Zoom Meeting video of this teaching:
Sheep are free grazers— they receive their sustenance from roaming around, and sometimes they get caught up in a thicket, or entangled in a mess, when permitted to freely roam; it is then, that the shepherd will have to use oil— to set them free— from a ‘tight jam,’ or from being ensnared, when allowed to roam freely.
Some sheep and goats have been used for ‘tethering,’ which is a practice of tying up a prey animal to a tree or a post to draw in predators. This confines them to a specific area— where they are not able to move freely, and are confined and imprisoned to fate— under the control of another.
This makes them bait for other animals, and draws in the predators— like wolves, lions, or other large predators.
Sheep are meant to roam freely, overseen by a shepherd (human or animal), and when they are not allowed to do so, and are ensnared or chained— they can commit suicide when trapped.
The fowlers trap or snare (of the devil, sin and iniquity), is mentioned several times in the scripture— and it leaves one ensnared, tethered to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil— and bait for the wolf or the lion; Christ is the tree of life— and he desires for all to come out of the tree of self enlightenment, sorting good and evil on one’s own— and come walk the paths of righteousness with him, by his lead— and step into live everlasting: bonds of love, verses chains ensnared to the devil.
Bondage with satan
Genesis 39:20
“And Joseph's master took him— and put him into the prison— a place where the king's prisoners were bound: and he was there in the prison.”
Joseph was imprisoned because his brothers made wicked decisions, from their own reasonings, not from the leading of the Lord— and Joseph ended up in prison; but we all know the story of how God can even use that, and turn it to good, for even the offenders— in the end— by the obedience of one Joseph, a true servant of the Lord— by the time it was all said and done: as the Lord worked all things together for his good— because he loved, and upheld the Lord in his heart and life.
Judges 16:6
“And Delilah said to Samson— Tell me, I pray thee— wherein your great strength lies, and wherewith you might be bound → to afflict you.”
Well, in hindsight, we can see and hear the truth— if someone is asking you, even with a soft and alluring voice— where your weakness is, so as you will be weakened to be bound up— we ought to see the danger in that, as well as their heart’s intent; which is to find out how to overcome you.
We know the story of Sampson and how he became ensnared of the devil in his life— because he became arrogant, overly confident, and undisciplined in his walk with the Lord; the Lord became ‘back burner’ to his pride of self giftings and strength— and he fell into condemnation, ensnared of the pride of life— and suffered greatly because of it.
Satan will come with temptations in all sorts of manner; it's our job to throw down the wicked imaginations, the lust of the eyes (how we see things, and what we want to go after), the lusts of the flesh (what it wants, when it wants it, and for what reasons— being undisciplined, and enemy to God, as his OPPONENT), and the pride of life; the part of the fallen nature that says—
“I am man, I can reason and think for myself; I can lead myself in the ways to go— and choose accordingly.”
All outside being humble before the Lord, and acquiescing to his lead, counsel, knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
When we will not heed his Spirit, with Fear of the Lord— we will fail to honor his other 5 spirits of— his counsel, understanding, ‘his’ knowledge, wisdom and Almightiness to bring it all into play in our lives.
2 Chronicles 36:6
“Against him came up Nebuchadnezzar— king of Babylon— and bound him in fetters, to carry him to Babylon.”
Jeremiah 40:1
“The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord— after that Nebuzaradan, the captain of the guard— had let him go from Ramah, when he had taken him being bound in chains among all who were carried away captive of Jerusalem and Judah— which were carried away captive unto Babylon.”
Whether we realize it or not— captivity to the enemy spirit realm, always coincides with Egypt and Babylon; Egypt, because it introduces the Pharaoh spirit to us— and Babylon, because the Pharaoh spirit was perfected there, in many ways— of indulgence to the animalistic carnal nature.
