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Isaiah 15 &16, and the current state of humanity today--- with current affairs

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

[Video link with commentary:]

The current state of people ‘estranged from God—’

His enemies— and our priestly duty to intercede:

for they are under judgment, in opposition to the living God.


Isaiah 15


“The burden of Moab.

Because in the night [figuratively— adversity] —Ar of Moab is laid waste— and brought to silence [silently perishing, brought to destruction— cut down]; because in the night Kir of Moab —is laid waste, and brought to silence [silently perishing, brought to destruction— cut down];

2 He has gone up to Bajith, and to Dibon (places in Palestine), the high places [places of ‘elevation’]— to weep: Moab shall howl over Nebo [Babylonian deity and a mountain in Palestine], and over Medeba: on all their heads shall be baldness, and every beard cut off (no covering of their countenance— mourning in Jewish culture).

3 In their streets they shall gird themselves with sackcloth [used for mourning]: on the tops [altars] of their houses, and in their streets — every one shall howl— weeping abundantly.

4 And Heshbon [a place east of the Jordan] shall cry, and Elealeh [a place east of the Jordan, meaning— ‘God is going up’]: their voice shall be heard even unto Jahaz [a place east of the Jordan, meaning— ‘stamping, or threshing floor’]: therefore the armed soldiers of Moab shall cry out; his life shall be grievous unto him.

5 My heart shall cry out for Moab; his fugitives shall flee unto Zoar [a place east of Jordan, meaning— ‘little’], a heifer of three years old: for by the mounting up of Luhith with weeping —shall they go it up [ascend]; for in the way of Horonaim —they shall raise up a cry of destruction [ruin, affliction, dissolution of a dream, and vexation].

6 For the waters of Nimrim shall be desolate [wasted]: for the hay [greenness] is withered away [dried up, and figuratively— put to shame], the grass [tender sproutings] fails, and there is no green thing [pallor, sickly vegetation].

7 Therefore the abundance [excellence and wealth] they have gotten— and that which they have laid up— they shall carry away to the brook [valley] of the willows.

8 For the cry is gone round about the borders of Moab; the howling thereof unto Eglaim, and the howling thereof unto Beerelim [a place in the desert meaning, ‘well of heroes’].

9 For the waters of Dimon shall be full of blood [bloodshed]: for I will bring more upon Dimon— lions [figuratively— violence] upon him who escapes of Moab— and upon the remnant [remaining portion] of the land.”


In the beginning of this chapter, as Moab has found itself set against the Lord God, and the Lord God set against it— we are reminded of what he said at the ending of the previous chapter.

“In the year that king Ahaz died— was this burden.

Rejoice not, you whole of Palestina, because the rod of him who smote you, is broken— for out of the serpent’s root, shall come forth a cockatrice— and his fruit, a fiery flying serpent.

I will kill your root with famine, and he shall slay your remnant.

Howl— O gate— cry, O city; you, the whole of Palestina— are dissolved: for there shall come from the north— a smoke— and none shall be alone in his appointed times.”

As we recall this, we recall that Moab— was the incestious child of Lot, and Lot was Abraham’s nephew. How a little perversion can lead us so far from God.

Abraham— God’s chosen man to be the father of faith, to the seedlings of the Lord God; and his brother Haran’s child— Lot— who went into the place of Sodom and Gomorrah, and whose daughter’s committed incestious relations with him— creating Moab and Ammon (Moabites, and Ammonites); the culture seemed to make an impression upon them, as they strayed from God, and upholding godliness.

We can see this taking place in the earth even still today.

We see that where one can come from an earthly lineage of God (as the Jewish tribes), and where one who claims God holy, but strays far in their hearts, conduct, character, and actual beliefs carried out (even the Lukewarm Christians— who claim his name) —but who deny the Messiah— they as well have set themselves against the Lord God holy, and he— against them.

Whether we are of Jewish descent, or Gentile descent— since Messiah came, and went, and fulfilled his mission in the earth— fulfilling Jewish prophecy— now— those who reject him, and uphold walking contrary to him— are his enemies.

He loves people— (he made them all in his image, originally) and he wishes for none to perish; but as/like Moab came from Lot— and Lot was related to Abraham (the father of faith in God holy, a chosen vessel) —one can fall VERY far from the ‘family tree,’ because of upholding unrighteousness, an enemy kingdom of idolatry (other gods they follow) and adultery spiritually against the Living God; not just because they follow other gods, but because they do not live as/like/same as God holy, and with him: being assimilated and as one— in there inner man.

