The Feasts
[Video with long warning at the end, of this teaching: ]
We are not beholden to live life as a Jew, who walks out the letter of the Law of Moses— without infraction— in the physical realm; Christ came and fulfilled that— he did it flawlessly, and now we are called to live the law spiritually speaking…
Within our hearts, through his Spirit— the Spirit of Life, in Christ.
The ‘letter of the law,’ is sticking to it, and doing it literally in this realm— to which Paul said, “the letter kills,” because it shows us that we, in this realm, will infraction the way God lives: and so, it took God coming to our realm in the physical— to do what we could not.
But— since he fulfilled it flawlessly, and gave himself and his perfect blood sacrifice to atone us (clean us up), we are to obey him (and his conduct of his person, character and fruit), and be reformed/conformed— back into his inner man image: Romans 8:29-33 – “For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.”
In Christ— in our inner man, reconciled to him there, becoming one with him in spirit— we will be conformed in there, to do life as God himself does; as how he lives, and finds his being: we will be perfect as he is perfect (whole), and we will be holy, as he is holy (clean, pure, refined, disciplined, sanctified).
We are now, in the New Covenant, called to live the ‘spirit of the law’ of Life (that’s how to live, not die— be separated from God) —found in Christ Jesus.
If he is in us— he will be conforming our inner-man to be as he is, and to operate under obedience to him, and the law/conduct of him— through his Holy Spirit.
So, these feasts— are to be taken into play in our lives, symbolically/figuratively/spiritually— in our proclamations of them, and in our understanding of them, and in our application of them: for we are not under the letter of the law, but the SPIRIT OF THE LAW, within our hearts.
And the feasts— tell a story of our Savior, our God, and our Relationship with him— in spiritual terms: they define his and our story— the love relationship for all of eternity.
Romans 2:28-29
“For one is not a Jew, who is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, (one) which is outward— in the flesh:
But he is a Jew [Jehudah— The Hebrew name for Judah, Yehuda (יהודה), literally ‘thanksgiving’ or ‘praise,’ is the noun form of the root Y-D-H (ידה), ‘to thank’ or ‘to praise.’]
…which is one inwardly [concealed, hidden and private/secret]; and circumcision (cutting off of the flesh— think spiritually/symbolically] —is that of the heart [thoughts, feelings, mind— middle of one]
…in [instrumentally positioned and resting in/at] the spirit [the breath, the soul— vital principle, mental disposition of mind], and not in the letter [writing/scripture]; whose praise [laudation and commending] is not of men— but of God.”
The circumcision— is now of the heart, not the flesh, in outward appearances— but of an inward cutting away, pulling away from the carnal life, sowing fleshly lusts and desires in this world— but one of coming out of that, dying to that, cutting away the symbolic/spiritual flesh of the heart (or of life here), and being separated out from the world— and unto God, consecrated through sanctification of the heart (cleaning it up in there), and separation from Babylon (or worldly, hedonistic living).
We are called to be spiritual Israel, the children of the faith— the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob— who is symbolically named: Israel.
We are called to be Yehuda: Jehudah— The Hebrew name for Judah— Yehuda (יהודה), literally ‘thanksgiving’ or ‘praise,’ is the noun form of the root Y-D-H (ידה), ‘to thank’ or ‘to praise.’
That is to say— a spiritually separate people, sanctified and consecrated to living unto God, with God, as God lives— from within; and in that, we will be a ‘thankful, praising,’ and obedient people— under the rule, authority and lead of God Holy, and Most Highly regarded one in, and to us— in our hearts— once again: coming full circle back to the intent of the ‘garden,’ or the inner soul/spirit of man, and his God— in relationship.
And in a successful fulfillment of what Christ’s intentions have been, by and through his sacrificial life, death and resurrections is that we will be conformed back into God’s image (as he is— the exemplary Son, to all sons, as to how to be: follow him, his ways, he said— and become a disciple, a disciplined one as/like himself to the Father)...
Through vital principles of mental disposition— of the mind, thoughts, feelings and heart of a man; and not in the letter of the law (meaning, he won’t throw the book at us, in infractions, unto a legal sentence held against us), that come from attempting to live out the law perfectly— the Mosaic law scripture.
