Conversations and Enlightenment with The Absolute Truth: Jesus Christ:
during my fast of persons and ministry— unto only him:
Part 2
2/22/25 - 2/25/25

[video of this post:]
Discussion regarding:
the Absolute Truth
1 Timothy 2:3-7
“For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will [G2309: determine as an option— in impulse, consider, choose, prefer, wish, be inclined, delight in, or intend: will/would] have all men to be saved [G4982: deliver, protect, be made whole], and to come unto [G1519: into, toward] the knowledge [G1922: recognition, full discernment acknowledgment] of the truth [G225: truth, what is true, verity].
For there is one God, and one mediator [G3316: go between, internunciator— religious mediator between two parties, reconciler, intercessor] between God and men— the man Christ [G5547: the anointed Messiah] Jesus [H3091: Jehovah-save(s)d]; Who gave himself a ransom [G487: redemption price] for all [G3956: the whole], to be testified [G3142: evidential— evidence given, decalogue (10 commandments), testimony and witness of] in due time [G2540: proper timing, occasion, opportunity, season]. Whereunto [G3739: of which, into] I am ordained [G5087: placed, properly postured, uprightly in active position— whilst prostrate and bowed— giving knee, set forth] a preacher [G2783: a herald of divine truth— gospel], and an apostle [G652: a delegate ambassador of the gospel, officially commissioned of Christ with power, a sent one], (I speak the truth in Christ— and lie not;) a teacher [G1320: an instructor, doctor, master teacher] of the Gentiles [G1484: foreign nations] in faith [G4102: persuasion of moral conviction, credence, reliance upon Christ Jesus and the truth itself— truthfulness, assurance of belief, with fidelity] and verity [G225: truth, what is true, verity].”
Like you, Lord, who desired, intended, preferred, wished, chose that all men would be saved— I too, desire to see the lost be found: whosoever wills, Lord, to be delivered into the truth— the full discerning recognition ‘and’ acknowledgment of the truth— made whole in, with, and under, and by— Jesus Christ; so he will be whom is saved by Jehovah, through the anointed Messiah. And Sir, Jesus— you are the truth, you are verity (the real reality, what is true), everything else is a lie and is born of the perverse— that which has been twisted and darkened.
There is only one supreme divine deity magistrate— and it is not men, or angels, or any other created being— it is you, the self-existent eternal one, Jehovah: and there is only one middle man, one go between— of created man and the Father Creator of all that exists created, one reconciler, one intercessor— the man Christ Jesus, the anointed Messiah. And you gave yourself for us all; you paid the price on our heads to free us from prison and of capital punishment— eternal at that. You gave evidence that you were he who walked out the 10 commandments without fail, and every other requirement that appeased the Father in absolute perfection lived, fulfilling the requirements that had to be met— to free humanity with the perfect sacrificial Lamb.
I, too, like Paul, you ordained— properly placed, postured, uprightly sent forth in active position into this earth by calling and mandate; whilst I prostrate myself in humility before you, bowed down, giving knee to you— as you send me out into the mission field of the earth: ordained a preacher, heralding the divine truth of the gospel (the good news of the person of Jesus) to all who will hear; and an apostle— ambassador of the Kingdom of Jehovah, delegate officially commissioned of Christ Jesus to bring forth the gospel with power— being sent forth to do so; as well as a teacher and instructor of the nations of people, in faith— moral conviction of the truth, and reliance upon Christ Jesus and the truth, in truthfulness itself, with assurance of belief in Christ Jesus and fidelity to him and his way, truth, and life.
Have we diverted so far from your face being exalted that we have placed all emphasis upon the face of man— from he who will save all, redeem all, and heal all? The man Christ Jesus is the only true man, the perfect man; and all others will be ‘in him,’ as his body in the earth— giving all glory and preeminence to him (the head): the vessel you are developing does not point to his own face (head) at all— he has forgotten he has one. He sees the glory of God on a daily basis— and unlike Lucifer— he has no regard toward even looking upon his own self with adoration.
The created creature has always been prideful since the breakdown of proper order and reverence was lost in the garden; and I weary of man pointing toward man. I loathe the messages coming forth from your ‘church’ in this hour— by far and large— for it is few and far between who will regard you as most high; and through the whole message speak only of you, never diverting toward their own faces.
How many times is the man child, or manifest sons mentioned— compared to Jesus Christ in the scriptures? How many speak of the created more, and point toward them more, and fixate more on how all of scripture will benefit them, or glorify them, or exalt them?
I cannot bear to listen to it anymore— because it makes me realize how much they choose to focus and speak of the creation— not the Creator (even if we are speaking of them in unification; for it is only through you, and serving you in union— that we will ever be a created species made in your image and likeness— that comes together corporately: not of our individual selves (or separated self existences, but in the identity of Christ Jesus, in each of us, under one head).
This world, this universe, all of creation does not need more ‘man’ in the mix, it needs more Jesus— the One New Man: there is only one man I care to hear about, there is only one man who stands above all corrupt flesh, one man who is truly new, holy, and set apart; and there is only one man who will stand erect inside an honorable vessel and bring forth the works of the Father himself, once again, in flesh: and that man is the man Christ Jesus. And the only people who will attain this unity with the brethren in the earth— will be those who serve the man Christ Jesus within, and without— unto all other people: even in this collective— it is the construction of Jesus Christ, not of men: it is not from their hand— but his— that all unification will ever exist: let us worship and exalt him in spirit and absolute truth.
No wonder your bride will come through tribulation in order for her to be clean and ironed out; for she is focused upon herself (individual existence), not her bridegroom and serving him (collectively, as one with his body in the earth): with her mouth, her heart, her mind, her actions, her ministry, her posts, her videos, her whole person— as the moon is the lesser light in the light of the Son/Sun —she boasts of the created, ‘more than’ the Creator: she boasts of the moon, not of the Sun/Son (by far and large; and only a remnant of her at this point, is there, who seek to glorify their bridegroom: God).
Jesus Christ is the mature vessel, and he did not go around speaking about the created man in exaltation of: he spoke of the only one worthy of exaltation, consideration, and honor— the Father: and the priestly, prophetic, apostolic vessel you are bringing forth in your mature ones— will be those who are born of the same cloth as the Lord Jesus himself— for he wears it in them: those who have died the death, and understand the soul must die the death— until all that is left, is Christ Jesus: then— this soul is ready to preach the unadulterated truth where-er he go: until then— man will be mixing in soulish man-centered affections and focus, into that in which is the gospel: and this is an abomination.
God is not waiting to whisk wimpy, self-centered man out of here, to bring him into all comforts. The walk for God’s people in the earth is the same for us as it was for the Son of man who came to give his life for us: sanctify our lives— get cleaned up in the truth, consecrate our lives to God, becoming holy/whole set apart (no Babylon in us) unto God— like Jesus was. Laying down our lives to the death— like Jesus did, to serve God’s mission in the earth; which is a harvest work of saving souls, pulling them from the fire, discipling them, and raising more up with him in the way, the truth, and life with, and unto— Jesus.
We are called to SERVE GOD IN THE EARTH; and yet— man desires God would serve him in the earth, and give him all he desires, and lavish him with comforts and wealth: where is that exemplified in what Jesus walked out? He told princes to sell all they had— give it to the needy— and then come follow him in humility. He suffered— and it taught him obedience. He gave up any earthly desires/will/wants, and served the Father’s will, desires, and wants in the earth— unto his purposes.
There’s only one go between for God and man— and that is Christ Jesus: many think they are the cat’s meow, the special thing, the manifestation of glory itself: and yet, the only glory there is is that of God himself; and all men who will carry glory— will be men whom he shines his light, dignity, and person from, period.
