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"HYPOCRISY-- kills."

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Lord, may we truly read, hear, and see what the Spirit is saying ‘in this hour,’ and heed your warnings, as you ‘warn your servants, the prophets first,’ before a thing ‘deploys;’ that is our lot now sir, may we warn, and warn properly.”

1 Peter 2

“Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings,

2 As newborn babes-- desire the sincere milk of the word, that you may grow thereby:

3 If so you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.

(his word explains how we are undeserving of his agape love-- but he gives it anyway)

4 To whom coming-- as unto a living stone (Jesus-- the rock) disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious,

5 You also-- as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

(HUGE STATEMENT, and command)

6 Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture....


I lay in Sion a chief corner stone,



and he that believes on him

--shall not be confounded.

(Those that trust him, will not be put to shame, or let down: he's faithful.)

7 Unto you therefore which believe he is precious--

BUT to them that are disobedient...

The stone which the builders disallowed (Christ Jesus)--

The same is made the head of the corner...

8 And a stone of stumbling,

a rock of offence--

(he is)

to them which stumble at

the Word--

being disobedient:

(in the area) where also --they were appointed.

(YIKES; he just said people that are disobedient to him, and stumble on him, by not LIVING WITH HIM and by his Word.....IN TRUTH....

--instead of 'building upon him,' are people that 'WERE APPOINTED BY HIM,' just like the rest of us....BUT....they FAILED TO 'come under his rule,' and leader-- to be their God.)

9 "But YOU-- are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that

you show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light;

10 Which in time past you were not a people (we were unsaved, un-reconciled into his family)--

but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy before-- but now have obtained mercy.

11 Dearly beloved...

I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims (in a land we are not from)-- abstain from fleshly lusts-- which war against the soul;

12 Have your conversation be honest among the Gentiles: that, where they speak against you as evildoers...

They may --by your good works which they shall behold-- glorify God--

in 'the day of visitation.'

13 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man-- for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;

14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him-- for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.

15 For so (this) is the will of God-- that with well doing-- you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:

16 As free-- and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness-- but as the servants of God.

17 Honor all men. (note *All used, He means it.)

Love the brotherhood. (unity-- of importance, not self grievances)

Fear God. (honor him, and know what he can do-- if you do not)

Honor the king.

18 Servants-- be subject to your masters with all fear

(as this is to symbolically represent how one would follow 'God's way,' as Master.);

not only to the good and gentle (masters)-- but also to the froward.

19 For this is thank-worthy-- if a man, for conscience toward God --endure grief, suffering wrongfully."

He just said...

He count this worth THANKS-- if a person, for my sake, lives a life that endures grief, suffering and DID NOT DESERVE IT, for they were not wicked living...

God counts this, worthy of HIM-- TO THANK YOU FOR ENDURING THAT, graciously; I don't want us, that are enduring a lot with him, to miss that!

When God thanks us-- it's a GREAT REWARD!

20 "For what glory is it, if, when you are buffeted for your faults-- you shall take it patiently?

but if, when you do well-- and SUFFER FOR IT-- and you take it patiently--

this is acceptable with God."

Did we catch that; WHEN WE SUFFER for something we did wrong...and take it patiently, well, we 'deserved that'...

but WHEN WE SUFFER UNJUSTLY, not DESERVING SUCH, and we don't LASH OUT, DEFEND or NEED TO BE RIGHT, but we...turn the other cheek, pray for them and 'endure' the suffering and injustice...

God says-- 'acceptable behavior.'

I just want to make sure we understood this; and that he has great recompense of reward for that!

21 "For even this-- you were called (too, as well): because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us as an example-- that you should follow his steps:

(He just said, know this will happen to you,

it's my way, my walk, and my example--

don't try to 'side step the sufferings.)

22 (He) Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:

23 Who, when he was reviled-- reviled not again (another); when he suffered-- he threatened not-- but committed himself to him that judges righteously:

(Father-- he is saying that he didn't try to justify himself,

defend himself or otherwise be right...

he left it to his Father-- that JUDGES JUSTLY.)