The only family tree of God that there will be in the end, are those who are grafted in; the jews must come out of religion (old covenant) and accept Messiah, coming back into the Tree of God’s family (spiritually speaking) —and the Lukewarm who claim to accept God holy— but truthfully walk contrary to him in beliefs upheld, and actions and deeds they partake in as they eat from satan’s table— must both ASSIMILATE INTO HIM, and HE INTO THEM (we in Christ, and Christ in us).

The Gentiles (those of another nation) must be grafted in, as well as the Jews RE-grafted in— accepting Messiah and God holy— and a MERGER of God and that man in spirit and soul, must take place— where two become one: we must be grafted into the vine, where two become one entity in Messiah (Jesus Christ) now.

It is why he has told me that whether we pray for Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Lukewarm Christians (or any other) —we pray for their REPENTANCE, and for the ‘reprobate’ (that’s the degenerate, unapproved, worthless, rejected) mind— to be lifted off of them (so they can hear and see the truth); as well we pray for a personal experience with the truth (and he’s a person) scripturally; and we do our priestly duties of intercession, and applying the perfect blood atonement for their sin— that Yahshua fulfilled— in intercessions over their lives— pleading the blood— spiritually applying it over them in the spirit realm— as the High Priest does, whilst we open our hearts and partner with God holy: for he desires that none should perish, and that all would REPENT and turn back to him; for he does not even HEAR the prayer of the wicked.

And as my friend, and brother in Christ said recently— “The truth is the authority (Yahshua/The Word of God), and the BLOOD is the power (his).”

It’s about HIM, it’s always been about him; but we have PRIESTLY DUTIES to do, under him, with him, and for him and his people.

This is why the priest in the earth (God’s set apart children), working with the High Priest of heaven is so necessary; and why we cannot forsake our priestly duties or calling in the earth— toward the sinners (those currently estranged and transgressing God)...


Proverbs 15:29

“The Lord is far from the wicked: but he hears the prayer of the righteous.”

It’s difficult to save people in any way, shape or form— when they are currently God’s enemy, because they deny him, and uphold other ‘gods’ and idols: so we intercede on their behalf with spiritual sacrifices.

If a person is not exalting the Son— they do not exalt the Father; if they do not exalt the Father God, our Creator, nor his Son— they run with other spirits they uphold; and they are fundamentally— God’s current enemy.

This is what was Moab’s fate— even though Moab, and his descendants were related to Abraham.

We can be physically related, or in a carnal genealogy— and fall far from God inside. This is why it’s CRITICAL that we pray for the reprobate mind to be lifted— so they can SEE and HEAR what the Holy Spirit is showing and saying; without that— they will remain ignorant, obstinate, in opposition to, and opponent of —the truth, the way, and life eternal. And if that continues —they have been set against the living God, the truth, and the way— and they are God’s enemies, and upholding the covenant to ‘death and hell,’ estrangement and imprisonment away from God holy, forever: and does not hear the cries or prayers of these, LEST they REPENT, and turn AWAY from their wicked ways, and TOWARD— the face of the holy, Living God once again— to RECONCILE.

WE ARE TO PRAY FOR OUR ENEMIES— and this is why; because they are only our enemies because they know not the living God— nor are they reconciled with him— and we desire for the TRUTH to get to them in a personal experience with the person of Messiah (as well as biblical truth of the scriptures and prophecy), and we pray for their REPENTANCE (as they currently stand against Messiah) —so that they can SEE THE WAY, and GAIN ETERNAL LIFE.

If not— judgment will eventually come in, and devastation will strike a land, and a people— but MERCY TRIUMPHS OVER JUDGMENT.

James 2:13“For he shall have judgment, without mercy— who has shown no mercy; but mercy —rejoices against (boasts and exalts) judgment.”

A merciful man— one who has known mercy himself (Christ)will extend mercy to another (mercy is when one is guilty, but receives pardon) —and with this extension of forgiveness, there is rejoicing in that judgment (decree and decision made).

We will not get around this in any country, or of any people. We will either uphold the living God, and walk with him and the truth, his way (as he is the way) —and merge with him inside, upholding him, and be submissive and subservient to him and his rule in us, as God of us again…

Or we will see what it is to be an enemy of God holy.


