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  • Writer's pictureJanet Lynn

“I am coming, prepare them:” but what does that mean? [quoted word from the Lord]

A word from the Lord:


*The rhema (spoken word of the holy Spirit) is only in the video


“Janet, I triumph over my enemies.  I am well aware of just how difficult this transition is.  I am bringing forth in the earth, and child, that is not only my manifest children, but also judgment.  All judgment is for redemptive purposes;  all judgment is to wake a drowsy, lulled, half alive people who resemble more of the walking dead zombie Apocolypse than it does— life in Christ Jesus, or oneness union with man— who was chosen to be my image bearer.

Recall Egypt, recall Babylon, recall Sodom and Gomorrah— recall it to remembrance.  My people went into bondage for their affiliations and lifestyles.  My people went into bondage because of the gods they aligned themselves with:  hedonistic, sexually perverse, spiritually corrupt people— chasing after all manner of spiritual influences— not of God, and wound up in enslavement to that beast, and beastly system:  Egypt, Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah, as well as Nineveh— who briefly repented and then fell back into bondage and perversion, ultimately.

These things ought not be so, children.  I have given all provision, every way made possible for wayward man to be able to reyoke to his Maker, Savior, and God.  But what has man chosen to walk in, even still yet?  Perversion, hedonistic, filthy mammon gains unto each life, with no regard for righteousness or a holy lifestyle in union with his Creator— and caring only for ‘his four, and no more’ (or other).

I am not mocked, people of the earth— I have given man a spiritual set of laws to live by, I have given man every opportunity to repent and change around, and seek his holy Creator— and return to the image he was created in (mine).  I have seen the wickedness upon the earth from before its foundation, from before man was, or even any created being.  I have loved my creation from its inception, and brought her forth into her conception, and then continued in my steadfast love for her— that even in her filth and estrangement— I made a way for her redemption, to come back into my arms and embrace:  I sent Jesus to give his sinless life, pay for the purchase of creation back in his blood, for redemption served up and fulfilled in his life, the life of the Lamb of God;  and yet— mankind even still upholds satan above God in the earth (and earthen vessels), and worse— this is taking place in the church of God.  It ought not be so, and yet— it is.

I have made a history of walking with my people, pleading with my people, leading my people, correcting my people, loving my people, being long-sufferingly patient with my people, forgiving my people, serving my people with my heart, mind and presence.  I have cared for my people as a good Father cares for his only child— extending my love, my heart, my power to save, preserve, prosper, and bless my people.  But dear, my children in their blessing— have grown fat, and they turn away from me, and have forsaken their Creator and Father of them.

I desire that none should perish— but they are, dear.  

Many are perishing in their sin even now, upon this earth.  Many have fallen so deeply into the lull of this facade realm, this material realm— tying so tightly to what is carnal— they have since long lost sight of the spiritual, let alone the spiritual Father, Creator, and God of them.  

They do not even believe in me, that I exist any longer, Janet.  

The very church of God has fallen into this space as well— constantly questioning within themselves if I am real, if I really love them, if I really am with them.  And conversely— many have fallen into a place where all God does is serve them up with blessings and provision of a cush lifestyle— and that I am here to do nothing more than fulfill their every desire, and whims of their souls:  I am much more than a genie in a bottle here to do the will of man;  I am a holy God and Creator— and the earth will learn of me once again:  and it will be the will and heart of God that is served in the earth.

I have waited, I have toiled, I have pled with the people of the earth, and even my church— to come out of the Babylonian ways of self indulgences and hedonistic, perverted lifestyle;  and to come back into the embrace of a relationship with their holy and righteous Creator and God once again.  I have desired for them to be set free from Egypt, and yet— Egypt is what the people of the earth will be sent into, soon enough:  bondage from a foreign system and ruler— that is not God;  for once again— even my people have sought a savior, and king for themselves— that is not God:  they desire a crown to serve— but not the King of kings in the earth.

