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How to crush satan under your feet in your soul: liberation strategies of God

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Deliverance is saving you from Darkness,

Estrangement from God, godliness,  

Your true identity, his, and the truth:

Bringing you into the light.


Someone had said to me— “Sister, will you please pray for me as the Lord helps me fight the darkness?”  

To which I had said— “I will intercede for you, yes, of course.  But as encouragement, the Lord told me this, and so I'll tell you:”

"Janet, if you don't quit— 

you win in the end."

Just don't quit fighting against the darkness— that's how you crush satan's head— by casting down all thoughts and actions that align with satan's ways.”

And then I began to explain some common ways of satan— and warfare against the soul— and what God has shown me about how to gain this victory in Christ Jesus, exalt the truth— and walk in our true identity.  And so I bring these things to you— in hopes that it will help you all, as he expounded upon these things, to bring forth to his body.

Satanic ways, and how to combat them, gaining the victory, and becoming overcomers:

  • HOPELESSNESS —cast it down, rejoice in the Lord, thank God in all things— for all things are working together for your good.  It may not look like it through the carnal lenses (your perspective based in facts that you see, feel, experience down here) —but with God’s perspective he is setting satan up to become trapped and defeated in your life, as God works what satan meant for harm— together for you good, when he watches you crush his headship inside of you— as he brings you closer to him in all situations, and shows you his future for you:  and that future he will show you that he is setting up for you— will be based in every story in scripture that he turned around in his people’s lives— after they endured until the appointed time of release and turnaround.

There’s no need to remain enforcing hopelessness inside— it comes about by not seeing God’s perspective;  and he’s inside of you, attempting to remind you in all things— he’s there.  And not only is he there, he’s working on your behalf, night and day (he never sleeps), to bring you through this crucible and fire of refinement, testing, and tempering of the truth (and trust in him, a testing of your faith) in your life:  endure the hardship— and eventually, if you see his hand in it to strengthen, mature, and deliver you of strongholds, and recover what was stolen— you will begin to have hope in God, for your future;  because that’s what he walked out with every other child of his in scripture, that thought he had forsaken them— but he did not;  and he has not forsaken you— but is working all of this together for your good.  But will you believe him for this, in this, today?  Because— whether you will see it from God’s perspective, and EMBRACE his process and perspective— will determine if you will ever be set into freedom and peace during the battle.

You can have peace during the battle— if you will fight WITH THE LORD, and BELIEVE HIM— instead of against him in hopelessness: for hopelessness is truly born of doubt in his goodness, and his track record— and his love for you, personally;  as well as his omnipotence is being doubted in you— for you fear he cannot bring this all around for your good, in the end.  

Well— he did say his people perish inside for a lack of vision:  that vision to see God’s hand in your life, his love for you, his power— and desire to save you, and his faithfulness that he always fights and comes through for all of his children.  But if you do not believe that— and remain wrestling inside to defeat the enemy of your soul with his rhetoric— then you will succumb to hopelessness;  but it’s all possible to overcome:  the issue is your resolution inside to trust God, and lean not on outward appearances, but upon the truth.

Don’t let the truth be trampled inside of you;  don’t let the truth fall in the streets, but instead— remain upon the narrow way, and stay upon the highway of holiness, holding his hand— and believing him, as you bear up under the pressures of enduring life with Christ in this realm. 

  • UNBELIEF —cast it down, believe he is who he said he is, and is for you, not against you.  If you will do this with him— he can move mountains of opposition within your soul;  and that is where the battle is, that is where the emotions are, that is where the faulty thoughts are— that lead you toward a perspective that is contrary to the word of God— and his heart for you, and the truth.

Unbelief is born from the satanic nature to doubt God.  It began in the fallen one, and when we ate of his ways (fruit in the garden, of fallen knowledge, mixed knowledge— which means, mixed familiarity, both with the truth, and lies and immorality [which truly means— not following God and godliness]).  When we took in that thinking, that reasoning, those behavioral activities being erected up into the high places of man— we began having defilement on the mountain top:  the devil and idolatry took over the high places within man;  and the Lord is coming in you— to throw down the idolatry of the high places.  That means— you will have to partner with him, and not fight against him in this process— or it will be hard for you, Saul— to kick against the prodings of the truth inside of you— that his still small voice is attempting to set you free by.