Because not only do we oppose the living God— but we are exemplifying opposition to Messiah —and we are leading others to walk the broad path to destruction as well; so the judgment of God comes in (because what a man sows— he will also reap), and in this is the mercy of God.


Because only in seeing our error— can we, or may wechange; only upon seeing our error and misalignments with God— will we desire to RECONCILE with him (become one grafted to the Vine again— through Messiah). And reconciliation is an agreement between two parties (entities) of a mutual agreement— that change must take place— making a difference.

This difference is to what one was previously believing (be living), and understood as proper— but was found that it was not— and do an about face, 180 degree turnaround (repentance), face God holy, accept him as leader of us again (that’s a God), savior of us (we couldn’t do it with Messiah), and REJOIN GOD inside— where we now are not opposed to him— but are ONE WITH HIM: where two become like/same/as —and a merger of spirits takes place, and a soul is COMPLETELY changed in what he formerly lived like, and believed, and trusted in: for they now trust in the Messiah, the Son of man and God— Jesus Christ, Yahshua Hamashiac.

Outside of that— we are enemies to God; but what did scripture say besides that he desires for none to perish, but that all would repent and be saved?

Romans 5:1-2, 6-8,

“Therefore being justified by faith— we have peace [set at one again + rest] with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.


For when we were yet without strength— in due time Christ died for the ungodly.

For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.

But God commendeth his love toward us— in that while we were yet sinners— Christ died for us.

[Sinners are those transgressing/offending him, and his ways.]


Much more then— being now justified by his blood— we shall be saved from wrath— through him.

For if— when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son— much more, being reconciled— we shall be saved by his life.

And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ— by whom we have now received the atonement [exchange, adjustment, restoration and reconciliation].”

We were enemies of God, sinners transgressing his way and the truth, and his conduct of his Holy Spirit in us; but he gave the perfect atonement (way to be— at one again) for us— Jesus Christ, Yahshua Hamashiac. And because of Messiah’s sacrifice of a sinless life (fulfilling Jewish prophecy) —we have the WAY back to God the Father, and the WAY out of religion and into relationship, and the WAY to be fully RECONCILED (two merge) again to God— returning us full circle to the garden scenario— RESURRECTED (restored to life).

This is the truth for all of us— whether we were of Jewish descent, and were cut off from the vine because we didn’t receive Messiah (Jesus)— or we were never a part of the Vine to begin with (Gentile nations people)…

*We need to be grafted into the Tree of Life once again through belief in the Messiah; that’s the only way ALL— ARE ALLIN CHRIST JESUS: neither Jew nor Gentile, male nor female, bond, nor free.


Romans 11:20–23

“Well— because of unbelief they were broken off, and you —stand by faith. Be not high minded— but fear: For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed —lest he also spare not you.

Behold therefore —the goodness, and severity of God: on them which fell (they fell away from him— rejected Messiah, who IS God)— severity; but toward you— goodness— if you continue in his goodness: otherwise— you also shall be cut off.

And they also— if they abide not still in unbelief— shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again.”


IF— they will abide— NOT in unbelief, but in BELIEF.

Here we see that the Jews will have to be RE-GRAFTED IN— because of their denial of Messiah; this means— they were cut off, because of their unbelief, and abide not on the vine any longer— UNTIL REPENTANCE, and ACCEPTANCE OF MESSIAH: Yahshua Hamashiac.

It is the same for all— God is a just God, he is fair and equitable; he opened it up to the Gentiles (all other people not of Jewish descent) because the Hebrews rejected him as Messiah; it will be the fulfillment of the branch of Gentiles— that causes the Jew to be jealous of what we have gained with God— that they should repent, and be saved as well.

I say all that in this chapter— because the fruit (or product/produce) of an earthly lineage of people— can fall far from the tree; and we will have to REPENT, to be able to be the fruit of God holy again. We will have to turn back to him, not reject the perfect Lamb slain, and come through HIM— the Door and way back to the Father, and Creator of us.

Without this— we do not live life eternal, in the Tree of Life in Christ— because we will have fundamentally rejected Christ (Messiah), and stayed estranged.

