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Even Human Logic shows us so.

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Updated: Sep 8, 2022

“Things I want them to consider, if even just in human logic Janet; much has been shaking and will continue to shake, per my hand of justice coming in, and to ‘root out’ the image of the devil in the world– as my children have been praying for.

But with it– will come much tribulation and affliction; we must prepare their hearts and minds for what is coming– by showing them what has already been.

If they watch the clips, and read what we have been saying, it will draw a clearer, more full picture.

They can speed up ‘playback’ if they need to, but it is what I show you– and we will show them.”


You may need to watch the clips in sessions, but it is well worth being ‘caught up’ on the things happening in our lands.


Matthew 24:6

“And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not troubled (this is for God’s children): for all these things must come to pass–

but the end is not yet.”

Ukraine/Russia, Israel, Iran, Haiti, Afghanistan, China, Yemen, with Borders overrun, and more…

and continuing…

Matthew 24:6-7

“And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.

See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet.

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.”

Luke 21:10-11

“Then he said to them…

Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.”

FamineFamine in America coming?? (clip 12 mins), many examples here, and abroad in this clip– it’s more than one country, it’s worldwide.

Jeremiah 42:17

“So all the men who set their mind to go to Egypt to reside there will die by the sword, by famine and by pestilence; and they will have no survivors or refugees from the calamity that I am going to bring on them.”’

Ezekiel 7:15

“The sword is outside and the plague and the famine are within. He who is in the field will die by the sword; famine and the plague will also consume those in the city.”

Leviticus 26:25

“I will also bring upon you a sword which will execute vengeance for the covenant; and when you gather together into your cities, I will send pestilence among you, so that you shall be delivered into enemy hands.”

Isaiah 19:5

“The waters from the sea– will dry up,

And the river– will be parched and dry.”

Ezekiel 30:12

“Moreover, I will make the Nile canals dry

And sell the land into the hands of evil men.

And I will make the land desolate

And all that is in it,

By the hand of strangers; I the Lord have spoken.”

Jeremiah 50:38

“A drought on her waters, and they will be dried up!

For it is a land of idols,

And they are mad over fearsome idols.”

Isaiah 44:27

“It is I who says to the depth of the sea, ‘Be dried up!’

And I will make your rivers dry.”

Joshua 4:23

“For the Lord your God dried up the waters of the Jordan before you until you had crossed, just as the Lord your God had done to the Red Sea, which He dried up before us until we had crossed;”

Job 6:17

When they become waterless– they are silent,

When it is hot– they vanish from their place.

Job 24:19

Drought and heat consume the snow waters,

So does Sheol– those who have sinned.”

Water Sources (fresh even)- China waters drying up and revealing hidden things 4 min clip, America’s West What if America's fresh water dries up 9 min clip, in addition to natural sources drying up, and receding, we also are in danger of ‘chemical sewer plants,’ running out of the chemicals (shortages, transport, etc) that change the city waters from sewage– to drinking water.

In Michigan, we have had our own water issues like Flint Michigan, and its citizens, living with contaminated water due to poor upkeep (or none) of old city lead piping, etc…

‘This will continue in various manners in more cities’– the Lord said.

Job 24:11

Within the walls –they produce oil;

They tread wine presses– but thirst.”

This speaks of the ‘oil being there,’ but the people thirst anyway; we are experiencing a drought in the physical and drought unto God and a relationship with him, in truth.

We will continue to see how oil, fuel, food, land, living and God

all coincide and also all collide,

bringing all things back to ‘recognition of God,’

and ‘man’s ways.’

Psalm 55:21

“His speech was ‘smoother than butter,’

But his heart was war;

His words were ‘softer than oil,’

Yet they were– drawn swords.”

They speak of many ways that ‘what they do is for our good’ –but it is not, and SOMEONE is collecting the ‘oil’ of the land

The prosperity of the people is held captive, but it isn’t God’s people right now holding ‘our prosperity,’ in the world.

The folk doing it…


with ‘words of war’ in their HEARTS.

But when spoken out– they confuse folk, and ‘sound’ sweet, or good, or nicebut they come to destroy.

Oil, Fuel, Diesel– Trucking, Ships, Planes, cargo…

Evergreen, San Diego sitting back ups, and other ports… Russia-- Gas prices 12 min clip,

When you have oil being held hostage, as it supports our electric, our transport vehicles– planes, trains, autos, ships, trucks, etc…

and ships are not ‘flowing’ as normally in transport, because of fuel, but also, because of blockages in our transport lines and statutes being adhered to still…

ALL the cargo we would normally be receiving this year, next year, etc…

Will be ‘delayed,’ or not received at all.