24 Who he, himself, bare our sins in his own body on the tree-- that we...

being dead to sins (now)-- should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes you were healed. (reconciled, made whole again-- in and 'through' him.)

25 For YOU-- were as sheep going astray; but are now --returned (reconciled)

to the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.”

Definition- Bishop-- a senior member of the Christian clergy-- usually in charge of a diocese and empowered to confer holy orders.

++++++++++++ Isaiah 32:5-8 ++++++++++++

“The vile person shall be no more called liberal– nor the churl –said to be bountiful.”

Definition “churl–”

an impolite and mean-spirited person.

Archaic– “miser” & “a person of low birth– a peasant.”

He just said that the vile person (that means he sees some as vile), shall no more be called “a liberal–” meaning– “no sugar coating dung;” that vile person will not be around “in plenty,” any longer.

6 “For the vile person will speak villainy–

and his heart will work iniquity (lawlessness, immoral), and practice hypocrisy

and utter error against the Lord

‘to make empty the souls “of the hungry”–’

and he will cause the drink of the thirsty– to fail.”

Vile, liberal, HYPOCRITICAL folk– speak villainy…

Definition “Villainy–” wicked, criminal behaviors; in this case, wicked and transgressor of God’s law, his ‘way’ of holiness and holy commands of living.

They are immoral, lawless, and they ‘mutter things that go against God,' and against what God says and does; as they do this– they keep the person who is ‘hungry for God–’ EMPTY in their soul, destitute– and THIRSTING FOR ‘the Living waters,' but when sheep come to this ‘hireling,’ or reprobatethe people die from dry bones and withering and dehydration.

They steal from them, take, take, take for self– and the weak are consumed upon their lusts and pursuits of a wicked spirit.

7 “The instruments also of the churl (hypocritical, liberal reprobate person) are evil: he devises wicked devices

(imaginations, tools and ways)

–to destroy the poor with lying words-- even when the needy speaks right.”


Did we catch that??

He just said…

“The wicked, hypocrite– that is reprobate,

and of an evil spirit,

Set against

the holiness of God

and his way

Will have

‘ways he works, and dreams up,’

that will





With ‘LYING,’

even when the ‘needy person,’

is being honest

and is ‘in need;’

This kind of person you will know,

for they will ‘have’ what one NEEDS,

but they will be ‘unwilling’

to GIVE as God gives–

Which is ‘with full measure,’

Where one has the means

To do so.

And they will leave the destitute or needy person– without, and hungry, and thirsty;

and LIES

are the methods used

to convey that they are indeed,

“unwilling” to comply with God,

his way, his conduct

–or his leading.”

8 “The liberal– devises liberal things–

(which is to say– hypocritical and MANIPULATIVE things,

by all definitions and synonyms used)

and by liberal things– shall he stand.”

This just declared that the hypocrite, lawless ones– will devise wicked, lying things to do and say to ‘unsuspecting, ignorant and naive’ folk.

And ‘this way about them,’ they will remain walking in; so be not ignorant to the ‘wiles of the devil,’ and his henchmen and their ‘conduct.’

Let’s let Jesus himself–

tell us about hypocrites

and their hypocrisiesLIES.

++++++++++++ Matthew 23 ++++++++++++

“Then Jesus spoke to the multitude, and to his disciples, (2) saying…

The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat:

(He is noting the ‘reverence,’ and the position,

is not to be disrespected.)

3 All, therefore, whatever they bid you to observe, thatobserve and do; but

You do not (follow) after their works

For they say– and do not.”

He just said that “these people, these Pharisaical folk (which is to say– hypocrites) are saying one thing, and DOING THE OPPOSITE of their ‘vow,’ but the ‘office they hold,’ is the seat I created for Moses, and that ‘position,’ is to be honored, respected and upheld– but not the wicked, hypocritical ‘deeds of,’ the Pharisaical person.

4 “For they bind heavy burdens, grievous to be born– and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves –will not move them with one of their fingers.”


There it is Jesus, I’ve been trying to explain this the best I can for quite some time now sir, and this verse, by YOU– has summed it up best; thank you.

