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His Law [what is that] and Commandments [directives]– to be, or not to be– about them??

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn


Why wouldn’t you WANT TO follow God’s Law and directives [commands]??

What is ANY LAW– rules defining correct procedure or behavior.

Why can’t you follow correct procedure and behavior??

He doesn’t expect us to do it without flaw, or mistake– but he does expect us to ‘obey his directives’ [his leading, and commanding], and understand his correct procedures of conduct to follow [his Law] –and put effort in to follow him, and his nature and ways.


I realize this will likely be a ‘touchy and abrasive’ topic to some– but it shouldn’t be– and doesn’t have to be; it’s only abrasive and offensive– if one takes offense to ‘the ways of God,’ and his holiness, nature and attributes of character conduct– of God himself.

Those that love him, and his ways– are not offended by the Law of God– and do not ‘seek to’ oppose it; they uphold God in all his ways, rules, statutes and precedents– for in them– they KNOW GOD.


James 1:22-25

“Be doers of the word– and not hearers only– deceiving your own selves.

23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word– and not a doer– he is like a man beholding his natural face in a glass [mirror]:

24 For he beholds himself– and [then] goes his way– and straightway [right away] forgets what manner [caliber/type] of man he was.

25 But whoever looks into ‘the perfect law of liberty–’ and continues there in [it], he– being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work– this man shall be blessed in his deed [actions].”


Let’s break down what was TRUTHFULLY said here, first, and then I will delve into the MEAT of what God’s saying to me today, and why he wants his DIRECTIVES spoken about.

First, God makes it quite clear that we are to be EFFORTING at this walk with him– “BE DOERS–” and not just readers and talkers about scripture, and if you do not become DOERS OF THE BIBLE in action [deeds] in your lives– YOU DECEIVE YOURSELVES.

What do we believe we are being DECEIVED ‘of?’


We have a misconstrued idea of what salvation is; we are a 3 part being, and did you know he wants ALL 3 PARTS REDEEMED? He paid for ALL OF US TO BE RESTORED– not just part of us.

Many believe that receiving a NEW SPIRIT– is all there is; No– the NEWLY BORN-AGAIN spirit– is only the first phase of Salvation: One must be REPENTANT of sin, and sinning– in the first place– which is WHY God sends his Spirit– to RENEW our dead ones.

There is a process within a man that takes place– when one desires to be CHRIST’S CHILD, REDEEMED and SAVED; and that process begins with recognizing we are WRETCHED and SINFUL, the way we CAME TO HIM– and we need to be CLEANSED, MADE NEW, REFORMED, and OBEDIENT TO OUR NEW KING, SAVIOR, FATHER and REDEEMER– in order to walk out of our current state– and into what he PAID FOR.

To think God does not want your SPIRIT renewed [he gave you access to his, to live with and become one with– he WANTS your spirit born again, revived], and our SOUL, and BODY renewed into LIFE– is asinine.

We MUST get our souls renewed– if not– it’s the soul that goes to hell, with the body that goes in the grave; he told us so when he said– “do not fear who can kill the body, but fear he who can kill both body and SOUL– in hell.”

Our SOUL– is our inner heart person– the way we think, the way we operate, and our emotional display; if we do not get THAT man renewed– you will not even LIVE FOR CHRIST– you will continue to ‘be–’ THE OLD, UNREDEEMED MAN ‘in your actions.’

That is NOT– the New Creature in Messiah– and we MUST BE THE NEW CREATION, or we remain ‘the old one.’

Like in this verse– if we only see our OUTWARD MAN, what we look like in a mirror– and we never DEAL WITH OUR INWARD MAN– we deceive ourselves with ‘an appearance of holiness/clean– but deny the power working of God within;’ we deceive ourselves that we only need to be ‘appearing’ to follow God with our words– and not IN OUR FOLLOW THROUGH– which is our actions.

Those close to God with words, but not in actions and follow through– flatter him in talk– but REFUSE HIM, REJECT HIM– in their ‘actions.’

