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False prophets, and Judgment: God is not mocked, he will reveal all

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

False Prophets, Judgment, The Sword of the Lord 

and Division: The Truth: God is not mocked


The Lord has been speaking with me about who man is labeling as false prophetic voices (because it’s been vexing my soul). Make no mistake— the Lord will prove himself to the world;  he will prove his own word(s), and definitely to his house. 

Be careful of councils of elders, they came against Jesus too when he prophesied. And they did it to the prophets of old: Jezebel had her prophets that served a reprobate selfish kingdom of man power in the earth, and had hundreds of them; but it was Elijah that came with warnings, bold words, power and fire that swallowed the truly false prophetic voices, and brought in God’s decree of judgment. 

The days of bubblegum prophecy and cotton candy messages of fat blessings coming to reprobate people— are coming to an abrupt end. 

God is not mocked— what a man sows, he will reap: this is the just spiritual law of what a man chooses to exalt, will come to him. 

These in league with prospering man, making a man-kingdom in the earth, of man, and for man— will meet the Most High God face to face, when using his name in the earth, and claiming they serve him and his Kingdom— when in truth found building their own (souls ruling, not the Spirit of God). 

And those serving the Most High God, revering his name, doing his will, walking sanctified and consecrated to a life under the King and unto the King— their God and Father of them: they will be kept, preserved, provided for, and the angel of the Lord will camp about them in the days ahead. 

No one will stop what God has planned, and all scripture will be fulfilled; and to save people he will show people the truth, and give them ample time to turn toward the face of God, reverently, and authentically once again, as a great harvest of men come into the kingdom during the tribulation time provided to bring them to the conclusion that they do indeed desire and need to repent and come to Jesus for salvation: but it will be during the darkest of times that the reapers are released in the earth to harvest. 

The God of the old testimony (testament) and covenant (contractual agreement with a people), is the same God that fulfilled the law himself, incarnate; and he's never changed:  he's the same yesterday, today, and forever; and he cannot lie, and is not a man that he should lie.  What he said— he will do. What he declared and prophesied— will come to be fulfilled.   And the fear of the Lord will be restored to the land of the living: everyone has their part— and it's all lining up, even now, to fulfill his word.

I have heard that people are calling the prophetic voices— the watchmen on the wall, the people getting out of the way for the Lord God to speak through them— I have read they are calling it ‘the modern prophet.’

And yet there has only ever been one kind of prophet, and as such is known— it is why people would say to Jesus himself, ‘you are a prophet, indeed,’ for there is only one kind of prophet: not an old one, not a new one— just a prophet.

I have heard that they say Jesus is different from the prophets of old, and the way he prophesies is different: to edify, exhort, and comfort.

Which makes me question— if they think Jesus did anything different in his prophecy than that of the old testament prophets, who edified, exhorted, and comforted, as well (by the way), do they think he is a different God than the God of the old testament, too?  Because that would open up a lot more in understanding, wouldn’t it?

Some examples of not just fiery prophets of old, but equally, compassionate, edifying, as well as exhorting ones:

Isaiah— His prophecies about the ‘suffering servant’ (Isaiah 53) are considered a powerful message of hope and redemption, offering comfort to those facing hardship.

Jeremiah— Despite delivering warnings of impending judgment, Jeremiah also spoke of God's covenant love and promised a future restoration for the people of Judah.

Isaiah— who prophesied about a coming Messiah and God's enduring love; Jeremiah— who encouraged hope even during times of exile; Ezekiel— who used powerful imagery to speak of restoration and new life.  

Ezekiel— His visions of dry bones coming back to life (Ezekiel 37) symbolize the promise of renewal and resurrection, offering encouragement in times of despair

And Jesus comforted and edified the woman at the well, as well as implored her (supplicated or beseeched her), and exhorted (strongly encouraged or urged her to do something), and strongly entreated her (asked her to do something of change), when he came to her: and she said: “...Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.”  

John 4:19, but really— such a testifying of the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of truth— in the whole chapter of John, chapter 4, that should be read.

Let’s see what those words mean in the Strong’s: Edify, Exhort, Comfort— for these define the workings of the prophet of God.

Prophesies: G4395 

Greek: προφητεύω

Transliteration: prophēteuō

Pronunciation: prof-ate-yoo'-o

Definition: From G4396; to foretell divine events, speak under inspiration, exercise the prophetic office.