So, when we are ‘caught in captivity,’ in bondage to the enemy of our ‘souls,’ we are in some way— living like Egypt or Babylon, with the gods thereof; and he says ‘enemy of our SOULS,’ for a reason: it is the THOUGHTS of man that are holding them in bondage— and their belief system with them…
It is there emotions— holding them in bondage; as the emotions are dictating or disciplining the man, not the man disciplining his emotions; and it is the stubborn will of man (by lusts and desires) that controls his will and choice— that are contrary to God, and how he disciplines his person.
We are ALWAYS operating some operating ‘programming’ of Egypt or Babylon— when we have strongholds, and are in captivity: pride of life— making self led choices, because ‘we can’ lead, and reason for ourselves— and secretly desire to, if undisciplined by God.
The lust of the eyes and flesh.
The desires our selves want, and the perspectives we see everything through— as well as the flesh wanting what it wants, when it wants it— and the weakness to want to give it what it wants, like a whiny, undisciplined child.
These are the weakness points satan gets to us, through the broken, fallen carnal nature— and if we will NOT discipline ourselves, and slay that nature— it, and satan— will rule us, and not God holy: we have to subject ourselves to him— he will not do that for us; we must bow to him, and lower ourselves off the decision making heart throne.
Psalm 73:6
“Therefore pride compasses them about as a chain— and violence covers them as a garment.”
Mark 5:4
“Because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains— and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any man tame him.”
Luke 8:29
“For he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For oftentimes it had caught him (snare of the fowler): and he was kept bound with chains and in fetters.”
Luke 13:16
“And ought not this woman— being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound, lo, these eighteen years— be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day?”
Satan or God— the one, or the other— we are bound to; to be bound, is to be yoked— in a relationship, chained up, coupled together.
Like the double yoke, with burden to bear: it is a coupling, and laborious.
Which will you be bound to??
For the one— sets you FREE FROM— the other: whether satan has coupled with you, and you are free from Christ, estranged; or Christ has freed you from the coupling of satan— and you are bound to Christ.
But we are bound by one, or the other: it is why you will serve one or the other for eternity: selflessness, humility and sacrificial living unto Christ in servitude— or selfishness, pride, self centered living— unto self gains in servitude to satan (self), for all of eternity— beginning now, if we do not become submissive to Christ’s leadership of his Holy Spirit.
John 11:44
“And he who was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus said unto them— Loose him, and let him go.”
We are bound with graveclothes, dead, as well— until Christ comes and sets us free too.
We are wrapped in death too— death to humility and servitude unto holiness— whilst being wrapped in pride and self leadership, self reasoning, and the paths of unrighteousness— transgressing the conduct of God and his person; as we are wrapped in graveclothes, until he comes to set us free.
But in order to set us free— we must CHERISH the TRUTH— and desire to be ‘uncoupled’ from satan, lies, pride, and self leading; or we will remain in graveclothes, death (which is estranged from unity in and with God), and will not be set free: choices, and willingness to WORK WITH GOD— is at the root of freedom and salvation; it is repentance.
Repentance turns from its former paths, and embraces the contrary paths; repentance leaves the path of unrighteousness, as how Christ DOES NOT conduct himself— and turns toward, heeds, and follows the paths of righteousness; the paths that the Holy God walks.
Acts 20:22
“And now— behold— I go bound in the spirit, unto Jerusalem...”
2 Timothy 2:9
“Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound.”
Freedom from satan, self leadership, bondage and strongholds to the enemy of ‘our’ souls (thinking/reasoning, decision making and emotions) —lies in the hands and arms of our Lord, and our Father; with them— there is true freedom, or RELEASE, from satan; as he brings us into BONDS, unto himself: as he ‘keeps’ us, in our relationship, our partnership, our ‘coupling.’
Hebrews 13:3
“Remember those who are in bonds, as bound with them; and those who suffer adversity— as being yourselves also in the body.”
This is why counseling can be so hard, both for the person being counseled, as well as the counselor— with the Lord; because we ourselves have been bound in the past— and know what it will take to be set free.