Think as well about ‘things going bad in transport,’ this will happen– and meats and things will STILL BE SOLD, contaminated, because now ‘their profits’ have been affected by delays and shortages and blocked routes.

Our health and survival– will be weighed against, whether or not ‘they eat,’ and whether or not, they ‘sell’ or ‘supply out–’ their cargo.

We are going to face a lot of dishonesty, and we are to be ‘wise’ to what the Lord is telling and showing to us.

We get our ‘stuff’ from ‘other countries’ that are UNDER OPPRESSIVE leadership, and in shortages themselves.

It will trickle here.

Ezekiel 33:11

“Say to them…

As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways– and live.


Turn from your evil ways!

Why will you die– people of Israel!?”

Genesis 6:11

“Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence.”

Romans 13:11

“And do this– understand the present time:

The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber– because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.”

Natural disasters– drought, flooding, fires, earthquakes, destructive winds, signs in the skies…Worldwide disaster clip-- 9 mins, 12 min clip, many countries affected.

Shortages, fertilizer– future crops, food shortages– animal deaths– KS feedlot cattle deaths in thousands, financial– homelessness and inability to sustain standard of living, workers– shortages in workforce…4 min clip FERTILIZER shortage , Homeless and Tents-- Vancouver 2 min clip, Homelessness still on the rise, employment and economy 6 min clip, The Great Resignations, workforce labor shortages 8 min clip…

What happens when a bunch of people stay home now, or go back to school, and do not WORK in the fields anymore?

Transhuman Agenda– satan’s agenda to defile God’s original DNA or ‘God’s’ Divine Nature Attributes that ‘he’ designed us to be

and function properly at– I might add…

and to be LIKE ‘him–’ into an ‘hybrid’ human-Nephilim-like state again.

13 min clip

Genesis 1:11

“Then God said…

Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds."

Proverbs 27:34-35

“Be sure you know the conditions of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds; for riches do not endure forever, and a crown is not secure for all generations.”

Job 12:7-12

“But ask now–the beasts, and they shall teach you; and the fowls of the air– they shall tell you:

8 Speak to the earth– and it shall teach you: and the fish of the sea– shall declare to you.

9 Who does not know, in all these–

that the hand of the Lord has wrought this??

10 In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.

11 Does not the ear try words, and the mouth taste his meat?

(do we not ‘think upon’ what is said,

do we not taste what we are ‘being fed?’)

12 With the ancient– is wisdom; and in length of days– (we gain his) understanding.”

Farmland Sell outs…..

land development buyouts of our farmlands for crops; how will we sustain our animals, if farmers sell out to developments and foreign governments– our own land without foresight of the dangers of selling off our ‘food grounds?’

Food shortages in inner cities, stores bought out– will cause them to seek ‘living elsewhere,’ and droves will come toward the rural areas for land to live and cultivate; where and when they cannot move living arrangements– all ground possible will be sought for growing, as well as inside hydroponics.

(in fact I suggest folks begin looking into how to grow in greenhouses, basements with grow lamps, etc.)

Heavy issues coming up and out to be dealt with once and for all in our countries– pertaining to ‘life’ and ‘prayer in schools’ or public places, demonic manifestations in disagreement with ‘Christian principles’ –will increase, as satan hates– when God starts to win cases and statutes.

This will cause a ‘heading-off’ with satan in our lands like never before as court case, after court case–

begins to weigh ‘the heaviest of court cases’ within their countries and regions with God, and WIN, because ‘upheaval’ is HERE NOW.

The ‘real fight,’ the one we talk a talk about standing up for in our lives… is going to be playing out publicly, and we will be called out by God to STAND, and STAND FIRMLY; if we fail to do that, we will endure more Wilderness walking in our countries– fighting evil, passively– which always loses.

BUT, if we are to ‘heed the words of God,’ and live accordingly, and FIGHT FOR WHAT WE BELIEVE IN, within our countries, in all conduct ways becoming our Lord…


We begin the long DIGOUT PROCESS within our countries, provinces and regions.

We cannot lie down and succumb; we must STAND and STAND FIRMLY, in ALL that we will face–

‘Whom do you serve this day?’