Unbelief— is self exaltation, and leaning upon one’s own experiences in life, one’s own reasoning, and one’s own opinions;  unbelief is actually attacking God’s character and love for you;  as well as his ordered steps to bring you a future that is full of hope in him.  Unbelief is satan’s way— he did not believe God had his best interest, he went his own way— thought his own thoughts, led himself in his own reasonings, had the orphan mentality that God had rejected him and was not for him, and then he wanted more in his court;  so he set out to be one who would trick others into walking with him in this:  not only fallen angels, but fallen mankind.

Don’t let satan usurp your high places inside, by agreeing with him in his victimhood stance— that is born in lies and self-conceited focus:  he was the originator of the ‘woe is me’ stance, and he leads all others into this.  That was what happened in the garden long ago— and still yet continues on:  satan is still convincing others (inside, through his carnal nature he gifted mankind with) that we should side with him, and that God is not for us— but is holding back good due to us, and he cannot be trusted: this is where we walk— when we doubt God’s goodness for us, and we doubt his CHARACTER, and HIS PERSON OF INTEGRITY;  and we will walk therein with satan and his thinking— we have become satanic, oppose God as an opposer of the truth, inside of us— and we trample the truth in the streets.

Fighting the fight of faith— is wrestling every fallen entity’s thoughts, rhetoric, reasoning, and behaviors and attributes of— that are trying to rise (and stay) in the high places of us, within the soul of man:  resisting the devil, actively, and crushing the ‘opposition’ (that’s truly you leaning on your own reasoning, opinions, and ways— where you have believed satan inside) within you:  YOU MUST CRUSH THE HEADSHIP (counsels, ideas, thoughts, emotions, attitudes, reasoning, etc) OF SATAN— within you!  That’s YOUR reasonable service:  if you are choosing to serve God this day.

You see— you serve/worship what you exalt, what you focus on, and what you believe inside:  the first step is taking inventory of what’s happening— and then ACTIVELY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!  You do something about it— by interjecting the truth (that’s found in scripture), and you FIGHT AGAINST IT— by ‘coupling’ (this is yoking) with the truth:  and hereby— you crush satan’s headship in you (which is you— leading yourself, and justifying things, and having opinions that are contrary to God, godliness, and the truth).

Resist unbelief, with exaltation of the truth in you— as you ‘couple’ and yoke with God in the truth, and with his person;  and the devil will flee from you in seven directions (that’s completely) —because you will have no fellowship with that darkness any longer.

  • FEAR —cast it down, God is all powerful and he's IN you and helping you fight all of satan's thoughts he's thrusting at you to get you to see God as a lesser power.  Satan’s agenda (in your carnal nature) is to get you to focus on anything and everything that is not the truth:  and this reinforces within you— some sort of God powerlessness, and that satan is more powerful because of his bark; his words/thoughts he’s sending your way, with imaginings of how terrible things could get, or how terrible things look right now— and then we base our beliefs and thoughts, focused upon that— and fear takes over, stronger than God;  all because we made it stronger within, than what he’s saying, and we don’t believe he’s who he says he is.

Fear will tell you that the storm is VERY powerful and God is not with you, doesn’t care, and won’t help you.  Fear says that you are not strong with God, and he cannot get you through anything— that you will falter and fail.  Fear will place all burden upon YOUR shoulders— and not believe that God is there to carry your load, work things out for your good, and desires to help you in all things.  Fear has a rhetoric that will have you thinking upon anything but God’s truth, his power, his love, his provision, his agenda in your life.  Fear will take your mind and emotions and toss you into a raging river that will carry you so far from the truth— if you let it.

CAST FEAR DOWN— fear is a lesser entity, and is not for you;  but it will attempt to convince you that focusing on the negative, worst case scenario is good sense;  but that is the devilish, sensual (meaning— it appeals to your carnal nature), lower, earthly wisdom:  DON’T LEAN ON YOUR CARNAL WISDOM— it’s a trap;  lean on God, and godly wisdom— born from above.  Which is this:  God is supreme, he is sovereign, all things work together for those that love him (that’s obey and exalt the truth within), he is desiring that you would not perish— but repent and be saved/freed/delivered of all these things, and that’s the truth!  He is for us, he always has been.  He’s over all principalities and power— he always has been;  and he’s attempting to bring us out of all demonic alignments within our souls— and set captives free from the yoke that oppresses us (which is satan’s counsels— and us falling for them, as we align with his opinions and reasoning inside).

