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Isaiah 2

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn


“The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw

concerning Judah and Jerusalem.”


Note— in Strong’s, Isaiah means— “Yah has saved,” and Amoz means— “Strongly,” Judah means— “Celebrated,” and Jerusalem “Founded Peacefully.”

So that first verse above, with the meaning of those names alone, means—

“Yah, who saved strongly,

was celebrated and founded peace.”

I found that extraordinary.


2 And it shall come to pass in the last days,

that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains,

and shall be exalted above the hills;

and all nations shall flow unto it.”


Here, mountain, in Strong’s means, figuratively— “promotion.

And top means— “chiefest.”

So, essentially seeing this speaks spiritually of the fallen tabernacle of David— and here stating it will once again BE ESTABLISHED, as some are PROMOTED in Yahshua, in the ‘last days,’ and will be promoted to the CHIEFEST PLACES— being leadership; and as this takes place, and those ‘on the mountain,’ or in the promotion are placed by God over ‘the little hills—’ or those not in promotion— all nations of people shall flow unto these, for Yah is there with them.


3 And many people shall go and say—

Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob;

and he will teach us of his ways,

and we will walk in his paths:

for out of Zion shall go forth the law,

and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”


People will be drawn of the Father to come to this HOUSE, the Lord’s house, or in Strong’s his temple— and it will be reestablished in the HEARTS THAT HAVE ‘promoted him,’ and he will promote them, up his mountain, or deeply in his TABERNACLE— and they will be his children reestablishing the preeminence of the Lord, in the earth.

[Preeminence— superiorly surpassing all others.]

As they do this, Yah will draw others to himself.

And as this takes place, Father will TEACH THEM HIS WAYS; and in that— we will WALK HIS PATHS: for out of Zion (the holy place of the Lord, symbolically)— HIS LAW— or ways and conduct of his person, and HIS LEADERSHIP— shall go forth out of Jerusalem, or the CITY OF PEACE (the place of peace) — with the Word of God himself.

People will find themselves IN PEACE, because they have remained ‘under his leadership’ of his ‘person,’ and personal conduct and ways in which he conducts himself— they will ADHERE TO his ways, unto their own lives, assimilating to him, his lead and ways— and in that, upholding his ‘law’ of conduct— they will be ‘walking his path.’

That ‘narrow way,’ the path of his feet.

Yesterday he was telling me—

“They have forgotten my MAJESTY, Janet;” and as he told me this, I heard— “My PREEMINENCE,” today— as I read the above.

If we have forgotten his MAJESTY and PREEMINENCE— we have forgotten to approach the Almighty— REVERENTLY.

He said yesterday—

“When they remember to approach a King, especially the Most High one, with REVERENCE, before they ENTER INTO MY ‘space,’ by preparing themselves to HONOR me there— then the Father will honor the child— and sup together.”

He said this to me, because he was telling me that…

“They come and dump on me, first— a list of all things they want, cannot handly, cannot live without, need, are upset about, and so forth— BEFORE EVER REVERENCING ME. They come into my Kingdom, without reverencing the King— and in your world, that does not usually happen, for FEAR OF THE KING— and what he might DO, if one approaches ungraciously.

But in my domain— they enter in this way.

They bring with them all the baggage, and garbage— first and foremost— and then wonder why they leave with no answers, and cannot hear my voice.

We, in a partnership relationship— HONOR ONE ANOTHER, FIRST— for who we ARE, and THEN— we approach the King for to sort all matters.

This is customary, child.”


That horrified me, as I took in all he was saying— and reflected upon my own growth in finally desiring to approach him for being MOST HIGH in my life.

I had not MADE HIM MOST HIGH in my life— until about 8 or so years ago— not really; and I am seeing this REVERENCE for ‘his person,’ is GREATLY needing to be reestablished in the lives of his children.

If he truly is not MADE MOST HIGH in one’s life— how do they expect him to RULE MOST HIGH there, kick out the demonic and flesh nature— for he is indeed— NOT the most important or reverenced one in that vessel.

Most HIGH—

is the most EXALTED ONE, ‘inside.’

Self— and all self needs, desires, minds itself upon, cannot stand, must have— etcetera and so on— is the MOST HIGH within.

We must PLACE HIM as ‘Most High’ in our HEARTS— that is what it is to seek him WHOLEHEARTEDLY.

