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Hosea & Jesus (1): marrying a prostitute, coming judgment, tribulation, and saving his people

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Hosea— his similarity to Jesus

—and unto his Bride

[video link part 1: ]


Our Lord (like Hosea), was led of the Father to give himself to a prostitute bride; he bought with his blood a defiled woman/people: however— just like Hosea’s witness to his betrothed— salvation and recovery is the agenda, a purchasing back of the field or land— and a reconciling of the land in reformation, unto at-one-ment with God holy again:  when we tie up to holiness and righteousness again, and we couple with it to be scrubbed clean— this is how a holy God marries himself to a filthy woman— to clean her up:  it’s the ultimate Prince in shining armor storyline and fulfillment:  holy fire will cleanse and free his harlot bride, and she will come to resemble him once again as he purifies her 7 times in the furnace of refinement (for unclean— can only exist here, in this realm; inside of God— one must be clean and holy as he is, and so, hence— the restoration of a people unto holiness, the cleansing of his woman or partner, and the way in which it has, does, and will go down in history:  the tribulation that saves a people).

This is the story of the wayward fall, the reasons for tribulation (for salvation), the description of what takes place, and why— unto the purposes of it all:  to clean up a prostitute betrothed people (bride), unto spotless and wrinkle-free, before our Lord comes for her in the earth:  it is to redeem the land, to buy it back, and then to reform it, cleanse it by the sacrifice— bringing it into the truth, righteousness (character, and reverence of— restored, and a new name given), holiness— and set at one with God holy again.

The field (land) must be bought back, and then cleansed and made righteous again (restored) —this is the resurrection of the souls of men (the field/land), and the recovery of a people (bride/flock/family) unto the Lord God himself:  If you build it— they will come.

If we build upon the Cornerstone, the truth, and have this foundation— the others who are called will come, as the Spirit and the Bride say— Come to the wedding of the Lamb:  the wedding guests, the friends of the Bridegroom.

But first— a cleansing of his Bride, a buying back of the field/land, a cleansing and purification of one who will marry a King, built upon the proper foundation (righteousness, and the name and character of the King), reflecting her Bridegroom— like silver and gold refined 7 times (perfection) in the furnace of affliction— to bring about the end result:  a woman fit for the King;  whereas once— she was a harlot prostitute— and merchandised her soul unto other gods, idols of her heart’s affection, and adulterated the marriage bed of God— but now, has come clean, been restored, been humbled, become faithful in fidelity to the King, and will take her proper position next to him— at the throne of God.

There is a portion in this video where I will play a clip or two from a sister in Christ named Claire— as well, I will tie in what another sister in Christ named Tracey sent me, and how it all came about— to speak of the two deeds of the land purchase in Jeremiah:  one opened to all (salvation of the land buy back), and one sealed yet (the names who chose him back, unto the fulfillment of the land purchased back, cleansed, and made whole in Christ:  the sealed book of the Lamb, and those sealed with the promise of the Holy Spirit).


Babylon is a construct— it is the place of fallenness, it is the place of spiritual bondage— and it inhabits men, and causes them to create the same in the physical.  It is true that satan is building his own empire, and it is Babylonian once again;  but God holy is also building his New Jerusalem— which means newness of peace, and the city or dwelling place of:  this is the temple of the new creation in Christ Jesus: the child of God who abides in Life now with Christ Jesus— and Life abides in them.

It is true that Babylon takes men captive (inside, spiritually), holding them in bondage of captivity (idolatry and adultery, spiritually imprisoned);  but it is also true that our Lord takes us into captivity in him— which is peace, love, adoption, freedom, and Life in Christ Jesus— apart from spiritual Babylon, or captivity unto devils and morally fallen beings who lead silly men (deceived, prideful or carnal, or broken men).

This city of New Jerusalem— the new state inside of man that is free, reformed, peaceable, loving, and righteous— is both a people, and a place; or, if you will— a people and a state of being inside those people— who will walk the earth and heaven at the same time:  this is where heaven and earth touch in the holy place within man— and the manifest sons of God come forth and reveal his glory to lost, wayward, mankind.

There is a city and state of being that is Babylon— as well;  and it is a haunt of devils, a stronghold of immorality, fallennes, brokenness, and estrangement from God and godliness— where man has stepped away from God, and fell from his glory (dignity and character, and light), and has found himself walking in bondage to sin and immorality— led and enforced of devils:  this is the counterfeit, or this is the opposing kingdom of hell and death (estrangement, opposite, and set at a distance— from God holy, true, and loving).

At the end of this book of Hosea— we will see what is happening (and has been), where it is heading (and why), and what God plans to do now (because of the captivity of his people/woman), and where he plans to get a remnant to in him (and how).

We mention Babylon— only to warn people;  we mention and detail out captivity of men— unto devils and hell— in order to hopefully enlighten men, invite them to come out (deliverance) of that captivity and prison, open them up and unlock that prison door— with the truth, as we ask them if they would like to receive Jesus (the way out, the truth that opens the door of the lies of captivity), and the Life (inside of him, forever more— away from evil, prison in hell estrangement, and death).

We speak on Babylon— only to warn and inform people;  and then— we are to, as Christ did, bring the truth to the people (healing and uniting to Jesus), and set them free into the embrace (mercy of the blood of Lamb, the way made, unto reconciling with the Living God, coming into shalom peace as one again— set at-one with the Living God) by, and into his arms of mercy (unearned love and acceptance, desiring you— extended to you):  we bring up Babylon— only to encourage people to come out of her, and to come into the glorious liberty of the children of God— who walk in the light of the truth, the arms of the Savior, and are united to his body of people— coming home to the flock of God, and freedom from the oppressors, and the oppression:  captivity now, not to the devil and hell— but unto the loving holy God, and to his Kingdom of heaven.

This is the reason we bring up Babylon— to enlighten lost people to the reality and invitation of/to New Jerusalem:  the state of spiritual freedom, where godly order has now been restored— because we couple with the Living God once again, where the lost (souls) have now been found, the wayward are on the right path now, the loveless— are loved now, the unclean are now clean, the lies are now the truth erect inside of man, and the lonely are now consoled and at one with their first love again:  DELIVERANCE ACHIEVED, HEALING ATTAINED, and RECONCILIATION and ATONEMENT (at one with God again) has been RECOVERED.

This is why Babylon is spoken of:  so that we can stop the merchandising of souls— held in bondage captivity to satan;  and free the people, helping to restore them to the way, the truth, and life in Christ Jesus— preparing the people for the arrival of the King— at the end of all ages, at the end of all days:  to be seated with him in heavenly places with him— forevermore.