President Trump FBI, invasion, hidden stuff, hidden agenda…and ‘waiting for Mary Poppins’ to save the day.

We have a time when Trump will be back (and I’m not here to discuss that today), but right now, the facts have laid out for us, that for the moment– he has his hands full with heading that down, and clearing things up, and presenting his evidences– in COURT; so…

It will be quite some time before there is an IMMEDIATE RELIEF to our country, as he is ‘detained–’ or waylaid in this.

That DOES NOT MEAN, we will not ‘hear of news’ before then, that we appreciate and celebrate, should there be ‘over turns,’ and breakthroughs, pertaining to ‘the lost months.’ (Election stuff, etc)

But it does show us, we will be ‘digging out’ for quite some time, EVEN IF Trump, or anyone else– is to

‘take over,’ right now.

More divisions, state opposition– varying ideas of how our government is, or should be run, like abortion or prayer in schools; this will continue, as each state will now be deciding if it’s ‘united,’ with the rest of the nation– or if it is ‘coming out from them, and being separate.’

Separations, removals, dirt revealed of hidden workings within lives, especially in the ‘public government’ sector will continue to surface.

(this includes, police, fireman, ect…governing or overseeing entities, over public affairs and human lives)

Current administration rhetoric, resembling ‘leaders of old,’ that we would rather not see surface again.

Leaders like Hitler, down to his same stance and show of dominating military force, behind him– J.B. address; where do people believe these spirits disembark ‘too’ when these wicked leaders die??

They go to the

next guy they can possess.

Where did the ‘Legion’ go– when cast out??

Into the pigs; where did the pigs go to– their death over the cliff and into the ocean.

Where did the

Legion of demons

go then??

Back around to roam the ‘earthen vessels’ and find another ‘home;’ this is happening again, and again, and we will now be seeing them fully manifest in people, because God’s people, and the world’s people, DO NOT BELIEVE CHRISTIANS AND OTHERS– carry demons in their flesh with them.

This is now on full display, and will be amping up.



We will not be mocked much longer but instead will be sought after– for ‘deliverance,’ including health issues that the doctors cannot fix, for it is a demon that needs to be KICKED OUT OF THAT ‘earth vessel.’

God has been looking for those that will take his hand– the ‘hand of God’

and desire to be filled with him, that he would dwell fully, becoming one in Spirit (his) and conduct (his) and…

Give him, a sanctified and consecrated vessel, that gives him ‘A BODY’ to use ‘IN EARTH’ again–

These are

the Manifested Sons




the Most High God;

And they will be the earths

first line of defense

for what is coming.

Medication shortages and medical staff shortages, baby food shortages.

MEDICATION SHORTAGES 4 min clip, Drug shortages are already happening at Mayo Clinic; this is not our local Emergency medicine, but it is where folks head to with big issues. Mayo 12 min clip, with what they are seeing.

What will we do, when we ‘cannot get the regular’ pharmakeia MEDS we use continually??

God will become the ‘Great Physician’ to the world and its people again, and he will be the FIRST, and in many cases, THE ONLY– ‘line of defense’ against satan and his agendas.

California electric… already unsustainable and in addition, countries in electrical shutdown and fuel shortages, candle light.

Cali electric failures and drought 3 min clip, multiple state outages Ohio, Texas and more 11 min clip, Europe outages 30 sec clip of Italy-- lights out, Germany and more countries Depleting reserves, multi countries 4 min clip.

This will all trickle here, if not already here and nigh upon major shutdowns.


Our food comes from these countries; we ship it here from them, and they are shutting down.

There will be a backup and delay, not to mention already going through drought in their prospective countries, and oppression too.

When we see other countries that start to ‘go down’ in any area that we normally trade with

We will ‘suffer’ in these areas

as it eventually trickles our way.

A ‘dearth’ in the land, is because it will hit ‘many sectors’ and areas… one consecutively after another; it will be ‘this,’ and then it will be ‘that,’ and so…

The Lord is telling us to prepare mentally and in your hearts and souls to ‘get busy and work,’ for

a depression we have not lived through


We know our family stories.

We must be ‘wise’ with the lord and all he is showing; he always warns his servants, the prophets, first…

and they– lovingly inform his other children.

Conversely, the lord told me this…

“Janet, you will hear the prophets of baal announce their agendas too dear, I have all prophets from each kingdom ‘announce’ their agendas in some fashion or another, so the people will choose this day, whom they serve.