That is where and when he said we would FIND HIM— if we do so.


4 And he shall judge among the nations,

and shall rebuke many people:


they shall beat their swords into plowshares,

and their spears into pruning-hooks:

nation shall not lift up sword against nation— neither shall they learn war any more.

5 O house of Jacob, come—


let us walk in the light of the Lord.”


“Judge among the nations,” is in Strong’s— SENTENCE and GOVERN the people; and “rebuke”— is CORRECT and CONVICT.

When we are beating our swords into plowshares, and spears into pruning hooks— we are going from ‘tools of’ FIGHTING THE LORD, or kicking against the pricks— to WORKING and PLOWING the field within, in DISCIPLINE of the Lord— and are now working ‘with him,’ instead of fighting against him.

And by and how are we doing this— by HIS HELPING US, and by becoming DISCIPLINED ‘under him,’ in his LEAD OF OUR PERSON: this is the climbing, or ascending his ‘mountain.’

This is being PROMOTED UP, in the Lord— and it comes by OBEYING HIS VOICE and LEAD— whilst going through the reformation process of assimilating back into his image; which is how one is to be conducting their person.

As he is— so we shall find ourselves ‘being.’

PEACE SHALL COME TO THE PEOPLE— when the Lord is FEARED and REVERED once again.

Then— we will “walk in the light of the Lord,”

which is HIS PATHS.

His path is always lit up, not dark— and those who ‘walk in’ HIS WAYS, walking HIS PATH as they follow his LEAD— will walk in the conduct and attributes of the Lord.

And their ‘light,’ shall not be darkened, like those whose light has gone dark— and if it has gone dark— HOW DARK— has it gone??

One who has assimilated back into his IMAGE—

will walk in the attributes of the Lord,

how he conducts his person—



6 Therefore you have

forsaken your people—

the house of Jacob,

because they be replenished from the east,

who are soothsayers—

like the Philistines—

and they please themselves

in the children of strangers.”


Spiritually— the House of Jacob— are the PEOPLE OF THE FAITH of God, children born unto the Lord God holy— assimilating to his image and the lead of his person.

So when we have FORSAKEN them, we have fallen AWAY FROM THE FAITH— and the ‘brotherhood—’ which is to say, the family of the Lord God holy.

And ‘soothsayers,’ in Strong’s means— those who work covert magic; and magic means— whisper or hiss a spell.

So, soothsayers have been exalted and permitted, whilst the Lord God, and faith in him— has been forgotten, or forsaken— left THE PATH OF, which is the ‘ways of the Lord.’

To wander off the path of the Lord, is to GO ANOTHER WAY— and the way of magic, witchcraft and sorcery— is to follow another’s path; it is using the ‘things,’ like elements, or words spoken— OUTSIDE OF THE LEADERSHIP OF GOD— to acquire LUCRE, or ‘filthy gains.’

That is the satanic fall of Lucifer—

and he is leading others, IN THE TRIBE,

or family of God— to go that same way, or PATH—still yet.

The ‘children of strangers—’ are an alien people; people who DO NOT ‘walk the path of the Lord holy,’ and in this instance— God’s people have WELCOMED those people, and their WAYS and PATHS— into God’s family.

Unfortunately— this is still happening today in a variety of ways.

I am watching ‘divination’ be exalted in the House of the Lord, or the church; as I watch people WORK THEIR GIFTINGS, that the Lord holy put in them, from their foundation, or creation— whilst STEPPING OUT ON THE LORD, and HIS WAYS, and PATH he exemplified in the Son.

And what I mean is— when we use our giftings, and we are using them by our own lead, our own thoughts on WHAT IS RIGHT, by the DRAW OF our HEARTS— right now— WITHOUT reverencing the Lord, and what he asking, and what his LEAD IS— we are using our anointing, which operates in FAVOR and DRAWS MEN TO US— for filthy lucre, or filthy gains.

Like when pastors, preachers, and teachers use pulpits and microphones to spew ANTI BIBLICAL teachings and NEW AGE CONCEPTS to PULL THEM INTO THE PRACTICES of the Church— just like following the SOOTHSAYERS, who walk after the Philistines ways— we then walking in WITCHCRAFT.

A ‘witch’ operates the ‘things of God—’

without the LEAD of God over them;

They have the ANTICHRIST over them,

Otherwise known as— the IMPOSTER Holy Spirit.

