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Emptied, to bring forth the word of God in one witness, in the upper room: in unity

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn


The work of the cross and salvation 

that we are working out with fear and trembling

with the goal of one accord— one mind, one Lord and God of us all,

in Christ Jesus— the truth, and the way of life resumed with God holy:

Clean, Cleared, and Readied for infilling of his Word/truth/person.

[video link to this teaching:]


I have been sitting with the Lord in weeks passing, and he has been speaking to me about bringing me through a fiery trial of his truth, ways, and headship within me.  Not only will he be testing me in my ability to hear him clearly whilst dealing with the word of God, the brethren, and the fellowship of the faith; but he’s watching to see, also, if I will empty myself of myself, so he can fill me with new wine, new oil, and truth.  

He will also be testing me as to how, and in what manner, and toward what purposes will I bring forth what he shows me of nuances of the word of God, in discrepancies within the body and house of God, pertaining to corrections he is bringing forth (meaning— little, minute details that need attention, and usually— correction) unto us all: unification in the upper room.

What is my goal in all of it— what attitude, perspective, intentions, and end result am I aiming for (either with him, or without his headship over me) when we bring forth what he asks me to bring forth?  

And when engaging his teachers of the word (who are re-presenting him to the world) —do I have the intention to come to agreement and unity with him and them in his word/truth, in the end?  Or am I just endeavoring to be right, and thus would be satisfied with a discordant sound, sounding off and ricocheting inside of him, echoing forth discord within him?

Who am I honoring when bringing forth (self— not an emptied vessel— unto self purposes, or Christ— emptied, and allowing him to re-present himself in the truth, way, and with his fruit)?  

Not just what am I bringing forth of truth— but who am I (if I am) endeavoring to come into one accord with (God first, brethren secondly), in dear charitable love and truth?

He is speaking to his mission concerning the new human race (new man creature in Christ Jesus) that he is bringing forth and unto a mature stature, who will operate as he does, under him, with his goals, fruit, ways, conduct, disposition and demeanor— elevated within them— as they exalt him as most High, within their hearts, at all times.

He is speaking to the purposes of why we teach the word of God— in an office of— as we bring forth following our discipleship as students of the way, truth, and life of Jesus Christ (the word of God): because we will be held to a higher condemnation or judgment— because we are to be  re-presenting Christ Jesus, in context, and led of his Spirit— unto a lost generation: which is why he said there ought not be many masters (teachers) of us: it’s very serious Father God business in the earth with the Holy Spirit.  

He’s after— unity— in our bringing forth of him, with him, in accord with him— unto the rest of his house: and then we will be able to take it unto this lost, confused, perverted (twisted and astray) generation:  upper room accord: this is his mission in the ministry of Christ Jesus in the earth.

He has given us the honor of re-presenting him to the world: but, it is the goodness— and severity of God— we are to know (Romans 11:22).  And it’s our reasonable service to serve him with fear and trembling at his word.

Isaiah 66:2

”For all those things has my hand made, and all those things have been— 

saith the Lord: but to this man will I look— even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit— 

and who trembles at my word.”


Philippians 2:1-16

“If there be therefore any consolation [G3874: solace or comfort] in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship [G2842: partnership— participation or intercourse] of the Spirit, if any bowels [G4698: sympathies or pity] and mercies— fulfil my joy, that you be like minded [G5426: exercise mind, entertain sentiment or opinion mentally disposed in a certain direction— with concern and obedience, set your affection on and regard] —having the same love [G26: benevolence of affection, a love feast of dear charity], being of one accord [G4861: co-spirited and similar in sentiment] —of one mind [G5426: exercise mind, entertain sentiment or opinion mentally disposed in a certain direction— with concern and obedience, set your affection on and regard].


Let nothing be done through strife [G2052: faction— a dissenting group with state of conflict] or vainglory [G2754: empty self conceited glorying]; but in lowliness of mind [G5012: humiliation of mind— modesty, humbleness of mind] let each esteem [G2233: lead and deem or consider chief— most important] the other better than [G5242: above, superior] themselves.  Look not every man on his own things  —but every man also on the things of others.