CAST FEAR TO THE PIT— whilst you climb out with God, on the plumbline of truth:  cast up the truth, cast down the lies and reasoning of the devil— you will resist him in this, and crush his headship— and fear will leave you.  But you must actually bring the truth INTO you, and ‘couple’ with him (he is the truth, not just did he quote it— it is him).  When you will actually dance with him and his truth inside, and sway back and forth exalting him and truth within you— that’s the time you will begin to gain victory over satan, and be set free by the truth:  that’s when the truth will make you free.

Until you do this— until you exalt the truth within you, and with all your strength, with all your soul, with all your heart, and with all your mind— satan will remain (you, in your carnality) in the high places, opposing God, the truth, and living righteousness in Christ, within your soul:  and your soul will remain entrapped in hell, by an oppressor— when what you truly want is freedom— all because you let truth fall in the streets;  you let the truth fall from it’s high position inside of you— and you continued to lean on devilish wisdom.

Fear is conquered— when you trust God.  So— if fear is plaguing you, I suggest you figure out how, where, and why you do not trust God.  What is more powerful in your mind and beliefs— than God?  What can God not get you through?  What can God not change around?  What can you not endure with him— until it’s dealt with?  

Do you think he is not going take you to him after this world— do you doubt your salvation?  Well— you need to go back and remember he desires none should perish— that meansHE DOESN’T WANT YOU TO BE AWAY FROM HIM:  so what are you exalting inside?  Are you walking with him in his truth?  Do you obey him?  If you will exalt the truth in you, and obey him, and couple with what the scripture says— you will overcome this doubt of your salvation:  which is truly born of satan, and thinking you have to do something perfectly to be accepted by God.  Nay— he desires serious effort in relationship— but you couldn’t pave your way to heaven, and back into his arms through walking out the law (conduct of God) flawlessly— it’s why Yahshua had to come and do it.  

But you DO have the ability to walk life out with him now, make deliberate effort to walk in the truth, and be intimate with him.  That should bring you peace— if you actually believe the truth of scripture:  for it says you are to give everything you’ve got at this— and he helps you with the rest, he makes up for what, and where we lack.

He is asking you for trust in him to finish what has been started in you.  Do you believe he will?  If so— you will have confidence in him, in your life, because he always finishes what he starts.  If you do not trust him for who he is— then you will remain exalting fear within, and you will remain bound— but you don’t have to remain there:  exalt the truth— he’s for you, working with you, and will bring you through to him if you don’t quit on him or the truth, but instead— walk therein.

Do you fear bodily death?  Why?  To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, and it’s the MOST beautiful process— been there, done that.  Do you not believe scripture, where he says— Oh death, where is your sting?  If you think, over and over again— that death is not preferable in the life of the believer— you are doubting something about being received of him:  he’s right there with his angels to recover you unto himself, IMMEDIATELY.  Become a believer, and believe the word of God— he does not disappoint.  

Fear is overcome— when the truth is walked in, and you wrestle and fight to keep the truth in the highest place of your thoughts and beliefs:  do that— and the devil and his thoughts, and torture of— will leave you, and godly shalom will come in, and strengthen you there.

  • PRIDE —cast down your own reasoning and understanding, lean not on— in that way— but instead place God in charge of your mind and thoughts, and agree with him there. It will always line up with scripture.  Pride is self reasoning, self preservation, self opinions (not God’s perspective of the truth), self leadership (not the headship of Christ and the truth within leading), and it walks in something of self gain— but in a satanic way:  it’s getting something satan walks in— erected within you.  Meaning— focus is on you (that’s self worship), it’s about saving your life (that’s not a laid down life), it’s about your reasoning from your five senses that are operating in carnal facts down here (not godly wisdom, with thoughts and ways high above all the material and carnal, and not seeing his perspective).  

Pride seeks to gain something for self.