What happened the last time my people sought after to have an earthly king and headship over them— and not the heavenly King and Headship over them?  What happened the last time the people wanted Moses to seek my face, only, but they did not desire in their hearts to seek my face, know me, or revere me?  

They received a Saul— appointed, anointed, and chosen to rule them, and only after the Saul— did the David come forth: and so it shall be, many will be humbled in what is shortly to come.

And yet, simultaneously, I will send forth my Josephs in the same hour as I send forth the great fire of my judgment upon the earth, over a reprobate mankind, and a reprobate church— to cleanse and purify.  

I have been putting some through the mill of my processing, my refinement process for some time, like that of Joseph who endured an oppression of satan for some time under Pharoah;  whom, I prepared through his stripping— to seek and see only my face;  these— like him— will come forth with what is needed in this hour— when the earth is in dearth, and will be travailing back and forth like a drunkard under my mighty hand of recompense and shaking.

The whole of the earth will feel the weight of the glory of God: and what happens when a holy God invades a grossly corrupt earth of people— and hordes of demonic spirits in conjunction with the hearts of men?  A GREAT TRIBULATION SHAKING COMES FORTH, as the holy God steps foot on unholy ground— to bring his person into remembrance upon the earth, and in the hearts and minds of the inhabitants, regaining the fear of the Lord— in the land of the living.

There are many comings of Christ into the earth— I come in judgment as the high King, I come in power as the holy and high God above all other spirits, I come in my people who I am one with, I come in my spiritual presence— in my chabod, in my abode —with my tabernacles/temples;  I come in many ways— but man has failed to see this, or join me.

I am coming— but does my church know in what ways, in which comings, in which, and unto which people?  I come to shake the heathen, to shake the high places (heavens), to shake the earth (flesh/carnal), to shake the reprobate, to shake the complacent, to shake the sleeping, to shake the indifferent, to shake the lukewarm— because I see many walking straight into eternal estrangement from me— and I actually desire to save those who will have it.

Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem— how often I have longed to gather your children together— as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings— and yet you were not willing (Matthew 23:37).  

I must bring forth many things, Janet.  I must bring forth the collapse of all that is not of me, that is Babylonian (idolatrous/adulterous):  in the hearts and minds and affections of the people, in the systems erected in the earth that run on satan’s headship and dictate and power, all the lies and darkness within the souls of men in their minds, wills, and emotions, with affections and affiliations of.  

I must show mankind (even, and especially my church) what has really been seen from the eye of God.  If man does not reap what he has sown— he will never change his ways, repent, and return to me;  and I would rather reach a point where the cup of wickedness is full, and release a reproving, and a recompense for the evil of the day in the land of the living, now— than I would see the majority of them be estranged from me, my love, joy, peace, and safety in my embrace— for all of eternity.

I MUST come forth with my judgment, which is my final decree that enough is enough— and allow that which must come forth, and into play— to come forth:  I have held back for oh so long, and now— I must let it come forth, and indeed— it already is.

The world will soon be plunged into a darkness that has never been seen by the likes thus far, or likes of— with a reaching grasp of darkness so large— as what will be coming forth upon the earth in the days to follow:  the stage has been set, the players are in position— and I will soon bring into the earth what my prophetic voices have been ringing forth for years, and even decades now:  judgment.

My judgments are just, and they are allowed to come forth after much warning has taken place, after much pleading with a reprobate and rebellious people has taken place (and fallen on deaf ears, stiff necks, and hardened hearts), and when I have seen enough— and know that without abrupt change— the people will not humble themselves, repent, seek my face, allowing me to hear their cries from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land— I then come forth with my judgment.

We do understand my mission in the earth, yes?  I am come to save a wayward and estranged people— who actually desires to be rejoined to their Creator once again, who desires to father them in his ways— from an actual place of repentant turning toward me again.  And all the stops have been pulled out— to allow for this reunion, rejoining, reyoking up with my Spirit again, reverently, under my headship, and with full understanding that I am incharge of my creation, and not mankind:  through Christ Jesus, the King on the throne, to which all things are in his hand.