Let [G1063: reason] this mind be [G5426: exercise mind, entertain sentiment or opinion mentally disposed in a certain direction— with concern and obedience, set your affection on and regard] in [G1722: positioned, fixed in place— time or state, instrumentally constructed, rest in, among] you —which was also in [G1722: positioned, fixed in place— time or state, instrumentally constructed, rest in, among] Christ Jesus:  Who— being [G5225: beginning under quietly, come into existence or be at hand presently existing] in [G1722: positioned, fixed in place— time or state, instrumentally constructed, rest in, among] the form [G3444: shape and nature] of God [G2316: the supreme divine deity magistrate and exceeding God] —thought [G2233: led and deemed or considered] it not robbery to be [G1511: exist] equal [G2470: similar in kind, agreeing together] with God:  But made [G2758: emptied, abased, neutralized] himself of no reputation [G2758: emptied, abased, neutralized], and took upon him the form of [G3444: shape and nature] a servant [G1401: a slave— one in subjection and subserviency to another], and was made in the likeness [G3667: resemblance and similitude] of men:


And being found in fashion [G4976: figure, mode or circumstance— external condition] as a man, he humbled [G5013: humiliated, depressed, brought low, and abased (degraded, cheapened, mortified, demoted and reduced] himself, and became obedient [G5255: attentive, listening, submissive] unto death, even the death of the cross [G4716: stake/pole/post of capital punishment and exposure to death, self denial, and atonement].  Wherefore God also has highly exalted [G5251: elevated above, raised to highest position] him, and given [G5483: granted] him a name [G3686: authority character] which is above every name [G3686: authority character]:  That at the name [G3686: authority character] of Jesus —every knee should bow— of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth [G2709: subterranean infernal— world of departed spirits];  and that every tongue should confess [G1843: acknowledge and agree fully] that Jesus Christ is Lord [G2962: supreme authority controller, master], to the glory [G1391: dignity, honor and praise] of God the Father [G3962: parent].

12- 13

Wherefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed [G5219: heard and subordinated yourselves under, attentively listened, heeded, conformed to command and authority obediently], not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out [G2716: work fully, accomplish, finish in fashion, perform] your own salvation [G4991: rescue, safety— morally] with fear [G5401: alarm, fright, terror] and trembling [G5156: quaking with fear].  For it is God who works [G1754: is active showing forth himself] in [G1722: positioned, fixed in place— time or state, instrumentally constructed, rest in, among] you— both to will [G2309: determine, voice, prefer, wish, be inclined to, be about, desires, intentions] and to do [G1754: is active showing forth himself] of his good pleasure [G2107: satisfaction, delight, kindness, wish, purpose].


Do all things without murmurings [G1112: grumbling or grudging] and disputings [G1261: discussion and consideration of debate, doubting in imaginations and reasoning thought]:  That you may be blameless [G273: irreproachable, faultless, unblamable] and harmless [G185: unmixed and innocent], the sons [G5043: produce (product)] of God— without rebuke [G298: unblamable] —in the midst of a crooked [G4646: warped and winding, perverse and untoward] and perverse [G1294: distorted, misinterpreted, corrupt, turned away] nation [G1074: generation and age], among whom you shine [G5316: lighten and show, appear and are seen] as lights [G5458: illuminators— luminaries of brilliancy] in the world; holding forth [G1907: retaining and detaining, paying attention to, heeding and marking and staying in] the word [G3056: thought, topic and subject of discourse, reasoning and mental faculties or motives, computations, and divine expression] of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain [G2756: emptiness], neither laboured [G2872: fatigued and worked hard, toiled and wearied] in vain [G2756: emptiness].”


“If there be any solace or comfort in Christ, of love, if any partnership, participation or intercourse (fellowship) of the Spirit—” whoooo… that’s been something on my mind lately, in general.  So much happening in the house of God in this generation: some of those things out of ignorance, some out of pride, some out of a wrong spirit, some in love in the right Spirit, some in maturity, some in immaturity, some in discord, and some in one accord: and my spirit within Christ grieves for the house of God in this state.

Being like-minded, or exercising of the mind, entertaining the sentiment or mentally disposed— being of the same mindset or disposition— a certain direction (which the Word details to us that we are to be), with concern and obedience coupled with dear and charitable love— setting our affections and regard (deep within the recesses of our hearts) toward others; well that has been on my mind a lot lately as well; and tied into the above statement about being in one accord.  It is crucial that the house of God, in maturity as Christ, comes into one accord in the upper room.  