Pride will seek to justify itself, it will seek to defend itself, it’s hurt easily— offended easily— and is inclined to argue a point.  Pride will puff itself up to be seen and heard, it is not humble— nor will it suffer unjustly— for someone else’s good.  Pride does not prefer others over self— and so it will not serve God or the truth being exalted within— but will argue the truth within, with a voice of opposition to God.  Pride has attitude problems based in lies and self focus— in a victim-hood, ‘woe is me’ stance.  Pride believes what it wants to believe— because it can, no matter what scripture says, or who he says he is (the Lord, in the truth).  

Pride will trap a man in hell— and convince him it’s for his own good— as man thinks what he wants to think and does nothing about it inside, and is held in chains— because he’s strong-willed to continue in the old man nature.  Pride will help a man walk in delusion— seeing what the carnal nature wants to see— but not God’s perspective from above.  

Pride will focus on the moment— not the eternal.  “And this,” he said, “fits control, discussed later on.”

Pride— is the fallen nature— and it will fight with everything it’s got, inside a man’s soul— to be the one in charge:  it’s only if you will actually fight with everything you’ve got to exalt God and the truth within— that pride will be overcome.

You see— pride is you, in a fallen state, with a mind on self, and based in lies:  it’s when you decide you don’t want to be that false identity, nor are you wise— and need to couple with God to help you, lead you, and father you– that you will be freed from pride, and walk humbly in your true identity;  and you win over pride when you humble yourself, exalt the truth and God of, serve the truth within as you couple and yoke with it/him, when your focus becomes God, godliness/righteousness, and truth— you will finally understand what it is to lay ‘your’ life down:  your life— is the one you were trying to live— and now, you will only live life in Christ.

Pride is defeated— when you cease to live by your own design and reasoning, leadership, ways, counsels, and opinions— that lead you to walk in your own behaviors that are born after satan, not God.

Pride is defeated— when truth is nor longer trampled under your foot inside, but now satan (your carnal nature) is, and his headship (your carnal headship) is crushed under the weight of the truth exalted within you now, and the King exalted within you now— as you dethrone yourself and your own leadership.

He just said:  “Satan hates to see you type all this out, because he knows the devastation to his leadership that results— when the truth like this is detailed out to my people.”

So, folks— walk in the truth, buy it— sell it not, don’t give it away to satan within— and don’t lean on your own mind and understanding, opinion or leading inclinations:  throw prideful self down off the throne of self thought— and take up his thoughts and ways— they are high above ours, and thus— submit to him and the truth;  and he will conquer you.

YES— you have need to be conquered by the love of God, the truth of God, and deliverance of God:  we are set free from pride— when we finally decide to exalt the truth within us, and walk in it, coupling with it– which is him.  Until then— pride will continue to entrap us— but we can get free with God, if only— we will do the work and wrestle these things out inside of us:  and gain the victory of crushing satan from within, by the word of God and giving dominion to him, inside.

  • ANGER— cast it down;  remember that God is shalom/peace— which means ‘godly order restored,’ and that is within you, first and foremost.  Satan is a master manipulator, and he sets himself out toward the emotional sector of man, to manipulate his emotions— so he can cause you to remain in a lower frequency and light (obscured in you), so he can pull puppet strings in you— to have you under his headship, unto his agenda (losing control, spreading negative emotions to others, with negative consequences, not clear headed, etc) playing out inside of you:  he comes to steal, and destroy your ‘godly order’ in you:  beat him at his game— and practice OVERCOMING/DISCIPLINING your emotions— which begins with your thought perspectives.

Whose thoughts are you thinking, and what perspective is your mind running toward, and focusing on?  Because God is disciplined in his emotions, and his thoughts are higher, more patient and long-suffering— and he sees satan’s plots to entrap; do we?  Beat satan inside your souls— by partnering with God’s shalom (he is Jehovah, the principle one of shalom).  When you will STOP— in the moment, when you are tempted to REACT— and you will close your eyes, take deep breath, and inside— ask him to center you, give you patience, forgive, and enact mercy toward the persons and situation…

You have then entered into INTERCESSION, and you are praying for the evil situation, or people;  and now— you are OVERCOMING satan, inside your soul— and you are practicing your disciplined spirit and soul, right then.  This is how you can walk in shalom— instead of anger.