These ‘folk,’ in a HOLY POSITION, or calling and office– same as being called his child, his servant, his ambassador now– his priestly little kings

These HYPOCRITES bind heavy burdens to people that are SO GRIEVOUS; this means, they make your lives HARDER and TACK ON MORE and MORE UPON YOUR SHOULDERS– instead of ‘setting the captive free,’ and…


THEY THEMSELVES, will only ‘run their mouths,’ they themselves– SIT ON THE SIDELINES “as commentators,” Holy Spirit just said.


THE ISSUES AT HAND– they will only ‘talk about it;’ which is to say, ‘these hypocrites,’ don’t care about God, his will, his way, his children being set free or anything else that would

‘cause them to be–’ A SERVANT unto God or the brethren: they are WOLVES at worst, and GOATS– at best.

One is EATING PEOPLE UP, and the other is EATING THEIR PROVISIONS, whilst being ‘impostors,’ found INSIDE THE FOLD: danger close in both circumstances.

One thing is ‘for sure though,’ CHRIST IS SET AGAINST THEM– they are ‘his enemy,’ and yet they– CLAIM HIM (we realize he means– ownership), HIS NAME’S REPUTATION and ‘association,’ and HE SAID JUST NOW…

“I will not have it any more; you can see they are devouring the ignorant and naive already in the scriptures we are providing, and they are CONSUMING MY SHEEP.

They are WORSE THAN THE HIRELING, though similarly BOTH ‘run’ when the time is to STAND AND FIGHT and DO THE RIGHT THING…

But the WOLF– is actually ‘devising ways’ to SEE THEM FALL, the ‘hireling–’ is just a self serving coward, looking to ‘get ahead,’ upon ‘the backs of others–’

FREE LOADERS– doing *NO Kingdom WORK, but eating all the benefits.

A goat and a wolf– are VERY DIFFERENT, but they ‘function’ from the same conduct– ‘hypocrisy, lies, and lack of loyalty and SERVITUDE

‘in the face of–’ EVIL.”

5 “But all their ‘works’ they do– is to be seen of men: they make broad– their phylacteries…

(Phylacteries– a small leather box containing Hebrew texts on vellum, worn by Jewish men at morning prayer as a reminder to keep the law)

and enlarge the borders of their garments,

6 And love the uppermost rooms at feasts

(the lovely delights and delicacies of this world),

and the chief seats in the synagogues…

(they enjoy– the ‘finer’ things in this world– they are ‘worldly,’ religious folk– apostate, reprobates)

7 And (they love) greetings in the markets

(to be noticed and addressed as ‘holy men,’

whilst they are reprobate– publicly)...

and to be called of menRabbi, Rabbi.

(Rabbi– which is to say, ‘the holy teacher–’ Master.

This explains so much why they wanted to kill him,

for HE IS GOD,

and they ‘want to live like’ they are God,


but inwardly–

They are a pit of ravenous beasts,

readied to DEVOUR HIS *OWNED.)

8 “But YOU– do not be called Rabbi: for ‘One–’ is your MasterChrist– and YOU ALLare BRETHREN.

9 Call NO MAN ‘your father–’ upon the earth: for ‘One–’ is your Father, which is in heaven.

10 Neither (will you) be called ‘masters:’ for

‘One–’ is your MasterChrist.

11 He that is ‘greatest among you–’ shall be your servant.”

(same as Christ did for us,

now he does THROUGH US.)

Do we understand that here he is saying…

Those that go low and serve others and myself, will be exalt above and beyond the reach of those that set-out to ‘seek and to save’ stuff unto themselves firstnot preferring the others ‘receive before them;’ this is my process of sorting my true sons and daughters from those that are only seeking to ‘gleen’ from me and ‘fleece,’ the flock.”

Wow; I did not know he would type that through me, still processing that ‘unto self gains’ part, over the rest of his body.

Because what he’s saying is…

“I’m hurting in my body, and many are seeking just to ‘relieve self,’ and unto that pursuit; but who is sacrificing ALL– for me, so I can ‘use them’ and save my creation and people??