We cannot stay where we are, thinking how we’ve been thinking, and operating the same old way— and think we will be set free of anything; we must embrace a 100 degree about-face turnaround— and go the other path, unto freedom: which is found in Christ, and his right paths.
We want others set free— and hugging the tree of bondage, one is tied to— will set no one free; only by CUTTING THE TIES can one be freed.
And the ‘ties that bind us’ to satan’s tree— can only be CUT BY THE TRUTH, in LOVE (mercy).
In order to free someone— they must embrace the truth, and they must desire to follow the shepherd’s lead; or they will remain in bondage, no matter what they say, or claim.
Working to remain free— is required.
“Work out your own salvation—
with fear and trembling.”
It’s a workout of the faith, yoked walk with our Lord.
Without doing the work, and continuing to do the work with your spiritual husband— one cannot be set free; and we will find out who our spiritual husband really is— when we realize which one we are obeying.
If one will not keep their house cleaned— and FILLED with the holy spirit; one will remain in bondage to an ‘unclean’ house— and in bondage to satan.
Psalm 68:6
“God sets the solitary in families: he brings out those who are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.”
God will come for the pioneers, those who desire to be set free— and GET TO PLOWING those fields and land (person, heart) that haven’t been plowed in the families— in quite some time. He brings them OUT OF bondage— because they are willing to do the work, and DESIRE, more than anything else, to be set free from the image of satan— and obeying him.
But those who will only feed the flesh carnal nature, and will not do the work of becoming a disciplined one under him— will remain in bondage to satan, and will dwell (like devils do) in dry places; for devils will be with them— and their ‘land’ (or person) will be desolate, a wasteland desert.
Proverbs 22:15
“Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.”
Those WILLING to ‘do the work—’ will be set free; and they will be set free by DISCIPLINARY MEASURES, corrections, admonishing— by the rod of corrections; and ‘that—’ will drive disobedience and foolishness from their hearts and lives.
One must actually DESIRE to be disciplined of the Lord— which means, reformed: becoming once offenders of his ways and person— to REFORMED PERSONS: The New Man creation in Christ (or really, ‘by’ the hand of Christ, via— the Refiner’s Fire).
Matthew 27:2
“And when they had bound him, they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate— the governor.”
Christ was led to slaughter, he died in so many ways— and we will have to DESIRE to do the same; it’s a free will choice, and we are required to PUT OURSELVES ON THE ALTAR, to be slain; he will not do that— WE MUST.
Christ did not fight dying to self will and desires— and we should not either; Christ gave up leading himself in this life— and bowed to the lead of the Father— as/like we are to do, as well.
But, if we will let Father lead us to slaughtering our carnal nature and lead of ‘self—’ as/like he led Christ— then he will resurrect us with Christ too.
We don’t get resurrected—
if we don’t get slaughtered, and die— first.
The snare of evil leadership
will lead others into bondage—
and into destruction.
2 Peter 2:4-5 & 9-22
“For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; 5 And spared not the old world (its people and wicked culture) but saved Noah— the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly….
9 The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations— and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished.
10 But chiefly— those who walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and who despise government. Presumptuous they are, self willed— and they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.
11 Whereas angels— who are greater in power and might, do not bring a railing accusation against them, before the Lord.
{Speaking of how they have more reverence for the Lord than humans do— in their arrogance— as/like brute beasts.}
12 But these, as natural brute beasts— made to be taken and destroyed— speak evil of the things that they don’t understand; and they shall utterly perish in their own corruption.
13 They shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they who count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes— sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;
14 Having eyes full of adultery, that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: a heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children: 15 Who have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray— following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor— who loved the wages of unrighteousness;
16 But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with a man’s voice— who forbad the madness of the prophet.
17 These are wells without water— clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever.
18 For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness → those who were clean, escaped from them who live in error.
19 While they promise them liberty— they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
20 For if after they have escaped the pollution of the world, through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ— they are again entangled therein, and overcome (by it), and their latter end is worse with them than the beginning.