Even when God is angry— he does not choose to stay and walk therein all the time; he goes and invests himself in positive endeavors;  intercessive, priestly prayer— on behalf of sinners/transgressors of God and his ways— is always a beneficial endeavor to take to, in spiritual warfare;  because it will bring you shalom, and center and re-calibrate you inside;  and it will work on behalf of something with eternal benefit for the other persons involved:  example given— pray for the reprobate of the world to come into the knowledge of God, through your heart mercies and long-suffering patience for none to perish, but to be saved by coming to know the God of love, truth and righteousness. 

Practice shalom— and anger will flee you.

  • JEALOUSY— this entity comes around when you are focused upon self.  The only time the Lord identifies with jealousy— is when he is jealous, or ZEALOUS for YOU— saving you, delivering you, redeeming you, and recovering you in a reconciled relationship:  he said he is a jealous lover when he sees you hooking up with lies and darkness.

But when man touches jealousy— it’s usually never about being zealous for some other soul’s freedom, to come into relationship with Christ and the truth;  it’s usually a carnal jealousy, based in self focus (pride), and stems from not knowing the truth personally in one’s own life:  meaning— meeting God within, and knowing the truth within, and experiencing him there;  and instead— focusing outwardly (carnally minded) upon other people’s lives and what they have, and thereby also ushering in covetousness (craving what another man has).

Jealousy is born of pride, lack of self identity, lack of understanding where God is in one’s life, and how he’s moving in one’s life, and how much he loves you.  It is also born of the false identity— which is the carnal nature lived in— and so one has a need to be born anew in their souls:  after one is born anew, or reborn in spirit— that spirit that is coupling with God’s Spirit now, needs to be in charge of your soul— and bringing you into living and exalting the truth in there, God’s true identity (who he shows he is in scripture), and our true identity— in that we look just like Jesus in our design, and we need walk in that.

Jealousy— is focused on all the wrong things, with all the wrong heart motives:  God’s zealousness for us, God’s jealousy to snatch us from satan is born of a pure heart motive— to save us from his clutches:  but man is often lead of a devilish, carnal jealousy— where we look at another person’s life, and we want what they have;  or we look at ourselves and think— I don’t have what they have, all the while it’s available to us as well— if we would focus on what and who really matters— God;  and not focus on what really doesn’t matter— selfish endeavors in this life, especially when born of a lack mentality:  he told us— You have not, because you ask not;  and when you ask— you ask amiss— to just consume what you wanted, upon your own lusts.

So— when finding oneself in jealousy— what are you thinking, and why are you thinking it?  Are you jealous for souls to be saved and pulled out the clutches from satan— and so, you have a pure, godly jealousy— born of zealousness for saved souls?  Or— do you find yourself in jealousy because you are focused on consuming something of your own lusts, that would benefit you, personally?

Jealousy is overcome when one will become humble, and walk in the truth that God is liberal and just to all— and we have not because we ask not, or we ask to consume something only for ourselves, to gain some benefit to ourselves only.  God has no problem hearing your requests that your heart desires— but when you will let those lusts overtake you, and rule you, and give you attitude problems, and emotional upset— because you are not receiving what you desire right now, how you want to— you rival a spoiled, selfish child— that does not understand that giving it everything it wants, when it wants it— may destroy them:  like candy— and boatloads of it.

God knows what is best for us— and we need to honor him in that;  and if he says ‘no’ at this moment— but ‘yes,’ eventually— ought we not honor him in that?  He might actually foresee what is best for us— and just might be growing us up into walking maturely with him.

Jealousy lives in thinking we know what is best for us— and truly, we do not.  When you will lay your life in God’s hands, and allow him to provide to you what he sees fit, when he sees it’s fit— you will defeat jealousy.  When you begin to ask for things— because it will benefit EVERYONE in the body of Christ if you are granted this;  then trust him— that when it’s appropriate— he will grant you the desires of your heart— for he is aligned with them being good for you:  and he does desire to please you, but not over your own good.

Throw yourself off the throne within, dethrone pride and the carnal nature— with it’s inclinations to think it knows what’s best— and humble yourself before the Lord, exalting him;  and in due season— when he sees fit, how he sees fit— he will grant you the desires of your heart:  but only if your hearts desires are born of pure motives, not self gains only.

