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Further study with Father on-- that Dragon-- Leviathan.

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

“The devil– that old serpent and Dragon;” how does Leviathan compare??


In Job 41, God is admonishing Job, as Job was ‘contending’ and attempting to INSTRUCT [teach/correct] God; meaning, Job was in a funky spirit, and wasn’t seeing God, nor addressing God properly– as we can see in verse 2, of chapter 40.

Job 40:2– “Shall he who contends with the Almighty– instruct him? He that reproves God– let him answer it.”

God was going to make a point, and that point is– “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? Were you there when I created everything? Are you mighty like God,” etc and so on– and he makes his point clear in Job 41– when he brings up Leviathan.

There are many verses in there about how mighty, or strong, or how Leviathan is one to be reckoned with, only by God; but I want to show you a few other verses I find curious.

Job 41:3– “Will he make many supplications to you? Will he speak soft words to you? (4) Will he make a covenant with you? Will you take him for a servant forever?”

Here we see that Leviathan is capable of talking, pleading and speaking soft, or smooth words; and not only that, it’s capable of making a covenant, and God has made it a ‘servant’ of his bidding, forever.

How do we know that? Because the entirety of chapter 41 is God– proving he’s the only one that can handle Leviathan– certainly not Job, ALONE.

I like verse 6 as well, because God shows that he has, or will– make a ‘show of’ this beast; and will make a ‘meal’ of him [that’s total decimation], and divide him asunder for food and fodder.

6 “Shall the companions make a banquet of him? Shall they part him among the merchants?”

And in verse 13, we can see he has a ‘garment,’ that’s a covering– and he needs a ‘double’ bridle, to control him; interesting notes here, that his mantle or covering is mentioned [neither mentioned as good or evil, clean or unclean], BUT– he needs a double bridle to control him.

With horses, in the equine world, especially in dressage [that’s the dancing type movements in a dirt-ring with a dressy rider, floating around in movements], the double bridle is often used for precision control; it’s actually– a double BIT– not so much two bridles, but it is implicating in this verse, about Leviathan, that it takes someone to use two controlling devices, or DOUBLE the effort, to control this beast.

13 “Who can discover the face of his garment? Or who can come to him with his double bridle?”

Let’s look at verse 14 and 15, pertaining to his ‘doors’ and ‘teeth,’ and his ‘scales’ of PRIDE– and tightly knit, at that.

14 “Who can open the doors of his face? His teeth are terrible roundabout. (15) His scales are his pride– shut up together as with a close seal.”

We can see there are literal, and FIGURATIVE, or ‘spiritual’ implications we are to see here– parallels of description, if you will; God is a ‘story-teller,’ he loves to help us understand stories and metaphor, so that we will be able to draw a picture comparison in our understand– that we are not easy to forget.

Here we see, this ‘beast’ of a creature has figurative/spiritual PRIDE– as one of its qualities; and it also has multiple ‘faces,’ or is ‘two-faced’ if you will– and has a terrible ‘bite–’ or words of speech and attack. His ‘scales–’ are mentioned, so this beast of a creation has scales, like a snake, as well; this is another simile or metaphor, as well as literal scales– to tie to wickedness.

[Perhaps you are seeing a parallel to another 7 headed creature?]

16 “One [scale] is so near to another– that no air can come between them.”

This signifies a massive metaphorical parallel to the MAGNITUDE of its PRIDE– tightly knit– means no wiggle room, totally airtight; and air– is a symbol of the breath– or the spirit of a living creature.

So, this creature, in summary thus far, at least symbolically– has GREAT PRIDE, and its SPIRIT is involved, and has A TERRIBLE ‘bite,’ or speech and attack to it, as well as it ‘two-faced,’ or has multiple faces [symbolically a chameleon depending how it wants to come off to influence a person], it is HARD TO CONTROL [rebellion present] for the average man– but God does, or WILL, make a MEAL OF IT, and this ‘thing–’ will attempt to use SMOOTH WORDS, and MAKE A COVENANT WITH YOU [a contract inside].

Does it sound vaguely familiar yet?

Let’s continue our description detailing– of this beast– Leviathan.


18 By his sneezes– a light does shine– and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.

[So, this beast creature– has LIGHT– and eyes that burn like a MORNING.]

19 Out of his mouth go burning lamps– and sparks of fire leap out. [He has fire that comes out of his mouth.]

20 Out of his nostrils goes smoke– as out of a seething pot or caldron. (21) His breath kindles coals, and a flame goes out of his mouth. [A true dragon.]

22 In his neck remains strength– and sorrow is turned into joy– before him.”

[Sorrow is turned to joy, in front of him– this intrigues me; it doesn’t say he makes others go from sorrow– to joy. It says– when there is sorrow before him, it turns to joy; I take this as, it is well pleased to see suffering and sorrow– and delights in it.