And we have a LOT OF witches in the church right now.

When the bible doesn’t say Yahshua walked in learning the FREQUENCIES of the universe, or walked in EASTERN MYSTICISM— we ought not be teaching things that he did not WALK THE PATH OF.

If Yahshua didn’t USE HIS GIFTS and ANOINTING—

‘outside of’ the LEAD OF the Holy Spirit—

we ought not, either.

He ONLY DID that in which he saw his Father do, and that in which he heard his Father say— which is walking in his COMMAND; and yet— I am seeing a bunch of New Age, Philistine WAYS of SOOTHSAYING happening in the church.

If the WORLD LOVES IT— we ought to take note; if the WORLD WALKS THE PATH OF ‘frequency, yoga, mysticism, alchemy,’ and such— we ought to recall that God ‘moves in’ ANOTHER WAY: namely, first and foremost— reverencing HIM— not ‘stuff,’ ‘moves,’ or ‘power’ → but HIM.

The Son does not EXALT the workings, but instead → the GOD OVER HIM— the Father; and we are UNDER the Son right now— as the Father has ‘put all authority in his hand.’

We MUST RECALL what Yahshua walked in,

If we are desiring to ACTUALLY follow

The God of the Bible— and what he exemplified.

I am ULTRA careful to REALLY LOOK at what is being spoken and taught— and who it is coming from, and where it is coming from— and then furthermore— DOES THE WORLD RUN TO IT, or IN IT??

Because frequency work, alchemy, and magic— as well as walking in natural giftings and anointing— has ZERO TO DO WITH FOLLOWING FATHER GOD: it’s worshiping the created things, and the workings of the created beings, using the power and authority of MAN— outside God and his leadership.


and still walking in what he gave, and created us in;

that’s LITERALLY— the fall of Lucifer.

For he desired to HAVE ALL HIS BEAUTY and WORKINGS— but did not want to be ‘led of’ the Father;

he just wanted to ‘do his own thing:’

That is REBELLION against God— as Most High.

It is using his ‘stuff,’ to accomplish ‘a thing—’ but it is NOT IN REVERENCE TO HIM, or HIS WAYS, or HIS PATH that Yahshua walked— and cannot be found in scripture— except where pagan ways and people were mentioned.

The PATH OF THE SON— was simple;


not the ways of the world, or the creation:


RIGHTFUL ROLEMost High leader of ‘man.’

We ought to take note of that.


7 Their land also is full of silver and gold,

neither is there any end of their treasures;

their land is also full of horses, neither is there any end of their chariots (powerful influence):

8 their land also is full of idols;

they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made:

9 And the mean man bows down,

and the great man humbles himself—

therefore forgive them not.”


Here we can see that when one FOLLOWS THE PAGAN WAYS— they will desire, covet and have— LOTS OF EARTH RICHES; this is the PATH OF the World, and the worldly.

These people will have many IDOLS— which are things SET ABOVE GOD, and namely are— CREATED; he is the ‘uncreated’ one— and HE ONLY— is to be worshiped.

Idols are anything that man puts between he and God, and living right with God— according to how God details out, is living righteously in Christ Jesus.

In a land where people honor things and doings that tantalize their flesh carnal nature (what feels good, makes them happy, etc) —they will be a people of idolatry; it will be the things they are capable of ‘doing,’ by their ‘own hand,’ or will and power— and they will worship at the altar of self accomplishments and self leading: this is satan’s way.

These types of people will walk in ways CONTRARY TO the PATH OF the Lord God holy and true— and will walk in INFLUENCE and POWER— in worldly measure; meaning— their ways will resemble what the worldly heathen folk GO AFTER, and in like manner— these will resemble the world, for they have LOVED HER WAYS and PATHS and PURSUITS: namely POWER and INFLUENCE.

And in this, they have EXALTED ‘self’ within, as they run after their own lusts— and they will WORSHIP their OWN WORKS; this is happening in what is called ‘ministry’ as well today.

Have we forgotten ‘ministry,’ is not unto man—

but man UNTO GOD??

We are ‘anointing him,’ as MOST HIGH,

and we are WORSHIPING HIM as he ‘leads us’ in our paths— and then the TWO OF US, as we have become ‘one—’

go and assist the other children of God,

and go after the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.

