALIVE in Christ; we have to SLAY, KILL, ERADICATE following the flesh, or satan— and CHOOSE, to follow LIFE— or Yahshua Hamashiach, Jesus— the Christ.
And in that— we EXIT the tree of DEATH, the flesh mixture of good and evil tree— and we enter the tree of LIFE— Yahshua, the Spirit of God HOLY, CLEAN and SANCTIFIED: it’s always, ‘a choice.’