And if we cannot do this, we will remain at a distance with one another, even scripturally in the context of the word itself; and we really must be able to come to one accord in Christ Jesus much more often, and much more easily.  Good godly discussion together, in the parameters set by Christ Jesus, above, is a really critical point; as well as the scripture below it where we esteem the other above ourselves in honest communion with the brethren, and with Christ— concerning the brethren: is one accord, in love and unity—  our goal?  Or is it to be seen and understood a certain way?  To be right, over, coming to common grounds in love?

I for one am really appreciative of gentle, loving interactions between teachers of the word, because we will all be held accountable for how we represent Christ to the world; and not many ought to be teachers of the word— he said, in James 3:1, for we shall receive the greater judgment: but we ought to with gravity— then understanding this position with God— be all the more poised to come into unity concerning the word of God, in how we re-present him and his meaning as he inspired the writers of scripture— to come into one accord, or mind in Christ Jesus, under Christ Jesus: through a loving and preferential discussion of the Word (person and his sayings) of God: nothing could be more important when being held to the standard he holds masters (or teachers) of the word of God.

When we will set our regard to this kind of outlook and goal, like-minded with how Christ lived(s), having benevolent and affectionate, dear, charitable love toward one another, WITH, the goal to come into one accord (which means— be co-spirited and similar in sentiment) —then we will come into the unity of the brethren, as Christ designed for us to do— in the upper room: but it is all contingent upon being in the right heart, with the right goal set before us: coming into one way of living in Christ Jesus— where we seek to let him explain himself, unfurl himself to us, as to what he meant when inspiring the scriptures with the Holy Spirit of God and man in union.  

When we will exercise our minds, enter-taining them in sentiment of mental disposition— aimed in a certain direction, with concern, obedience, and our affections and regards poised to come into unity— not disagreement; then will we achieve unity: for it will take all of our humility of heart and mind to do this; and it will take having one consistent head over us (the Word/Jesus, himself), in whom we are all hearing from in the like same. 

And I understand that is a really difficult place for man to come into— because man is by far and large prideful and fleshly yet; ever hearing its own reason and relative truth; and in need of great humility toward God and brethren— to fully come into this one accord: but nonetheless— it is the goal and end result of what the mature sons of God will be coming into, or we will not be unified to witness Christ to the world properly.  And being able to speak and discuss his word with fellow teachers of the Word— with Christ in the middle of it all, in love, and unto the same means— to come into agreement: that will be what will test us all, in the end, as to whether we will allow Christ to be our headship over both parties, and bow to his workmanship in us, as a whole.

Easier said than done— I know.  And I am subjecting myself to this process, and understand the great grief of the Spirit of God when we are yet lacking this: because all of the discordant sound (things said) ricochets around, and echoes throughout his person (body), and hurts his harmony and peace, and unity.  I hurt— when he is hurting, and can literally feel it.

We will disagree— until we do not.  And we will stop disagreeing when he has been able to have the same truth come to both parties: I ache until we all come into his accord.  But I also know he will finish his good workmanship in us personally, and corporately: and what a workmanship that will have taken— when we can all move in love, truth, and one head (Jesus) in unity of one body.

One mind— one sentiment, and disposition, headed in one direction (not double minded, of two opinions), with obedience toward Jesus the Word (getting him re-presented properly/accurately, under his revealing, unfurling, of himself to all teachers of the Word, unto all of the house of God), with concern, affection, and regard to this word.  

One mind will come when we have humiliated ourselves (abased ourselves) before Christ— to have him explain what he meant, in context— coming under what he divulges.  And when we do this independently with him, and then come together with the brethren and work in discussing all that was spoken to us as he revealed himself— to the point and goal of coming into unity: we will then understand the heart and goal our Father in Christ Jesus: to regroup us to work together toward unity, being one body moving in synchronicity, one with the other, seamlessly, and in a harmonious flow of the Spirit of God.

