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I am not the man I was: abiding in the Absolute Truth (part 1 of 2)

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Conversations and Enlightenment with The Absolute Truth: Jesus Christ: 

during my fast of persons and ministry— unto only him:

Part 1

2/22/25 - 2/25/25

[Video link to this post:]


*When Jesus’ other disciples said it was a hard saying: to eat of his flesh, and drink of his blood, to have life in them (he in them).

John 6:62-69

“What and if you shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before?  It is the spirit that quickens; the flesh [G4561: human nature/carnal mind] profits [G5623: to be useful —that is— to benefit: advantage, better, prevails in] nothing: the words [G4887: utterances —by implication— the matters or topics (especially of narration command or dispute): sayings] that I speak unto you— they are spirit [G4151: (which is) the vital principle mental disposition of the divine God— Christ’s Spirit— the Holy spirit: ghost life spirit (-ual -ually) mind] —and they are life.  But there are some of you that do not believe [G4100: (or) have faith in, trusting and committing their spiritual well being to Christ].

For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him.  And he said— Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it was given [G1325: (or) granted] unto him —of my Father.  

From that time many of his disciples went back [G3694: (or) backward], and walked no more [G4043: (or) lived with as a companion, tread around] —with him (no more).

Then said Jesus unto the twelve— Will you [G2309: determine as an option— in impulse, consider, choose, prefer, wish, be inclined, delight in, or intend], also go away [G5217: (or) lead oneself to as well withdraw, retire, sink out of sight, get thee hence, or depart]?  

Then Simon Peter answered him— Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.  And we believe, and are sure, that you are that Christ— the Son of the living God.”


Where would I go?  To whom would I go?  For you are the perpetual author of the living life; by the breath of the vital principle mental disposition of the divine God— Christ’s Spirit— the Holy Spirit of God, the ghost life, the spiritual life, that which is, and who is the spiritual mind of God. 

The human nature/carnal mind profits nothing— and all others are of the human mind: only one is the New Man, the Man Christ Jesus— in whom all other children of God are found, grafted into him, from which they get their bread and wine: his body and blood (meat and life): and in intimacy union with he and his Spirit (truth and spirit).  

And of Christ Jesus are the only utterances, or matters or topics of narration, command or dispute— his sayings— that bring and sustain life itself: no other breathes the life of the Divine into any created man or creature itself— but he: and I understand how much the world needs him to be breathing, living, abiding, speaking, and acting out of his vessels.  

Lord, let it be so through belief, through having faith in, trusting and committing my spiritual well being to Christ, believing he is— that I be granted of the Father— union with the Son of man, the Messiah, the Bridegroom, Savior, and High Priest of my confession— forevermore.  

Let me not turn back— for we are not of those who turn backward, away from you; for union with you is the only reward worth seeking, even, and especially, in the flesh— for it profits nothing: the flesh is useful or benefits, and prevails in nothing.  Let me be granted— it is the only true, deep, and profound desire of my spirit (in league with yours) that I long to perpetually tread around with you— as your companion, as you lead me in all your paths, in all your ways, and in your truth— forevermore.

God willing, Lord help me to determine to serve your will always, to bow to it, to hear it, and to heed what its command is in my life (obedience); for this is the will of this man— to know yours, and to obey yours: as I determine as an option, to impulse, to consider, to choose, prefer, wish, be inclined, intend, and delight in— turning mine over to you, to be conquered by the will of God, willingly; to be in union with you in all ways, actions, thoughts, and word (through the will surrendered): my soul given to you.

I do not desire to be anywhere you are not, dear Lamb of God, Shepherd of my soul, Savior of my heart and life.  I do not desire to lead myself, nor withdraw from you, retire, sink back out of your sight, or get hence from you:  where and to whom would I venture?  There is no life but to live with and unto Christ.  What other life now exists when a man has tasted and seen the goodness of God— in the land of the living?  Not what goodness God can do— what goodness God IS.

The words of eternal life— the utterances, matters and topics of perpetual quickened existence: we live because you speak: every word YOU SAY quickens my mortal flesh to live another day, hour, minute, second, and moment: you are life itself— and to be without you is to die the death (which even you experienced at the death of the cross, where you were separated by sin— from the perfect union with the Father— for our penalty of what we deserved).

I desire to exist perpetually with you forevermore:  I desire to know the living God, and be tied to the Son of man, the Christ, the Savior of my eternal life: who gave himself then, and now; who took upon him the separation from God, for my sake; that I can now be joined to him forevermore, as one: two together again, where we once were twain, separated by the carnal nature, made one again in Christ Jesus.


Philippians 1:20-26

“According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed [G153: (or undergo) disfigurement, disgrace— (or) feel shame for myself], but that with all boldness, as always, so now also —Christ shall be magnified in my body— whether it be by (or unto) life, or by (or unto the) death.

For, to me, to live [G2198: (or to) be lively, be quickened] is Christ, and to die is gain.  But if I live in the flesh (dirtsuit) —this is the fruit of my labor: yet what I shall choose [G138: (or) prefer for oneself/myself] I wot not [G1107: (or, I) do not— make known, declare, understand, do, certify].  

For I am in a strait between two (things) — (on one hand) having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ— which is far better:  Nevertheless (G1161: but, moreover (more importantly)] to abide in the flesh (dirtsuit) is more needful [G316: (or) necessary] for you.

And having this confidence [G3982: being persuaded and convinced of this] —I know that I shall abide [G3306: (or) be given place, and expectancy, continue, dwell, endure, be present, remain, stand, tarry] and continue— with you all —for your furtherance [G4297: (or) progress and advancement: profit] and joy [G6479: (or) cheerfulness and gladness] of faith [G4102: (or) persuasion of moral conviction, credence, reliance upon Christ Jesus and the truth itself— truthfulness, assurance of belief, with fidelity]; that your rejoicing [G2745: (or) boasting and glorying] may be more abundant in Jesus [H3091: Jehovah-save(s)d] Christ [G5547: the anointed Messiah] for me— by my coming [G3952: (or my) being near, in physical aspect] to you again.”


Lord, according to my hope, anchored in yours— as you’ve been telling me that you are hoping for two (meaning, where my hope is weak) —let me remember your faithfulness, like Paul; let me be not ashamed or disfigured and disgraced, feeling shame for myself— in anything, in any situation— including the flesh I abide in currently: for in Christ, I am whole and joined to wholeness, for you are whole; in Christ there is no shame— indeed you despised the shame.

Hebrews 12:1-4

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside [G659: cast off] every weight [G3591: (or) burden and hindrance], and the sin which does so easily beset us [G2139: (or) thwart us as a competitor], and let us run with patience [G5281: (or) endurance] the race [G73: (or) effort, conflict, fight] that is set before [G4295: (or) presented] us, looking unto Jesus the author [G747: the chief leader, captain, and prince] and finisher [G5051: completer or consummator] of our faith [G4102: (or, our) persuasion of moral conviction, credence, reliance upon Christ Jesus and the truth itself— truthfulness, assurance of belief, with fidelity]; who for the joy [G6479: (or) cheerfulness and gladness] that was set before him endured [G5278: stayed under, remained, and underwent, beared up with fortitude and persevered, tarried, and suffered] the cross— despising [G2706: (or) disesteeming] the shame [G152: (or) disgrace], and is set down at the right hand of the throne [G2362: stately seat, power, and potentate] of God [G2316; the supreme divine deity magistrate].  Consider him who endured [G5278: stayed under, remained, and underwent, beared up with fortitude and persevered, tarried, and suffered] such contradiction [G485: (or) disobedience] of sinners against [G1519: (or) into] himself— lest you be wearied and faint— in your minds [G5590: (or, your) soul mind and heart].  You have not yet resisted [G478: (or) withstood] unto [G3360: (or) ‘til] blood— striving [G464: (or) struggling] against sin [G266: (or) offense (in godliness)].”