This is the book of Hosea, which follows the book of Daniel— and explains where the people are after the Babylonian empire has been introduced, and referenced:  for Babylon— has gotten into his woman/people who are to covenant marry him (spiritually speaking);  and he desires that none should perish, but that all would repent, and be saved:  this is that story— and this is the way it will be done, and all the whys.


Hosea 1

“The word of the Lord that came unto Hosea [a deliverer] —the son of Beeri [fountained, pour/spring forth] —in the days of Uzziah [strength of Jah], Jotham [Jehovah, perfect], Ahaz [the possessor], and Hezekiah [strengthened of Jah], kings [royalty] of Judah [celebrated] —and in the days of Jeroboam [the people will contend— struggle to surmount, compete, stretch and strive] the son of Joash [given by the Lord], king [royalty] of Israel [he will rule— God].

2 The beginning of the word of the Lord by Hosea. And the Lord said to Hosea— Go, take unto you a wife of whoredoms [adultery and idolatry] and children of whoredoms: for the land [the field] has committed great whoredom [adultery and idolatry] —departing from the Lord.

3 So he went and took Gomer [completion], the daughter of Diblaim [two cakes (or breads)]; who conceived, and bore him a son (offspring/fruit of that union).

4 And the Lord said unto him— Call his name Jezreel [God will sow]; for yet a little while, and I will avenge the blood [blood guiltiness] of Jezreel [God will sow] upon the house of Jehu [He— Jehovah], and will cause to cease the kingdom [reign] of the house of Israel [he will rule— God].

5 And it shall come to pass at that day, that I will break the bow [strength, and iris— strength, brightness and hope] of Israel [he will rule— God], in the valley [place de-pressed, pressing down] of Jezreel [God will sow].

6 And she conceived again, and bore a daughter. And God said unto him— Call her name Loruhamah [not pitied, not shown compassion]: for I will no more have mercy [compassion extended] upon the house of Israel [he will rule— God]; but I will utterly take them away (essentially— cast them into captivity in the physical— because of spiritual affiliations with his enemy, being a captive of the Babylonian condition, if you will).

7 But I will have mercy [compassion extended] upon the house of Judah [the celebrated], and will save them by the Lord their God [the supreme magistrate], and will not save them by bow, nor by sword, nor by battle, by horses, nor by horsemen (not by earthly means, but supernatural means).

8 Now when she had weaned [rewarded, dealt bountifully with, bestowed, recompensed, requited, yielded and ripened] Loruhamah [not pitied], she conceived, and bore a son.

9 Then said God— Call his name Loammi [not my people]: for you are not my people [flock, another voice or shepherd HIS flock will not follow, speaking of spiritual whoredoms] —and I will not be your God [supreme divine magistrate].

10 Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea (yet they will keep reproducing, bringing forth), which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them— You are not my people— there, it shall be said unto them— You are the sons of the living God.

{So, here, we see he has a FUTURE expectation, and encounter, as well as a repentant turn around to accomplish in this rebellious, idolatrous, and spiritually adulterous people— complete correction and reformation— through a great humbling unto repentance (or turn around) unto serving God again, exalting God again, and the righteousness of God inside their vessels.}

11 Then (referencing a future state or condition) shall the children of Judah [celebration] and the children of Israel [he will rule— God] be gathered [assembled] together [united, alike, joined], and appoint [set up, consider, and regard] themselves —one head [principal, ruling, priest, chief, captain], and they shall come up [ascend] out of the land [field]: for great shall be the day of Jezreel [God’s sowing].


Hosea 2

“Say unto your brethren— Ammi [a flock of people, or a tribe]; and to your sisters— Ruhamah [compassion/love, pity, and mercy].

2 Plead with your mother [the bond of the family (Jesus)], plead [grapple, wrangle, defend]: for she is not my wife [woman, married], neither am I her husband: let her therefore put away her whoredoms out of her sight [face, forefront, mouth, person, presence and state], and her adulteries from between her breasts (what is between the breast— but the heart/soul);

3 Lest I strip her naked (no spiritual covering, no garment of righteousness), and set her as in the day that she was born [lineage— and in our original lineage lines— there is iniquity that needs to be cleansed, washed clean through repentance, and the union marriage to righteousness, and the King of:  and new lineage line, a new man created— in the lineage and family of Jesus: new covenant, new man), and make her as a wilderness [desert dry place— haunt of devils], and set her like a dry [barren— fruitless of the fruit of God’s Spirit, no reproduction of God and his righteousness erected within them] land [field— of the soul/heart], and slay her with thirst (referencing the living waters of God’s Spirit).

4 And I will not have mercy upon her children; for they be (what they “be being” at any given time) the children of whoredoms [adulterous spiritually against the living God, and walking in idolatry of upholding the created above the creator— essentially, this is idolatry].

5 For their mother [bond of the family or people] has played the harlot (the love of another, self and the devils that back that): she that conceived them has done shamefully [confused, confounded and withered away]: for she said— I will go after my lovers [what/who I have affection for], that give me my bread and my water (should be Christ/truth and his Spirit), my wool and my flax (should be garment of righteousness to cover), my oil and my drink (should be the anointing of Christ and drink here means ‘marrow,’ or the blood of the Lamb).


But instead— the harlot goes after other lovers/devils/self— is confused, confounded, a withered branch— bonded to devils and idolatry, eating leaven (pride, that which puffs up the truth/bread), who eats the bread of wickedness, and drinks the wine of violence ([wrong, unjust gains/injustice, unrighteousness] Proverbs 4:17), a woman (bride) of his who will look well to the ways of her household, and eats not the bread of idleness ([avoiding exertion, laziness] Proverbs 31:27).  The children of Israel eat their defiled bread among the Gentiles (Ezekiel 4:13) —do not eat the bread of men (Ezekiel 24:22).  Unleavened bread shall be eaten in the holy place (Leviticus 6:16).

Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they wash [cleanse and perform] not their hands [power, as an instrument— what we put our hands to, is what we deal out from within in actions, without] when they eat bread (Matthew 15:2):  unleavened bread of the truth— is what causes the passover of the angel of death— best we get wisdom, and with this wisdom— get understanding of this:  repent, for the Day of Lord comes.

Ezekiel 44:1-3

“Then he brought me back [to turn, or return], the way of the gate of the outward [exterior, secular] sanctuary which looks toward the east (the east is where the Son/sun rises, or arises in our hearts— we are to look toward the east, or the Son); and it was shut [surrendered, closed up, and delivered, pure, repaired].  Then said the Lord unto me; This gate shall be shut, it shall not be opened, and no man shall enter in by it; because the Lord— the God of Israel, has entered in by it— therefore it shall be shut.  It is for the prince [the exalted governor, ruler]; the prince shall sit in it to eat bread before the Lord; he shall enter by the way of the porch [the place of tying, being bound to] of that gate [Door— he is the gate/door, and we are to be tied to the door, like the porch, and shall go out by the same way (as well, a porter is a gatekeeper— we hear of portals, they are doors/gates— and the Holy Spirit ought to be our porter or gate keeper of the Door (relationship to Christ within us), and not having demonic portal (or door/gate) keepers on the throne or threshold/door of our hearts)].  

Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God (Luke 14:15).  I am the living bread which came down from heaven (taking in Jesus, taking in the truth and relationship with the truth, his name— his character, righteousness, into us): if any man eats of this bread— he shall live forever (John 6:51).

1 Corinthians 11:26

“For as often as you eat this bread, and drink this cup, you do show the Lord's death till he come.”  What does this spiritually mean?  

As often as you learn the truth, by the Spirit of, and couple with it— becoming it incarnate, and take this lot, this portion unto you in the earthen vessel— you will be manifesting the whole reason the Son of man came, lived perfectly, and died for all of creation to be reconciled to God:  his righteousness fulfilled in us.

You cannot drink the cup [a drinking vessel— what we put in us, contents of a lot, cupful] of the Lord, and the cup [a drinking vessel— what we put in us, contents of a lot, cupful] of devils: you cannot be partakers of/at the Lord's table [meal], and of/at the table [meal] of devils (at the same time: 1 Corinthians 10:21).


(Hosea 2 cont.)

6 Therefore (or, because of this) —behold— I will hedge up your way with thorns [fishhook— hooks flesh (fish/people), caldron/cauldron— which is a pot for cooking (a crucible if you will), and interestingly, figuratively means— a situation characterized by instability and strong emotions], and I will make a wall [enclosure, circled about], that she shall not find her paths [way].

7 And she (the bride/woman of God’s people) shall follow after her lovers [who/what she actually has affection for], but she shall not overtake [reach or attain] them; and she shall seek them— but shall not find them [acquire (like Elijah joked— those other gods must be asleep)]: then shall she say— I will go and return to my first husband (a return to first love, God); for then it was better with me, than now.

8 For she did not know [see, observe, recognize, comprehend, consider, discern, nor was familiar with, nor had knowledge of, perceived, nor understood] that I gave her (his woman/bride/people who are to marry him) corn [increase of grain (bread)], and wine [the squeezed out (intimacy union)], and oil [the light, and anointing (keeping their path lit by it/him intimate with them)], and that I multiplied her silver [price (worth)] and gold [her shimmer/shine, her beauty] —which they prepared for Baal [another god/deity (namely man in pride as his own ruler)].

9 Therefore I will return, and take away my corn [increase of grain (bread, and Jesus is the bread of Life— so his holy Spirit and truth)] in the time thereof, and my wine [the squeezed out (intimacy union)] in the season thereof— and will recover [snatch back and strip away] my wool and my flax [garments: righteous covering] given to cover [clothing dressed in] her nakedness [blemish (spot) and uncleanness].

10 And now will I discover her (bride/woman/people who were to marry to only him spiritually) lewdness [disgrace] in the sight of her lovers [what/who she was giving her affection to (demons)], and none shall deliver her out of my hand [power— and dominion of].

11 I will also cause all her mirth to cease, her feast days (to cease), her new moons (to cease), her sabbaths (rest to cease), and all her solemn feasts (to cease).

12 And I will destroy her vines (what we are tied to, gathering sustenance from— in this case, idols and devils) and her fig trees (fig leaves, in the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve— were what they ran to in order to cover their sin, or missing the mark— and departing from God:  this is symbolic here for God removing anything that man can hide behind any longer— and what man has tied himself to {the vine} will be displayed to all), whereof (or, because) she has said— These are my rewards [presents from the price of harlotry] that my lovers have given me (here, stating— God did not give her increase, or his bread, or sustenance, nor her covering — devils did): and I will make them a forest— and the beasts of the field shall eat them.

{He’s stating that all that increase and covering, and sustenance— I will take away from my people/woman/bride —and give to wild beasts— for that is what she is at this time:  she has become a haunt for devils, and an unclean temple of leavened bread;  I will let her come to ruin in the wilderness (and that— is the place of tribulation that comes, that will give every man an opportunity to truly remain standing in rebellion and at a distance from God [estrangement], or whether through humility and repentance— they will have a come to Jesus moment in the tribulation, coming Day of the Lord— time period).}

13 And I will visit upon her the days of Baalim [literally means plural Baal, which is devils], wherein she burned incense to them (devils, given in whoredoms), and she decked herself with her earrings and her jewels, and she went after her lovers [what/who one gives their affections of their heart to], and forgot me— saith the Lord.

14 Therefore (or, because of that) —behold— I will allure [entice, flatter and persuade] her, and bring her into the wilderness [desert— place of testing and trials], and speak comfortably [lovingly, with understanding and wisdom, kindly] unto her.

15 And I will give her— her vineyards [a garden], from thence— and the valley of Achor [troubled] for a door [an opening, an entrance way] of hope [a cord to expectation]: and she shall sing [eye, heed, pay attention, respond, begin to speak, give account, be brought low, testify and witness with utterance] there— as in the days of her youth (remembering her first love), and as in the day when she came up [ascended] out of the land [field— heart/soul/mind and ways] of Egypt (spiritual place of idols, whoredoms, adultery and bondage).

16 And it shall be at that day, saith the Lord— that you shall (now) call me— Ishi [champion, husband, high one, worthy]; and shall call me no more Baali [my master].

17 For I will take away the names [mark of character] of Baalim [devils] out of her mouth [speech, portion, mind, skirt], and they shall no more be remembered by their name [that position or mark of character, that renown or report and fame of].

18 And in that day will I make a covenant [compact/confederacy] for them— with the beasts of the field and with the fowls of heaven, and with the creeping things of the ground (these animals will work with God’s people who are now reformed, cleansed, and in righteousness, walking with the holy God): and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the earth— and will make them to lie down safely [in refuge, security, trust, assurance, confident hope].

19 And I will betroth [marry and espouse] you unto me forever; yea— I will betroth you unto me in righteousness [right moral, and legal, equity— justice, fairness, inheritance, equal], and in judgment [verdict pronounced in a formal decree], and in lovingkindness [mercy, kindness, pity, favor, goodliness], and in mercies [compassion on the womb— the fetus (child bringing forth the maturity)].

20 I will even betroth [marry and espouse] you to me in faithfulness [moral fidelity]: and you shall know [see, observe, recognize, comprehend, consider, discern, be familiar with, have knowledge of, perceive, understand] the Lord.