Folks are worshiping the WORKINGS and POWERFUL ‘movings,’ but they are not REVERENCING the Lord God in FOLLOWING HIM, the WAY HE DOES THINGS, and are walking in ‘another’s’ ways; all to MOVE IN THE ‘spirit.’

But, WHOSE SPIRIT WE MOVE IN— is important!

For satan’s motto and way is—

“I work the great workings LIKE GOD MOST HIGH, but am not God Most High— but will PURPORT MYSELF TO BE; and you will not see that it is not the Most High God— if you worship the POWER and THE GIFTINGS and the MIRACLES and WONDERmore than the Most High God.”

You see, satan LOVES to ‘do the things God does,’ but he will ALWAYS DO THEM— in ways in which GOD DOES NOT MOVE.

We must learn that’s his JOB— like, literally—

his job is to give us the option to


When we took of the fruit of HIS knowledge, way and LEADERSHIP— we must now RELINQUISH it all— and return to YAH LEADING US in ‘his’ ways and paths now.


in order to ‘turn from’ satan’s ways;

if God in Yahshua, DID NOT DO IT—

we know it is ‘the ways of’ ANOTHER.

The opposite way of that— is to live with God holy, the way he said to in scripture, the way his person does, and with no excuse or flesh carnal ‘pull’ that entices you more powerfully than the pull of living right, and by the Almighty God.

So, if we DID NOT SEE Yahshua do something, a certain way— ought we not be doing that thing, either— nor WALKING THAT PATH??

I pray we really grasp the premise of what God is showing here; because ‘the work’ will LOOK SIMILAR— but the ‘god’ being EXALTED— will be a different guy altogether.

They worshiped the workings of THEIR OWN HANDS— that’s what we put ourselves to DO; and in this— rebellion is breed and walked in, when we USE OUR GOD GIVEN POWER, INFLUENCE, GIFTINGS and ANOINTING— outside of his lead.

Obedience to him matters;

and following his LEAD and COMMANDS—

is Yahshua’s way.

For these ‘others,’ have BOWED THEMSELVES, and HUMBLED THEMSELVES— not before God holy and his path or ways— but to THE WORKS OF THEIR OWN HANDS; that is their own ideas and leading.

The mean man, means— “common man hypocrite,” and the great man means— “elite, champion, of high degree” man; so, it’s the men and women who, in the world, are people of high degree, elite status, common hypocrites— to God’s ways, and God holy himself— who will BOW THEMSELVES DOWN to IDOLS.

It is the man who thinks himself to be wise, in this world’s ways— as God said there is a worldly/sensual wisdom, and a friend of the world, is an enemy to God— who lives as a hypocrite— meaning, one who says one thing, and lives another, claims living in Christ righteously, but his secret doings are contrary to how Yahshua would walk a life out— and these, they bow themselves down to worldly living.

They are a people of secrets, and secret covenants with satan, and his ways, and the things that lure, and draw in this fallen world.

They live like they are going to “pull the wool over” God’s eyes; like he doesn’t see the center of all their doings, and vividly so.

Folks, we cannot fool God— he knows all, sees all, and is everywhere; living right with God, is known by God— and no amount of ‘reasoning’ with him later, is going to alter what he already knows. No amount of trying to convince or manipulate God— will work.

He will say, “depart from me, I never knew you” —to people who had convinced themselves they could live however they wanted to— excusing one sin after another.

For sin— is transgression against the nature and person of God holy; we cannot walk that out— and not reap the harvest of that, the results of that; and the results of that— is separation from God holy, for continued iniquity (continued in, willful sinning, after knowing better) —and that, is hell and the lake of fire for all of eternity.

“Depart from me,” will be heard by some— because they were hypocritesnot because they didn’t know the truth; but because, Mr. Truth himself, Yahshua Hamashiach— was unable to set them free, because they would not have it.

They loved their sin, and would not separate: obedience, and being set apart from this world— matters.


10 “Enter into the rock—

and hide yourself in the dust—

for fear of the Lord,

and for

the glory of



Here we are reminded— the rebellious will pay a price, at some point— when the Almighty shows his face. And this is speaking a WARNING to all those who walk NOT IN HIS PATHS.

(which are the paths of righteousness, by the way)

For the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD— is his HOLINESS, and he being THE MOST HIGH ‘over all of’ creation, and the created.

HIS MAJESTY— is a ‘person,’

majesty, is— HIS EXCELLENCE.