Because in that— man attempts to boast, that he is ‘keeping the law,’ OUTWARDLY, that is— in the physical realm; but the problem is— no one can do it right— only God could, and did— so all attempts to live it according to the Law of Moses, WITHOUT INFRACTION— is futile.
And we are to be a people whose praise [laudation and commending] is unto God— from within the heart; for doing what we could not do FLAWLESSLY— but now can walk with him, in us, on his path of righteousness— to fulfill his righteousness in us (which means, he has a job to make us righteous and holy in our conduct, not without errors ever— but to show himself strong to reform our inner man, our hearts now).
And in that— GOD GETS ALL THE GLORY, of his holy Spirit, and his ability to reform man from his former shape, inside— into a totally new creature/creation— that lives as God holy lives, and finds his being: new character, conduct, and disposition.
And this comes about by the strength, power and ability of his Spirit— to bring us into all truth, and life— in Christ: he fulfilled the law perfectly— so that he could have the opportunity, to bring us into himself, into righteousness, and holiness— and that he being in us, will now walk out righteous living— in us.
Romans 6:14-18
“For sin shall not have dominion over you: for you are not under [positioned below, or beneath] the law [prescriptive regulations given by Moses]— but under [positioned below, or beneath] grace [graciousness— as gratifying, of manner or actions— the divine influence upon the heart— and its reflection of life, including gratitude].
What then? Shall we sin [miss the mark— and not share in the prize, err morally in offenses and trespass], because we are not under the law— but under grace?
God forbid.
Do you not know— that to whom you yield [stand beside, exhibit and substantiate— provide evidence of, aiding and assisting in command, presenting, and show forth] yourselves servants [slaves, and in subjection subserviently] to— to obey [hear under and be subordinate to, listening attentively— heeding and conforming to in command and authority]— his servants you are, to whom you obey; whether of sin —unto death, or of obedience [attentive hearkening, in compliance and submission] —unto righteousness [equity— fair and impartial justice/judgment— of character and actions— justification]?
But God be thanked— that you were the servants of sin— but you have obeyed [attentive hearkening, in compliance and submission] from the heart [thoughts, feelings, mind— middle of one] that form [shape, style, resemblance, model and instance of manner] of doctrine [instruction taught] —which was delivered [surrendered, yielded up in trust, and transmitted] to you.
Being then made free from sin— you became the servants of righteousness [equity— fair and impartial justice/judgment— of character and actions— justification].”
We do not model sin any longer, we model righteousness in Christ— and his feast/festivals— celebrate his story in our lives; the story of a God and Creator, a Father to mankind— that desired for NONE to be separated from him forever— but that through his Son’s life— we could reconcile unto our Creator and Father once again: God Holy, Jehovah.
And this is accomplished to our yielding to the work of his Spirit in our lives— and being re conformed back into his image and likeness once again; and that— is unto our hearts, and circumcision in there— which is being separate from the world (old sinful nature of flesh carnality), and consecrated in sanctification to the Lord God holy.
The feasts tell the story of his love for us, and the journey back home— to God our Father, Savior and Partner (husband).
Romans 8:1-9 (but really should read it in its entirety)
“There is therefore now— no condemnation [adverse sentencing]— to those who are in [instrumentally positioned and resting in/at] Christ Jesus → who walk not after [live, follow— be a companion of] → the flesh [human nature, carnality], but after [joined as touching] the Spirit [God’s— breath, soul— vital principle, mental disposition of mind].
For the law [prescribed regulation of principles] of the Spirit [God’s— breath, soul— vital principle, mental disposition of mind] of life, in Christ Jesus— has made me free [liberated] from the law of sin [offense] and death [figurative/spiritual or physical].
For what the law could not do— in that it was weak [feeble and impotent] through the flesh [human nature, carnality]
(needed Jesus/God to walk it out perfectly)...
God— sending his own Son [kin], in the likeness [resemblance] of sinful [offensive] flesh [human, carnal nature], and for [because of, in respect to] sin— condemned [judged and sentenced] sin in the flesh: That the righteousness [equitable deeds, and decisions] of the law [prescribed general regulation of principles]—might be fulfilled [crammed, leveled up in, furnished in, executed in, finished and verified, and accomplished] IN US [positioned instrumentally, resting in us]— (we) who walk not after the flesh— but after the Spirit [God’s— breath, soul— vital principle, mental disposition of mind].
