Image found on: Following the Shepherd Ministry (Facebook)
[Link to video: https://youtu.be/1clSFLMgKA8 ]
I dreamed I was in the lower level of a building, it seemed like a large barn-like lower level. Many people were huddled together in the back area of this place. I saw Michael Landon (the actor) turn from where we all were, and lead the way out of this lower level, and upstairs to another area.
I felt this urgency to follow him; but as I took a few steps I looked back to see what the others were doing, and they were just sitting there, staring ahead, as they had been, whilst they huddled in this large, lower level area: like they were frozen, and complacent, and either afraid or aloof.
I again felt this dire urgency to leave this area and follow Michael Landon out of this area, and upstairs.
As I exited the lower room I actually had to walk outside of this place, this lower area, to get to the stairs that led to where Michael Landon was leading us. As I did— I saw a GREAT STORM COMING.

It was very similar to enormous tornado clouds that Florida just had; and as I stepped outside to go into the house, and ascend the stairway, I first saw what was taking place outside the house I was about to step into (there was a door to enter through, it was wide open). I saw this storm twisting and turning. I saw the darkness of the storm, and the hour we were in, as it approached. I could feel the wind on my face, and it began to push on my body. I saw the last of the light of day coming to a close, as this storm was almost upon us.
I thought of the people who would not budge, but I knew that I needed to keep moving, and quickly. I knew I needed to enter through this open door, and ascend these stairs, following Michael Landon to safety; even though we would be going up, in the midst of a celestial storm— I knew this was the safe place I needed to be.
I began to climb the stairs, and at the top of the stairs Michael Landon was in a kitchen/dining room style wooden chair, and his wife was with him (though I only knew this, but did not discern her face). I saw that they were waiting for their family to come up with them, to follow.
I stood before them, and I looked out a window, and as I did they remained quiet and still. Just then I saw a little girl come up, she just seemed to ascend on air from below, and she was their immediate daughter. She was confident that others would follow her up to this room for safety.
I did not see the others follow her up immediately, but I saw the father and mother relaxed, and begin to care for those who were with them— those who had ascended into this upstairs room. It was peaceful there, no sign of a storm whatsoever. In fact, in this place, with the father and mother, I forgot about the storm coming in this place, in this room: it was a bedroom, it was a bedchamber.
I saw the father, I saw Michael Landon sitting in a large bed, and he had the covers pulled up over his legs, and he was modestly dressed, he was as a good father would be adorned. He was smiling, and I was seated next to him on this bed: it carried the atmosphere of a good father reading bedtime stories to his children: it was a joyful place to be, and I was smiling. He was making me laugh.
I forgot about the storm, and the people who would not come yet. I forgot about everything but this funny, loving father, who was comforting me, and had such joy.
End of dream.
Michael means: "who is like God?" Or "gift from God." It is derived from the Hebrew name Mikha'el, which is made up of three words: mi meaning "who," kha meaning "like," and el referring to power and authority. The name is meant to be rhetorical— implying that there is none like God.
Landon means: "long hill" or "ridge or hilltop,” and often is associated with strength and stability. It is also the combination of two words, to: land, on.
The interpretation, symbolism,
and understanding
The lower level is where we all remain, in the house of God— before we ascend in Christ, to the upper room. Many are camped out here, as Peiter Kirstein would say: this is representative of the level of infantile salvation only. Many need to come up out of this area, this level, this place where they have been complacent, aloof, and frozen— refusing to carry their cross and follow the Lamb wherever he goes, to follow the shepherd, and to ascend higher in him.
Barn-like was this level; and barns are for animals, or base level creatures, where the beasts are housed, where the flesh abides. But as you can see— the Lamb and Shepherd of the flock was there with us – but he was attempting to gently encourage us to come out from here, and follow him, as he led the way.
Michael means— the gift of God, or who is like God? Both— would be Yahshua: he is both God, and who is like God in the earth: Yahshua/Jesus the Christ. And we are to ‘land on’ Christ.
Ridge means— that in which crests, or is raised, it’s the hilltop; and interestingly the root of the definition is— Old English hrycg ‘spine, crest’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch rug and German Rücken ‘back’.
I find that interesting because of the dream of adjusting the body of Christ’s spine that was released yesterday called ‘The Harvest.’
In that dream his body was in need of great alignment to the head (which is a submissive leadership issue, being led rightly by the Spirit of God). Where he had shown the body of Christ being twisted, tilted, tipped, slid out of position— with great impingements, blood flow issues, pain, knots, and dysfunction (all vertebral issues surrounding the structure of his people, the spine itself: which is the foundation upon the truth, erect, and in a person’s life: and that is Christ himself).