I am seriously concerned with how much we focus on ourselves: it is massively rare for me to listen to an entire sermon, testimony, witness, or teaching— where it is God who is getting exalted, God who is the focus, the Lamb who gets the credit, and the King who will be getting introduced to the world through clay pot vessels who are mere carriers of his Spirit, person, truth, ways, power, and authority: clay pot people who are bowing down to Jesus within— who will allow the King to ‘use’ their vessel to display, or reveal himself, to creation again: the sons, or offspring, who come into the full understanding of the position Jesus placed himself in toward the Father, who will willing place themselves in this prostrate position unto Jesus, the King, for him to do all he pleases through there vessel, as he finally has one that has no self to glory in any longer.
I hear things that men focus on, like renewable energies, wealth transfers, prophetic voices of old (whether yours or an impostor, and their accurate predictions), and resurrections of governments of nations.
Let’s take for instance— renewable energy. It is a created construct: it exists inside the realm of information, technologies, and spiritual concepts and laws brought to earth— through spirit (whether yours, or for your purposes, and by your lead, or not)— remains to be seen.
One can play in the spiritual constructs and information found in the laws of creation, and bring forth with God— or satan: he cannot create new things— but he can use man to create; as much as God can partner with man to create: who is giving the information, and being heeded in the spirit realm is the difference. Hitler did a lot with occultic spiritual technology information and constructs— but it was definitely not in man’s best interest. As much as God gives ideas to his children to partner with— that has good intentions and results in a better place for all: where no one man, corporation, or institute will benefit above the rest, where no monopoly exists; but where freely it was giving— freely it will be received by all: How many in this earth are working from the principles and leading of God in this way, where all benefit, and freely?
As well— renewable energy is not God’s focus right now— salvation is, and revelation of Jesus Christ and the gospel is, as well as the priesthood is. Renewable energy that will benefit all, freely given and supplied— is a result of godly persons led of the Lord God himself— toward the collective benefit of the human race itself: where all benefit, and freely: that is the way of the Kingdom: that is the way of Christ Jesus. And he is the most renewable or unending power source there is; work with him— and the world will see all it has waited for in the work of Jesus Christ becoming manifest in the earth, in signs, miracles, and wonder— out from thin air— or the Spirit— shall we say: and what the world needs first and foremost— is an experience with the living God, not more technological advancements in the world: for even secular men strive for such endeavors.
And wealth transfers: we have so many people who are completely consumed with the currency of this world— all the while not revering the currency of the eternal realm of God: Jesus, we are to store up heavenly treasures in our hearts, and our hands are to be unto the heavenly business of the Lord God, and Father of us. Where did you exemplify earthly wealth, by far and large, in your life or ministry? Because I saw you ask of rich princes to sacrifice all they had, sell it, give it to the poor— and then come follow you into your ways and teachings of discipleship: and this man had said he had adhered to every other precedent and command you asked in scripture. But this man turned from you— for the ability to have much comfort (and suffer not) in this world; and that choice took him from you, not to you.
We have people who do focus on the outer court realm of wealth— the temporal, and temporary: instead of the sacrifice you exemplified (whereas you did not even have a home to lay your head, and you relied upon the Father to feed you, clothe you, and care for all your needs): and you taught your disciples the same, as they took care for the most humble of needs— and gave, gave, gave everything away unto the needy— including their hearts, time, and services.
I see much covetousness in earthly affairs that has seduced, infiltrated, and conquered your people: and the prophetic voices that exemplify this. And what frightens me is that they will get their reward, and I do not wish that upon any man. For the Spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus… the testimony [G3142: evidences reported and shown] of Jesus…. THE TESTIMONY— THE WITNESSING OF JESUS AND HIS LIFE EVIDENCED: and what all that prophetic nonsense is— is not of Jesus, but of man— and carnal man at that, posing in the house of God as sheep: God help us. We have need to KNOW our Lord Jesus Christ and his ways— or we will fall hook, line, and sinker into the carnal man’s pit of his own belly (where satan dwells).
Your people listen to prophetic voices and they misjudge what ‘truth’ is. Truth— is Jesus: transient temporal (truths) facts come and go— Jesus is eternal. Satan touches the spirit realm and brings things in via corrupt man, as much as the godly man touching the Spirit of God in the spirit realm— brings forth truth: but truth— is a person, a way, and a conduct: facts can change, circumstances change, God does not: Jesus Christ is perpetually the unchanging, he is absolute truth.
This is the definition of facts in the dictionary: a thing that is known or proved as truth; and this is the root definition of the origin of facts: late 15th century: from Latin factum, neuter past participle of facere ‘do’. The original sense was ‘an act’, later ‘a crime’, surviving in the phrase before (or after) the fact. The earliest of the current senses (‘truth, reality’) dates from the late 16th century.
Reality in this realm— is transient and temporal; and depending upon your relationship with the way, the truth, and life of Jesus— will determine what you see as ‘facts,’ here: hence— signs, miracles, and wonder, or even— LYING— signs, miracles, and wonders:
2 Thessalonians 2:9-10
“Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.”
Actions— produce facts: but absolute truth (which is Jesus) cannot be changed, it exists absolutely, which means— always true, regardless of time, place, or circumstances; absolute truth is different from relative truth —which is subjective, conditional, and can change over time: he is the only truth that never changes (he is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and changes not: Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8, Hebrews 7:24).
True prophets of God will not be just moving in words of knowledge, giftings, or signs, miracles, and doing wonders— predicting future events: they will be demonstrating the Spirit of prophecy in addition to all of that, and dare I say— at the preeminence of all of that: the witness of Christ Jesus unto the world— the Messiah, bringing in the gospel, and works meet of repentance, and furthering the Kingdom of God in the earth, unto wayward man— for the salvation of man, and the coupling with his holy and righteous God once again: in the truth.
If a prophet is not preaching, and teaching, and speaking of Jesus Christ, and who he is, and of his righteousness, holiness, and truth that is to be partnered with; then you can have a person who is tapping into the spirit realm, touching the space time continuum of things to come— where other spirits can dwell with their agenda’s to bring forth; and be seeing facts of actions come forth, in relative or transient truth (momentary), but not of the absolute truth, the eternal truth, nor of the witness of Christ: and I am afraid the household of God has made idols out of people with predictions and giftings— instead of truly worshiping God; because the man of God (prophetic voice) is heralding the truth, to cause them to seek repentance— for the Kingdom of God is right in front of them, and searching their hearts with his eyes.
Have we studied the scriptures and life of Jesus to show ourselves approved: Jesus predicted, and he told of words of knowledge to people— of things only a prophet could know: but it always, always, ALWAYS— turned the people TOWARD the Father: any true prophet ‘of God’ —will be moving by the Spirit of prophecy himself, right? Well— the Spirit of prophecy can be identified in an individual— if the individual is bringing forth from the spirit realm things of eternal, unchanging, unending, perpetual truth (in addition to words of knowledge or miracles and healings); which is— the witness of Christ Jesus, his life, his gospel, his way, his absolute— and unchanging, unending— truth.
There are impostors in the realm of prophecy— he told us so, multiple times over in all his warnings about false prophets: they are not those who get predictions askew: they are those who have turned their face from Absolute Truth (that’s satan’s way), who have turned their affections to another— who will bring forth what they desire of their own bellies and ways: who exalt idolatry in their hearts, and the gods who assist them in this.
Do not base your discernment of a prophet of God, who walks and is led of the Holy Spirit of God, upon whether he gets things accurately every time without fail (for we are all works in progress, but still called with gifts he will not repent of). Base it upon the plumbline of the scriptures and the absolute, perpetual, unending truth being testified of— who will be brought forth by the Spirit of prophecy himself— in them: Jesus Christ.