UNITY— is it the goal?  Are we setting our minds to come into it, to seek to agree with one another, and find the common ground in the foundation of the truth?  And are we willing to sit with the Lord until it comes, discussing with him how to come into agreement with one another, because it is the goal, and not disunity?

If we are not set with unity (agreement) to be the end result— we will settle with discord, as long as we believe we are correct.

He said, “say that again:” 

If we are not set with unity (agreement) to be the end result— we will settle with discord, as long as we believe we are correct; because we are satisfied with a discordant sound in the house/body of God.  And I assure you— he is not satisfied, but grieved inside himself, pained— for the discordant sound that is ricocheting and echoing around in him.

For now— I can only pose the question to all who attempt to explain the Word of God to humanity (that is being a teacher, where the accountability of walking as a master/teacher of the Word of God comes in, greatly judged by God): is your point and goal in what you discuss with others (where disagreement is concerned) about the word of God— immersed in a desire to come into one accord with the Word, in the lives of the brethren?  Because it is Christ’s desire: where he is the head, we ask, wait, listen, get details, and then come back together to discuss until we all come to one mind, one accord, one agreement— in love.

I agree it will be such a workmanship of Christ accomplished, when we finally come into this; but it is as well crucial that we do come into this, for without unity— we are a house divided, and we cannot stand united in Christ/the Word of God, the truth, and be teachers of.

He has a work to do in his house, and we have a job to do in submitting ourselves to his work in us; and humbling ourselves for him to do it: I am doing the best I can to discuss with brethren, in love, the Word of God; and allow him to speak what he desires to, and point out what he desires to, unto both parties: but in the end, as well, I am set to find unity and agreement with him and his truth, and his teachers— no matter how long it takes, or what he has to bring myself and them through— to get his unity, agreement, and truth revealed in the light he himself desires to be displayed in.

He says— Let nothing be done through faction, or through a dissenting state of conflict in the body of Christ, or house of God with the brethren: but instead to empty ourselves of ourselves— and it’s self conceit and glorying (vainglory); being of lowliness of mind, humbled lower than the other guy, into a modesty, a humiliation of mind.  THAT— is a difficult task for most all of us, for we were recreated (through the fall, and satan’s nature gifted us) to be vain creatures; ones set out to seek to be right, or better, or stand apart from one another (one leg up, or down from the next guy), instead of humiliating ourselves (humbling and abasing ourselves), so that the other guy (and what he’s bringing forth) is heard, attended to with great regard, affection, and concern— in love; with a point of coming to some understanding and agreement, together, under the head of Christ and his thoughts and ways which are higher, so unity comes forth in the upper room chambers of both hearts.  And if we are not poised, and set about for this to be the end result— not resting, continuing in Christ Jesus, until we come into agreement (at some point)— we will settle for disagreeing, or discord.

He will not suffer us to always operate in this way: so, I am making a point of determining within myself to set my heart’s intention when bringing forth in communion with the rest of the body of Christ’s teachers— to ask, entertain, pour over, and discuss the topics at hand, in context, with them and with Christ Jesus in the middle; with a goal of coming into understanding and unity.  

If this is not my goal from the start— what am I after— to be right over another?  This will never do in the house/body of God: settling for a discordant sound.  It ought to grieve us all that Christ has a ricocheting, echoing, discordant sound within him, grieving him; and he will not always strive with us in this way, within him— his house/body: we will be humbled until, and taught, and reproved under him— and even delayed in our growth in him— until we become humbled to his cause and purposes, thoughts and ways, inside his own governed body.

I am profoundly under the fear of God in all he is speaking concerning the pain he endures when we will argue, or even remain staunch in disagreement— and fail to pursue the process, and come through follow through— until he brings us all into one accord, one mind, one understanding, in love, in truth— in Christ Jesus.

Let us esteem the other— lead, deem, consider them above us (chief), and most important— all they are bringing to the table— over ourselves; placing ourselves in a humble posture before them, to listen, with desire to understand, and to love one another in a dear and charitable love; where man is not looking upon his own things (thoughts, understanding, regard, knowledge, revelation, etc), but unto every other man, and his things, as well: this will deal with vainglory— or self conceit, and emptiness: for it will desire for all things to be full, not empty, but full in purpose, full in love, full in truth, full in unity.