For they who are after the flesh, do, mind [exercise, entertain— in sentiment or opinion, are mentally disposed to, interesting oneself in— with obedience to] the things of the flesh [human carnal nature]; but they who are after the Spirit— the things of the Spirit [God’s— breath, soul— vital principle, mental disposition of mind].
For to be carnally minded —is death; but to be spiritually minded— is life, and peace [prospering— set at one again + rest].
Because the carnal [human carnal nature] mind [mental inclinations and purposes] is enmity [hostile opposition] against God: for it is not subject [subordinate— in obedience, put under submission and subdued] to the law [prescribed general regulation of principles] of God— neither indeed [in reason] can it be.
So then they who are in the flesh [human carnal nature]—cannot please [excite him— or be agreeable with] God.
But you are not in the flesh [human carnal nature]— but in the Spirit [God’s— breath, soul— vital principle, mental disposition of mind] —IF IT BE SO THAT → the Spirit [God’s— breath, soul— vital principle, mental disposition of mind] of God —dwells [cohabitates] in you.
Now if any man does not have the Spirit [God’s— breath, soul— vital principle, mental disposition of mind] of Christ— he is not of his.”
Not walking after the carnal flesh nature— and instead being ruled by God’s nature, and Spirit— is required— and it’s an inner man, spiritual practice; his Spirit is his— breath, soul— vital principle, and mental disposition of his mind— his character, disposition, attitude and nature: without it in us— we are carnal.
It is not fulfilling the law outwardly that God is looking for us to mind— but the Law of the Spirit— the inward changed man, who operates as God does in his Spirit, and by his Spirit— and in agreement with his Spirit, as one with his Spirit (meaning— as/like/same) —and God’s feasts, show us the shadow and type of what God came to fulfill of his righteousness in us— through his Son, and accepting his Spirit in our inner man, to change us into the new creature, in Christ.
2 Corinthians 3:6
“Who also has made us able ministers of the New Testament [disposition and contract, will]; not of the letter— but of the spirit [God’s— breath, soul— vital principle, mental disposition of mind]: for the letter kills [destroys]— but the spirit [God’s— breath, soul— vital principle, mental disposition of mind] gives life.”
Attaining God’s ‘shape’ or form once again (interiorly) —is LIFE; and his spirit re conforms us to God’s image again— his breath, soul— his vital principles of his conduct, character, attitude and nature— his disposition.
We must submit and obey him in this— and this— is what it is to live by the Spirit of the Law of Life in Christ Jesus: we BECOME— the new creature, in Christ, and of Christ’s Spirit working in us.
Matthew 5:17-18
“Think not that I have come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
[He did it flawlessly, and he upholds the law/conduct of God holy, even now, and forever; we benefit from his work— for he now works his spirit in us— both to will and to do his good pleasure.]
(Philippians 2:13)
For verily I say unto you— Till heaven and earth pass— not one jor, nor one tittle —shall in any wise— pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”
The law still exists, because heaven and earth still exist— but Christ has fulfilled it, and so— he has cleared our sentences from infractioning it— but it still exists; we can now choose to live life in Christ, by his lead, doing his pleasure, fulfilling his will in us…
And be conformed back into God’s image and conduct, by the lead of his Spirit— following the law of the Spirit— as we live in Christ…
And see our inner man, re conformed into a holy, and perfected (whole and complete) image of God again; not without error, but not held to the penalty of that error, legally speaking.
We will ditch the flesh carnal nature— throw down all disobedience to the Spirit’s nature (2 Corinthians 10:6) —fulfilling obedience to Christ and his Spirit, his— breath, soul— vital principle, and mental disposition.
This is to live ‘spiritually’ in Christ, and with Christ, and by Christ— returning to relationship with the Father; it is what we lost in the ‘garden,’ and will regain in the ‘garden of our hearts’ once again.