I, too, am compassed of a great cloud of witnesses, who witness my life in flesh, as well; help me cast off every burden that has been a hindrance toward me in this life; as well as the sin that thwarts me like a competitor in this race— or conflict, efforts, and fight set before me in the realm of the physical.  I have a need of patience, Lord, as you define it: endurance in all these afflictions of the flesh that wars against my soul and spirit.  Let me look to your face, Jesus— for when we look elsewhere we sink.  You authored my life— you gave me life, and you set me forth being the prince, captain, and headship leader of the chiefest over my life: not only here in the physical realm— but the perpetual realm beyond the temporal.  Our relationship has only begun— let it be forevermore in your mercies, dear Lord: for you are the holy one who stands alone, separated from all others in your righteousness (being holy): oh that I desire to know you more deeply as the moments of eternity already pass.

You started me, you will finish me: you are he who completes a workmanship, and in me: you are he who consummates— you complete, accomplish, and make perfect our faith, or our— moral conviction, and reliance upon you— the truth itself:  your truthfulness, the assurance of my belief in YOU— and with fidelity, or loyalty to believing in you.  This is YOUR work— let me yield to your Holy Spirit, let me obey the still small voice in me, let me lean into what you say— that you are aware of all I suffer and endure, and you are with me, and you are pleased, and also— coming through with your own workmanship; and you will, indeed, finish what you began (me): and you endured the cross (and all its shame and disfigurement) for me.  And it was cheerfulness and gladness that was in your heart as you did so.  I may never understand the depths of that kind of love: but I understand what you are saying to me: “Stay with me, I am here, and I understand your heart, and I suffer as you suffer, bodily, and in soul; and I too will finish what I started in you; and just like Calvary’s cup passed— and I finished that race; you will finish yours too.”

You stayed the course, you remained under the mission of the cross— you underwent all it required of you (for me, and all), and you beared up with fortitude, and persevered, tarried through it all, and suffered it all; Lord help me do the same with my cross.  Forgive me of my sin when I doubt or waver, even help me disesteem (cast it down in my heart) the shame, disfigurement, or disgrace for all I endure in this realm, in the physical: for this what you did; and I need your help to do the same, as a son of God, unto the Father, as well.

You are now seated with our Father in heaven, and upon a throne of stately power, as the Monarch above all others, as potentate supreme— the Divine Magistrate Deity Supreme: God: the one and only true God.

I do consider you who did all that, who beckons me to do the same— and endure my cross, all the way to the death— whatever you bring my life to, as/like the Son Jesus Christ— Father.  Help me yield to your Spirit where your person leads me: let me not be a contradiction of, and disobedient toward you, your way, and your truth (Jesus): for I need your help to not be wearied and faint in my mind (soul and heart); for you are God, you are supreme, you are faithful, and powerful, and true —you do not lie, and are not half-hearted: you say what you mean, and mean what you say: and what you say accomplishes all it sets out to: you promised us that in your faithfulness and fidelity to your word.  It always accomplishes— never goes out (is spoken) and comes back void, empty, or worthless: it finishes, and it completes.

I have not withstood ‘til blood— but you have; and since you have— I can depend upon you to help me endure, as well, in all I am called to bear up under, or struggle with.

Help me, Sir— with boldness, to always magnify Christ in my body, in life or in death; for as well, to me, to live— or to be quickened at all, in my mind, heart, emotions, or body— is Jesus himself: he is what life is.  

He is what a man should be.  

He is what all men look up to, in truth.

So— to live and abide in my flesh with him— is life as it ought to be (no matter the circumstances; I am alive to Christ, and in Christ Jesus): but, I do believe— to die (or exit this realm altogether, as it is) —is gain: for I gain Christ with no boundaries, no limitations, I am together with him and experience him with no adversary or opponent toward him— in me or at me; no tempter, no counter to his person, only union with him in perfect completion forevermore: and this— I, and every child of God— longs for until the day of its arrival and completion.

Help me to see your will, first, sir: for your will is to be known in man, in the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ walking and abiding, and ruling and reigning in a corporate body— in the one new man of Christ Jesus’ corporate body: the body of the Father’s sons, whom he desires to take possession of, and be in union with, and display to the universe through— of the dream of the Father: a vessel to dwell within in his fullness and glory: a yielded vessel, a reformed vessel, a vessel given in heart, mind, soul, and strength— to bow to the King of Glory, and let him come in, and make his habitation among men.  

Lord Jesus— help me remember and give way to your heart’s desire, and trust you to finish your work:  because it is your desire, your heart’s dream; and you are given to it, and you will complete it: and that includes me.

You give to me of your strength, Jesus, as we live together in here as one.  I have need of you more and more by the day.  I see and know, more and more by the day— my utter dependence upon you; and even in this— I see the brilliance of your plan, and person:  The more I yield to your voice, truth, and person— the more you are able to abide ‘with’ me, and uphold me— in my deepest of trials and struggles in this body, soul, and realm.  You are the only gift there is, and the only reward one ought ever search out and pursue: help me lay the bodily aside, and cast off the physical, in my mind and heart— and take hold of the spiritual, the relationship of, and with, your heart and mind: for they are all that matter in and of all things, now— and in the end.  

Thank you, Father— for showing me the high value in Christ, alone: and that I can know him now, and I have been given him, now: for I love him very deeply, and I value him in all the ways that a man desires to be valued:  I ‘see him’ for who he is, and what he is— and I only desire to be like him, and near him, and to know him, and join to him.

I don’t choose— I give you all leadership in my life: you tell me what the will of God is— and I will do it: choice made; just let me hear— please God— let me hear you clearly, and I will obey (so help me God, literally).  Because, like Paul, Sir— I am between a Rock and hard place (here), to be with God, fully, and not here bodily— is far better; but likewise, and more importantly— to abide in the flesh body dirtsuit, is more needful and necessary for you— and yours— in the earth: for the furthering of the gospel of you, and for the furthering of the Kingdom of God in the earth: for the progress and advancement and profit of the church— and your bride.

Stay close to me, I will not make it any other way here— to continue and endure— lest I keep my faith in you, my reliance upon you and the truth; because you are faithful and true, and you always fulfill your word/promises: help me remain faithful and loyal to you, in fidelity in our relationship, spiritually, in my dirtsuit life, Lord.