Because— if a man is only seeking to ‘see some things,’ then a man will be deceived by his sight in this world (5 senses, carnal senses). A carnal man is easily deceived by his 5 senses, and is snowed over in the tree of knowledge (the bringing forth of facts in transient and temporal truth): what a true man of God is to be well versed in, prophetically speaking— is Jesus himself: the way, the truth, and the life of Jesus.
We have a need to study the Son of man more closely— because impostors, with smooth words— have led silly (foolish) ones astray: as they appeal to the flesh.
Jesus is not coming to build upon man’s (governing) governments— but to tear them all down: it is not a building built by the hands of man: God’s government is not of this world, as he is not; and those who will govern with him— will not come from, in, or be affiliated with the governments of this world.
We have dipped so far into the worldly ways, and been seduced to buy into life here— that we seek to establish worldly government here, to plant roots here for the house of God— in worldly systems and structures: we have changed from seeking for God’s Kingdom and government to come, and we have sought to improve Saul’s: and even to have a David— just not the Spirit of the Lord to rule over us.
The nations will come to the glory of ‘his’ rising, Jesus Christ— in and with his people, yes: but they will not be working worldly government jobs, born in systems already established: they will be working priestly jobs, they will be working the altar with the Lord himself, they will be moving as heaven moves— where all exalt Jesus, turn to Jesus, and hail that King: a monarchy; not an earthly king, and definitely not one who appoints himself to be one. The Lord told us again and again— worldly kingdoms will be destroyed, all of Babylon’s constructs: and in the end— there will be One King standing, over all, and in and with all of his: King Jesus, and no other: ONE MOUNTAIN— his.
He will not share his glory with another: and I fear God’s house has fallen right in with the realm of the secular: they look the same, go after the same, and build the same: Lord God help your house, clean your house, reprove your house, and resurrect your TRUE government in your people’s hearts, FIRST, then the earth.
For we have need to know and exalt King Jesus in the earth: for he is the only true King, and all other lesser kings will be found in him, under him, and doing his bidding in the earth: or they will fall.
I fear the tribulation will be great for the ‘professing’ house of God: and they are not ready for what will drop them to their knees, and weaken their hearts, when their idolatry is revealed to them: when kings are revealed to be Sauls and not Davids: Saul was deceived by, and led by, his own heart and perceptions, lusts, and unto his own exaltation and benefit in this ‘world.’
If we desire an earthly king, since Jesus— it will always be a Saul we get: for we were already given the heavenly one— but refused him once: our Father will not let his house go backwards from Christ: he will take us into a great shaking to separate us from our idols: and I see this coming on the horizon.
Sidenote concluded
Man is a talker— when the man’s mouth only exalts the Lord Jesus Christ, and no longer talks about the created man— this man will have been humbled before, and toward, the face of the Almighty. Everything is a test: the Lord will tell you what he will do with his mature sons, what they will look like, what they will do, where they will go, what they will come up against: but he is not expecting man will go and gloat, brag, talk about and boast of these things in the earth: for we are the meek who know exactly who deserves recognition— and it is not man— but God.
We will be tested when God tells us all he will do with his sons, or you, personally— as to whether you will go and speak about all the special things that concern you… OR…. if your heart, mind, emotions, will, and affections will remain speaking of the only one who deserves to be spoken of: JESUS CHRIST, the LAMB and SAVIOR OF CREATION.
Do we not recognize, yet, that we are exalting ourselves? Let me help us, once again…. If you are speaking of man, in any wise, manifest sons, man child creation, the disciples, apostles, or preachers, or ministers— YOU ARE LIFTING UP MAN —not ‘the man,’ Christ Jesus— the one true God. And do you know why you ought to really address this with Jesus, right now, if you are speaking about the priesthood, the manifest sons, the man child more than you solely speak of the Lord God himself?
Because many who think they are mature and will be manifesting with him soon when he comes to lift up his first fruits (because they know the knowledge, and have had conversations with him) —will not be.
He has told me time and again:
Word from the Lord
“Janet, information, revelation itself, does not qualify a man to have me fully indwell his vessel, given over to me to fill my full stature of Christ into. It is not knowledge that qualifies this man— in fact— knowledge puffs up.
It is through much testing in the character of Jesus, the fruit of Jesus, the sacrifice of Jesus, the sufferings of Jesus, the exaltation of Jesus, the life of the truth lived, the casting down of the self— until it is not regarded any longer— and Jesus is all that is left; that will determine which vessel is a finished vessel, meet for the full indwelling and manifestation of Christ Jesus to fill: That vessel is thereby emptied out and fit for use.
Until then— their is more purging to go, more reformation to come through, more humility to be learned, more pride to be killed, (by the individual), more understanding to come into— that I am not here to exalt man: I am here to exalt ‘the man,’ the Messiah— in the earth. Too many are here for glory, Janet; and I do not mean giving all glory to me— for me to shine upon them, in them, and unto them: but glory that they can have upon themselves (this is what Lucifer did).
Many are those who will not go first in the first fruits wave— but later. Janet, many who have been with me a long time, in religion, will be last, not first— for there is still too much about themselves going on within (and they cannot discern their own soul involvement apart from the Spirit): so let each man understand that I am sifting and sorting even sheep amongst and out from sheep.
I know what my vessel looks like, sounds like, and operates like— with, and unto, me.
I know what my empty vessel is; and it echoes, as all empty vessels do. It echoes the name upon its lips— ‘Christ Jesus, the Messiah, the good news, the One True God.’ So listen; listen for the echo of the maturing sons— for they do honor me with their lips, ‘and’ their hearts: and they give all glory to my person, and hate even the spot of the flesh— that will speak of itself.”
Word from the Lord
YOU— gave yourself for us all, taking upon you the filth of sin and offense against God, and suffering and pain, penalty, and being marred in your visage for our sakes: we are to lay down our lives now (souls, tongues that exalt ourselves, and all self-focused endeavors and desires) to return requited love to you (listening, and obeying your voice and leadership, exalting you, focusing on you, and making everything all about you: for this is what you have already done toward us).
YOU— took capital punishment for our sakes, went to hell for us, and redeemed— weak, frail, sinful man —because you simply loved us: a love so grand I do not think human minds can conceive the depths of in this realm.
YOU— gave evidence that ‘you are the man,’ the one man, the perfect man, the holy man, the righteous man, the man who appeased the Father’s requirements to reconcile his set apart ones unto himself.
Who YOU will decide to fully indwell, fully stand up in, fully couple with in a stature of fullness that mankind and creation has yet to ever see— will be because you have been given a vessel that made herself ready with you, by you, and for you: a clean vessel, clean of the soulishness and flesh mind and inclination, clean of the created being leading itself, clean of the created being focusing on itself— cleaned out, and prepared— emptied— and ready with ALL THE ROOM THE GLORIOUS KING WILL NEED— to stand up in such a small clay pot.
For the difference between this new vessel, this new relationship standard you are bringing forth— compared to the old vessel that has walked the earth since your first coming; is the difference between night and day: One given over to God— in union with his Spirit in all ways, bowing down to Jesus, doing the work of sanctification, consecration, and dedication to the full death of the soul’s leadership, exaltation, and preeminence— to the standard that Jesus has placed upon humanity of his ‘full stature.’ And another— who will not do, nor come into all of that— as it requires a full on, resolute, desire, sacrifice, and work— in union with your Spirit, way, and truth— to accomplish your workmanship in an earthen vessel— in this world of choice.
It’s never been seen before— and it will require a vessel that has been put through the fire of God in testing and tempering, more than any other refined vessel in the history of mankind, altogether: this vessel will be a standard no one has ever seen— outside of Christ himself in his own flesh suit: and he has been honing these vessels for a very long time, and upon their hearts and lips are only exhortations of Jesus Christ; to whom they point all men unto— and declare his mighty workings— through their vessels.