I have a mission in the earth that comes forth from the spirit realm, and from the throne of God— salvation;  but I will force no man:  however— I will show man what he has been aligning with (fallen entities), and what he has been walking in (rebellion and perversion, estranged from righteousness and holiness, and the God of), in an attempt to give man the BEST opportunity to see the writing on the wall;  and I assure you all— the writing is on the wall.

[Mene: ‘God has numbered the days of your kingdom 

and brought it to an end.’

Tekel:  ‘You have been weighed, and found wanting.’

Upharsin‘Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.’

  • The phrase is the origin of the colloquial expression "writing on the wall".]

Would you prefer that I do nothing— and watch ALL OF MANKIND, NEARLY— fall into eternal estrangement from me, in torment of alienation from my Spirit?  Would you prefer that I do not remain steadfast in my ways, in my patterns of being the same yesterday, today, and forever— and instead— step away, do nothing, shake nothing, do not show mankind what they have been walking in and affiliated with (especially my church of people), and instead— watch them go into eternal separation from me, all because they are ignorant, immature, rebellious, stiff-necked and hard hearted— and no one was willing to shake things up, to wake them up, and give them one more chance to repent and turn toward me— instead of away from me?

I am just— what a man sows he will reap:  but I am long-sufferingly patient, long before I will bring in a just recompense, a just judgment, when man has been steeped in demonic affiliations;  because I actually desire, and walk disciplined in giving every man ample time to repent, willingly on his own, with my still small voice of nudges and pleading.  But when that doesn’t work, and my people are about to step off the precipice, off the cliff’s edge, and into the pit of full on bondage in the earth— and then for eternity…


Would you not seek to make them aware of their affiliations, their walking in ways contrary to my person and Kingdom?  Would you not seek to reprove them, enlighten them, chastise them— to bring them back into their right minds and hearts?  Would you not desire to shake them from their complacency and affiliation with the spirit of this world— to which they will join for eternity if they do not change affiliation, here, in this world of time and space— wherewith man chooses whom he will serve?  Would you not desire to point out all the filth— so one can honestly choose to clean up, seek the holy God and his righteousness once again— and be saved?  Would you desire me to do nothing?  Would you desire that everything stay the same as it is today?

The world is full of perversion and wickedness, and the cup is reaching a fullness— and it will be poured out.  A cup already full of filthy wicked perversion— cannot be filled with God.  

Do we desire for the earth to be filled with the glory of God?  

Then a cleansing must take place with the cup man has sown;  it must be emptied out of the storehouse— and be recompensed back to man:  but this will empty the cup, and allow for the cup of mankind (and the church) to finally be filled with the glory of God— once man decides to humble himself once again:  judgment and tribulation, gross tribulation— will help with the stiff necks, hard hearts, rebellious, hedonist, adulterous, idolatrous people of the earth, and church.

Habakkuk 2

“I will stand upon my watch, and set myself upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me— and what I shall answer— when I am reproved.

And the Lord answered me, and said— Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run, who reads it.  For the vision is yet for an appointed time— but at the end (end time frame of days), it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry— wait for it; because it will surely come— it will not tarry.

Behold, his soul (whomever’s soul) that is lifted up, is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith (persuasion of reliance upon the truth, upon Christ himself, his headship).

Yes, also, because he transgresses by wine— he is a proud man, neither does he keep (himself) at home— who enlarges his desire as hell— and is as death— and cannot be satisfied;  but gathers unto him all nations, and heaps unto him all people (mixing with the spirit of this world, worldly, reprobate people):  Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say— Woe to him that increases that which is not his!  How long?  And to him that lades himself with thick clay!

Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite you, and awaken— that shall vex you— and you shall be for booties unto them (taken prisoner)?

Because you have spoiled many nations, all the remnant of the people shall spoil you; because of men's blood— and for the violence of the land— of the city— and of all that dwell therein.