The story of the Feasts
{How we live spiritually in Christ}
1. Passover
Leviticus 23:1-5
“And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying— Speak to the children of Israel, and say unto them— Concerning the feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations [something called out, as well— a rehearsal]…
These are my feasts [appointments of festival— signals of season]:
Six days shall work [employment, deputyship, general labor, business, occupation] be done: but the seventh day is the sabbath [The intermission] of rest [holiday/holy-day], a holy convocation [called out rehearsal]; you shall do no work therein (it is the sabbath of the Lord) in all your dwellings.
These are the feasts of the Lord, the holy convocations which you shall proclaim in their seasons [fixed times of festival, meeting and signaling beforehand].
In the fourteenth day of the first month— at even— is the Lord's passover [exemption].”
Credit to some points from:
Wycliffe Bible online below;
It will be in italics.
This feast remembers the last plague in Egypt, when the angel of death “passed over” the children of Israel who applied the blood of the lamb to their doors. The Israelites took hyssop and dipped it into the blood of the lamb, in the basin, at the threshold. They would drag it upward, then they put it across on the lintel, then touched the two sides of the frame (Exodus 12).
Bottom to top, side to side— the motion formed a cross.
When John the Baptist said— “Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29) —he understood the Old Testament reference. And in the New Testament we see that Jesus — born in a stable, visited by shepherds and led to the slaughter — is that lamb sent for us.
His death allows the judgment we deserve to pass over us.
Symbolically/spiritually speaking— we are to have the blood of the Lamb (the covenant relationship), spread across our hearts, fully embracing the cross— both his, and ours; this brings about the upholding of the covenant.
Without this true relationship, where we embrace the blood (his perfect blood sacrifice for the atonement of our sins [being brought together in at-one-ment again, reconciliation to our Father/creator]), and we embrace his body and life given for us— we do not have the blood on the doors of our hearts.
He is the door gate in our hearts— and when he knocks and knocks, seeking our attention, to turn away from the world, and back toward him— we must choose to face him, and open up to him— place him as the most important person and desire in our heart…
Uphold him within, bow to him, slay the carnal nature (embracing our death to self— the cross), become humble, purified and sanctified (this is the change from the old man, cleaning up and becoming as he is— his character and fruit of his Spirit— becoming the new creature God is conforming into the image of his Son again), RECONCILED [at one, same/as/like, and under his rule of us— come about by a mutual change, that made a different person in our spirit and soul], where 2 spirits— become one now— in Christ Jesus.
This relationship, reconciled to him— by the life of Christ, and through his taking the sins of humankind upon him, as the perfect Lamb sacrifice— gives us a clean slate, and access back into the Kingdom of God— to abide with God forever.
In Celebrating the Passover, symbolically/spiritual now— we are to apply the SPIRITUAL VALUE of the physical world implications; meaning— we learn ‘why’ it was done in the Old Covenant— and what was FULFILLED, in the New Covenant— in Christ Jesus, by his life, death, and resurrection— giving us access to God in reconciliation now, through the NEW COVENANT —in and to, him.
2. Unleavened Bread
Leviticus 23:6-8
“And on the fifteenth day of the same month— is the feast of unleavened bread [sweetness— not sour or bitter— unfermented— bread of the passover] unto the Lord: seven days you must eat [consume and dine on] unleavened bread.
On the first day you shall have a holy convocation: you shall do no servile work therein.
But you shall offer [approach, draw near, be joined and produce] an offering made by fire [burning sacrifice] unto the Lord seven days: the seventh day is a holy convocation: you shall do no servile work therein.”
Remaining sweet upon the Lord— not sour or bitter in heart posture toward him, unfermented— meaning, non compromised in bitterness toward living holy, clean, and as the Lord finds his person— but being sweet, living by his fruit of his Spirit within us, different, and not corrupted; as fermentation is a corruption process.
And in so doing, we become the children who hold within them— the bread of the passover— Christ’s Spirit, undefiled, clean, purged, sanctified and consecrated— separated out of the world, out of carnality— and into holiness and at one with God’s Spirit.
Seven— is the number of completion; when we live with God this way, partaking in living uncompromised, unleavened, uncorrupted by the flesh— hating even the garment spotted by the flesh— we EAT CHRIST.