Why do we think he says–


Because in following the Law…

[not in perfection of it, he knew we couldn’t do that, so he sent his Son– who fulfilled ‘doing it–’ PERFECTLY, so we didn’t have to be ‘beholden to it in penalty’]

he EXPECTS US to walk in ‘his Law–’ because in FOLLOWING IT– WE ARE PERFECTLY SET FREE FROM SIN– in our SOULS.

[If you don’t want a free soul– keep walking in compromise.]

We gain– cleaned up, free walking and talking– thoughts, emotions and actions [mind, emotions and will] –because we NOW– EXEMPLIFY CHRIST IN ACTION: his attributes and nature, played out through our lives.

And ‘IF–’ this man KEEPS THE DIRECTIVES [commands of the Law] OF GOD– he will be BLESSED IN HIS ACTIONS [deeds].


We do not have a right to live life however we so choose– we are OWNED BY ANOTHER now– and we are to OBEY THE DIRECTIVES OF THE OTHER who has BOUGHT US– redeemed means– paid for in full.

If you do not LOVE HIM– you will rebel against what he gives as COMMANDS and DIRECTIVES; but IF YOU LOVE HIM, he said– “YOU WILL KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS.”

So, we must determine– from HIS EXPLANATION and PREREQUISITES– if we ‘love him–’ OR NOT; and if we keep his Law of commandments– we love him, if we do not– we don’t.

What do we think the LAW IS??

It’s not a list of do’s and don’ts that we must obey alone– they are ATTRIBUTES TO LIVE BY– they are CHARACTER PARAMETERS we are to obtain– and walk as he walks, and have our being, as he has his being; why would we NOT WANT THAT– we are to be CHANGED INTO HIS IMAGE, more, day-by-day.


The question shouldn’t be–


but rather–


For ‘his Law–’ is not hard– it’s easy to follow with him INSIDE US NOW; and ‘his Law–’ is A WAY OF CONDUCTING ONE’S SELF: ‘his Law–’ is whatever he says in his DIRECTIVES TO US [his commands].

And IF WE CANNOT FOLLOW DIRECTIONS FROM GOD– we are in disobedience, and that’s rebellion, and that’s LIKE FOLLOWING WITCHCRAFT IN HIS EYES– and we are not children in RIGHT STANDING WITH GOD any longer– we ARE PRODIGAL, WASTING OUR INHERITANCE HE PROVIDED FOR US– and we are WAYWARD, and ESTRANGED from God holy, in our conduct.

Why ‘can’t’ we follow his directives/commands– what makes following his way of life– TOO HARD TO DO– when GOD HIMSELF is living INSIDE OF YOU NOW– HELPING YOU???


We have a generation that delights in saying, and thinking, that the ‘Law’ is completely done away with– as far as man is concerned– per Jesus’ coming and FULFILLING the Law.

We couldn’t be further from the truth– when believing such a perversion/twisting of what Yah’shua actually said and meant.

Another issue we have, is folks who want to defend the ‘abolishing’ of the Law, where our conduct is concerned– whilst they do not know their scripture IN FULL; God has told me on several occasions that ‘MAN IS LAZY in his commitment toward God–’ and believes there is an ‘easy road’ to go– when he and his scripture states, over and over again– that the WAY– is NARROW, and FEW ‘find it.’

That’s because FEWare attempting to walk it; a way– is a ROAD, a PATHWAY.


Every ‘Kingdom–’ has LAWS; why would we think God has ZERO LAWS FOR US TO FOLLOW??

This place– the material world, and satan’s play place– is a ‘mock up,’ a ‘shadow,’ a ‘mimicked’ and COPIED representation of ALL GOD HAS– in his Kingdom; satan cannot CREATE– only God and those made in HIS IMAGE can.

All that we have here in this world– was modeled after what God has in his Kingdom– heaven; so, if we have judges, and lawyers [advocates], laws, statutes and precedents in THIS WORLD– they are modeled after what GOD STILL HAS, in his domain.

To think we would have a HOLY God, that does not have Laws to follow– would be crazy; HE HAS GATES TO HEAVEN, for a reason– TO KEEP OUT THE ‘unruly,’ those who would DEFILE, DEFRAUD and CORRUPT HIS HOLY PLACE.