And let me boast in you, and your workmanship, and your accomplishments in my life: for the flesh dirtsuit is unprofitable— but the Spirit of God is everything, and a Victor above all: a King of kings, and a Lord of lords— is he: the Word of God, in whom I love.  Let the glory of God be made known in a people who desire to boast of you— for this is the definition of ‘to rejoice’ in Jesus Christ: where Jehovah saved (it’s already done, may it ‘take’ within a people, a remnant of mankind) —for the anointed Messiah has come, and is near to us all, in Spirit, unto our mortal (temporary) lives:  so, lift up your heads— oh, ye gates and everlasting doors— for the King of Glory to come in: because this is his dream, where a man will crucify his flesh, give way to his Spirit, truth, way, and person— and rejoin him, within, where the Kingdom reign of God begins, abides, and fulfills all— in Christ Jesus.

And there is no shame in that: only divine possibilities to this kind of man: the kind of man who is given to Christ, as a bride: where she will bow to him, exalt him, honor him, and couple with him as he abides over her as her husband and leader, who has given himself for her: she ought give herself back to him, the lesser, weaker vessel— to which his person gives the greater honor to.

He is the most magnificent gift there is: may my life here in the flesh body, always be in remembrance of that— in that heaven is already with me, in me, and unto me— as Christ is: now— may the Kingdom of God be yielded to, within, where the King reigns; and may I be reminded that I am his— and he can do with me as he pleases; for I am made for his pleasure, and I am given to him; I seek not my own— but for his name, person, word, truth, and life— to be remembered, looked to, and served: I am his.


The more we speak to each other over this time given to only you, I have come to realize that unless I ‘join’ you in all things— I will remain ‘separated’ from you.  

If my mind continues to live within the construct of separation (me here— as an individual, you there— as the collective with all— here, there, separate), I will continue to beg of you to come, visit, abide, join me in all things: and the truth is— we are already joined; it was your work on the Cross that already brought me into you, and you into me where we said yes to each other (and all who are in you— come with).

If I were to continue to see myself as ‘without,’ then I will never see myself in the true reality, the absolute reality and realm of God; for I will continue in the individual, the divided-out reality of the carnal nature; where we are separate, and not joined in union.

I see the difference between the both of us— but difference does not mean separation; it means difference.  I am not the Creator, I am the created.  I am not the headship, you are the headship: but if I continue in the separation (or distance), I will not walk in the union: and this is the ultimate deception.

I see satan’s goal….

I see the carnal nature’s goal of keeping mankind in a —separated from God stance— within their vessels: for if we see ourselves here, and you there… or if we hold to a paradigm of ‘unaccepted’ in the love and person of God… or if we hold to a construct that details us as an individual worthy or unworthy of a certain existence, or with God… Then we'll hold to a lesser construct of the human intelligence.

If we hold to a belief construct that our lives should, or ought to, go a certain way whilst here… Then we are still holding to an individual human existence, and not living within the collective experience of the body of Christ: we all have experiences here, in this realm, in our lives.  But when we remember the commonalities between all of our experiences and lives (and especially how Christ lived and suffered); we will then come back to living in union with one another.  

It is only when we view our lives as ‘worse or better than’ the guy or gal next to us, that we rate, and judge, and determine within our carnal (or separated minds) that we are separate, and unalike: but we are more alike than we all are different.

Different is not alike: and we are all alike in Christ, and in the human experience.

Separate means the opposite of unified; and we are all to be unified in the corporate human experience, in Christ Jesus.

When I remember that you had all of this to overcome, as well, when you were tempted with all things common to man; I remember that I too must not judge my life existence in an individual kind of way in this realm; but that I must come back to the common experience, and choose within this common experience (where we suffer, and we rejoice, where we experience pain, and we experience pleasures) to embrace my brothers and sisters in their journeys here; where we are tempted to believe that we are not joined to God and every other person in our lives in this realm.

When I remember that everyone is fighting against the carnal nature (mind/thoughts, determinations, reasonings, and judgments [a paradigm of belief and behavior/nature]) where we see ourselves as separate, different (in the sense of not in like or common with others) in our experiences in this realm, less than or greater than, saddled with more or saddled with less; I will continue to be the headship who is separate (or removed from God, others, and the perspective of God based in the absolute truth; and thereby base it in relative truth): and all because I am reasoning for my ‘self,’ and not looking into God for how to think, reason, discern, and believe— based in your perspective and absolute truth: otherwise— I will determine the truth through my experience, and I will exalt this relative truth, instead of the absolute and unchanging truth— that is you (and you collectively with all other children of God).

We all suffer.  

We all rejoice (at some point).  

We all endure.  

We all wish and desire that things would be different.  

We all aspire to something or someone. 

We all lean in, and we all lean out, at times.  

We all fail, and we all succeed, at times.  

We all see ourselves in good light, and dark light at times in this realm.  

We all reason, judge, and believe in this realm— with and without God at times. 

We all reckon ourselves as apart, at times, and together and unified at times.  

We all need a Father.  

We all need a Savior.  

We all need recalibration inside, and reformation to our interior inner man.  

We all need unity (and if we do not think so, we are still caught in the separation paradigm).  

We all experience humiliation.

We all endure to the end, and then, we are all saved.

We all need to overcome the temptation to think apart from God (and others), and fight the carnal paradigm:  I must remember this; and if I will bring this into remembrance— perhaps, just perhaps— I too will overcome the dragon like you did in the wilderness (world) —by walking with your Father and his Holy Spirit, Jesus; and being led of his mind, awares, and the absolute truth (which is God): in the testimony of Jesus (together), and the blood sacrifice of that union— of the Lamb.

If I remain in the carnal mind (the mind led of self determinations and judgments), I will believe that I am accepted or rejected based upon my ‘individual’ (or divided and separate) experience in this realm: and I will do things like be angry at you, disappointed in you, beg of you to change things for ‘me;’ instead of realizing this is the ‘collective’ experience of man AND his God in this body, soul, and life here in this realm.  It is the place where God is expressing himself ‘with me’ in this life I have been given; where I am a vessel to be filled with the Spirit of God, where we are to ‘join each other’ within, and walk forward ‘unified,’ now, not separate: that is the old paradigm, the old man— and I am in the new man Christ Jesus now.  And I cannot be in, and with, Christ Jesus— and separate from him at the same time.

I will either begin to understand we are ‘in this together’ (Jesus Christ and I, as well as all other of God’s children) in this experience in this realm.  Or… I will remain in the false identity constructed by the fallen carnal nature that states that God and I are not joined within (nor me to any other child of his in this realm, in a common experience).  And if I do that— I have not begun to live in the Spirit, in unity; I have remained living carnally minded, and in the paradigm of behavioral living called: the flesh nature; that is separate, removed, estranged— from God and others.

Our whole goal here is to come back together, right, Jesus?  It is to come back into unity with God and brethren: it is why we carry one another’s burden: you carrying ours, and we carrying yours in the earth toward others: because in truth— absolute truth— there is no separation between us; and one brother’s burden, ‘is’ my burden, collectively, as family, unified, in the same body as Christ Jesus.

The pain and suffering that I hate so much— is actually a launching pad for me to be tested in an area, spiritually; an area that if I did not have this opportunity of suffering pain and despair in my physical existence and experience— I otherwise would not have the opportunity to become victorious in Christ, through this experience; where Christ desires I would see the unity of belief in the Absolute Truth.  