21 And it shall come to pass in that day— I will hear [eye, heed, pay attention to, respond, speak, utter and testify], saith the Lord— I will hear [eye, heed, pay attention to, and respond to] the heavens [the higher ether], and they shall hear the earth (connecting heaven and earth, as in heaven— so in earth); 22 And the earth shall hear the corn [increase of grain (the bread: Jesus)], and the wine [the squeezed out: the intimacy with him], and the oil [the light and anointing of] ; and they shall hear Jezreel [that God will sow, or plant— if you will— in the earth: as in heaven, so/sow in earth: manifest sons of bridal maturity].

23 And I will sow [plant and fructify— make fruitful or productive, bear, conceive, seed and yield: this speaks of the man-child maturity fruited (born) out] her unto me— in the earth [the field (soul/heart/mind), the land]; and I will have mercy [love: compassion, and pity] upon her who had not obtained mercy [love: compassion, and pity (previously)] ; and I will say to them which were not my people [flock, or tribe] —You are (now) my people [flock, or tribe]; and they shall say— You are (now) my God [supreme magistrate/judge of me].


There is an agenda to it all— and our Lord hints here of a time where he will restore all things unto his people/bride/flock— when the conditions have been met:  the condition that she accepts him and his holiness, his righteousness back unto her— and will abide in his name (character, and equity or equality of):  when she has been cleansed of her whoredoms/idolatry/adultery— and she has vowed to be faithful unto him, and to espouse herself to only him (no more compromise and filth).

He has an agenda to save and reconcile a people unto himself; but they will come through the fire, and out the otherside of walking in the true identity once again.  They will come clean.  They will reform.  They will return to their first love.  And they will bring forth fruit of that union.

His people in Babylon— are his people in filth, estrangement, brokenness, and false identity— a facade, lies, a masquerade dance with the devil (and most are clueless of this).  New Jerusalem is the rescue of these people, cleaned up by his word, truth and Spirit in their name (character), which is to be his (he is the husband with the name), bringing them into peace/shalom— which is godly order, restored in their vessel— and it’s a buy back, full purchase of the land— AND THE CLEANSING OF IT.

A deed of land is— a legal document that is signed and delivered, especially one regarding the ownership of property, or legal rights.

The open deed— is the invitation to salvation freely given to all of creation to come and yoke once again to righteousness and holiness— and the person of (Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit).  

The sealed deed of the land— there is a land (field/people) who are sealed— they received the first open deed (covenant invitation to abide as one with the Holy God in a marriage union, reyoking again: salvation) —and they have been working out that salvation relationship with fear and trembling:  these are the sealed deed (land contract), they are the sealed people— the 144,000 land (which means 12 x 12 = 144,000 —and 12 = godly governing:  so these— have God fully governing their vessels, fully redeemed, and fully cleansed and set aright, justified and positioned— and sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise (promise is inheritance and fulfillment of).  These that have been bought back, and fully redeemed:  the purified first fruits of the union (consummate ones with God— who birthed out the fruit of that union: a mature stature of Christ in the earth/earthen vessel).

[Revelation 7:3-4] “Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.  And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed— a hundred and forty and four thousand— of all the tribes of the children of Israel.”

The Lamb’s book of life will open and he will call forth all those in Christ— for he is the Doorway unto all who come to God— and he, and only he knows who those are as they pass through the crucible in fidelity:  one deed of the land buy back was opened at Calvary to all;  the other deed (compact and covenant, legal paperwork) is the deed that seals (the covenant that seals) the Bridegroom's people in their foreheads with his name (character):  one seal of Jeremiah’s land buy back open to all— and the other part of that land buy back with the blood of the Lamb— is sealed, and by the Holy Spirit of promise (of the inheritance, the heirs of) —and these are the 144,000 of all the tribes, or flock of the Lord.

This is the process of how the Lamb/Bridegroom brings about the cleansing of his bride— through tribulation— to make ready a people for the Lord’s arrival— who will come to receive a spotless and wrinkle-free bride, who is sealed with the promise of the Holy Spirit.

This is where we will include the recordings of the land purchase buy back of Jeremiah, chapter 32, given to us by sister Claire; as well as the field of dreams reference given to sister Tracey, yesterday, with intercession prayer with others— and given to me in 2020.

Tracey saw a scene play out before her during intercession at the altar of the Lord— from the movie:  Field of Dreams.  I was given a word from the Lord about our prayer field that I mow paths on, where there is an open heaven, in 2020 saying— “If you build it, they will come.”  

He was referencing the field— that many in the future will come here to pray and meet with God;  but also— he was referencing that if we will be built up properly inside, upon the truth and Cornerstone of that building being true relationship with Christ Jesus, the Way, and righteousness restored, along with his name— being his character and authority of— then the others will be drawn to us, drawn to our light of the Life of Christ Jesus in us, from the anointing that will be bestowed upon us— as the first fruits of Jesus who will light the way for many to be birthed forth from the fruit of that union, in the earth (or in earthen vessels), as well.

Psalm 22:30-31

“A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation.  They shall come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born— that he has done this.”


Voice clips referencing Jeremiah 32— and the land buy back: specifically Jeremiah 32:14-15 — Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “Take these deeds, both this purchase deed which is sealed and this deed which is open, and put them in an earthen vessel, that they may last many days.” 15 For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “Houses and fields and vineyards shall be possessed again in this land.” 

And this— parallels with his future goal of retrieval, redemption (buy back), and recovery (restoration) of a people, that he spoke of in the earlier verses in Hosea 2:14-23.


Hosea 3

“Then said the Lord unto me— Go yet, love a woman beloved of her friend, yet an adulteress— according to the love of the Lord, toward the children of Israel— who look to other gods, and love flagons of wine.


This is where we see the parallel between the people God is yoked (married) to, who are harlots— and Hosea’s life:  it’s all with purpose.  It’s all to exemplify, lay down our lives for— the wayward— in an attempt to allure them back (as the Lord put, at the latter end of Hosea chapter 2) into the wilderness tribulation process— to help refine them as they humble themselves to rejoin themselves to him— in fidelity.  

He too— joined himself to a harlot;  but he will not always strive with man in this way;  and in this— his people must come through the fire— to be cleansed of her filthy harlotry, to be received of the Lord, at his coming.


2 So I bought [planned, bargained, and purchased to prepare] her to me— for fifteen (15 is the number of union [1], and grace [5] brought together:  and isn’t that exactly what our Lord does as he joins himself to us, and we to him— under his graciousness) [15] pieces of silver {the refining pot is for silver, while the furnace is for gold;  so we see here that one must first go through the dross removal (like silver) in the smelter’s pot— before he can go through the fire of the furnace— to temper one as finely polished shaft (weapon) of the Lord}, and for an homer of barley, and an half homer of barley {and barley is a first fruit harvest reference}:

3 And I said unto her— You shall abide [sit down, marry, and cohabitate] with me many days; you shall not play the harlot, and you shall not be for another man (husband): so will I also be for you.