He has GUARDS– he has LAWS.

The folk that don’t want to follow his Laws, will not get in– that’s his point; so, now– WHY DO YOU NOT WANT TO FOLLOW HIS DIRECTIVES??

He IS– the High King– and he has rules to follow; if we do not want to follow them, we have a will we can use to disobey him– but note– the REBELLIOUS ARE APPOINTED UNTO PERDITION, not Salvation– meaning, they don’t make it to his heaven domain after this lifetime– because they COULDN’T FOLLOW HIS RULE [and lead], and he did say– “pick up your cross of suffering in this lifetime– and FOLLOW ME– and gain a crown of Life.”

WHY WOULD ‘his kids–’ NOT WANT TO FOLLOW HIS ‘ways?’

Let’s look at some of those– ‘unreasonable rules and Laws’ we are to follow, and better yet– WHY– they are installed in the first place to follow.


Let’s start with the 10 Commandments; do we know why God installed ‘those’ rules to follow?

Because folks were coming out of SLAVERY, and they had gone through hell there– and lost their ability to see life through ‘CIVIL’ eyes; they became ‘savage minded–’ from all they endured, and needed to be taught once again– what it is to be ‘HUMAN,’ and HUMANE– and how to HONOR GOD again, in their ‘conduct.’


Exodus 20

“I am the Lord your God– who has brought you out of the land of Egypt– out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me.”

Here God is reminding us all– they were coming out of SLAVERY, and so are many of us– from the bondage of SIN living; and here, he has to REINTRODUCE HIMSELF to them– and remind them, they are to not HONOR ANYONE OTHER THAN GOD, in their lives, hearts and actions.

He is doing the same with us; when he bought us with his life, for our sentences– he must once again– REFORM US to his image [humane, cleaned up behaviors] and REMIND US– we are to honor HIM NOW, and stop honoring all the wicked spirits we ‘were’ running with, in how we WERE living– just like the Jews coming out of Egypt, and slavery.

They practiced worship to other ‘gods’ in the land of sin [Egypt], and they lived savage-like lives; God wishes to help redeem us from this way of living– and his directives of how to liveare for that purpose.

No ‘graven images–’ because they bowed down to these in Egypt– and we are to only bow to God holy, and ‘his image–’ is SPIRITUAL, not material.


5 “You shall not bow down yourself to them– nor serve them– for I the Lord your God am a jealous God– visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, up to the third and fourth generation of them– that hate me;

6 And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me– and keep my commandments.”


Again– he is stating, if you hate me– you will do contrary to what I teach; but if you LOVE ME– you will follow my directives and desires.

He doesn’t mince scripture, laws or commands/directives– he’s very clear– but the man who does not WANT TO PLEASE GOD, but instead– himself, will find ways to twist his directions– that’s satan’s way– and those that follow twisted ways, will seek to follow satan’s example of EXCUSED BEHAVIOR.

Satan believed he could ‘do things his way–’ and infractions wouldn’t matter, if he continued in them, and contrary to God and his holiness, and obeying him; I’m not telling you to follow God’s ways– GOD IS– and he’s pretty clear on what happens to the man that does not honor him, nor his ways.


7 “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God– in vain– for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain.”


Do we actually understand what that means? Many folks want to believe that means only ‘cursing’ about [cussing] his name; that’s not what it means.

It means taking God’s reputation, all that he is– IN AN EMPTY WAY– not honoring, or giving him reverence; when we disregard what he TOLD US TO DO, and HOW HE TAUGHT US TO BE– we are guilty of taking his ‘name and reputation,’ which is WHO HE IS– and making it EMPTY, DEVOID, POINTLESS and VAIN.

When you do not honor his Law and commands– we dishonor God– for you cannot separate God– from his WAYS– and his ways are HOLY and ACCEPTABLE.

Why would we not want to be holy and acceptable too?

And how can you live contrary to God’s nature– when we are to be living– STRAIGHT OUT OF GOD, quite literally, HIS SPIRIT MARRIED TO OURS??