“They have forgotten my MAJESTY, Janet,” he said; and with that— THEY FEARED HIM NOT.

If we are ‘his’ children— we revere him, and we recall he is MOST HIGH KING— before we ‘move’ in any way, shape or format.

We will ALL BOW OURSELVES TO THE MOST HIGH— at some point— even devils do, and they TREMBLE BEFORE HIM.

Man ought to get on board, and recall— THE FEAR OF THE LORD; for with the fear of the Lord— all the rest will be added unto you from the Kingdom— not the other way around.

We do not GO AFTER THE ‘stuff of’ the Kingdom—

before we go after the KING— of the Kingdom;

and when we go after the King of the Kingdom—

WE REMEMBER ‘His Majesty.’


We do not ENTER IN with complaints, and funky attitudes, and selfish desires— for in THIS REALM— one can LOSE HIS HEAD FOR SUCH THINGS— as he has entered in, UNWORTHILY.

We must recall, and meet him with HONOR and REVERENCE; for he is— the Most High and HOLY one.


His PEACE will come unto us— his godly ORDER RESTORED— when we begin to be a people who come to his throne JUST TO REVERENCE HIM, first and foremost.


HIS MAJESTY— with reverent FEAR.

He spoke to me that he means LITERAL FEAR, as in— HE IS the ‘scariest’ to be revered; in that— HE CONTROLS ALL, and he can STOP or START anything, or anyone— at HIS COMMAND.

This is what DEVILS KNOW— man needs to get on board; for man is IRREVERENT, very COMFORTABLE with just coming to ‘God Most High—’ in whatever flippant attitude.

That is satan’s way.

And this does not fly with God; it does not WORK in RECEIVING OF HIM; and we are coming to RECEIVE HIM, and HIS PROVISIONS— yes??

Well, when we PLACE HIM, once again, ON HIS RIGHTFUL THRONE, inside man— THEN— will the Most High God of all creation, ACTUALLY BE— the MOST HIGHLY REGARDED ONE in that man.

We understand that is what Most High is— yes??


When he ACTUALLY BECOMES THE MOST HIGH within us again— his ORDER, and his PEACE, and his RULE— kicks EVERYTHING ELSE OUT.

We have forgotten, His Majesty

And that he is— the King of all little Kings.

We need to step back into THE FEAR OF THE LORD— and it BEGINS IN— OBEDIENCE and WALKS THE PATH OF ‘discipline.’

This is the PATH OF YAHSHUA— and it leads unto the HIGH LEADERSHIP OF THE FATHER in one’s life.


11 “The lofty looks of man shall be humbled,

and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and

the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day.

12 For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon

every one that is proud and lofty, and upon

every one that is lifted up;

and he shall be brought low:

13 And upon all the cedars of Lebanon,

that are high and lifted up,

and upon all the oaks of Bashan,

14 And upon all the high mountains,

and upon all the hills that are lifted up,

15 And upon every high tower,

and upon every fenced wall,

16 And upon all the ships of Tarshish,

and upon all pleasant pictures.”


The ‘lofty looks,’ in Strong’s, not only means prideful ‘countenance,’ but PERSPECTIVE; when one does not see ANY stink, at all in themselves, and everyone else, only, is wrong or unclean— then this man sees himself ‘just’ in his own eyes, or perspective— no matter what is taking place or happening in their own lives and doings.

God has been speaking to me A LOT lately, in showing me and telling me things I don’t want to know— sad things about what is happening behind closed doors in people’s lives. And I say that because it’s crushing to see that the enemy will find open doors, if there are any, and places we hide things, or excuse things— that the Lord does not partake in— whilst being attacked by the enemy in many ways, and wanting deliverance.

I watch God show me my own lies and open doors, and so now, he shows me other’s open doors— because if they truly wish to get them closed, and get SET FREE— the ‘truth,’ must prevail FIRST.

I am watching God’s children ‘permit’ things, operations, deeds and activities partaken in their private lives, secrets and open doors— that are giving the enemy LEGAL RIGHTS to afflict them or their family members, because the ‘sin’ is not repented of, or dealt with in their lives.

This is spiritual pride, when one cannot see they have ‘invited’ the enemy in, as one opened the door and ushered them in, by what they are ‘partaking in—’ from WHOSE TABLE OF OPTIONS; and Jezebel works through, DEFILEMENT and SPIRITUAL PRIDE.