Reason this exercised mind, this mind entertained with sentiment, disposition of mentality headed into a certain direction, based in concern, obedience to the Word/Christ Jesus, set in affection and regard— one toward the other (first toward the head Christ, then toward his body); IN— a fixed position, fixed in time or state of being, instrumentally constructed, resting in and among all of us; which was also the same mind— that was entertained with sentiment, disposition of mentality headed in a certain direction, based in concern, obedience toward the Word and person of God, set in affection and regard, one toward the other— that was established in Christ Jesus.  The same mind being positioned, fixed in time and state, instrumentally constructed by God’s Spirit and design, resting in Jesus— toward all others.

And Jesus— beginning under, and quietly (heeding), coming into existence or being at hand existing positioned and constructed into the form of, or nature of God himself, considered it not robbery (taking what was not his, or not already owned of him), to exist similar in kind, and in agreement together with God— equal with God.  BUT— even though he already existed as like/same as God in his inner being— he humbled himself, abased himself— he EMPTIED HIMSELF and took upon him the form and nature of a servant: one who is a slave to another, in subjection and subserviency to another (the Father), as he came into the resemblance and likeness of man.

We are called to the same.  We are called to be subservient toward our Father, Creator, Savior, and Lord over us— so he is head, his thoughts, ways, and disposition of us all.  Being under God, and coming into being one with his Spirit, likeness, ways, and person— positioned, fixed in time and state into his nature: we are to empty ourselves, of ourselves, our thoughts, ways, headship, opinions of our inner being— and serve God, instead: and this comes through emptiness.

A vessel already full— cannot receive any more.

He said— “say that again.”

A vessel already full— cannot be filled, or receive any more; for there is no room to receive, because what one already believes— does not make space for more, for change, for correction, for growth, for work in unity: it will remain as it is if it does not empty itself unto Christ Jesus and the Spirit of the living God— so that he can fill it, or that we can receive correction or growth.

This is not a one and done— but a lifelong pursuit of emptying, daily, to receive our daily manna.  And one thing I have noted about humanity, or the human race in its fallen nature— is that it is full of itself, naturally, in that nature.  

But when the new creature creation in Christ Jesus comes forth, and man understands that Christ is actually expecting us to empty ourselves of the flesh: carnality, self— daily— crucifying that nature, and putting to death the deeds of the flesh, hating even the spot of the flesh to our Christ garment of righteousness he gave us— and come under the headship, correction, teaching, and state of growth under his headship.

Becoming an emptied vessel— so he can fill us, and live in us, and rule in us (meaning— have his thoughts, ways, and truth alive in us, and erect in us) —is the ultimate, and otherworldly goal of God from the beginning: two, who were once twain— or torn apart— are now back on the same page, under his headship/teaching/leading, and in unity.

Is this our goal, from a pure heart stance within us, when we come forth to discuss and teach the word of God, the written scripture, in context, with Spirit understanding of what he himself was bringing forth for his people to understand and know of him?  

Are we seeking to re-present him properly to his people, and have the fear of God over us as we do, working toward a corporate like mind as our goal?

Are we willing to stay the course, and humble, empty and be readied to receive of the Lord Jesus— until we are brought together in all things pertaining to God and what his Spirit meant to teach us of the Word/person of God— with an emphasis on coming out on solid ground in agreement of sentiment, points and premises in one accord (one mind, in love and truth)?

Because if not— then we are those who are hurting his inner man, as he is the head, and we the body— with a discordant sound, a disagreeable sounding off going on inside of him.

We must— have unity as our end game goal we are seeking: because if we are not, and if we are not seeking it— we are content with the discordant sound that is ricocheting off his insides, and echoing forth in the eternal realm— born of the temporal realm (which speaks to the temporal and temporary places of man’s mind, inside the carnal mind): we must come together in the eternal realm together, where God is revered (the truth), and we are in one accord of love and truth.

Again— it is a workmanship goal of Christ Jesus, and we are all still works in progress, where his grace abounds: but we are to be seeking to submit ourselves to his work, see his long game goals and end condition he’s setting forth for his household, and assist him in our reasonable service: for if not— we will not arrive at a destination we do not set out unto, in this sojourn here in the temporary realm.

