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"FALSE--- witnesses and prophets, we can be"

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

False + Witness

(false prophets = the common man)

[Video and commentary to this teaching: ]


Exodus 20:16

“You shall not bear false witness…”

(repeated almost word for word in Deuteronomy 5:20)


What happens when we are guilty of bearing false witness?

What does it mean to bear false witness?

Let us see the Strong’s and dictionary definitions of false + witness.


H5707 – Witness

Hebrew: עד

Transliteration: ‛êd

Pronunciation: ayd

Definition: From H5749 contracted; concretely a witness; abstractly testimony; specifically— a recorder, that is— a prince: witness.

We can see that a ‘witness’ is one who is CONTRACTED, meaning— enter into a formal and legally binding agreement; root definition— Middle English: via Old French from Latin contractus, from contract- ‘drawn together, tightened’, from the verb contrahere, from con- ‘together’ + trahere ‘draw’.

When we witness or testify, we are called up to draw together tightly, and speak of the recorded truth; we have now become a principal witness, or principal recorder/observer/teller of an account of truth: a witness.

All other Strong’s definitions are almost identical.

G5577 – False + Witness

Greek: ψευδομαρτυρία

Transliteration: pseudomarturia

Pronunciation: psyoo-dom-ar-too-ree'-ah

Definition: From G5575; untrue testimony: false witness.

G5576 – False + Witness

Greek: ψευδομαρτυρέω

Transliteration: pseudomartureō

Pronunciation: psyoo-dom-ar-too-reh'-o

Definition: From G5575; to be an untrue testifier— that is to offer up falsehood, in evidence: be a false witness.


H8267 – False

Hebrew: שׁקר

Transliteration: sheqer

Pronunciation: sheh'-ker

Definition: From H8266; an untruth; by implication a sham (often adverbially): without a cause, deceit {-ful}, false {-hood} {-ly}, feignedly, liar/lying, vain {thing}, wrongfully.

So, here in the first definition of ‘false,’ we can see that to be false is to be: deceitful, faking or feigning, a liar, vain (or empty/useless), or wrong— and it comes through speaking an UNTRUTH, or a SHAM.

His point will be— if we are speaking lies (untruths) —then we are FALSE; we are upholding a ‘sham’ to others as we speak, and it leads to being VAIN (empty, useless, not beneficial) —and we are liars, fakers, wrong and deceitful.

Let’s keep digging.


H7723 – False

Hebrew: שׁו שׁואo

Transliteration: shâv' shav

Pronunciation: {shawv} shav

Definition: From the same as H7722 in the sense of desolating;

evil (as destructive), literal ruin or morally (especially guile– sly/cunning intelligence); figuratively idolatry (as false), uselessness (as deceptive objectively; also adverbially in vain): lying, vanity.

Alright, so in the next definition we can see that ‘falsehood’ deals with DESOLATION (which references a video on the ‘daily sacrifice’ being taken away, within man— leading to desolation within— that I covered a few days back); and revolves around— IDOLATRY, sly/cunning intelligence (satan was called this, cunning as the serpent), and it’s useless, or vain— as we LIE.


Exodus 23:1

“You shall not raise a false report: do not put your hand in with the wicked, to be an unrighteous witness.”

Exodus 23:7

“Keep yourself far from a false matter; the innocent and righteous— you slay not: for I will not justify the wicked.”


Let’s keep digging even more.

And let us note— these first few verses are COMING OUT OF EXODUS, which signifies— how one COMES OUT OF BONDAGE, or ESTRANGEMENT.


H2555 – False

Hebrew: חמס

Transliteration: châmâs

Pronunciation: khaw-mawce'

Definition: From H2554; violence; by implication wrong; by metonymy unjust gain: cruel (-ty), damage, false and unjust, oppressor, unrighteous, violence (against or done), wrong.

So now we can see, to be ‘false,’ is to incite VIOLENCE, be wrong, UNJUST gains, cruel, damaging, oppressive, and unrighteous.

How does this apply to the kingdom?

Well, when we are liars— we UNJUSTLY REPRESENT THE KINGDOM (a witness), and we instead— rep the enemy kingdom, fallenness, the attributes of satan and the carnal, base, animalistic nature (that self preserves: pride).

Violence toward the kingdom of heaven— doing injustices toward those hearing the lies, believing the lies, being influenced by the lies, and so— becoming a false witness: one who speaks lies about the TRUTH, and the person of God (real identity).