This is where the Lord lays out the details of the contract of union with his Spirit:  you will be loyal, you will not cheat on me with another husband (spiritual conduct within a man, not coupling with darkness), and I, likewise, will perform the same fidelity unto you: faithful and true.


4 For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince [head, captain, chief ruler, governor, master, keeper], and without a sacrifice (Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice, and these are without him), and without an image [a stationed pillar, standing, memorialized (we are to be returned to his image, but these are without this)], and without an ephod (and ephod is the clean and decorated garment of priest, and we are to be priests under the High Priest; but these are without this), and without teraphim [a healer is the root definition in Strong’s, or an idol; and in this case— these are without the Healer— because of their idolatry]:

5 Afterward (this speaks of that future state and result he’s aiming for— when the conditions have been met, and repentance obtained, and cleansing— fulfilled, with his buyback purchase of land/field/souls) —shall the children of Israel [he will rule— God] return [turn again to God] —and seek [search after, worship, strive after, beseech, procure, and desire] the Lord their God [supreme deity magistrate of them], and David [loving] their king (the Royal One); and shall fear the Lord [Jehovah, the self-existent eternal one] and his goodness [welfare: health and happiness] —in the latter [future, end, hinder, remnant] days.


And that’s the point, isn’t it?  God has an agenda— to recover his people fully;  but first— they come through a humbling, repentance (a turn around), face him again, reverence him again, be cleansed and rejoined properly to him again (not a withered branch), who cares about his welfare, who be loving toward him again— who seek after righteousness, striving after him, procuring this among them, and desiring God— and godliness once again:  this is the state and protocol of the latter day’s end.

And we are here, because we have been a people without a head, a prince, a King, without love (obedience and respect) toward him, did not seek after him or righteousness— and fell, and fell far and hard— away, and into prison and estrangement, from iniquity:  transgression of God and his character (ways).  We lost his image, we lost our garment of priestliness (the ephod), and because of all of that— we lost the Healer (not yoked to him spiritually speaking), and thus— we are in need of a Healer, Savior, Redeemer, and Deliverer— once again.

BUT— the good news is— he’s still available.  We need his first fruits to come forward and restore the breach with him, recover a people with him— by showing them to the King, as the ambassadors they are:  This is his goal— to recover a remnant of people who truly want him, and truly will love him, and be recovered by him— cleaning up, becoming whole— and subsequently— coming out of Babylon (deliverance— the truth that opens the prison gate/door), and getting Babylon— out of them (healing, restoration of true identity— as they embrace Jesus personally, and their real identity, found in the truth of Jesus, once again).

This has always been a search and rescue mission; and his first fruits not only know this— but are helping him with this, and will do even more— as they come forth in the full stature of Christ, with Christ Jesus manifesting himself straight through them— unto allowing the Father to do his works right out of them:  as they have become one with his Spirit, in proper union, as One:  the Father in them, and they in the Father.


Hosea 4

“Hear the word of the Lord, you children of Israel [he will rule— God]: for the Lord has a controversy [contest— personal or legal, a contending, pleading, a suit] with the inhabitants of the land [the earth, the field (souls & soils, if you will)], because there is no truth [no verity— which means ‘real reality’], nor mercy [kindness, piety, beauty, goodliness, mercy, pity], nor knowledge [awares] of God [the supreme deity magistrate]  in the land [field (souls/soils)].

2 By swearing [imprecate— utter or invoke a curse], and lying [be untrue, feign, lie, disown— in word or deed, falsify], and killing [dashing someone to pieces— murder, slay], and stealing [thievery, by implication— deceive and carry away— get by stealth, which means— thievery], and committing adultery [apostatize— renounce religious belief or principles, break wedlock], they break out [break down, go forth, abroad, and breach, break up], and blood [bloodshed] touches blood [bloodshed].

3 Therefore shall the land [the field (souls)] mourn [bewail and lament], and every one that dwells therein— shall languish— with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.


Here we see that because of the apostasy, because of the lack of genuine verity— living real with God, so he has a controversy with them, he’s contesting them in a personal and/or legal contending with them, a pleading, a suit— as in a breach of contract;  because there’s no kindness, piety, beauty, goodliness, mercy, or pity, nor is there a knowledge or an awareness of God in their hearts and minds— being the supreme deity magistrate over them:  no head of the Lord in the land or field (heart/mind/souls/soils) of the people.  And this is why the Lord will have to move in a way that will shake things up— because he’s JUST;  and if there is a breach in contract (marriage vows to be loyal to him) —he will have to give opportunity for the Lukewarm to repent, turn and face him again— and pick up fidelity, loyalty to righteousness, holiness, and the King of.


4 Yet let no man strive [grapple, wrangle, hold a controversy with, defend, rebuke], nor reprove [be right, argue, decide or convict] another (man): for (or, because) your people are as/like they/those who strive [grapple, wrangle, hold a controversy with, defend, or rebuke] with the priest [chief ruler, prince, principal officer].

5 Therefore you shall fall [falter and stumble, decay, go into ruin, or be overthrown] in the day (what day— the Day of the Lord), and the prophet [the inspired man who prophesies] also shall fall with you in the night [figuratively the adversity, the night season], and I will destroy [silence, fail, perish] your mother [the bond of that family].

6 My people are destroyed [perishing— in bondage and idolatry] for lack of knowledge [ignorant and unaware— of God]: because you have rejected [abhorred, cast away, despised, disdained, loathed, refused] knowledge [awareness], I will also reject [abhorred, cast away, despised, disdained, loathed, refused] you, that you shall be no priest [officiate, with no putting on of the regalia, in the office of— a minister] to me: seeing you have forgotten [been oblivious of memory or attention] —the law [precepts: general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought: instructions] of your God [supreme deity magistrate], so I will also forget [be oblivious of memory and attention] your children.

7 As they were increased [abundance, essentially— blessed], so they sinned [missed, forfeited, were led astray, condemned in trespass] against me: therefore I will change their glory [splendor, honor] —into shame [disgrace, reproach].

8 They eat up [devour and consume] the sin of my people, and they set their heart [minds, desire, life, lust, pleasure, soul and person] on their iniquity [perversity of moral evil, fault, mischief, and punishment of sin].

9 And there shall be— like people— like priest [officiating priest, acting priest, chief, principal officer]: and I will punish [charge, judge] them for their ways [course trodden, mode of actions], and reward them— for their doings [actions and endeavors].