I would not be able to determine in my being whether I actually choose to join Christ Jesus in the truth of his love, where he values and cherishes me, and all others— even when my life does not have the ‘experiences’ that I would desire.  And that is a huge test of my belief of God, within my person and life.  

Experiences are not the absolute truth— 

Jesus is, God is— 

the eternal self-existent Jehovah is.

Do I believe that God loves me— if my life is extraordinarily difficult?  

Do I believe that God is good— if I suffer horrendously in this life experience?  

Do I believe God is loving if he allows me to experience great turmoil, suffering, pain, torment, and devastation?  

Do I believe that God loves me, and means well to me— if I am asked to endure suffering and pain in this world?  

Do I believe that I, in turn, should love God back properly, even when I must endure what I desire not to— and do I?  

Do I believe and judge God, and determine who he is— based upon an individual (separated) identity, of the carnal paradigm, that states that— ‘if God’ did this and thus— then he is true to his person and love toward me?  

Do I believe God just is good, 

despite my own personal experience in this realm?

Because he is: and without being tested in this— I would never know if I am judging God from a carnal mind (where it hates God, actually, and opposes him); or if I am seeing him clearly through the mind of Christ (the only spiritual mind we can see clearly through).  

I would never be able to be tested as to whether I believe God is ‘just good,’ nothing else, lest I was tempted to believe otherwise, through adverse life experiences— that would challenge the Absolute Truth— when circumstances are not desirable, as a child of God.

The carnal mind that is set at enmity from God in his true person— will judge God, and judge ourselves from a skewed perspective; because it is opposite of God, it hates God, and it is the challenger of God.  So— if I am never up against the enemy of my soul (the carnal mind and paradigm), then I can never be an overcomer of this nature and adversary of my soul; I could never see what I truly believe about God or my own identity:  whether I believe God is just good— no matter what experience I endure whilst here; and whether I believe I am only what this realm displays to me, and of me (in personal expression, body, image, etc— born in fallenness).

I am more than this body displays; I am different than this body displays in this realm— like a disguise; as you were as well, Jesus: for they did not recognize you when you came up resurrected from the grave, in a body and likeness that was vastly different from the disguise you walked out on display within this realm— prior to— your resurrection: it was the revealing of your true identity in God that walked out of the tomb:  and I know that we will be known as you are known— in time, or due season.

Until that time, Lord— I ask of you, and know you will, as I stand in your dreams with you—  empower me to see clearly in the absolute truth (which is you).  I ask and stand firmly rooted in your person, Jesus, that you will cleanse me from my person living and expressing the carnal nature in my heart— as we will cast it down together, as one, united.  

I believe you will burn away the dross until all that remains is the absolute truth— which is you, Christ Jesus; and with you only the truth of my identity will come forth and be coupled with in this realm, in my heart, and in my soul.  

I believe this is your dream— to separate us from what separates us— from you, and our true identities, united with you, and living from the same true and proper reality— even whilst here in this realm.  

I believe that you intend to eradicate from the lives of your children— any mindset, beliefs, paradigm of behaviors lived— that teaches us, that convinces us, and points out a perspective to us— that God is not good, and we are not joined to him; and to teach your children the absolute truth. 

I believe you are using all that is coming at us in this realm— to teach us just who you are: and if that is the absolute truth in Christ Jesus— then the children of God have much to look forward to, if they will join to the Truth within; and will release the lie that we are not received, loved (currently), and that God is not good, trustworthy, and powerful to save, redeem, reform, restore, and justify all things to himself.

I believe I’ve been hoodwinked to look at the circumstances— and not the person of God.  

I believe I have been hoodwinked to focus on the devastation in this realm— and not the person of God and his goodness.  

I believe I have been hoodwinked to believe that God desires only for me to suffer devastations (and believe that he is not moved with compassion toward our sufferings); and hoodwinked to not believe in the goodness of his person, his promises, and his ability and desire to save, restore, and recover all— because I ‘see’ what is happening in the physical circumstances.

Given time and space— do I believe the truth, no matter how long it takes God to walk out all he has in store for me— and that he will, and it is good?

And so, O God, create a clean heart in me… cleanse me from all unrighteous thoughts— based in carnality and lies. O Lord, let me not be deceived into believing that you are not good and loving toward me and others— just because we suffer pain and devastation in this realm; for we all suffer alike, and we all experience devastations in this life, and loss; and yet— you are good, you are loving, you are perfect in all your ways— regardless of this realm’s circumstance dealt toward us: and also speak of restoration of the ruins, and getting back what the thief stole, and the canker worm destroyed.  

We do have an adversary in the spirit realm who seeks to destroy us: and like all peoples and nations ever destroyed— the best way to take down a peopleis from within.  

Let us be mindful of the devices of satan and his wiles.  Let us remember that we are tempted in every thought, every day, to believe the lie, and to swim in it.  Let us remember that we have a choice, though, as well, in Jesus— to believe the absolute truth, no matter what the circumstances are displaying: for this world displays lies to us constantly: it is the construction of satan in this realm (his nature paradigm), within the power of the air (or spirits) here in this realm.  But we have the ability too, as well— though difficult— to crucify all of that mind, and walk in the Spirit with you: I pray we all choose that, everyday, instead: to be ‘joined to God,’ believing God and the absolute truth once again, and leave the old man nature paradigm behind.

Bring us into remembrance of you, Lord; help the mind of our souls to focus on God, and not an individual personal experience here in this realm; but instead— the corporate, or unified experience shared in this realm with God and all other brethren: for if we will do this— we can be saved from the orphan spirit that exists only inside the separation, not the unification of God and man.




G3523 – Fasting

Greek: νῆστις

Transliteration: nēstis

Pronunciation: nace'-tis

Definition: From the negative particle νη nē and G2068; not eating— that is —abstinent from food (religiously).

  • I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way.  Matthew 15:32

G3521 – Fasting

Greek: νηστεία

Transliteration: nēsteia

Pronunciation: nace-ti'-ah

Definition: From G3522; abstinence (from lack of) food, or voluntarily religious; specifically the fast of the Day of Atonement (fasting and repentance before Yom Kippur, and ending of the 10 days of awe).

  • This kind goeth not out, but by prayer and fasting:  Matthew 17:21

G777 – Fasting

Greek: ἄσιτος

Transliteration: asitos

Pronunciation: as'-ee-tos

Definition: From G1 (as a negative particle) and G4621; without taking food.

  • This is the fourteenth day you have tarried and continued fasting— having taken in nothing:  Acts 27:33

Joel 2:12-13

“Therefore, also, now, saith the Lord— Turn yourselves to me with all your heart [H3824: how you bethink of yourselves, in your mind and awares, and understanding] and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning:  And rend your heart, and not your garments— and turn [H7725: return again, lodge, make rejoicing, bring back home, call to mind again, consider, convert and be delivered again, draw back to, fetch home again, get oneself back to, requite, restore, reverse] unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful [H7349: compassionate], slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repents [H5162: avenges and eases] himself of the evil [H7451: immorality, bad, harm, hurt, mischief, misery, trouble, wickedness, wretchedness, and wrong].”