This is injustice toward God and the kingdom, and our real identities, not just God’s.

We are walking in ESTRANGEMENT from God in all ways and areas where we are not in agreement; let’s see the definition of estranged again: Estranged— no longer close to, alienated; root definition— late 15th century: from Old French estranger, from Latin extraneare ‘treat as a stranger’, from extraneus ‘not belonging to the family’, used as a noun to mean ‘stranger’.

We have become oppressed of the enemy family, and in league with the enemy kingdom— and now we are witnessing this to others; our heavenly family we are now estranged from in CONDUCT and NATURE, in CLOSENESS and INTIMACY, as well as AGREEMENT with our Father.

But let’s keep digging, and studying to show ourselves approved— and perhaps— gain more revelation understanding.


Job 36:1-4

“Elihu also proceeded, and said— Suffer me a little, and I will show you that I have yet to speak on God's behalf.

I will fetch my knowledge from afar— I will ascribe righteousness to my Maker. For truly my words be not false— for he that is perfect in knowledge— is with you.”


What is the point here— WE HAVE NO REASON TO REP HELL’S KINGDOM, or ‘prince,’ principality (satan); for we have a righteous God with us all the time, who we can fetch our TRUTHS from (and lie not), who walks in perfect or WHOLE knowledge and understanding.

When we lie— we are in FEAR and PRIDE; I have watched him explain and point this out, time and time again.

Fear— because we are afraid of the truth being known (because of the effect it could have on us— think those who will deny Christ if their flesh lives are on the line, at a guillotine or such), and Pride— because we are in SELF PRESERVATION MODE— which is self centered, self focused.

I was telling someone recently…

“Yes, imagine, if one is face with a guillotine, and for the sake of SAVING THE LORD’S HEART… in that you will face forever estrangement from him if you deny him… would you remain steadfast, for your own sake (to be with him forever more), and for HIS HEART’S SAKE? For if you deny him, it will break his heart, if you are without him forever, and he without you forever.

For if you deny him before men— he will deny you, before the Father.”

It’s so true— we have ZERO reasons to LIE, or self preserve; God is our reward, truth is our plumbline, and if we stray outside either of those upheld— we end up in estrangement, due to lies (hell’s perspective and operations) upheld within— as we deny God, truth, and his kingdom.


Psalm 119:104

“Through your precepts— I get understanding:

Therefore I hate every false way.”

Psalm 119:128

“Therefore I esteem all your precepts— all right;

I hate every false way.”


Proverbs 6:19

“A false witness speaks lies, and he sows discord among brethren.”

Yes— a liar who is witnessing hell’s kingdom— sows discord to others; meaning— disagreement and lack of harmony (because we are literally rep’ing two opposite kingdoms); and the root definition of discord, is— Middle English: from Old French descord (noun), descorder (verb), from Latin discordare, from discors ‘discordant’, from dis- (expressing negation, reversal) + cor, cord- ‘heart’.

So to lie, and witness falsehoods about the King and his kingdom and truth— is to have a NEGATED/REVERSED HEART; literally— a heart listening to satan and his perverted (twisted) counsels— as we believe and uphold lies.


Proverbs 12:17

“He that speaks truth— shows forth righteousness: but a false witness— deceit.”

Proverbs 14:5

“A faithful witness— will not lie: but a false witness— will utter lies.”


And that’s his point again and again— which kingdom and king are we representing; because our tongue and mind— will speak from the heart, and who and what it really upholds in there: satan and lies, or God and truth.

We always have an option of whom we will serve.


Are we false witnesses WITHIN?


Are WE, ourselves— lying inside— to ourselves, and God— and about ourselves and God— and our REAL IDENTITIES, and TRUTH??

I ask this— because we can be LIARS, who uphold the enemy kingdom, and the principality of— if we are going to BELIEVE LIES about God’s real identity and what the scripture truly says— or our own real identity in Christ Jesus.

What do I mean exactly?

Well, when we believe we are worthless, can’t get anything right, will always be this way or that, keep our old man alive in our thoughts— as if that is us today, or the final project completed by Christ as he finishes his ‘good work’ in us…

Or when we gossip and walk in a dark light— rep’n the enemy’s ways, or when we believe we are so ‘special’ that God can’t possibly love us…thinking God accepts and forgives everyone else— but holds us to our infractions and mistakes…

Or he doesn’t (or we don’t) forgive our past— or current…

Or we speak one way— but act another (hypocrisy = liar)...