10 For they shall eat— and not have enough: they shall commit whoredom— and shall not increase: because they have left off [refused or forsaken] taking heed to [guard, protecting, attending to, being aware of, observing, regarding] the Lord.

11 Whoredom, and wine [banqueting intoxication] —and new wine [squeezed out— figurative of an intimacy] —take away [carry away] the heart [the feelings, the will, even the intellect— the center of something, and the mind, and awares, understanding and wisdom].

12 My people ask counsel at their stocks [gallows], and their staff [divining rod, guide] declares [manifests, announces, presents, praises, professes, and speaks] unto them: for the spirit of whoredoms has caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring from under (away, out from) their God.

13 They sacrifice upon the tops of the mountains [place of promotion— essentially the high places in man, place of exaltation], and burn incense upon the hills, under oaks and poplars and elms— because the shadow [shadiness] thereof is good: therefore your daughters shall commit whoredom, and your spouses shall commit adultery.

14 I will not punish your daughters when they commit whoredom, nor your spouses when they commit adultery: for they themselves are separated with whores [unto adultery and harlotry], and they sacrifice with harlots: therefore— the people that does not understand [distinguish and separate from mentally, and understand, consider diligently, discern, instruct, have intelligence, know, perceive, regard, teach, think upon, and be wise] —shall fall [be overthrown].

15 Though you— Israel— play the harlot, yet— let not Judah [the celebrated territory] offend [be guilty, be punished, or perish]; and come not unto Gilgal [circle of stones], neither go up to Bethaven [the house of vanity], nor swear— The Lord lives.

16 For Israel [he will rule— God] slides back [turns away morally, in rebellion, as a revolter withdrawing and stubborn] as a backsliding heifer (have you ever seen a cow slide backward, down hill— it’s not a pretty sight, and it’s a quick work): now the Lord will feed [tend to, rule them, and devour, waste and wander] them as a lamb [meaning— to dominate, like a ram— butting of the head] in a large place.

17 Ephraim is joined to idols: let him alone.

18 Their drink [wine— figuratively, their intimacy] is sour [declined, departed, turned off, grievous, plucked away, removed]: they have committed whoredom continually: her rulers [protectors— scaly with the hide of a crocodile] with shame [disgrace, dishonor, and reproach] do love [affection] —Give [ascribe and give out].

19 The wind [spirit] has bound her up [afflicted, oppressed, shut up and straitened] in her wings [garment, skirt], and they shall be ashamed [disappointed, confounded, and become dry] because of their sacrifices [offering of flesh].


Hosea 5

“Hear this, O priests [officiating, acting priests]; and hearken, house of Israel [he will rule— God]; give your ear, O house of the king; for judgment is toward you, because you have been a snare [a net] on Mizpah [the watchtower], and a net spread upon Tabor [the height, or pinnacle].

2 And the revolters [those who have departed, and turned aside] are profound to make slaughter— though I have been a rebuker of [chastisement, reprover, warner, chastening, disciplining] them all.

3 I know Ephraim [double fruit], and Israel [he rules— God] is not hid from me: for now, O Ephraim— you commit whoredom, and Israel is defiled [contaminated morally].

4 They will not frame their doings [actions and endeavors] to turn unto their God [supreme deity magistrate— they do not want a headship over them]: for the spirit [wind and mind] of whoredoms is in the midst of them, and they have not known [seen, observed, recognized, comprehended, considered, discerned, been familiar with, had knowledge of, perceived, nor understood] the Lord.

5 And the pride [arrogance] of Israel [he will rule— God] does testify to his face: therefore shall Israel and Ephraim [double fruit] fall in their iniquity: Judah [the celebrated territory (land/earth/souls/field] also shall fall with them.


Now we see Ephraim, Israel, AND Judah falling, for the first time:  it seems to indicate that at this point, the whoredoms are facilitated and prolonged— and now the double portion of the fruit of iniquity (Ephraim), with the people who were supposed to have God ruling them— but fell away from God (Israel), has now influenced Judah— the celebrated territory, essentially— the very elect have succumb to this idolatry and adultery:  for once the celebrated territory of the people whom God rules and governs, who once were blessed abundantly (double portion), have succumb to whoredoms.

Sounds like the current day, and why once again tribulation will come— to shake things up.


6 They shall go with their flocks and with their herds to seek the Lord; but they shall not find him; he has withdrawn himself from them.

7 They have dealt treacherously against the Lord: for they have begotten strange [turned aside, foreign, profane, adulterous] children [fruit, quality or condition, offspring]: now shall a month (a cycle, a revolution of time) devour them with their portions [allotments].

8 Blow the cornet in Gibeah [the elevated place], and the trumpet in Ramah [high or exalted]: cry aloud at Bethaven [house of vanity], after you, O Benjamin [right hand].


They shall go forth, and seek the Lord— but he’s going to have nothing to do with this hypocrisy, and feigned fidelity any longer— he has withdrawn himself from these people.  They have altogether birthed out profane fruit, and condition or state of being, and in one fell swoop of a revolution of time— he will devour their allotment (inheritance). 

Blow the trumpet, put forth the alarm warning— the elevated high place of man, the high and exalted among his people— cry, you house of vanity, or emptiness, worthlessness— after you, O ‘right hand.’

What does that mean, O right hand?  God was choosing a people to follow after him, and HIS RIGHT HAND of rule in their lives:  the right hand— is a place of dominion, as ‘god,’ and his people were supposed to Israel— the people who had God, rule them;  but they ruled themselves, and received unto them a double portion of rotten fruit coming forth from them (children), multiplied over.  And because of this— he is warning (and he is the same yesterday, today and forever— we ought to take note) that he is going to devour their inheritance, their allotment. 

Because the high places within them (mind, will, heart, desires, focus, worship) became defiled, idolatrous, and vanity altogether:  and for this— judgment looms, and tribulation comes.  Because— do not forget— there is an agenda to all of this.  Not only does sow and reap stand— but he desires that some should repent, turn around, and be saved (recovered) —if only they will.


9 Ephraim [double fruit] shall be desolate [in ruin] in the day of rebuke [chastisement, correction]: among the tribes of Israel —I have made known that which shall surely be.

10 The princes of Judah were like those who remove the bound [the cord, boundary, enclosed territory— (they went a-whoring, strayed in loyalty, and played with devils, immorality, lust of pride/flesh/eyes)]: therefore I will pour out my wrath [passion] upon them like water.


Who will he pour his wrath out upon?  The people who were supposed to be his— so, those in title only (Christian, now), but not in verity (real reality, authentic, genuine: Lukewarm, and compromised) —for they went after other gods (minds, hearts, conduct, character, lusts and desires).