These are they who herald— “REPENT (turn to God and change around toward him and his truth) FOR THE KING, AND THE KINGDOM OF GOD, ARE NEAR TO YOU— EVEN NOW!!”
These are a unique bunch of sons of God, for they are the greatest exalters of Jesus Christ on earth— and seek for his name to carry on in grand display amongst men in the earth: so that many more will be born unto him, and follow after him: it’s always been about ‘him.’ And soon— we will know whom he has been forming under great pressure for a long while; whom he has hidden away, for such a time as this: because he desires a people to come forth with him, who are emptied clay pots for his use in the earth.
Because what the whole of creation needs is
a revelation of Jesus Christ, the one true God:
not the created being.
What an honor to become cleaned out for God’s use.
What an honor to die— so that he can live in us now.
What an honor to relinquish our souls over to his use, to yoke with him, in an earthen vessel.
What an honor to listen to his voice within, and go with him, where’er he goes: we are to be with him now wherever he is, yes?
What an honor to have him live inside of our minds, hearts, souls, emotions, wills, works, actions and lives.
What an honor to give him his dream— a completely overturned, renovated, reformed, perfected and whole— man: where two can now be one in Spirit— no more two minds, two ways, two conducts, two characters— like same in the soul of man, led of one Spirit: that is a man the world has never seen; and one I long to see come forth into the earth; and on his mission.
I hope I get to see this in full action, Lord Jesus. And whomever they are— what an honor they have to escort you to the whole creation, by just getting out of the way, and letting you have your way within their vessel.
I long to hear more from you from human beings— right out of their mouths— than I have ever seen revealed thus far: more of you from their hands, feet, and hearts, more of you from their actions, character, and speeches, sermons, teachings, posting, videos, and declarations.
Because, Jesus— it ought not be so that we come away from something one of your church members brings forth— that leaves us longing to pull away and be alone with you to commune once again; because all we encountered was the soul of man, speaking of man, or pointing to man, or desiring for things man desires.
There is a tragedy in my life that I have seen; a tragedy in the church I have seen. And it is the recognition and revealing that your church has become man’s church, and not God’s church: they are set apart— unto themselves, where it’s all about man: what they can get, walk in, reveal, teach, have as a mantle, new name, new stone, new song, manifestations, giftings, wealth, comforts (heaven forbid they have to suffer, real suffering in the flesh): if church stopped talking about man altogether— and only spoke of Jesus, the gospel, and doing the gospel— living the truth, being conformed to it, and walking it out unto others in ministering to the oppressed, lost, demonically afflicted, raising up disciples in the way, the truth, and toward the life of Jesus: we would have already had your one new man body come forth in the earth.
But instead— we are still so modernly indulged, and comfortable, and self focused, never suffering in the ways the first of the church even suffered— and does not think it ought to; that I know what is coming, and why. Tribulation to humble a haughty, self indulgent, self focused church is coming.
It isn’t the world that will bring upon us what is coming— it is the people who call themselves by your name, who trample the truth in the streets— why we will see what we see coming in.
Many believe we are going to the restoration of all things right now, and to make things great again: but you have shown me that all that glitters is not gold; and all that caters to comforts in the world— is not from your Kingdom; but it is of this empire, the world empire: and you are given to those who do not associate themselves to the worldly construct, but who live from another realm, entirely— whilst in this one.
Your ambassadors have been given over to the furthering of the gospel in the world— and yet, in the end— it will all be melted down to its base structure: we must come out from her— and all her politics— and we must be given to the Kingdom, and exalting the King Jesus in the earth; in order to bring in his time period in, where he will reign upon the earth: not given to saving the current paradigm, but bringing in yours: these— are two opposing kingdoms, and structures: we do not get yours— by salvaging satan’s political kingdoms of the world.
We exalt the King, and we bring him forth in the earth, we serve Jesus Christ, Sir; and you will come ‘against’ the kingdoms of this world, in your people, during the most horrific and dark times of all of history: it is literally— the opposite of making this nation(s), or world— great again, through worldly kingdom politics and reigns: we have one King, and hail from a Kingdom not of this earth.
And we will be operating separate from any earthly government structures: and we will give glory and honor only to Jesus Christ— the rightful King.
Why is this so hard for your people to grasp: Jesus exemplified this already: he came, ministered, preached, taught, discipled, saved, and raised up a remnant in the earth— whilst the majority of humanity kept on keeping on with the same old, same old; and persecuted, mocked, and made to suffer— the people of God: this will come again, as judgment comes to those who are ‘not in the way,’ nor ‘serving the truth,’ nor ‘under, and in, the life of Jesus.’
No hypocrisy will stand in the rise of the manifestation of Christ in the earth during the darkest hour: your people, Lord, will be called forth to stand firmly in the face of profound evil, demonic evil, right in their very faces and situations; and yet— partner with God holy, and bring forth the way, the truth, and the life of Jesus— for, and unto, the perfect witness in gross darkness.
It is not fun and games, easy peasy— we will all be tested thoroughly, before, and during these grossly dark times— where satan will set himself against your bride; and your bride will be tried in fire— for you were, Jesus: and the servant is not above his master (Matthew 10:24).
Where did we begin to think that those who ‘follow Jesus’ will skate out on fiery trials, where they love not their own lives even unto the death?? This is the way of Jesus Christ, and we are following in his way (path): his path will take us to the same destination, through the same trials and wilderness, and deserts, and mountains, seas and storms.
There are a people you have been raising up in the wilderness— being tried and sifted of satan (carnal inclinations and spirits of); in the desert— going hungry, naked, and alone with you— against all odds— requiring water from a rock and sustenance from ravens.
There are a people who do not know the luxuries of wealth (in any facet, but your person), or who have entirely given it up (in numerous ways) to serve your Kingdom— who feed the poor and needy— clothe them, and give them drink.
There are a people who you are reforming inside who have been stripped of earthly gains, who have gained heavenly and eternal ones: character, fruit of the Spirit (tested and tried), work ethic, exploits of faith, suffering for the purposes of God, sacrificing all others and things as led of God— or removed by God; who have no anchors in this world any longer— who are anchored in Christ Jesus, alone— even when they have spouses and children, they have all been given over to Jesus, and are not placed above him.
Your people have forgotten what it is to be an ambassador of— Christ Jesus,
The Lord, and your Kingdom— in the earth.
Ambassador— a diplomat sent as an official representative of another kingdom, government, nation; a person who acts as a representative or promoter of a specified activity; root definition— late Middle English: from French ambassadeur, from Italian ambasciator, based on Latin ambactus ‘servant’.
If the servant doesn’t even point to his master, nor lets all know who sent them, and on whose behalf they come and execute their orders… Then, Sir… are they even servants who serve you in the earth (vessel), or represent their master (headship), or represent in the earth the Kingdom of God— where everyone glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ, as proper ambassadors of heaven in earth, who not only walk in, but who have been ‘tempered in,’ the way, the truth, and the Life of Jesus Christ?
Who exactly is their master? For that is the way of satan (self exaltation of the created) —the spirit of the world— not the Spirit of Christ Jesus.
I look forward to moving forward, Sir: and whomever your people are that you will debut your fullness through, in whom you will stand erect in, in whom has emptied themselves of themselves— and been given over to you as a wife does unto a husband; I am excited for you to finally be getting your perfect vessel, where man has come back to you, and bowed to you, and silences his soul, and subjugates it to your person, to your dignity, to your still small voice that will not compete against man’s arrogance— but who will wait until man humbles himself to hear and heed.