Or think— God has given them gifts— but not me, God speaks to them— giving them revelation — but not me (even though scripture tells us the TRUTH about all these, and more)...…

Then we are LIARS and FALSE WITNESSES OF God his truth in scripture, his real identity, your real identity, love, forgiveness, dismissal of charges, his reformative process of sanctification that is taking place in all of us— if we are being convicted and changing from our wicked ways, we have the ability in Christ to STOP SINNING and speak truth— and act honestly with integrity of character in Christ, have clean slates legally of Christ’s work, we ALL were given gifts and callings, he speaks to ALL his sheep— they hear him and will not follow another voice as he calls them by name— when we BELIEVE THE LIES OF SATAN— and speak them out, to ourselves or others…

As if it’s the TRUTH— when we know better and have read the OPPOSITE in scripture.

Witness— a person who sees something— an event— and gives sworn testimony as truth, evidence or proof.

False— not according to truth or facts, not in accordance with rules or laws, deliberately made to deceive (lies), ILLUSORY— not actually so (or truth), treacherous and unfaithful; root definition— Old English fals ‘fraud, deceit’, from Latin falsum ‘fraud’, neuter past participle of falleredeceive’; reinforced or re-formed in Middle English from Old French fals, faus ‘false’.

When we are FALSE ‘witnesses,’ we are those who will speak LIES— as if it’s the TRUTH, we will— not be in accordance with the law and rule of heaven; we will be those of ILLUSORY— which means, based on ILLUSION— not real, not truthful (about your identity, God’s, or the truth plumbline of scripture), we will then be TREACHEROUS and UNFAITHFUL to the King and his kingdom (heaven and truth); we will be those who witness fraudulent kingdom witness, working deceit (lies), ARE DECEIVED: False.

We HAVE TO see the truth, and UPHOLD the truth— and throw down lies; if not— we have erected lies, hell’s ways, and the principality of hell in us— who speaks his counsels to us, that we not only believe (uphold), but who has a place of counsel in us that we heed.


We CANNOT BE FALSE WITNESSES: we cannot be ‘false.’

We must uphold the TRUTH no matter what; we must uphold the KINGDOM and RIGHTEOUSNESS— because in the definitions of false, it speaks of it being UNRIGHTEOUSNESS.

Do we understand why he says to uphold RIGHTEOUSNESS, and why we must ‘walk in it?!’


Proverbs 17:4

“A wicked doer gives heed to false lips; a liar— gives ear to a naughty tongue.”


Satan is a liar and works a naughty (perverted, dark) tongue. We cannot follow his ways or counsel, we cannot erect him as one we heed and listen to, and believe and uphold in his ways.

A ‘wicked doer,’ we can become— when we will listen to A LIAR; or even when we give heed to a NAUGHTY TONGUE.

When we listen to someone speak something of ‘dark light,’ about another— or share things not meant for other’s ears, without permission— are we ‘giving heed to a naughty tongue?’

I believe so; NO GOSSIPING y’all.


Proverbs 20:23

“Divers (differing) weights [has to do with the plumbline in Strong’s] are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance [scales]— is not good.”

Yep— we cannot say one thing, and live another; we cannot cover our sins, by speaking lies and denying them; we must be faithful and true: honest and genuine, upholding the truth, because…

Proverbs 19:5 & 9

(almost identical, so I will add the one changed word in parenthesis)

“A false witness— shall not be UNpunished, and he who speaks lies, shall not escape (shall perish).”


Are WE— false prophets?


If we ourselves are waxing poetic in lies (speaking without restrained discipline, and speaking vanity, and untruths— from sensual, devilish wisdom— found in this lower realm— not that from God’s perspective above), we are witnessing hell and not heaven or truth…

Speaking things to others, witnessing another kingdom, counsel and principality, through upholding LIES —speaking as if we are a recorder of the truth, telling it forth into the courts of heaven (as we speak aloud)...


Because prophet means…

H5030 – Prophet

Hebrew: נביא

Transliteration: nâbîy'

Pronunciation: naw-bee'

Definition: From H5012; a prophet or (generally) inspired man: prophecy, prophet.