We are to not take in, not eat, but instead— abstain from food, religiously— that would separate us from God and the brethren, absolute truth, righteousness, and love of God.  Fasting is not just to not eat material food sustenance unto the flesh body— it is to not take in, eat, consume, food that will harm the person— the sound whole of the person: lies, unbelief/doubt, shame, pride, separation/estrangement— the food of idols/idolatry.

We are to abstain from this (indefinitely), not take it in, not chew upon it, ruminate and meditate upon it— but instead— abstain entirely from it: and when we find we have taken it in— purge our hearts of this food, and take in the body (of work/word) of Christ once again (the body of his work and person: the truth); and drink of his blood, the atonement (at-one-ment with God again, in the truth, and in his love, being set together, at peace again— and rest, within the truth and his love).

We have much need of a clean heart— and we have much need to eat of the truth and person of Jesus (for they are one in the same): lest we ‘faint in the way.’ (Matthew 15:32)

There is a way we are to walk with God holy and true— and it will be found upon the righteous paths of the truth, in all areas, and unified with him and the others, at that.  And when we venture off this path— wolves are waiting in the wings: we have much need to know the truth of Jesus and the word— for ourselves: and then— we have need to fight the good fight of faith— and uphold that truth within our hearts.  

This kind— the kind of unbelief, the kind of lack of confidence in the truth (and joining to the truth), this kind of wavering faith— does not go out but by abstaining oneself from the lies (and the power of the lies), not taking it in to begin with, or eating of it; but if one has— to purge it out of the heart through a deliberate coupling with the person— and life of Jesus Christ, in ‘his way,’ and in the ‘truth of his person;’ the written logos and rhema living Spirit of God who speaks to his children within, where the Kingdom exists, in the deepest recesses, and high places of man’s reasoning and regard.

Fasting ‘from something,’ or abstaining from something— draws one closer to its opposite: away from one, unto another: it is a trade off.

Psalm 42:11

“Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him— who is the health of my countenance— and my God.”

Soul— mind, will, emotions, regards within my heart— why are you focused upon the wrong things?  

Soul— why are you minding the wrong thoughts (food)?  

Soul— why have you fallen for the enemy's lies, and taken from his table of options— and forgotten your God?  

Soul— why are you bound in darkness— when the light is available for you to couple with (the truth)?  

Soul— where shall you find your rest— but in the reunion with your God, in his light, and in his truth?  

Soul— will you yet praise the Lord God holy and true— in the midst of the battle, as the enemy of you attempts to draw you away from your God, and the lover of you?  

Soul— will you repent, and turn ye again, and come back home to your Father, your Creator, your Partner, and your God— in the truth, and bring him into remembrance again?  

Soul— where does your loyalty lie?  

Soul— why are you disquieted, cast down— when you can hope in the God of all of creation, who loves you?  For he is the health of your countenance: you will not shine in countenance if you have forgotten (or forsaken) your God and his truth.

And Soulthe truth is available to you, and Jesus too— any moment you shall choose to instead exalt him within your high places of regard inside your deepest chambers of your heart: should you choose to have a clean heart toward your God, and truth— you shall be made free by both.

Oh Soul— do you see what you really need to fast from (abstain from), and draw nigh unto?  For one or the other will feed you in your deepest chambers:  draw nigh unto God, and he will draw nigh unto you: and his reward will come with him.

James 4:8

“Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded.”

Revelation 22:12-13

“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.  I am Alpha and Omega— the beginning and the end— the first and the last.”

Soul— turn yourself toward your God again, humble yourself, and have a change in your thinking, your mind and awares; be aware unto God now, come out from awares and thinking, eating, ruminating/meditating upon woe, darkness, calamity, and fearing all manner of things not of God.  Tear your heart out (rend it), cut it out (symbolically/spiritually/figuratively) —says scripture; and present it unto the Lord God holy and true, and come back home to him, in union with him, call him to mind again; and be delivered in and of a requited love, honoring, and union: let your relationship be restored, reversing the estrangement from him and the truth: for he is gracious and merciful/compassionate, and kind.  And he steps far from evil (avenges and eases himself from evil), and he does not cause harm, hurt, misery, trouble, or wrong: he brings love, light, truth, and compassion in all your afflictions.

Oh Soul— turn ye unto your God again, lift your heads O ye gates, and you everlasting doors: for the King of glory would like to ‘come into’ your heart, and purge you from all wickedness toward him, his love, and his truth: for he is righteous and true— and he is for you— not against you.

H2891 – Purge

Hebrew: טהר

Transliteration: ţâhêr

Pronunciation: taw-hare'

Definition: A primitive root; properly to be bright; that is by implication— to be pure (sound) unadulterated; Levitically (priestly) uncontaminated; morally innocent or holy (set apart and unto God and his truth): be made, make self,  pronounce clean— cleansed ({self}) {purge} purify ({-ier} self).

2 Chronicles 34:3

“...and he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the high places, and the groves, and the carved images, and molten images.”

You are on a mission, God— to present our souls, bodies, and spirits— blameless at your coming, Jesus.  And thus— we need purging: to be bright again in our hearts, pure (he who has clean hands and pure heart, psalm 24), unadulterated (not cheating on your truth, compromised, of two masters) —but uncontaminated with/by darkness (no compromise, or shadow of turning to it), morally innocent in the truth (living it with, and within you, for real, and it in us, and established firmly in it), holy— set apart unto the truth: being made clean, and ready, spotless and without wrinkle— at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ’s return.

All idols upheld within the elevation (high places) of man— must be purged from us, cast down, and destroyed: all darkness of lies, and affiliations and affections with.

What happens when the idols of wood and metal (gold and silver, molten) —become erected in the high places of a clay pot (you, your vessel made of clay)?

What happens when we erect carved (designed) images, cut out, and shaped, of idolatry— within our hearts, minds, emotions, wills, actions, and words (clay pots)?

You see— lies are a carved out construct that did not exist before creation, for in Jesus— is no lie: in God, lies are not a thing, only in this broken reality is good ‘and’ evil— a thing: only truth exists inside of God, where we come from, and in whose image and likeness we ourselves were designed after.

So— why do we partner with created things that do not exist inside real reality— in God? 

And why do we partner with created constructs— and not the uncreated truth, and person of God, who only exists in absolute truth beyond this realm— and its appeal to a belief system designed in an imaginary construct?  

Why do we delight in (love) a lie— a created construct that is opposite of God and truth?  

We have need to embrace the truth— no matter what life tosses our way to couple with, in satan and his way of living; and no matter how affectionate we are seduced to couple with a lie; because in coupling with lies (beliefs that are untrue) it makes us more powerful than God’s truth, for we live where he does not— in lies— by free will to do so, a design of our own hands; but we also reap a reward of death, estrangement from him.  

But he is life, and he abides in the light and truth: and we are to, also.

If we desire to really live— we will abide in the light, where the truth is, and where every lie is destroyed: for it is an imaginary (imagined, wicked imagining) construct— born of satan— and designed to draw us away from God and the truth: we need to properly fast or abstain from satan’s table— the flesh carnal mind, heart affections, and lusts— that desire to have, and spiritually walk in, power that overrides God’s truth; all because we are ‘unbelievers of his truth,’ somewhere within a heart that has its own thoughts with intents and purposes of its own.

Lord God— help our unbelief.

Matthew 9:24

“....“Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.”