21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness— than, after they had known it— to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them.
22 But it has happened to them, according to the true proverb— The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing, in the mire.”
The Lord has a purpose in all he shows and says— and that purpose is to enlighten his children of the truth, and that of lies— as well as, the way to freedom, and the way to bondage unto satan.
We must CHOOSE to come out of bondage, we must CHOOSE to walk with the Lord, and be led about by his hand, in bonds of love and loyalty unto him— as he teaches, disciplines and guides his sheep about, as he leads them on the paths of righteousness.
Job 36:1-26
“Elihu also proceeded, and said— 2 Suffer me a little, and I will show you that I have yet to speak on God's behalf.
3 I will fetch my knowledge from afar, and will ascribe righteousness to my Maker. 4 For truly my words shall not be false: he who is perfect in knowledge is with you.
5 Behold, God is mighty, and despises not any: he is mighty in strength and wisdom.
6 He does not preserve the life of the wicked— but gives right (or rightly) to the poor [lowly and meek].
7 He withdraws not his eyes from the righteous: but with kings they are on the throne; yea, he does establish them forever, and they are exalted.
8 And if they be bound in fetters, and be holden in cords of affliction;
9 Then he shows them their work, and their transgressions that they have exceeded.
10 He opens also their ear to discipline, and commands that they return from iniquity.
11 If they obey and serve him— they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.
12 But if they do not obey (him) —they shall perish by the sword, and they shall die without knowledge.
13 But the hypocrites in heart, heap up wrath: they cry not when he binds them.
(bound in chains of iniquity— from their lips that say one thing, and their hearts that say another.)
14 They die in youth— and their life is among the unclean.
15 He delivers the poor in his affliction, and opens their ears— in oppression.
(This is speaking of his discipline— truth in, lies out— and upholding it, and him within them.)
16 Even so, he would have removed you out of the strait— into a broad place, where there is no straitness (restriction and bondage); and that which ‘should be’ set on your table— ‘should be’ full of fatness.
(Meaning— he wishes for none to perish, but that all would repent, and turn from their wicked ways— and be saved; ‘should be’ means it was provided— but not heeded, nor applied.)
17 But you have fulfilled (with) the judgment of the wicked: judgment and justice have taken hold of you.
18 Because there is wrath— beware, lest he take you away with his stroke: then a great ransom cannot deliver you.
19 Will he esteem your riches? No, not gold, nor all the forces of strength.
20 Desire not the night, when people are cut off in their place.
21 Take heed, regard not iniquity: for this you have chosen (rightly) —rather than affliction.
22 Behold, God exalts by his power: who teaches like him?
23 Who has enjoined him his way? Or who can say— You have wrought iniquity?
24 Remember so that you magnify his work, which men behold.
25 (So as) every man may see it; man may behold it afar off.
26 Behold— God is great, and we know him not— neither can the number of his years be searched out.”
God has not left us defenseless— not of himself, nor of his other children; he has appointed, or ordained unto us ‘leadership,’ to help us, and to guide us— as they are guided by his Holy Spirit.
They are the ones who have bowed low to serve him— and his Spirit is known in them— and they are anointed by his presence, to carry out his works in the earth.
They do not lead themselves, they are bound by him— and accountable to him, now, and always; they understand their mission— and they bow to him, leading them— in their endeavors in this lifetime.
And he said to me…
“Janet, I have imperfect vessels that I use, they are in process, always— of being refined; they seek to serve me, and that is my requirement for leadership— that one learn to serve humbly and sacrificially— to lead the same: in humility, sacrificially— and by my lead.
I give my children these as gifts; and they are gifts to them, because I myself am living out of them— unto the other children.
Janet, you all are my gifts to the world— and you are a gift to me; for I myself can witness myself to the world, as the ‘gift,’ that you carry.
For only I can set them free— but the ambassadors will bring me to the captives— and in that, I will set them free: through my gifts— my submissive and obedient children, who learn to serve me first— that I may serve the world, through them.