This world, and all the shiny stuff in it and of it

will ‘burn up in the end;’ why do my children run about to ‘soak it all up,’ when HEAVEN and the New Earth will have ALL YOU COULD EVER DREAM OF– far BEYOND this planet and its ‘workings, offerings and displays?’

What I have for you is ‘IN COLOR,’ compared to this ‘grey-scale’ world.

Why will you not GIVE THIS TIME UP ‘to me,’ so that I can use this time ‘wisely,’ and YOU TOO– to save right now…


‘Later,’ after ‘my family is safe.’

Will you help me with this, and learn to ‘serve and obey’ me??

Who is ‘giving up things,’ so I can give those things and blessings to others…

‘FIRST–’ and then reward you HEAVILY, ‘afterwards,’ as preferring THEY BE RESCUED FIRST, and PROVIDED FOR FIRST, as ‘you and I can get through this– we are founded properly.’

But child– they are not; will you abdicate unto their betterment and breakthrough NOW– and

I will ‘bring you around second,’ but NOT left behind…

Just– PULLING UP THE REARwhere others will fall and perish ENTIRELY if we do not.

I thank you for your service; it will be returned, in MY FAVOR UPON YOU.”

And ‘that,’ is HUGE FOLKS; servitude– is for a reason…

BIG REASONS, Salvation reasons; because ‘we–’ will GO HOME WITH HIM IN THE END, of ‘whatever we endure with him,’

but many…

Will not.

And ‘what we do, what we give up now,’ in order for Father God, through his Son and his sacrificial life of giving– through YOU now…

Is ‘because–’ you are already coming home to him soon…but they will not be–

Family, friends,

coworkers and acquaintances…

strangers you lived with–

inside of me, before coming here…




If we do not ‘live sacrificially


authentically unto God.’

Their lives‘depend on us’ to GIVE UP THIS WORLD AND THE PURSUITS ‘of fancy,’ thereof– so they ‘end up living with us, and God too–’ now and later on.

12 “Whoever shall exalt himself– shall be abased (brought low); but, he that shall humble himselfshall be exalted.”

I believe he’s drawing a compelling description here of why ‘the first shall be last– or give before receiving, and conversely the last to receive the Lord’s provisions– shall be first, in honor and favor from God…

for preferring others go first– served first, and ‘we–’ second.

He will be moving these into leadership roles with him, for one was found ‘worthy’ stewarding the little that was given them…

‘Wisely’ … and USED IT FOR ‘the flock,’ not self.

13 “But woe to you– scribes and PhariseesHYPOCRITES!

For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: (remember– keeping their souls EMPTY)

for you neither go in yourselves,

nor do you suffer them that are entering– to go in.”

Okay, he just said…

“You HYPOCRITES; you shut the doors to the kingdom of God in your own lives, run around doing things to be noticed, seeking men’s accolades and praises, AS IF YOU ARE GOD THE CREATOR AND REDEEMER YOURSELVES…

And you LEAVE MEN’S SOULS DESTITUTE, STARVING and DYING of ‘the thirst’ unto a relationship with God and his holiness….


REFUSING TO GIVE-- takers only…

And where you have the ‘means to help,’ YOU DENY HELP, SALVATION and RESTORATIONS and RECONCILIATION

All to EXALT YOURSELVES…’above the highest mountain, above the clouds, above GOD HIMSELF…’

And by LYING TO THEM, which is to say, ‘I am your FATHER…

spiritually, and you are to follow what I say– it is good;’ WHEN THEY SAY ‘ALL IS WELL, PEACE, PEACE…’

KNOW THAT DESTRUCTION COMES SOON, for they ‘lie in weight to devour the righteous’...

They lie, and they ensnare the ‘innocent, ignorant and unlearned;’ THEY SAY ONE THING

And they ‘LIVE ANOTHER.’

BEWARE– lest you stick-tight with them and their ways– and FALL INTO THE PIT TOO.

And WOE ‘unto you,’ means 'this is coming FOR YOU–'

Definition “Woe–” great sorrow or distress.


(note the legal wording,

for ownership and high rule)...