Our hearts need purging, Lord; and when purged, and a clean heart is created within us once again, where we buy the truth and sell it not (Proverbs 23:23) —we will have souls that live by your truth, way, and walk in the life (true, and perpetual life).  And you will continue your work of purging us (to be uncontaminated by darkness, and morally innocent once again in the truth) —until all the high places of regard within man— are spotless and ironed out: where the groves— the places where unregenerate things frolic in secret, within the heart— with its thoughts and intents of its own— until it is cleansed by your truth, love, and person; where images carved in death (wood, the cross) are eradicated and purged from our hearts; and the things we uphold in high value— based in dark lies (gold and silver, high value imaginings, molten images in our minds) —are destroyed in the fires of your love and truth: the forge of God— where all sons are purified.

Oh, Lord— purify my heart, create a clean heart in me: this you are doing; and yet— this, I must yield to, as I come out of upholding idolatry (lies and imaginings that are opposite of the truth) inside my heart, mind, faculties of my man-facedness:  I have need to carry my cross— and abstain from idols, where wicked imaginings must be cast down, and the carnal mind must be destroyed: for this is the work of the cross; and this is dying the death; and this is working out my own salvation with fear (reverence) and trembling.  

For even the devils believe— and tremble: but they do not reverence the truth deep within them, where I must: for this is the resurrection from death— to life, from lies— to truth, LIVED IN.

Proverbs 12:22

“Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are his delight.”

  • We, I, must be dealing in the truth within my heart, O Lord: I desire to please you and to abide in the light of the truth and person of Jesus Christ: help thou my heart, O God; help me to couple with your truth in the high places of regard within me: cleanse me, purge me, fire up your fires of refinement and toss me in, O Refiner; for I desire to return to the proper image in the one new man creation— in the body of Christ Jesus; and to serve righteousness ‘and’ truth, eternally, in heaven and earth, and all realms of creation.

Psalm 52:3

“You love evil more than good; and lying —rather than to speak righteousness. Selah.”

  • I choose to walk in love and truth, O Lord, and to love both over evil and being estranged from your heart, person, and way: help me, O Lord— to speak in righteousness from the depths of a cleansed heart.

John 8:42-44

“Jesus said unto them— If God were your Father, you would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

So, why do you not understand my speech?  Even because you cannot hear my word.  You are of your father the devil, and— the lusts of your father you will do.  He was a murderer from the beginning (murdering all that is God and truth) —and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he speaks a lie— he speaks of his own (not led of God or truth, but of himself): for he is a liar— and the father of it.”

  • We must be of the Father of lights, we must be of the truth and the way (the paradigm of Jesus) —born in the word of God, displayed and exemplified in walking in the truth, and abiding in the light, unified with God (yoked), and led of his Spirit— not the spirit of error and estrangement, death and decay, born of hell— that operates as the spirit of the air down here.  

We must understand what the word of God is saying to us all in his written word, and in his holy Spirit’s leading; because those that do not hear his word (listen, hear, understand, and heed in obedience unto) —are fathered of satan, the devil (those who do evil, immorality, estranged from truth, living in darkness); and the lust of satan will be manifest in the heart of such a man, to do what he does in your own vessel: hence, fathered and led of satan.  

And satan came to destroy the works of light, love, and truth— as Jesus, The Absolute Truth— came to destroy the works of the devil (darkness, ambivalence to love [apathy], and lies): which we feed from (what food we take in and chew on, and take down into our inner most bellies) —will prove what tree we are feeding from, for our fruit (results) will show forth: manifest.  

Because he abides— NOT IN THE TRUTH (and so we MUST) —becauseTHERE IS NO TRUTH IN HIM (Jesus life, truth, and the way of union and intimacy with God).  When he speaks lies and darkness— he speaks of his own cognition, reasoning, leaning upon his own understanding— based outside the truth; for he is one who loves a lie, and father’s more like him.

WE MUST, I MUST, ABIDE IN THE TRUTH— and it must be upheld within: God help our unbelief— for we believe, but we are weak; and we have need of an intercessor between man and God, in the man Christ Jesus; to intercede on our behalf, pray God for what we have need of, and to give ourselves over to, completely, into his process of reformation and refinement of: we need our Savior, the light, and the truth to walk in— and him to walk in us:  help thou our souls— O Lord; and work your workmanship in us— as you encourage us to cooperate with your procedures, and to endure what we are asked to endure— for your name’s sake, in the earth.

Proverbs 18:21

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

  • Death, estrangement from the truth (lack of life in us) —or the truth (life) —is in the power of the tongue: and we who eat (from which) will display of which tree (kingdom) we hail from: for we are all known by our fruit (what is coming out of us), and it shows to all of creation.

We must be children of the light, and not of darkness (truth, not fabricated constructs of lies, born in a wicked imagination that is not casting all of that garbage down): we must abide in the light— for he walks, lives, breathes, and abides in the light of the truth, righteousness, love, and justice: this is our God— and we are those people.


Psalm 51:7

“Purge me with a hyssop— and I shall be clean: wash me— and I shall be whiter than snow.”

  • We are to be purged, purified, reformed, refined, reconstituted in the truth, the way, and living life inside of Christ Jesus; and he, and his truth, way, and reign over us in our hearts and souls— inside, and erected— in the highest places of regard inside of us.

When we are purged of all darkness, lies— constructs of wicked imaginings we couple with and become familiar with (spirits and their ways, not Christ’s) —we will be washed clean in our hearts (where thinking exists with intentions): and thus— in the workmanship of Christ Jesus— we will be washed whiter than snow: for this is the light of truth— that the children of God will be found living in (brightness the world has only gained glimpses of, thus far, in his people).

Psalm 79:9

“Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of your name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins— for your name’s sake.”

  • Our salvation (it’s a process, daily, and continually whilst here in this realm— mercies (grace and pity) is new for us every morning; which means— every new day that begins— is for us to engage him in his truth, and power, and life: and it brings his name glory (dignity and honor) to be known as this in our lives: Jehovah who saves, and delivers us into the truth, his love, his light, his righteousness— by the person of Jesus Christ; who comes to purge away sin from our hearts— for the reputation and work (name of) Jesus Christ— the Lamb who takes away the sin (the missing the mark of union with him in his truth) of the world (the sin of the worldly spirit, from us all, in our hearts, and for all of eternity: uncoupling us from it).

Ezekiel 43:26

“Seven days shall they purge the altar (of the Lord, here, the heart and soul of man), and purify it; and they shall consecrate themselves.”

  • Seven is the number of completion— and we will continue in the Refiner’s fires until all is accomplished: and truly— we are to be killing/destroying darkness within our hearts— during the coupling with God in his truth: purging the altar.  And perfect completion of this (seven) is what God is after in a vessel of honor.

And starting a purging fast of —flesh and lies and darkness— for a seven day period, is common amongst his people in the earth; and it accomplishes much if it is done in conjunction with coupling with his truth during this process— for this is what fasting is to accomplish: closer to the truth, the way, and the life of Jesus Christ— and further away from— whilst casting down and out, abstaining from— satanic ways, thoughts, lusts, reasoning: lies. 