G4396 – Prophet

Greek: προφήτης

Transliteration: prophētēs

Pronunciation: prof-ay'-tace

Definition: From a compound of G4253 and G5346; a foreteller (prophet); by analogy— an inspired speaker; by extension a poet: prophet.

So, a prophet is a poetically inspired man (supposed to be of the Holy Spirit’s inspiration and revelation of his person) —who can foretell things— because a deity is speaking to them, and through them.

And a False Prophet definition, used in Matthew (7:15, 24:11 & 24:24) by the Messiah himself is…

G5578 – False Prophet

Greek: ψευδοπροφήτης

Transliteration: pseudoprophētēs

Pronunciation: psyoo-dop-rof-ay'-tace

Definition: From G5571 and G4396; a spurious prophet (false or fake) —that is— pretended foreteller, or religious impostor: false prophet.

Spurious’ root definition is— late 16th century (in the sense ‘born out of wedlock’): from Latin spurius ‘false’ + -ous.

So, when we are upholding lies within or without (speaking them aloud) —we are spurious, ‘born out of wedlock’ (illegitimate— not authorized by the law; not in accordance with accepted standards or rules; root definition— ‘not lawful’ —and the law of heaven, is TRUTH) — we are false orators —falsely inspired (in our thoughts and beliefs) men; we are waxing poetic in lies— and supporting hell, death and satan.


In one of the definitions of ‘false’ in Strong’s above, we read— an untruth; by implication a sham— without a cause, deceitful, falsehood, feigned, liar/lying, VAIN, wrongfully.

And in another definition of ‘false,’ is stated as— the sense of desolating;

evil (as destructive), literal or moral ruin (especially guile– sly/cunning intelligence); IDOLATRY (as false), uselessness (as deceptive objectively), vain: lying, vanity.

And VAIN is defined as —producing NO result, useless; root definition— Middle English in the sense of ‘devoid of real worth:’ via Old French from Latin vanus ‘empty, without substance’.

And IDOLATRY is defined as— extreme admiration, love, or reverence for something or someone (not God holy— another); root definition— Middle English: from Old French idolatrie, based on Greek eidōlolatreia, from eidōlon (see idol) + -latreia ‘worship’.

IDOL— an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship; root definition— Middle English: from Old French idole, from Latin idolum ‘image, form’ (used in ecclesiastical Latin in the sense ‘idol’), from Greek eidōlon, from eidos ‘form, shape’.

So, essentially— if we are walking in falsehood, and orating that falsehood by speaking things that are NOT IN ALIGNMENT WITH THE TRUTH IN SCRIPTURE, the plumbline— and we are upholding UNTRUTHS in ourselves, number one…

WE HAVE THROWN GOD HOLY and TRUEOFF THE THRONE INSIDE, and we have ‘erected’ another, and the counsels of another, inside, right then and there: and that is IDOLATRY.

We have now taken the ‘shape and form’ of another— as we erect ‘their’ image and likeness (along with their counsels and lies) inside our hearts and minds— and we have an idol on the heart throne; we have ‘another,’ who walks in lies, erected inside…and we walk in IDOLATRY against God.

We are walking in VANITY— which is devoid of real worth, empty, and without substance, as we take the shape of another ‘god,’ and we WORSHIP IT.


We have GOT TO walk in TRUTH and with INTEGRITY of that truth walked out in us; we have got to uphold the plumbline (that’s what all construction is based on), if we do not have an EXCELLENT ‘plumbline,’ the whole construction of the foundation is ‘off.’

We will be ‘witnessing’ falsehood to ourselves first, and to the world (others), second— if we do not uphold and LIVE— the truth.

False prophets are nothing more than falsely inspired, poetic speakers; and we all can be false prophetic voices— depending upon whether or not we uphold the truth, or lies— that we are putting forth to others, in our interactions, words and deeds.


ILLUSORY —was one of the words in the definition of ‘false witness,’ it’s one who brings forth non-truths— based on ILLUSION; and illusion means— a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted, deceptive in appearance; root definition— Middle English in the sense ‘deceiving, deception’ : via Old French from Latin illusio(n- ), from illudere ‘to mock’, from in- ‘against’ + ludere ‘play’.

If we are going to walk in illusion, or delusional perceptions and understanding— because we are coming from the devilish, sensual, fallen world understanding— trying to defend, uphold or protect SELF (pride) —we are going to walk in lies, twistedness, and NON-TRUTH.