Edify: G3619

Greek: οἰκοδομή

Transliteration: oikodomē

Pronunciation: oy-kod-om-ay'

Definition: Feminine (abstraction) of a compound of G3624 and the base of G1430; architecturethat is, concretelya structure; figuratively— confirmation.

Exhort: G3874

Greek: παράκλησις

Transliteration: paraklēsis

Pronunciation: par-ak'-lay-sis

Definition: From G3870; imploration (supplicate, beg, beseech, entreat: root definition— to bewail), solace (console in time of distress or sadness): comfort (to ease, console, support), exhortation (strongly encourage or urge someone to do something), *entreat (ask someone to do something).

Comfort: G3889

Greek: παραμυθία

Transliteration: paramuthia

Pronunciation: par-am-oo-thee'-ah

Definition: From G3888; console.


1 Corinthians 14:1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 18 & 19, 32, 37

“Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that you may prophesy.  He who prophesies speaks unto men to— edificationexhortation, and comfort.

I would that you all speak with tongues— but rather— that you prophesied: for greater is he that prophesies than he that speaks with tongues….

Now, brethren, if I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you— except I shall speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine?

And even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp— except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped?

I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all:

Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also— than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue.

And the spirits of the prophets— are subject to the prophets.

If any man thinks himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.”


Follow in the ways of agape love (sacrificial, servitude, unmerited, grace extended, mercy given, love), and desire spiritual gifts (because those serve God and others), but MORESO— it’s better to prophesy than to covet all of the gifts of the spirit: why??

Because in order to prophesy by God one must be ‘one’ with the Spirit of Prophecy himself: the Holy Spirit: and in that— all other things come with oneness unto God holy.  A man will edify others, exhort unto others, and comfort others (in various ways) when he is one with God holy, under God holy, reverent toward God holy, and OBEDIENT to God holy— giving up the self throne of the soul, led by leaning on one’s own knowledge and headship.

In order to— foretell divine events, speak under inspiration, or exercise the prophetic office: one must be ‘one’ with God’s Spirit concerning his heart, mind, will, decrees, and orations— as Jesus was, and is even now.  And if not— he is given over to his soul, led of the self (backed by satan), and will divine by inspiration of ‘another spirit,’ for another is on the throne of the heart and soul of that man.

Edification is architecture— that means something is concretely being built, a structure, a foundation is coming forth: and God will always confirm himself: he is the same yesterday, today, and forever, he cannot lie— he’s not a man that he should lie, no darkness is in him, he’s faithful, and his word never comes back void.  

Note very clearly that last one— his word HE DECREES— will come to be: other voices will come and go, prophecies and tongues will come and go— but the word of the Lord endures forever.  

He will confirm his word— and some of those prophecies are still coming forth in fulfillment, and some— are repeating, as nothing is new under the sun.


Ecclesiastes 1:9

“The thing that has been— it is that which shall be; and that which is done— is that which shall be done (again): and there is no new thing under the sun.”


We will see things repeat— especially when it’s warranted, because what man has been sowing is due the same harvest of spiritual consequences in the physical realm.

And exhort means— to implore, which means— to supplicate, beg, beseech, and entreat; and the root definition of entreat is to— to bewail.  There is no mincing that, or sugar-coating the fact that God brings prophecy about, by prophetic voices of his— to beg, plead with man, beseech man to repent— and come around and reverence God once again, erect God once again into the most important governing role inside of his heart and soul once again, even in bewailing supplication of:  because his desire is that none should perish, but that all would REPENT (turn back again) and be saved.

Make no mistake about it— prophecy has always been to warn, as much as to console or comfort.  It’s always been for redemptive purposes, and it has always been to construct a building within a man based and founded in the truth (the person of), and to build a temple of the Lord, for the Lord, inside the souls and hearts of man— in the earth realm.


Ecclesiastes 3:1, 16-18

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

And moreover I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there.  I said in my heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work.  I said in my heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts.”