11 Ephraim is oppressed [defrauding, violating in overflow, deceitful, and violent] and broken [oppressed] in judgment [verdict] —because he willingly [through mental weakness— yielded, gave assent, and undertook in actions of violation] walked after the commandment [precepts— general instructions, general rules intended to regulate behavior or thought].

12 Therefore will I be unto Ephraim as a moth, and to the house of Judah as rottenness [decaying].

13 When Ephraim saw his sickness [malady, calamity, disease], and Judah saw his wound [sore] —then Ephraim went to the Assyrian, and sent to king [royalty] Jareb [meaning— he will contend]: yet could he not heal you [mend, stitch, repair, nor make you whole], nor cure you of your wound [sore].

14 I will be unto Ephraim as a lion [characteristic roar (against)], and as a young lion to the house of Judah: I, even I, will tear [pull to pieces (dismantle)] and go away; I will take away, and none shall rescue [defend, deliver, escape, recover, or save] him.

15 I will go and return to my place— till they acknowledge their offense [be punished, be destroyed, or acknowledge/admit their trespass/offense] —and seek [search for, worship, pray, strive after, beg, beseech, desire, inquire, procure, and request] my face [countenance and presence]: in their affliction [narrow, tight trouble, their straits] —they will seek me early [painstakingly search, diligently].


Hosea 6

“Come, and let us return unto the Lord: for he has torn— and he will heal us; he has smitten— and he will bind us up.  2 After two days he will revive us: in the third day he will raise us up— and we shall live in his sight.

3 Then shall we know [see, observe, recognize, comprehend, consider, discern, be familiar with, have knowledge of, perceive, or understand], if we follow [run after, or pursue] on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared [established] as the morning [dawn]; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.


At this point Ephraim and Judah realize what has been happening, that they have let down the Lord— but they assume if they just ‘re-engage’ God— all things will turn around quickly for them, and he will bless them richly once again— just because they offer up some praise of words to God.

But God starts to explain in the next sentences— that their goodness (his attributes intended to be established and erected in them, of a permanent nature) —is fleeting, and put forth on occasion, but quickly fades away:  it does not remain, it is wielded, like manipulation, or as in one the scripture states in other places— with lips they do honor God, but with their hearts— they are far from being established in the truth, and honoring God with obedience and reverence to his word, ways, and he himself.


4 O Ephraim, what shall I do unto you? O Judah, what shall I do unto you? For your goodness [kindness, piety, beauty, mercy, and pity] is as a morning cloud— and as the early dew it goes away.

5 Therefore have I hewed [cut, split, and divided] them by the prophets; I have slain [smitten] them by the words of my mouth: and your judgments are as the light that goes forth.

6 For I desired mercy [kindness, piety, beauty, goodness, and pity], and not sacrifice [slaughter of an animal of flesh]; and the knowledge [the awareness] of God —more than burnt offerings.

7 But they like men— have transgressed (violated, forsaken) the covenant [compact agreement/confederacy]: there they have dealt treacherously [unfaithfully] against me.

8 Gilead is a city of those who work iniquity [wickedness], and is polluted with blood [bloodshed].

9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man— so the company of priests [officiating, acting priests] murder [dash to pieces and slay] in the way— by consent: for they commit lewdness [heinous, criminal lewd mischief, thought, mind, and devising].


He is stating the way he wished the people would have chosen to live, in mercy, piety, goodness, kindness— aware of God, and not walking in religion of just sacrificing animal flesh, and offering burnt offerings— but instead, a true relationship with righteousness, goodness, holiness— and the God of.  But, instead their goodness was as quickly fading in them as the dew of the morning, and they forsook the marriage covenant compact, and dealt unfaithfully unto God, in such a covenant:  they played the harlot, they played in filth— even the priests— lewd, heinous, criminal mischief— of thought, mind and devising (tainted souls/hearts):  they walked in iniquity, they walked in wickedness.


10 I have seen a horrible thing in the house [family] of Israel [he will rule— God]: there is the whoredom [adultery/infidelity, idolatry] of Ephraim, and Israel [he will rule— God] is defiled [proclaimed unclean, foul, morally contaminated].

11 Also, O Judah [the celebrated territory], he has set a harvest [severing, reaping, time for the reaper of the branch] for you— when I returned [turned back to, again] the captivity [exile, of prisoners, formerly prospering, now captive] of my people.


Because God was not really set up inside of them as preferred, as exalted, as the ruler of the family, the headship— but instead walked in spiritual adultery and infidelity of their marriage, pronounced unclean, foul, morally contaminated— God sends them back into captivity of the enemy, which means— sow and reap has now kicked in, and what and whom they have been spiritually playing in— will now be understood, as they have made a spiritual league— not with God holy, and true— but with satan, in the pride of life, lust of the flesh and eyes— as they have desired iniquity rather than holy righteousness inside of their minds, thoughts, devisings, and actions.


Hosea 7

“When I would have healed Israel— (it was) then (that) the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered, and the wickedness of Samaria: for they commit falsehood [untruths, shams, deceitful and feigned, vain lying]; and the thief comes in, and the troop of robbers —spoiled [plundered] without.


What does that mean— the thief came in and plundered the whole company of men?  He is saying— I had thought about healing Israel, but right when I was about to— I found out about Ephraim’s wickedness— like that of Samaria;  they began to walk in falsehood, feigning, faking their righteousness, it was all a sham, vain— they were liars at heart:  and so satan came in to steal— and he was able to plunder the whole company of them— layman to priest— the whole household;  because they made league with unrighteousness, and exalted it within.


2 They considered not in their hearts that I remember all their wickedness [moral evil]: now their own doings have beset them about [encircled them, and compassed them about on all sides]; they are before my face.  3 They make the king (secular, gentile rulers and powers) glad with their wickedness, and the princes with their lies.

4 They are all adulterers [apostatizing— breaking wedlock], as an oven heated by the baker— who ceases from raising after he has kneaded the dough— until it be leavened (leaven is the sign of pride in the scripture, rising up, and puffing itself up with time and fermentation).

5 In the day of our king, the princes have made him sick with bottles of wine; he stretched out his hand with scorners.  6 For they have made ready their heart like an oven— while they lie in wait: their baker sleeps all the night; in the morning it burns as a flaming fire.

7 They are all hot as an oven— and have devoured their judges; all their kings have fallen: there is none among them that calls unto me.

8 Ephraim— he has mixed himself among the people; Ephraim is a cake [ashcake— prophetic in symbolism] not turned (like an uncooked pancake on one side, and burnt on the other).  9 Strangers [profane foreigners who commit adultery] have devoured his strength, and he does not know it: yea, gray hairs [old age] are here and there upon him— yet he knows it not (signs of perishing).