He is building, or reforming a new spine for the church— both in ‘having a backbone’ in this hour, but the whole structure being rebuilt upon the truth, and the headship of Christ Jesus.
Essentially, we are to be raised in life, in Christ Jesus; we are meant to ascend higher in him, to ascend the Son of man, to climb higher in the mountain of God— and to reach the summit, the upper room chamber of his heart: and we are all called to one accord there: mature, corrected, led of his Spirit and heart— all of us on the same page, under the same headship, reformed and re-positioned together, in him.
And I kept feeling this urgency for his people to come into this, to ascend higher within their person; to ditch all earthly things, mindsets, emotional hang-ups, rebellion, fighting/quarreling with one another on superficial nonsense/discord, to overcome fear, to follow the good Shepherd/Lamb: and I say both because he is the Lamb who hangs out with those who have come into trusting him in salvation— and these where those in the barn-like lower level that needed to ascend: they were those who still needed to lose more carnality, more ties that bind them to this reality, to a lesser faith (trust and reliance upon Christ), with a need to carry their cross: the Lamb is to help them with this.
But as he does this, he will become the good Shepherd to them, as he begins to lead them, as sheep in his flock who will follow his sacrificial way of death to carnality, and begin to follow the One who will lead them out of this, and up higher in him: the one who will lead them out of the flesh, through the open Door of Christ Jesus, to ascend the Son of man higher, more deeply connecting to Life, and Life abundant in Christ Jesus, being corrected, reformed, and coming into the new creation in him: the one new man— who will ascend with all his brothers, in Christ Jesus, following the Lamb, and the good Shepherd – wherever he goes: all for one, and One for all.
But as I did this, as I follow behind Christ Jesus— I looked back at the progress, or at the willingness to follow him, of the others; and when I did, I was perplexed— for they were all frozen in place, unwilling to budge, unwilling or scared, or complacent in where they had always remained: unwilling to change direction, and trust our good Father, or our good Shepherd, or the Lamb— wherever he attempted to lead them.
They remained huddled in the back of this ‘room’ inside of God, and did not want to follow him higher.
I had to leave them there, by their own freewill, and I had to go forward, alone, and follow Jesus (Michael Landon: the gift of God himself, Jesus, who is like God, incarnate). I was reluctant to leave them all there— but I also knew it was IMPERATIVE that I keep moving, and following him. I knew I had to go upstairs, and follow him— even though no one else was (and I was grieved).
As I did this— my eyes were opened up to what was coming. I left the lower level, and I walked out of the door of the flesh, and as I did— I began to see clearly the gross darkness of the storm that was coming. You see— in the lower room, no one could see what was coming; it was only when one exited this place could one have eyes and hears, and even feel what was coming: this refers to spiritual sight, sound, and knowingness— found only when following the Lamb in fleshly/carnal death to self, and having him lead you into Life in Christ Jesus— as the good Shepherd to his people/flock.
If one was unwilling to do this— they would not be prepared for what is coming, and they would not be ascended in Christ when the storm arrived; which means— they will not be internally prepared, stayed in their minds, hearts calm, and in total peace with him, and the good Father— as this storm (trying times of gross darkness) approaches.
The last of the light was being encroached upon by this great darkness— OUTSIDE; but inside the upper chamber, in the bedchamber of the Lord’s heart, the upper room with him— one lost all sight and remembrance of the oncoming great and gross storm: peace and joy was found here with our Father: the storm is nigh upon us now, the ‘great storm’ of Jacob’s trouble (the spiritual house of God); but when one will come inside the tabernacle of God himself, and ascend higher in him, all the way up to the upper room of him— one will remain safe, at peace, in the joy of the Lord, in the Father’s heart; and here— he was close to his children, he was reading to them, making them laugh, and all lost sight of this realm, and remained enthralled by his very person: who was the gift.
Our safety is in him, our peace is in him, our joy is in him: and it’s in intimacy with him in the secret chambers of the heart: both in our deepest places within our hearts (for the kingdom is within), but also where he carries us in the secret place of his heart, and protects us there— with his right hand over us, when the celestial storms come.
He is seated in the dream in a kitchen chair that is wooden— because of the cross he carried (wood) being the great sacrifice; and also because the kitchen is the heart of the house, and the dining room— is where we partake of him, and eat the bread of Life himself, taking him in, and he in us – and we in him, dining together at his table (person).