He did say— “Except you eat the flesh (bread, Spirit, The Word and Truth) of the Son of man, and drink his blood (coming into life, as life is in the blood, true life in Christ, cleansing us from all unrighteousness)— you have no life in you.” (John 6:53)
We will offer an offering— approaching him, drawing near to him, being joined to him, and producing— being the product of a NEWNESS— by FIRE; this is the refinement and purging process of our hearts— which is to take place during repentance and conversion— which is the process of sanctification and being re conformed to his likeness.
This is ditching the carnal life and lifestyle in our hearts, minds, and wills— and on the completion, or fulfillment of this taking place within us— we shall rest [abide] in Christ; for on the ‘seventh day,’ that’s the number of completion— we shall rest: sabbath.
This is the spiritual implications and practice of the Sabbath now.
This seven-day feast begins on the day following the start of Passover. In the haste of the Israelites to leave Egypt, there was no time to add leaven (yeast) to their bread. During this time, remembering the hardships in Egypt and how God freed them from captivity— the Jews eat nothing leavened.
Leaven often represents sin and decay in the Bible. Once incorporated— yeast becomes an inseparable part of the bread; the same is true for sin’s effect on our lives.
The Jews were constantly sacrificing unblemished animals to temporarily atone for sin. Only the Messiah— the perfect sinless sacrifice— could offer a permanent solution.
Best we take full advantage, and not take for granted all he has done— just to reconnect spiritually with his children, WITHIN, once again— and clean them up into his image again— coming out of ‘compromise,’ or serving two kingdoms: the flesh and the spirit.
Compromise kills— separation in Christ— brings life: no leaven.
In John 6:35— Jesus states that he is the bread of life.
Not only does he remove our sins— he nourishes our souls!
3. First Fruits
Leviticus 23:9-12
“And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying— Speak to the children of Israel, and say unto them— When you come into the land which I will give unto you, and you shall reap the harvest thereof— then you shall bring a sheaf [heap, a measure] of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest:
And he shall wave the sheaf [measure/heap] before the Lord, to be accepted for you: and on the morrow, after the sabbath, the priest shall wave it.
And ye shall offer that day, when you wave the sheaf— A HE LAMB— WITHOUT BLEMISH— of the first year, for a burnt offering unto the Lord.”
When you come into the land which I will give unto you— you shall reap the harvest thereof; he is saying that he will provide for us, and when he does— the provisions, all other provisions unto us— will be because we had the perfect lamb sacrifice first, unto our lives.
He, the perfect Lamb— who is the first of many others to be born to God, and conformed to his likeness; this Lamb, and his work within us— will bring us into the ‘first fruits’ category: the Romans 8 manifesting children of the Lord.
The promises of God (the promised land, of milk and honey— our inheritance) are brought to us— through our inheritance, in and of Christ Jesus: and staying true to the priesthood, like Aaron and the Levitical priesthood, but now found in Yahshua and the Melchizedek Order— OUR INHERITANCE— is the Lord himself.
He is the treasure, God, and reuniting to him, and returning to his likeness, with him, and by him— in an intimate relationship— IS OUR REWARD.
His story, and through the feasts of God— tell of his great hearts desire to unite with his creation once again— to rectify what took place in the fall of the ‘garden,’ and to RESURRECT IT, in the hearts and souls of men today: bringing us full circle, and SAVED/REDEEMED, and RE CONFORMED (reconfigured, once again— and obedience restored).
And we will become, as like he was a First Fruit of the Father— we will become first fruits, following in our Savior’s steps: within, in our inner man.
The Feast of First Fruits is one of three Jewish harvest feasts to thank and honor God for all he provided. Although they didn’t know it at the time— the children of Israel were celebrating what would become a very important day.
The priests sacrificed Passover lambs on the 14th day of the month of Nisan— and the first day of Passover was the 15th.
The Feast of First Fruits was celebrated on the third day, the 16th of Nisan. This ‘third day’ celebration was the same day that Jesus resurrected from the dead.
In 1 Corinthians 15:20— Paul refers to Jesus as the first fruits of the dead. He represents the first of the great harvest of souls — including you — that will resurrect to eternal life because of the new covenant in his blood (Luke 22:20).