I cannot warn folks enough about ‘her’ spirit, and her conduct of spiritual pride/arrogance— whilst she purports herself to be ‘just,’ and ‘right.’

When ‘she’ is present— pride is as well; and ‘she,’ is just satan —wrapped in a female persona and image.

And as the scripture states here— EVERYONE ELSE WILL BE ‘humbled,’ that is BROUGHT LOW, and BOW before the ‘holy one,’ as only ONE IS TO BE EXALTED, and that’s God— all others ought see their DEFILEMENT compared to his MAJESTY, JUSTICE, HOLINESS and SANCTIFIED CONSECRATION— as ‘clean.’

We are filthy rags compared to him— and when we forget that, or start to see ourselves as ‘clean’ entirely before him, whilst having compromised areas within ourselves that we justify— GOD WILL ‘show us’ the error of our prideful ways, HYPOCRISY and perspective— BY DROPPING US IN ABASING US, or HUMBLING US.

If he doesn’t— we will fall completely, and those with us— as well; it is his MERCY and LOVE— to show us where we ‘stink’ like satan— but cannot smell, or see his image in our lives.

HE IS THE ONLY CLEAN and HOLY ONE— and we MUST stay in ‘right standing’ with him, LIVING OUT OF ‘his’ PERSON

(and he only conducts his person ONE WAY)— or we will fall— and we will fall hardcore by his JUDGMENT coming into our lives.

For the judgments themselves are to

WAKE and SHAKE US to our

‘spiritual senses,’

and the truth thereof.

If he does not do this— we will fall into CONDEMNATION and COMPLETE DEFILEMENT, and ESTRANGEMENT from God holy— because we are ‘clean’ in our own eyes, and unto our own ‘ways.’

That is what satan thought,

and lived like— too.

When he talks about ‘high’ trees, and ‘tall’ hills and mountains— he is speaking of prideful people (as trees are often representing people in scripture), and mountains and hills are referencing ‘positions’ and ranks of leadership, or elite status.

Cedars— in Strong’s, speaks of TENACITY OF ITS ROOTS— and tenacity means— GRIPPED FIRMLY (as in, the sin and pride); mountains, in Strong’s, figuratively means— PROMOTION, so ‘rank,’ and ‘position.’

Tower means— A RAISED PLATFORM, and PULPIT— in Strong’s; so, I imagine God is saying he will abase and humble those walking in pride— from EXALTED PLATFORMS OF MINISTRY and PULPITS.

Fenced means— isolated and fortified— like a STRONGHOLD; and Walls means— joined in protection— like a STRONGHOLD of the enemy.

And Pictures means— conspicuous object, which means— STANDING OUT and CLEARLY VISUAL.

So, God is going to humble, abase, and drop these people DOWN LOW to the ‘truth,’ because they run in SELF EXALTATIONS

(meaning— clean and justified in one’s own eyes)

And the only one that is to be EXALTED— IS THE HOLY GOD HIMSELF, who is truly the CLEAN ONE.

When we start seeing ourselves fully clean, OVER OTHERS, and not seeing clearly in the spirit, through the Spirit and HIS LEAD— we start leading self, like Lucifer did— JUSTIFYING HIS BEHAVIORS that were CONTRARY to God, and his LEADERSHIP OVER HIM— and we become defiled whilst walking UPRIGHT IN OUR OWN EYES.

THIS— he tells me is rampant in his body right now, and grieves the both of us to our core.

Everyday I ask him to KEEP ME HUMBLE, in fact— it’s a standing request on my part— and boy does he show me my STINK, when it’s there— meaning lies and hypocrisy; and it’s his love that does that, for without that— I will stand in TRANSGRESSIONS AGAINST ‘him,’ AND— others.

I HATE satan’s image— and I want to be as far from it as possible— so, I learned long ago, that will mean— I will be HUMBLED A LOT, to rid myself of hypocrisies and lies.

I see that as A GOOD THING,


painful and crushing—

when we see the TRUTH,

as he brings it out—


if we want to resemble him,

and bring him pleasure in


and in


Please— ask him daily to SCRUB YOU CLEAN, as he shows and reveals hidden areas where satan has defiled and duped us; it’s truly the best thing we can do— then, forgive yourself, as for forgiveness, and THANK HIM, and TURN FROM THOSE LIES and WAYSthat’s all he’s asking.