HYPOCRITES will be ‘served up’ WOE, from our holy God now; this is coming into the world in ‘fast motion’ now, he said: Recompense and Vengeance– is the Lord’s.

14 “Woe– to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you devour widows' houses, and for a pretense– you make long prayers (a put-on, a show): therefore —> you shall receive the greater damnation.”

That’s JESUS TALKING– God is talking and he just declared ‘damnation’ upon THESE ‘CHURCH FOLK,’ whom are standing in the ‘office’ of the holy position God installed of Moses; BECAUSE– they are ‘his enemy,’ and yet…

(the Lord)

“They read the scriptures…

They go about…

Though they ‘DO–’ not.

They SPEAK MUCH– but their endeavors are empty, vain, superfluous…

They LIE; they are hypocritical, complainers or orators of ‘empty’ vessels– set out to ‘seek and save’ unto themselves

via ‘selfish gains,’ and the ADORATION of ‘men’...

EATING and DEVOURING them, ‘unawares,’ as they ‘serve up,’ MURDEROUS INTENT to ‘take others down’...

All whilst LIFTING SELF UP– and blaspheming the holy way.”

And he said…

These ‘church folk,’ are DAMNED; that’s A BIG THING TO STATE.

“Damned–” condemned to eternal punishment in hell: curse.

Middle English: via Old French from Latin dam(p)natio(n- ), from the verb dam(p)nare

‘inflict loss on’ (see damn).

Folks, he’s serious about what he has ‘already’ said in the bible and holy scriptures; he’s coming for a ‘spotless’ and ‘wrinkle-free’ bride.

And she is TINY RIGHT NOW– those *qualifying in that state.

(A word from Jesus)

“Much ‘reversal’ is coming in now; where once the ‘wicked reigned over’ my people

I will now ‘separate them’ out from among the wicked

I will be covering them in my secret place, and under the protecting wings of the Almighty…


I bring in ‘their harvest,’ and justice, and TURN THINGS UPSIDE DOWN– for what is evil, is thought of and viewed as ‘good’ or normal…

and what has been ‘holy, good and pure,’ has been spoken of and viewed as EVIL; this will now FLIP LIKE AN ICEBERG.

–Prepare yourselves.”

15 “Woe (comes) to you scribes and Pharisees– HYPOCRITES!

For you compass sea and land to make one proselyte (prophet), and when he is made– you make him ‘twofold more–’ the child of hell than you yourselves (are).”


Do we understand, he STILL IS TALKING ABOUT…

‘Church folk–’ living hypocritically??

He’s COMING TO BURN WITH REFINING FIRES, those that will ‘conform’ to his hand in their lives; but mark my words now folks–

He is also coming to ‘bring in judgments and recompense to the wicked,’ as well as our ‘recompense of harvest sown unto God, in holiness,’ at the same time.

But the ‘judgments and being weighed in the balance, and found wanton’...


Those who are bringing ‘destruction’ to his innocent sheep, being led to the slaughter–

BY ‘HIS OWN–’ or those ‘claiming to be his.’

We will ‘see now,’ who is, who was not, and who will be…HIS.

16 “Woe to you– you blind guides, which say…

Whoever shall swear by the temple–

it is nothing;

but whoever shall swear by the gold of the temple

He is a debtor!

17 “YOU FOOLS and BLIND– for what is greater, the gold, or the temple –that sanctifies the gold?

It takes the ‘holiness’ of God’s establishment, via ‘his way,’ to sanctify riches in this world, that they TAKE US NOT BY THE THROAT– or ‘heart.’

Recall– the temple– is ‘us,’ our lives of living toward God now, the heart; and here the Pharisees are ‘focused’ upon riches and money and gold– not TEMPLES where God dwells, living in holiness.

They mention being in debt to, and money– but not to making their lives lived unto God– right unto him, IN PURITY of living; seems greatly backward, and worldly, and evil.

18 “Whoever shall swear by the altar– it is nothing; but whoever swears by the gift that is upon it– he is guilty.”

Again, why are we ‘swearing’ anything, upon a ‘gift’ given to the church, of riches worldly…


19 “You fools and blind: for what is greater– the gift, or (offering, or) the altar –that sanctifies the gift?”