I say that because in Strong’s– the definition of sorrow, means– FEAR; and the definition of joy, means– LEAP. So, it CAUSES FEAR, and it LEAPS INSIDE– at the fear it causes.]


24 “His HEART– is as firm as a STONE; yes– as hard as a piece of the nether millstone. (25) And when he raises himself up– the mighty are afraid: by reason of the breakings– they purify themselves.”

‘Raises up–’ in Strong’s, means– exaltation of character; and ‘the breakings–’ means, RUINS. So this beast creature whom God made, has a STONY HEART [which is to say, hardened heart], and when he EXALTS HIMSELF– the mighty are afraid, by the reason of the RUINS he causes, so they ‘purify’ themselves– which is to say SANCTIFY themselves.

Have you drawn a parallel to another ‘one’ mentioned in scripture? If not, no worries– we will continue on.


The scripture goes on to detail normal weapons, have no hold on this beast– they are nothing to this creature; spears, darts, harpoons, arrows and slings– are ‘fodder’ for this one. It walks on ‘shards,’ and ‘pointed things–’ in the MIRE; and mire means– the CALAMITY.

[this one goes not out– but by prayer and fasting–

sanctification, worship and sacrifice]

34 He beholds all high things: he is a king over all the children of pride.”

He beholds all ‘high’ things, in Strong’s means– ARROGANT, PROUD and LOFTY things [or persons], and he is the KING [leader of authority] over ALL THE CHILDREN OF PRIDE.

I see a parallel here, but we will go on.


Psalm 74:12-14

“For God is my King [leader of authority] of old– working salvation in the midst of the earth. (13) You did divide the sea by your strength: you broke the heads of the dragons– in the waters. (14) You broke the heads of leviathan in pieces– and gave him to be meat, to the people– inhabiting the wilderness.”

Here we see a parallel between Leviathan and other ‘dragons’ in general; and the sea is symbolic of the area a spirit lives within a man– “and from the belly, shall flow living waters–” that is speaking of the ‘spirit’ of a man.

In these verses we can see that LEADERSHIP is brought up again– pertaining to God Most High– and Salvation, as well as how he ‘breaks’ the DRAGONS ‘in the waters–’ again, spiritual implications; but beyond that even, we see the Word of God is drawing a parallel to WILDERNESS WALKERS [folks going through the proverbial wilderness trials] as being the ‘ones’ that God FEEDS from the DEFEAT of the DRAGON.

Psalm 104 is speaking about God’s magnificence again, his might, and his provisionary side of him, over his creation.

And in verse 26, it states– “There go the ships: and there is that leviathan– whom you have made– to play therein.”

In this verse, God was telling me to read it literally, but also spiritually or figuratively– ‘ships–’ are in regards to RELATIONSHIPS and their destruction, as well as the word ‘play–’ in this instance, in Strong’s, means– to laugh in pleasure or detraction– by implication to deride, laugh at, mock, scorn, or make sport of.

27 “These all wait upon you; that you may give them their meat in due season.” [meat– their portion]

28 That you give them– they gather [collect]: you open your hand– and they are filled with good.”

[here ‘give’ –is avenge, deliver]


Isaiah 26 [setting tone of premise and point]

“20 Come, my people, enter into your chambers– and shut your doors behind you: hide yourself as it were for a little moment– until the indignation be overpast. (21) For behold– the Lord comes out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.”

Isaiah 27

“27 In that day– the Lord with his sore, great and strong sword– [words, the sword of the Lord, is the Word of God, so both literal and spiritual/figurative] shall punish leviathan the piercing [Strong’s– crooked] serpent– even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.”

[Remember the definition of Leviathan in Strong’s is– From H3867; a WREATHED SERPENT– figuratively, the CONSTELLATION [stars are symbolic of angels] of THE DRAGON; also as A SYMBOL OF BABYLON, and mourning.]

2 “In that day– sing to her– A vineyard of red wine.”

[vineyard– garden– in Strong’s, and red wine– pure delight]

Here we can see God is speaking about Justice and Judgment– and in that– he mentions taking out Leviathan, that CROOKED SERPENT, and PUNISHING HIM– by slaying him– which is to say, according to Strong’s– SMITE HIM WITH DEADLY INTENT.

I believe we are seeing a parallel to ‘another’ mentioned in Revelation, and elsewhere.


Let us draw some comparisons to ‘Dragon’ mentioned in scripture– and draw together God’s point and premise in this writing today.

Nehemiah 2:13

“And I went out by night by the gate of the valley, even before the dragon well, and to the dung port, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem, which were broken down, and the gates thereof were consumed with fire.”