[And let’s remember— if Jesus doesn’t do it— it’s not the way of truth, righteousness, holiness, grace, love or mercy (like gossiping truthful facts— born of a negative light, that cast a negative light over someone [reputation/name]; God holy does not do this.]

As we walk in non-truth, lies, and falsehood of the heavenly kingdom— which is VANITY (or devoid of real worth, empty and without substance) —we will bring forth USELESSNESS, NO SUBSTANCE or REAL WORTHto the King, or the Kingdom of God— nor to our ‘witness’ in this earth.

Truth walked out, in LOVE— is when we will live the truth, speak the truth, align with the truth, and then— in MERCY— we will witness all that to the lost: and in this— the ‘throne is established,’ it says in…

Isaiah 16:5

“And in mercy —shall the throne be established: and he shall sit upon it in truth —in the tabernacle of David— judging, and seeking judgment, and hasting righteousness.”

When we are upholding TRUTH within, we are upholding the KING within; when we are upholding the truth and the King within, and we walk that out in LOVE toward humanity, feeding them the truth (the bread of life) in witness (us with God as one spirit) —we walk out LOVE, by the hand of MERCY.

To ‘hold’ a brother to an offense, is to walk in unforgiveness, not remitting their sins— but holding them to them; MERCY— walks in ‘letting things go.’ Mercy walks in DISMISSAL of CHARGES; and our Father walks in that, our Savior walks in that, the High Priest of our profession— walks in that— and the priest in the priesthood of the Righteous King (Melchizedek) —walks in that.

He would like to bring this up, about ‘courts,’ and matters of— for our remembrance.


Deuteronomy 19:16

“If a false witness rises up against any man, to testify against him that which is wrong: Then both the men— between whom the controversy is (concerning) —shall stand before the Lord, before the priests and the judges, which shall be in those days.”


He’d like to bring up a serious point here, that the Lord has many times brought up to me, and that is this— if you are going to go complain to the Lord about another human being (that’s called being ‘an accuser of the brethren’) —then he will perform his JUSTICE system to the matter; and in his justice system— HE WEIGHS BOTH PARTIES IN EQUITY: fairly, and impartially.

And what that means is— he’s going to pull up all the INFRACTIONS on both sides (both people’s lives) that we are guilty of, as we walk in HYPOCRISY, and believe only that person has some filth, muck and mire (sin) on them— and we don’t STINK, ourselves.

He will pull up EVERYTHING ON US— too; this is why to FORGIVE A CASE AGAINST A BROTHER— is the way to go, as forgiveness— is a DISMISSAL OF CHARGES against another: and let us not forget…


Matthew 6:15

“But if you forgive not men their trespasses— neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”


Exactly, he will pull you up on your charges too; and that’s something to think about— when we want to ‘sue’ another in courts here in this world (or take them to the heavenly courts, and accuse them there): forgiveness, and our priestly garments being clean— is always ‘the way’ of our Lord.


Matthew 5:40

“If any man will sue you at the law, and take away your coat— let him have your cloak also. And if anyone would sue you, and take your tunic— let him have your cloak as well.”


God’s point— they must have needed it, and you have me— you have need of nothing— I provide all for you; and this is an opportunity for you to witness the kingdom of heaven: mercy, grace, love and forgiveness.


Many people don’t believe in prophets— and yet they ARE ONE, either way.

We are either waxing poetic (which means— someone's overly flowery and long winded style of speech) about God’s kingdom, the King himself, his righteousness, the truth, holiness, and walking that out to the world in what we ‘witness,’ or TESTIFY in our words and actions…


We are waxing poetic about satan’s kingdom, him and his counsels, lies, unrighteousness, unholy twisted and perverted things— and walking that out to the world in what we ‘witness’ to them, of WHICH SPIRIT, as we TESTIFY in our words and actions.

Either way— we are either a legitimate witness for the kingdom of heaven, and the High King (truth upheld, and walked out in mercy: LOVE); or we are an illegitimate witness (a false orator), a false prophet, a person inspired (that’s the definition of prophet) to speak lies, things against the kingdom of God, truth, holiness, grace and mercy— as we are led by an impostor spirit (false) who speaks contrary to heaven, and God holy: false prophet.