There is no longer ‘YOU–’ there is only ‘YOU MARRIED TO GOD’ in Spirit– who have now become ONE IN THE SAME SPIRIT, and ATTRIBUTES and NATURE of the Holy High One; if that has not taken place– you have missed the whole point of Salvation– it’s not to save you from hell– it’s to RECONCILE YOU, REJOIN YOU– to God the Father– the Holy One.

His goal is to REFORM YOU, and have you LIVE and WALK DIFFERENTLY– like him; how do we think we become his ‘first fruits?’

We sprout out of the vine, because we are now married to, and engrafted in– WITH HIS NATURE NOW– which is his fruit, in duplication.

THIS– is being truly saved from the ‘world’ and ‘satan,’ and his ‘ways;’ what did we think God was saving us from???

From satan having found ‘no place in us’ either. (John 14:30)


Keep the Sabbath holy– was his next directive; that shouldn’t be hard to do– he wants us to rest, every 7th day– as he rested after creating all he did– so we won’t work ourselves into an early grave– and to dedicate one day to remembrance of God.

Why wouldn’t we want to follow that command??

Honor our fathers and mothers– again, why wouldn’t we want to respect the people that gave us life– if even for only that? Is that too hard to follow??

Then– DON’T KILL– again, for civilized man– this ought to not be so hard; besides, in truth, your life is no more precious than the next person, to God– and if we truly trust him to be all powerful, all knowing, and all capable– HE CAN GET US OUT OF ANYTHING– or we don’t believe in all the miracles of the Bible, and God showing up.

Don’t commit adultery– because we are to be loyal, and that– is a disciplined walk– we can do that.

Don’t steal– again, that’s doable– if we truly believe God provides all for us, in our times of need.

Don’t lie– we CAN DO THAT TOO– it’s a disciplined walk, but it’s totally possible; you just apologize, repent, have heart-to-heart conversation with God about it– and then tell yourself– “I am not a liar, and no matter how hard, or scary– I WILL TELL THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH.”

This is doable– many do this with God helping them– I myself HATE LYING, because it is FEAR BASED– and he gave me NOT a spirit of fear.

And lastly– you shall not COVET other people’s things; that means be desirous of them in your heart, and overtaken by that lust.


Because God is more than capable of getting you the things you have need of and desire– there is no reason to desire to TAKE someone else's things, unto yourselves.


The 10 Commandments are the ‘humane re-education’ directives– because they needed re-education after exodusing Egypt; we too, when coming out of living in sin, need re-education, which is REFORMATION, which is BEING REMADE INTO HIS IMAGE.

How can he save you from satan, satan’s image,

and satan’s destination of punishment after this life–

if we will not be reformed??

Because in truth– if you desire to forgo reformation, being reformed back into his image– you have rejected the Holy Spirit, REBIRTH of your spirit– and Holy Spirit’s ROLE– in our lives; which is to– bring us into ALL TRUTH, and to MARRY OURSELVES TO GOD, in spirit, soul and body.

Even marriage to a spouse in the material world of earth– mimics and models– marriage to God, as one new creationin fleshwhere two become ONE; this is THE NEW CREATION IN CHRIST.


Matthew 22

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?

37 Jesus replied– Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

38 This is the first and greatest commandment.

39 And the second is like it– Love your neighbor as yourself.

40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”


When he said ‘the first–’ it’s because there are many; when he said ‘the greatest–’ it’s because it’s the most important– out of MANY COMMANDS to follow– which means live, and adhere to.

And he says ‘all the Law hinges upon you completing those–’ FIRST; so, he does require us to ‘live a certain way;’ and these listed above– are the FIRST and SECOND steps of directives to follow– but there are more strewn throughout the entirety of the scriptures, and the New Testament is where Yah’shua quotes and reiterates– the Old Testament.

Again– WHY DO FOLKS ‘not want to’ ADHERE TO GOD’S WAYS?

They are not undoable, or too difficult– but they do require EFFORT.


Matthew 19

“And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?

17 And he said to him– Why do you call me good? There is none good but one– that is God: but if you will enter into life– keep the commandments.”


What is ‘life eternal–’ that he is speaking about?