His wife is with him— because that is his woman, his bride who not only became fertile, matured, but she brought forth young (fruit); she was seated with him waiting for their children to ‘come up higher,’ to be seated together with him, and with her— in one accord: Revelation 12 woman, and her seed.
I could not see ‘her face,’ because she is many: the bride. She is representative of the mature of the bride of Christ, currently— where she awaits the others to ascend (or mature) with her and him (Christ Jesus/Lamb/Shepherd/Bridegroom, and King): they can only bid the other children to come forth, to come up, and show the way— but each man will have to choose to slay all that holds them back, carry their cross, and follow him: freewill.
There is a window in heaven I looked out of, where I was standing with him as he was seated high above with his woman. As I peered out I could see the approaching storm, grossly dark— but I could not see any coming as he bid them to come up in, and with him, to safety. But just then a little girl appeared— and she said that she was confident others would come.
This is symbolic of the children of God who are following him, and who have ascended into the upper room with him, and the others, in maturity— who are coming and going between the lower room (where those who are camped out at the level of initial salvation are, who are still fleshly), and the upper room of his heart, mind, and mission in the earth: this little one ascended effortlessly, without stairs— she just was there, seemingly moving like a spirit, and ascended with calm confidence that others would soon come.
I loved this— because she was relaxed; it was as if she was still doing her work in the earth, in this area where others were needing help/assistance, and encouragement to come up higher. And she could be with Christ, and easily be with them at the same time: safe with him, confident with him, moving from above, back to below, and from below, back to the upper room with him— with ease, and confidence.
She filled me with hope, and I relaxed as I saw this innocent one working for our Lord, and good Father, for the King, and for the Savior, good Shepherd and Lamb: she knew that all that were bidden, in time, would come.
She was their immediate, or CLOSE kin, their daughter, the daughter of Zion: the child of the heavenly house and home of God, the place of promise, peace, safety, and where the joy of the Lord lives.
The Father is relaxed, the Bridegroom, the Lamb, the good Shepherd, our Lord— he is confident in his family who are here, who are doing the great commission in the earth; those who are attending to him in the upper room, partaking with him, in joy, peace, and safety of him— who will bring this invitation to many more in the earth realm.
Many will see their witness, their peace, their confidence in him, and will come into the joy of the Lord, and his safety as well: into the hiding place of his deep heart, under the wings of the Almighty, into his deep place of intimacy— as these little ones, these pure and innocent ones, who know their God, and who do great exploits with him – bring his presence into their lives during the darkest of storms on the horizon, when they come: they will lead them into the refuge of Christ Jesus, and help them ascend the Son of man, showing them the way to true salvation— in the darkest hour.
Our Lord is modest, chaste, pure, humble, patient, confident— he’s an all inclusive Father who desires that none should perish, but that all would repent, and come to him: and he waits while his servants (the priests) in the earth— lead the way, as they have followed the Lamb where he has gone: and he has gone to be seated at the right hand (rule) of God— seated in authority and power. His little ones will lead others to him, and to his safety, and they fulfill the mission work in the earth, and they transition from heaven to earth, and earth to heaven, back and forth, all the time— to assist him as his hands and feet in the earthen realm – to receive unto him a people made ready: these are the pure in heart who see God face to face, and then interface with the carnal men and women— bidding them to come higher in Christ Jesus, as well: they are servants of the Most High God.
He is seated, he is smiling, he is confident, he is robed in righteousness (modest apparel) and beauty (glory), and his heart is full for his people: he is smiling and sharing of himself in the upper room, and offering this place of intimacy to many more; but it is a freewill choice, and it takes steps (moving our feet) to get there: great trust, bravery, death to self, death to all that sets itself against the knowledge (awareness) of God (his real person, the truth); it will take us giving him our whole selves (heart, soul, and using all our strength to love him, which is obey him, trust him, and follow after him, letting him reform us, and lead us by his command).
And in him, in this place— you forget all about the storms of this world, the things that come upon it, by the roar of the adversary. Here, with the Lord— the storm ceases to be in your awareness, because you are enthralled with him; he consumes your mind, heart, emotions – his presence keeps you in peace, for he is the principle one of peace: comfort is found here in him— and he’s inviting many: and the time is at hand to see this, and hear this— what the Lord is showing and saying.
The Bride, and the Bridegroom say COME.