It doesn’t matter what earthly lineage people we are now— since Christ Jesus lived, and died, and resurrected to life again— fulfilling the perfect Lamb sacrifice; it matters only now— that we come to him, believe on him, follow after him, merge with his Spirit and become one with the living God: for that is salvation, and those are the only ones who are HIS.


Romans 8:9, 11

“But you are not in the flesh— but in the Spirit, if it be so that the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if any man has not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his.

11 But if the Spirit of him who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you— he that raised up Christ from the dead— shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwells in you.”


The Spirit that raised Christ from the ‘dead,’ (estrangement— figuratively/spiritually— because of our sin on him) —will quicken anyone else’s soul to life again in him, through him, by him; by belief in him, and trust in himAS GOD INCARNATE, given as the perfect sacrificial offering (Lamb) to atone for our sin (set at one again: merge— 2 become 1— in Christ).

Because NO ONE is justified in the Law now; for the Law has been fulfilled in Messiah— no one can do it like he did, flawlessly, nor is there another PERFECT SACRIFICE; we must all come to the Lamb, and merge our spirit with his Spirit— to walk through the DOORWAY back to our Father and Creator: for only through the blood of the Lamb (Messiah) can we be grafted into the family Tree of Life in Christ: HE IS THE VINE, that stems from the ROOT (Father God).


Galatians 3:11-14, 26-29

“No man is justified by the law in the sight of God— it is evident: for— The just shall live by faith.”

(Faith in whom? Faith in What? Yahshua Hamashiac— the perfect atonement sacrifice, the LAMB, DOOR, and WAY back to the Family Tree of Life— in Christ— to God the Father.)

“And the law— is not of faith: but— The man that does them shall live in them.”

(If they fail at keeping them to a ‘T,’ or perfectly— so it shall be that he is bound to that failure of atonement —having rejected the perfect sacrifice: Yahshua Hamashiac.)

“Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law (no more practicing the old covenant as it were), being made a curse for us: for it is written— Cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.


For you are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.

For as many of you, as have been baptized into Christ —have put on Christ.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

And if you be Christ's— THEN you are Abraham's seed (family of faith— not earthly lineage) —and HEIRS —according to the promise.”


What is God’s point here?

That we were all under the law, who were of Jewish descent— before Messiah; since Messiah— we are now of the family of God, THROUGH FAITH IN MESSIAH, and ‘that—’ is how we are CHILDREN OF GOD NOW: for there is no such thing as a Jew (in Christ), or a Gentile (in Christ) —for all are on equal ground, equal standing, and all are the family of God now— because of their FAITH, not their earthly lineage— but the SPIRITUAL LINEAGE of being ‘in Messiah.’

So, if we do not put on Christ, we are not baptized into him— and if we are not baptized into him— we are not grafted into the spiritual family tree: the Tree of Life in Christ.


Isaiah chapter 16


“Send the lamb [battering ram] to the ruler [those in dominion rule, reign and power] of the land— from Sela, to the wilderness [or desert area]— unto the mount of the daughter [relation, apple of the eye, and branch or company] of Zion.

2 For it shall be, that— as a wandering [driven away] bird cast out [sent away] of the nest [dwelling place, chamber or room], so the daughters [relation, apple of the eye, and branch or company] of Moab shall be —at the fords [overwhelming pass] of Arnon [river area, east of the Jordan].”


Send the ‘lamb’ to the ruler of the ‘land;’ this speaks spiritual VOLUMES in that it will take any human, accepting the perfect sacrificial Lamb into his vessel (land/earthen vessel) —to receive eternal life, and to be grafted into the Tree of Life in Christ Jesus.

The battering ram— the one who breaks off every yoke of bondage, and sets men free from the enemy of estrangement— bringing them into ‘oneness,’ where two merge, and become one spirit: Life in Christ Jesus; pulling us out of desolation (wilderness), and into LIFE, and life more abundantly.

This is resurrection of the Tabernacle of David— within the hearts (souls) of man; it is REBIRTH, a QUICKENING to a dead (or estranged) soul, that was led by a dead or estranged spirit (the reason we need to be born again, or born of a new spirit in Christ) —and now is BORN ANEW, or ‘again,’ by the life and blood of Christ— and the reunion or reconciling of man to his God.

If we wander from him (God) —it is hardly his fault; but even still— he desires for none to perish, but that all would repent and be saved.