Woe to him that covets an evil covetousness to his house— that he may set his nest on high— that he may be delivered from the power of evil!

You have consulted a shame to your house by cutting off many people, and have sinned against your soul.  For the stone shall cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber shall answer it.

Woe to him that builds a town with blood, and establishes a city by iniquity!

Behold, is it not of the Lord of hosts that the people shall labor in the very fire, and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity?

For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

Woe unto him that gives his neighbor drink, that puts their bottle to him, and makes him drunk also— that you may look on their nakedness (instead of attending to them, covering them, serving, loving, ministering to them)!

You are filled with shame— for glory: drink also, and let your foreskin be uncovered (all will be shown and known, made public): the cup of the Lord's right hand shall be turned unto (come against) you, and shameful spewing shall be on your glory.

For the violence of Lebanon (think about what is come upon the earth, and the religion and culture that was just provoked, and poked) — shall cover you, and the spoil of beasts, which made them afraid— because of men's blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city— and of all that dwell therein.

What profits the graven image that the maker thereof has graven it; the molten image— and a teacher of lies— that the maker of his work trusts therein, to make dumb idols?

Woe unto him that says to the wood— Awake; to the dumb stone— Arise, it shall teach!  Behold, it is laid over with gold and silver, and there is no breath at all in the midst of it.  But the Lord is in his holy temple (people): let all the earth keep silence before him.’

I must empty the cup of what man has sown, in the earth, upon the earth— that has been long since held back;  but remember, do recall— the purpose is redemptive.  

Even though these things must come upon the earth— so will my people arise with healing in their wings, and they will come forth with my Spirit, and they will do great exploits with their God:  it will be the darkest of time— with the brightest of my lights, as well:  they have come into habitation with my Spirit— and they do not wait upon visitation any longer— but now they abide in me, and I in them:  these are my manifest sons and daughters— who carry the chabod, who carry the glory of God— for I manifest myself in them to the wayward world:  they abide in my love, they abide in my truth, they abide in my holiness, they abide in my righteousness (and keep their garments clean and ironed out in their conduct), they abide in my purposes, they abide in my will, they are reverent, they know they are not the headship— but abide under the great shadow of the headship of God— the Almighty:  they crush the darkness— because I crush the darkness— and they are with me, in me, and I in them.

They are my first fruit children— and they are coming forth:  a great birthing is taking place in the earth.  It is a birthing forth, a gushing forth of my judgment (that’s my headship and sovereignty over my creation, and decrees of, with release of my troops to carry it all out:  angelic and earthly);  and at the same time— there is a birthing, and gushing forth of my people— as I come to my first fruit temples in a suddenly, and I bring forth my will into the earth— through the subservient (servant children), reverenced, clean, purified, reproved, corrected, led of my Spirit— and unto my purposes— manifest sons of maturity.

They must come forth— it is tit-for-tat, it is quid pro quo— if darkness comes, the light comes forth.  If gross darkness comes forth— gross, or great light shall come forth in the earth as well.  If mankind (and the wayward church) will not lay his life down unto God, holiness, righteousness, and loving one another to serve the Light, and God of;  then the first fruit duplicates of Christ Jesus will come forth, laying their lives down (hearts, minds, wills, bodies, missions/desires, etc.) to serve the King, the throne, the people, and their Father and Bridegroom of them.

I am birthing forth a multifaceted birth:  judgment (which is also known as justice served, reaping what was sown: unto the godly, godly recompense and blessing, unto the ungodly— recompense of evil, for evil sown), and the birth of those who have come full-circle back home to me in their minds, wills, emotions, hearts, necks (turned about by me, supple in my hand), bodies (temples), who are reverent and clean, whole and mature.