I am excited that soon, relatively soon, you will unify a people, under humility, and under righteousness and truth— in Jesus Christ— who will work all for one (you), and as one for all (unified, not competing or disagreeing in discord with one another); where the maturity of Christ will be brought forth in the earth, in a corporate vessel. And finally— the world will see Christ again, in flesh, in these emptied vessels: because what we do not need— is more men showing up; we need Jesus Christ, and no one other than, or less than, Jesus Christ: and that— is what an ambassador is: he who rolls out the red carpet for Christ Jesus to come forth.
Oh, how I long to even hear the lips of a people who will say those words, mean them, and watch you come forth: “Oh Lord Jesus, Father, and Holy Spirit— help me get out of the way, and usher you forward; have your way in this situation, time, and place; let me be one with you and your purposes in the earth— of my soul, heart, mind, emotions, actions, words, and inclination; may I be your servant in the earth, of your truth, your way, your life— and right now— unto Jesus Christ: come, let the King of Glory come to his temple, fill it, and reveal himself, today.”
Oh, how I long to hear those words from a corporate vessel, and less from the vessel, about the vessel: for the vessel is only as good as what it is holding— and what an honorable vessel of God’s holds— is Christ Jesus; who is the most precious cargo of all: better we bring that news to the world, on a regular basis— for it is what it needs: the new man, the one man— the man Christ Jesus.
Let your vessels give you honor, Sir: and create a cleaned out heart in us: for we have need of a Messiah in the earth, and the King to rule his people who will subjugate themselves unto him.
Malachi 3:3
“And he shall sit as a Refiner and Purifier (names, titles of God) of silver (high places substances, in the unseen); and he shall purify the sons of Levi (priesthood of Melchizedek, now), and purge them as gold (inner high places, refined, like a person would take gold through a process, and silver through dross removal— impurity removal) —that they may offer to the LORD an offering in righteousness.”
1 Corinthians 5:7-8
“Purge out therefore the old leaven [G2219: fermented (compromised)], that you may be a new lump [G5445: mass of dough (or clay)], as you are unleavened [G106: uncorrupted]. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep the feast [celebration festival], not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.”
Hebrews 9:14
“How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?”
Word from the Lord
(note the underlined words of his “I” statements:
for they are declarations of promise and truth)
“Janet, it is true that there are chambers and places within a man’s heart where he must be brought into the truth— and I am here to do such a work. And it is also true that there are places and chambers within a man’s heart where he must be brought into my love (which is a part of the truth). And a man cannot come into my love or truth without me taking them into it: I am the Spirit of all truth— who brings a man into the truth.
I have things that I have yet to fulfill in my children’s lives— where they will be yet brought into the truth in all aspects: and given time, and place— I will— dear.
Part of the truth of Jesus, who demonstrates the love of the Father, and is brought to you through our holy Spirit— is that he will come to every man who diligently seeks him, with all of their heart: and child— just because your heart betrays you in its thoughts and intents: do not despair— I have overcome the fickle heart as well: and I will still bring you ‘into’ my love— which is one aspect of my truth. And I will bring my love, in full, into you.
Man has not dreamed of, nor conceived what God has in the goodness of his heart, plans, and power— to bring my children into: and yet— I will do it all the same.
I stand in a place within my person, Janet, where I am poised (positioned and readied) to bring my people into an awareness of God that mankind has never seen. Do you understand what this means? Of course you do not… for how could you…. It’s never been seen or known: and yet— this should peak your interest to see it and know it, yes?
I shall do it, dear: I have purposed it, written it, and been given fully to it to complete the work I started; and why wouldn’t I? Does a man even set out to not finish what he starts? Of course he does not— he intends to finish what he starts— or why would he even begin? For he would never bring to fruition, nor gather the results of his work unto himself in work accomplished, with the benefit thereof.
I am a man of my word and a man of action to my word and work: if I start it— I finish it, and I told you so: I am the beginning (alpha), and I am the ending or finishing (omega): and I am faithful and true, and my word always accomplishes (a finished product of) what it starts.
I will not leave you undone: not in your body, not in your soul— heart, mind, emotions— and not in the substance of your faith that has been entrusted to me: you have entrusted your soul to me, and I will not let you down in my workmanship of working all things together for your good.
Abide in my truth— because I have reward for you there. You have given me your whole heart— in all its intricacies —and it/you are highly valued and received: I will correct you, I will chasten and scourge you as I whip you into shape; but dear, I will love you too. I will come for you, I will introduce myself to you and make my abode with you.
Did Abraham receive less from me?
Did Moses receive less from me?
Did David receive less from me?
Did Enoch, Elijah, Paul (on the Damascus road, even), Peter on the mount of transfiguration— or in his rebellion and ignorance, or any time, or child of mine— receive less of me?
The answer is no, dear; and you ought to trust in me for the same.
I aim to reveal myself to my children, and yet— are— especially those who have given me their all: with great sacrifice comes great reward, dear. And with great suffering comes great restoration. With great loss— comes great fulfillment and recovery. And with great hope— comes great opportunity to do what only God can do.
I build my people up in me, Janet; and it begins in faith— the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen (Hebrews 11:1, and many wonder what 111 can mean when they see it dear; this is one of those things): But dear— John received a revealing look into the Son of man, the Lamb, the King, and the Bridegroom: do you believe I would offer you less (little John)? for Janet is the female version of John in definition of the names– but I mean that— literally, and spiritually.
You lay your head on my breast, and I am not remiss to recognize this— as you lay your headship to my heart: my ways, my truth, and my person.
I have much to reveal to my household— and in the stronger portion of this word/work/post that you have brought forth to me in our time alone together; I must also do what I must do toward and with an unruly household: it is what it must be; for even in my correction— does my love and truth come forward. And we do have many who are deceived and deceiving others; but not all know what they are doing— so I will always work mercifully, and graciously: but when they will not relent or repent: I must bring in a stronger correction: but even this— is my great love for my people.
I desire that all would know my heart, my truth, and my person— intimately: you have given yourself to this in this lifetime; and as I have asked this of my children, and they remain in my truth— working within their hearts to uplift it and my person there: I will make myself known to this man (in time): it is what I promised.
Isaiah 55:6
Seek your Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near.
Jeremiah 29:13
And you shall seek me— and find me— when you shall search for me with all your heart.
Deuteronomy 4:29
But if from thence you shall seek the Lord your God– you shall find him— if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Matthew 7:7-8
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asks— receives; and he that seeks— finds; and to him that knocks— it shall be opened.
Proverbs 8:17
I love them— that love me; and those that seek me early [H7836: early and diligently seeks] —shall find me.
Psalm 119:2
Blessed are they that keep his (my) testimonies, and who seek him (me) with the whole heart.
If I did not intend to show myself to the man who seeks me with his whole heart, keeps my witness and testimonies (things I’ve already walked out amongst men)...
If I did not intend to be found (like hide, or hidden, to seek out, where kings search out a matter)... if I did not intend to reveal myself to my creation (man).... Why would I say such?
I fully intend to fulfill my word— I am not a man who lies, no darkness of that sort is in me: I simply give my word and it returns to me fulfilled (given time and space to do so).
Sweetheart, (and all my children), I am faithful and true: believe me, and wait upon me: for I do not make ashamed those who trust in me, and wait upon me: I am faithful and true to my word, my ways, and my promises: and if I have said it in scripture, and to you, I will fulfill it (given time and space to do so).
So— relinquish all to me, time and space, included. And trust in me to finish what ‘I’ started: it is my creation— and I intend to reform it: allow me to at my leisure, and according to my purposes. I see your pain and suffering. I see your afflictions and warfare. I know your hearts and minds, and weakness and frailties: and yet— I am ever the one with my hand upon your clay, reforming you back into my image and likeness— even through all of the pressures applied.