So— it does not matter what people


about prophets or prophecy

—it matters what they are operating in—

and if they are one, by THE FACTS.

We must witness the truth to ourselves and humanity; we must actually become ONE with the living, truthful, merciful, gracious God of LOVE.

If we walk in anything else— we are representing someone else, and something else— and we have become false, or illegitimate ambassadors of the kingdom of God holy, righteous, true, loving, and full of mercy and graciousness.

And we are supposed to be ambassadors of Christ in this earth.

(and in YOUR earth— your body, your sound whole of you)

Ambassador— an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country; root definition— late Middle English: from French ambassadeur, from Italian ambasciator, based on Latin ambactus ‘servant’.


Joshua 24:14-15

“Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood— and in Egypt; and serve ye the Lord.

And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord— choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served, that were on the other side of the flood— or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.


If we are going to REPRESENT, and ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET, as an ambassador does— as he hails from ‘another land or kingdom,’ and comes to represent said kingdom— in a foreign land (earth, world— amongst the spirit thereof) —then we will represent in SINCERITY and TRUTH —as we ‘serve him.’

For to be an ambassador of Christ— we are servants of TRUTH (he’s a person too), and we represent him in SINCERITY— no compromise or dark and light mixed.


1 John 1:5-7

“This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you— that God is light, and in him is no darkness [obscurity, shadiness— lies or twistedness] at all.

If we say that we have fellowship with him— and walk in darkness— we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light— as he is in the light— we have fellowship one with another; and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son → cleanses us from all sin.”


If we are walking with him— IN SINCERITY— and serving him— IN SINCERITY…

We will ‘walk in’ THE LIGHT, the TRUTH, no lies, no darkness, no ‘false witness,’ no ‘false prophesying,’ or false orations coming from us— because we are upholders of the TRUTH, where it has rooted into us, where HE— has ROOTED INTO US— and we are now ‘one’ in Spirit— together: same/as/like Christ, with Christ and his Holy Spirit.

We always have an option— to live the truth, or live lies; to witness the truth, or witness lies; one is a true witness, and a true prophetic voice by the lead of the Spirit of prophecy himself; and the other— is an impostor witness, and false prophetic voice.


Isaiah 43:10

You are my witnesses— says the Lord— and my servant whom I have chosen: that you may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed— neither shall there be after me.”


We are his ambassadors— if we uphold the holy King, and his Kingdom and righteousness, within.


2 Corinthians 5:20

“Now then —we are ambassadors for Christ— as though God were beseeching you by us: we pray you on Christ’s stead— be ye reconciled to God.”


Reconciled in Strong’s G2644— Greek: καταλλάσσω— katallassō —to change mutually —that is— to compound a difference: - reconcile.

And in G1259 —Greek: διαλλάσσω— diallassō— to change thoroughly —that is (mentally) to conciliate (make compatible, COMBINE): - reconcile.

We’ve always had the truth, and we’ve always had the opportunity to COMBINE with the TRUTH (his person, and the plumbline) —to RECONCILE, and to serve him (an ambassador) and his kingdom; we do this, we gain this ONENESS— by reconciliation, where now— 2 persons (we and God), within, CHANGED INTO ONE, making a DIFFERENT CREATION (in Christ) —conciliate and combined— representing the King as a legitimate witness (an ambassador), in a foreign and hostile land (first and foremost— our own flesh).

We must uphold him— and he is TRUTH; hence— we must actually uphold the truth (living it for real, with integrity of character) within— to uphold the King on the throne within us.


Ephesians 6:19-20

“And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel— for which I am an ambassador in bonds— that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.”


The gospel— is the good news of Messiah and all he has accomplished, to give us back the way to reconcile with our Father and creator of us once again; and we are ORATORS (prophetic voices of utterance), and we are AMBASSADORS (representatives of him and the truth, as we witness him and the truth) in a foreign and hostile (opponent) land.

May we open our mouths with truthful, holy, merciful, loving and gracious utterances— that come from a changed and clean heart— in alignment and agreement with the Holy God: oneness.

We’ve always had the choice of whether we will live in integrity of God’s character and actions— or not; we have always had the opportunity to— choose this day whom we will serve.

But as for me, and my household— we will serve the Lord God holy, true, gracious, righteous, merciful and the embodiment of LOVE himself: Yah, Yahshua Hamashiac, Jesus the Christ.

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