To be ‘cast out of the nest,’ is to be cast out from the home (banished); this is akin to being cut off the branch (spiritually speaking), and needing reconciling— to return to repentance, do a 180 degree turn around— and honor God holy, accept God holy, and partner with God holy (merge and serve him) receiving the payment and way back to him: Yahshua Hamashiac, Jesus the Christ, and his blood atonement (to set us at one with God again).


3 “Take counsel [prudent advisement]— execute [apply] judgment [justice— fair, equal or just behavior or treatment— administering of the law]; make your shadow [shade of defense] as the night— in the midst of the noonday (very bright light, very dark shadow); hide the outcasts; bewray not [reveal them not] —he who wanders [or is driven away fleeing].”


To make your shadow (or shade, or covering of defense), as the night— is to make your defense as good and thick as the night is dark (very well hidden), in the midst of day (hidden well, any time)— a covering to hide you —protected.


4 “Let my outcasts [those banished] dwell with you— Moab; you will be a covert [a cover] to them —from the face of the spoiler [ravager, oppressor, robber]: for the extortioner [oppressor] is at an end [disappearing] —the spoiler [ravager, oppressor, robber] ceases, the oppressors are consumed [finished, and wasted gone] out of the land.

5 And in mercy [kindness and piety— religious reverence, dutifulness] shall the throne [or seat] be established [set up, fastened, fitted, fixed, ordered, readied and stand]:

And he shall sit [remain, dwell and marry and settle, inhabit and remain seated] upon it in truth [stability, trustworthiness and faithfulness, with verity— true principled beliefs, truth] —in the tabernacle [clear tent, dwelling, place and home] of David [the youngest son of Jesse, name meaning— ‘Loving’]...

Judging [sentencing, governing, litigating— disputing lawsuits], and seeking [asking and worshiping, diligently inquiring, searching out] judgment [verdict, sentence, decree of justice] —and hasting [quick and skilful, ready in] righteousness [equity— fair impartiality, justice].”


Here we are introduced to the Messiah, or the Spirit of God through Christ Jesus, who will RE-ESTABLISH a fallen tabernacle (spiritual dwelling place with men— we the temple), and through the obedience, of a formerly disobedient, prideful people— as they turn back to honor the Lord God— these will have mercy (pardon) established within, and at-one-ment (or atonement) with and by the living God will take place again— bringing peace (godly order restored) to the land (earthen vessels) —because God will STOP THE SPOILER— with his Spirit— breaking the yoke of satan off.

Through a reverence for God, a turn around, a repentance— mercy (forgiveness, unity) will be established, and in that —the throne of God will be upheld again— and peace (Godly order restored, and authority taken over chaos) will then be established in the land.

THAT— is the picture of salvation— through repentance, the blood sacrifice (forgiveness and unity established again) and atonement (set at one again— the merging of 2, into 1, in agreement, same/as/like again, within) was successful: Born Again, and Saved— by Life in Christ Jesus.

Because Christ is seated in that man, in truth, and in verity— within that tabernacle (person’s vessel/heart), as like he did with David (whose name literally means ‘loving’); and he (Christ’s holy Spirit) is sitting in there (the soul of that man) judging and seeking (which is searching out) judgment— and hasting (quick and skilful, ready in) righteousness.

This is a great example of— ‘once I was God’s enemy, but through repentance, reconciling, mercy (the Lamb’s sacrifice) and forgiveness— I was rejoined to God holy, to become one merged spirit with him— and was resurrected to life, out of death estrangement.’

So beautiful.


6 “We have heard of the pride [arrogance and pomp] of Moab —he is very proud [haughty]: even of his haughtiness [arrogant majesty, high mindedness] —his pride [arrogance and pomp], and his wrath [outbursts of passionate anger and rage]: but his lies [bragging as a liar] shall not be so.

7 Therefore shall Moab howl [wail] for Moab— every one shall howl: for the foundations of Kirhareseth [place in Moab meaning— ‘fortress of earthenware’ (reminds me of humans— dirt/earth vessels)] you shall mourn [murmur in displeasure of, ponder or meditate on, in soreness]; surely they are stricken [smitten, afflicted, broken and wounded].

8 For the fields of Heshbon languish [droop as sick and weak], and the vine (harvest languishes) of Sibmah: the lords of the heathen have broken down [disbanded and overcome] the principal plants [the grapevine] thereof— they are come even unto Jazer, they wandered through the wilderness: her branches are stretched out [thrust off, dispersed, rejected, cast off, forsaken and loosed] —they are gone over the sea.”