There is a time for comfort and solace in prophesying— but there is also a time and purpose for imploring men to come out of their sin and iniquity, to turn back to God’s face again, to humble themselves, and to reverently, earnestly, and genuinely serve the holy living God again: for every time man would not (even, and especially in God’s own house/people), God’s law of sow and reap, eventually, after long-suffering patience and mercy was extended— but man would not relent nor repent— God’s exposure of their lifestyles would come to be, and the consequences of those lifestyles of self service in the earth (person’s dirt-suit), and not unto God holy.

Judgment— is redemptive in nature and mission: man’s repentance usually does not come around before man comes into humility, seeing he has transgressed, and brought offense unto the Lord God in his life:  when man turns to revere God, authentically once again— the goodness of God pours forth.

It is the goodness of God to show man what he has been partnering with.  It is the love of God that does this; for it is the love of God to show a man where and when he is not actually in league with him, but instead— stands in opposition to him, as his enemy.  It is the love of God to bring his decrees from the Judge, into the earth: for God is the Judge of all that is his, and justly brings in what man has sown to him, and stored up in heaven.

If we store up such and such in heaven with God, in what we walk out in this earth— God is just to give it back to us:  sow righteousness— reap a righteous man’s reward, sow iniquity— reap the destructive, unrighteous man’s reward of the same: and in giving man back what he has given to God as he chooses whom he serves on a daily basis— man can reassess (if need be), repent— turn back to God, because he truly was shown the mercy and love of God to show him he was in league with satan (the self serving one, who serves not, nor exalts God holy within— but seeks his own).

We will have need to comfort and console, to ease and support, as well as entreat— or ask someone to do something, as the Lord brings in his decrees from heaven (as he always does), and call men to repentance:  the great commission is the same it has always been: to seek and to save that which is lost (wayward, disillusioned, deceived, and astray from God holy and the family).  

The call is the same— pick up your cross and walk with Jesus, as Jesus walked in this earth— letting him do it again through your life: die to self in all ways, so Christ can live now in you, as you entwine, intertwine, and meld into him as one.

Many believe (in many demonstrated ways) that we can pray away God’s divine outline, prophecy, will, and decrees: he’s God— we are not.

Many believe we can change God’s mind (as if we have intellectual reason that is supplemental to God), every time man attempted to sway God’s judgment— it still ended up coming in, just like he foresaw it would (only at times was it delayed, or the route of delivery changed, but it came in none-the-less):  Moses— with the people in the wilderness, Abraham— with Sodom and Gomorrah, Nineveh— with Jonah, etcetera and so on… eventually, it all played out with the same results of a judgment, as God foretold. 

Make no mistake— when God desires and intercessor to do something— he will seek one out, and ask where is an intercessor: when he does not desire one, for he knows and sees all— he will not ask for one, and his decrees from HIS throne, will come to be in this realm, and all realms of HIS creation:  we were asked to do nothing more than manage this place he owns (and we have done terribly with that, since the beginning), but make no mistake about it— creation is his, and man is to come under God, and indeed will, at some point— as all will bend knee and tongue to the King of kings, and Lord of lords.


Job 38:1-4

“Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said— Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?  Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.  Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare— if you have understanding.”


The chapters 38 & 39 still have God waxing his brilliance, supremacy, sovereignty, power and wisdom over Job, and his audacity: this is the same with the church (and councils of elders) even today.

But God sums it all up just how small (infantile) man really is compared to God, and how ridiculous self righteousness, or self dominion (thinking, reasoning, and deciding for selfish, and self exalted promotion) really is, when he comes in at chapter 40.


Job 40:1-14

“Moreover the Lord answered Job, and said— Shall he that contends with the Almighty instruct him? He that reproves God— let him answer it.

Then Job answered the Lord, and said— Behold, I am vile; what shall I answer you? I will lay my hand upon my mouth.

Once have I spoken; but I will not answer: yea— twice; but I will proceed no further.

Then answered the Lord unto Job out of the whirlwind, and said— Gird up your loins now like a man: I will demand of you, and declare you unto me.

Will you also disannul my judgment

Will you condemn me— that you may be righteous?

Do you have an arm like God? 

Or can you thunder with a voice like him?

Deck yourself now, with majesty and excellency— array yourself with glory and beauty.

Cast abroad the rage of your wrath: (you) behold every one that is proud, and abase him.  Look on every one that is proud— and bring him low; and tread down the wicked in their place.  Hide them in the dust together; and bind their faces in secret.