But those who will humbly serve me, will humbly lead with me; for it is all the same: serve me, serve them; bow to me, bow to them as preferential and deserving of love.
Those who walk this way with me— I will lead their very lives, and those I lead— will lead others.”
Isaiah 61:1-3
“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings [glad news preaching] unto the meek [depressed in circumstances]; he has sent me to bind up [rule and govern] the brokenhearted [bursting feelings, will and intellect— awares and wisdom], to proclaim liberty [rapid freedom] to the captives [transported into bondage], and to the opening of the prison [jail delivery, salvation] to them that are bound [yoke hitched to them, coupled in the battle, imprisoned in bonds or tied];
to proclaim the acceptable [delightful] year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort [pity and console unto repentance] all who mourn [lament]; to appoint unto them who mourn in Zion [the mountain of the Lord], to give unto them— beauty [a dressing for the head— a covering] for ashes, the oil [richness] of joy [cheerfulness, specifically welcome] for mourning— and the garment of praise [laudation (song) of praise] for the spirit [breath of rational being] of heaviness [obscurity— darkness, the waxing dim (of our light)];
that they might be called trees [strong chief rams] of righteousness [morally and legally right, in equity— prospering— in justice] —the planting [garden plant] of the LORD— that he might be glorified [a tree embellished, boasting].”
The Lord has anointed his children, who have humbled themselves, and become the sacrificial lamb (like he did) in their lives— laying their lives down to serve him: making him most high within, and on the throne of their hearts.
These are bringing the good tidings, which are the good news; and that is— Christ and his Spirit have come, to set the captives free— and the truth, sets us free; and he is the way to go, the life to follow and be led of, and he is the truth— real reality.
And his anointed children are to bring the preaching of that reality, the truth— to those who are in depressed circumstances; because the circumstances have them in straits.
He sends these children of his into the world to bind up— which means to rule and govern— the brokenhearted; those bursting with feelings, will and intellect— awares and wisdom— who need help; and to proclaim liberty— or rapid freedom to them— as they are held captive transported into bondage— by the circumstances.
He as well sends them out into the world, with the lead of his Spirit, to open the prison— the deliverance of them from prison— salvation— to those who are bound— or yoked and hitched, coupled in the battle to the enemy, imprisoned in bonds, and tied up— or chained.
As well, to proclaim the acceptable— or delightful— year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance, or revenge of our God. And to comfort, or— pity and console unto repentance— all who mourn, or lament.
Definition lament— express grief, sorrow, disappointment or complaint— over something unsatisfactory, unreasonable, or unfair; root definition from late Middle English, from French— lamenter, or Latin lamentari, from lamenta (plural), meaning— ‘weeping, wailing’.
As well to appoint, or ordain and set up, unto those who mourn and lament in Zion— the mountain of the Lord; as well as to give to them— beauty, or— a dressing for the head, a covering— for ashes (or all that has been consumed, and diminished).
As well as, to bring the oil, or richness of joy— cheerfulness, especially welcoming— for mourning; and the garment or covering of praise (laudation of a song), for the spirit— or breath of our rational being— of heaviness— obscurity, darkness— the waxing dim of our light.
All those workings above, with, and by the lead of the Holy Spirit, so they will be called— trees, or— strong chief rams— of righteousness; which means to be morally and legally right, in equity— prospering— in justice— the law and conduct of God and holiness; so they will be made into, through discipline and pruning of refinement —the planting, or the gardening work, and plant result of the LORD.
So that he will be glorified, embellished as a tree, boasting of his garden, family and inheritance.
The Dream of the ‘chained’ sheep
In the early hours this morning, June 26 2023— the year of ‘death,’ as 23 is symbolic in scripture to death— the year of ‘death to this or that,’ self, essentially, is taking place— I dreamed of the chained sheep.