Crushing satan under our feet— by obliterating him with the truth, and power of— in coupling with the workmanship of Christ Jesus and his truth, walking in righteousness— in fear (reverence) and trembling: this is what destroys the demonic kingdom.  For they believe— but they do not heed or reverence (love) the truth and couple with it.  They live the other option: darkness.  

And so— we must not do as they do, and uphold lies (it is the open door to being oppressed of the devil in strongholds: to live where satan does, with him, in darkness): we must live in the light, for he is abiding in the light— and can only be coupled with in the light.

He can be found anywhere— even if a bed (intimacy walked) is made in hell (within the soul of man, where he is estranged from the truth); but he will woo every man ‘out of’ hell (lies and darkness), into where our safety and salvation exists: in the light and truth of God.

Malachi 3:3

“And he shall sit as a Refiner and Purifier (names, titles of God) of silver (high places substances, in the unseen); and he shall purify the sons of Levi (priesthood of Melchizedek, now), and purge them as gold (inner high places, refined, like a person would take gold through a process, and silver through dross removal— impurity removal) —that they may offer to the LORD an offering in righteousness.”

  • God has many roles in the lives of men— and reforming and refining them is a big one, as he is the Refiner and Purifier.  Do we know him as such, and are we coupling with him, within his work, complying with the process of being reformed under his hand (not a making of our own selves)?

For only in coming into and through this whole process— until he says we are done— will we be an offering of a sweet savor unto our LORD God— in righteousness LIVED.

Matthew 3:12

“Whose fan (the Lord God’s) is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor (the foundations within man, and his own house), and gather his wheat (the remnant of vessels of honor, who respect him and his truth, and live in union with) —into his garner [G596: grainery, barn]; but he will burn up the chaff (inedible waste parts of a harvest), with unquenchable fire.”

  • He is purging the floor (or foundation) of his house (storehouse of people: wheat), where he keeps his family, servants, sons, and heirs of the promise (he being the biggest and preeminent reward); gathering his wheat (people) into the barn: where he will burn up all that is tares (impostors who couple not with the truth, but who make and love a lie— more than the truth): unquenchable fires of God are for one purpose— reformation— where the old man is done away with (the carnal mind and persons), and a new identity is walked out, in the truth, and with the person of Jesus Christ, in union with him, and compliance to his truth, ways, and life.

There is no other purpose for coming ‘into’ God and his fire— than to have the old man done away with, entirely— bringing death to the dark identity (hence, why satan will be there, and everyone who makes and loves a lie, or darkness, more than the truth): the Refiner’s fire is to remove us from death, satan, and his identity: that we may be ‘born again,’ into the One New Man, the man— Christ Jesus— the truth, and the way he requires of all, as we follow him.

Help us Lord— to give our souls over to you fully from the depths of a cleansed heart— abiding in the light, truth, and love of God.

1 Corinthians 5:7-8

“Purge out therefore the old leaven [G2219: fermented (compromised)], that you may be a new lump [G5445: mass of dough (or clay)], as you are unleavened [G106: uncorrupted].  For Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep the feast [G1858: festival celebration], not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.”

  • Help us purge out the old leaven of compromise to the way, the truth, and righteous living in, and with, Christ Jesus; so that we may be clay vessels who are unleavened— uncorrupted: for you are coming for a spotless (clean hearted) and ironed out bride— who walks in the light, and truth, and person of Jesus Christ— in union, yoked, and working (out our salvation) in fear and trembling at his headship within us (kingship, and Lordship).

Let us keep to the fast— or abstaining from idols within us— where we place things of value within clay pots that ought not be there; where we carve things out in death (wood) that ought not abide in our vessels, minds, imaginings, and high places— that are given over for the Holy Spirit of God to abide with us.  Let us not frolic in the groves of unclean spirits and their conduct: let us therefore be converted by your truth, person, and love— Jesus:  and help us to do so, as you promised to strengthen us in all things, to do so.

The Groves— are trees: either of righteousness, or of corruption:  Either of knowledge in good and evil, or in Life in Christ Jesus:  The Absolute Truth.  And the human brain resembles lobes, or sides of a tree, with all it’s connections, spaces, places, and computing abilities: where what we do is affected by the mind of our hearts: slay the satan nature— and live life in the right paradigm, or tree.

Let us be of sincerity to your word (truth) and person— dealing with all malice and wickedness as we do our reasonable service of exalting the truth within us, and abiding there with it.

2 Timothy 2:20-21

“But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.  If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.”

  • For you have vessels of honor and dishonor— some refined in fire— found upstanding, remaining, strong, brilliant reflectors of the truth lived: and some that are completely destroyed in the truth (fires of God), as wood and earth (carnality) burn when put to the fire of God’s truth and love: for you desire for your clay vessels to be fired in your kiln— but not to come out as carnal creatures when finished— but now, as vessels of silver and gold, refined to the hilt, and made ready for the King of Righteousness, and the High Priest of holiness— to inhabit, perpetually (for eternity).

We will be vessels of honor in the earth: made once of clay from the dirt of a corrupt world and spirit (the first adam), but now— refined in the fires of God’s love and truth, righteousness and holiness, and justice— to be vessels of honor; who are now durable, strong, reflectors and carriers of the light, where Jesus Christ will stand erect inside this vessel as they hold him in the highest regard, and his truth and ways— within them, as they couple with him and his truth: vessels of pure silver and gold— refined in the fire of God, as he is the Purger, and Purifier— of human vessels: Jesus— recovering vessels meet for the Master’s use in the earth— who are prepared for every good work (as the Father will do his works through them, as he did with Jesus).

Hebrews 9:13-14

“For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of a heifer— sprinkling the unclean— sanctifies to the purifying of the flesh:  How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience [G4893: co-perception of moral consciousness] from dead works to serve the living God?”

  • If in the old covenant and ways of God— a temporary sanctification by the blood of innocent animals cleansed and purified for a time— the fleshly men; how much of a work ought the work of the blood of Christ Jesus cleanse and purify our souls?  Because he eternally (perpetually) offers himself without spot of wrinkle to God, and us— to purge our consciences (our moral compasses, and cooperating perception given of him, of what moral truth is); which will bringing us out from dead workings— allowing us to serve the living God in truth, righteousness, holiness, justice— and abide in the light, where he is: high above all other principalities and powers, set at the right hand of God, and showing himself to be God.

O Lord God— where is my moral compass toward the truth, in my innermost?  Help me, O Lord, and I will believe (be living in) your truth, and uphold moral rightness (righteousness) within me, O Lord: for thine is the glory, and the power, forever and ever— to bring me into all truth: help me couple there in my innermost to your truth, and to know it, and to understand it— in Christ Jesus.  Let me know, and live in— abide in the light of your truth and person; where I have the choice to yoke to you there, to partner with you there— in it: as one in spirit and truth— worshiping (attending to God) in both, within my vessel: for I love you— and I need your help to even do that properly in this realm of existence.

Let not my enemies triumph over me, O Lord (the carnal nature with its lusts and affections); let not those who wait upon (serve and tarry with) the Lord be put to shame, for we trust in you; but let them, instead, who transgress without cause— be put to shame: for we, for I, O Lord— do exalt and believe your truth within me: help thou me— in any area I am weak and need your strength to conquer lies and darkness—  to crush it under our feet.  For I choose to uphold, and live and abide in the light of your truth, person, ways, and Kingdom: God bless Jesus Christ, and all those in him— to walk in the ways of God, and with clean hands (what we put ourselves to, inside and out), and a pure heart.