4. Feast of Weeks or Pentecost
Leviticus 23:16
“Even unto the morrow— after the seventh sabbath— you shall number 50 days; and you shall offer a New [fresh new thing] Meat offering [bestow a tribute and portion, donation offering] unto the Lord.”
Here we are talking in literal earthly terms of a sacrificial, flesh animal— upon the altar— a new meat offering to the Lord; but…
In spiritual terms, we are speaking of OFFERING OURSELVES, THE MEAT (body— sound whole of us) —unto our Lord, sacrificing a carnal nature— or to lead self, in selfish and devilish, lust-filled pursuits…
And instead— DIE TO SELF, DIE TO OUR CROSS we have been asked to bear up under in this life— and thereby BECOME the NEW/FRESH MEAT (person, body, whole) offered and sacrificed (spiritually speaking) —unto our Creator and Savior, our God, once again: BEING the New Creature in Christ Jesus.
And 50, is— a symbol of freedom, release and new cycle.
Every 50 years, on the day of Atonement, people needed to honor the Jubilee, a day when all the loans and debts were forgotten and forgiven to the one who took a debt (symbolically all of us human sinners) —and all the slaves were released (all of us who accept Christ and his Holy Spirit to become one with in reconciliations to God now, allowing him to reform us within)— and all the things taken— were turned back to people that they belonged to (inheritance returned— ‘garden’ life, restored— within the hearts of man).
It was a day when harmony was established; and this is the spiritual reunion of God + Man, coming into unity as ONE SPIRIT again.
This feast is the second of the three harvest feasts. It occurs exactly seven weeks after the Feast of First Fruits— so it’s also called Pentecost, which means ‘50 days.’
Traditionally, people were expected to bring the first harvest of grain to the Lord.
God’s plan to save souls included more than the Jews though— Through Jesus, this plan was revealed.
In Matthew 9:37 Jesus tells his disciples that “the harvest is great, but the workers are few.” Then he put the plan into place: In Acts 1:4 he tells them to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit.
That arrival was the day that the Church was born —Pentecost— and the harvest began with 3,000 souls.
The message spread to both Jews and Gentiles, extending the harvest to us.
5. Feast of Trumpets
Leviticus 23:24
“Speak to the children of Israel, saying— In the seventh month, on the first day of the month— you shall have a sabbath [holy day/holiday, and rest]— a memorial [memento, memorable record] of blowing of trumpets— a holy [sanctified, consecrated, dedicated] convocation [rehearsal].”
Seven again— the number of completing a thing, here— our spiritual transfiguring, accomplished by the Holy Spirit; and in that— we shall rest [which is abide] in Christ Jesus— and this will be a holy day.
It will be a memento, or memorable account and record of all he has done for us— as we blow the trumpets (or alarm and proclaim).
And this is a holy, or sanctified, consecrated and dedicated work and assembling— of a convocation: a rehearsal.
God, in all of these feasts— was REHEARSING what his Spirit would do, spiritually speaking— in the hearts/souls of men— upon receiving his Holy Spirit shed abroad to all of humanity; for those who reconcile to him.
Reconcile— a mutually agreed upon change, bringing about a difference (according to Strong’s).
The holy convocation that they performed, in these feasts/festivals— were REHEARSALS, for the New Covenant— in Messiah!
In a beautiful declaration God commands his people to rest. During this time all regular work is prohibited, and men and women present a food offering to God.
In Leviticus 23:24 God commands his people to gather and to commemorate the decree with trumpet blasts.
On the same front, the sound of a trumpet is also associated with the time Jesus will return for his bride (1 Corinthians 15:52). Once he returns, there will be a wedding feast of celebration. Revelation 19:9 says— “Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb.”
He’s preparing us to celebrate!
6. Day of Atonement
Leviticus 23:26-29
“And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying— Also on the tenth day of this seventh month, there shall be a day of atonement [expiation— the act of making amends or reparation for guilt or wrongdoing]: it shall be a holy convocation [rehearsal] unto you; and you shall afflict [abase, chasten, exercise, humble, submit and weaken] your souls [vitality, mentality, heart, mind, pleasure, creature— selves], and offer [approach, purpose, bring forth and near, joining and producing] an offering made by fire [sacrifice in burning] unto the Lord.