Is our destination— unity agreement in one accord?  For if it is— we will eventually, given much grace, time, forgiveness, love, and truth, under Christ and fear unto him— come into it: but the ‘if’ leads to conditions of success:  ‘if’ we will set one mind, one disposition, one mission, one goal, one destination as our target; ‘then’ will we achieve God’s goal, dream, and ultimate house/body under one head— Christ Jesus.

I am doing the best I can to come into this understanding, and request, from Christ Jesus, now; and practice it more and more until the coming of Christ Jesus to receive his people: for I hear of him how he aches inside over the discordant sound, that so many are willing to swim in; instead of change, through perseverance, toiling away to come into a peaceful state within the body, where we are in agreement in points and premises of the word of God: so as to all have the same witness.

I have resolved inside my person that the end game result and goal that Jesus is after, under him, is to bring peace to his person/body of believers in the earth; is to seek to come into one mind, one understanding (his), gaining the unity of one accord that he is after: the humility of emptying oneself of all preconceived beliefs, understandings, reasonings, and postures— as we entertain him and his people regarding the truth of the Word of God (re-presenting him, witnessing him properly in the earth) —is a must, if we are to have room for correction, new revelation, and growth in him.  And we are all under great grace, renovation, and refinement in these ways with him, even now, groaning together to be birthed out in proper maturity in Christ Jesus.

I endeavor not to be right, but to be unified.  I ask not that you believe me— but that you take all things to Christ Jesus, and verify with him what he is detailing out about his own proper witness in the world (his word); for it isn’t about you and me— it’s about us re-presenting him in the world, accurately, and to his pleasure: each man must be submissive and obedient to his Spirit, in their own lives: this is all I ask of any man; and am pleased when one will go to him for all things.

For Christ Jesus was found in fashion— or in figure, mode, or circumstance of external condition (flesh nature and body) —as a common man; and yet he humiliated himself, depressed, brought himself low, abased— which means degraded himself, cheapened his true state of being, mortified, demoted and reduced himself; and became obedient— attentive and submissive to the death, even the death of the capital punishment and exposure to death, self denial, and atonement for mankind that went astray, perverted, and became misshapen. 

And because he went through all he has, for us, our Father has highly— exalted him, elevated him above to the highest position, Jesus.  And he gave him authority character.  I like how that was stated in Strongs: a character worthy of being the highest authority figure over all others: a name above all other names— or characters, and their authority they work within/from.

That the authority character of Jesus (name) will cause every other character and authority of that character— to bow to him, and confess— or acknowledge, fully agreeing that he is Lord— the supreme authority controller, master, of all of creation: to the glorying or dignified witness, praise and honor of God the Father (the parent): things in heaven (which all do), and things in the earth (which all of us should), and things under the earth (the souls in hell, which is the definition of infernal: root definition— late Middle English: from Old French, from Christian Latin infernalis, from Latin infernus ‘below, underground’, used by Christians to mean ‘hell’, on the pattern of inferni ‘the shades’ and inferna— ‘the lower regions’).

We hear, we submit and subordinate ourselves under God’s Spirit and headship— attentively listening to him, heeding him, and being conformed to— and by— his command and authority, obediently; working out, or working fully and accomplishing, finishing in fashion, and performing our own salvation: our own rescue, safety— morally— with Christ Jesus, by coming into his truth, alive within us, allowing him his workmanship to come forward in us all, unified, as one.  As we fear him— are afright of his headship, holiness, righteousness, and ability to destroy all— body and soul— in fire if we do not allow him his headship/lordship in us all: but will instead be his adversary and opposition to him; as we tremble and quake in fear of usurping our own reasoning, thoughts, presumptions, beliefs, ways and disposition— above his:  for even devils tremble at even thinking to do such a thing— as he can squash any and all like a bug: he creates and he destroys, and has the power to do so.

Best we let him re-present his own witness and truth, under his headship and lordship— over us all, becoming emptied of ourselves and our own satisfaction with being right, and instead come under him, and unto his goals and mission: which is unity in his house, fearfully under him, and honoring him in his workmanship in governing his own house.

For it is to be God working our souls in this life, and actively showing forth himself, fixed in position in time and state of being, instrumentally constructed, and resting among/in us; both determining, voicing, preferring, wishing, being inclined to and about, desiring with his intentions (will) to do— to actively show forth himself in his satisfaction, delight, kindness, wishes, and purposes.