Eternal life is living IN YAH’SHUA [the tree of Life], his ways, his nature, his person– for ALL OF ETERNITY– beginning when you accept him in Spirit to be born-again, and continuing for all of eternity.

We begin the walk of living as one with God– right here in this realm– when we accept him as our God, Savior and Father– and RECONCILE TO HIM.

And he’s clear here, the reformation process of God reforming our man back into his image, and us OBEYING HIM– depends on whether or not we obtain ‘life eternal’ in God– for all of time and forever.

As well, he states in Acts 5:32– if you do not OBEY HIM, he will not give you the Holy Spirit; and only those married to Holy Spirit– come home to Father and Son– after this lifetime: OBEDIENCE TO HIS DIRECTIONS– MATTERS.


Romans 13:8 “Owe no man anything– but to love one another– for he that loves another has fulfilled the law.” 10 Love works no ill to his neighbor: therefore love– is the fulfilling of the law.”


Here’s why LOVE– is– the fulfilling of the Law; because if you are truly walking in LOVE– you will not lie, you will not steal, cheat, commit adultery, dishonor another [mother, father, etc], you will love God and put him above all others, you will not worship material things, you will not covet other people’s things, you will not kill, you will keep the rest day holy– YOU WILL NOT TAKE GOD VAINLY, or EMPTYyou will take him SERIOUSLY: and these are the basic 10 commandments: fulfilled in WALKING IN LOVE.

The 10 directives are BASICS– there are more nuanced directives written all through scripture that we are also to adhere to; why?

Because we are to become more like his image by the days that pass; which truly means, we are learning more about him, and in turn– learning more about the REAL US– once the facade is stripped away.

We do want God to refine us, strip us of worldly, fallen images–

and reform us to look, sound and walk like him, right?

Because that’s what a FRUIT SEEDLING of his


And only HIS SPIRIT– comes back to him– after this timezone; once our time, in the timed zone expires– His Spirit [supposed to me married to, inside us] LEAVES this zone, and takes YOUR SPIRIT with him– that’s how we get to heaven after this place.

If you truly do not want to be HOLY and CLEAN– you truly reject ‘having’ a holy spirit; and if you reject having a holy spirityou reject THE HOLY SPIRIT– and that’s the one thing that you cannot do.

We all have to desire to have and be– a clean spirit, like he is a clean and holy Spirit; do we really think we are going to go live with the HIGHEST, CLEANEST AUTHORITY FIGURE THERE IS, for all of eternity, and WE OURSELVES– will not look, sound, and operate like him???

And ‘why’ would we not want to do, and be that??

I come to believe, those who reject the Law and the commandments– don’t actually find the value in them– and are blind to who God truly is; what an awakening that will be– when their time runs out here.

He isn’t expecting perfection– that’s why he came to fulfill that part, living the Law perfectly, so he could carry us WITHIN HIM, in that; but he does expect us to PARTNER WITH HIM, and PUT EFFORT IN with our relationship with him.

If he is holy– he will talk holy, move holy and clean, and teach us holy and clean ways– or he’s not your God; your God– leads you in all their ‘ways,’ and if we are not OBEYING– then we have a different god.


to live his way??


–that with Christ in you–


I haven’t found one thing yet that I cannot do with Christ; I believe what scripture says– and I live by it.


Philippians 4:13

“I can do all things– through Christ– who strengthens me.”


Let’s see what Christ meant, and did, in these verses.


Matthew 5:17

“Do not think that I have come to destroy the law– or the prophets [that means we still exist]– I have not come to destroy– but to fulfill [it].

18 For verily I say unto you– Till heaven and earth pass [away], not one jot, or one tittle, shall in any wise– pass from the law– till all be fulfilled.

19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, AND SHALL TEACH men [to do] so– he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them– the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”


Okay, what he said– he did not come to destroy his laws [God’s laws], he came, and intended to– walk them out perfectly– and did; none of it shall go away, until heaven and earth dissolve– that has not happened yet.

Whoever breaks the directives– AND TEACHES OTHER MEN– to be breakers of them– will be the smallest in God’s eyes, of all the people of heaven; why do we think he said that, and means that?