  • CONTROL —cast down control, give that to the Lord, and exalt him to be placed in the highest command of you.  Control is born of mistrust and pride.  Control’s voice will tell you all the ‘if’ statements, born of fear and self-leading, and pleasure.  Control desires you get what you want, when you want it— which is pride.  Control will tell you to do what seems right, what seems reasonable, what is best for you;  when we do not know what is best for us— and left to our own devising— we will destroy ourselves with our own reasoning and leadership.

Control actually is born of knowing better than God, not trusting God, not believing he is all knowing, all powerful, and is everywhere to help in all things.  Control— is being one’s own god, leading self, and afraid to submit the throne of authority to God:  control is born of mistrust in God, and irreverence to his headship within.

Demonic spirits love to do their own thing, and help someone to walk in the same— so they can hijack your vessel, and live in your rebellion and sin with you— as you partake in it.  Control is the satanic nature that does not actually want to partner with God, and place him in command— and it will entrap a soul in hell, and under the headship of the fallen one.

Control will ruin a man quickly, and control will keep a man from intimacy with the Lord, strong-willed (because the entity is backing your behavior with spiritual power, because you worship them when you walk their ways), estranged from godliness (the divine nature erected within), leading others with a bad example lived out in your testimony— because you will not submit to God— but instead to devils.

Control is based in fear— and that’s a principality that is not God, and does not trust God, and does not trust that God can actually help.  A person entertaining a spirit of fear (exalting it inside) will think that what the demonic are offering (in thoughts, behaviors, coping mechanisms, reasonings, etc) is beneficial to the person— because God’s way will not suffice, will not be sufficient, and is not preferable— because it will deny us of our carnal pleasures.  [like drugs, gambling, pornography, lying, etc]

Fear is based in carnality and selfish desires— and control is linked with the spirit of fear;  and the spirits of fear and control— do not trust God, do not like godliness, and have what they think— is a much better way for you, born of the carnal nature being exalted within you.  Because then— if you continue to play with them, do as they lead you— think your own thoughts, do your own actions, control your ‘own’ life— they get to join you in your activities, as you exalt satanic ways.

Control— is satan:  control is being a god, OVER, the true God— because you know better, want what you want to think or do— whenever you want to think it or do it;  and no one will stop you:  it is rejection of God, godliness and the truth being exalted within you— and it is why the fearful will have their part in the lake of fire:  because they fear/honor another god, namely self— whilst distrusting God holy, their Maker.

Control needs to be broken through humility exalted, and truth exalted, and the King exalted within— actually believing him to be who he said he is, and faithful.  Control— is an attribute of pride— in the one who will not place God in the headship role within— because they are tightly tied with familiar spirits.  This person needs deliverance— and the deliverance is the delivery of the truth into them, and coupling with it, and him.  If one will not do this— bondage to devils as one’s god— will continue.

Being one inclined to control self in all ways— is demoting God from his rightful place within man.  A person who will not relinquish control, and will remain fighting God within for control— is his enemy:  relinquish control, relinquish self leadership— born of pride and distrust in God, and be freed inside— to walk the paths of righteousness.

We are setting an example to others all the time— and your testimony is what you live:  are you testifying of hell— or God?  Are you testifying, or witnessing hell’s ways— or God’s?  Are you exemplifying Christ— or satan, born of carnality and bondage to devils?  Because you are either witnessing the Kingdom of God to others— or the kingdom of hell:  God’s headship within— or satan’s.

It matters not what you say— but what you live:  a testimony is what one has lived.  What have you been living, and do you trust, or not trust God?  Do you walk the paths of righteousness, and holiness— or are you still leading yourself?

Do you feel unsure of many things, not secure on many spiritual matters, and wavering in your confidence inside— concerning Christ and your salvation with him?  You might have self leadership and control issues then— backed by fallen entities that you are entertaining.

Because when you are walking on the righteous path, and exalting holiness, and the King of, inside— there is freedom, love, acceptance, confidence, and peace.  When we walk the unrighteous path— where we are unsure, scared, wavering inside, double minded— we have symptoms of lies exalted, demons involved, self headship, and the evidence of not submitting to God’s headship, truth, and love inside— and disobeying him:  rebellion— is behind control, along with fear, pride, and self headship.