It is not unto ‘our’ satisfaction, but his.  It is not we, ourselves, that ought to be satisfied with what we believe is right— whilst not in unity with the mature house of God in the upper room: for if we will entertain— let it enter into us— that we are satisfied with being right (which means another is wrong) inside of the house/body of God, whilst not attending to the end game goal and intent of Jesus to bring us under, and into unity; then we are working our own satisfaction and works of being satisfied with the discordant sound within the house/body of God, that is bringing Jesus such pains, that we are to be delivered from, as he toils to bring forth the mature statured vessel, in the full stature of himself, in us all:  the emptied vessel.

Empty— is the prerequisite, and way, to being fully filled by the Spirit and truth of Jesus.

Being emptied, and hollow(ed) unto the truth/word/person of Jesus, in unity with him (one in Spirit and mind of, as he is, under the Father, by the Holy Spirit of God, re-presenting him accurately, for a proper witness in the world, heaven, and even toward the shades of hell); is the requirement, on a daily basis— to have room to be filled more and more, bringing us into the full stature of truth (Christ Jesus), alive and erect within us, in unity, one toward the other, and under the headship of Christ Jesus in his body (corporate house).

So we are to do all things without grudging or grumbling (discord within our own souls, and with outward show), and without discussions and considerations based in ‘debate’ (which means— to argue about a subject, root definition— Middle English— via Old French from Latin dis- (expressing reversal) + battere ‘to fight,’), or in doubting in imaginations and reasoning of thought that brings us discord or disagreement.

We are not to argue— but come to an agreement.  We are not to fight (right and wrong) we are to come with love and goal to unify in understanding, truth, and the person of God— under his head/mind and leadership of all of us: and we are to endeavor to endure the process of bringing us into this, in a humble posture, making room to grow within us (emptying ourselves daily) to be mature in Christ Jesus, to his full stature— or, otherwise known as well, as— be matured in the absolute truth, and proper witness of, as we re-present him/the word— in the earth, as he comes forward in us all.

Again— I fully concede this is a currently ongoing endeavor of the Holy Spirit, unto Christ Jesus; but a workmanship, nonetheless, that we are to submit ourselves toas we come into agreement with him, his Spirit, his truth, and one another: end game goals and mission— unity within his household/body, under him in reformation, correction, and growth into maturity in him.

We need each other in this, and we need loving fellowship, endeavoring to have one mind, one purpose, and one accord of agreement; wherewith we will endure and toil, labor and work— until we all come into the unity in the upper chamber with him and each other.

And all of this agreement sought after, and intentionally— because we are to be blameless, or— irreproachable (not needing correction or reformation of the way, truth, and life), faultless, unblameable and harmless— unmixed and innocent, as sons produced of God.  Men who are unblameable who live in the midst of a warped and winding (wandering), perverse— distorted, misinterpreted, corrupt, turned away and untoward, generation of people, and age.

We are, instead, to be a people of light, a people who are different, who walk differently, are different inside their inner man— who do not things as like the world does things— but who move differently inside and out, lighting as illuminators— as brilliant luminaries in a dark and perverse world of fallen natured people.  

We are to retain, and detain— or keep in our custody, pay attention to, heed and mark, staying in— the word of life: which is the thoughts, topics and subjects of discourse, reasonings, and mental faculties or motives, and computations— which means to reckon and make reasonable sense— with the root definition meaning— from French computer or Latin computare, from com- ‘together’ + putare ‘to settle an account,’ of the divine expression of life itself (who is a person, of certain ways, who lives in the truth).

We are to settle an account, together, in the word of life: we are to allow him, in us, to bring forth his thoughts, topics, subject matter, discourse, reasoning— and mental faculties, motives, and computations— from his mind, and set in his disposition of unified truth in love: as to bring forth the divine expression of life himself (the truth, a way of living life with God himself, in unity).