We are beginning to see what happens when you are cast off, out of God’s good graces— because you uphold an enemy kingdom, and an enemy king (little gods, or idolatry), and not God holy— and serve another ‘god.’

From pride upheld— destruction and mourning come; when we do not uphold God holy, nor the truth, nor the righteous way— we bring destruction upon our own heads.

Ezekiel 9:10

“And as for me also— my eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity— but I will recompense their way upon their head.”

The ‘branches’ (and people are branches of the Vine)— will be thrust off, dispersed, rejected, cast off, forsaken and loosed; we need to recall this, as we pray for the ‘lost.’

For they are lost for a reason— they have cast off the Spirit of the Lord, and the Messiah; so they will have to reconcile with him, repent to him, come under his authority in their lives, reverence/fear him, and obey him— to be saved and grafted into the Vine again.

Or these branches will be cast off, dispersed, rejected, forsaken and loosed from the Vine; for this is what they themselves chose, and did toward God holy, first— in rejecting the Truth, the Way, the Door, the Lamb, the Messiah —and reconciliation to our Father/Creatorthrough him.

God is not mocked— what a man sows, that he will reap; whom we uphold (enemy or God), will be upheld: free will.


9 “Therefore I will bewail [weep and bemoan] with the weeping of Jazer the vine of Sibmah: I will water you with my tears— O Heshbon, and Elealeh: for the shouting for [the acclaim of] your summer fruits [harvest season and produce of grain or fruits] —and for your harvest [crop reaped] is fallen [cast down, deceased, died, divided, failed, judged, overthrown, perished, rotted or smited out].”


There is so much spiritual significance here in this verse.

First— who is bewailing and weeping?

The Lord God.

And why?

Because of their choices and actions, and because he desires that none should perish, but that all would repent and be saved.

It does not delight God to have to bring judgment in— but it is his mercy and love to do so— so a people will see what they are truly living and choosing (and upholding which god/God) —but also— because he is JUST— what a man chooses, walks, and lives— he will reap: this is the law of his kingdom, what man sows, that will he reap.

But this grieves our Lord.

When a harvest is fallen, spiritually speaking— what one was producing (produce, fruits) —has rotted, been wasted, destroyed, and demolished; this, spiritually speaking— is the inner state of a man, and what he is upholding in there: God holy— and life, or the enemy of God, pride— self leadership, satan— and death.

The latter is taking place here, within Moab.


10 “And gladness [glee of religious festival and mirth] is taken away, and joy [exceeding gladness and rejoicing] (taken) out of the plentiful field [fruitful, plentiful fields of produce— vineyard]; and in the vineyards [gardens] there shall be no singing [rejoicing of triumph], neither shall there be shouting: the treaders shall tread out no wine in their presses [effervescence— figuratively— bubbling enthusiasm]; I have made their vintage shouting to cease.”


Do we see here the spiritual implications, to the souls of men— when the harvest of the field (heart soil) is lost, destroyed, and wasted?

The plentiful field (heart garden) has now lost its joy and rejoicing, the fruit is rotted, there is no singing or rejoicing— because God holy is not upheld in this person— and there’s NO WINE: fruit of intimacy with God, through the crushing of the carnal nature, as we embrace the godly nature within.

The vintage shouting has ceased— because the vintage, the wine, the intimacy— has ceased; this is the equivalent of the heart soil of the souls of men dying, in estrangementno joy, no hope, no salvation to their souls, or quickening of a dead soul into life— because the intimacy, the oneness, the merger of 2 into 1 entity now, in Christ— has not been attained.

There has been a rejection, and now, because of this rejection of the truth, the way and life— himself— the vintage, the fruit— is lost and destruction, mourning and death abound in the soul of this person.


11 “Wherefore my bowels [heart, center] shall sound [clamor] like a harp [a twang] for Moab— and my inward parts, (as well) for Kirharesh.

12 And it shall come to pass, when it is seen that Moab is weary [disgusted and loathed] on the high place [place of elevation] —that he shall come to his sanctuary [consecrated place, palace, asylum, holy place] to pray [judge mentally, intercede or entreat a judge in supplications] —but he shall not prevail [be able, attain or have power— prevail].”