Relinquish control to God, work out your salvation relationship with fear and trembling— devils do tremble, but man walks arrogantly, ignorantly, fearfully, distrustingly against God— whilst exalting demonic fallen nature inside— born in self leadership, or controlling self.

Conquering this beast— is as easy as actually giving the headship of your life into the only capable hands— the Lord’s.  Submit to God:  

“Submit yourselves, then, to God;  resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”  

[James 4:7].  

The SUBMIT PART— is key.


The Trap— 

see it coming and defeat the enemy


The enemy will try to seclude you, pull you aside, get you alone— and not yoked with God or the truth— to take you down by his whispers, as you are far from exalting the truth or God within:  his desire is to ‘separate’ you, inside— from God, godliness exalted, the truth exalted and lived in, and you breaking free from his grip/entrapment/rhetoric and counsels— to father you in your ways:  to be your god leader of you.

So— one thing we need to see is that FIDELITY to God, the truth, righteousness lived within, and loving God the way he told us to— IS ULTRA IMPORTANT:  obedience, submission, fighting the good fight against satan within (the carnal nature inclinations, and submission to) —casting his image down (the false identity, fallen nature, and not living there, in those lies any more), and RESISTING HIM:  which is to grab the truth, hold onto it, see it as highly valuable, don’t let go of it, fight with all you have to exalt it into the high places of you, obey it, honor it— and as you do— he will draw nigh to you, and enlighten you, and strengthen you, and uphold you, and help you in all the warfare— while you now wrestle with God, agreeing with him— and defeating satan together within you, as you see your headship has been ruling your roost for far too long, led of satan;  and now— you fully surrender all to God holy.

Fidelity— is when you won’t cheat on the truth inside of you any longer, and now— you desire to uphold it, fight for it, push it up inside of you— whilst simultaneously throwing satan down off the throne (pride, carnality upheld), and crush that nature entirely— as you now walk in the truth, and uphold God inside:  this is where you will see him defeat principalities (principled beliefs, and power of), crush satan under your foot, and truly have the most high God within your vessel— who is bringing you freedom as Jehovah (the God who delivers).

Fidelity— faithfulness and loyalty to your partner (in this case, God and his truth and ways, or character exalted);  root definition— late Middle English: from Old French fidelite or Latin fidelitas, from fidelis ‘faithful’, from fides ‘faith’. 

Fidelity to God— is to remain faithful inside your vessel— to the truth, loyal to exalting the truth within you (and thereby the King, or principle one of), and partnering (or yoking) yourself to the truth:  this is what it is to walk in faith of, and with God, and to be faithful to him.

THIS is how you are set free from devils, darkness, and the pit.  

THIS is where your part is to work out your salvation with fear and trembling (where you truly revere God, the truth, and the righteous path within) —knowing your eternity will be framed by this understanding, and you coupling with it and him.  

THIS is where the rubber meets the road— and you walk out the truth, become the truth, and are freed by the truth:  for where the Spirit of the Lord is, where he has been able to penetrate you, and you have coupled with his Spirit and truth— there is freedom.

He does all the heavy lifting— but you do need to partner with him in it:  but he is faithful to finish that good work in you; and it goes much faster, much easier— if you submit now— rather than later, or never.

His dream is for you to KNOW YOUR GOD, and to be secure in him, and to KNOW THE TRUTH, and to live in it:  for therein— is your freedom, your intimacy with him, and your overcoming satan.


I pray this blesses you today.  These are but just a few of the principal powers of darkness that come to beset a man from the truth lived within— that sets a man at liberty in the Spirit of Christ Jesus.

Don't quit— keep putting in the work/effort, doing the work with God (that's working out your salvation inside with fear/ reverence and trembling— that's knowing he's all powerful— and for you helping to fight satan inside). 

Don't quit resisting satan within, and you gain the victory in time, and become the overcomer, who overcame satan, pride, fear, unbelief, hopelessness, control of self/self headship as a god, and much, much more— with Christ, his saving power, and the truth— as you walk his path of righteousness.

He loves you, I love you— do you love you, and God, and the brethren— enough to do the work, heal the body of Christ, and come home to Father as a victor with Christ Jesus?  Because— he believes you can!!!  

And he believes in you and him— and desires for you to live like the picture below— in freedom, joy, hope, and security in Christ Jesus— celebrating liberation!!!

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