Again, he mentions, it’s not the gift that sanctifies…

but GOING TO GOD, MEETING HIM AT HIS ALTAR– honestly– that SANCTIFIES and RECONCILES that relationship with God: Purity, genuine, honest– TRUE.

20 “Whoever therefore shall swear by the altar– swears by it– and by all (the) things (laid) there on.

(all things given, offered, and spoken– upheld)

21 And whoever shall swear by the temple– swears by it– and by him –that dwells therein.”

The Temple– us, our lives; the Altar– our hearts, and what we serve up and vow to the Lord: our sacrificial offerings of our lives.

22 “And he that shall swear by heaven– swears by The Throne of God, and by him –that sits thereon.”

This is stating that if we vow by our ‘vessels,’ our Temples, or by our ‘altars–’ our hearts of sacrificial living toward God, in his way

Or by HEAVEN…God’s ‘dwelling place,’ we are doing so, by THE ONE THAT INDWELLS US

‘by him that sits there on’ the Throne.

He is saying, we will do so honestly, and unto him.

The truth of our living will either be like– Cain or Abel; one sacrifice was ‘acceptable,’ and one was reprobate and hypocritical.

ALL will be known to God and to the rest of the people, publicly now…

As God ‘seeks to save those that are still Lost,’ and they NEED TO KNOW WHO IS ‘really–’ WITH GOD HOLY and True.

Where are, and WHO ARE– his ‘Lighthouses,’ in this storm that is brewing, that will leave many in danger??

23 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!

For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin–

but have omitted the weightier matters of the lawjudgment, mercy, and faith: these ought you to have done, and not to leave the other undone.”

He was upset then, and he’s upset still about these ‘partakings’ going on in his ‘church.’

PEOPLE ARE STILL NOT PREACHING ON REPENTANCE, and turning from the wicked ways in the ‘church,’ among our preachers and teachers, apostles, prophets and evangelists…

not to mention that if the leaders are corrupt

the parishioners or sheepwill be too.

It ought not be so, and cleansing is nigh upon

‘your door,’ if you are found ‘partaking with them,’ in their ‘deeds.’

24 “You blind guides which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.”

He just said they are ‘complainers about TINY ISSUES,’ and yet THE HUGE ISSUES UNTO GOD’S HEART– they ignore completely, and go into damnation and destruction.


They are never coming ‘into God,’ and they are leading others astray– ‘into their way.’

25 “Woe (will come) to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!

For you make cleanthe outside of the cup and the platter, but withinthey are full of extortion and excess.”

That’s pretty self explanatory and descriptive:

‘you are extortioners and live in ‘excess.’

26 “You blind Pharisee– cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter– (then) the outside of them may be clean also.”

We MUST, MUST, MUST understand here, that he is talking about ‘cleaning up and sanctifying’ the INNER MAN in CONDUCT becoming of our Lord– for otherwise…

You may as well not even clean the ‘outside,’ or the ‘outer appearance’ of ourselves– for the GUTS ARE ROTTEN, otherwise.

27 “Woe to you scribes and Pharisees– hypocrites!

For you are like whited sepulchers

(white-washed graves, dead people's temples)--

which indeed –appear beautiful outwardly–

but are withinfull of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.”

Again folks, Christ himself wanted to show us, of his own ‘word,’ where he is JUDGING HIS ‘church,’ and he is doing so again, for he has mentioned a gazillion times ‘HYPOCRITES–’ and it is pertaining to the MOST HIGHLY EDUCATED RELIGIOUS, STUDIED FOLK ‘of the day,’ same as now.

And he is coming with VENGEANCE and with JUST JUDGMENT; are we prepared to ‘endure and thrive with him,’ THROUGH– their judgment period…so WE CAN REBUILD with God, after ‘tearing down the wicked establishment??’

28 “You also outwardly appear righteous to men,

but within– you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

29 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees– hypocrites! because– you build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchers of the righteous,

(He’s saying– “you are the ones that kill them, inside and out– whilst claiming you ‘WOULD NEVER’ do that.