Come to the place of intimacy in Christ Jesus. Exit the carnal, through the door that opens to Christ Jesus— and then ascend in him, come up higher, meet him inside, alone, and find your rest there, find your security there, find his love there, find his righteous right hand there of safety— in his authority, and find peace there: it’s peaceful at the summit of the mountain, clear skies— the storm is below, come up: ascend higher where the eagles roam, and where the vision is clear.
Deuteronomy 32:11-12
“As an eagle stirs up her nest, and flutters over her young, spreads abroad her wings, and takes them, bears them on her wings: So the Lord alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him.”
There are no idols in the upper room, there is no flesh there— it has been exited, and it will be dealt with there, to be eradicated: that’s why peace, safety, truth, security, reliance on Christ in total joy is there. It is the place where a death has occurred— that has led to abundant Life in Christ Jesus – where two have become one, and all that is carnal is burned away, and purity is achieved in Christ Jesus, and we see him face to face.
No strange god is there, no other spirits, no other gods— not even the carnal self is found there; the place where the eagle lives, and spreads her wings over her young, and bears them up; and the Lord alone leads his people here.
Isaiah 40:31
“But those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
This occurs for his people because he is bearing them up on his wings, they shall mount up in and on him: and in this place, with him— they shall run and not be weary, nor faint: he is their salvation and strength.
Luke 17:37
“And they answered and said unto him— Where, Lord? And he said unto them— Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.”
We are called to one accord, together with Christ Jesus, the Bridegroom, the King of all kings, the Comforter and Mediary, the Lamb— the atonement, the good Shepherd who comes to lead the Father’s people to safety, whom came into the earth representing the Father perfectly – as he became one with him, and unto his flock he laid his life down, and still does, for them.
With him, in the upper room, in the heart of God where the Son resides, and at the right hand of God— we will be gathered in one accord, together: and here— all flesh is dealt with by holy fire, refinement, reformation, in humility and love: one for all, and all for one.
Matthew 24:26-28
“Wherefore if they shall say unto you— Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers— believe it not. For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even unto the west— so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcass is— there the eagles will be gathered together.”
Where the death to self, to the flesh is— THAT IS WHERE THE EAGLES WILL BE GATHERED TOGETHER: a death is required, a carcass is required— it is the cost to enter into the upper chamber, the upper room with our Lord: for he did that— and he leads us into the same.
He is not hidden from us, waiting somewhere we cannot go, or have not been invited to go with him: he is within us, and he invites us to come into him; he comes into the deep recesses of our hearts where the throne of God resides— and then he invites us deep into his heart: like David— and we will raise that tent, that temple, that tabernacle (body) up in the last days.
And there is death there, a dead carcass there: and it is now not us that lives— but Christ lives in us: we are bought with a price, and we died and paid the cost to enter through the Door, following the Lamb and the good Shepherd— into the upper room experience with our holy God – where he waits patiently for his people, his Spirit who leads them— as one together, his innocent ones, his children priests in the earth – who attend to him day and night in the deepest, holiest place of his heart…
To bring others in, through the open door— by being the servant ambassadors of the Truth, Christ Jesus, the King, the Lamb and Savior – they are his servants in the earth: those who transcend heaven to earth, and earth to heaven (within), on a daily basis— bidding others of God’s children to come to him in the same way, and unto the same destination and result: in him— you will have peace.
John 16:33
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
The world will grow dark, storms will come, and peace will be taken from it for a good while— but IN HIM you will have peace, in the world— tribulation; but IN HIM: peace. When we exit the flesh door, and come into him, his Door to the upper place to live in Christ Jesus, and the Father’s heart— we will have peace in anything that comes upon the earth: and in there, in that room of God— is found, peace, safety, and the joy of the Father (paw, pa, or papa God: Michael Landon, from Little House on the Prairie was called ‘Pa,’ short for Papa).
Psalm 62:1
“Truly my soul waits upon God:
from him comes my salvation.”
Come up higher— storms are coming, and gross darkness— but we can ascend with Jesus, and become so enraptured, so enthralled with him; that we will find our security, our salvation, our safety, peace and joy there: come— he is bidding you, and his servants, the pure, innocent priesthood, is working from heaven in the earth; and is confident that many will come and ascend higher in him, following him to where he is seated in the upper room waiting on us.
He is confident in his servants that many will come to them, come to the truth, and many will be encouraged to leave the flesh, and enter into eternal salvation of safety, intimacy with God, peace, and the joy of the Lord: the Door is open, the invitation has been sent out— and the bride and bridegroom say ‘COME.’