And you shall do no work on that same day: for it is a day of atonement, to make an atonement [covering, canceling, expiating, cleansing, pardoning and reconciling] for you —before [in the presence, countenance and sight of] the Lord your God.
For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted [abase, chasten, exercise, humble, submit and weaken] in that same day— he shall be cut off [destroyed, consumed— out from covenant— cut out] from among his people.”
This was a rehearsal taking place; think wedding rehearsal.
And in this rehearsal he said that we are to abase, chasten, exercise, humble, submit and weaken our souls; which is our vitality, mentality, heart, mind, pleasure, our person itself, the creature; and then we are to offer, approach, purpose, bring forth and near, joining to him, and producing a result— an offering made by fire.
That offering, that approaching him in heart, mind, and mentality of sacrifice— comes with a burning refinement— in the Refiner’s fire; and in this, we bring the acceptable sacrificial offering of our lives (we are to be living sacrifices) unto our Lord God.
And this atonement, this at-one again + rest (or abiding) in our Lord, comes about by covering, canceling, expiating, cleansing, pardoning and reconciling us— through he, himself, being a living sacrifice for our sins— blamelessly, and perfectly.
As we bring ourselves before him— we too— will be reformed and conformed back into his image and likeness, within— and we will do this— before his presence (his Spirit within), his countenance (that’s his demeanor and disposition of his person), and in his sight (his eyes are roaming to and fro in the earth— searching for faith; that’s our persons, spiritually speaking— in our hearts/souls.
And why would he say any person (soul) who will not afflict himself (which means— abase, chasten, exercise, humble, submit and weaken) himself— “on that same day,” will be cut off, or— destroyed, consumed— out from covenant— cut out from among his people?
Because this is once again— a REHEARSAL; which means— he is showing us something in the material realm (and in carnal actions of the old covenant), that was supposed to point us toward the New Covenant revelation of Christ, and his fulfillments.
So, anyone who will not humble his soul (come out of carnal living and exaltation within) —will be cut off the Vine; their branch will whither (because no at-one-ment took place within that man), and so— will be purged, or pruned off the family tree of God: hence, removed from ‘His’ people— spiritual Israel.
To make “atonement” is to make restitution for wrongs committed. As a day of humility and repentance to God, it was a time for the Jews to get their hearts, consciences and lives right before him. The observance involved the sacrifice of animals as the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies.
What the High Priest did there couldn’t offer more than an annual payment for their sins. However, hiding in plain sight was the promise of one who could atone for their sins permanently (Hebrews 9:12).
Where is Jesus in these sacrificed animals? The bull and one of the goats was an offering of thanks, but the “scapegoat” took on their sins (Leviticus 16:10). The scapegoat was to be burdened with all the sins of Israel and sent into the wilderness.
The Jewish leaders condemned Jesus, and he — burdened with the sins of all mankind — was led out of the city to be crucified: “He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins — and not only our sins but the sins of the world” (1 John 2:2).
7. Feast of Tabernacles or Booths
Celebration always follows the Day of Atonement. The Feast of Tabernacles celebrates God’s provision and protection for the people of Israel during their 40 years wandering in the wilderness,
For the seven days of the feast, people live in temporary structures like they did in the wilderness. The Lord himself was with the Israelites in the desert, in a tented temple called the tabernacle— so the feast also celebrates his presence as he tabernacles (dwells) with us.
Jesus is called Emmanuel, meaning “God is with us” (Matthew 1:23). He put on a temporary tabernacle — a human body — to dwell on this earth and offer himself as a sacrifice.
This feast also points to the promise that God will return and rally with his people — in the person of Jesus. And when he does, he has promised that there will be no more death and suffering— that he himself will wipe away every tear from our eyes (Revelation 21:4). His return is the final answer to the hope we’ve carried our entire lives. What a day that will be!