YOU MURDER THE RIGHTEOUS (as you did me) and you ARE GARNISHING, adorning–

Readying with fake ‘honor’



the Pure.”)

30 And say…

If we had been in the days of our fathers–

we would not have been partakers with them

–in the blood of the prophets.

31 Wherefore you be witnesses of yourselves, that you are ‘the children of’ them which killed the prophets.”

I’m pretty sure that ‘the children of the devil,’ fathered by him, as ‘the devil has seed’ too,

are the ones that ‘kill prophets,’ so, these

‘HYPOCRITICAL and EVIL LIVING church folk–’ are RAVENOUS WOLVES– dressed up to look, sound and appear ‘like you,’ but they are not OF OUR FOLD– they have come to DEVOUR IT.

32 “Fill up then– (on) the measure of your fathers.”

He just said, ‘fill up on what I gave them in their cup too, your fathers, the devils…’ –YIKES.



How can you escape the damnation of hell?”

Well, if folks didn’t realize this yet, there ARE people in this world that claim to know, run with and be indwelled of God holy and true, but they are HYPOCRITES and LIARS– fathered after the devil himself, and from ‘the seed of’ the devil.

And did we catch that these ‘church folk,’ will be HEADED TO FOREVER TORMENT AND PUNISHMENT, meant for the DEVIL and his COHORTS– because they are ‘part of the cohorts of hell– partaking in their affairs??’

Remember– ‘familiarity– breeds contempt.’

This means, the more you are ‘around them,’ the ‘more you become LIKE THEM’ and LOSE RESPECT…so SURROUND YOURSELF WITH GOD and HIS FOLK…


These ‘claiming’ religious folkdevour ‘sheep,’ from their hypo-CRITICAL,

dead spirits; that’s just what Christ himself says.

We are ‘in for’ a turbulent time now, but with our God– like in the exodus, he WILL– DELIVER– the righteous– INTO THE PROMISED LAND, and with his provision and favor.

But the enemy– chasing down, imprisoning, whipping and laying heavy burdens upon his sheep

and DEVOURING THE FOLD– out to seek for ‘self gains,’ AT THE EXPENSE OF OTHERS

*Will be DESTROYED: they are destined for DAMNATION.

COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, and BE SEPARATED; for the hand of the Lord comes down like the ‘gavel of Justice’ he wields.

34 “Wherefore, behold– I send to you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them

you shall kill and crucify; and some of them– shall you scourge in your synagogues and persecute them from city to city:

35 That– upon youmay come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias– whom you slew between the temple and the altar.”

He REMEMBERS ALL whom he loves, and he RECALLS ALL THE WICKED– and what they do; note here as well, he went all the way back to ABEL…

And he said– “I impute ALL THAT EVIL, and ‘their blood–’ UPON YOU!”

This is ‘the lot– of the wicked living person, claiming to be ‘of God–’ yet found in the balances of justice, in truth, to be a Liar and Murderer– like your father– the devil.”

That is still happening today; he is coming to ‘cut off’ branches, and PRUNE away the wicked and unprofitable now– unto his Kingdom and it’s furthering in the earth.

36 “Verily I say to you…

All these things

shall come upon

–this generation.

37 Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem!!

You that kills the prophets and stones them –which are sent to you.

How often I would have gathered your children together…even as (like) a hen gathers her chickens under her wings– but– YOU WOULD NOT

(have it so)!

Okay– despite all he is saying he ‘must now do,’ because of their wickedness and their murdering the ‘truly righteous…’

He DISPARAGES over ‘attempting to woo her, into safety, under him and his way–’

BUT THEY WOULD NOT‘choose him.’

His heart is SO LARGE– even unto ‘the salvation of the wicked;’ he did for you and me, right–

yes, and we were once wicked and wretched too

But by the GRACE OF HIS GREAT LOVE…he rescued ‘those willing,’ and therein lies the issue:

He can only save– those that are willing to ‘be saved by’ him, and brought into him, and into his way…

And eventually– into HIMSELF ‘and’ HIS HOME: together– as One now.