It is the same now; if you listen closely to the news and the government rhetoric, you will ‘hear’ satans agenda and ‘who’ he is minded to coming after.

If you listen, JB– in the American government, called out ‘conservative MAGA’ type ‘Christian valued’ folk– this is a ‘warning’ from the enemy kingdom of ‘what they intend next’ in some fashion– for their ‘prophets have spoken;’ do my children have eyes and ears that hear what I am saying and showing through ‘even them??’

I will ALWAYS TELL and SHOW YOU– and

‘tell and show you’ –through WHOMEVER I CHOOSE, think Nebuchadnezer or even Nimrod.”


We will reform to the extent we ‘want to,’ as free will has always been our choice, but we have chosen foolishly, arrogantly, and pridefully in our country’s past conduct of itself, it’s people– and we will pay the price for VACATING THE CULTURE, and allowing ourselves to ‘assimilate into it;’ Jesus warned us, FATHER warned us, through all of timeNOT TO DO THAT….

For all the countries and people of his that did that…

went through ‘enslavementand had to FOLLOW GOD OUT OF EGYPT– and out of their ways–

to save them and bring them into the ‘PROMISED LAND’ of what they ‘could have’ –with God.


How long we complain, grip and fuss against God whilst in that wilderness, as he brings us relief, and walks us ‘step by step’ out of enslavement

Like them…

Will be completely dependent upon US, and whether or not– WE ARE SERIOUS, and ‘ready to change now,’ or not, and LIVE DIFFERENTLY.?.

We have much digging out to do

and God has always, and will REQUIRE ALWAYS–

that we do FIGHT



And then…

TO KEEP FIGHTING TO ‘keep that in which we have won.’

THIS IS HOW A KINGDOM IS RUN and ‘sustained;’ we will be required to walk this out.

No change

in our human conduct



at home

Leads to NO CHANGE publicly in our countries; we have NO MORE TIME to be ‘lukewarm,’ he’s in the phase of– spewing those out of their ‘places’ right now, and installing ‘his–’ IN.

2 Corinthians 4:4

“The ‘god of this age–’ has blinded the minds of *unbelievers…

So that they cannot see the light of the gospel, that displays the glory of Christwho is

–the image of– God.”

Jeremiah 2:13

“My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me– the spring of living water, and they have dug their own cisterns– broken cisterns that cannot hold water.”

This is speaking of the ‘inner man,’ and the well of living waters that is filled by the Holy Spirit indwelling and leading a man; we have forsaken this relationship and reconciliation– in TRUTH, and we have ‘dug out’ our OWN WAY TO LIVE, and it is ‘broken, defiled’ and CANNOT CONTAIN LIFE: corrupted man, with dead spirits leading them.

We have much ‘clean up’ to go, and we must be prepared to ‘go it’ with God and show who we really are–inside.

Are we ‘weak and fearful,’ and, will we desire to follow our wicked leaders, like Pharaoh of old

And desire to go back into slavery –because of fear and comfort of living the wicked lifestyle


Will we redeem this place by getting right with the living God, and help him bring his Kingdom reign back into this place, and into our ‘earthen vessels,’ and CHANGE IT INTO A ‘good and holy’ place to reside with God again??

This remains to be seen…and it remains to be done, and then CONTINUED IN– to keep it.


“Lord, bring us into ‘ALL WE NEED TO SEE and EXPERIENCE,’ in order to ‘attain’ your rule here again; show us ‘how bad it has been’…

What we will be going through…


and then…

I pray we humble ourselves before you, get on board with you, and reform– ourselves and our land.”

It’s always been about what we are willing to ‘give up,’ or be PASSIVE ABOUT, and…


If we have given over ‘the 7 Mountains of God’s Influence,’ which is the culture and its influences in our countries and lands, and lives…

We get this result; God is coming to ‘TAKE BACK OUR CULTURE–’ the 7 Mountains of Cultural Influence: Family, Religion, Education, Media, Entertainment, Business, and Government.

We must ‘come out from among them,’ and then TAKE BACK THE CULTURAL MOUNTAINS; we can only do that, and redeem our land and people–


(I pray people will.)

2 Chronicles 7:14

If My people

Who are called by My name (Christ-ian)...

Shall HUMBLE themselves

and PRAY

and SEEK ‘my’ FACE



Will I hear them from heaven


I will forgive their sin…


will HEAL their LAND.”

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