*Then will I also confess unto you that your own right hand can save you.


We of arrogant men think that we can counsel God, know more than him, can sway him with our plight or emotions (Job learned otherwise), forget he is righteous, see hearts and motives and thoughts and intents of, begin to lean upon our own reasoning (tree knowledge), and get all self righteous in that we know, what we know, that we know:  and all God has to do is lay out just how much we do not know, cannot control, do not have ownership of (like in Job 38 and 39), and sum it all up after a great humbling (because we lost his face, and exalted our own) that…

“When you can humble prideful men, bring them low, deck yourself with majesty and excellency (glory), and have an arm like God himself… Then will I also confess to you that your own right hand can save you.”

Wow.  God is laying it out bluntly to Job (and all of us), that he is God, we do not know him like we ought to, we think we do, we think we are righteous and doing right— but often times neglect to really discern all that God’s mercy and grace is really covering, and many times set out to overrun God’s dominion, with our own.

God needs no man to do what he will do, himself: humble men from the estrangement of reverence to him: pride.

We cannot humble men in that way:  we can warn, we can exhort, we can teach, we can prophesy— but in the end— it is God (and HIS Spirit) who will defend himself, his person, his word, his decrees from the throne of the high Judge magistrate divine: himself.

He is coming to manifest himself in the earth— and I’m convince humanity (even his own household) does not understand what that means when a holy God steps foot into an unholy realm:  but we will find out soon— and he assures me that every knee, tongue, mind, heart, soul, and countenance of man will feel and know the weight of his glory (and especially in contrast to their own).

We are not ruling the roost— it’s his domain, it’s his realms, it’s his creation— and he will do with it as it pleases him: and he seeks to redeem it in the end, but right now— it’s under wicked rule, and we will see this manifest.  His people will bring forth his manifestation of his Spirit in them— but make no mistake, it will be the light in the midst of gross darkness: his Kingdom is not of this world, and the world spirit seeks to destroy his Kingdom and people.

We will see this war in full color: for it is written.

No man’s voice is powerful enough to overpower the holy, High, and supreme God of his creation: the created voices will never overpower the creator: so can we come to understand that false voices will be silenced, by God himself— he’s the same yesterday, today, and forever: but make no mistake about it— the true voices, who echo his word coming through them, they have always been the remnant voice: sometimes only one of thousands of self gains seeking voices out there with the bubblegum and cotton candy coming forth, when men and woman remain by large, at large, estranged from the God of holiness and righteousness— and seekers and lovers of pleasure and self more than God.

He’s the same God that came to his people in the days of old, that came to his people in the life of Jesus Christ: just had two different missions.

The old testament mission— the Spirit of the Lord: the new testament mission— to deliver the Lamb and his blood to humanity.

Do we know what his next mission is, that self same God?

That the King comes with 10,000 of his saints, with sword, with power (horses); as well as a vesture dipped in the conquest victories of his enemies.

Do we forget this Lord of Hosts when we think of prophecy?  We will see HIM (that guy) in the earth, too:  the same God, different roles to complete, and times he will manifest: but make no mistake— the God who comes to receive his bride— will be wearing a crown: and no man will usurp his authority in the earth.

And there is a time to comfort or console— especially, as it says— during times of duress, distress, and hardship: that is what the Holy Spirit has been doing for eons, and continues to do— because man continues in the same patterns, as well, in his sowing of spiritual consequences— into the physical realm (both for good or evil: but only a remnant for godliness).

“For greater is he that prophesies than he that speaks with tongues”…. 

Why is that?

It’s because the one who truly prophesies by the holy Spirit— has the holy living God in the place of dominion within, and is bowing to him: all others will try to wield their own dominion in the earth— and satan loves this: because there is the choice.

We can either wield the adamic dominion— or we can bow to Christ within, and come under his crown, serve him— and in that— allow Christ to stand up and deal with his enemies in our lives.

I don’t know about you— but I’m not here to further the adamic nature of wielding my own dominion— ‘do what thou wilt.’  I’m here to lay my life down, and die— that Christ can now live in me, and guide me, and use this vessel for his own purposes in the earth: and I’ll be blessed to do a ride-along with him in here.