Because only those that are ‘looking to get away with something–’ would teach others not to observe what is important to God, and what he COMMANDED us to do, and be– in his directives.

I am not looking to get away with anything–

in fact,

it would grieve me to run with a spirit of rebellion to God,

like that.

I seek to please him, and hear from him– ‘well done,’ in all that I do with him; and therein lies the difference– I am fully aware he is with me always, we are married as one, and I CANDO ALL THINGSeven keep his directives and leadings, and character and nature attributes– BECAUSE CHRIST IS IN HERE ‘with’ me.


John 14:21

“He that has my commandments– and keeps them– he it is, that loves me: and he that loves me– shall be loved by my Father– and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.”

John 15:10

“IF [that means some won’t, it’s a prerequisite, a choice] you keep my commandments– you shall abide in my love [that’s a follow through that happens, if you fulfill the previous prerequisite of ‘if’]; even as I have kept my Father's commandments– and abide in his love.”


Listen– you don’t HAVE TO OBEY HIM– you can choose for yourselves; but I hear what he’s telling me, and he’s been saying a lot about– those who do not want to adhere to him, his leadership and his ways.

I don’t want to be ‘on that list’ of rebellious, and excuse making– when ALL IS CAPABLE with God, incarnate– in our bodies, spirits and souls.

I don’t actually WANT TO LIVE BY EXCUSE,

I want to live by HIS EXAMPLE.

I actually WANT to look, sound and walk like him; it’s the only way the world will see him– in the life of Janet.

He only has ONE LIFE JANET LIVES ON THIS PLANE to use, to love, and abide with– for HIS GLORY– and for the furthering of the gospel; and I do not wish to lead anyone astray, or compromise them– I want all reconciled to the Father.


1 Corinthians 7:19

“Circumcision [the cut] is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing– but the keeping of the commandments of God [is].”

1 Corinthians 14:37

“If any man thinks himself ‘to be a prophet,’ or ‘spiritual–’ let him acknowledge that the things that I write to you– are the commandments of the Lord.” [and Paul taught us– how to ‘be’ in conduct]

Ephesians 2:13

“But now in Christ Jesus– you who sometimes were far off– are made nigh by the blood of Christ.

14 For he is our peace– who has made both one [both the man, and his God, in union] and has broken down the middle wall of partition between us;

15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity [hostility toward, and opposition to], even the law of commandments contained in ordinances [no longer have to do them perfectly, to attain salvation or forgiveness of sin, it’s freely offered now]; for to make in himself, of twain [two persons, he and the man] –one new man, so making peace [godly order restored];

16 That he might RECONCILE BOTH– unto God– in one body, by the cross– having slain the enmity [hostility and opposition to him, and his Spirit and ways] thereby:

17 He came and preached peace to you– who were far off– and to them that were nigh. 18 For through him– we both have access, by one Spirit– unto the Father.”


In Christ, you can now come close to God, through his blood, all he did– to reconcile you to God; because before, man and his sin separated him, through hostility and opposition to God, of his ways and his holiness.

For he is our peace– which means– he is our ‘godly order restored in us,’ where we were once estranged; shalom– he tells me– means GODLY ORDER RESTORED, where once, chaos reigned in mortal man.

Breaking down any walls and separations, between the holy God, and man now– through all he accomplished for us.

When he fulfilled the Law, living it out perfectly– he made a way for us to not have to do it perfectly, and thereby set us free of its penalty; he restored man and God to holiness, and to the ability to do his commandments of his Law without penalty.

His Law, once again, being– his directives, his orders, his statutes, and how ‘he’ lives and abides; if we are ‘in him–’ we will be doing what he does– because he is carrying us with him.

He made a way for A NEW MAN CREATION– one where God holy lives in us, and with us, and is wrapped around us in all our ways– JOINED– and this– is what killed the old man nature out of us– and the opposition to him and his way of being.

And through all he did and accomplished– NOW– we have access to the same Spirit he did, does, and has– the Holy Spirit of God; and in, and with, the Holy Spirit of God– our conduct and ability to FOLLOW DIRECTIVES [commands] IS TOTALLY POSSIBLE, for with God– all things are possible.