For these— shall receiving the blessing of the Lord, and righteousness— by the God of their salvation: and the secrets of the Lord— shall be with those who fear him (revere him): for these are the children of light, of the Father of Lights (and life— in Christ Jesus).

Redeem your people, O Lord; while we uphold you, and covenant to you— in truth— within us: the God of our salvation, selah. (psalm 25)


In Summation of what I have learned


It is a hard saying— will you also go away, and follow me no more?  We have the choice, at any time, to not follow Jesus, or to turn back like the other disciples who would follow him no more because they did not give themselves to him whole-heartedly.  The reason they turned back is because they could not understand him, and thereby did not trust him: trust is a key and necessary ingredient in the life of a child of God in relationship with him, and certainly of one who is under him in study as a disciple.  Where would we go, for you have the words of eternal life— perpetual life source?  Is the right answer— even when you do not understand all that God says or does, from our human understanding: this is faith.  Faith is another key and necessary ingredient in our relationship with the Almighty, and mysterious God; without faith— we cannot even please him.  No matter WHAT happens to us, or with us, in our life experiences down here in this realm— we must trust him and keep our faith (reliance upon him/truth) alive in our hearts (minds, reasoning, thoughts, beliefs); because if we will not— we will fail, and we will fall back, away from him— and follow him no more.

The flesh profits nothing— and he’s not only talking about the human body, and works of; but he is speaking of the carnal mind and paradigm.

We shall not be ashamed in anything we are to endure in this lifetime with Christ Jesus; and we will endure a whole lot in the way of tribulations, loss, devastations, and disesteem.  But likewise he is the living truth who quickens us all by his Word/person, and he endured all the way to the cross, and so shall we.  He endured all the way ‘through’ the cross and unto the death of self and all its attachments— and so shall we.  He endured with the Father, remained faithful to him, all the way through the cross, death, burial, and resurrection;  and so shall we.  We must be of those who keep the faith, like him as well, when he was asked to endure what his lot was in life, unto the eternal purposes of the Father; as he endured the suffering— it taught him obedience: we have need to follow his example, or paradigm: for what we are coming into, in and with Christ Jesus— will require a paradigm shift (he keeps speaking of this to me for some weeks on end now).

Paradigm— a typical example or pattern of something— a model; root definition— late 15th century: via late Latin from Greek paradeigma, from paradeiknunai ‘show side by side’, from para- ‘beside’ + deiknunai ‘to show’.

He’s given us the proper paradigm to follow and base our life with the Father off of in this realm: the life of Jesus Christ: and those who are coming into the full stature of Christ will be those who have walked and lived the same pattern and model that Jesus lived, and yet lives, reproduced in the sons who follow him.

Help us, Sir— with boldness, to always magnify Christ in our body, in life or in death; for as well, to us, to live— or to be quickened at all, in our mind, heart, emotions, or body— is Jesus himself: he is what life is.  

He is what a man should be.  

He is what all men look up to, in truth.

He is our paradigm pattern and model to follow: and all maturing sons do.

We are to ‘join’ him, not be ‘separated’ from him: we are to follow him, not turn to the left or the right: and it will take absolute trust and faith in him to be as he has exemplified he is to us, from scripture, and in the lives of those who have gone before us, who have left their testimonies to us.  If we will not join him in his truth— we will remain outside the gates of eternal life— for he is eternal life; and he is bidding us to come behind the door, open up to him, believe on him (trust and have faith in who he is), and live accordingly in our hearts, deeds, and word: we must become one with the Word of God and his Spirit— worshiping God in Spirit and Truth.

Different is not alike: and we are all alike in Christ, and in the human experience.

Separate means the opposite of unified; and we are all to be unified in the corporate human experience, in Christ Jesus:  We all need to overcome the temptation to think apart from God (and others), and fight the carnal paradigm, while coming into Jesus’ pattern and model, and mind.

We are tested through adversity (an adversary) in our lives— to prove what our hearts really believe, and who our hearts really believe: Christ Jesus, his truth and word, and his example of God toward us all in his actions and deeds demonstrated upon earth— or not?  Experiences in this realm are not the absolute truth.  Are we believers— do we believe in Christ Jesus and his word of truth?  Given time and space— do I believe the truth, no matter how long it takes God to walk out all he has in store for me— and that he will, and it is good?

Because we do have an adversary in the spirit realm who seeks to destroy us: and like all peoples and nations ever destroyed— the best way to take down a peopleis from withinLet us be mindful of the devices of satan and his wiles.  We can be saved from the orphan spirit that exists only inside separation (not unification or joining) from God, within.

We are to not take in, not eat, but instead— abstain from food, religiously— that would separate us from God and the brethren, absolute truth, righteousness, and love of God:  lies, unbelief/doubt, shame, pride, separation/estrangement— the food of idols/idolatry.

Oh Soul— turn ye unto your God again, lift your heads O ye gates, and you everlasting doors: for the King of glory would like to ‘come into’ your heart, and purge you from all wickedness toward him, his love, and his truth: for he is righteous and true— and he is for you— not against you.

Why do we delight in (love) a lie— a created construct that is opposite of God and truth?  

He is life, and he abides in the light and truth: and we are to, also: Lord God— help our unbelief.

For even the devils believe— and tremble: but they do not reverence the truth deep within them, where I must: for this is the resurrection from death— to life, from lies— to truth, LIVED IN.  We are to be purged, purified, reformed, refined, reconstituted in the truth, the way, and live life inside of Christ Jesus; and he, and his truth, way, and reign over us in our hearts and souls— inside, and erected— in the highest places of regard inside of us.

God has many roles in the lives of men— and reforming and refining them is a big one, as he is the Refiner and Purifier.  Do we know him as such, and are we coupling with him, within his work, complying with the process of being reformed under his hand (not a making of our own selves)?  For only in coming into and through this whole process— until he says we are done will we be an offering of a sweet savor unto our LORD God— in righteousnessLIVED.

Help us Lord— to give our souls over to you fully from the depths of a cleansed heart— abiding in the light, truth, and love of God.  Let us be of sincerity to your word (truth) and person— dealing with all malice and wickedness as we do our reasonable service of exalting the truth within us, and abiding there with it.

We will be vessels of honor in the earth: made once of clay from the dirt of a corrupt world and spirit (the first adam), but now— refined in the fires of God’s love and truth, righteousness and holiness, and justice— to be vessels of honor; who are now durable, strong, reflectors and carriers of the light, where Jesus Christ will stand erect inside this vessel as they hold him in the highest regarded, and his truth and ways— within them, as they couple with him and his truth: vessels of pure silver and gold— refined in the fire of God, as he is the Purger, and Purifier— of human vessels: Jesus— recovering vessels meet for the Master’s use in the earth— who are prepared for every good work (as the Father will do his works through them, as he did with Jesus).

If in the old covenant and ways of God— a temporary sanctification by the blood of innocent animals cleansed and purified for a time— the fleshly men; how much of a work ought the work of the blood of Christ Jesus cleanse and purify our souls?


End of Part 1




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