The choice is ours, it’s always been— God will force no man to lay his dominion down for Christ to take up his within each man, and to walk out the new man in Christ Jesus— wherewith all things are new, and all things have died so that he may live, all things are given over— so he may reign with his Kingdom erect in their lives.

I’m here to walk with the second adam (Christ Jesus, the Messiah), and give all preeminence and supremacy to him: and in that— the dominion and authority OF CHRIST— shall rule and reign in these members (my body, sound whole of me, this temple), but a building of the Lord, not by the hand of man.

It will profit no man to speak in any way that does not reveal, bring knowledge, understanding, allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through us (prophesy), and instruct (doctrine): this is what Paul was stating in 1 Corinthians 14.

The problem has been that adam is still alive in many people in the church, the original nature— and not Christ alive in them at the helm of their roost, soul, heart, mind, and will:  because they are still seeking for self gains in this world, and they do not want to hear when God is going to take a fat people, and bring leanness.  

They do not like to hear that God is going to ‘make adjustments’ in his household, and the world— that does not fit with their— ‘bless me, and prosper me in the earth message,’ when man is still upholding the adamic nature within, as he speaks forth this proclamation of prosperity toward a wayward house:  because they have been blinded by pride, and fatness of blessings already— has caused their hearts to be turned away from God: just like Solomon.

God seeks to save us from the Solomon complex— wherewith he has deeply blessed the church for many years, but wherewith they have grown, moved away from the face of God, and toward self indulgence, beholding their own faces in a mirror, and immediately forgetting what manner of man God made them in the image of (that’s what conduct they are to be operating under).

So when we hear— ‘This one is a false prophet,’ have we forgotten God does not change?  He does not change— so, the God of the old testament is the God of the new testament, and he’s King over all of this creation, and he’s high Magistrate over all his matters in the earth, and in all realms: man is not. 

Man was asked to manage this place— WITH GOD, AND UNDER GOD: and we failed at that.

He will bring forth a people who are actually doing this with him, and he will speak the same things through them now, that he spoke through them before:  repent, turn to the face of God once again, revere him, cause him to ascend within you, lay down your dominion and authority that his may become erect within the high places of man once again, live for him— die to self: for he lived and died for you.

Any other message that seeks to serve man in the earth, and not God holy once again:  has not come full circle from those operations in the garden with the original fall.

God’s prophetic voices (those who hear from him, and reiterate it to the church) are the same type and blueprint as they ever have been: and so was Jesus when he prophesied what would come to be in John 2:19 – “Jesus answered and said unto them— Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up:” And they, the self seeking, self righteous of the church/synagogue back then— killed him for it, and his prophetic voice; because they didn’t like what he said, and implied, over, and over again— as he interfaced with the council of elders in his day, who could not discern when the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Truth spoke directly to them from a son of man vessel.

“The spirits of the prophets— are subject to the prophets.”

This means— THE SPIRITS BEHIND EACH MAN OF A PROPHETIC VOICE— will be subjected to the other prophets.

It means— true prophets of God are to discern the spirits working behind people— and call the spirits into subjection of the truth.

It does not mean— we cast down the humans, we bless and pray for our enemies— or those set themselves against God and his Kingdom and family:  we WORK ON BEHALF OF THEM, BECAUSE THEY ARE WAYWARD: we work the priesthood on their behalf in mercy, grace, forgiveness, and intercession that God would bring the truth to them, and into it.

And at the same time— we go toe to toe with the spirits behind people that are of hell: and we need to understand this, and step up into the priesthood, step up to the altar, and go to war with our God in the heavenlies— as we come against the unclean spirits working in this realm, and in others— that they should be freed:  we are to bless and pray for them, we are to work on behalf of them and carry their burden, we are to come against powers in high places (the demonic), we are to work from the altar and from the throne of God— and bring in what he himself is decreeing and asking of his servant-children.

If we only think of ourselves as his children— will we grow fat on the Father’s hand unto his children?  

If we remember we work the priesthood with him as his servants— will we recall he is in authority, and he moves in intercession, and we are to be with him, and under him, and led of him?

I fear so many have forgotten that first we serve (are servants), and then we receive as Father’s children— his provisions for our lives: but Yahshua is the perfect Son— and he ever serves and intercedes in the priesthood (leading it by example), as the Lamb and Ox— do we follow after him, as he asked us to?

“If any man thinks himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.”