We can clearly see how it grieves God that this is taking place— as well in the lives of those who do not uphold him— either in not believing in Messiah outright, or in being Lukewarm or apostate— in claiming his family name (Christ), but not in truth of actions, loving the truth and upholding it (him and his nature and ways) within their person.

It’s the TRUTH of the heart— that he searches; and our actions of our conduct and character— either prove our Father is God holy— or prove he is not, for we do not uphold the truth, or the way, or the life of Christ— within our hearts: we have erected another in there, and another way.

When this type of person prays, in his sanctuary (temple— earthen vessel now— their body) —they will not be heard of God; he is not mocked— what this man has sown, he will reap.

2 Chronicles 7:14

IF— my people, who are called by my name (Christ-ian), shall humble [bend the knee, humiliate and vanquish— bring down low in subjection and subdue] themselves, and pray [judge mentally and intercede], and seek [search, worship, pray, strive after, beseech, desire, enquire of] my face [countenance and person], and turn from [retreat from, and withdraw from] their wicked [morally wrong, adverse, displeasing, harmful, grievous, mischievous, sorrowful, wretched] ways…

THEN— I will hear [intelligently hear, give attention to, consider, perceive, regard them] from heaven, and will forgive [pardon and spare them of] their sin [habitual offenses and punishment of], and will heal [mend— by stitching, that is cure and make whole] their land [earth— and we are vessels of earth].”

We don’t gain ‘healing’ (which is mended or stitched back together, in Strong’s) if we don’t honor God holy, for real, in truth, from the humbled heart getting off our own throne, becoming obedient to him and his authority over us again, and changing into the New Creation (the new operating system inside, as/like God operates, and from his Spirit— where our spirit and his are same now, in agreementand lead the soul in such— leaving the dead old man behind, and being born anew: born again).

The NEW CREATION‘is’ the healed man; where God and man are reconciled, reunited, as/like/same again in their operating system— their inner man is conducted as God conducts his person (no lying, cheating, stealing, hypocrisy, envy, unbelief, fornicating, etc), and has merged with his Spiritand the 2, are now 1 in Christ Jesus.


13 “This is the word [matter, cause, thing, affair, answer, business, commandment, decree, judgment] that the Lord has spoken [arranged, answered, appointed, commanded, declared, given, promised, pronounced as a spokesman and entreated]— concerning Moab, since that time [at that time].

[And any other people who walk as/like/same as Moab—

or contrary, and in opposition to God holy.]

14 But now the LORD [self-existent eternal one— Jehovah] has spoken [arranged, answered, appointed, commanded, declared, given, promised, pronounced as a spokesman and entreated], saying…

Within three years [revolutions of time]— as the years of a hireling— the glory [or honor] of Moab —shall be contemned [vile, in contempt— worthless, disobedient and offensive, despised], with all that great multitude; and the remnant [remaining portion of them] shall be very small and feeble [not mighty, many or valiant].”


We must learn from the lessons of the people of scripture— that when they upheld and obeyed the Lord God holy— blessing and great provision and promises were extended to the people; because God is not mocked— these people sowed a harvest of honor unto God, and they shall reap that reward.

But— to those who operate in opposition to God, throughout the history of the scriptures, time, and humanity in this earthen realm— great calamity, woe, weeping and gnashing of teeth, desolation and destruction through estrangement came to them— as they WOULD NOT uphold covenant with the living God.

They would not walk as he walks, nor have intimacy with him— and served another (idols and adultery toward his Spirit) —the spirit of this world; the spirit of error.

He is a merciful God, and long suffering and forbearing of us in our sins and iniquity— but eventually— time elapses, and judgment comes in; he desire for none to perish— but they will have to turn (in repentance) back to him, honor him, change their inner conduct and person, become ‘born anew’ by his Spirit— as they merge into one Spirit in Christ Jesus— having accepted, believed and upheld the Messiah, the perfect sacrificial atonement for sinful man.

Without this— without coming to the Lamb, through his blood, to the Door, and taking the hand of God in marriage again— and merging with his Spirit as 1 entity now, upholding him has Most high inside, and given to him in obedience (that is how he said we love him properly), under his authority as a father figure again, assimilation his image inside again (his seed taking root and making fruit, produce production— duplicating him inside), by upholding the truth and the Spirit of

Without all that— which is salvation— it doesn’t matter what our earthly lineage is, or what we know— we fundamentally reject salvation— which is reconciliation to the living God, our Father and our Maker— and we yet remain in estrangement.