It wasn’t much of a long scene playing out— just a sheep, chained to a tree; and then I went and set it free.
This sheep was wanting to frolic here and there, and run all around— but I was sure to keep it on the chain, and lead it and guide it.
I saw it was a mixed weather condition— it was snow, as well as summer green grass, all mixed together— where this sheep was feeding.
I secured the chain leash, as I led it around to graze and be fed.
End of dream.
The interpretation
There are sheep of the Lord’s, who are bound by the devil— by the flesh carnal nature; they have been found in the snare of the fowler, and need to be delivered, or freed.
But these sheep, when the shepherd comes to set them free— must ‘walk with the shepherd,’ and be ‘led about by him;’ these sheep cannot be allowed to go wherever, however they please— especially coming out of bondage from satan— and beginning to ‘walk with the Lord,’ or shepherd.
These sheep must be guided, and disciplined— led about with a leader of them— to show them the way, and what to eat, and what not to eat.
Life is mixed about with unsustainable things (like the snow, barren, and empty), and as well with lush, green, sustainable food (the Lord’s truth, scripture, and the Lord himself: the bread of life).
But the sheep will be tempted to want to jump into things, and frolic around in life— but it would be detrimental to their lives, if this were to be allowed.
So, by the graces of God and his nature, his love for the flock— he binds them to himself; he is the ‘good shepherd,’ who leads his flock to the green pastures— and freedom, in, and with— him.
There is no freedom, save through and with Christ; true freedom is found— being bound, or YOKED UP with him in life; but the choice is ours— and we must make that choice, and then walk the paths of righteousness with him— as he leads, guides, and disciplines us.
Mixture is all around us, and if we are left to roam as we please, and without a leader and shepherd over us— we will be one who wanders off, becomes ensnared in the affairs of this world, trapped— whom the shepherd needs to leave the others, to come and save.
We are unsafe— until he can set us free; where the wolf and the lion can come to the bait of the chained, preyed upon animal.
Only can we be set free from the tree of mixture (like the snow and the green grass), the tree of mixed knowledge— and come into living life with, and in— the tree of Life himself; becoming bonded to, in bonds with, chained to the Lover, and the Life: God Almighty, our Father.
Like Paul said— I am a slave in love bonds to Christ; we too, will find our safety in the arms and lead of our God and Father— coming under and unto the obedience of Christ and his lead, as the good shepherd.
But until we choose, by our will to be ‘set free,’ we will be bonds to the devil: and he has set out to steal from you, destroy everything about you and all you have, and ultimately— kill you.
He is the wolf or lion that comes, as you are helpless and bound to that tree; whereas Christ wishes to set you free from that tree, so you can come live with him, in his tree: and become an oak, or a tree of righteousness— which said— ‘a ram of strength.’
He is wishing that all would repent, and be saved; but we must come to the good shepherd, and his truth to be set free. We must give up our own way of thinking and being— and die to self, and self leadership.
If we do not become the sacrificial lamb slain, like he did, in our own lives— we will be tied to a tree that will bring the wolf and the lion, straight to us: prey for the taking, easily held in chains.
But we have a CHAIN BREAKER— who breaks the ‘bonds’ of satan in our lives (the carnal nature), and BINDS US, ‘yokes us’ to him!!
He is the Almighty, and ALL THINGS are POSSIBLE— through and with him!!
But if we willingly stay yoked to the tree of making our own decisions and reasoning, being our own leaders— we will remain bound by the fallen nature and leading of it— and easy prey for the take down.
True freedom comes from doing the work with the Lord, working out our salvation with fear and trembling; hard work— disciplined— and in obedience to him, as most high One regarded within our hearts (souls— minds of thoughts, hearts of emotions, and decision making centers of ourselves).
He desires to set the sheep free— but unto himself, not unto doing whatever one wills, or desires; in that— there is no freedom, only bondage to the spirit of this world.
(a cocky spirit)
[It was told to me 3 times today, by 2 other ladies, separately— and then the Lord himself, in scripture and dialogue to me:
“It’s time to do the work.”