It is a production (creation that I produced) that I started— and I never leave unfinished a thing I start: as all good men endeavor to do: I am he who completes a good work: I am the Finisher, as well as the Author or one who Begins.
All I ask of you is that you keep my truth within, and aim to defend it when it is threatened— like a child you would protect from a bully: because satan comes to kill that child workmanship I am laboring at to bring forth: don’t let him— fight against him, and help me save the child.
James 4:8
Draw nigh to God, and he (I) will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands— you sinners; and purify your hearts— you double minded.
If you will do your reasonable service in knowing me— knowing the absolute truth— and will uphold the absolute truth, and the way, with all your strength— search for me with all your heart, and with all your mind, and with all your strength (the truth, I am the truth and way)... then I will do my reasonable service— and finish what I started— and in your lifetime, at that.
I can be trusted, Janet; and I demonstrate this in every generation. You have not seen, nor has any other eye seen the things I have in store for them who love me: But I aim to show you and reveal myself to you: especially to those who chose the better part, where the reward they desire is, well… simply, me.
Philippians 3:8
Yea doubtless— and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things— and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.
Colossians 3:23-24
And whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for you serve the Lord Christ.
Psalm 16:5
The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup: you maintain my lot.
Ephesians 1:10-12
That in the dispensation of the fulness of times— he might gather together in one— all things in Christ: both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him: In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things after the counsel of his own will: That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.
Deuteronomy 4:20
But the Lord has taken you, and brought you forth— out of the iron furnace, even out of Egypt— to be unto him a people of inheritance: as you are this day.
1 Corinthians 2:9
“And as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear has heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man —the things which God has prepared —for those who love Him.”
I am coming, Janet— and with me is my reward (me): your inheritance, who will abide with you forever. And you shall be where I am, and serve me, and attend to me: abiding a priest forever— in the Order of Melchizedek, under me— the High Priest of your confession: and all men shall come to the brightness of your rising (as with all my children who entertain me, host me, revere me— and my truth— in your hearts, souls, minds, wills, words, and actions— of your sound whole— as you give me preeminence): those who marry me in every way, within— in the unseen.
And those who will marry me in the unseen, and allow me to reform them into my image once again— I will desire to reveal to my creation; that I may reveal the unseen God in seen ways, to a world who needs to see to believe.
I have prepared a place for you— and if I have done so— I will come and receive you unto myself within the Father’s house (and government, for some): and wherever the Lamb shall go— there you will be, with me: and as one. And we will reveal me to the world— who will yet need to see the witness of Christ to believe: but believe they shall— where the true witness of Christ comes forth: in my vessels of honor that I am honing with my own hand; those who are given over to me in full to do so.
I have a purpose to it all, dear: so do not lean upon your own understanding— it is better for the both us this way: and I will come to you and reveal myself, shortly: for you have been faithful and true— to he who is faithful and true; and a righteous reward, comes for a righteous man.
Triumph is the Lord’s, Janet; and I am triumphing for you all: otherwise— what am I triumphing for? I have no competition— I am high above all principalities and powers: I am already the Almighty.
So all triumphing in Christ Jesus— is triumphing for you.
I have no other reason to partake in such activities. It was never to best satan— he was a defeated foe from the beginning— toward me. I have done, and continue to do what I do— for you all: so that you will have one to partner with, subject yourselves under (for your protection and provision), to defeat satan in YOUR LIVES: it’s always been about saving you all, and walking out victory in Christ Jesus unto you all. It was never for me. Victory does not exist alone for me— for what do I have need of victory over a created being such as satan for? Or what and why do I need victory over a created construct such as death and estrangement for?
I cannot be separated from myselft —but you can.
Everything I have done, and everything I continue to do is for YOU to gain victory with, and in, me: for I have already accomplished victory ‘for’ you over satan: walk with me in that victory. Trust me. Give yourselves over to the absolute truth in me. And in this— you will couple with victory itself/himself, which is me.
So dear— align yourself with my truth, my person, and believe in me: because if you will overcome the temptation to doubt me, right now, in your current circumstances (of death) —then you will be able to be glorified with me, in me, and because of me— when the current circumstances change, in Christ Jesus— as the promises come in (in resurrection life).
My mind is made up, my work is before me— please join me there, child; because your heart will not sway mine; your mind will not stop my will and pleasure: so do us both a good favor— and walk in what I say, live in what I live in, within my heart, plans, and agenda. Because it is the will of God to save, to heal, to justify, to reform, to restore, and to recover: believe.
And understand that a righteous man receives a just reward, dear. And I am a righteous man— and you are in me. So, believe that you will receive the righteous man’s reward; for you live not in the flesh— but in the Spirit, in the New Man of Christ Jesus; and I always finish what I begin: my word is true. It will always accomplish what I set it out to accomplish: and I told you— I have hopeful plans set in motion for your future (I saw to it from the beginning— I set your ending): live and abide with me, THERE, dear: for that is a place satan will never venture— let alone gain victory.
I am victory itself— outside of me there is no real victory over every foe, darkness, or adversity (adversary); for you must know, by now, dear— that what you call adversity— is your adversary in this life: that in which is set against you, my love, person, truth— and your peace, identity, and relationship with me, yes?
Walk with me (abide with me, live with me), in the place satan does not dwell or abide: in the New Man of Christ Jesus— where your true identity, true love, true hope, true promise, and true future lives: for living in me, in the absolute truth, and walking in the Spirit of God— you are a righteous man walking in both realms: for Jesus is ‘the’ righteous man— and I will cause you to wear my mantle (robe) well, and help you keep it clean and ironed out.
I move with a swiftness— when my work is completed in an area of man. I am poised to fulfill my word and work in a swift fashion— but only when the workmanship has been accomplished, will we move forward into the promises— or end result. Every circumstance experienced must accomplish a work; and every trial of adversity will test you in your understanding of the absolute truth, and your resolve to believe it/me, join to it/me, and your dedication to fight to uphold it/me inside, and abide in it.
Your trials and tribulations in this world will always display to you what you believe, and live, inside— as you face circumstances that alone, you can not gain victory over. I am asking you to believe in me, the absolute truth— unchanging, not relative— but established, firm, and perpetual truth.
I am teaching, painstakingly slowly, methodically, and well detailed out in all these trials— for I have a people who are in need of knowing their God, in absolute truth, in order to be saved, themselves, from the adversity/adversary that attempts to point them, over and over again— toward ‘circumstantial experiences’ in this realm, instead of to the unchanging absolute truth (me).
Assist me in this workmanship within your own soul, first; and then join me in the corporate work of the Father’s business to enlighten the rest of the people; and give them an opportunity to come through the same trials of adversity/adversary: for child— the test has always been to believe in me, NO MATTER WHAT THE ADVERSITY SPEAKS TO YOU OR SHOWS YOU TO FOCUS UPON, or attempts to seduce and woo you into believing about me, and about your own person, or your good future I have planned for you— for us.
Walk with me in the absolute truth— and satan cannot go there. Abide with me in the absolute truth of God— join me there— and satan will have no place in you. Stay with me in the fire of refinement and reformation— and I will complete a workmanship in your soul. It is not yours to fulfill, but mine: however— I do ask of you to join me in the truth; it’s the only way to gain the victory in Christ Jesus— that has already been prepared for you to come into: and child— I mean in this realm, not just heaven alone.
So, prepare to receive the righteous man’s reward and portion: which is the revelation of Jesus Christ in your flesh: for if you are dead by way of the cross, and buried with me; you will resurrect into new life, as well, and resume your proper image, in the earth, with evidences of— as I, too— exemplified: for all sons come through the Life and Way of the Son of man (Jesus Christ): and this is accomplished by walking in the Spirit of Truth, and abiding and remaining there— in the absolute truth of God.