THEN— he can have one more area in you that resembles him and his image— and he can use you to help others; you become a vessel of ‘honor’ unto him, in one more cleaned up area.

He truly is incredibly loving and forgiving— and truly only wants his child back to himself, and live’n and look’n like himself again— honestly.


17 “And the loftiness of man

shall be bowed down,

and the haughtiness of men

shall be made low:


the Lord alone

shall be exalted in that day.

18 And the idols —he shall utterly abolish.”


The idols are anything standing between you and God, and standing between you looking and operating LIKE GOD.

Again— God has been showing me idolatry and idols in his children’s lives— and this is the love of God to do this; if he doesn’t show where they are, and just how we are transgressing him, his person, his kingdom ways, and his holiness (living sanctified in his ways) —then we will not KNOW THE ERROR OF OUR WAYS (which means, how we are following satan, and eating off his table of options) —and we will not change, repent, or come back into UNITY OF GOD, and HIS WAYS.

So, it is the GRACE, MERCY and LOVE of God— to show us our transgressions against him; because truthfully, his goal is to UNIFY OUR LIVES → with his: meaning, take on his image and ways unto ourselves again— inside and out.

If we will not— he will bring us low, abase and humble us— in judgment corrections, because we would not MOVE BACK TO HIM in the little discipline NUDGES he was giving us, where we remained STIFF NECKED in the REINS— as he could not TURN US ABOUT ON OUR PATH and DEEDS (like the horse).


19 “And they shall go into the holes of the rocks,

and into the caves of the earth—

for fear of the Lord,

and for

the glory of his majesty,

when he arises to

shake terribly— the earth.

20 In that day—

a man shall cast his idols of silver,

and his idols of gold,

which they made each one for himself,

to worship— to the moles and to the bats;

21 To go into the clefts of the rocks,

and into the tops of the ragged rocks—

for fear of the Lord,

and for

the glory of his majesty—

when he arises

to shake terribly— the earth.

22 Cease from man

→ whose breath is in his nostrils: for

wherein is he to be accounted of?”


They should have FEARED THE LORD, and HONORED HIS MAJESTYbefore— and the Day of the Lord would not meet them in such a way— at his ARRIVAL, when he ‘arises.’

It is the pride,

and the independence from God holy,

and his ways

as man walks in spiritual pride

that brings

the judgment of God upon them

in the first place.

And there is NO PLACE God cannot see hypocrisy, pride, and open doors to the enemy— where his people are eating from the enemy’s table: NO PLACE HE CANNOT SEE— and he sees with TRUTH and CLARITY.

He is faithful to FORGIVE, and he is GREAT IN MERCIES— but one must repent, see the truth— and RUN TO HIM with ACCOUNTABILITY, taking RESPONSIBILITY for the error of their ways.

Or —they will stay in continued sin,

walking contrary to how


and they will

remain in satanic spiritual pride.

This is the place Jezebel hides in our livesshe loves spiritual pride and arrogance; and it’s why we CANNOT TOLERATE THAT WOMAN JEZEBEL— as the Lord said, himself, in the book of the prophecy to John, in Revelation.

We have to SEE HER, and know her operations— and we cannot see her appearance— if we are blinded with spiritual pride— that’s where she HIDES in man.

Silver and Gold idols…

Silver., in Strong’s, figuratively means— their price, like as in— what price did they sellout for, as in— leave God and his ways for; what was it that ALLURED THEIR FLESH to follow after ‘it,’ and not God holy and HIS WAYS?

And Gold means, figuratively, or its spiritual implications— something that shimmered, like oil, or fair weather; and that means, once again— ALLURED THEM, like a false anointing or favor, and gave them PLEASURES.

Folks— he’s very clear about the carnal nature being ENMITY AGAINST GOD, meaning opposite and enemy of God— because it DRAWS MEN OF THEIR FLESHLY LUSTS; which means— whatever man is DRAWN TO, that is NOT WHAT GOD PARTAKES IN, or finds his being ‘walking out.’

And that thing, or lust— STANDS IN THE WAY OF UNION RECONCILIATIONS between that man, and his God and his kingdom ways— and the grace, mercy and love of God, will come and attempt to SEVER THAT THING, or cut it away from that man and his life, and operations.