Dragon– here in Nehemiah’s verse, means– a marine or land monster, that is– sea serpent or jackal; and it is tied in union with a ‘dung port–’ which is a sewer– and this place in God’s City of Peace [Jerusalem] it takes place in a ‘valley–’ those are symbolic of hardships and trying times, as well as– broken ‘walls’ and ‘gates’ [like open doors in man], and is consumed with fire [destruction, from within].

See any dragon parallels here to ‘other dragons’ mentioned in scripture?

Psalm 91:13

“You [God’s man] shall tread upon the lion [he roams ‘like’ a lion] and adder [snake]: the young lion and THE DRAGON– you shall trample under your feet.”

We have the ability, with, through, and BY God– to trample ALL MANNER OF EVIL– and subdue, and take dominion over it– per God, and his ordained authority with his Children– who now sit in equal throne chairs [authority positions] with Christ.

But let us not be remiss to mention that Christ said– he has a kingdom of PRIESTS, and Kings– not just authority do we walk in– BUT HOLINESS. It is why sanctification matters, for IF THE DEVIL HAS A ‘hold’ IN YOU, a ‘place’ found in you were he still reigns– you are going to have a huge battle on your hands if you try to subdue one– who has a home, and an operation, LEGALLY, within you still: SANCTIFICATION, and PRIESTLY– matters!


Revelation 12:3

“And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great RED [Strong’s– flame colored] DRAGON [Strong’s– a fabulous kind of serpent– supposed to fascinate), having 7 HEADS [Strong’s– the head– as the part most readily taken hold of literally or figuratively] and 10 HORNS [literal or figurative, Strong’s indicates], and 7 CROWNS [diadem of authority position] upon his heads.”

This is a creature that has been given authority– or usurped it, unwittingly– from its victims, and is RED in color– the demonic is often viewed as RED in the spirit realm, and God’s holy angels and beings– as BLUE WHITE LIGHT color.

This creature of a dragon has 7 ruling functions, position or places of influence– in the earth realm– because it wears crowns, or authority on its heads; satan was given authority in the earth, because man gave his away, in sin and iniquity, to satan– and since then– satan has had influence in the earth.

Note that ‘in the beginning,’ satan, and his influence was the size of an average snake serpent– but by the time this earth realm comes to a close– he, it– has morphed into a dragon, in size and magnitude of its authority, presence and power– because of the IMMENSE SINNING OF MAN going on.

[God has taught me to ALWAYS see literal,

but also figuratively, or spiritual, with my ‘eyes.’]

Revelation 12:4

“And his tail drew the third part of the STARS [Strong’s– literal or figurative, like of angels] of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the DRAGON [fascinating serpent in Strong’s] STOOD [Strong’s– staunch stand] before the WOMAN [Strong’s– WIFE] who was ready to be DELIVERED [bring forth child, seed], for to devour her child as soon as it was born.”

Revelation 12:7-8

“And there was war in heaven– and Michael and his angels fought against the dragon– and the dragon fought and his angels with him, (8) but prevailed not– neither was their place found any more in heaven [for him].”

Revelation 12:9

“And the great dragon was cast out– that old serpent called the Devil, and Satan– who deceived the whole world: he was cast out into the earth– and his angels were cast out with him.”

Revelation 12:13

“And when the dragon saw that he was cast to the earth– he persecuted the woman, who brought forth the man child.”

The ‘man child–’ is the birthing of Yah’shua the Messiah, INSIDE OF US– as we bow to him, let him reform us and lead us, as the Children of the Most High God– it is WHAT WE ARE BIRTHING, as the ‘wife,’ HE THE SEEDWE– THE BEARERS OF HIM and HIS SEED [or planting]; we WILL– be persecuted– because he’s upset; but we too, get the victory, in the end– should we endure till it come– just like God too.

Revelation 12:16

“And the earth HELPED [aided relief] the WOMAN [pregnant/birthing wife of the Bridegroom], and the earth opened her mouth– and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his MOUTH [figuratively, LANGUAGE– Strong’s].”

Revelation 12:17

“And the dragon was wroth [angry and exasperated– Strong’s] with the woman– and went to make war with THE REMNANT OF HER SEED [remaining ones, figuratively– her planting]– who KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS [prescription of a commanded precept– Strong’s] of God [see, sanctification, and obedience to God and his ways] and have THE TESTIMONY [judicial witness record, legal implications, truly being his and of him] –OF JESUS CHRIST.”