Matthew 10:41
He that receives a righteous man (me) —in the name of a righteous man (my name, for I am he who is righteous and true) — (this man) shall receive a righteous man's reward (mine, as I received from our Father).
And all that he has given to me— I show it unto you: I told you so).
John 3:35
The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into his hand.
John 16:15
All things that the Father has— are mine: therefore I said, that he shall take of mine, and shall show it unto you.
I am coming— and with me— is your reward.”
—Jesus Christ, the Author
AND the Finisher of your Faith
In Summation of what I have learned
Do we desire for all to be delivered into the truth— the full discerning recognition ‘and’ acknowledgment of the truth, made whole in, with, and under, and by— Jesus Christ? Do we understand that we are ambassadors who are of the Kingdom of Jehovah, and delegates officially commissioned of Christ Jesus to bring forth the gospel with power— and being sent forth into the earth to do so? Do we understand we are on a mission with him in this realm— the moment we say yes to him in becoming a disciple under him, studying him to show ourselves approved, and sent forth to raise up more in the ‘way,’ the ‘truth,’ and what it is to do eternal ‘life’ in Christ Jesus— making disciples of the nations?
Have we diverted so far from the face of Jesus being exalted that we have placed all emphasis upon the face of man— from he who will save all, redeem all, and heal all? The man Christ Jesus is the only true man, the perfect man; and all others will be ‘in him,’ as his body in the earth— giving all glory and preeminence to him (the head). The vessel God is developing does not point to his own face (head) at all— he has forgotten he has one. He sees the glory of God on a daily basis— and unlike Lucifer— he has no regard toward even looking upon his own self with adoration.
Are we speaking more of the created man being— or the uncreated and self-existent eternal one, that fulfilled prophecy and God’s requirements to redeem all of creation with his sinless and sacrificial life? Because only one of those men typified as the vessel of honor— is due glory, honor, and adoration of men: Jesus Christ. This world, this universe, all of creation does not need more ‘man’ in the mix, it needs more Jesus— the One New Man.
The priestly, prophetic, apostolic vessel Jesus is bringing forth in his mature ones— will be those who are born of the same cloth as the Lord Jesus himself— for he wears it in them: those who have died the death, and understand the soul must die the death— until all that is left, is Christ Jesus: this soul is ready to preach the unadulterated truth where-er he go: until then— man will be mixing in soulish man-centered affections and focus into that in which is the gospel: and this is an abomination: it isn’t about the manifest sons, or even the priesthood; it’s about the Priest, and the Lamb, and the King, and the Bridegroom. His bride ought to know this by now, and she ought to exalt her husband on her lips, and from her heart: for the mature bride of Christ extols her husband at all times, and points everyone toward him.
To think he is not testing us on this understanding, in our maturity, is foolishness: he sees, examines, discerns and judges all of his— with scrutiny: best we understand what the secret agendas are inside our hearts, that point to anything other than Christ Jesus: the way, truth, and the only eternal life source there is (all will be found in ‘him,’ not us: he is the one to be referenced at all times).
DO WE SERVE JESUS CHRIST— IN THE EARTH? Or do we serve (cater to) another?
The vase, or vessel, never boasts of itself— only that in which it holds of life and beauty: the vessel of honor our Lord is honing by his own hand— is completely given over to him in their hearts, minds, words, and actions— as he pushes, and cuts away, and remolds their inner man into his likeness and image once again: and lest we forget— he came to honor and emphasis the God of all creation; and so will his mature vessels: the mature in the full stature of Christ Jesus, will move as he moved in his earth life— and they will display the beauty of the one true God— by turning everything, and everyone to his face (not their own).
What are our hearts— minds/thoughts, desires, and inclinations— really set after to receive? Are we set upon, with affections, the outer court (temporal/temporary) things we can attain: wealth, bodily health, gifts, attention, affection from others, power, influence, authority, position, glory? Or is our heart, sincerely, and genuinely— seeking after one thing, and one thing (person) only, Jesus Christ (the eternal treasure, not temporal) —and for him to be exalted and introduced to the world? Because we will be tested and tried in all these things— as satan tempted Jesus to give him all the kingdoms and power and authority; if only he would exalt and bow to him (the carnal way of taking what one desires from, and of, his own corrupt heart, in benefits that this world and spirit has to offer a man): but Jesus had no attachments or lusts of flesh in him; he desired the Father more than anything else, to be exemplified and extolled in the earth.
And the mature sons will be found walking the same path(ways) as Jesus— following him, and under his leadership and discipleship. Coveting of earthly things, temporal things, is not the way of the Kingdom; in absolute truth— our Kingdom is not from this realm of the material creation— but is from the true realm of the spirit: and man will be tested on which realm he is leaning into: the temporal, or the eternal— and where and what treasures are being stored up within their hearts.
We must be operating in the Absolute Truth of Jesus Christ, and the Kingdom of God; for if we are not— we will be swayed and led astray by many things in this realm of lusts and options; even by relative truth, instead of absolute truth (unchanging truth).
Actions— produce facts: but absolute truth (which is Jesus) cannot be changed, it exists absolutely, which means— always true, regardless of time, place, or circumstances; absolute truth is different from relative truth —which is subjective, conditional, and can change over time: he is the only truth that never changes (he is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and changes not: Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8, Hebrews 7:24). And again— it is why Jesus is to be revered in man’s heart— above all others; and the chiefest of these others revered more than him and his headship, is the being— himself (our souls).
True prophets of God will not be just moving in words of knowledge, giftings, or signs, miracles, and doing wonders— predicting future events: they will be demonstrating the Spirit of prophecy in addition to all of that, and dare I say— at the preeminence of all of that: the witness of Christ Jesus unto the world— the Messiah, bringing in the gospel, and works meet of repentance, and furthering the Kingdom of God in the earth, unto wayward man— for the salvation of man, and the coupling with his holy and righteous God once again: in the truth: we have lost sight of what true prophecy is in the house of God. And the Spirit of prophecy can be identified in an individual— if the individual is bringing forth from the spirit realm things of eternal, unchanging, unending, perpetual truth (in addition to words of knowledge or miracles and healings); which is— the witness of Christ Jesus, his life, his gospel, his way, his absolute— and unchanging, unending— truth.
Because— if a man is only seeking to ‘see some things,’ then a man will be deceived by his sight in this world (5 senses, carnal senses). A carnal man is easily deceived by his 5 senses in the physical realm, and is snowed over in the tree of knowledge (the bringing forth of facts in transient and temporal truth): what a true man of God is to be well versed in— prophetically speaking— is Jesus himself: the way, the truth, and the life of Jesus.
We have a need to study the Son of man more closely— because impostors, with smooth words— have led silly (foolish) ones astray: as they appeal to the flesh.
The church has dipped so far into the worldly ways (Babylonian culture and kingdom), and been seduced to buy into life here because it appeals to the fleshly desire— that we seek to establish worldly government here, to plant roots here for the house of God— in worldly systems and structures: we have changed from seeking for God’s Kingdom and government to come, and we have sought to improve Saul’s reign (because our flesh likes what he’s bringing to the table). We have even desired to have a David once again (or the appearance of one), even when we were already given One who will ever sit on the throne of David for evermore: Jesus Christ, whose Kingdom is ‘not of this world,’ but of the spiritual realm. We have chosen to have just about any other ‘seemingly good’ (angel of light) to sit over us— just as long as it is not the Spirit of the Lord to rule over us, in whom we rely upon and follow in this world.
The Kingdom people of God are not searching for wealth here— they have all they need in Jesus. The Kingdom of God people are not seeking to make anything established upon the worldly governments and kingdoms— great in the earth: they are seeking to extoll Jesus in the earth, and the way back to the Father in union— and how to live with him, and the truth— the absolute truth of Jesus Christ/the word of God, and to point them to what and who eternal living/life really is: again— Jesus Christ.