OR— that man will remain in estrangement in that way from God, walking in iniquity, and will remain on a broadpath, eating the ways of satan— and all iniquitous living folk walking contrary, which is to say, against God and his ways— will find themselves → where the original iniquitous one will go…

Hell and the Lake that burns with fire torment forever— where all discarded files go in the end— who would not conform to God’s image again, or come under his leadership and rule.

Hell and the Lake of Fire—

are the trash pit,

where God will discard away from himself—

all persons who refuse him and his leadership, and ways— in their person.

He wishes for NONE to go that route, or be removed from him forever— so he comes with judgment, shaking and massive corrections— in order to give us ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY to ‘see’ our transgressions against him, and come and reconcile to himthrough conviction and repentance; turning FULLY away from those things, and coming into UNION, or UNITY WITH HIM IN HIS WAYS.

Or— if we will not— he will be FORCED, by an act of our own FREE WILL— to be cast into the discard file bin: hell, and the Lake of Fire, with satan.

Arises— as in the Lord will arise in that day—

is speaking of his RULE, rising in the earth;

and THEN—

man will be humbled before the almighty,



as King of all that is.

We should have been men and women HONORING HIM, long before that day— but because we will not be— he will come and TERRIFY ALL, just by BEING HIMSELF, and shaking the gates of hell (that is the lives of rebellious men and women) —just by INTRODUCING HIMSELF PROPERLY, in HOLINESS and in ALL AUTHORITY.

It will be THEN—

that man remembers their Maker,

in truth—

and sees him—


Cease from man, whose breath is in his nostrils.

This, in Strong’s means— Don’t follow the men and women whose PUFFED UP INTELLECT (I kid you not, that’s the meaning in Strong’s) is in his NOSTRILS; that means, with every breath they take, they walk in PRIDE OF INTELLECTthat’s prideful thinking, VAIN and EMPTY thinking and leading— contrary to God holy.

For wherein is he to be accounted of, means—

what will he be esteemed in, or regarded by God??

These people will be abased, judged, corrected, humbled, and brought LOW BEFORE THE FACE OF THE ALMIGHTY HOLY ONE; DON’T BE AFFILIATED WITH THEM, in league with them, or giving excuse to follow them in their ways— or you will go down with them.


Folks, God is attempting to correct us in our ways— DAILY; but if WE WILL NOT HAVE IT— what else is he to do to save us from ourselves???

He must come in with judgments, HIS, from his HOLY RULE and HOLY WAYS— and correct us, in a “LUMP SUM JUDGMENT—” as he just said to me; “because man REFUSED HIS LESSER NUDGES, in convictions.”

That is a horrifying thought; that we refused his ‘nudges’ and his encouragements unto us— to correct ourselves, before we wreck ourselves in our own ways— and instead, NEED God to dump a lump sum upon us in corrections (that’s hardships of what we sowed, in one lump sum) —because we kept making excuses for our behaviors.

Lord help us.

I had ZERO idea he was going this route in the book of Isaiah— before he took me here; but NOW— I can see why his heart is breaking inside of me, for his people.

Because they are walking in defilement against him, transgressing his very person, outside of reconciliations, repentance and they make excuses for it allNOT SEEING— it is him they are hurting and estranging themselves from— whilst walking in ‘excuse.’

Meaning— excusing their behaviors with PUFFED UP INTELLECTUALISM

or rather—

RATIONALIZING their decisions and deeds.


He does not BEND FOR MAN to continue in transgressions against him and his way; he PLEADS WITH MAN, to come out of his spiritual adultery and twisted livingto come clean with him, get clean before him— and hence— become repentant and reconcile to him.

We can remain estranged from God in many different ways, whilst being reconciled to him in other ways; but folks— at best— that is COMPROMISED.

Which means, TINmanipulative, easily twisted and the strength of that thing (in this case, relationship and union with God) PERVERTS, and GETS TWISTED UP— ‘malformed.’

He is coming, he said, in chapter 1—

to PURGE US, ‘purely’ PURGE US,

he said— of our TIN:

or weakness and excuses.

I suggest we hear him out now— and gain a reverent fear of him, and his NUDGES IN CONVICTIONS, of the error of our ways— NOW; before he has to ‘lump sum’ our corrections to us, in our lives.



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Unknown member
Apr 12, 2023

🔥🕊❤️ Such a timely Word!!!


Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Apr 12, 2023



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