A couple days back, I had a ‘first’ happen with me; my first stranger having ‘me–’ in a dream–
It was definitely for her, but as I spoke with Father about it, during the interpretation he did with me, he said…
“I believe this goes for several people sweetie;
it is a ‘good’ dream.”
So I am sharing this sister’s dream– anonymously, and I pray it warms you, as it has me; God is watching, and orchestrating, and he KNOWS how tired we are in ministering!
But, ‘OH’ the sound of the ‘party’ inside, is WORTH IT!!!
KEEP LEARNING, KEEP ‘going deeper’ with him, through ‘hearing him,’ and ‘obeying him;’ his word is where I found him, and he has me helping others, to ‘regain’ their FIRST LOVE again.
He is ‘restoring relationship–’ FIRST, and with his restorations– healings; he needs us ‘whole,’ for what he’s about to walk-out.
And in this dream– he tells of ‘a door-gate,’ it’s location, and WHAT’S GOING ON INSIDE!!
God bless–
Janet Lynn
(I answer in parentheses for clarity)
“God’s child” and a dream of me–
October 3rd, 2022–received
“Hi beloved of God…
I dreamt about you.”
(how exciting!)
“A large crowd had gathered– it looked like we were touring some interesting place.
Every human race was represented.
Excitement filled the air.
There was an entrance to the place that we were headed to; the place was set on a high attitude –like high up in the sky…”
(altitude, or attitude? Both fit)
(Usually, that is ‘the holiest’ of holy places in God, his heart, the inner chamber of intimacy; it is detailed by your admission that it is a ‘high perspective,’ that’s Father’s ‘outlook’ on things, above all other thinking and reasoning…
Also, it is ‘high altitude,’ as in ‘where the eagles fly’ with God– his prophetic, and soar ABOVE the ‘warfare’ of the 2nd heavens– and has entered into– ‘abiding with’ God.
It is where 2 become– ‘One.’)
“But its sides looked rugged, like high cliffs– it was breathtaking. “
(yes, I agree, I can see it in the spirit as you explain, and it is what I explained above; it has been a HARD and DANGEROUS Journey with God, following him, trusting when we cannot see, in the dark with him, and it is– the Narrow Way.
Many do not find it– but it’s always worth going with him.)
“Now, you were standing at the entrance”
(a gatekeeper, a bridge, a person that ‘facilitates and welcomes’ home) …
“and you were holding a jar of oil.”
(Oil is anointing, it’s ‘wise virgins,’ it’s those ‘intimate,’ and seeking to be close to God, truthfully; those carry his ‘oil’ with them, or his ‘anointing.’
So, this place is the place we ‘fill up on–’ him and his anointing, what he’s feeding us from– his ‘word,’ both rhema spoken word, and also logos written ‘word.’
I feed the sheep, as he taught me to…
So what you ‘read’ or listen to from Father and I, has brought you the ‘same way’ I went, and brought you to the same ‘location’ IN GOD…at least to the entrance, where your dream ended.
And God has me ‘feeding others,’ in all we do together.
Those that are ‘willing,’ know his voice and his words, and are being fed by them, as we give them out.
As this happens, they ‘enter’ a DEEP INTIMACY place, in God– where his VICTORY, CELEBRATION and JOY RESIDE.)
“You appeared joyful– but tired.”
(YES– God yes– I’ve been tired, the laborers are few, and as ‘a bridge,’ we get ‘walked on’ a lot, but it’s what I LOVE, and WHO I LOVE…and I love bringing people to him: it’s our GREATEST Command, the Great Company Mission– INTRODUCING PEOPLE TO HIM.)
“You were welcoming every individual that walked in, and you scooped out the oil– and gave it out to everyone coming in.”
(Note, I explained what ‘I’ was doing, but now we see…the ‘people’ themselves are here for a reason…
They were ‘guided here,’ to RECEIVE FROM GOD; again, this is speaking of the ‘ministry work’ God and I are doing– and THOSE THAT ARE LISTENING– are coming into this place, that they have been ‘led to–’
by the Spirit of God– and his ‘anointing’ running through me.)
“The oil, which looked like gel– was to be eaten.”
(YES– it’s the ‘only way,’ we gain the intimacy and closeness, and ‘enter’ THAT GATE; it’s his ‘inner chamber’ –where his heart and mind reside, and where his ‘secret’ conversations are shared.
It’s where ‘Kings search-out a matter’ with God, and he reveals his secrets.
We must ‘EAT FROM HIS TABLE,’ and not satan’s table; those coming into ‘that’ place you saw…
Are EATING UP GOD, they are EATING HIS ‘word,’ and they are MOVING UP HIGHER, DEEPER ‘into him.’
It is a ‘substance,’ like Manna– it brings THE GLORY OF GOD into our lives to BREAK ANY HOLD ON US, and ‘sets the captives free,’ to THE TRUTH.)
“My turn came and you scooped a bigger chunk for me– of which some dropped on the ground, but most of it I ate.”
(Okay– YOU ARE EAGER! And I can tell– YOU ARE EXCITED and SEEK MORE; but you are ‘hasty,’ and some have ‘fallen to the wayside’ because of the ‘hastiness.’
This means– he has ‘MORE PEARLS’ for you…if you GO BACK– and MEDITATE, more slowly on the things he has given…
Because ‘some’ was lost, and fell to the ground, WITHOUT– BEING CONSUMED, or brought ‘into you.’
