This was a conversation with the Lord tonight, and it applies to all of his body (especially those who suffer with Christ).
First he said to me— “Janet, the bible was meant to be my phone number; you were all supposed to gain it (the truth in scripture), and then call me up. You were all supposed to begin to engage the truth and the Spirit of God— speaking back and forth after you got my number in the written word of God: coming to speak to the Living God.”
He was saying that in reference to head knowledge of a book/holy scripture (like the Pharisees), and the difference between engaging the Living God whom we met in the pages of the written word: engaging the Living Spirit of the Word of God, from within, where the Kingdom resides.
We were supposed to ‘get his number,’ from the written logos word of God— and contact him directly, with personal conversing (communion) back and forth in the cool of the day with his Spirit.
His number is the truth of his person— found in the scripture, his attributes, his ways, his character, his faithfulness; and then we were supposed to engage with him, directly— getting in contact with the Living Spirit of God.
And then he said to me, concerning those suffering in this realm:
He said— “I chose you for this exact time period.”
And I said— “Hey, would you talk to me about that? Why did you choose me (us, because this applies to the body, not just me, but those working in great faith) for this time period?”
And he said— “You know that everything that I put in your life is divinely ordered, even the things that you're suffering to the degree that you are— even in this moment right now, right?”
And I said, “Yes sir.”
And he said— “You know the test, and the goal is— Can you praise, and worship, and honor me in this realm – even in the midst of it? Because that’s what burns satan up the most when his whole desire is to cause all these things to happen to you, so that you begin to think (and believe, couple with inside, a lie) that I have rejected you, that I have abandoned you, and whatnot; and it’s so that you will give up on me, and fall away – so he can get a foothold in you.”
And I said— “Yes.”
And he said— “That’s all a distraction and illusion: your body and everything that they are trying to get you to focus on and believe… it’s all a ruse to get you to believe that all of that is true reality.”
And I said— “Well, yes.”
And he said— “Don’t you think then that it requires a great faith for you to walk in all of that, (in a semblance reality, a seems like reality in the flesh of), a handicapped-type scenario – in a sense being held back or hindered, with a type of thorn in the flesh? A place where my grace is sufficient (my presence is sufficient for you), but requires great faith in who I actually am, where you do not attribute false reality to my person (character and love).”
And I’m like— “Yes.” (as I pondered what he was saying)
And he said— “But you’re plowing through that, overcoming in the midst of all that temptation turning TOWARD me, intimately, getting stronger in our relationship – instead of turning away from me, and forsaking my love, yes?”
And I said— “Yes.”
And he said— “Even in bringing freedom and healing, deliverance and wholeness to others in the flesh, in the soul, and to their spirit— all the while suffering still. So, that’s great faith, great reliance upon the truth, and Christ Jesus, yes?”
And I said— “In that alone it is great faith; when during the circumstances, that are so harsh and screaming at us in the physical, shouting for us to believe the physical situation as some deliberate forsaking of God’s love toward us— we understand they have no bearing on the true reality of God’s love, or our real identity or person (we are walking out avatars here, claymation bodies/vehicles).
And in overcoming this temptation to lock onto that, and instead— locking onto you, truth and real reality (verity) – we are able to not only keep the relationship established, but flourishing inside: one toward another in the midst of all of it.
I believe that is the definition of— endure to the end, and overcome the dragon by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of our testimony (or love relationship).”
He said— “Yes. And do you know this time period is the time period with the least amount of faith in God, belief in me, and my love for my creation (people)?”
And I was like— “Yeah, yes (as I pondered what he was saying).”
He said— “This is the generation that falls away from me, and from love.”
And I said— “Yes, a great falling away.”
And he said— “I chose you for this time period, because of our relationship. Because I knew you would be one who would choose me, believe in my love, work through all the trials and temptation, and requite the love back to me: I chose you for such a time as this— because we are friends.
Oh, you and I are really good friends, we’ve been really good friends for a really long time, and I chose you as one with great faith in the midst of complete adversity, and when everything in the physical, the temporal, is saying —we are not good friends, and I have forsaken you (evidence in the material, or flesh, or temporal).
Your great faith, and requited love, is transcending this realm in a powerful way— in the midst of a people of the least amount of faith of all time.”
Folks— he chose us for this time, for this reason, for this kind of faith and intimate relationship with him: what he has ordained in our lives has developed us into the people he created us to be, and still is accomplishing this work: as we become yielded to him, believe him, couple with him, and trust him— no matter WHAT it looks like in this facade realm of the material.
YOU— have gone through a lot, but it was DESIGNED to develop you, to help you re-emerge into the truth, to become reformed back into his initial intent for your life, and to transcend all the adversity with him by your side, holding your hand: walking and talking with him in the cool of the day (which means, in the Strong’s— in the Spirit).
Your life is not a mistake! You have gone through adversity at the hands of satan— but God allowed it all, and gave you a way to train against satan, and develop a deep and unshakable relationship and trust in your God.