Unlike searching for Waldo in a messy world, we can pray for God’s wisdom as we read his Word. Even with this small glimpse into these feasts, we see his intentional love for humanity has endured centuries, and he has left us clues that foreshadow the beauty that is to come. The Old Testament has many hidden truths that, in light of the New Testament, bring a richer understanding to your life in Jesus Christ.
Leviticus 23:33-37
“And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying— Speak to the children of Israel, saying— The fifteenth day, of this seventh month, shall be the feast [victim sacrifice] of tabernacles [hut, lair, booth, covert, pavilion or tent] —for seven days unto the Lord.
On the first day shall be a holy [sanctified, consecrated, dedicated] convocation [rehearsal]: you shall do no servile work therein.
For seven days you shall offer [approach, purpose, bring forth and near, joining and producing] an offering made by fire [sacrifice in burning] unto the Lord: and the eighth day —shall be an holy [sanctified, consecrated, dedicated] convocation [rehearsal] unto you; and you shall offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord: it is a solemn assembly [holy day/holiday]; and you shall do no servile work therein.
These are the feasts of the Lord— which you shall proclaim to be holy [sanctified, consecrated, dedicated] convocations [rehearsals] —to offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord, a burnt offering, and a meat offering, a sacrifice, and drink offerings— every thing upon his day.”
There is a ‘victim,’ or a sacrificial person— in every life laid upon the altar of God: first the Son— then all the first fruits of him (the sons to follow).
The feast (victim sacrifice) of tabernacles, or tenting covertly or intimately with God— is dying to the flesh carnal nature— and living unto Christ, and unto his Holy Spirit— being conformed to it in our inner man once again.
This is symbolically— number 7, again— which is a process of completion; and this process is unto our Lord.
It is a holy, sanctified, dedicated and consecrated work unto God, that we agree to— when we repent, turn from our carnal living, unite with him again in reconciliations— and live unto him, spiritually— and at-one with his Spirit: where 2 spirits, become 1— in Christ; and this practice in the Old Covenant— was a REHEARSAL for the New Covenant, and Life in Christ— by the Spirit of the Law of Life— in Christ now!
We will offer up— approach God, with purpose, bringing forth and drawing near to his Spirit in reconciliations (agreement with him to change, being different) and producing a New Creature in Christ Jesus; and this comes by FIRE— the Refiner’s (that’s him) fire— a sacrificial burning away of the carnal, or self leadership and pride lifestyle of becoming our own rulers, leaders or reasoners, who make decisions based upon our own wisdom from down here.
For if we were acting on heavenly wisdom, from above— we would be submissive and subservient to his Spirit, and in alignment with his Spirit: where 2 become 1 operating system within.
Which leads us to the number 8— which is NEW BEGINNINGS; this is all spiritually referencing the BORN ANEW, or BORN AGAIN PROCESS— that MUST take place, to enter the Kingdom.
For only those who DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER— enter in; and we must KNOW HIS WILL, by the lead of his Spirit within us (through obedience and submission) to even KNOW HIS WILL, to DO IT.
And in practicing this union as one— we are born again, and we are in agreement and alignment, under submission and obedience to his Spirit— and we now live a holy day, or holiday— EVERY DAY, within God— and God, within us!
These are the feasts, or appointed signals of the Lord— that we shall proclaim abroad to all of the world— that point toward our Messiah, our God, our Father— and reconciliation to him: hence— SALVATION, the Lamb slain for reconciling sinful man, to his Holy God and Father, once again.
They are all REHEARSALS…
Made by offerings of fire (sacrificial lives inside man— undergoing the Refiner’s fire, and pruning process of re conforming us to his image)...
We— a burnt offering in the fires of the Lord…
We— a meat offering; offering up the flesh to be burned away in the fires of offering, upon his altar…
A sacrifice and drink offering (a life and heart poured out before the Lord) —and everything rests in this.
The feasts of the Lord— represent our Messiah, Bridegroom and God; and point toward him, and reconciliation to him— and HOW TO DO THAT!
His Temple— is now OUR PERSON, OUR FLESH; the second coming of Christ’s Spirit— is in his manifest children: for they manifest HIM!!
The feasts are to be assimilated into our souls and spirits, our inner man— as we understand the reason for them, as rehearsals of who, and what was to come to us; as now— he has come to his temple!!