He is saying– ‘you need it all; go back and ‘chew on things’ some more, and more will be given.)
“It tasted really sweet and it renewed my strength and youth.”
(YES– that’s what ‘he does,’ he RENEWS US, and SETS US FREE, and STRENGTHENS US– when we are ‘with him’ in intimacy; and his ‘oil,’ is his PRESENCE AND ANOINTING…
And we are to ‘eat him up,’ ALL HIS WORDS– and in doing that– WE ARE ‘RESTORED.’)
“I looked down at the one that dropped– wishing to pick it up– but I realized the floor was dirty.”
(Yes– it has fallen, that little bit, but it was PRECIOUS, and you KNEW YOU DIDN’T ‘grasp it’ WELL, and you need to ‘GO BACK,’ and ‘meditate’ on it again, CHEW ON IT AGAIN…
For in ‘haste,’ you did not ‘grasp it,’ or it FELL TO THE GROUND.
Father says– “like the wayside seeds, in the parable of the sower and reaper.”
It’s about ‘heart posture,’ and DIGGING IN WITH GOD, and GETTING OUR ‘soil,’ our HEARTS right, to receive it all.
So, ‘if’ some has ‘fallen,’ IT CAN BE PICKED UP AGAIN…
But you must ‘go pick it up,’ BY…
RE-LISTENING…reading it again, meditating on it again, and seeking him in asking him, to REVEAL TO YOU, WHAT ‘fell to the wayside.’)
“I wanted more…
You noticed that…
and told me– “It’s because you weren't listening.”
(Yes, it’s ‘focus,’ and it’s ‘excitement’ that caused HASTE in your ‘chewing on,’ and your ‘digesting of,’ or GETTING IT ALL ‘in you,’ and IT’S BECAUSE YOU ‘couldn’t hear’ what Father was saying.
I believe, since you ate it quickly, it’s NOT that you are disobedient, you are ‘hasty,’ and he HAS MORE FOR YOU– if you would ‘slow down,’ to ABSORB it, and MAKE IT A ‘part of you,’ now.)
“I kept hearing sweet music coming from inside…
also people, and prayers that roared and shook my spirit in excitement– while still standing at the entrance.”
(YES– this is the ‘celebratory place’ of TRUE INTIMACY –in THE PLACE OF VICTORY WITH GOD– and YOU’VE BEEN INVITED TO COME…
–but…you were ‘hasty,’ SLOW DOWN, soak him all in– in all he writes, ask him for MORE CLARITY– where you are confused…
so it doesn’t ‘fall to the ground,’ anymore…
and you are able to GET IT ALL IN YOU.
WE NEED ‘all’ he is GIVING OUT in this season; he LOVES YOU TOO MUCH to not want you to GET IT ‘all!’)
“It was like I was being pulled in– urged in.”
(HE’S DRAWING YOU INTO– ‘deeper intimacy!’
He’s just asking you to ‘slow down,’ so you GET IT ALL– all of him, his intimacy, the conversations, the word and its understandings…times and seasons…ALL OF IT!
He has brought you to the ‘DOOR,’ and I have been assigned to ‘that particular doorway’ to him, and YOU HAVE FOUND HIS DOORWAY ‘of intimacy,’ THROUGH– what ‘oil’ he has upon my life; you partook of what his prophet brought to the table from HIM, and you ATE IT UP!!
A prophets ‘reward,’ goes with you; you dreamt of it, for more clarity…and so God could tell you…
YOU JUST GOT TO SLOW DOWN, and ‘receive it all properly!’
You are VERY EAGER, and I LIKE THAT– but you need to ‘chew’ and to ‘digest’ my FOOD PROPERLY– so you will be ‘BIG AND STRONG,’ and ‘RENEWED IN STRENGTH.’ “
YOU ARE EXCITED TO BE ON THIS PATH, THE NARROW, ULTRA NARROW PATH OF HIS, but you need to ‘slow down, and receive all he’s handing out to you.’
AND YOU ARE SO EXCITED ABOUT THE INVITATION TO ‘come,’ because you can HEAR ALL THE OTHERS he has invited into this intimacy place that have already showed up…
AND YOU ARE ‘about to enter,’ as well!!!!
“Then I woke up.”
That was the conclusion of our sister’s dream, and it was Father’s interpretation of the ‘anointing’ FOR INTIMACY WITH GOD, that comes from our ministry words given; he has a desire to ‘reunite with his children,’ and he has given me ‘keys’ to his DOOR– to do just that.
He has ‘invited MANY,’ and MANY ARE COMING, and many are inside…
God is sending ‘intimacy to HEAR GOD, and CONNECT DEEPLY with HIM–’ INVITATIONS OUT…through his ministry!!
He tells me…
“It is the inner chamber sweetie– the BRIDAL CHAMBER of ‘my heart,’ I have chosen you as one of ‘the ambassadors’ of this ‘gate,’ or door to me; you and I will INVITE AS MANY AS WILL TO COME!”
And that is where he left his ‘word’ for us today; but I ‘SEE–’ he is ‘calling us–’ INSIDE, DEEPER…
And ‘who wouldn’t want to go–’ TO THAT CELEBRATION!?!?
I pray this encourages you on our ‘path’ journey with our Father today, and with our mission for Christ– with the Holy Spirit; God bless you!