The trials— are developmental adversity that we are to work through with God, where our weakness is – he can become strong in us; this was his union goal all along. That we would come back to him, requite the love, reunify with his Spirit, be changed back into a true form that resembles him inside and out (in actions and words), and he chose YOU and I for that relationship, to walk this out with him— in such a time as this: and the time you were born into was strategically designed and chosen for you to excel at this with him!
You will be given an opportunity in the midst of a great and gross number of people on this earth, in this realm— who have turned their faces and hearts away from God; YOU— were strategically placed here in this time period, because he believed in your relationship with him; and counted on your love for him being returned to him— to carry you through to the finish line.
He said— “Janet, I will fulfill every word spoken over the lives of my children that has been uttered from my lips. I long to do this, and I choose to do this by my own will (heart’s desire). I will show the people of the earth my set apart ones. I will display my love relationships (wise virgins) to the world. I will walk them out on my arm: and they will NOT be as what they were known as in the physical.
I will show the world, on the outside— who they were with me (all along), on the inside: I will flip them inside out— and all will see my face (Spirit/person) in them: this has been my dream; and I chose them for this time period.
Great falling away is here, but you were born for such a time as this: for you will be called righteous oaks, a planting of the Lord, friends of God.
I am not remiss— what man sows, he will reap: and I see a remnant of first fruits who praise me, literally, in, and FOR the adversity, that has developed their character (returning them to me, as one with me), and gained the deepest of intimate relationship with me in this realm.
I have watched them endure, and yet still love me. I have watched them hardly be able to stand in the pain— but give, and give freely and abundantly to me and others in this realm. I have watched them carry their cross, be stripped, and afflicted, persecuted, whipped and scourged by the hand of satan— at my allowance; and yet— they stand praising God for it all!
Tell them— The cost is well worth it, just to be called ‘friends of God.’ But also tell them, soon— I will walk them out on my arm in the world, the same world that set out to destroy them, will soon watch me manifest in them: and that same spirit of this world that sifted them, and tried them, and persecuted, and afflicted them— will then watch them decimate the darkness with me, as my rod of iron will with go with them.
Salvation is one thing, Janet; but manifest sons, who are friends of God— displaying some of the greatest faith of all time periods, in the grossest of falling away from me… Well, that’s an entirely different breed!! And they have been born— For such a time as this.”
What a grand word, folks. I pray it blesses you as much as it has me. In the past handful of years I have come to hear the Lord speak to me, and show me how many of his precious ones have suffered, and suffer greatly in this realm. But hearing him tell me how absolutely close to him they really are— as they sing to him, praise him, worship at his feet, intercede for others, minister to his flock, and carry the joy of the Lord in the earth. And in situations that would hospitalize other men from pain and suffering— sending them running in fear, or murmuring and complaining.
Nay— these ones are GLORIFYING GOD IN THE FIRE, and they are PRAISING HIS SOVEREIGNTY IN THE TRIALS: these are they who know their God, and these are they who were destined to do great exploits of faith with their Creator, Father, and Lover of their souls.
God bless you all— you were chosen for such a dark time, because you are beautiful lights of the Lord, called forth to shine his praises, and uphold his name and face in this earth: we are the witnesses of the greatest Lover of all time; and we have the privilege to worship him in struggles, pain, suffering, and loss: as comrades with him in it.
It’s a PRIVILEGE to share in his suffering: and it is something others will not share with him when it’s all said and done— who camped out satisfied at the basic level of salvation.
Some— were willing to pay the cost to be the closest to him in this realm: and he suffered more than all, and he carried his cross all the way to Calvary— praising the name of the Father on his lips, all the way there.
He is just— what a man sows, he will reap: and these gave of the most intimate place in their hearts toward him, in the midst of the agony of the cross (just like he did when he went through it all— for the joy set before him, which was us): these— reciprocated the love, the honor, and the praise – toward the one who is true.
And they did not love their flesh lives, or the reality of the flesh life— so much as they were afraid to die. They embraced the death of the cross, and have gone forth unto the death— with praise and honor for him on their lips, pouring forth from the depths of the purest love, straight from their hearts.
John 15:13
“Greater love has no man than this— that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
These reciprocated the love back toward God, in the adversity— and they are friends of God, in the highest faith and trust in his person; who praise his holy name from a purity, a genuine love of him— no matter what this physical realm, and spirit of, has thrown at them in their sifting and trying of their faith.
1 Peter 1:7
“The trial of your faith, is much more precious than gold that perishes— though it be tried with fire, that it might be found unto praise and honor and glory – at the appearing of Jesus Christ.”
And praise God— he comes, and with him is his reward: he rains on the just and the unjust (he’s fair and equitable); he will bring forth all he has spoken— his word NEVER comes back unprofitable, or unfulfilled: and you BORN for ‘such a time’ as this!!
Art by: JimroPrintShop (on etsy): Smiling Jesus (available in prints)