I am not putting effort into being perfect, but I am putting effort into being ‘whole’ [which is what the definition in Strong’s means, when quoting perfect] –and effort into REPENTANCE, turning from the ‘old man’ ways, and embracing all that Christ is, and exemplified, and PAID FOR– and I’m walking it out; that is what being a ‘student of his way and teaching–’ is: a Disciplined one– is a disciple.

Don’t listen to me– listen to the Yah’shua– the Word of God, the holy scriptures and his Apostles and Disciples.


1 Thessalonians 4

“Furthermore we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus– that as you have received of us– HOW YOU OUGHT TO WALK and PLEASE GOD– so you would abound more and more.

2 For you know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus.

3 For this is the will of God– YOUR SANCTIFICATION– that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor;

7 For God has not called us unto uncleanness– but unto holiness.

8 He therefore who despises [holiness] –does not despise man– BUT GOD, who has also given to us– his holy Spirit.”


We do not follow God’s directives, to gain salvation– we follow his directives/commands of his Law– BECAUSE HE MADE SALVATION POSSIBLE TO US, and we honor him, and desire to be reformed by him into his image– making us– SEEDLINGS, FIRST FRUITS of his Holy Spirit, in his sanctification process.

He is desiring to REMAKE US ALL– we all need his makeover; we will get one, at some point, here, or in heaven– one way or another. Because only the clean and spotless– come home to him; some will make it by the skin of their teeth, and by the intercessive, burden bearing prayers and pleadings– of holy living loved ones in their lives.

But WE ALL– will get cleaned up; for he’s only coming back for that kind of Bride.

We ought to be ‘her.’


1 John 2:3-4

“And hereby we do know that we KNOW HIM– if we keep his commandments.

4 He that says– I KNOW HIM– and does not keep his commandments– IS A LIAR– and the truth– IS NOT IN HIM.”

[And WHO– is the Life, THE TRUTH, and the Way???


1 John 3:22 & 24

“And whatsoever we ask, we receive from him– BECAUSE WE KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS– and DO THOSE THINGS, that are PLEASING– in his sight.”

[Makes ya think about demonic oppression, deliverance, and open doors, doesn’t it. Are we keeping his commands, because DELIVERANCE works a whole lot easier– to those that do, both deliverer, and deliveree.]

24 And he that keeps his commandments– DWELLS IN HIM [God] –and he in him.

And by this– we know that he abides [lives] in us– by the Spirit who he has given us.”

1 John 5:2-3

“By this we know that we love the children of God– when we love God– and keep his commandments.

3 For this is the love of God [how we show him we love him]– that we keep his commandments– and his commandments are not grievous.”


To the one that loves God– picking up our sacrifices [cross] and following him– is not grievous, for we live to be one with him, and to be like himin all his ways and leadings; we actually value his way and person that he is, and admire him and all he is– and desire to be ‘duplicates’ of him [seedlings, first fruits].


2 John 1:6 “And this is love– that we walk after his commandments.

This is the commandment– That, as you have heard [how to live] from the beginning– you should walk in it [his ways].


Revelation 14:12

“Here is the patience of the saints– here are they who keep the commandments of God– and the faith of Jesus.”

Revelation 12:17

“And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed– who keep the commandments of God– and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

[Who is the ‘woman–’ the bride of Christ; and the seed– those who duplicated Christ, a first fruit of his– who grew up into his image again.

And what do the seedlings do– KEEP HIS COMMANDS/DIRECTIVES, his ways– which is his Law and leadership.

And those folk– have the testimony of Christ– which is what??

How he transformed, redeemed, and saved them– these are his first fruits– the testimony of the Holy Spirit of God being able to do his job in man– reconciling man, making him joined to God, a new creation– IN CHRIST, bringing into all truth– and living life together.]

Revelation 22:14

“Blessed are those– THAT DO his commandments– so that they may have RIGHTS TO THE TREE OF LIFE, and MAY ENTER IN, THROUGH THE GATES– into the city.”


WE DON’T ‘have to’ FOLLOW CHRIST and HIS DIRECTIVES/commands– but if you love God…….

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Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Jan 15, 2023



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