There is a protocol to God’s Kingdom, and rank in it— and we, the created do not outrank God in his dominion in the earth— ESPECIALLY SINCE CHRIST: he gave it to him, and we are to be ‘in him’ and under him in authority.  But has man chosen to remain in the adamic authority— because it suits him to wield his own authority in the earth: Jesus didn’t even exemplify this; he only did what he saw his Father doing, as he yielded to his Spirit, and gave over his own will for the Father’s will and works to be done in the earth (his vessel).

I see the adamic authority still touted, and exalted— and if we are to see the real priesthood in the earth… the real priesthood stand up in the earth… then God himself will come and divide, and use the truth and sword of to do so— from the profane and the holy: this is the eternal way of the Spirit of the Lord, in the land of the living.


Brethren— there will be many christs in the last days, Matthew 24:24:  “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

And the one they portray will not be like the one and only God; he will not be like the God of all days— the ancient of days.  He will not hold true to his person, his way, his pattern, and modus operandi, nor give all supremacy, preeminence, dominion and authority to the Father, to the Spirit of the Lord, and life and service to the High King and High Priest— Yahshua Ha Mashiach, Jesus the Christ.

Many christs (Christians) will come— and lead many into a falling away.  Many christs (anointed ones) will come with a false anointing, a darkened light, and power and moves gifted by satan to do many signs, miracles, and wonders— such as even the very elect might be deceived: but a true remnant will remain as God divides asunder the profane from the holy.

Many that are being called false, and working of second heaven’s diviners— will be vindicated by the Lord God, as he himself will prove his own words given to them— as it comes forth into the earth: no man can overpower God’s will to come into the earth, when he has a remnant bringing it forth and coupling with him in it: satan is not more powerful than God.

And many who are labeling them as such, will be made low, humbled by the Lord, in their reproof.  I am very careful right now with accusations; satan loves to wield those.

One way you will see God prove his own word— is when he does, as time rolls on: it is not satan who has the story known, the ending known from the beginning, and all things in his hand: it is God.

Many are afraid that if man will come into agreement with satan, in large numbers— then God’s will cannot be done, and a curse will go forth: oh foolish people— satan does not decree the final say in the earth, God is sovereign over his creation.

God is looking for the man whose heart will couple with him, and bring forth WHATEVER he has need of:  and if you know God, the God of the scriptures— you will know he’s consistent, and he will use those who genuinely revere him: many will come to know who those are in the months to come— as God will bring things to be in his sovereignty.

God has not needed the majority— only a remnant, time and time again, and in fact— sent everybody else ‘home,’ that he could not use: like Gideon’s army, and the wilderness people who crossed over.

Do we know the God of the bible— Really?

I am not being facetious, I am being literal: do we know the God of the bible, old and new testifying God?  Because he’s one, and he does not change.

So— then, do we truly believe in and uphold the God of the bible?

Because if so— we should understand that if he changes not, he is faithful to be counted on in that he is reliable and changes not, and when he decrees a thing— it shall be, it never comes back void; and when he needs to bring in correction toward an adamic first nature upholding people— we can count on him for that too.

We are to serve the God of the bible, and seek to serve no other.  We are not here to live our best life ever— but to give Jesus and our Father our lives to fulfill his dream in the earth, and with his child.

My question to everyone, and God’s question to everyone is this:

Are we?

Every man will be judged for what he does in body— the Lord said so:  and in order to save some from an unpleasant fate when that time comes, and to give some ample time to turn around and serve the Lord God once again inside their temple— God will display to humanity, the truth: what has been sown.

And he does that— so that men should see what they have coupled with, in and with great clarity (meaning blunt revealing of things), so that man can choose to redeem the time, and come back to God, in authenticity.

Don’t worry— God will confirm his own words and prophesy, and man does not need to judge anyone: the sons did not come into the world to condemn or judge men (Jesus the Son did not even, and we are in him, and he in us); the sons come into the world to reconcile sinners with Christ and his blood, to the Father, as they serve his interests in the earth, and give reverence to his Spirit.

God always vindicates his own— and many will be surprised who they are, and will be humbled in their hearts toward God, and brethren, in repentance: all his servants are not perfect as Christ Jesus, but he uses them all the same, for he judges their hearts toward him, the way, the truth, and his person.