Revelation 20

“And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. (2) And he laid hold on THE DRAGON, that OLD SERPENT– which is the Devil, and Satan– and bound him a thousand years, (3) And cast him into the bottomless pit– and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more– till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

4 And I saw thrones– and they who sat upon them [us]– and judgment was given to them: and I saw the souls of them who were beheaded for the witness of Jesus– and for the word of God– who had not worshiped the beast– neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”

6 “Blessed and holy is he that has his part in the first resurrection [rebirth]: on such the second death has no power– they shall be PRIESTS OF GOD and of Christ, [because they are sanctified and holy as he is holy, and obey his commandments and precepts] –and they shall reign with him a thousand years.”

10 “And the devil that deceived them– was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone– where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night– forever and ever.”


Over, and over, and OVER AGAIN– God details out that HE– and his children– always have, and always will– DEFEAT SATAN: that ole devil, serpent, and dragon.

He made it clear he has DEFEATED satan on the Cross– and when he descended down to get the keys of death and hell– as well as when dealing and detailing out Leviathan in the old testament– the snake, lion, scorpion and dragon references there as well– and the New Testament, when he details the victory over him AGAIN– in Revelation, where his HOLY HOST DEFEAT HIM, and then, eventually– THE BRIDE and THE BRIDEGROOM DEFEAT HIM.

WE– when a child of the living God, sanctified in our souls, and renewed in our spirits, under God our Father, and Yah’shua the Son– GAIN VICTORY OVER EVERY DEVIL, including– THE SERPENT, SNAKE, SCORPION, LION and DRAGON [all dragons of evil].

We are NOT the tailwe are THE HEAD– because we have CHRIST AT THE HELM of our RELATIONship; we are led of him, he is the leader, the one who orders us around and steers us– IF– we will acquiesce to his AUTHORITY in our lives.

If we will not submit to his leadership and authority, and be reformed into his image again– because we are sorely misshapen until we do, and are– we will remain with a stronghold of the devil, that ole serpent and dragon over us; and in the end, we will go where he goes– because ‘he–’ was truly the god over us.

SANCTIFICATION matters, OBEDIENCE– matters; but when we submit, are reformed, and joined as ONE, with our holy High God and Father again– WE ARE LIMITLESS IN OUR ABILITIES WITH HIM.

Defeating satan, has already taken place in LEGALITIES– it is our job now to carry out that ‘sentence–’ where he, and his cohorts and activities in the earth, and our lives are concerned.

I have learned with God– TO ASK– and to go to him as the Most High Judge– and we get things done; then, we decree what he has said all along–


He upholds, and carries out your sentence– WE REITERATE IT! LEAVE, and FACE THE LORD GOD MOST HIGH, and his HIGH RANKING AUTHORITY!!!

Should you disobey– he has a few things he would like to take up with you, PERSONALLY.” [grin]

We are the catalysts, God is the explosion and the authority Most High, who carries out his own will, and decrees– and WE– REITERATE THEM; we make decrees, declarations of what he HAS ALREADY SAID– and then, God, and Michael, and all the rest of the high ranking authorities God has erected in his kingdom– carry out dealing with satan– in ANY OF HIS FORMS: this is how deliverance works as well.

We declare the will of the Lord, over each and every individual situation [which means you have to ask it of him first], and then GOD, and his servants, the angelic– carry it out; I ask for their help quite often, in that they are ‘helpers’ who assist us, but WE HAVE TO ENGAGE THEM –to do so.

Like God– angels must be invited and asked specifics, on what, and how to help; God is going to be giving us more wiggle room with asking of him and his angels, to assist us– meaning– if you can dream it up with God, he is more than welcoming toward us, to– WORK TOGETHER– like we are supposed to.

It’s his GOAL– actually– that we all, JOINTLY– fit together, in his kingdom– and in his family.


So, remember– no Leviathan, serpent, scorpion, lion or dragon– has rule over you– if you ACTUALLY LIVE, WALK WITH and ABIDE WITH– the Most High God, as his child and servant; but DO RECALL– sanctification, being cleaned up, and REBORN, in spirit and soul– matters.

We do not win– where we are already defeated.


Note that EVERY DEVIL– is a type of manifestation of satan– CORRUPTION and REBELLION– essentially, away from God holy, his person, and his way.

So– EVERY ANGEL HOLY– is a manifestation of the attributes of God holy, loving and true.

BUT MAN– is a ‘mixed pot–’ depending upon whether or not he is TRULY ‘born-anew’ in spirit, and sanctified in his person of SOUL; but if you are– YOU ARE A FORCE that can CALL UPON the WORKS THAT THE LORD HAS ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED OVER SATAN: and you will take dominion in the court system, reiterate what was already decreed and done [as long as you are in good standing with God] – and God will BACK YOU, along with his HOLY HOST OF HEAVEN and HIS ARMIES– and ‘satan,’ in whatever form– HAS TO SUBMIT.


BOWS to the Almighty, Most High God!

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