This is why we need to pray for the REPENTANCE of unbelievers in Messiah, Yahshua Hamashiac— Jesus the Christ; and pray through intercessory prayers to and through the High Priest— Jesus— for the blood to be spiritually applied to their lives, in the spirit realm…

To forgive their trespass (remit sin), ignorance, and rebellion and rejections to him (through our hearts bringing them to him, and his throne— because remember, otherwise— he will not hear them from heaven, his throne; we are needed in our priestly duties, under the High Priest himself: the Messiah)...

And to ask for him to remove the REPROBATE MIND, the degenerate mind (for it has not the regeneration of the holy Spirit, is worthless and rejected) —so that they can DISCERN the truth, and have an opportunity to receive it, and him: we pray a personal, and convicting experience with the TRUTH (and he’s a person too).

This is the duty of one of God’s children now— who are priests and kings by the Order of Melchizedek, and under the High Priest of this Order— Yahshua Hamaschiac, Jesus the Christ.

We are INTERCESSORS (interjectors) who apply the blood to the reprobatespiritually speaking, in intercessions —so they will have every opportunity of CLARITY, of the clear mind of the Holy Spirit— to give them every opportunity, through our mercy, love and sacrifice, and that of the perfect one— Christ Jesus, the Messiah.

Otherwise— without our sacrificial hearts, coming before the High King and High Priest in intercessions— God will not hear the reprobate wicked from his throne in heaven; for they have not humbled themselves to him, sought his face, nor repented and turned from their wicked ways.

He needs the pure in heart, the clean before him— the priests under the Order of Melchizedek— to bring them before the face of God, in intercessions, applying God’s blood to them spiritually speaking— with supplications unto the Most High, to remove the reprobate mind— so they will have every opportunity to know, experience and reconcile with the truth.

Without the reprobate mind removed— truth cannot be known, for it is the Spirit of Truth that brings us into all truth— and that Spirit is the Holy Spirit in whom they reject; God needs our priestly intercessions— to bring his will in, unto a people he would otherwise— not hear the prayers of, for they are his enemies.

This is why the priesthood exists— we have work to do following after our Lord, Savior, Husband and High Priest: Yahshua Hamanshiac— Jesus the Christ.

Without being able to see and hear what the Spirit is saying— they will remain in a reprobate mindset— for they are unregenerate; and the regenerationcomes through Christ; he has told me he very much needs the work of the priests in the earth, to partner with him in heaven— to bring his will in concerning the reprobate (unbelievers, transgressors of him).

Because his law standsthose who oppose him, are his enemies— and he told us to PRAY FOR THEMfor they know not what they do; and if they remain estranged from him, and remain his enemy— their judgment will eventually come; but we can do something about that NOW, just as the high priests could do something about that back then— with blood atonement.

Through the TRUTH and upholding HIM— we have the authority in Christ, and the priesthood duties to INTERCEDE ON THEIR BEHALVES. And because of HIS BLOOD ATONEMENT (to bring them into being set-at-one again with him + rest in him)...

There is the POWER TO REMIT SPIRITUAL SIN— and give them every opportunity to SEE the TRUTH (him, and scripture) and to ACCEPT (repent, turn from their wicked ways, 180 degree about face turn around) and RECEIVE THE MESSIAH and his PERFECT BLOOD ATONEMENT.

Now— we bring Christ’s blood to them, in intercessory prayer, laying his blood on the altar for these people once again— and asking for God to move on behalf of our intercessions and mercy over these transgressors— to remove their reprobate mind, that he has given them over to— and to soften their hearts to the TRUTH, as he reveals himself to them; he died for all, he gave his blood for allbut if they do not turn to him sincerely within their hearts— they need an intercessor to plead their case before the Holy God.

We can do much— but the rest is up to each man as to whether he will repent and be saved— individually reuniting with God holy, through the Messiah.

All men are reprobate and God’s enemy— until reconciled (where 2 become in agreement, and a change was made, making a different person or creation— and are 1) —reconciled with the living God.

May we PRAY FOR GOD’S ENEMIES— so that they will have every opportunity to be adopted in (grafted in again) —and become family.

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