38 “Behold– your house is left to you, desolate.”

Their children and lineage too??



He did just say he wanted to

‘Gather their children’


For they

Wouldn’t have it.

39 “For I say to you…

You shall not see me henceforth (that’s forever), till you shall say…

Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord.”

That would be– ‘UNTIL YOU REPENT, BOW, and SERVE ME– ‘IN TRUTH.’

This was JesusGod himself telling us what ‘he’ is doing in his justice and judgments toward these folk– as he CLEANSES HIS ‘church,’ and walks out WITH HIS TRUE BRIDE ‘on his arm.’

You will know them by ‘the flame’ they carry for their God.

Luke 12:1-2

“In the meantime, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another (trample), he began to say to his disciples first of all…

Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees–

which is HYPOCRISY.

2 For there is nothing coveredthat shall not be revealed; neither hidden– that shall not be known.”

1 Timothy 4

“Now the Spirit speaks expressly…that

in the latter times –some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron…”

James 3:17

“But– the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without *HYPOCRISY.”

Job 17:8

“Upright men shall be astonished at this!

And the innocent– shall ‘stir up–’ himself against the hypocrite.”

This means, we won’t sit around and not address it any longer– when ‘pushing’ becomes ‘shoving,’ we will rise up and ‘call a spade a spade–’ and deal with our filth.

Proverbs 11:9

A hypocrite –with his mouth

(remember, they lie and slander to murder)

destroys his neighbor: but through ‘knowledge–’ The ‘just’ SHALL BE DELIVERED.”

They find DELIVERANCE– by the ‘truth,’ it sets them free; and the truth is only found in Christ– for ‘his people perish for a lack of *knowledge,’ and that knowledge is OF CHRIST– OF GOD, himself.

We must ‘actually KNOW– our God,’ as we claim to.

Matthew 7:5

“You hypocritefirst cast out the beam (of sinning) out of your own eye; and then– you shall see clearly –to cast out the mote, out of your brother's eye.”

Do we realize this is not just a passage about ‘don’t judge others hypocritically,’ as you do the same dirty business

Inside and out…

But is also stating that…

God is ‘expecting of us–’ to GO TAKE THE MOTE OUT OF OUR BRETHREN’S EYES, not ‘sit in judgment of them, condemning them:’ servitude, not ‘ATTITUDE of superiority.’

Job 8:12-13

“Whilst it is yet in its greenness, and not cut down, it withereth before any other herb…

13 So are the paths of all that forget God; and the hypocrite's hope– shall perish:”

Job 15:34

“The congregation of (sounds like ‘church folk’) hypocrites– shall be desolatefire shall consume the tabernacles of bribery.”

And one ‘final’ passage by the will of the Lord

is included here, as he wishes to

‘drive his point and premise home’ now with this…

Isaiah 10:1-6

“Woe to them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;

2 To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the rights from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless!

3 What will you do ‘on the day of visitation–’ and

in the desolation which shall come from far?

To whom will you flee for help?

And, where will you leave your glory?

4 Without me –they shall bow down under the prisoners, and they shall fall under the slain.

(God will abase them, laying them ‘low,’

below even the lowliest they did dirty unto.)

For all this –his anger is not turned away…

Instead– his hand is stretched out still.

5 Oh Assyrian– (note he describes some of the most ‘ruthless’ folk around, Syrians)--

The rod of my anger, and the staff in their hand–

is my indignation.

6 I will send him against an hypocritical *nation, and against the people of my wrath –I will give him a charge to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.”

He is coming in, and he is coming in with his JUSTICE and JUDGMENTS of his ‘gavel,’ accordingly; and this judgment predates us BY FAR– He WILLCLEANSE the earth, and it’s ‘FOR’ HIS CHILDREN’S and HIS SAKE, and INHERITANCE– that he does so.

So, “I” leave you with ‘my’ last verse, as the last passage was his…for we should remember this, it’s HIS EARTH, and ALL IN IT, are his to do with.

Psalm 24:1

“A Psalm of David.

The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness of (it);

the world, and, they that dwell therein.”

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