So that in the day of Christ— we will have not run our race in empty vanity; nor labor and be fatigued having worked hard and toiled to bring forth our mature salvation (unity with him again, in and through a reformed inner man who is in oneness/agreement with his God again, ourrescue and safety in reformation morally) with which we are working out, or exercising, working fully and accomplishing in a finished fashion, performing in our actions with fearful reverence of his headship and truth, trembling and endeavoring to do so —in vain, or with an empty result— at the end our lives.

We must become emptied vessels: we must become empty— if we ever desire him to fill us.  

And we must suspend, or cast off our preconceived notions, opinions, beliefs, reasonings, understandings, and former selves— if we are ever going to come into what we have need to come into of the truth, of the way, of Christ Jesus, his word— with understanding of— in unity with him and his body.

We are vessels— and vessels already full have no room.

We are vessels— and vessels full with something else, will never be filled with something new.

We are vessels— who are casting off our former conversations, to come into new ones with Jesus and his people.

We are vessels— who are being reformed, which means corrected, repostured, reconstituted, reassembled, recollected, reunified with God and all others in him— who have need to first be emptied of self, to be filled with someone else: the way, the truth, and the life of Christ Jesus.

We are vessels— we are suppositories to be filled, which indicates emptiness.

We are vessels— who will come into the life shape of Jesus once again, who will be emptied of themselves and all they previously held within— in order to take the Word into themselves, who will bring forth the truth, in the right way of how to live the proper life, which he exemplified to us all: he endeavored to bring us under God’s headship, in unity— with God, and then, as a byproduct— all of each other as well.  Because he set out for us to esteem one another: God firstly— and consequently of this order— the brethren as a byproduct of learning how he operates: seeking to see, hear, and validate the other above himself, emptying himself, of himself, and calling for the Father to work his works within him— to bring forth the truth, in dear and charitable love.

We are vessels— we are receptacles, an empty object that contains something, that receives something into itself, which is Christ Jesus and his truth, ways, and conducting/leadership and orchestration of.

We are vessels— who have taken something in, and been filled; but what is it we are filled with?  

We must empty ourselves, look to Christ Jesus, see, hear (attend to and obey what he reveals), and validate him as the truth, the way, and how to live life with God; and then endeavor to become as he is: holy— set apart from the fallen adam and its ways and nature, sanctified and cleansed from that unrighteous way of existing— being washed by cleansing of the word of God himself, and renewed in our minds/minding, and consecrated— hallowed, unto him fully, being emptied out of our former selves and ways, reasonings, beliefs, thoughts, and computations; in order to be filled with something new now:  Jesus, the New Man Creature/Creation, in whom we are to become one with, and witness to the lost generation and age.

My goal, as he has brought forth this knowledge, revelation, understanding, and mission— is to seek to work with all other teachers (those explaining scripture, who are held to a higher condemnation because they do), to come into ‘unity in Christ Jesus;’ not just to produce a viewpoint— but to encourage every man not to believe me, but to seek Christ about all that is brought forth, in order for us all to come under his head (thoughts and perspective of the truth and way of life) —WITH— the emphasis and focus upon coming into the unity of the faith (moral conviction of the truth itself, and reliance upon Christ Jesus, and fidelity to him/it) of the body.

We will be wrong from time to time, and even— we will be stubborn or bullheaded at times— but we are given grace to come into all things in Christ Jesus.  It will, however, be much easier to come through correction and into unity of the faith (we all believing the same of Christ and the truth, or word of God) — if we remember why we are endeavoring to teach the word of God in the first place, to witness Christ properly, bringing him forth to a body of believers— so we can all be in harmony, one accord, one mind, one understanding, under one person: Jesus, the word of God, the Savior, the Lord of us all.  

That he be re-presented properly in the earth, unto a lost and dying generation; for which we will be held highly accountable to him, and judged with strong judgment because we are supposed to be hearing him, heeding him, obeying him, under him: he will hold us accountable; and the fear of God ought to accompany such an understanding.

I am to do this everyday, Lord willing, coming into this more day by day— through humiliation/humility, abasing myself, lowering myself— emptying myself— that my cup be filled with him, the word, the truth, the way, the life, and unity of him in his one headship: harmony and peace restored to the house/body of God.

These— are heavenly endeavors that honor our Lord, and each other.  May our Lord help us all in this everyday, that the manna be new unto us everyday: for we have much to learn of him, and even, from each other.


to be




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