The people of God have much misunderstood in the construction of God’s government coming to earth: we will rule— in spiritual concepts with him.
We will move in authority above— to decimate darkness— principalities and powers of.
We will carry him and his glory to people all over the world— that they shall meet him and be set free— by the unseen Kingdom realm of God.
We will bring holiness (righteous separation) back to the people, and lead them in it— exemplifying it to the people of the world, causing more to be born into the family of God by demonstration of the gospel in action.
We will bring back a love for the one and only King, above all other ruling powers and principalities: Jesus Christ.
We will demonstrate a laid down life to the Way, Truth, and Life— himself— to all others; and they will see the goodness of God demonstrated in the earth.
We will teach and raise up more in the ways of God, the truth, and person of Jesus Christ— as we have learned of him, intimately, personally, and deeply— to bring him forth, in person, through us: in words of knowledge, healing, deliverance, rescue, recovery, and by the presence of God himself, as we are one and in union with his Spirit, and under him in authority, as our headship.
Our government— and rule of— does not hail from man’s construction (worldly ways, government ways); it hails from the spirit realm— that will bend this realm to the will of God in all matters: that is the government we serve in this earth; and that is the government of his mature, in the full stature of Christ, that he will be bringing into this earth. Temporal things (what we can attain in this realm, to our benefit in the physical) will come, too; but it will be by moving in the Spirit— not by man’s hand, but by God’s.
Jesus is not desiring for humanity to improve on what exists in this world and its ways: Jesus is coming to offer something ENTIRELY DIFFERENT; something that comes from an other-worldly place, where man will be intrigued to come to know the living God, once again.
We have become all too carnal. And the house of God needs full cleansing— and he is bringing it; and we will know it— when what was thought to be light in this world, turns out to be revealed as dark light masquerading as holy and true light: the nations will come to his arising upon his people, who will come to his light— and HIS mountain, or government.
I fear the tribulation will be great for the ‘professing’ house of God. They are not ready for what will drop them to their knees, and weaken their hearts, when their idolatry is revealed to them: when kings are revealed to be Sauls and not Davids: Saul was deceived by, and led by, his own heart and perceptions, lusts, and unto his own exaltation and benefit in this ‘world.’ If we desire an earthly king, since Jesus— it will always be a Saul we get: for we were already given the heavenly one— but refused him once: our Father will not let his house go backwards from Christ: he will take us into a great shaking to separate us from our idols: and I see this coming on the horizon.
Many who think they are mature and will be manifesting with him soon when he comes to lift up his first fruits (because they know the knowledge, and have had conversations with him) —will not be: because the truth has not been coupled with and consummated; or the tempering of the human soul has not been undertaken all the way to the death of the carnal nature; or because the heart’s desires— were impure, or idolatrous, and not for the furthering of Jesus Christ, his gospel, and his headship and exaltation in the earth; but instead— was after ‘other lusts/gods,’ born and conceived in the unregenerate heart.
We will be taken through a processing plant of the Lord (reformation and refinement); and if we will not couple with him in his workmanship, or if we will exalt another (namely, our created selves) —we will not be promoted into mature sonship in the earth: for it was not attained in the image and likeness of Christ Jesus— in his way and truth, and how to live unto the Father and serve him inside— in the Spirit: earthly manifestation of Christ in us, as mature sons, will come to be because we bowed to him in the Spirit, and extolled him there, whilst simultaneously checking ourselves, and complying with his reformation and refinement process, whole-heartedly: giving all to Christ.
There are no shortcuts in the Kingdom of God, nor found in Jesus Christ: the narrow and strait path is the only way up the mountain of God. He knows what he is after, what his vessel looks like, sounds like, and operates like— with, and unto, him. His vessel is an empty vessel that echoes— as all empty vessels do. It echoes the name upon its lips— ‘Christ Jesus, the Messiah, the good news, the One True God.’ So listen for the maturing sons— they honor him with their lips, ‘and’ their hearts: and they give all glory to his person; and they hate even the spot of the flesh— that will speak of itself.
There are a unique bunch of sons of God who are the greatest exalters of Jesus Christ on earth— and seek for his name to carry on in grand display amongst men in the earth: so that many more will be born unto him, and follow after him: it’s always been about ‘him.’ And soon— we will know whom he has been forming under great pressure for a long while; whom he has hidden away, for such a time as this: because he desires a people to come forth with him, who are emptied clay pots for his use in the earth: people of the new wine and skin: the person of Jesus Christ, in the flesh of these people (skin), locked in as one in spirit— and given the soul to rule from (sound whole, bodily) —with the intimacy of the union that Jesus had with the Father and Creator of us, through his blood (the wine). And they are honored to be cleaned out for his use— so that now he may live in their souls (sound whole), yoking with him, listening, heeding, and going with him where’er he leads them— inside their hearts, minds, souls, emotions, wills, works/actions, and lives: giving him his dream made manifest: mature sons in whom are one with him, overturned, renovated, reformed, perfected and whole— IN THE EARTH. And that is a man-vessel the world has never seen; and one I long to see come forth into the earth; and on his mission.
What an honor they will have— to escort him to the whole of creation, rolling out the red carpet for the King of kings, Lord of lords— the Creator and Redeemer of all his creation: these are the honorable vessels— for they do honor him in all his glory (dignity and honor).
We will be moving out of man’s church— a construction of his own hand; and we will be resurrecting God’s church, or called out ones— who actually exalt him in the earth, and the absolute truth: it will be a great overhaul, a great overturning of tables in the hearts of men, and in the constructs of their own hands, or kingdoms— that have been erected in the earth, under their own government: we will have one head over us all— or we will be pruned as branches, for no insubordination and glory stealing, nor leading his sheep astray will be tolerated in the Kingdom of God.
The house of God has forgotten what it is to be an ambassador of— Christ Jesus,
The Lord, and HIS Kingdom— in the earth. He will have his vessel— though through much holy fire. He will have his apostolic government again: he is the Master builder, himself. Where we will hear the lips of a people who will say God’s words, mean them, and watch him come forth:
“Oh Lord Jesus, Father, and Holy Spirit— help us get out of the way, and usher you forward; have your way in every situation, time, and place; let us be one with you and your purposes in the earth— inside our soul, heart, mind, emotions, actions, words, and inclination; may we be your servant in the earth— of your truth, your way, your life— and right now unto Jesus Christ: come, let the King of Glory come to his temple, fill it, and reveal himself.”
Oh, how I long to hear those words from a corporate vessel— and less from the vessel, about the vessel: for the vessel is only as good as what it is holding— and what an honorable vessel of God’s holds— is Christ Jesus; who is the most precious cargo of all: better we bring that news to the world, on a regular basis— for it is what it needs: the new man, the one man— the man Christ Jesus.
Let your vessels give you honor, Sir: and create a cleaned out heart in us: for we have need of a Messiah in the earth— and the King to rule his people— who will subjugate themselves unto him.
Malachi 3:3
“And he shall sit as a Refiner and Purifier of silver (high places substances, in the unseen); and he shall purify the sons of Levi (priesthood of Melchizedek, now), and purge them as gold (inner high places, refined, like a person would take gold through a process, and silver through dross removal— impurity removal) —that they may offer to the LORD an offering in righteousness.”
1 Corinthians 5:7-8
“Purge out therefore the old leaven [fermented (compromise)], that you (we) may be a new lump [mass of dough (or clay)], as you (we) are unleavened [uncorrupted (changed)]. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep the feast [celebration], not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.”
Hebrews 9:14
“How much more shall the blood of Christ— who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God— purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?”