He has been speaking to me about bondage— and how LOVE (mercy and pity) and TRUTH— sets people free; but that love and truth come with a disciplined and hard working spirit— to do the work— and come out from what led one into captivity in the first place.
He said…
“Janet, we can coddle people straight to hell. We can ‘nice’ them, as man sees love as niceness, straight into the arms of continued bondage in this life— and if not dealt with here— into eternal bondage in hell; as one has yoked to satan, his ways, thoughts, emotions, counsel and leadership. And when I cast him forth— those tied up to him— will go with.
We must get the truth to people— we bring it with grace, and we work over and over again to get the truth to them; BUT…
If they are told the truth, over, and over, and over again— and will not HEED IT, nor COUPLE WITH THE TRUTH, they will remain in bondage; and they will remain in bondage of their own volition— for they refuse the help of the Lord.
The counsel of the Lord, his truth in scripture and the lead of the Lord’s Spirit— if not heeded and applied— will set NO ONE FREE.
I will force no man, each man has been given a life, and a lifetime to choose whether they will come under my leadership, or remain in their own; whether they will make themselves bow before me, throwing down the wicked imaginations, lies that speak opposite of what I have said within them, and coupling with me— or…
Whether they will remain ‘allowing,’ not taking things captive within them that set out to kill them, won’t do the work— and by their own choosing— thereby, remain in bondage, yoked to satan.
I will force no man to come to me, or to do the work— and become a disciplined one under me; but I will warn you.
You can CODDLE someone, and KEEP THEM BOUND— if the truth is not delivered to them; if you do not speak the truth of what bondage, strongholds really are— you will fail to warn them of the tree they are chained to.
You will be held responsible for only feeding their souls and flesh what it wanted at the time— which was soothing, with nice words; whilst they continue to walk yoked to satan, being dragged to hell, held to that tree of self leadership, based upon self reasonings, lack of disciplined character by the lead of the Lord God Almighty— and will remain in bondage.
Soothing the soul is not my goal—
I am come to be the deliverer of truth; for the deliverance of truth— when heeded— KICKS OUT THE LIES, which is where satan dwells.
Many in Christianity believe we are to be ‘nice,’ I never said be nice— I said be gentle, be cheerful with the good news— which is…
Christ has come, and can set you free; I said be truthful, I said be bold, I said LOVE THEM enough to desire their freedom, more than their favor.
I said—
set the captives free.
I did not say coddle them whilst they are chained up to the tree of bondage to satan— swimming in lies— and unwilling to do the work, remaining focused upon self woe, and walking in pride.
I said—
Bringing the truth— is love; bringing it boldly— is my way— when the gentle approach was disregarded, and change was not heeded, we need another approach; for what is better— to nice them, and coddle them in bondage— or come boldly with the truth, when gentle was not heeded— and get deliverance to them??
We cannot keep the same format— with the stubborn; they will not allow me to turn their necks, and guide them about. So, we will bring in a more bold message to them, sweet child.
Because YOU— cannot promise their safety—
only I can; and they must actually do the work with me— to gain freedom.
Because the FEARFUL, UNBELIEVING, DOUBTING, PRIDEFUL— are some of the first listed in Revelation— who DO NOT MAKE IT in the end, dear.
we will bring the truth.
And if they have had the truth, and same message brought time, and time, and time again to them— but refuse to be set free, refuse to do the work, refuse to get right with me, and place me most high in there hearts (souls), minds and wills— willing to only do my will…
They will find themselves estranged from me (that means not in agreement with me) now, and possibly— for all of eternity.
If you love them— FEED MY SHEEP THE TRUTH, Janet.
FEED MY SHEEP; shepherd them— do not ‘coddle’ them.
Sheep can be very hard headed— and those will not make it in the end: it will be the humble ones, who slay their carnal nature and become a sacrificial lamb too— who will be saved: enduring to the end.