One sure-fire way to be deceived in this hour is to believe that the God of the old testament is different from the God of the new testament: for they are one.

Let us not forget this.

Roles, and missions God must fulfill in the earth, change, with times and seasons— but they are one, and one— is the same, yesterday, today, and forever, and changes not, and cannot lie about that.

Do we know the God of the bible?

Do we know that what a man sows will be reaped?

Do we know that if man repeats patterns that others did before them— they will reap the same reward, for God is just?

Do we know that with repentance— men are saved, and if repentance comes— that means the humbling is worth the salvation of that soul?

Do we know that God’s ways work, and are just, and most of every prophet ever used by God brought forth the same message, including Jesus: repent, for the Kingdom of God is near to you (nigh), so turn and come to him again, bow to him, revere him, unite with him again, and be saved?

When you look out into the world, and you look at your nation— is the culture by large serving God holy, righteousness, holiness (set apart unto him, and under him, as like he is), walking the way— with the Spirit of the Lord, under him— giving him authority of their lives and over their vessels (souls, hearts, minds, wills, etc), serving the Kingdom of God in the earth?

I ask you this because— if not— then God will come to deal with the wicked, right in front of his household (as he cleanses his household too), and as his people saw him deal with Pharoah, and with Babylon and it’s culture before— we will see him do it again: those people watched everything come into this realm, and play out of plagues and darkness, spirits of death coming for the first born, and much more— time and time again.  

But they were on the earth to see it, and some came to repentance with God because of what they saw, and thanked him for his protection and provision whilst God dealt with the reprobate culture they found themselves living with (Egypt and Babylon).

God brings the just laws of sow and reap into this realm, sown in the spirit realm: what man sows, comes to be.  Should a man sow repentance— mercy and grace abound.  Should a man continue, hardened against God, given to upholding the Adamic nature, seeking his own, forsaking God, and serving satan: they have made themselves the enemies of God (the opposition to God).

And when God makes up his mind that it’s time to bring sow and reap in— it is because if he does not do something, and arrest the status quo that everyone has fallen into in a lulled state of self seeking, and self service (self exaltation), he will watch all the lost go into perdition: and he desires to save a remnant, like he always does.

Those who cannot see that God’s judgment (time period where wickedness sown must come to a culmination in the earth, so men can see what they have really been exalting inside all along, and whom)...  Those who cannot see this wisdom and love— have need to truly meet the God of the bible in his entirety, and come to know him in his authentic self: he details himself out again and again in the bible; it’s time we come to know him as he is.

And he is as much King and high Magistrate supreme— as he is Lamb, Ox, and Comforter:  for every season and time will call forth for holy God to come forth in who he is; but each season and time will also determine (based upon man’s affiliations) which role God will walk out in the earth, when he comes.

Many will be humbled in the days to come— and this is good, for it leads to opportunity to come into true repentance, and a salvation relationship restored with God Almighty.

And some will also come forth as first fruits— but will come forth in one accord, and our Lord will have a hand in that too: he will divide out those who are not, and will not— and we will bring together those who will, and are indeed seeking unity with his Spirit and body even now.

God has consistently brought forth a standard into the earth, and erected that standard, and it’s in the form of the Son, Jesus Christ; and all those found in him, dead to self, under him, reverent to him, serving the Kingdom of God in the earth— he will stand up in, and bring forth the full stature of Christ standing erect in the dominion authority role within them: and this— we will see the manifestation of the Son, in the sons whom are in him; and he in them.

But make no mistake— the Light of the Son came during one of the darkest hours of humanity in his day, when he came in his own dirt-suit, and laid his life down for all.  And likewise, when he comes to inhabit his people, and stand up in them again, bringing the Light of God into the earth once again— it will be during the darkest of reprobate times, and powers of— “and nothing less than that,” he just said.

Stay about your Father’s business in the earth, stay humble before him, serve him and his will and interests in this life, die to self leadership, get healed and whole inside— coming into agreement with his Spirit and truth, cast down your self, and exalt the righteous God into his proper high places within your temple (soul, body, heart, mind, will), and let him have his way as Most High.

Because the time is coming where there is only one thing left to do— divide the profane from the holy— so as to not let the majority rot the minority, or remnant: and this is the love and mercy of God.



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