There is a reason for their birthing in the harshest time period of humanity, and it is to invite others into salvation, through humility and repentance, so they too can grow and mature in Christ Jesus— and enter into the eternal family of God;  and perhaps— if they choose to rejoin God, coming together in a union of oneness— enter not only into the kingdom of heaven (salvation), but into the kingdom of God (the mountain relationship of God, where the government of God takes place, by the governing of God over a vessel) —into full agreement with the Spirit of God, under him, serving him and his interests in all realms of his dominion.

The Kingdom of God suffers violence against the inhabitants, but also against the POTENTIAL inhabitants of walking in the glory of the Lord, upon the earth— from walking with him in the Spirit, and union of.

There is an agenda to keep my people from ascending the Son of man, from coming into full union with christ Jesus— and yet— I have an agenda to bring forth those that have, like Jesus exemplified when he walked the earth in his own flesh— become one with my Spirit already, consummate, and married… 

TO SHOW THE DIFFERENCE, and the RESULT— of reverent oneness with the Spirit of God.

Oneness is not a focus on how God and man are on the throne together in the first fruits (though this is true, as the mountain is the mount of the Lord, and his governing of his creation, and in each vessel, in the high places of);  but instead— it is about the fact that they are like/same/as, but MAN GIVES GOD THE GLORY, REVERENCE, and HEADSHIP:  this is what makes them like as ‘Jesus.’

Philippians 2:6-11

‘Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:  But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:  And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

Wherefore God also has highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:  That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth (including in ourselves);  And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord— to the glory of God the Father (including in our minds, hearts, opinions, headship, will, desires, deeds/actions, speech, etc).’

These give all honor and glory to God.  They do not promote their names, and in fact REMOVE THEM from all words and writings given by the holy Spirit— for they do not promote themselves, as they are just the vessel— God is the headship of said vessel, of said mouth, of said words, of said actions and deeds of his child:  oneness is that of reverent honor toward God, whilst understanding what it is to be like/same/as Christ Jesus, the exemplary Son:  it is to emulate his person, in our person:  and he served the Father, thought it not unjust to be made equal with him, BUT UNDER HIM, SERVING HIM IN THE EARTH REALM— where all things were directed to the Father— not himself.

I am coming, Janet— but do my people know what that means?  What does— ‘Jesus comes soon,’ mean?  This— is indeed something each man needs to come into the understanding of.

I will bring my people into the wilderness— encouraging them to come out of Egypt, Babylon, and Sodom— but will they?  

We will see the truth of this— as we did in the first Exodus into the wilderness:  though, for the elect’s sake— the time will be shortened— but we will see the maturing of a people in hard times, with the invitation given to come forth in such a compacted/compressed/dense refinement period:  and I will have a people who will assist me in this work, in the earth, and unto an ignorant people— who have need to come to Jesus, and the truth— and serve both within them.

The time is short— but for what exactly, children?  I bid you all to come to me, and to find out for yourselves;  I encourage you to speak with me about the things that are coming upon the earth— and what we should be doing (internally, and externally) because of this.

I am coming— and lock myself in with my wise virgins— and indeed have been;  and when they emerge— they will be quite different from the nominal, and from the lukewarm, and from the reprobate:  as different as Jesus Christ from the Pharisees, they will be.

And in this— I will once again shake the earth a second time, and not only the earth— but the heavens too:  it’s an all out showdown that has come— between Baal, and God;  and his children— and mine:  and the time has arisen for both.

PREPARE MY PEOPLE—  for cataclysmic change has come, and so have I.  I will bring forth now— but as I have said— I bring forth multifaceted moves from the kingdom of God, into the earthen realm:  depending upon which side of the fence you reside— will determine what recompense of reward you receive:  for I come, and with me— is my reward.

It has been written;  and I will dismantle the old wine skin, the flesh, the corruption, and I will crucify it— before the new will come forth, but come forth it shall:  for the King is coming, and with him— his Kingdom, his rule, his righteousness, his sovereignty, his sons, and his headship over his creation:  PREPARE YOUR HEARTS, MINDS, and LIVES.”

—Father, Creator, Maker, Lord, 

Savior, Spirit, and King

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