10 And the pride of Israel testifies to his face: and they do not return to the Lord their God, nor seek him for all this.  

11 Ephraim also is like a silly [deluded] dove —without heart: they call to Egypt, they go to Assyria. 

{Egypt and Assyria are places of bondage and imprisonment— they call unto captivity to come to them, as they link up with devils in their conduct:  they beg to be sent into captivity— by the choices of the layman, to the priest— altogether they have all gone astray.}

12 When they shall go, I will spread my net upon them; I will bring them down as the fowls of the heaven; I will chastise [take unto blows, instruct, correct, punish, reform, reprove and teach] them— as their congregation has heard.

13 Woe unto them! For they have fled from me: destruction unto them! because they have transgressed against me: though I have redeemed [preserved, and ransomed] them— yet they have spoken lies against me.

14 And they have not cried unto me with their heart [feelings, will, intellect, center of them, considering, friendly, in their mind, regard, awares, and understanding with wisdom] —when they howled upon their beds [place of intimacy within, for intercourse, union]: they assemble themselves for corn and wine— and they rebel [are turned off, beheading, gone aside, departed, eschewed, left, been removed, revolted] against me.

15 Though I have bound, and strengthened their arms— yet do they imagine [weave, fabricate, plot, contrive, think, regard, compute, conceive, consider, devise and reckon] mischief [bad, evil— morally] against me.  16 They return [turn to face again] —but not to the most High [Jehovah]: they are like a deceitful bow (bent out of shape, missing the mark: sin]: their princes shall fall by the sword —for the rage [frothing: God’s displeasure of the sin] of their tongue [speech/language]: this shall be their derision [scoffing and scorn] —in the land [soil/field] of Egypt.  


Here he’s saying because of what they have chosen— evil morality, turning to exalt that— but not the most high and holy God (Jehovah), they miss the mark, they sin, and all of their leadership will fall by the sword— because they lift up their tongues (from wicked hearts), and speak forth iniquity:  and so— God will send them into bondage enslavement unto Egypt (figurative of devils and the beastly being upheld within, and hinting toward hardship in the physical realm) —because their soil/souls/fields of earthen vessels— has altogether been corrupted as satan, and they have gone astray from their marriage covenant with God, and with holiness.

They lost the headship of God over them— and settled for their own corrupt headship over them:  their corrupt hearts that walk opposite of God and righteousness.


Hosea 8

“Set the trumpet to your mouth. He shall come as an eagle [bird of prey] —against the house of the Lord— because they have transgressed my covenant, and trespassed against my law [precepts— conduct & statutes].

2 Israel shall cry unto me— My God, we know you.  3 Israel has cast off the thing that is good: the enemy shall pursue him.

4 They have set up kings [royal rulers] —but not by me: they have made princes [principal ones, chiefs, to rule] —and I knew it not: of their silver and their gold have they made them idols— that they may be cut off.

{Silver and Gold is symbolic of what we are to be inside, refined, and walking as God walks— in purity of heart.  But here we see their silver and gold has been polluted— as they have gone after material things, gains in this world— and not sought after the eternal treasure: namely righteousness— and good standing relationship unto God Almighty, in character, mind, heart, will, and actions— as one with him, upholding fidelity to that relationship (covenant).}

5 Your calf [fruit] —Oh Samaria— has cast [rejected and forsaken] you off; my anger is kindled against them: how long will it be ere [ignorance they attain to innocency [cleanness]?


Israel’s good fruit— has fled them, they produce rotten fruit.  And how long will their fruit be rotten, as they call it cleanliness?


6 For from Israel was it also: the workman made it; therefore it is not God: but the calf of Samaria shall be broken in pieces.


They walk in the devising of their own way— not God’s way; this is NOT the workmanship of God— but of wayward, iniquitous man;  and so— the fruitfulness of the wicked— shall be destroyed.


7 For they have sown the wind [spirit of devils, mind of devils] —and they shall reap the whirlwind [hurricane tempest— of this union to devils and moral evil]: it has no stalk; the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield— the strangers shall swallow it up.


God will destroy everything with the elements of earth— because his people have gone into league with satan.  The crops will fail— and if they do not fail— strangers will come and devour them all:  this is actually coming to the world once again, as well— for the house of God has altogether gone a-whoring unto other gods.


8 Israel is swallowed up: now shall they be among the Gentiles as a vessel wherein is no pleasure.  9 For they are gone up to Assyria, a wild ass alone by himself: Ephraim has hired lovers.

10 Yea, though they have hired among the nations, now will I gather them, and they shall sorrow a little for the burden of the king of princes.


The house of God will once again come into captivity, suffer dearth in the earth— because they have brought such displeasure to God, and disrespected him and their covenant marriage compact (when we receive him as Savior, Lord, and God of us).  The house of God has gone into league with the spirit of this world— and has those hired lovers she is in bed with in intimacy.

And God says— even though they have lovers that she has gone into bed with— they will be forsaken of her lovers, and will go into sorrow— because of those she has gotten into bed with:  think Russia, China, open borders, etc, as for instance— America has turned her back on her allies— they will turn on her.


11 Because Ephraim has made many altars to sin— altars shall be unto him to sin. {Meaning— it’s coming back upon their heads.}

12 I have written to him the great things of my law— but they were counted as a strange thing [foreign, profane].

13 They sacrifice flesh for the sacrifices of my offerings, and eat it; but the Lord accepts them not; now will he remember their iniquity, and visit their sins: they shall return to Egypt.

14 For Israel has forgotten his Maker— and builds temples; and Judah has multiplied fenced cities: but I will send a fire upon his cities, and it shall devour the palaces thereof.


God has given them instruction as to how to live in harmony with him (his law, his conduct), but they treated it as it, itself, was profane, foreign, and undesirable:  and instead— they went all religious (not relationship), and they did actions of slaying animals, and offering burnt offerings; but failed at doing an honest relationship with God, exalting him, and upholding righteousness within them.

And so— because they went into league with the spirit of this world (satan), and exalted self in iniquity, and moral evil— God will send the household of God, that should have had him as the headship over them— but instead chose self and devils, walking opposite, and set at a distance away from God and godliness— he will send them back into bondage with satan (Egypt).  This is coming once again— for the heart/soul/soil/field of men, in the house of God— has altogether become corrupt, by far and large:  she, his partner, his woman— has gone a-whoring after other gods.

They have built temples (their own vessels), and walled themselves in these strongholds of devils— but God’s holy fire will come to devour all that is not of him:  tribulation shaking, and holy fire trials— come to give wayward man in the house of God— an opportunity to see the error of their ways, and turn again (repent) toward facing God, godliness, righteousness, and holiness— for real— inside their hearts/souls/soils/field.


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