Lambs, Janet— and lambs for a reason; they are innocent little ones, who are lowly, not boastful— they are humble and divert all leadership to the mature one— ME— to lead them about and kill out the carnal nature that yokes them to another.
If they will not be slain—
This, they must understand; if you will defend yourself— you will falter; if you try to save yourself— you will lose your life.
The life force comes from me— and one with me must not try to save the life they have been leading; one with me must SLAY THAT SELF LIFE— be a sacrificed lamb on my altar— a living sacrifice— to find eternal life.
A living sacrifice means— one who lives unto the Lord, and has DIED— to everything else.
If we are pitying ourselves, in a woe is me stance— you are still trying to save yourself, focusing on yourself (a life you think you ‘should’ be living) and your life— and in that prideful stance— you will lose all that was offered to you.
But— should you die to yourself, die to leading and reasoning, thinking and making your own choices— you will come into eternal life; for in eternal life— death, → is the entrance in.
Coddling a sheep, tied up in bondage to a tree, as bait for the wolf and the lion— isn’t LOVE, it’s pity— and pity is merciful, but pity ALONE sets no man free: TRUTH DOES.
Janet, little children— let us not ‘nice’ someone (even ourselves) straight into prison, hell; let us instead set captives free— by the definition of comfort above— which is…
To comfort— pity and console them— UNTO REPENTANCE, for all who mourn; because there is JOY and FREEDOM IN THE LORD— and that’s THE GOOD NEWS and THE GOOD TIDINGS: freedom comes to those who will be disciplined in the Lord— who forsake the coupling to satan, and his ways.”
–the Lord Jesus
1 Samuel 25:29
“Yet a man is risen to pursue you, and to seek your soul: but the soul of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of life with the Lord your God; and the souls of your enemies— those shall he slings out, as out of the middle of a sling.”
Our enemies— the enemy of our souls (that’s satan) —will be overthrown— when we will do the work with God, desire to be set free by him, let him discipline us (correct us), loosen our necks to him— for him to steer us about in this life; but— we have to YOKE TO HIM, be chained to him, as he leads us around— for to be set free of the other.
He is desiring to make us Oaks of Righteousness, or STRONG RAMS in his flock— a planting of the Lord, in his vineyard; but the choice, and the work is ours— and ours alone.
I pray we yoke to him, and do the work; because, as he said…
I (Janet)— can secure NO MAN’S SALVATION or FREEDOM— only God can; only God can set a man free, and to be confident in his salvation, relationship and discipline (or leadership) of the Lord.
And I, like him— wish for no man to be held in bonds to satan, ending up imprisoned in chains in this lifetime to him— and dragged to hell and the Lake of Fire with him, after this lifetime; all because they wouldn’t accept the salvation of the Lord— but instead, refused freedom, because they refused to be Tethered, or Yoked to the Lord: the leader of them.
It is a ‘yoke,’ for a reason—
And if we are unwilling to do the work— the bondage will remain— and the freedom will be illusive, and fleeting.
That is why he told me—
“We will not go about, willy-nilly casting demons out, or setting folks free; if they are unwilling to keep the temple, the house clean— AND FILLED WITH ME— 7 more wicked spirits will come with the ones originally cleaned out…
And the latter state of that man— will be worse than the start, with the demons who were there to begin with.”
I pray we understand what the Lord is saying and showing.
That without the WORK— and the Yoke, the Bond to the Lord being upheld within, the relationship of him as leader of us, the most high one regarded inside— bondage to satan and his tree— will remain.
And he, and I— wish for ALL TO BE SET FREE, to TURN and REPENT from how they have been living, what they have been allowing to take place within— and that ALL WOULD BE SAVED!
But the choice is for each to make.
And they will know the kingdom with which they uphold within— or resist— by their ‘free will’ choices— behaviors, nature, and the spirit they exalt— within their hearts and minds.
John 14:15
“If you love me— obey (keep— which means heed with honor) my commands.”